HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 031-02RESOLUTION NO. 0 3 1-0 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTING POLICY FOR THE CITY-WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING RETENTION WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090.5 provides the authority for the destruction of records, documents, instruments, books, and papers when said documents are photographed, microphotographed, reproduced by electronically recorded video images on magnetic surfaces, recorded in the electronic data processing, recorded on optical disk or film; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090.5(a) requires the film or any other medium to be a trusted system, that does not permit additions, deletions, or changes to the original document; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090.5(d) requires a true copy of archival quality of the film, optical disk, or any other medium reproductions shall be kept in a safe and separate place for security purposes; and WHEREAS, the City's Management information System assures the integrity of the system in accordance with Government Code Section 34090.5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the above recitals be incorporated herein and the Administrative Policy for city-wide document imaging attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" is to become effective July 1,2002. .......... O00 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on MAR 6 :~00Z , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNC~LMEMBER ~ COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBFR b,.H~.,rxz. , APPROVED ~AayRoVr Eo';' tLh ~Hc/~Lo, Bakersfiel0/? PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC//~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio ClerkV' of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form BART J. THILTGEN City Attorney :proc S:\Council\RESOLUTN\DccumentlmagePolicy.wpd February 26, 2002 ~ :41 pm -2- EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY CITY-WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING POLICIES SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: LaserFiche is an "archive and retrieval" system, intended to store and retrieve final documents. All documents are copied onto non-rewritable optical disk or "WORM" which cannot be altered, and provides the archive and disaster recovery capabilities of microfilm. GOALS: · Provide fast and accurate archival research capabilities and document retrieval · Provide disaster recovery capabilities · Facilitate the widest organizational access to final and completed records in the most efficient and effective manner · Ensure LaserFiche is implemented with a community-wide, long-term perspective (e.g. Internet access to public records by citizens) · Save the cost of storage space for some paper records that can be converted to electronic storage It is critical that issues that affect system administration, database integrity, system functionality, efficiency and end-users (which will include the public) are implemented in a consistent, well-planned manner. Because policies and procedures establish the legal admissibility of records stored in LaserFiche, compliance with Bakersfield's Records Management and Document Imaging policies and procedures play a critical role in this process. MAXIMIZE TECHNOLOGY - APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS (whether or not they plan on using LaserFiche) Font. To provide better OCRing (Optical Character Recognition), avoid italics, bold and underlininq whenever possible. It is also advisable to use Arial font whenever possible. S:\POU CIES\Scanning\POLICY.doc Terminology / Search n.q. If there is a common or specific term not identified in a document that may be useful for tracking purposes (e.g. "Target Shopping Center") type in the specific term on the document so you can be assured to perform successful searches for it in the future. This is especially important in Staff Reports.¢,~. numbers and common names ~n add~tlo~ to presented in Council - include project the legal terminology. 2/28/00 12:04 pm · White Paper. Avoid printing final documents on colored paper, which doesn't image well. POLICIES Any exceptions to these policies must be approved in advance by the City ManagedCity Clerk. This will ensure the integrity of records management issues and coordination among departments and systems. Any issues affecting databases or system integration will be referred to Management Information Services for their determination. 1. User Lo(~ons. In order to receive a LaserFiche Logon, contact Management Information Services. 2. System Administration Responsibilities. a. Templates, Policies, Procedures, Scanning, etc. contact: b. Users, privileges, passwords, volumes, etc. contact: City Clerk MiS/Clerk 3. Database Inte.qrity. Only the City Clerk, with the approval of Management Information Services, may change, add or delete templates. This is required to ensure that citywide seamhing and database integrity is maintained, and will avoid system crashes. Any department may request changes, additions, or deletions to templates by contacting the City Clerk's Department. 4. City Business. Only City-related business documents may be stored into the LaserFiche System. 5. Le.qality. Policies and procedures play a major role in establishing the legal admissibility of documents stored in LaserFiche as a legally accepted original. It is therefore important to use and retain Scan / Import Logs to assist in establishing the legal admissibility of our documents. 6. Duplication Avoidance. The "Office of Record" (usually the department that originates the document) is responsible for scanning or electronically storing completed documents in LaserFiche. Other departments may NOT scan in documents that they are not the Office of Record for. a. Only the City Clerk's Department scans in City Council documents (i.e., Agenda Administrative Reports and other related information that is submitted to Council in the agenda packets for Council action). S:~POLIClES\Scanning\POLlCY.doc 2 2/28/00 12:04 pm 7. Destroying Paper Records. a. Paper records must be retained a minimum of one (1) year, per the council approved retention schedule, after scanning to assure the images meet user needs before destruction. b. Prior to destruction, all files must be submitted to the Department Head in a list format indicating the record description and dates. Columns should include: File Name or Description and Retention Period. Signature lines should be provided for the approval of the City Clerk and City Attorney. c. The approval of the City Clerk and the City Attorney are required prior to the destruction of paper version of documents stored in LaserFiche. 8. Pur.qinq Records from LaserFiche. At least annually, a list will be produced in LaserFiche of all documents that should be evaluated for purging. The list will be reviewed and approved by the Department Head, City Clerk and City Attorney prior to purging the documents from LaserFiche. 9. Disaster Recovery. The Management Information Services Division will "burn" non- rewritable optical disk or WORMs periodically, and then forward one to the off-site Storage Center~. a. One WORM copy is filed in a central, fireproof vault or cabinet; one WORM copy is stored off-site. b. A copy of the current version of the software will be stored off-site with the WORMs, which will be replaced with each software upgrade. 10. Media Lonqevity. The number of years that optical media lasts without deteriorating has not been proven; the quality of WORM's purchased affects the "life" of a WORM. To ensure they do not deteriorate, they will be "refreshed" every 10 years. As empirical data and tests prove the longevity of optical media, the 1 O-year period may be extended with the approval of the City Clerk and City Attorney. Each WORM must be copied every 5 years after the annual purge has been pedormed. This will ensure the optical media does not deteriorate and affect the ability to retrieve documents that are legally accepted originals. As empirical data and tests prove the longevity of the media, the 5-year period may be extended with the approval of the City Clerk and City Attorney. 11. Miqration to New Technology. If a new document imaging system is purchased, it is essential to plan, budget, and then execute the conversion of all the documents that have been stored in an older optical disk system to the new system. The conversion is critical in complying with the Public Records Act. (If paper records have been destroyed ] Government Code Section 34090.5(d) requires a copy of CDs (or microforms) be "kept in a safe and separate~ place for security purposes." S:\POLIClES\Scanning\POLICY.doc 3 2/28/00 12:04 pm and the conversion is not performed, the old system must be maintained and supported). PROCEDURES 1. 5-year Retention. As a "general" rule, documents with a retention of five (5) years or less should not be scanned or imported into LaserFiche. Exceptions to this rule shall be approved by the City Manager/City Clerk. 2. Document Orqanization. Before scanning, organize your records in the order you want them to display in LaserFiche (usually the most searched for page on top). Remove any documents that are duplicates or that other departments are responsible for scanning (see your retention schedule for the "Office of Record" and City Clerk for exceptions). 3. Naminq Documents. Naming conventions are critical. If you are developing naming conventions for a new type of document, consult with the City Clerk so that it will "fit" with the rest of the system and be accessible over the Internet. 4. indexinq Documents. All information entered into the form template (Indexing) must conform to Bakersfield's Data Entry Standards. These are abbreviation standards, naming conventions, and date formatting. Required fields (must be entered on each document) are: a. Document Type b. Date (mmddyyyy) c. Retention Period d. Document Name 5. Stamp Document. After scanning, stamp the back of the document or file folder with a "scanned" stamp to prevent someone else scanning in again at a later date. Or use the scanned label (S) and affix it to the file folder. 6. Importinq. "Import" (electronic copying - "Snapshot") EIR's or other large documents electronically, ONLY if they do not need signatures or seals to make them a legally accepted original. All documents must be final version (a "Draft EIR" that is presented to the Planning Commission or Council qualifies but it must be identified as the Draft EIR in the document name). The Scan / Import log must be filled out for all documents stored in LaserFiche. 7. Non-Text Documents. Maps, handwritten forms, and other image-only documents: Add "Keywords" by pressing the Edit Text Button. If a map, permit, photograph, handwritten form or other document is scanned into the system that cannot be OCR'd, keywords must be typed in so that the image can be found and retrieved via full text "word" searches. · ~ rrt 8. Editinq OCR. When editing OCR'd text for accuracy, correct ONLY the keywords, ordinance, resolution or project numbers that would typically be entered when searching. If LaserFiche can locate even one occurrence of a word, it can then retrieve the image. (The function of the text file is to locate the image of the document, and it is very time consuming to correct words that will never be searched for). 9. Quality Control. Always pedorm "Quality Control" on all documents scanned or imported into LaserFiche Note: some cities that have not been diligent about quality and consistency have had to delete their old database and start over - sometimes after years of scanning! Always check: a. Document Name. b. Images, size (legal/letter) and correct # of pages. c. Data entered in the indexing Fields. d. Text file (OCR) for keyword accuracy. S:\POLIClES\Scanning\POLICY.doc 2/28/00 12:04 p~