HomeMy WebLinkAboutQualifications for Wildlife Biologist To Potential Qualified Wildlife Biologist/Botanist: The City of Bakersfield and County of Kern have received a new Incidental Take Permit (ITP) from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). The Permit requires CDFW to approve all Qualified Wildlife Biologists/Botanists to prepare Surveys and Relocation Plans for endangered species within the metropolitan Bakersfield area. CDFW cannot approve firms, but must approve specific individuals. In order for individuals to be approved as a Qualified Biologist/Botanist, they must demonstrate that they are knowledgeable and experienced in the biology and natural history of the Covered Species of the ITP. The Covered Species are Bakersfield cactus (Opuntia basilaris var. treleasei), San Joaquin antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus neisoni), San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica), and Tipton’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides). Tipton’s kangaroo rat and Bakersfield cactus have specific requirements that must be demonstrated. Individuals can apply to be a Qualified Biologist/Botanist for one or all of the Covered Species. Information required to be approved includes the Covered Species the individual requests approval as a Qualified Biologist/Botanist and past experience and training with the requested Covered Species, including but not limited to, project names and associated ITP and CDFW contact, if appropriate, and the number of individuals observed/handled/relocated, etc. In addition, Tipton’s kangaroo rat and Bakersfield cactus have the following additional requirements listed below. Individuals requesting approval as a Tipton’s Kangaroo Rat Qualified Biologist must demonstrate their experience with the live trapping and handling of Dipodomys nitratoides ssp. from one or more of the following scenarios: (1) working under his/her own CDFW 2081 (a) permit for Tipton’s kangaroo rat or a conspecific kangaroo rat; (2) working under another individual’s 2081 (a) for Tipton’s kangaroo rat or a conspecific kangaroo rat permit; the contact information for the lead individual must be provided and the lead individual must vouch for the proposed Tipton’s Kangaroo Rat Qualified Biologist’s experience and qualifications; and/or (3) the proposed Tipton’s Kangaroo Rat Qualified Biologist has a conducted live trapping and salvage of Tiptons Kangaroo Rat or a conspecific as a CDFW-approved Qualified Wildlife Biologist under a 2081 (b) (e.g., ITP) permit where Dipodomys nitratoides ssp. is a Covered Species. In this instance, the ITP number and project name must also be furnished. Individuals requesting approval as a Bakersfield Cactus Qualified Botanist must demonstrate their experience with the identification, collection, and transplantation of Bakersfield cactus or other beavertail cacti from one or more of the following scenarios: (1) working under his/her own CDFW 2081 (a) permit for Bakersfield cactus; (2) working under another individual’s 2081 (a) for Bakersfield cactus; the contact information for the lead individual is provided and the lead individual must vouch for the proposed Bakersfield Cactus Qualified Botanist(s) experience and qualifications; and or (3) the proposed Bakersfield Cactus Qualified Botanist has conducted Bakersfield cactus salvage and translocation as a CDFW approved Qualified Wildlife Biologist under a 2081(b) (e.g., ITP) permit where Bakersfield cactus is a Covered Species. In this last instance, the ITP number and project name must also be furnished. If interested in being on the approved list under our new Permit, please submit the aforementioned information to our office as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please contact Martin Ortiz at (661) 326-3786 or mortiz@bakersfieldcity.us. City of Bakersfield Community Development Department-Planning Division 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3733 MO/cg-S:\HCP\HCP Forms\Qualifications for Wildlife Biologist.docx Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan ♦ 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301