HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4050ORDINANCE NO. 4 0 5 0 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO.123-23) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM AN A (AGRICULTURE) ZONE TO A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) ZONE TO ALLOW A RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK AND RELATED USES ON 18.12 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PACHECO AND WIBLE ROADS (#P01-0762) WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a petition to change the land use zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield generally located on the southwest corner of Pacheco and Wible Roads; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.161-01 on December 20, 2001, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to approve Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zone as delineated on attached Zoning Map No. 123-23 marked Exhibit "C", by this Council and this Council has fully considered the recommendations made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of said hearing, did make several general and specific findings of fact which warranted a negative declaration of environmental impact and changes in zoning of the subject property from an A (Agriculture) zone to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone, and the Council has considered said findings and all appear to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations, as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff, Planning Commission and this Council; and WHEREAS, as in accordance with CEQA, the environmental assessment was submitted to the State Clearinghouse for a minimum 30-day review commencing on November 1, 2001 and ending November 30, 2001 (SCH # 2001111014); and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was advertised and posted on November 2, 2001, in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was re-advertised and re-posted on November 30, 2001; and WHEREAS, the general plan designation for this area allows commercial development; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield the Cty Counc held a public hearing on ~ .¢ ,. February 6, 2002 to consider sa~d pebbon to change the land use zoning relative to pedestna~ access along Wible Road and generator noise; and findings: as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and hereby makes the following 1. All required public notices have been given. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been followed. The public necessity, general welfare and good zoning practice justify the requested change of zone from the existing zoning district to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) zone. The overall design of the project, as conditioned, is consistent with the goals and policies of all elements of the general plan. The conditions of approval, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are needed to provide for orderly development, and the public health, welfare and safety; and 6. Pursuant to BMC Section 17.54.070 find that: The proposed planned commercial development zone and preliminary development plan is consistent with the General Plan and objectives of this ordinance. The proposed development will constitute a commercial environment of sustained desirability and stability, and it will compliment and harmonize with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and community. The proposed development justifies exceptions from the normal application of this code in that it integrates such elements as the location of structures, circulation pattern, parking, landscaping and utilities, together with a program for provision, operation and maintenance of all areas, improvements, facilities and services provided on the property. Mitigation measures relative to biological resources and cultural resources incorporated into the project would lessen impacts to less than significant. SECTION 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. The Negative Declaration is hereby approved and adopted. 3. Section 17.06.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning of that certain property in said City, the boundaries of which property is shown on Zoning Map. No. 123-23 marked Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and are more specifically described in attached Exhibit "D ". 4. Such zone change is hereby made subject to the conditions of approval listed in attached Exhibit "A" and shown on the site plan attached as Exhibit "B." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ......... 000 ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ,'~ Lt~ ~0 ~01~ , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER i'~ COUNCILMEMBER ~ COUNCILMEMBER I~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio,~erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfi~ld 20 2002 APPROVED .- -- HM~'~VoERYo~'~hHeAc~IL, of Baker,;eld APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THIL/~EN City Attorney// jeng / S:tZoneOhangetz7621cclOZC-CC2ndRead. WPD February 22, 2002 PUBLIC WORKS The following 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The following 12 13 14 The following 15 EXHIBIT "A" ZONE CHANGE (PCD) P01-0762 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL shall be accomplished prior to final site plan approval: Provide fully executed dedication 1.1 for Pacheco Road for the parcel frontage. 1.2 for the remainder of Pacheco Road frontage upon zone Change or development of the 1.8 acre parcel. submit current title reports to verify ownerships. Submit a grading/drainage plan to be approved by the City Engineer. Provide an approved landscaping plan for Wible Road. Provide a sewer plan showing connection to a municipally maintained main line, with Building Department approval of the on-site system. Request inclusion into the consolidated maintenance district and pay all applicable costs. Provide substantiation from the canal company that the shared use of the canal bank will not adversely affect its operation of the canal. Show that the on-site paving meets or exceeds ordinance requirements. Provide a legend on the site plan. If the dark circles shown are trees, indicate the type and size. It is recommended that electrical lines and area lights not be routed through or located within the retention basin. improvements shall be required: On Pacheco Road, construct sufficient additional street paving to add a two way left turn lane from the existing improvements on the west side of the project to connect with existing improvements at the southwest corner of Pacheco Road and Wible Road. Additional paving may be required to construct pavement transitions. On Wible Road, construct street paving, concrete curb & gutter from Pacheco Road to connect to existing concrete curb and gutter at the south end of the site. Install City standard high pressure sodium vapor street lights on Pacheco Road and on Wible Road at locations as directed by the City Engineer. shall be accomplished prior to issuance of a building permit: Engineered improvement plans are to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 16 The developer shall enter into an improvement agreement with the City and post approved security to ensure the start and completion of the required improvements. 17 Pay the applicable sewer connection fee. jeng /S:tZoneChangetz762icclExA-cond-2ndread. wpd // February 12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 2 PLANNING 18 The approved use for the 16.32 acres (excludes 1.8 acres owned by ExxonMobile) is for an Recreational Vehicle Park for purposes of temporary stay consisting of the following and further conditioned as stated in this Exhibit. maximum of 246 spaces for recreational vehicle parking spaces for rental. 2,400 square foot, one-story, manager's residence and office; 3,900 square foot two-story building for store, restroom, and laundry; swimming pool and spa for guests; provide playground/open space within the drainage basin. minimum 5 recreational vehicle parking spaces shall be provided at or near the entrance for temporary parking for registration. - minimum 17 regular parking spaces located on east side of main entrance (number of handicap spaces determined by the Building Director); The applicant stated that the 1/3 acre drainage basin shown on the plan would serve dual function as a park area most of the time and a sump in rainy weather. The drainage basin is a shallow, unfenced area landscaped in park-like setting. 19 The limit of one continuous stay shall be fifteen (15) days for each recreational vehicle. Each 15 day stay must be separated by physically vacating the park for at least 30 days. Business shall maintain such rental records for a minimum of 6 months. These records must me made available to the City of Bakersfield upon request to verify compliance with this condition. 20 Prior to development of the 1.8 acres owned by ExxonMobile, approval of a zone change is required for any proposed use. 21 Rock dust shall be a minimum thickness of 3 inches and shall be maintained in good condition to prevent ruts and erosion. Applicant provided additional information supporting he use of rock dust as an acceptable surface. Information from the State agencies familiar with the design and operation of RV parks confirm this. 22 Each recreational vehicle parking space shall be separated by a minimum of 12 feet. The concrete pad and lawn area shall be widened to 12 feet. The parking area for the recreational vehicle shall have a minimum width of 12 feet. Applicant depicted a 14 foot wide parking area on the plan which is an oversized width for recreational vehicles. Applicant requested reduction to 12 feet based on a letter submitted by the applicant from Ralph Adame, Landscape Architect. The City's Urban Forester was consulted and agreed the 12 foot width for the lawn area between the parking spaces would be adequate. jeng /S:tZoneChangetz762~cc~ExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//February 12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 3 23 24 25 26 27 There shall be a minimum 20-feet setback between residential zones on the west and south boundaries, except the manager's residence and office building. The 20-foot setback shall be landscaped with grass, shrubs and an evergreen tree screen. At least 50% of the trees in the 20-foot setback area shall be a minimum 24" box size. Trees shall be spaced 20 feet on center. The manager's residence and office building shall have a minimum 15-foot setback from the west and north property lines. Fencing: 25.1 West boundary: Either construct a 6-ft high masonry wall replacing the existing wood fence that is built on top of the retaining wall (results in 6-ft high wall on residential lot side & about 8-ft high wall on RV side) or construct an 8-ft high wall on RV side abutting residential lots. 25.2 South boundary: 6-foot high block wall to remain. Remove barbed wire. 25.3 Canal: East side of canal shall have a minimum 6-foot high chain link fence with slats installed to City standards (Standard D - 12 (a.k.a. S-10)) along Wible Road. West side of canal shall repair existing or install 6-foot high chain link fence with slats to City standards. 25.4 North boundary between Poynter and Exxon-Mobile: minimum 6-foot high chain link with slats to City standards. Landscaping: Landscape plan shall be submitted and obtain approval with the final development plan by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Refer to BMC Chapter 17.61 for landscaping requirements, in addition to the following conditions. 26.1 Wible Road: Developer shall install sidewalk to City standards between curb and canal fence. 26.2 West side of westerly canal fence: Minimum 8-foot minimum wide landscape stdp with one tree for every 35 feet, grass, and shrubs. Minimum 15 gallon tree size. 26.3 Pacheco Road adjacent Poynter owned property (at main entrance and adjacent canal driveway): Minimum 8 feet behind property line. One tree per 30 feet of lineal frontage; minimum 15 gallon tree size. 26.4 20 foot setback along the west and south sides: grass, shrubs and an evergreen tree screen. At least 50% of the trees along the west and south perimeter shall be a minimum 24" box size, spaced 20 feet on center. 26.5 Shade trees for 17 regular parking spaces located at entrance: I tree per 6 parking spaces. Developer shall provide a playground/open space area within an unfenced, landscaped drainage basin. Area shall be shown on the final development plan. The landscaping shall be shown on the landscape plan. At a minimum, the area shall be landscaped with trees, grass, and shrubs; and include 2 benches, (picnic) tables, and playground equipment that has at least 2 activities (example: slide and swing). jeng /S:lZoneChangetz762[cc[ExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//February12,2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 4 At the applicant's request, the drainage basin would adequately serve as the open space area and the separate ~ acre area would not be necessary. The basin is to be a shallow (less than or equal to 18 inches deep) and will not be fenced. 28 The only buildings allowed shall be those shown on the attached site plan. They include 2,400 square foot, one-story, manager's residence and office with a 15 foot setback from the west boundary and Pacheco Road right-of-way; a 3,900 square foot two-story building for store, restroom, and laundry; swimming pool and spa; and at some future time, with the approval of the Planning Director, a 120 square foot storage building for maintenance equipment used to maintain the property. 29 Signage shall be limited to one, 35 foot high pylon sign with a 240 square foot face to be located on the southwest corner of Wible and Pacheco Roads. One sign shall be allowed to be located on the east side of the main entrance at Pacheco Road. This entrance sign shall be 32 square foot face on a maximum 15 foot high pole. (Minimum clearance between the bottom of the sign and the ground shall be 8 feet.) Miscellaneous signs for on-site direction or information shall be subject to the C-1 zone criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. A separate sign permit is required from the Building Dept. Applicant requested more signage visibility at the comer of Wible & Pacheco. 30 There shall be no public address system. 31 Lights shall be directed and shielded away from adjacent residential uses. 32 Concurrently with submission of final development plans, the developer shall submit written approval/verification from the Kern Delta Water District regarding the shared use of the canal driveway on Pacheco Road as secondary emergency access, the plans for the chain link fencing; and any drainage issues that may affect the canal. 33 Condition deleted by Planning Commission. 34 Developer shall provide at least two secondary emergency accesses from the project site as approved by the Fire Department and Traffic Engineer. The secondary emergency access to Sara Jane Street and the shared canal driveway shall only be for emergency access. Barriers shall be approved by the Fire Department. 35 Applicant shall have one fee schedule for electric, water and sewer hookups. New condition added by Planning Commission. 36 Generators may only be used at the time a recreational vehicle is entering and exiting the RV park. jeng /S:~ZoneChange~z7621cclExA-cond-2ndread. wpd // February12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 5 MITIGATION MEASURES Biolooical Resources 37 Habitat Conservation fees for this project will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time (currently $1,240 per gross acre) payable to the Planning Department prior to issuance of an urban development permit (includes grading plan approvals) as defined in the Implementation/Management Agreement (Section 2.21) for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon payment of fees, applicant will receive acknowledgment of compliance with Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (Implementation/Management Agreement Section 3.1.4). {BMC 15.78) 38 This project is within an area of documented "known" den sites for the San Joaquin kit fox. This requires that the applicant provide notice to wildlife agencies at least five days prior to oradin(] and excavation of den sites. Forms and instructions are available at the Planning Department. (Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation/Management Agreement Section 4.7.4. (BMC 15.78.070) 39 Prior to any ground disturbance or issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first, the developer shall obtain a qualified biologist to prepare a study for endangered species on the project site. Cultural Resources 40 Prior to any ground disturbance, developer shall obtain a qualified archeological consultant to monitor ground disturbance activity for cultural resources and/or human remains. Developer shall be required to comply with recommendations of the archeological consultant if any resources are found. If human remains are discovered, the consultant and/or developer shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission (Mr. Rob Wood, 915 Capitol Mall, Room 364, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 653-4040). SITE PLAN COMPLIANCE LIST 41 The following are specific items that the Site Plan Review Committee has noted that you need to resolve before you can obtain a building permit or be allowed occupancy. These items may include changes or additions that need to be shown on the final building plans, alert you to specific fees, and/or are comments that will help you in complying with the City's development standards. The item will note when it is to be completed and each has been grouped by department so that you know who to contact if you have questions. A. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - BUILDING (staff contact - Phil Burns 661/326-3718) The applicant shall submit 4 copies of grading plans and 2 copies of the preliminary soils report to the Building Division. You must submit a final soils report to the Building Division before they can issue a building permit. jeng /S:tZoneChange~7621cc~ExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//February12,2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 6 B The applicant shall include fire resistive wall construction details with the final building plans for all exterior walls of any building that are within 20' of property lines if it is commercial, or 5' of property lines if it is residential. Include with or show on the final building plans information necessary to verify that the project complies with all disability requirements of Title 24 of the State Building Code. The applicant shall obtain all required approvals from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (2700 "M" Street, Bakersfield, CA; Ph. 661/862-8700) for any public pool or related facility before building permits can be issued. Disabled access to any public pool and related facility shall comply with Title 24 of the State Building Code. The applicant shall obtain all required approvals from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (2700 "M" Street, Bakersfield, CA; Ph. 661/862-8700) for any food handling facility, (i.e. market, delicatessen, cafe, concession, restaurant) before building permits can be issued. Business identification signs are not considered nor approved under this review. A separate review and sign permit from the Building Division is required for all new signs, including future use and construction signs. Signs must comply with the Sign Ordinance (Chapter 17.60). The Building Division will calculate and collect the appropriate school district impact fee at the time they issue a building permit. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - PLANNING (staff contact: Wayne Lawson 661/326-3145) The minimum parking required for this project has been computed based on use and shall be as follows: · Maximum 246 parking spaces for recreational vehicles. · Minimum 5 recreational vehicle parking spaces shall be provided at or near the entrance for temporary parking for registration. 17 standard parking spaces located at the main entrance. · Number of handicap spaces determined by the Building Director. (Note: 246 RV parking spaces and 17 regular parking spaces are shown on the proposed site plan) Corrects the maximum number of spaces allowed. Deletes erroneous inclusion requiring additional parking spaces. jeng /S:~oneChange~z7621cclExA-cond-2ndread. wpd // Februa,'y12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 7 The applicant shall include a copy of a final landscape plan with each set of the final building plans submitted to the Building Division. In addition, one (1) copy of the landscape plan shall also be submitted to the Planning Division. Building permits will not be issued until the Planning Division has approved the final landscape plan for consistency with approved site plans and minimum ordinance standards (please refer to the attached standards - Chapter 17.61). Please be advised that these landscaping standards create four (4) categories of trees and each category has its own separate set of spacing, evergreen-to- deciduous ratios, location, and pedormance standards. These categories are: · Street frontage trees · Parkinglot (shade trees) · Shade/accent trees at building entrances · Trees that buffer adjacent residential areas Approved landscaping, parking, lighting, and other related site improvements shall be installed and inspected by the Planning Division before final occupancy of any building or site. Please schedule final inspections with the staff contact noted above. (NOTE: Plants must match the species identified and be installed in the locations consistent with the approved landscape plan. Otherwise, changes made without prior approval of the Planning staff may result in the removal and/or relocation of installed plant materials and delays in obtaining building occupancy.) Parking lot lighting is required by the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Section 17.58.060A). Illumination shall be evenly distributed across the parking area with light fixtures designed and arranged so that light is directed downward and is reflected away from adjacent residential properties and streets. Use of glare shields or baffles may be required for glare reduction or control of back light. All light poles, standards and fixtures, including bases or pedestals, shall not exceed a height of 40' above grade. The final building plans shall include a picture or diagram of the light fixtures being used and show how light will be directed onto the parking area. Habitat Conservation fees shall be required for this project and will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time we issue an urban development permit (includes grading plan approvals) as defined in the Implementation/Management Agreement (Section 2.21) for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon payment of the fee, the applicant will receive acknowledgment of compliance with Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (Implementation/Management Agreement Section 3.1.4). This fee is currently $1,240 per gross acre, payable to the City of Bakersfield (submit to the Planning Division). This fee must be paid before any grading or other site disturbance Occurs. jeng /S:~ZoneChangetz762~cclExA -cond-2ndread. wpd//February 12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 8 NOTICE - This project is within an area of documented "known" den sites for the San Joaquin kit fox. A kit fox clearance survey is needed prior to approval of a grading plan and any ground disturbance to determine if kit fox dens exist on the site. The Planning Division is to receive a copy of this clearance survey. This also requires that the applicant provide notice to wildlife agencies at least 5 business days before grading occurs and/or any found den sites are excavated. Forms and instructions are available at the Planning Division. Please contact Jim Movius at (661) 326-3778 if you have questions concerning this matter. (Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation/Management Agreement Section 4.7.4 & Bakersfield Municipal Code §15.68.070). Rooftop areas of commercial buildings (e.g. office, retail, restaurant, assembly, hotel, hospital, church, school) shall be completely screened by parapets or other finished architectural features constructed to a height of the highest equipment, unfinished structural element or unfinished architectural feature of the building. Open storage of materials and equipment shall be surrounded and screened with a solid wall or fence (screening also applies to gates). This fence shall be at least 6 feet in height and materials shall not be stacked above the height of the fence. (Note: A taller fence is allowed in commercial and industrial zones. A building permit is only required for fences and walls over 6 feet in height.) Areas used for outside storage (does not include vehicle parking areas which are required to be paved), shall be treated with a permanent dust binder or other permanent dust control measures consistent with air pollution control regulations. 10. Along the entire frontage of Pacheco Road, an 8 foot wide landscape strip shall be developed behind the ultimate property line. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT (staff contact- Dave Weirather 661/326-3706) 1. Show on the final building plans the following items: All fire lanes as indicated on the returned plans, or as they may be modified by the Fire Department. Spacing between each sign identifying the fire lane must also be shown on the final plan that meets minimum city standards. The applicant shall install all required fire lane signs before occupancy of any building or portion of any building is allowed. Both offsite (nearest to site) and on-site fire hydrants with required fire flows. New fire hydrants shall be sited and installed in accordance with the latest adopted version of the California Fire Code. Hydrants must be in working order to assure that adequate fire protection is available during construction unless other arrangements for such protection are approved by the Fire Department. Please provide 2 sets of the engineered water plans to Dave Weirather. (Note: All new fire hydrants must be purchased from the Fire Dept.) jeng /S:~ZoneChange~.762tcclExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//Februaty12,2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 9 Project address, including suite number if applicable. If the project is within a shopping or business center, note the name and address of the center. Name and phone number of the appropriate contact person. The applicant must request an inspection of any underground sprinkler feeds at least 24 hours before they are buried. The Fire Safety Control Division (1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA; Ph. 661/326-3951) must complete all on-site inspections of fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems before any building is occupied. All access (permanent and temporary) to and around any building under construction must be at least 20 feet wide, contain no vehicle obstructions, and be graded to prevent water ponding. Barricades must be in place where ditches and barriers exist in or cross roadways. Emergency vehicle access must always be reliable. If you handle hazardous materials or hazardous waste on the site, the Environmental Services Division may require a hazardous material management plan before you can begin operations. Please contact them at 661/326-3979 for further information. D. PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING (staff contact-Janice Horcasitas 661/326-3576) The applicant shall construct curbs, gutters, cross gutters, sidewalks, and street paving along the entire frontage of the project along Pacheco Road and Wible Road. according to adopted city standards. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. The applicant shall install street lights along Pacheco Road and Wible Road as shown by staff on the returned site plan. The applicant shall be responsible for providing the labor and materials necessary to energize all newly installed street lights before occupancy of the building or site. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. The applicant shall install new connection(s) to the public sewer system. This connection shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. All driveways, vehicular access and parking areas shall be paved with a minimum of 2" Type B, A.C. over 3" Class II A.B. according to the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Sections 15.76.020 & 17.58.050 N.) and the adopted standards of the City Engineer. This paving standard shall be noted on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. Recreational vehicle parking space may be rock dust as described in Condition #22 (Planning Dept.) jeng /S:tZoneChangetz.7621cctExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//February12,2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 10 If a grading plan is required by the Building Division, building permits will not be issued until the grading plan is approved by both the Public Works Department and Building Division. Before you can occupy any building or site, you must reconstruct or repair substandard off-site improvements to adopted city standards as directed by the City Engineer. Please call the construction superintendent at 661/326-3049 to schedule a site inspection to find out what improvements may be required. You must obtain a street permit from the Public Works Department before any work can be done within the public right-of-way (streets, alleys, easements). Please include a copy of this site plan review decision to the department at the time you apply for this permit. A sewer connection fee shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued. We will base this fee at the rate in effect at the time a building permit is issued. A sewer connection fee for all RV spaces shall be paid at the time the first building permit is issued on the project. A transportation impact fee for regional facilities shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued, or if no building permit is required, before occupancy of the building or site. This fee will be based at the rate in effect at the time the permit is issued. The Public Works Department will calculate an estimate of the total fee when you submit construction plans for the project. 10 The developer shall form a maintenance district for maintaining the landscaped median island within Wible Road along the entire frontage of the development, Building permits will not be issued until one of these options is approved by the Public Works Department. 11. The developer shall dedicate 25 feet of right-of-way to full arterial standards on Wible Road per City requirement and dedicate 15 feet of right of way on Pacheco Road along the entire frontage from the west property line to the east property line including the "not a part portion" (ExxonMobile owned property) of the development. PUBLIC WORKS- TRAFFIC (staff contact - George Gillburg 661/326-3997) Two-way drive aisles shall be a minimum width of 24 feet. If perpendicular (90°) parking spaces are proposed where a vehicle must back into these aisles, the minimum aisle width shall be 25 feet. All drive aisle dimensions shall be shown on the final building plans. jeng /S:~ZoneChange[z7621cc~ExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//February 12, 2002 Exhibit "A" PCD ZC P01-0762 Page 11 Note from Traffic: Based upon the described usage of the 18' paved aisle in combination with a 10' wide parallel parking area on one side, the referenced condition for a 24' 2-way drive aisle can be considered satisfied. The proposed configuration is effectively a 28' private street with parking on one side. This is within acceptable limits. Show the typical parking stall dimensions on the final building plans. Minimum parking stall dimensions shall be 9' wide x 18' long. Vehicles may hang over landscape areas no more than 2Y2 feet provided required setbacks along street frontages are maintained, and trees and shrubs are protected from vehicles as required by the Planning Division. F. PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE (staff contact - John Wilburn 661/326-3114) You must contact the staff person noted above before building permits can be issued or work begins on the property to establish the level and type of service necessary for the collection of refuse and/or recycled materials. These levels of service are based on how often collection occurs as follows: · Can or cart service -- · Front loader bin service -- · Roll-off compactor service -- I cubic yard/week or less I cubic yard/week - 12 cubic yards/day More than 12 cubic yards/day Facilities that participate in recycling operations must provide a location that is separate from the refuse containment area. This shall be shown on the final building plans. jeng /S:[ZoneChange~.7621cclExA-cond-2ndread. wpd//Februa,'y12,2002 A TO PCD ZONE CHANGE P01-0762 EXHIBIT "D" ZONE CHANGE #P01-0762 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The E ¼ of Lots 1 and 2 in Section 23, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MD.BM., as shown upon the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J.B. Haggin, dated March 16, 1889, and filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County May 3, 1889. Containing 18.12 + acres. S:~.Zo~eChange~z762~3c~legal. wpd January 15, 2002 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) SS. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 22nd day of February , 2002 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4050 , passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 20th day of February 2002 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO. 123-23) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSIFELD NUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM AN A (AGRICULTURE) ZONE TO A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT (PCD) ZONE TO ALLOW A RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK AND RELATED USES ON 18.12 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PACHECO AND WIBLE ROADS. /s/PAMELA A. McCARTHY City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield ~ DEPUT~