HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0448RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. Z~AL~ RESOLUTION OF INTE~TION TO IS~PROVE STREET DISTRICT NO. 77, IN THE CITY OF BAkerSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND TO ISSUE BONDS IN PAY~iENT THEREFOR. SECTION 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY TUE CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That field to order the following work to be done made in said City, to-wit: it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakers- to be and improvement southerly from and That D Street from a line 132 feet parallel to t~e southerly line of 16th Street northerly to the southorly line of Truxtun Avenue be graded; that cement concrete curbs and gutters, be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved, to the official grade, with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ~,¥arrenite- Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION That E Street from the northerly line of 18th Street to the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue be graded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved to the official grade with a three and one-hslf (~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (1~) inch Warrenite-Bitulitbic wearing surface. -1- SECTION ~. That G Street from the northerly line of 16th Street to the southerly ~ne of Truxtun Avenue be graded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved t~ the official grade, with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt con- crete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ~Varrenite-Bitulithic · wearing surface. SECTIO~ 4. That K Street from the northerly line of California Ave- nue to the southerly line of 14th Street be ~aded; that cement con- crete gutters be constructed to the official line an~ grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved, to the official grade, with a three and oneShalf (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ~i~arrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION That L Street from the northerly line ~ California Avenue to ~e southerly line of 16th Street be graded; that cement con- crete curbs, gutters mad sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved, to the official grade, with a three mad one-half (~) inch asphalt concrete base an~ a one and one-half (l~) inch %arrenite- Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION ~. (a) That M Street from the northerly line of 18th Street to the southerly line of 16th Street and from a line 17 feet southerly from the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to a line 14 feet northerly from the southerly line of 18th Street, b~ graded; that cement con- crete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official llne and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved, to the official concrete base and a one wearing surface. grade, with a three and one-half (~) inch asphalt and one-half (l~) inch V~'arrenite-Bitulit~ic (b) That that portion of ~ Street lying east of the center line thereof from the center line of 16th Street to the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue be graded, that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on the easterly side of said street and that the easterly half of the roadway, or that portion between the gutter and the center line of the street, be paved to official grade, with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt cencrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ?Jarrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface SECTION 7. (a) That 0 Street from the northerly line of l§th Street to a line 3 feet northerly from the southerly line of 19th Street be graded and that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be con- structed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved to the official grade with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch Warrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. (b) That those portions of the intersections of ~, 0, and P Streets with 18th lying no~th of the limit of work on the north side of A.T. & S.F. Railroad, be graded to a width of 84.8 feet (27.28 feet on either side of the center lines of the extension southerly of M,0 and P Streets respectively) and the same area be paved with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ~Varrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION 8. (a) That P Street from the northerly line of 14th Street to a line 124.55 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of 15th Street and from the northerly line of 15th Street to the south- erly line of Truxtun Avenue be graded, that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidwalks be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved With a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (1~) inch v~arrenlte-Bitulithic wearing surface. (b) That That portion of P Street from a line 124.55 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of 15th Street, northerly to the limit of work on the southerly side of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad in the 15th Street intersection be graded, that cement concrete curbs, gutters a~d sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on the westerly side of said str'eet snd that the surface grade of said roadway be varied from the official grade, and constructed to a grade proposed therefor, which proposed grade is fully set forth in the plans and' specifications; and which plans and specifications are now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakers- field, and are hereby especially referred to for further and cmmplete particulars regarding the proposed grade of said roadway. SECTION ::9. (a) That 16th Street from the westerly line of D Street east- erly, to the westerly line of the alley in Block 321 be graded, that cement concrete curbs, guttera and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on the northerly side of said street and that cement concrete gutters be constructed, to the official line and grade on the southerly side of said street aud that the roadway be paved ~o the official grade wi~h a three and one-half' (3~) inch asphalt con- crete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch ~¥arrenite-Bitulithic wear- ing surface. (b) That 16th Street from the westerly line of the alley in Block 321 to the westerly line of Chester Avenue and from the easterly line of ~ Street to the westerly line of P Street be graded, that cement concrete curbs, gutters aad sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and that the roadway be paved to the official grade with a three and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch Warrenite- Bitulithic wearing surface. (o) That that portion of 16th Street lying south of the center line thereof from the easterly line of K Street to the easterly line of M Street b~ graded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and side- walks be constructed to the official line and grade on the southerly side of said street and that the southerly half of the roadway, or that portion between the gutter and the center line of the street be paved to official guade with a three'and one-half (3~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (14) inch ~arrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION 10. That 14th Street from the easterly line of Chester Avenue to the westerly line of L Street be graded, that cement concrete gutters be constructed ~ the official line and grade on either side of said street and that ~e roadway be paved to the official grade with a three and one-half (34) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (l~) inch Narrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION ~l. That the alleys running easterly and westerly through Blocks 282, 253 and 284 be graded, that cement concrete curbs and gutters be constructed ~ the official line and grade on either side of said alleys Aud that the roadway be paved with a three and one-half (34) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (14) i~ch ~arrenite-Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION E~at cement concrete culverts covered with corrugated iron be constructed, as shown on the plans at the intersections of D, G, L, M, 0 and P Streets with 16th Street, at the intersection of K and 14th Streets, and at the intersections of M and 0 Streets with 15th Street. Including all intersections of streets and alleys within the limits of the above descript2Ons, and excluding therefrom ~he whole or any portion of streets, ~leys, street intersections or alley intersections on which pavement, curbs, ~tters or sidewalks have been constructed to the official line and grade and excepting also such portions thereof as a~e required by law to be paved, kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad or car tracks thereon. All in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. All of salad work andimprovement is to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifications heretofore and on the - of ~ , 1922, adopted by the Council of the ~ity of Bakersfield ~ay aaid plans~being entitled PLAN FORTTHE IEP~0VE~ENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 77 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIF.", and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICAL'IONS F~R THE IMPROVE~NT OF STREET DISTRICT N0~ VV IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIF.", and which said plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plans and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. also The paving work aforesaid shall be done/in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the ~arrenite-Bitulithic License ~ixture Agreement, entered into by said City Council with the ~arren dated ~ ~ , 1922, permitting the Brothers Company letters laying of a pavement for which United State~/Patent are held by said -7- Company, which ~arrenite-Bitulithic License Mixture Agreement is also on file in the office of said City Clerk and is hereby referred to; and the wearing surface mixture of said paving work will be required to be procured of said~arren Brothers Company as provided in said ~arrenite-Bitulithic License ~ixture Agreement. And ~hereas, said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the said City Council is of more than local or ordi- nary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the expense of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which district said City C~uncll hereby declares to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and w~ich said district is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of 16th Street 13~ feet westerly from the westerly line of D Street and running thence southerly on a line 13~ feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of D Stree~ to a point l~ feet southerly from the southerly line of 18th Street; thence easterly on a line 1Z2 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of 10th Street to the westerly line of F Street; thence northerly along the westerly line of F Street 16.5 feet; thence easterly on a line 115.5 feet southerly from and pa~'~llel to the southerly line of 16th Street and the extension easterly thereof, to a point 13~ feet easterly from the easterly line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly on a line 132 feet easterly from and parallel ~ the easterly line of Chester Avenue to a point 115.5 feet northerly from the northerly line of 14th Street; thence westerly on a line ll~5~et northerly from ~d parallel to the northerly line of 14thlto the easterly line of Chester Avenue; thence southerly along the easterly line of Chester Avenue to a point 305.25 feet southerly from the southerly line of 14th Street; thence easterly on a line 305.25 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of 14th Street to a point 122 feet westerly from the westerly line of K Street; thence southerly on a line feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of K Street to the northerly line of California Avenue; thence easterly along the northerly line of California Avenue to a point 122 feet easterly from the easterly line of L Street; easterly from and parallel to northerly line of 14th Street; thence northerly on a line 1~ feet the easterly line of L Street to the thence easterly along the northerly line of 14th Street l0 feet; thence northerly on a line 13~ feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line Qf L Street to the northerly line of 18th Street; thence easterly alo~g the northerly line ~f 18th Street to the westerly line of M Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of ~ Street to a point 45 feet southerly frown the southerlyline of 18th Street; thence easterly to a point in the easterly line of ~ Street 45 feet distant southerly from the southerly line of 18th Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of ~ Street to the northerly line of 18th Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of 18th Street to the westerly line of $ Street; thence southerly along the westerly line of 0 Street to a point 35 feet southerly frown the southerly line of 18th Street; thence easterly to a point in the easterly ~ne of 0 Street 35 feet distant southerly from the southerly line of 18~h Street; thence northerly a~ng the easterly line of 0 Street to the northerly line of 18th Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of 18th Street to a point 13~ feet westerly from the westerly ~ne of P Street; thence southerly on a line 132 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of P Street to the northerly line of 14th Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of 14th Street to a point 13~ feet easterly from the easterly line of P Street; thence northerly on a line 13~ feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of P Street to a point 3 feet northerly from the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly on a line 3 feet northerly from andparallel to the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue, to a point 132 feet easterly from the easterly line of 0 Street; thence northerly on a line 132 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of 0 Street to the northerly line of 17th Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of 17th Street 173.3~ feet; thence northerly on a line 308.~Z feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of 0 Street to'a point ~ feet northerly from the southerly line of 19th Street; thence westerly on a line $ feet northerly from andparallel ~o the southerly line of 19th Street to a point 132 feet westerly from the westerly line of 0 Street; thence southerly on a line 1~2 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerl~ line of 0 Street to a point 115.$ feet northerly from the northerly line of 16th Street; thence westerly on a line 118.8 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly line of 16th Street to a point 132 feet easterly from the easterly line of ~ Street: thence north- erly on a line 1Z2 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of ~ Street to a point 14 feet northerly from the southerly li~e of 18th Street; thence westerly oh a line 14 feet northerly from and parallel to the southerly line of 18th Street to a point 132 feet westerly from the westerly line of ~ Street; thence southw erly on a line 1~2 feet westerly ~rom and parallel to the westerly line of ~ Street to a point 152 feet northerly from the northerly line of 16th Street; thence westerly on a line 1~2 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly line of 16th Street and the extension westerly thereof to a point 14 feet easterly from the westerly line of I Street; thence northerly on a line 14 feet east- erly from and parallel to the westerly line of I Street to a point ~ feet northerly from the southerly line of 17th Street; thence westerly on a line ~ feet northerly from and parallel to the aoutherly ~&~of 17th Street to a point 14 feet westerly from the easterly line of F Street; thence southerly on a line 14 feet westerly from and para- llel to the easterly line of F Street to a point Z feet northerly from the ~utherly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence westerly on a line ~ feet northerly from and parallel to the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to a point 132 feet westerly from the westerly line of D Street; thence e~atherly on a llne 1~2 feet westerly from and parallel -9- to the westerly line of D Street to the point of beginning. All in the City of Bakersfield, California. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven (7%) ~er cent per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1918, and all acts amendatory thereof, the shall last installment~ of which bonds/mature nine years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding nine months from their date. Except as hereinabove otherwise provided for the Issuaace of said serial bonds all of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the Improvement Act of 1911, approved April 7th, 1911, and all a~ts amendatory thereof. Notice is hereby given that on Monda? the ~ day of ' 1922, at 8 o'clock P.E. at a regula~~ meeting of the said ty Council, in the Council Chambers of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before said City Oouncil and show cause why said proposed improvement shadld not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the THE BAKERSFIELD CAL~'ORNIAN, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously po~ted along the lines of said con- templated work and improvement and along all the open streets within said district, notice of the passage of this resolution of ~ntention, in the manner and form required by law, and in said notice h~ shall call attention to the Warrenite-Bltulithic License Mixture Agreement of the Warren Brothers Company, of da~e ~..~ , 1922, on file ! -10- in the office of the City Clerk. I H~]REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution of Inten- tion was regularly introduced, passed aud adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the l~ day of ~ ~ 1922, by the'following vote: Ayes: Carlisle, Griflith, Hare, Hougham, Nelson, Robinson,.Smith. Nays ......... ~.~.-~ ................................................... ,' Absent .................. and ex-~ of the /~ ~~,~'~ -~ Council of the City Of Bakersfield. ~ayor .of the C~of Bakersfield. -ll-