HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 218-14OH &S DRAFT — Distributed 10/24/14 RESOLUTION NO. -2J R _ Q RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (1) AUTHORIZING THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (THE "AUTHORITY ") TO FORM A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO FINANCE CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES; (2) EMBODYING A JOINT COMMUNITY FACILITIES AGREEMENT SETTING FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FINANCING; (3) APPROVING AN ACQUISITION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE DEVELOPER; AND (4) AUTHORIZING STAFF TO COOPERATE WITH THE AUTHORITY AND ITS CONSULTANTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield (the "City ") is a charter city and a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California (the "State "); and WHEREAS, the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (the "Authority ") is a California joint - exercise of powers authority lawfully formed and operating within the State pursuant to an agreement (the "Joint Powers Agreement ") entered into as of June 1, 1988 under the authority of Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City is a party to the Joint Powers Agreement and by virtue thereof a member (a "Program Participant ") of the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement was entered into to establish the Authority as an agency authorized to issue bonds to finance projects within the territorial limits of its Program Participants; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement authorizes the Authority to undertake financing programs under any applicable provisions of State law to promote economic development, the stimulation of economic activity, and the increase of the tax base within the jurisdictional boundaries of its Program Participants; and WHEREAS, the "Mello -Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982," being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 (beginning with Section 53311) of the Government Code of the State (the "Act ") is an applicable provision of State law available to, among other things, finance public improvements necessary to meet increased demands placed upon local agencies as a result of development; and WHEREAS, there is a development project in the City owned by Rio Bravo Medical Campus, LLC, a California limited liability company (respectively, the "Development Project" and the "Developer ") and the Developer has requested the City to consider formation of a community facilities district for the Development Project under the Act; and OHSUSA:759338621.2 o�OAK1 9 U r- C? ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the City does not desire to allocate City resources and City staff time to the formation and administration of a community facilities district and to the issuance of bonds; and WHEREAS, the Development Project will promote economic development, the stimulation of economic activity, and the increase of the tax base within the City; and WHEREAS, both the Authority and the City are "local agencies" under the Act; and WHEREAS, the Act permits two or more local agencies to enter into a joint community facilities agreement to exercise any power authorized by the Act; and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into such an agreement with the Authority to authorize the Authority to form a community facilities district within the territorial limits of the City to finance public improvements and fees required of the Development Project; and WHEREAS, a form of Acquisition Agreement (the "Acquisition Agreement ") between the City and the Developer has been presented to the City Council and is on file with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, nothing herein constitutes the City's approval of any applications, Development Project entitlements and/or permits, and such, to the extent required in the future, are subject to and contingent upon City Council approval following, to the extent applicable, environmental review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "); and WHEREAS, nothing herein affects, without limitation, requirements for and/or compliance with any and all applicable and /or necessary improvement standards, land use requirements or subdivision requirements relating to the Development Project or any portion thereof, which obligations are and shall remain independent and subsisting; and WHEREAS, the City Council is fully advised in this matter; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it does hereby find, determine, declare and resolve as follows: Section 1. The City hereby specifically finds and declares that the actions authorized hereby constitute and are with respect to municipal affairs of the City and the statements, findings and determinations of the City set forth in the recitals above and in the preambles of the documents approved herein are true and correct. Section 2. This resolution shall constitute full "local approval," under Section 9 of the Joint Powers Agreement, and under the Authority's Local Goals and Policies (see below), for the Authority to undertake and conduct proceedings in accordance herewith and under the Act to form a community facilities district (the "Community Facilities District ") with boundaries substantially as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto, and to authorize a special tax and to issue bonds with respect thereto. OHSUSA:759338621.2 2 P, K, 9q y "r v o ORIGINAL Section 3. The Joint Powers Agreement, together with the terms and provisions of this resolution, shall together constitute a joint community facilities agreement between the City and the Authority under the Act. As, without this resolution, the Authority has no power to conduct proceedings under the Act to form the Community Facilities District, adoption by the Commission of the Authority of the Resolution of Intention to form the Community Facilities District under the Act shall constitute acceptance of the terms hereof by the Authority. Section 4. This resolution and the agreement it embodies are determined to be in the best interests of the residents of the City, and of the future residents of the area within the Community Facilities District. Section 5. The City acknowledges that the Authority has adopted Local Goals and Policies as required by Section 53312.7 of the Act. The City approves the use of those Local Goals and Policies for use in connection with the Community Facilities District, and hereby agrees that the Authority may act under those Local Goals and Policies in forming and administering the Community Facilities District. Section 6. Pursuant to the Act and this resolution, the Authority may conduct proceedings under the Act to form the Community Facilities District and to have it authorize the financing of the facilities and fees set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto. All of the facilities, whether to be financed directly or through fees, are facilities that have an expected useful life of five years or longer and are facilities that the City or other local public agencies, as the case may be, are authorized by law to construct, own or operate, or to which they may contribute revenue. The facilities are referred to herein as the "Improvements," and the Improvements to be owned by the City are referred to as the "City Improvements." The fees are referred to as the "Fees," and the Fees paid or to be paid to the City are referred to as the "City Fees." Section 7. For Fees paid or to be paid to another local agency, the Authority will obtain the written consent of that local agency before issuing bonds to fund such Fees, as required by the Act. For the Improvements to be owned by other local agencies, the Authority will separately identify them in its proceedings, and will enter into joint community facilities agreements with those local agencies prior to issuing bonds to finance such Improvements, as required by the Act. Each joint community facilities agreement with a local agency will contain a provision that the local agency will provide indemnification to the City to the same extent that the City provides indemnification to the local agencies under the terms of this resolution. Section 8. The City Council certifies to the Commission of the Authority that all of the City Improvements including the improvements to be constructed or acquired with the proceeds of City Fees are necessary to meet increased demands placed upon the City of Bakersfield as a result of development occurring or expected to occur within the Community Facilities District. Joint community facilities agreements with other local agencies will each contain a certification with respect to the Improvements to be owned by, and Fees paid or to be paid to, the local agency equivalent to that made by the City in this paragraph. Section 9. The Authority will apply the special tax collections initially as required by the documents under which any bonds are issued; and thereafter, to the extent not provided in the bond documents, may pay its own reasonable administrative costs incurred in the o�,�6AKF9s a OHSUSA:759338621.2 3 U p ORIGINAL administration of the Community Facilities District. The Authority will remit any special tax revenues remaining after the final retirement of all bonds to the City and to the other local agencies in the proportions specified in the Authority's proceedings. The City will apply any such special tax revenues it receives for authorized City Improvements or City Fees and its own administrative costs only as permitted by the Act. The joint community facilities agreements with other local agencies must require the other local agencies to apply the special tax revenues they receive for their authorized Improvements and Fees under the Community Facilities District and for their own related administrative costs only as permitted by the Act. Section 10. The Authority will administer the Community Facilities District, including employing and paying all consultants, annually levying the special tax and all aspects of paying and administering the bonds, and complying with all State and Federal requirements appertaining to the proceedings, including the requirements of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The City will cooperate fully with the Authority in respect of the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and to the extent information is required of the City to enable the Authority to perform its disclosure and continuing disclosure obligations with respect to the bonds, although the City will not participate in nor be considered to be a participant in the proceedings respecting the Community Facilities District (other than as a party to the agreement embodied by this resolution) nor will the City be or be considered to be an issuer of the bonds. The Authority is required to obtain a provision equivalent to this paragraph in all joint community facilities agreements with other local agencies. Section 11. In the event the Authority completes issuance and sale of bonds, and bond proceeds become available to finance the Improvements, the Authority shall establish and maintain a special fund to be known as the "City of Bakersfield Rio Bravo Project Community Facilities District Acquisition and Construction Fund" (the "Acquisition and Construction Fund "). The portion of bond proceeds which is intended to be utilized to finance the Improvements and Fees shall be deposited in the Acquisition and Construction Fund. The Acquisition and Construction Fund will be available both for City Improvements and City Fees and for the Improvements and Fees pertaining to the other local agencies. Section 12. As respects the Authority and the other local agencies, the City agrees to fully administer, and to take full governmental responsibility for, the construction or acquisition of the City Improvements and for the administration and expenditure of the City Fees including but not limited to environmental review, approval of plans and specifications, bid requirements, performance and payment bond requirements, insurance requirements, contract and construction administration, staking, inspection, acquisition of necessary property interests in real or personal property, the holding back and administration of retention payments, punch list administration, and the Authority and the other local agencies shall have no responsibility in that regard. The City reserves the right, as respects the Developer, to require the Developer to contract with the City to assume any portion or all of this responsibility. The Authority is required to obtain provisions equivalent to this paragraph in the joint community facilities agreement with the other local agencies. Section 13. The City agrees to indemnify and to hold the Authority, its other members, and its other members' officers, agents and employees, and the other local agencies and their officers, agents and employees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties ") harmless from AK499 OHSUSA:759338621.2 4 v o ORIGINAI Oak w. Y any and all claims, suits and damages (including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of the design, engineering, construction and installation of the City Improvements and the improvements to be financed or acquired with the City Fees. The City reserves the right, as respects the Developer, to require the Developer to assume by contract with the City any portion or all of this responsibility. The Authority is required to obtain a provision equivalent to this paragraph in all joint community facilities agreements with the other local agencies naming the City and its officers, agents and employees as Indemnified Parties with respect to the other local agencies' Improvements and the improvements to be constructed or acquired with the other local agencies' Fees. Section 14. As respects the Authority and the other local agencies, the City agrees — once the City Improvements are constructed according to the approved plans and specifications, and the City and the Developer have put in place their agreed arrangements for the funding of maintenance of the City Improvements — to accept ownership of the City Improvements, to take maintenance responsibility for the City Improvements, and to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties to the extent provided in the preceding paragraph from any and all claims, etc., arising out of the use and maintenance of the City Improvements. The City reserves the right, as respects the Developer, to require the Developer by contract with the City to assume any portion or all of this responsibility. The Authority is required to obtain a provision equivalent to this paragraph in all joint community facilities agreements with other local agencies naming the City and its officers, agents and employees as Indemnified Parties. Section 15. The City acknowledges the requirement of the Act that if the City Improvements are not completed prior to the adoption, by the Commission of the Authority, of the Resolution of Formation of the Community Facilities District, the City Improvements must be constructed as if they had been constructed under the direction and supervision, or under the authority of, the City. The City acknowledges that this means all City Improvements must be constructed under contracts that require the payment of prevailing wages as required by Section 1720 and following of the Labor Code of the State of California. The Authority makes no representation that this requirement is the only applicable legal requirement in this regard. The City reserves the right, as respects the Developer, to assign appropriate responsibility for compliance with this paragraph to the Developer. Section 16. The form of the Acquisition Agreement now on file with the City Clerk is hereby approved, and the City Manager or such officer's designee (the "City Manager ") is authorized to execute, and deliver to the Developer, the Acquisition Agreement on behalf of the City in substantially that form, with such changes as shall be approved by the City Manager after consultation with the City Attorney and the Authority's bond counsel, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. Section 17. After completion of the City Improvements and appropriate arrangements for the maintenance of the City Improvements, or any discrete portion thereof as provided in Section 53313.51 of the Act and in the Acquisition Agreement, to the satisfaction of the City, and in conjunction with the City's acceptance thereof, acquisition of the City Improvements shall be undertaken as provided in the Acquisition Agreement. OHSUSA:759338621.2 5 o� � AKF9ip > T r-. m r U p ORIGINAL Section 18. The City hereby consents to the formation of the Community Facilities District in accordance with this resolution and consents to the assumption of jurisdiction by the Authority for the proceedings respecting the Community Facilities District with the understanding that the Authority will hereafter take each and every step required for or suitable for consummation of the proceedings, the levy, collection and enforcement of the special tax, and the issuance, sale, delivery and administration of the bonds, all at no cost to the City and without binding or obligating the City's general fund or taxing authority. Section 19. The terms of the Agreement embodied by this resolution may be amended by a writing duly authorized, executed and delivered by the City and the Authority, except that no amendment may be made after the issuance of the bonds by the Authority that would be detrimental to the interests of the bondholders without complying with all of the bondholder consent provisions for the amendment of the bond resolutions, bond indentures or like instruments governing the issuance, delivery and administration of all outstanding bonds. Section 20. Except to the extent of the indemnifications extended to the other local agencies in the Agreement embodied by this resolution, and the City's agreement to take responsibility for and ownership of the City Improvements, no person or entity, including the Developer, shall be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this resolution, and nothing in this resolution (either express or implied) is intended to confer upon any person or entity other than the Authority and the City (and their respective successors and assigns) any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities under or by reason of this resolution. Section 21. The City shall be identified as a third -party beneficiary of all joint community facilities agreements between the Authority and the other local agencies to the extent of the indemnification provisions and the provisions whereby the local agencies agree to take responsibility for and ownership of their Improvements. Section 22. This resolution shall remain in force until all bonds have been retired and the authority to levy the special tax conferred by the Community Facilities District proceedings has ended or is otherwise terminated. Section 23. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager and other appropriate City staff to cooperate with the Authority and its consultants and to do all things necessary and appropriate to carry out the intent of this resolution and the Community Facilities District financing, and to execute any and all certificates and documents in connection with the bond issuance as shall be approved by the City Manager after consultation with the City Attorney and the Authority's bond counsel. Section 24. The City Council hereby approves delivery of a certified copy of this resolution to the Authority. Section 25. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. OHSUSA:759338621.2 �AK�9s N 4 t m U r O ORIGINAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on DFC 1 0 2014 , by the following vote: AY NOES: ABSTAIN ARSE ✓ ✓ ✓ COUNCIL MEMBER RIVERA, MAXWELL, WEIR, SMITH, COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER ✓ ✓ SULLIVAN, .?b r \\cr -;e� 244� CITY CLERK AND EX IVC16 of the Council of the City dt Bakersfield mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney JOSHUA RUDNICK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II OHSUSA:759338621.2 7 P, K% � m U r d ORIGINAL OHSUSA:759338621.2 EXHIBIT A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BOUNDARIES [ATTACHED] A -1 U ORIGINAL r �Akfi, u !_— rn r- T3 r , O O C O � O -0 N m y � O p V) ;r C I O O ;mac' C L y 0 E 0 E CL a O d o N E r N + Y oO O v)O o o 'C a'o0E Z a)o r O a °f o o° E p O+'+d -+ N U O 7 O N I c I a� oE� N o N a� U O t> v c �� _ O E z a) = O U3 ° °r N TT I i E O U +'N.c E y O 4)z.- OaU o Q> ! l y c y N0— � �' y O" x 0 E d NQ ; I '� O COQ N ; 10 T E p U I N L.L O 4) N O I N N C 0 — i m :L- q c C O d T = E N E w oE N c o 8. ° E T E O o a d N I c O U ,U � E i E 01--o � Io ° 0 N N Q O 0 O w 6 - E "O oi� - C C y Q Nab I v Nc Y U > 6+ O E j z C T ' TC r N O- yOd E O O W E w N 0 0 0 E N O N O N c r C " O „ N m Li v I ' a ' i .o Q o c ° Q N r Vcn d O O O J III Z Q V) > W W Q J Z C U ry W of F O L. W Q(/)� Y� OQf Z O Y II Q w y m�� m m LL- LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC W O, Q a�,000 oo000 C Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O c O Z QU O / OU0 I-0Q Q W U O U Z _ n > W — I— z QD F— an7xa DMINNOw O O C N Q U z at+ off_ ` r C t O 7 d O C V O N y O t J Q C Z T m 0.2-0 C U O w 'c V 'o C IV* C + �O _- 0UE aooc)o EN c c O � QN y E yy :�_ � o 02 :aCm y MO v N A y 41) O..7 � J w Y O .� 2W a � J Eo —y v u N r ¢ o o L� a E - Q- p O U U CJ Q � H W ' m w o = , m N Q. r �Akfi, u !_— rn r- T3 r , OHSUSA:759338621.2 EXHIBIT B [AUTHORIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND FEES] C a � v o ORIGINAL. EXHIBIT B AUTHORIZED IMPROVEMENTS AND FEES 1. Offsite Water Pump Station 2. Morning Drive — Onsite Sewer 3. Sewer 4. Morning Drive — Onsite Water 5. Highland Knolls /Kircaldy 6. Morning Drive Extension 7. Onsite Storm Drain 0HS1JSk759338621.3 B-1 O cJ' U r ORICiWAI OH &S DRAFT — Distributed 10/24/14 CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STATEWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ACQUISITION AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND RIO BRAVO MEDICAL CAMPUS, LLC, a California limited liability company in respect of CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Community Facilities District No. 2014 -01 (Bakersfield Rio Bravo) Dated as of [ 1 1, 2014 o�0AK�9� OHSUSA:759341509.1 v � ORIGINAL. ACQUISITION AGREEMENT Recitals A. The parties to this Acquisition Agreement (the "Agreement ") are the City of Bakersfield, (the "City "), the California Statewide Communities Development Authority ( "Authority ") and Rio Bravo Medical Campus, LLC, a California limited liability company (the "Developer "). B. The effective date of this Agreement is [ 1, 2014. C. The Developer has applied for the financing of certain public capital improvements, and certain governmentally- imposed development fees (collectively, the "Acquisition Improvements "). The fees will themselves finance public capital improvements. The public capital improvements are to be owned and operated by the City, and the financing is to be accomplished through a Community Facilities District which will be administered by the Authority under and pursuant to the Mello -Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 — California Government Code Sections 53311 and following (the "Act "). On [ ], 2014, the City adopted Resolution No. [ authorizing the Authority to form a community facilities district (the "Community Facilities District ") within the territorial limits of the City to finance the Acquisition Improvements. On [ , 2014, the Authority formed the Community Facilities District and, on the same date, a landowner election was conducted in which all of the votes were cast unanimously in favor of conferring the Community Facilities District authority on the Authority Commission. D. The Authority intends to levy special taxes and issue bonds to fund, among other things, all or a portion of the costs of the Acquisition Improvements. The portion of the proceeds of the special taxes and bonds allocable to the cost of the Acquisition Improvements, together with interest earned thereon, is referred to herein as the "Available Amount ". E. The Authority will provide financing for the acquisition by the City of the Acquisition Improvements and the payment of the Acquisition Price (as defined herein) of the Acquisition Improvements from the Available Amount. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a description of the Acquisition Improvements, which includes authorized discrete and usable portions, if any, of the public capital improvements, pursuant to Section 53313.51 of the Act, to be acquired from the Developer, and the specified development fees. F. The parties anticipate that, upon completion of the Acquisition Improvements and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the City will acquire the completed Acquisition Improvements. An itemized development fee shall be considered complete when it is paid by the Developer, or when it is payable directly from bond or special tax proceeds. G. Any and all monetary obligations of the City arising out of this Agreement are the special and limited obligations of the City payable only from the Available Amount, and no other funds whatsoever of the City shall be obligated therefor under any circumstances. H. In consideration of Recitals A through G, inclusive, and the mutual covenants, undertakings and obligations set forth below, the City and the Developer agree as stated below. 1. Attached to this Agreement are Exhibit A (the Acquisition Improvements and the Eligible Portions thereof), Exhibit B (form of Requisition), and Exhibit C (Bidding, Contracting and OHSUSA:759341509.1 AKF9s � m r v o ORIGINAL Construction Requirements for Acquisition Improvements), all of which are incorporated into this Agreement for all purposes. Agreement ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS; COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FORMATION AND FINANCING PLAN Section 1.01. Definitions. As used herein, the following capitalized terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below: "Acceptable Title" means free and clear of all monetary liens, encumbrances, assessments, whether any such item is recorded or unrecorded, and taxes, except those items which are reasonably determined by the City Engineer not to interfere with the intended use and therefore are not required to be cleared from the title. "Acquisition and Construction Fund" means the "City of Bakersfield Rio Bravo Community Facilities District Acquisition and Construction Fund" established by the Authority pursuant to the Resolution and Section 1.03 hereof for the purpose of paying the Acquisition Price of the Acquisition Improvements. "Acquisition Improvement" means a public capital improvement or a development fee described in Exhibit A hereto. "Acquisition Price" means the total amount eligible to be paid to the Developer upon acquisition of an Acquisition Improvement as provided in Section 2.03, or in the case of a development fee, the actual amount paid by the Developer, or the amount of a development fee to be paid on behalf of the Developer from bond or special tax proceeds, in every case not to exceed the Actual Cost of the Acquisition Improvement. "Actual Cost" means the total cost of an Acquisition Improvement, as documented by the Developer to the satisfaction of the City and as certified by the City Engineer in an Actual Cost Certificate including, without limitation, (a) the Developer's cost of constructing such Acquisition Improvement including grading, labor, material and equipment costs, (b) the Developer's cost of designing and engineering the Acquisition Improvement, preparing the plans and specifications and bid documents for such Acquisition Improvement, and the costs of inspection, materials testing and construction staking for such Acquisition Improvement, (c) the Developer's cost of any performance, payment and maintenance bonds and insurance, including title insurance, required hereby for such Acquisition Improvement, (d) the Developer's cost of any real property or interest therein that is either necessary for the construction of such Acquisition Improvement (e.g., temporary construction easements, haul roads, etc.), or is required to be conveyed with such Acquisition Improvement in order to convey Acceptable Title thereto to the City or its designee, (e) the Developer's cost of environmental evaluation or mitigation required for such Acquisition Improvement, (f) the amount of any fees actually paid by the Developer to governmental agencies in order to obtain permits, licenses or other necessary governmental approvals and reviews for such Acquisition Improvement, (g) the Developer's cost for construction and project management, administration and supervision services for such Acquisition Improvement, (h) the Developer's cost for professional services related to such Acquisition Improvement, including engineering, accounting, legal, financial, appraisal and similar professional services, and (i) the costs of construction financing incurred by the Developer with respect to such Acquisition Improvement. PA OHSUSA:759341509.1 o� 8 A KF9u' -n �- rn U O � ORIGINAL "Actual Cost Certificate" means a certificate prepared by the Developer detailing the Actual Cost of an Acquisition Improvement, or an Eligible Portion thereof, to be acquired hereunder, as may be revised by the City Engineer pursuant to Section 2.03. "Agreement" means this Acquisition Agreement, dated as of [ ], 2014. "Authority" means the California Statewide Communities Development Authority. "Authority Trust Agreement" means a Trust Agreement entered into by the Authority and an Authority Trustee in connection with the issuance of bonds. "Authority Trustee" means the financial institution identified as trustee in an Authority Trust Agreement. "Available Amount" shall have the meaning assigned to the term in Recital D. "Bonds" means bonds or other indebtedness issued by the Authority that is to be repaid with Special Taxes. "City" means the City of Bakersfield. "City Engineer" means the City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield or his /her designee who will be responsible for administering the acquisition of the Acquisition Improvements hereunder. "Code" means the Government Code of the State of California. "Community Facilities District" shall have the meaning assigned to the term in Recital C. "Developer" means Rio Bravo Medical Campus, LLC, a California limited liability company, its successors and assigns. "Disbursement Request Form" means a requisition for payment of funds from the Acquisition and Construction Fund for an Acquisition Improvement, or an Eligible Portion thereof in substantially the form contained in Exhibit B hereto. "Eligible Portion" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 2.03 below. "Installment Payment" means an amount equal to ninety percent (90 %) of the Actual Cost of an Eligible Portion. "Project" means the Developer's development of the property in the Community Facilities District, including the design and construction of the Acquisition Improvements and the other public and private improvements to be constructed by the Developer within the Community Facilities District. "Resolution" means City of Bakersfield Resolution No. [ , adopted [ ], 2014 titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield (1) Authorizing The California Statewide Communities Development Authority (The "Authority ") To Form A Community Facilities District Within The Territorial Limits Of The City Of Bakersfield To Finance Certain Public Improvements And Development Impact Fees; (2) Embodying A Joint Community Facilities Agreement Setting Forth The Terms And Conditions Of The Community Facilities District OHSUSA:759341509.1 d ORIGINAL Financing; (3) Approving An Acquisition Agreement Between The City And The Developer; And (4) Authorizing Staff To Cooperate With The Authority And Its Consultants In Connection Therewith." "Special Taxes" means annual special taxes, and prepayments thereof, authorized by the Community Facilities District to be levied by the Commission of the Authority. "Title Documents" means, for each Acquisition Improvement acquired hereunder, a grant deed or similar instrument necessary to transfer title to any real property or interests therein (including easements), or an irrevocable offer of dedication of such real property with interests therein necessary to the operation, maintenance, rehabilitation and improvement by the City of the Acquisition Improvement (including, if necessary, easements for ingress and egress) and a bill of sale or similar instrument evidencing transfer of title to the Acquisition Improvement (other than said real property interests) to the City, where applicable. Section 1.02. Establishment of Community Facilities District. Developer has requested the City to permit the Authority to provide for financing of the Acquisition Improvements through the establishment and authorization of the Community Facilities District and the City agreed by its adoption of the Resolution. The Community Facilities District was established by the Authority on [ ], 2014, and through the successful landowner election held that same day, the Commission of the Authority is authorized to levy the Special Taxes and to issue the Bonds to finance the Acquisition Improvements. Developer, the City and the Authority agree to reasonably cooperate with one another in the completion of the financing through the issuance of the Bonds in one or more series. Section 1.03. Deposit and Use of Available Amount. (a) Prior to the issuance of the first series of Bonds, Special Taxes collected by the Authority shall be deposited in the Acquisition and Construction Fund established by the Resolution, and may be disbursed to pay the Acquisition Price of Acquisition Improvements in accordance with Article II of this Agreement. All funds in the Acquisition and Construction Fund shall be considered a portion of the Available Amount, and upon the issuance of the first series of Bonds the Acquisition and Construction Fund shall be transferred to the Authority Trustee to be held in accordance with the Authority Trust Agreement. (b) Upon the issuance of the first series of Bonds, the Authority will cause the Authority Trustee to establish and maintain the Acquisition and Construction Fund for the purpose of holding all funds for the Acquisition Improvements. All earnings on amounts in the Acquisition and Construction Fund shall remain in the Acquisition and Construction Fund for use as provided herein and pursuant to the Authority Trust Agreement. Money in the Acquisition and Construction Fund shall be available to respond to delivery of a Disbursement Request Form and to be paid to the Developer or its designee to pay the Acquisition Price of the Acquisition Improvements, as specified in Article II hereof. Upon completion of all of the Acquisition Improvements and the payment of all costs thereof, any remaining funds in the Acquisition and Construction Fund (less any amount determined by the City as necessary to reserve for claims against the account) (i) shall be applied to pay the costs of any additional Acquisition Improvements eligible for acquisition with respect to the Project as approved by the Authority and, to the extent not so used, (ii) shall be applied by the Authority to call Bonds or to reduce Special Taxes as the Authority shall determine. Section 1.04. No Effect on Other Agreements. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as affecting the Developer's or the City's duty to perform their respective obligations under any other agreements, land use regulations or subdivision requirements related to the Project, which OHSUSA:759341509.1 O� 'b A KF�� Fn U � ORIGINAL. obligations are and shall remain independent of the Developer's and the City's rights and obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE II DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF ACQUISITION IMPROVEMENTS Section 2.01. Letting and Administering Design Contracts. The Developer has awarded and administered, or will award and administer, engineering design contracts for the Acquisition Improvements to be acquired from Developer. All eligible expenditures of the Developer for design engineering and related costs in connection with the Acquisition Improvements (whether as an advance to the City or directly to the design consultant) shall be reimbursed at the time of acquisition of the Acquisition Improvements. The Developer shall be entitled to reimbursement for any design costs of the Acquisition Improvements only out of the Acquisition Price as provided in Section 2.03 and shall not be entitled to any payment for design costs independent of the acquisition of Acquisition Improvements. Section 2.02. Letting; and Administration of Construction Contracts; Indemnification. State law requires that all Acquisition Improvements not completed prior to the formation of the Community Facilities District shall be constructed as if they were constructed under the direction and supervision, or under the authority, of the City. In order to assure compliance with those provisions, except for any contracts entered into prior to the date hereof, Developer agrees to comply with the requirements set forth in Exhibit C hereto with respect to the bidding and contracting for the construction of the Acquisition Improvements. The Developer agrees that all the contracts shall call for payment of prevailing wages as required by the Labor Code of the State of California. The Developer's indemnification obligation set forth in Section 3.01 of this Agreement shall also apply to any alleged failure to comply with the requirements of this Section, and/or applicable State laws regarding public contracting and prevailing wages. Section 2.03. Sale of Acquisition Improvements. The Developer agrees to sell to the City each Acquisition Improvement to be constructed by Developer (including any rights -of -way or other easements necessary for the Acquisition Improvements, to the extent not already publicly owned), when the Acquisition Improvement is completed to the satisfaction of the City for an amount not to exceed the lesser of (i) the Available Amount or (ii) the Actual Cost of the Acquisition Improvement. Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, contains a list of the Acquisition Improvements. Portions of an Acquisition Improvement eligible for Installment Payments prior to completion of the entire Acquisition Improvement are described as eligible, discrete and usable portions in Exhibit A (each, an "Eligible Portion "). At the time of completion of each Acquisition Improvement, or Eligible Portion thereof, the Developer shall deliver to the City Engineer a written request for acquisition, accompanied by an Actual Cost Certificate, and by executed Title Documents for the transfer of the Acquisition Improvement where necessary. In the event that the City Engineer finds that the supporting paperwork submitted by the Developer fails to demonstrate the required relationship between the subject Actual Cost and eligible work, the City Engineer shall advise the Developer that the determination of the Actual Cost (or the ineligible portion thereof) has been disallowed and shall request further documentation from the Developer. If the further documentation is still not adequate, the City Engineer may revise the Actual Cost Certificate to delete any disallowed items and the determination shall be final and conclusive. Certain soft costs for the Acquisition Improvements, such as civil engineering, may have been incurred pursuant to single contracts that include work relating also to the private portions of the Project. In those instances, the total costs under such contracts will be allocated to each Acquisition Improvement based on the methodology specified in Exhibit A, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Where a specific contract has been awarded for design or engineering work relating solely to OHSUSA:75 934 1 5 09.1 P, K4 U F ORIGINAL an Acquisition Improvement, one hundred percent (100 %) of the costs under the contract will be allocated to that Acquisition Improvement. Amounts allocated to an Acquisition Improvement will be further allocated among the Eligible Portions of that Acquisition Improvement, if any, in the same proportion as the amount to be reimbursed for hard costs for each Eligible Portion bears to the amount to be reimbursed for hard costs for the entire Acquisition Improvement. Costs will be allocated to each Acquisition Improvement based on the methodology specified in Exhibit A, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The costs of certain environmental mitigation required to mitigate impacts of the public and private portions of the Project will be allocated to each Acquisition Improvement based on the methodology specified in Exhibit A, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Section 2.04. Conditions Precedent to Payment of Acquisition Price. Payment to the Developer or its designee of the Acquisition Price for an Acquisition Improvement from the Acquisition and Construction Fund shall in every case be conditioned first upon the determination of the City Engineer, pursuant to Section 2.03, that the Acquisition Improvement satisfies all City regulations and ordinances and is otherwise complete and ready for acceptance by the City, and shall be further conditioned upon satisfaction of the following additional conditions precedent: (a) The Developer shall have provided the City with lien releases or other similar documentation satisfactory to the City Engineer as evidence that none of the property (including any rights -of -way or other easements necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Acquisition Improvement, to the extent not already publicly owned) comprising the Acquisition Improvement, and the property which is subject to the special taxes of the Community Facilities District, is not subject to any prospective mechanics lien claim respecting the Acquisition Improvements. (b) The Developer shall be current in the payment of all due and payable general property taxes, and all special taxes of the Community Facilities District, on property owned by the Developer or under option to the Developer within the Community Facilities District. (c) The Developer shall have provided the City with Title Documents needed to provide the City with title to the site, right -of -way, or easement upon which the subject Acquisition Improvement is situated. All such Title Documents shall be in a form acceptable to the City and shall convey Acceptable Title. The Developer shall provide a policy of title insurance as of the date of transfer in a form acceptable to the City Engineer and the City Attorney insuring the City as to the interests acquired in connection with the acquisition of any interest for which such a policy of title insurance is not required by another agreement between the City and the Developer. Each title insurance policy required hereunder shall be in the amount equal to the Acquisition Price. The amount paid to the Developer or its designee upon satisfaction of the foregoing conditions precedent shall be the Acquisition Price less all Installment Payments paid previously with respect to the Acquisition Improvement. Section 2.05. Payment for Eligible Portions. The Developer may submit an Actual Cost Certificate to the City Engineer with respect to any Eligible Portion. Payment to the Developer or its designee from the Acquisition and Construction Fund of an Installment Payment with respect to such Eligible Portion shall in every case be conditioned first upon the determination of the City Engineer, pursuant to Section 2.03, that the Eligible Portion has been completed in accordance with the applicable plans and specifications and that the Eligible Portion satisfies all City regulations and ordinances and is otherwise complete and, where appropriate, is ready for acceptance by the City, and shall be further conditioned upon satisfaction of the following additional conditions precedent: (a) The Developer shall have provided the City with lien releases or other similar documentation satisfactory to the City Engineer as evidence that the property (including any rights -of- way or other easements necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Eligible Portion, to the extent OHSUSA:759341509.1 v ORIGINAL, not already owned by the City) comprising the Eligible Portion is not subject to any prospective mechanics lien claim respecting the Eligible Portion. (b) The Developer shall be current in the payment of all due and payable general property taxes, and all special taxes of the Community Facilities District, on property owned by the Developer or under option to the Developer within the Community Facilities District. (c) The Developer shall have provided the City with Title Documents needed to provide the City with title to the site, right -of -way, or easement upon which the subject Eligible Portion is situated. All such Title Documents shall be in a form acceptable to the City Engineer and shall be sufficient, upon completion of the Acquisition Improvement of which the Eligible Portion is a part, to convey Acceptable Title. (d) Payment and performance bonds, from a bonding company with an A.M. Best rating of at least "A -" or its equivalent, applying to plans and specifications for the Acquisition Improvement approved by the City, shall be in place to secure completion of the Acquisition Improvement of which the Eligible Portion is a part. Section 2.06. Disbursement Request Form. Upon a determination by the City Engineer to pay the Acquisition Price of an Acquisition Improvement pursuant to Section 2.04 or to pay an Installment Payment for an Eligible Portion pursuant to Section 2.05, the City Engineer shall cause a Disbursement Request Form substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B to be submitted to the Authority Trustee, and the Authority Trustee shall make payment directly to the Developer or its designee of the amount pursuant to the Authority Trust Agreement. The Authority, the City and the Developer acknowledge and agree that the Authority Trustee shall make payment strictly in accordance with the Disbursement Request Form and shall not be required to determine whether or not the Acquisition Improvement or Eligible Portion has been completed or what the Actual Costs may be with respect to the Acquisition Improvement or Eligible Portion. The Authority Trustee shall be entitled to rely on the executed Disbursement Request Form on its face without any further duty of investigation. In the event that the Actual Cost of an Acquisition Improvement or the Installment Payment for an Eligible Portion is in excess of the Available Amount, the Authority Trustee shall withdraw all funds remaining in the Acquisition and Construction Fund and shall transfer those amounts to the Developer or its designee. The unpaid portion of the Actual Cost shall be paid from funds that may subsequently be deposited in the Acquisition and Construction Fund from a subsequent issuance of Bonds or from Special Tax revenues, if either of those occurs. Section 2.07. Limitation on Obligations. In no event shall the City or the Authority be required to pay the Developer or its designee more than the amounts held in the Acquisition and Construction Fund. ARTICLE III MISCELLANEOUS Section 3.01. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Developer hereby assumes the defense of, and indemnifies and saves harmless the City, the Authority and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, including the Authority Trustee, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses or expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from or alleged to have resulted from the acts or omissions of the Developer or its agents and employees arising out of any contract for the design, engineering and construction of the Acquisition OHSUSA:759341509.1 v r ORIGINAL Improvements entered into by the Developer or arising out of any alleged misstatements of fact or alleged omission of a material fact made by the Developer, its officers, directors, employees or agents to the Authority's underwriter, financial advisor, appraiser, district engineer or bond counsel or regarding the Developer, its proposed developments, its property ownership and its contractual arrangements contained in the official statement relating to the Authority financing (provided that the Developer shall have been furnished a copy of the official statement and shall not have objected thereto); and provided, further, that nothing in this Section 3.01 shall limit in any manner the City's rights against any of the Developer's architects, engineers, contractors or other consultants. Except as set forth in this Section 3.01, no provision of this Agreement shall in any way limit the extent of the responsibility of the Developer for payment of damages resulting from the operations of the Developer, its agents and employees. Nothing in this Section 3.01 shall be understood or construed to mean that the Developer agrees to indemnify the City, the Authority or any of their respective officers, directors, employees or agents, including the Authority Trustee, for any wrongful acts or omissions to act of the Authority or its officers, employees, agents or any consultants or contractors, including the Authority Trustee, and for any wrongful acts, willful misconduct, active negligence or omissions to act of the City, or its officers, employees, agents or any consultants or contractors, including the Authority Trustee. Section 3.02. Audit. The City and the Authority shall have the right, during normal business hours and upon the giving of ten days' written notice to the Developer, to review all books and records of the Developer pertaining to costs and expenses incurred by the Developer (for which the Developer seeks reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement) in constructing the Acquisition Improvements. Section 3.03. Cooperation. The City, the Authority and the Developer agree to cooperate with respect to the completion of the financing of the Acquisition Improvements by the Authority through the levy of the Community Facilities District Special Taxes and issuance of Bonds. The City, the Authority and the Developer agree to meet in good faith to resolve any differences on future matters which are not specifically covered by this Agreement. Section 3.04. General Standard of Reasonableness. Any provision of this Agreement which requires the consent, approval or acceptance of either party hereto or any of their respective employees, officers or agents shall be deemed to require that the consent, approval or acceptance not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, unless the provision expressly incorporates a different standard. The foregoing provision shall not apply to provisions in the Agreement which provide for decisions to be in the sole discretion of the party making the decision. Section 3.05. No Third Party Beneficiaries. It is expressly agreed that there are no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, including without limitation any owners of bonds, any of the City's or the Developer's contractors for the Acquisition Improvements and any of the City's, the Authority's or the Developer's agents and employees. Section 3.06. Conflict with Other Agreements. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as releasing the Developer or the City from any condition of development or requirement imposed by any other agreement between the City and the Developer, and, in the event of a conflicting provision, the other agreement shall prevail unless the conflicting provision is specifically waived or modified in writing by the City and the Developer. Section 3.07. Notices. All invoices for payment, reports, other communication and notices relating to this Agreement shall be mailed to: If to the City: 8 O�9,AK,6 u OHSUSA:759341509.1 V O ORIGINAL_ [Contact name and address] City of Bakersfield If to the Authority: CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1100 K Street, Suite 101 Sacramento, CA 95814 If to the Developer: [Contact name and address] Any party may change its address by giving notice in writing to the other parties. Section 3.08. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall be given effect to the fullest extent reasonably possible. Section 3.09. Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Section 3.10. Waiver. Failure by a party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the other party, or the failure by a party to exercise its rights upon the default of the other party, shall not constitute a waiver of the party's right to insist upon and demand strict compliance by the other party with the terms of this Agreement. Section 3.11. Singular and Plural; Gender. As used herein, the singular of any word includes the plural, and terns in the masculine gender shall include the feminine. Section 3.12. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. Section 3.13. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, assigns and successors -in- interest of the parties hereto. The Developer may not assign its rights or obligations hereunder, except to successors -in- interest to the property within the District, without the prior written consent of the City and Authority, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In no event shall any successor -in- interest or assignee have any liability on account of any acts, omissions or liabilities of a prior owner (including the Developer), or for any acts, omissions or events that occur after the date on which such successor owner ceases to own such property. Without limiting and subject to the foregoing, the obligations described in Section 3.01 hereof shall apply to all assignees and successors -in- interest only with respect to acts, omissions or events occurring after the date of assignment or succession through the date on which such successor owner ceases to own such property; provided that the Developer and all assignees and successors -in- interest shall remain liable for their respective obligations under Section 3.01 and this Section 3.13 notwithstanding any subsequent assignment or succession. Additionally, any mortgagee or other person that acquires the property within the District owned by the J, T OHSUSA:759341509.1 v p ORIGINAL Developer pursuant to a foreclosure or trustee's sale or pursuant to a deed -in -lieu of foreclosure shall have the right to become the "Developer" (as a successor to the original Developer) under this Agreement. Section 3.14. Remedies in General. It is acknowledged by the parties that the City would not have entered into this Agreement if it were to be liable in damages under or with respect to this Agreement or the application thereof, other than for the payment to the Developer of any (i) moneys owing to the Developer hereunder, or (ii) moneys paid by the Developer pursuant to the provisions hereof which are misappropriated or improperly obtained, withheld or applied by the City. In general, each of the parties hereto may pursue any remedy at law or equity available for the breach of any provision of this Agreement, except that the City shall not be liable in damages to the Developer, or to any assignee or transferee of the Developer other than for the payments to the Developer specified in the preceding paragraph. Subject to the foregoing, the Developer covenants not to sue for or claim any damages for any alleged breach of, or dispute which arises out of, this Agreement. Section 3.15. Liability of Developer. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or any other agreement, document, instrument or certificate executed in connection with this Agreement, no present or future "Constituent Member" (as hereinafter defined) in Developer, nor any present or future shareholder, officer, director, employee, trustee, beneficiary, advisor, member, partner, principal, participant or agent of or in Developer or of or in any person or entity that is or becomes a Constituent Member in Developer, shall have any personal liability, directly or indirectly, under or in connection with this Agreement or any other agreement, document, instrument or certificate executed in connection with this Agreement, or any amendment or amendments to any of the foregoing made at any time or times, heretofore or hereafter, and the City and the Authority each on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, hereby waives any and all such personal liability. The term "Constituent Member" shall mean any direct member in Developer and any person or entity that, directly or indirectly through one or more other partnerships, limited liability companies or other entities is a member in Developer. Section 3.16. Assignment. The obligations and rights of the parties to this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, but those rights and obligations shall not be assignable, transferable or delegable, except pursuant to the terms hereof, without the written consent of the other parties hereto, and any attempted assignment, transfer or delegation thereof which is not made pursuant to the terms hereof shall be void. Section 3.17. Amendments and Waivers. Any term of this Agreement may be amended or waived only with the written consent of all of the parties hereto. Section 3.18. Sole Agreement. This Agreement, including Exhibit A hereto, constitutes the sole agreement of the parties and supersedes all oral negotiations and prior writings with respect to the subject matter hereof. [THE REST OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 10 OHSUSA:759341509.1 F; O ORIGINAI IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first -above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 0 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney JOSHUA RUDNICK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II Insurance: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY DEPARTMENT NAME DEPARTMENT HEAD NAME TITLE COUNTERSIGNED: NELSON SMITH Finance Director Attachments: Exhibits A, B, C Additional Signatures on Following Page OHSUSA:7 5 934 1 509.1 O1< 6 A KF9cP a � U � O ORIGINAL CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a joint powers authority created by the California Legislature in 1988, Authorized Signatory RIO BRAVO MEDICAL CAMPUS, LLC, a California limited liability company By: G.L. Bruno Associates, Inc., Manager By: Gary L. Bruno, CEO /President 12 OHSUSA:7 5934 1 509.1 o``0AKfi9� F— m U � 0 ORIGINAL EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF ACQUISITION IMPROVEMENTS, ELIGIBLE PORTIONS AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL COST OHSUSA:7 5934 1 509.1 o``gAKF9lp T r U O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT B DISBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM (Acquisition Improvement or Eligible Portion) To: [Authority Trustee] Attention: Fax: Phone: Re: CSCDA Community Facilities District No. 2014 -01 (Bakersfield Rio Bravo) The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD hereby requests a withdrawal from the City of Bakersfield Rio Bravo Community Facilities District Acquisition and Construction Fund, as follows: Request Date: Name of Developer: Withdrawal Amount: Acquisition Improvements [Insert Date of Request] [Insert Acquisition Price /Installment Payment] [Insert Description of Acquisition Improvement(s) /Eligible Portion(s) from Exhibit A] Payment Instructions: [Insert Wire Instructions or Payment Address for Developer or Developer's designee as provided by the Developer] The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: The Withdrawal is being made in accordance with a permitted use of the monies pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement and the Withdrawal is not being made for the purpose of reinvestment. None of the items for which payment is requested have been reimbursed previously from the Acquisition and Construction Fund. If the Withdrawal Amount is greater than the funds held in the Acquisition and Construction Fund, the Authority Trustee is authorized to pay the amount of such funds and to pay remaining amount(s) as funds are subsequently deposited in the Acquisition and Construction Fund, should that occur. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IL0 Title: OHSUSA:759341509.1 ME U p ORIGINAL EXHIBIT C BIDDING, CONTRACTING AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR ACQUISITION IMPROVEMENTS With respect to construction contracts awarded after approval of the Agreement, bids for construction shall be solicited from at least three (3) qualified contractors, provided at least three (3) qualified contractors are reasonably available. The Developer may also directly solicit bids. The bid package may consist of preliminary plans and specifications. The bidding response time shall be not less than ten (10) working days. An authorized representative of the City shall be provided a copy of the tabulation of bid results upon request. Contract(s) for the construction of the public Acquisition Improvements shall be awarded to the qualified contractor(s) submitting the lowest responsible bid(s), as determined by the Developer. The contractor to whom a contract is awarded shall be required to pay not less than the prevailing rates of wages pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1770, 1773 and 1773.1. A current copy of applicable wage rates shall be on file in the Office of the City Clerk, as required by Labor Code Section 1773.2. The Developer shall provide the City with certified payrolls. OHSUSA:7 5 934 1 5 09.1 C -1 o``gAKF�� V r ORIGINAL