HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/2015 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Committee Members Chris Gerry, Administrative Analyst Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Willie Rivera Bob Smith SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, February 5, 2015 – 12:00 p.m. City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 First Floor, Conference Room A A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update Regarding the Installation of Artwork Along the Westside Parkway – Blaschke B. Committee Discussion Regarding the Installation of Artwork in the Downtown Area – Blaschke C. Discussion and Committee Recommendation Regarding the Centennial Plaza Granite Tiles – Blaschke 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation Regarding Adoption of the 2014 Committee Meeting Schedule – Gerry 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D Committee Members: Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Bob Smith Willie Rivera AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, September 25, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North First Floor - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:05 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL Committeemembers Present: Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Willie Rivera Staff Present: Alan Tandy, City Manager Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Andy Heglund, Deputy City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate Attorney Nick Fidler, Public Works Director Ted Wright, Assistant Public Works Director Stuart Patteson, Public Works Operation Manager Sean Cacal, Public Works General Service Superintendent Mike Conner, Public Works Streets Superintendent Dianne Hoover, Recreation and Parks Director Darrin Budak, Assistant Recreation and Parks Director Joe Navarro, Recreation and Parks Business Manager Tom Jones, Recreation and Parks Construction and Facility Planner Race Slayton, Recreation and Parks Supervisor Fidel Gonzalez, Recreation and Parks Supervisor Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, September 25, 2014 Page 2 Others Present: Terry Maxwell, Betty Younger, Member of the Public Gail Malouf, Member of the Public Members of the Media 2. ADOPT MAY 1, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Committee Discussion and Recommendation Regarding the Centennial Plaza Bricks Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot stated many engraved bricks, tiles, and granite surfaces were purchased by the public and installed as part of the development the Centennial Plaza (Plaza) which opened in 1998. The original clay bricks, tiles, granite slabs, and large red pavers were installed on a sand bed with silt sand wept into the joints, which has been washed out overtime causing the bricks and tiles to shift. They have deteriorated primarily due to the Plaza’s continuous usage from visitors attending events at the Rabobank Arena, Theater, and Convention Center and impact from the fountain water. In addition, several tree roots have lifted tree grates resulting in potential tripping hazards for visitors and due to several styles of surfaces cause maintenance issues. Staff provided the following recommendations: Bricks Replace areas with non-engraved bricks with colored stamped concrete. Relocate engraved bricks in the center of the Plaza to less-traveled areas. Leave the bricks surrounding the fountain and parallel to Truxtun Ave in their current places. Engraved bricks which are damaged will be patched with a patching agent. Granite Slabs Replace broken Granite Slabs with colored concrete as it is located in a high volume of visitor traffic. Tiles The names and logos of the 112 broken tiles will be re-engraved on existing blank tiles and replaced. Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, September 25, 2014 Page 3 Trees Remove and replace four trees along Truxtun and two trees along N Street with mature trees to provide shade, are drought tolerant, and are more suitable for walking surfaces. The trees roots are creating uneven walking surfaces causing potential tripping hazards and City liability. Fountain Replace the fountain with a traditional circle fountain or two half- moons fountain. Assistant to the City Manager Huot stated that several shade structures are being evaluated to increase shade in the grass areas as well. Committee member Smith asked if the bricks being patched would be moved. City Manager Tandy stated some bricks would remain in place while others may be relocated. Committee member Smith also asked if the Granite Slabs were engraved and if the engraving would be lost when replaced with colored concrete. Public Works Director Fidler stated most of the slabs are not engraved and the few that are, are severely damaged making the engraving illegible. Committee member Smith also asked if the tiles being re-engraved will be placed back in their original location around the fountain. City Manager Huot confirmed as such. Committee Chair Sullivan asked how many trees would be removed and for what purpose. City Manager Huot stated a total of six trees will be removed. City Manager Tandy stated overgrown roots have lifted the tree grates causing uneven walking surfaces. Each tree will be replaced with a Crape Myrtle. Ms. Gail Malouf asked what preventive measures would be taken to prevent the bricks from further damage once they are relocated or replaced and prevent the same situation in the future. City Manager Tandy stated that the bricks currently affixed to a sand bed will be relocated into a concrete base to an area less traveled but is highly visible. The original bricks were made of clay; they will be replaced with concrete bricks. Committee member Smith stated he would prefer a two half-moons fountain and asked if the teal tiles could be relocated along a wall instead of the ground. City Manager Tandy stated there are approximately 300 engraved teal tiles; the current wall space available is not enough for all the tiles. Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, September 25, 2014 Page 4 Committee member Rivera asked what bricks were being considered replaceable and how many there were in total. City Manager Tandy stated an exact number was unknown. There are several levels of damaged bricks including but not limited to some that have cracks, chips, broken in half, and deteriorated engravings. A determination has not been made as to what would consummate a brick be patched or completely replaced. Committee member Rivera made a motion to begin the removal of the six trees identified in the staff report and present the remaining recommendations in the plan to the full City Council. The motion was unanimously approved. 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update Regarding the Installation of Artwork Along the Westside Parkway, Entry Monument for Hwy 58, and Murals on the Kern River Parkway Bridges Management Assistant Caleb Blaschke provided a brief presentation outlining potential sites for artwork along the Westside Parkway. Betty Younger stated that metal is very expensive and thought the artwork renditions in the presentation where great representation of what Bakersfield is. Committee Chair Sullivan asked who would be financing the installation of the artwork. City Manager Tandy stated the funding could come from community donations, grants, and other special funding sources. Committee member Smith made a motion to have information prepared for distribution to the different industries that would describe how they could get involved if they choose to participate in the installation of artwork along the freeway. The motion was unanimously approved. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:38 P.M. cc: Honorable Mayor and Council OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 3, 2015 TO: Community Services Committee Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Willie Rivera Bob Smith FROM: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant SUBJECT: Council Referral – Placement of Art Work on the Westside Parkway Councilmember Smith requested that the Community Services Committee discuss the concept of creating artwork along the Westside Parkway.   Background: On September 16, 2014, staff presented the Community Services Committee with different concepts of artwork that could potentially be placed along the Westside Parkway. At that time, Committee members asked staff to create materials to show to organizations in order to solicit interest. Staff created the following website and brochure (see attachment). http://www.bakersfieldcity.us/westsideparkway/# Staff is in the process of obtaining estimates for different styles of artwork to help organizations determine approximate costs. Exact prices for artwork are difficult to determine because the size, style, and shape of the piece ultimately determines the cost. Once a concept is chosen by the sponsor and presented to the City for approval, the concept will then be presented to Caltrans. Upon consent from Caltrans, staff will work with the sponsor to determine exact costs for design and construction. For your reference, the memo from the meeting held on May 1, 2014 is attached regarding Caltrans approval process and also the types of artwork that the agency prefers. The memo from the meeting held on September 16, 2014 is also attached showing possible locations and different concepts of artwork. “L E A V E Y O U R M A R K O N B A K E R S F I E L D ” Pr o j e c t C o n t a c t : Ca l e b B l a s c h k e 16 0 0 T r u x t u n A v e Ba k e r s fiel d , C A 9 3 3 0 1 Em a i l : a r t w o r k @ b a k e r s fiel d c i t y . u s Ph o n e | 6 6 1 . 3 2 6 . 3 7 4 5 Fa x | 6 6 1 . 3 2 4 . 1 8 5 0 ww w . b a k e r s f i e l d c i t y . u s / w e s t s i d e p a r k w a y / SH O W C A S E BA K E R S F I E L D B Y SP O N S O R I N G A R T W O R K T H A T RE P R E S E N T S I T S R E S I D E N T S , IN D U S T R I E S A N D H I S T O R Y WH Y S P O N S O R CO M M U N I T Y AR T W O R K ?  PR O U D L Y P R O M O T E Y O U R I N D U S T R Y  GI V E B A C K T O T H E C O M M U N I T Y CI T Y O F B A K E R S F I E L D WE S T S I D E PA R K W A Y AR T W O R K Is y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n lo o k i n g t o d o n a t e lo c a l l y t o w a r d a g o o d c a u s e ? If s o , t h i s i s t h e p e r f e c t o p p o r t u n i t y ! Th e C i t y o f B a k e r s f i e l d i s c o n s i d e r i n g th e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f ar t w o r k w i t h i n sp e c i f i c l o c a t i o n s a l o n g t h e W e s t s i d e Pa r k w a y . Yo u r c h o i c e o f a r t w o r k m a y p r o u d l y de p i c t B a k e r s f i e l d ’ s r e s i d e n t s , i n d u s - tr i e s o r h i s t o r y . A d d i t i o n a l h a r d s c a p e ma y b e u s e d t o a c c e n t u a t e y o u r a r t - wo r k . If y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n i s i n t e r e s t e d i n th i s o p p o r t u n i t y , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e Ci t y f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . ww w . b a k e r s f i e l d c i t y . u s / w e s t s i d e p a r k w a y We s t s i d e P a r k w a y A r t C o n c e p t ww w . b a k e r s f i e l d c i t y . u s / w e s t s i d e p a r k w a y OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM September 23, 2014 TO: Community Services Committee Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Willie Rivera Bob Smith FROM: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant SUBJECT: Council Referral – Placement of Art Work on the Westside Parkway   On June 4, 2014 City Management and Public Works staff met with Brad Cole, Caltrans Central Region Senior Landscape Architect, to determine potential sites for artwork along Westside Parkway. Mr. Cole and City staff informally approved and determined that the areas contained in the following attachments are locations where artwork could be placed, depending on the size and style of the artwork. Most of the areas reside near freeway on and off ramps and are thirty five feet or more from roadways. For your reference, the memo from the meeting held on May 1, 2014 is attached regarding Caltrans approval process and also the types of artwork that the agency prefers. The artwork shown in the following attachments is only depictions of what could be placed in the sites identified by Caltrans and City staff. Staff based the renditions on some of the popular attractions in Bakersfield in order to give committee members an idea of what different types of artwork would potentially look like on the freeway.   We s t s i d e P a r k w a y L a n d s c a p e C o n c e p t Au g u s t 7 , 2 0 1 4 Lo c a t i o n 1 b - E a s t b o u n d / W e s t o f R e n f r o R o a d Re c r e a t i o n - R u n n i n g C h i l d r e n No t e s : • P a n e l s o f c h i l d r e n p l a y i n g • S i l o u t t e s s h o w n a r e e x a m p l e s o n l y . O r i g i n a l t o be u s e d i n f i n a l . Lo c a t i o n 1 c - W e s t b o u n d / W e s t o f R e n f r o R o a d Re c r e a t i o n - R o a d B i k e No t e s : • S t a t u e t i l t e d t o t h e l e f t t o s i m u l a t e t i g h t t u r n mo v e m e n t a s w e l l a s g i v i n g t h e m o t o r i s t a mo r e p r o f i l e v i e w • S t a t u e s h o w n i s a n e x a m p l e o n l y . O r i g i n a l t o be u s e d i n f i n a l . Lo c a t i o n 2 a - E a s t b o u n d / S o u t h w e s t co r n e r o f C a l l o w a y I n t e r c h a n g e Ag r i c u l t u r e - A l m o n d B l o s s o m s No t e s : • T h r e e a l m o n d t r e e p a n e l s • T h e f r o n t t r e e t o b e 1 . 5 x l a r g e r t h a n t h e o t h e r tw o f o r p e r s p e c t i v e • P a i n t e d o r c h a r d a l o n g s l a t t e d f e n c e • B a r r i e r p r o t e c t i o n r e q u i r e d Lo c a t i o n 2 b - E a s t b o u n d / S o u t h w e s t c o r n e r of C a l l o w a y I n t e r c h a n g e Ag r i c u l t u r e - O r a n g e G r o v e No t e s : • T h r e e r o w s o f i r o n p a n e l f e n c i n g w i t h a n o r - an g e t r e e b e t w e e n p o s t s . • E a c h r o w t o b e i n a w a v e p a t t e r n t o s i m u l a t e ro l l i n g h i l l s • P r o g r e s s i v e l y l a r g e r t o w a r d s t h e r o a d w a y Lo c a t i o n 2 c - W e s t b o u n d / N o r t h w e s t c o r n e r of C a l l o w a y I n t e r c h a n g e Ag r i c u l t u r e - G i a n t F r u i t s No t e s : • G i a n t P i s t a c h i o • G i a n t C a r r o t • G i a n t G r a p e s • B a r r i e r p r o t e c t i o n r e q u i r e d Lo c a t i o n 2 d - W e s t b o u n d / N o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of C a l l o w a y I n t e r c h a n g e Ag r i c u l t u r e - F a r m L a b o r e r s No t e s : • F i v e c o l u m n s o f s t o n e s p a i n t e d g r e e n t o r e p r e - se n t r o w s o f c r o p s • T h r e e s t a t u e s o f f a r m l a b o r e r s Lo c a t i o n 3 a - W e s t b o u n d / N o r t h w e s t c o r n e r Co f f e e R o a d I n t e r c h a n g e Co u n t r y M u s i c - M u s i c S y m b o l s No t e s : • M u s i c s y m b o l s o n w a l l o r o f f s e t f r o m w a l l • G u i t a r s t a t u e • C o w b o y h a t o n w a l l Lo c a t i o n 3 b - E a s t b o u n d s o u t h w e s t c o r n e r o f Co f f e e R o a d i n t e r c h a n g e Co u n t r y M u s i c - H o r s e B o o t a n d H a t No t e s : • B a r r i e r p r o t e c t i o n r e q u i r e d • E x a m p l e s h o w n o n l y . O r i g i n a l t o b e u s e d i n fi n a l Lo c a t i o n 4 a - W e s t b o u n d / N o r t h e a s t c o r n e r of C o f f e e R o a d I n t e r c h a n g e Oi l I n d u s t r y - S t e e l A r t a n d D r i l l B i t No t e s : • A b s t r a c t s t e e l a r t i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d • O i l D r i l l b i t i n t h e f o r e g r o u n d • E x a m p l e s h o w n o n l y . O r i g i n a l t o b e u s e d i n fi n a l • B a r r i e r p r o t e c t i o n r e q u i r e d Lo c a t i o n 4 b - E a s t b o u n d / E a s t o f C o f f e e R o a d Oi l I n d u s t r y - O i l W o r k e r s / O i l w e l l No t e s : • 3 d i m e n s i o n a l s t a t u e o f o i l w o r k e r s • O i l w e l l p a n e l i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d • N e e d b a r r i e r p r o t e c t i o n • E x a m p l e s h o w n o n l y . O r i g i n a l t o b e u s e d i n fi n a l Lo c a t i o n 5 a - E a s t b o u n d M o h a w k S t r e e t o f f - r a m p Ke r n N a t u r e s c a p e - W i l d l i f e No t e s : • P a n e l f o r e a c h • K i t F o x • D e e r • B l a c k b e a r Lo c a t i o n 5 b - E a s t b o u n d M o h a w k S t r e e t l o o p r a m p Ke r n N a t u r e s c a p e - K e r n R i v e r / M o u n t a i n s No t e s : • T h r e e i r o n m o u n t a i n p a n e l s a n d c o b b l e s t o n e s th a t g e t p r o g r e s s i v e l y l a r g e r t o w a r d s t h e r o a d - wa y • T h e s t o n e s s h o u l d b e p a i n t e d b l u e t o r e p r e s e n t a m e a n d e r i n g K e r n R i v e r OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM April 24, 2014 TO: Community Services Committee Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Willie Rivera Bob Smith FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Council Referral – Placement of Art Work on the Westside Parkway   On March 19, 2014, Councilmember Smith requested that the Community Services Committee discuss the concept of creating artwork along the Westside Parkway. He referred to other project examples, including Arizona, Nevada, and Fresno, where the history and/or characteristics of the area are depicted in various types of artwork around highway bridges and along roadways. Caltrans Requirements and Approval Process The installation of artwork along roadways is an appealing concept; however, funding sources, vandalism and on-going maintenance and repair expenses, among other concerns, are significant issues that must be considered. Placement of artwork on State of California Highways is governed by Caltrans. Attached for the Committee’s information is a copy of the Caltrans policy document regarding roadway artwork. Several of the significant features of their policies are noted, as follows:  Aesthetics must be considered in the highway project planning and design process;  Transportation art may include graphic or sculptural artwork, either freestanding or placed on required engineering features (such as noise barriers, retaining walls, bridges, bridge abutments, bridge rails, or slope Community Services Committee Council Referral - Placement of Art Work on the Westside Parkway April 24, 2014 Page 2   paving) that expresses something special about a community’s history resources, or character;  Transportation art is provided and maintained by a local agency;  Caltrans facilitates and coordinates the placement of artwork by others;  Caltrans will assume the administrative costs associated with reviewing transportation art proposals and issuing and monitoring encroachment permits for approved artwork projects;  All other costs, including labor, materials, supplies, and traffic control for design, engineering, testing, construction, installation, maintenance, and removal of the transportation art will be borne by the Permittee(s);  Caltrans may require the permittee(s) to provide bonds or other means to ensure maintenance, rehabilitation, and removal of art;  Transportation art proposals should be submitted to the district transportation art coordinator;  Caltrans has sole responsibility of approval of the artwork. In addition, funding for transportation artwork must be provided by the local jurisdiction. With regard to sculptures along freeways, Caltrans generally discourages such artwork due to the following reasons:  liability concerns (the potential of serious personal injuries and/or vehicle/property damage);  on-going maintenance is oftentimes necessary for sculptures, which creates a long-term financial obligation for the responsible municipality;  the high potential for vandalism, which may result in additional expenses related to repeated repair or replacement. Funding Sources While some states allocate a certain percentage of road construction funding for transportation artwork, California does not have such a provision. Therefore, potential funding sources for creation and on-going maintenance and repair of local roadway artwork projects, such as for the Westside Parkway, would have to be provided through community donations, grants, or other special funding sources. Some communities have partnered with local non-profit entities to provide artwork displayed in public spaces; however, that concept may not be feasible for roadway artwork. Community Services Committee Council Referral - Placement of Art Work on the Westside Parkway April 24, 2014 Page 3   In addition to the summary included in this report, the Caltrans landscape architect for District 6 who oversees the Bakersfield metropolitan area will attend the May 1, 2014 committee meeting. He will provide a presentation which will include information pertaining to:  the process of incorporating roadway artwork  funding  types of artwork allowed by Caltrans  examples of artwork in other jurisdictions AT:RS:CB Attachments OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 4, 2015 TO: Community Services Committee Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Willie Rivera Bob Smith FROM: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant SUBJECT: Downtown Artwork Parking Garage Mural On December 10, 2014 City Council requested that the Community Services Committee add another aspect of artwork to the next agenda. Specifically, they would like staff to look at the feasibility of adding artwork to the sides of structures downtown.   Background: At the December 10, 2014 Council meeting, the Bakersfield Young Professionals (BYP) presented different concepts of downtown improvements during public statements. Council asked that staff involve BYP in discussions of possible artwork on the City’s parking garage. On December 19, 2014, staff met with the BYP who provided staff with multiple concepts shown below. City policies allow artwork to be placed on the 18th and Eye Street garage. However, the artwork must depict Bakersfield’s residents and history. An organization using the artwork to advertise itself will not be allowed. Below are some different concepts that can be considered. Due to parking garage’s location, it will be important to involve multiple groups in deciding the concept of artwork placed. In surveying other cities, downtown improvements are typically funded by local businesses or Business Improvement Districts. The City estimates the mural to cost approximately $1,100-$2,000 depending on its size. The mural is estimated to last 3-5 years at which time it would need to be replaced. The City recommends that it solicit funds and donations to pay for the costs of the mural, lighting and mounting equipment. Prices for the installation of the mural have yet to be determined because the quotes received thus far have been too costly to bring forward at this time.       OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 3, 2015 TO: Community Services Committee Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Willie Rivera Bob Smith FROM: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant SUBJECT: Centennial Plaza Granite Slabs On August 13, 2014, staff presented City Council with issues that face the City at Centennial Plaza regarding the bricks, tiles, and granite slabs, and recommended the issues go to the Community Services Committee for further discussion. Background: Staff presented the issues with the Centennial Plaza to the Community Services Committee on September 25, 2014. Subsequently, the City Council approved the recommendations as presented. However, the City Council requested that staff ensure that the names on the broken granite slabs be replaced as well. Ten images have been identified that need to be re-engraved. As displayed in the attachment, many slabs were only partially engraved; therefore, staff can re-engrave the names on these granite slabs since space is available. This would cost the City approximately $4,000 - $5,000. Recommendations: In an effort to reduce tripping hazards and City liability, staff requests approval to re-engrave the images from the broken granite slabs onto granite slabs where space is available.       All meetings will be held at City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A Adopted: DRAFT Community ServicesCity Council Meetings Committee Meetings 3:30 Closed Session 12:00 p.m.5:15 p.m. Public Session Holidays - City Hall Closed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eague of California Cities Annual Conference - September 30, 2015 - October 2, 2015 Community Services Committee Calendar January 2015 Through December 2015 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRILMAYJUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER DOCUMENTS HANDED OUT AT THE COMMITTEE MEETING