HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2015BAKERSFIELD Staff: Steven Teglia, Assistant City Manager Chris Gerry, Administrative Analyst III City Council Me Terry Maxwell, C Jacquie Sullivan Chris Parlier Special Meeting of the Legislative and Litigation Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:00 p.m. City Hall North First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT NOVEMBER 17, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regarc Feasibility of Modifying the City Charter regarding Emplo� the Police Chief - Gennaro/Tandy/Williamson B. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regarc Feasibility of Modifying the Municipal Code to allow for Caller Bingo - Gennaro C. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regarding A< .. � .� i„ .. � n i � � .. ,,,,. .,.,. ; .�.� .. .. A A .. .. .�: ,,. ,.. c .-, i,. .. ,.i . . i .. -r .. ,., i : ,.. � BAKERSFIELD /�'/ StP�vPi TP��t;a� Staff: Steven Teglia Assistant City Manager Committee M Terry Maxwell Jacquie Sulliv Russell Johnsc REGULAR MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Monday, November 17, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember Terry Maxwell, Chair Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember Russell Johnson City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Steve Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst - City Manager's Office Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant - City Manager's Office Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate City Attorney Doug Mclsaac, Community Development Director Lt. Rene Chow, Bakersfield Police Department Tammy Davis, Animal Control Supervisor - Bakersfield Police Departm ^ - �- �- ' - r - -- -- � -- -- ^ - - - - � - -- --- - -- 1 " - - - - ' -- 1 - ^ - -- - -- - - - - �l- - ^ - - - - � Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Nov� 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The Report was adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Continued Discussion reaardinq the Mills Act Community Development Director Mclsaac presented a slide show brief overview of the Mills Act, which is a State law that was enactec Act allows, but does not require, local governments to enter into c owners of historic resources to provide for the preservation of thosE exchange for a reduction in property taxes. Mandatory terms include that the property must be listed on a nati local register of historic resources; the contract must provide maintenance and preservation of the building or resource; and the � be inspected for compliance at least every five years. The contract has an initial term of 10 years; and on the anniversai year, one additional year is automatically added to the terminatic contract is binding upon any subsequent owner of the resource. can be canceled by either the owner or the City; however, the va property and taxes would revert back to the pre-contract value, anc itself would not terminate until the end of the remaining term. If thE the contract for breach of terms, a penalty of 12.5% of the property' value is assessed against the owner. The County Assessor will use c formula to determine the new valuation of property taxes. The sc base year will range from 40-60�0. The reduction applies proporti� taxing entities. The City has a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Currently, there are listed, although there are many more that would qualify. Nomir placed on the register may be made by the property owners or the The ordinance requires review and approval by the Building Di� alternations. The program is voluntary. The criteria for consideration includes reflecting elements of the identification with an individual or event significant to the City' , , . , � , . , . , , , . . , � , , . Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Nov� Committee member Johnson asked what property tax revenue received for each of the 15 designate properties. Community Development Director said that information would obtained. Committee member Johnson asked how many, of the 15, had � interest in the Mills Act. Community Development Director answered that the owners of thE and Hayden Building are interested. Committee Chair Maxwell stated that several houses in the Oleand plaques in front, and there is a business at 18t" and Q Streets that r also, noting a designation. He asked how those were obtained. Development Associate Scanlan said that the Sunset-Oleander gro� a historical background of the area and prepared the plaques for The Kern Historical Society did the same thing in the Downtown currently working on plaques for other buildings Downtown. Committee Chair Maxwell asked if staff has contacted the Kern Hist to seek their input on the Mills Act. Community Development Director Mclsaac said that staff has plar them. Committee Chair Maxwell asked how many properties have been both of those groups. Development Associate Scanlan said that only the properties desig City Council are listed on the local register. Committee Chair Maxwell said that it is important to reach out to b� encourage a cooperative effort. Community Development Director Mclsaac said that the Historic Commission has been kept apprised of the discussion, and they will ii Historical Society to join the discussion. He noted that increas publicize the Mills Act would potentially generate more interest. Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Nov� City Attorney Gennaro noted that it is difficult to get removed frc environmental reasons, making it a disincentive for the property ov for designation. Any change to the property must be evaluated � historic features are retained. City Manager Tandy also noted that the requirements to be listed or Historic Register can be onerous versus the requirements to be listec register. Committee member Johnson said that if any property owner is interE listed on the local register, he would encourage staff to invite them � in the discussion when the required documents are drafted. If they at this time, he suggested tabling the issue until such time that they c his agreement to inviting the Kern Historical Society to participate in tl Committee member Maxwell asked staff to invite members of the h Society to attend an upcoming meeting of the Historic Preservatior and provide a short presentation on the Mills Act. B. Follow-up Report regarding Spay/Neuter Efforts Assistant to the City Manager Teglia reported that there has bee referral for the Committee to receive an update on the progress < and the incorporation of the shelter to Animal Control services introduced Animal Control Supervisor Davis and SPCA Director Jo� also the Director of the City of Bakersfield Animal Care Center (CBAC Mr. Teglia also introduced Police Lieutenant Chow, who oversee Control Division. Lieutenant Chow presented a slide show that overview of staffing, both in the field and at the CBACC; canvas: history of the establishment of the CBACC; and proactive prograrr responsible pet ownership, such as monthly and weekly clinics, mici temporary and remote licensing programs, and the spay/ne� program. New future proactive efforts were also covered. The information detailed statistics from the past year for impounc rescues and the number of animals that had been returned to Statistics from the efforts by Critters without Litters from the past yE disclosed. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia reported that the proactive effoi VPI"V CIIC'('ACCf11I• mr7nv C�At C�WYIAi"C I'1�7VA �nmr�liP�l with thP fAC'illli'AYYI Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Nov� There were no public comments. Committee member Sullivan said that she was very encouraged k She directed staff create a brochure that would be distributed, listin educational information about the leash law and other aspects of re ownership. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia reported that educational effc place at the shelter, schools, by Crime Prevention staff at Neighbo meetings, at the clinics, and by Critters without Litters. SPCA and CBACC Director Johnson said that counseling is providE adoption process and when a dog is returned to their owner. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia noted that the success of the pi not be possible without the efforts of the dedicated volunteers. �'� mentioned Ms. Keogh, who volunteers at the clinics and the CBACC. Committee Chair Maxwell asked how relations were going with the SPCA and CBACC Director Johnson replied that the working relati positive; both staffs cooperatively collaborate on a regular basis. Committee Chair Maxwell stated that one of the most positive thing� from the separation from the County is that there are now two succE one on each side of town. He added that staff provided a great rep 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Sullivan requested that staff provide a report to th� regarding the issue of squatters. City Attorney Gennaro said that her office would provide a report at a futur� Committee Chair Maxwell said he liked the idea of creating a brochure fc as it would be similar to the brochure that is being distributed related to systems. He thanked the other Committee members and staff for doing a good jok of the issues that came before them. � "illJlc,,,,. �� . MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY February 10, 2015 TO: LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Terry Maxwell, Chair Jacquie Sullivan Chris Pariier FROM: SUBJECT: RICHARD IGER, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY QZ.�-- THE PROCESS OF APPOINTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE As a follow-up to the IACP Study, Councilmember Maxwell requested th< City Attorney's office provide the Legislative and Litigation Committee wi overview of the legislative changes required to modify the process of selec Chief of Police, specifically to: 1) allow outside recruitment and, 2) givE Council the appointment responsibility. The current process for appointin Chief is set forth in Section 229 of the Charter, which in relevant part sta� follows: The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the City Manager from among the members of the Bakers�eld Police Department from a list of three eligible candidates, which list shall be furnished to the City Manager by the Commissioners not later than forty days after a vacancy in the office of the Chief of Police shall occur; after appointment the Chief of Police shall be removed from office or reduced in rank only as provided in this article. (Emphasis added.) 1. Allow Outside Recruitment for a Chief of Police As shown above, the Charter states that, "the Chief of Police shall be appc ... from among members of the Bakersfield Police Department." Becaus current process of selecting Chief of Police from among current members � department is set forth in the Charter, changing the process to allow o� rAr�ri iitmPnt wni ilr�! rPni iirr� ry (�'hnrtr�r �mPnrlmF?nt .. _.. . .. . . . . . _ .. � � Legislative and Litigation Committee February 10, 2015 Page 2 2. Citv Council Appointment of the Chief of Police Section 229 of the Charter states that "the Chief of Police shall be appoint the City Manager," so a charter amendment would also be required to gi� City Council the appointment responsibility for a Chief of Police. Howe� shown in the attached memo, no city in the top ten has their City Council � the sole appointing authority for a Chief of Police. Conclusion If after discussion of the topic, there is continued interest by the Legislativ Litigation Committee in changing the process to either allow outside recrui for a Chief of Police or give the City Council the appointment responsibilil City Attorney's Office will author a memo detailing the procedure and tirr that must be followed, as well as the costs to amend the Charter, and pre red-lined version of the Charter which highlights the revisions necessary f desired change. Rl:lsc/vl Attachment �:, E�:�� .�►�, ,; �,. � ._ To: From: Date: Subject: BAI�ERSFIELD POLICE MEM4RANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Greg Williamson, Chief of Police December 22, 2014 Referral Response for Police Department Study on California Citi� On November Sth Councilmember Maxwell requested specific information Departments of the 10 most populous California Cities. The information req� be found in the attachments, as follows: Attachment A: City, Police De�artment, and Crime Benchmark • Sworn officers • Sworn officers per capita (per 1,000 residentsj • Crime per capita (violent and property crimes) Attachment B: Police Chief Benchmark • Salary structure • Open / promotional hiring practices • Appointment responsibility Please let me know if you have any questions about this referral. �� -v � U a � � 'c C � G� � d � � � sm o�v U � o o � a� a V � `� ._ v O -' a, O � � � v E r u c a, m � E .� U v c v } c a� � O � a. v U .. � d. � � .� U � a� 0 > � N � � d a, � O c 3 N � C � � a 0 a. . .. v �� v �— ��� O� O O� � N 'd' M � '�d' N �I '�I MI I�I �I I�I �I O�I �I M NI �I gI (VI �I MI °°I �I .-I � 00 �o o r� o �o c� c� er � o r� r� � o �o U QO N I� �O QO I� '�h M O� C�l I� �O I� N�1' �O 00 c`') O N � 0�`0 � �t � � �v N � O ��pf' (��A 00 IM� O� O� O� �O ('7 � 00 M a 00 � '� �' '� ('� ('� M � ,� � c°� o .c V � a 'U � � � a� v� � c � � � � � �� � a � � m � N•� m c s u a '� :� � •� -p y U �v � v �°70 m o c av 0 Q y a� U u � ._ v d O � � a _ u c � m d U a, U a�. C ,O N •� C 0 W U � � �1-- � N � O � a c 0 � � C .� 0 Z � 0 0 a � c � � � � N � U .0 �1�- � � -F-- � � � U � .y h � U �� � N ,` O � � a � � � � � � a o� o� � N � �N � a � � � a H � � U c � U � � U 2 N � N � � � � Q � C � N > II � � 0 c N O � � U a� � a � � � U } O C O N U N � � L i-- .} � t C � � .` U � � C O � O 0 a � O C � O � Q U 'a �. .... ..� � N � � 0 � � � �^` W � U N � � N L � 'C a t U � U a�i � � N � 3 � U 0 ,� � a�i U O � N � � � N � � � 7 _ � � O N L O a � � 3 .� � c � D � � MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY February 12, 2015 TO: LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Terry Maxwell, Chair Jacquie Sullivan Chris Parlier FROM: STEVEN L. TEGLIA, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGE )� JOSHUA H. RUDNICK, DEPUTY CITY ATTORN ��v�w� SUBJECT: REMOTE CALLER BINGO Introduction During the public statement portion (3:30 p.m. session) of the City meeting of November 5, 2014, representatives of the local American Lec 26 requested the City of Bakersfield look into allowing remote calle Several councilmembers subsequently referred the item to the Legislai Litigation committee for review and consideration. Background Pursuant to state statute (Penal Code Section 326.5) the City of Ba permits traditional bingo through Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter ; such, the regulation of this type of bingo is governed by the local juri� which provide for it. Currently, the City licenses six (6) organizations to conduct tradition< games within the City. These include: 1. American Legion Post No. 26; 2. Fraternal order of Eagles; 3. Garces Hiah School� Legislative and Litigation Committee February 12, 2015 Page 2 state facilities to co-sponsor live bingo games, if authorized pursuant tc ordinance and approved by the California Gambling Control Commissi� "Remote Caller Bingo" is defined as: A game of bingo in which the numbers or symbols on randomly drawn plastic balls are announced by a natural person present at the site at which the live game is conducted, and the organization conducting the bingo games uses audio and video technology to link any of its in-state facilities for the purpose of transmitting the remote calling of a live bingo game from a single location to mvltiple locations owned, leased, or rented by that organization, or as described in subdivision (oJ of Section 326.3 of the Penal Code. Since the enactment of the California Remote Caller Bingo Act, the s had some struggles with establishing a lasting oversight model for the K The California Gambling Control Commission even terminated rE activities as of July 1, 201 1, due to a lack of funding to support the progr Current Regulatorv Structure Under the Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 2012, the Depar� Justice, Bureau of Gambling Control assumed responsibility for recei� processing applications associated with the remote caller bingo K effective July 1, 2013. The California Gambling Control Commission rei jurisdiction over: (1) the approval of licenses and work permits, anc authorization of nonprofit organizations to conduct remote caller bingo It should be noted that if the City adopts an ordinance authorizing remc bingo, any local organizations licensed to conduct bingo would still follow the process outlined by the State Department of Justice to obt� authorization to conduct remote caller bingo and the steps which followed prior to conducting such games. Additional resource informa be found through the link provided below. Legislative and Litigation Committee February 12, 2015 Page 3 currently recognized by the California Gambling Control Commission able to conduct remote caller bingo games. Conclusion: If the Committee is inclined to move forward with allowing remote call in the City of Bakersfield, staff will need to develop a new Remote Cal Ordinance or modify our existing Bingo Ordinance to authorize remo bingo in the City of Bakersfield. A model ordinance is included in t� Code section which authorizes remote caller bingo, however, this ordinance is simply a suggestion, and staff would like to fully evaluate adopting a stand-alone ordinance or modifying our existing Bingo Ordi most appropriate. Furthermore, staff would like to more fully discuss suc with the Finance and Police Departments who are currently involved in and enforcement activities related to currently bingo games. ST:JHR:dII S:\COUNCIL\Commiltee\LEG & LIT\14-15\Remotecallerbingo.ST&JH.Docx California Cities with Remote Caller Bingo Updated Model Ordinance Arleta Arlington Heights Arroyo Grande Atascadero* Azusa Baldwin Hills Barstow Beaumont Bel Air Bell Gardens Beverly Crest Boyle Heights Brea Brenfinrood Burbank Calexico* Canoga Park Century City Chatsworth Cherlot Hills Chula Vista* Clearlake* Compton Corona* Crenshaw Crestview Cuenga Pass Cyprus Park Del Ray Desert Hot Springs Dixon Penal Code 326.3 Garden Grove Glassel Park Granada Hills Greater Mid Wilshire Park Griffith Park Harbor City Harbor Gateway Hemet Hollywood Hyde Park Indio* Jefferson Park Korea Town Lake Balboa Lake Elsinore* Lakeview Terrace Latuna Canyon Lemet Park Lincoln Park Los Alamitos* Los Angeles* Mar Vista Mid City Mission Hills Montebello* North Hills North Hollywood Northridge Ontario* Pacific Palisades Pacoima Rialto S. Lake Tahoe San Bernardino* San Clemente* Shadow Hills Sherman Oaks Silver Lake South East La South La Studio City Sun Valley Sunland Sylmar Tarzana Topanga Tujunga Valley Glen Valley Village Van Nuys Venice Victorville Watts West Adams West Chester West Hills West La Westlake Wilmington Wilshire Center Winetka Woodland Del Ray Desert Hot Springs Dixon Eagle Rock East Hollywood Eastvale Echo Park EI Sereno Encino Fair Fax Mid City West Folsom Fontana Fullerton Palms Panorama City Pico Urban Placentia Playa Del Rey Pomona* Porter Ranch Poway Rancho Cucamonga* Rancho Mirage* Rancho Park Redlands Reseda *Denotes Cites listed on the State Department of Justice website. Woodland Hil Yucaipa* Upland List of Counti Riverside Coi Solano Coun1 San Bernardi California Gambling Control Commission LIS7 pF ALL GAMBLING CONTRC3L COMMtSSI(?N LICENSE[? ENTIiIES To view currently ar,tive licenses, please choose a license :ype from the drop down menu bsio��d. Cl+ck the text in thr Yiracier roav to sort by that column. Select I..icense Type: RB- Recognized Organization v� Page 1 of 2 L.icense Name Prerequfsite CiYy 8tate Zip License Status Ex�iratian Numbar Gode ❑a#e RC3R0-0Ci0014 America;i Leyion, Post 112 ��one Ontario t:A 91762 Interim 12,•'31/2C14 ;pproval RF3R0-O00008 American I..egion, Posl 20D none I_cjke Elsirzore C�1 57_5_':0 Intcrirn 10/3.LJ7_0.t.]. Approval REiRt)di0(.;(i;?9 Arnerican !_c�gion, Posi: 20S none Gixon i:A 45G70 InteriEn 0]%3]/7.0,.> I� provai RESRO-00C)Qt2 Arnerican f..c;gien, PosF. h"l.6 none Yucaipa CA 97.399 Interirn 04/3b/?.0].1. Flpproval RF3RO i)OOi)IS Gs�nerican Le9ion, Pas€: 79 none RIVBt'SIC1P, t;n 91`ipl Interirn 071;',ljl(ii.l Approval RBRO-DOOQ44 Atascadero Liks, E�enevulent r�rotective Order of tlks x2733 none l�tascadero CA 9:',42"L lnterim O1/31/207 5 �pprnval Rf3R(}..00UQ36 Grea €�ost Np. S3i34, Veterans of I°areicn L�Jars nnne t3rea CA �32821 Interim 06/30/2D12 Approval RHl:Q-0OCG4i. Clearlake Oaks Moose Locige »7284 none Clearlake Oaks CA 95473 Interim 1.?J3.1./2014 Approval R[3RC)-0000`i�l Cerr�ifcz Del Arnor none I..os /diamitns CA 9(.}720 Interirn t.?/3.1.i2U1S A roval RFSRi)-00004;3 Corona Fiks f_oclge #20�`i none Corona Cft 92879 .rnterirn 7.?/:37.; 2Q14 Approvai RP3RC)-i):)f;(i;;s Cri-HeiF�, lnc. none Nori:h hlo[lywoor,'t�A 91F.01 Interim 1.0;i31/"LOI5 ,'� rova! RCiIZJ-000016 Desert Hot Spri;iGS Elks Lodge No. 2639 none Desert Ffot CA J'L"L<IO Interim i2; 31J2QI9 iprinc,�s Approval C2CiR0 �2Oi)001 Fraternal C)rder of Eacie:s 4F92�? nane f=olsoin CA 95630 Interim US/31/2pII Approval RBRD-000050 Fuii�rton ciks Locir7e, �.t993 none Fullerton CA 9?835 Int�rim Ob;OI/20.i.5 /t �roval Rf3R0-OOOQ30 C�eneral 4ViIGam Stark Roserran5 Fosl: No. 32fi1, Vece:rans ot none Gardena CA 90?•37 Interirn 06/_i01203.7 ('oreiqn Wa;s A �roval R�,RO-OGOtJ4S lierman Granados American L.egion Posl: 739 none Indio C;l� 9Z?0.1. Interim 0?./28/7.03.5 Approval Rf3R0-Jf)OO1:3 Knights qf Cqlumbus, C:ounr,il 4•13i3 none iujtmga CA 91042 Inkerim i2j ;ij20L�1 A� roval RBRO OUOOSI Niqntebello Elks Lodge �2051 none Montebello cn �30640 Interim 07j31/2015 Ap roval 12f3RG D'J00<72 Moihers Flyainst Sexuai Ai�users none Union SC 29:i79 interim 12/;1/20I4 nriprova� kHl':Q-0OGC?3 North HoilyvdooU 5un Vailey (>ost No. ].Ou40, tiIF'tV nane Surt Va!ley CA 9].357_ Interirn 12/3l./2014 F5 roval RE31�0 00007.8 Nor,,valk t.odgrt No. 17 ;9 i..oyal C)rder oF Moose, Inc. rione Nlhitlier CA 90G05 Tnterim 07.,/31/2�15 1� roval r.rsrc.�-oocass Old Fialr,'y Pnst Pdr.i. 208`i, VeC��ra�i, o` t ore�ign bb'ars none Ontario CA 9].764 L•rterim 06/30J2012. Approval RP1Rb-Oi)QO].I Ont:ar;o ia,i:Pitch Softbali t\;SOCIa3?7011 none Ontario CA 9llE;1 Interim 01!31/2011 A roval RI3{20-J00022 I%lacentia Post No. 277, Flmerican Leg+ai nonc I�lacentia (;A 92870 Tnterim 03J10j2G11 Approv�l RG{t0-0(1C031 I%omona C:harles i7. Rowe Post No. 3i�, American Legion none Pomor.a C� 91767 Interim 12;31;"Lp14 �;>proval RBRO-000038 �aint Gara6��>d Arrner.ian Apostolir Churrh of the Desert none Ranchc fliragt� CA 9?_270 Interirn 17_J3'Lj7_014 A �rovai RF3R0-f)t)0019 San Cle�rtiertte i_odge No. 2063, f�ctnevoleni: and Proteetive nnne San ClernenCe CA 91(i77 Inlerim Q7/�7./?.01. i Qrder of Elks Apprqval RF3R0-(70QC46 Sportsman`s Ciub cf Jnshua Trc±e none JosEiu� Trt:e CA 9??i2 Inlerirn 04/30/20].`i Approval I�F3R0-C)f)00!'r2 S,. Genevieve fiigh School none Panorama City C:� 914{)"L Inkerim 09j:3C1/20i> A�� roval RBF20 000048 St. Joseph Catholic Church none Upland CA �317£36 Interiin 04/30,i2015 Approvai FtEif20 000Q20 S[. Pius X Catholic (:hurch none Chula Viska CA ��i�a1i I�iterim 12/31J2014 npproval kBRO-000047 l"h:t Arrie� ic�jn L.egion California Veterans Affairs and none Ontario CA 9].767_ Interim 04/30/7_015 Rehai�ilitation Poundation. A� roval Rt?RO-000049 Yolo Po,t 77, 11inc�ricari I..egior. riorie Nloodl�nd CA 95fi95 Interirn (.)4/30/2015 f�pproval Rt3R0-�0004C) Yur.aii:�a Fiks L�adt�e i2.;$9 none Yucaipa Cli 97399 Interirn i.?/:3J.,'2Q14 Approval http://www.cgcc.ca.gov/?pageID=licensees&reportID=7001 2/12/2015 Legislative and Litigation Committee Calendar January 2015 Through December 2015 All meetings will be held at City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A Adopted: DRAFT � Legislative and Litigation Committee Meetings 12:00 p.m. . . ������0 ������� ���� ' �� ������� ' ������ ��� ' ��� ������� . 0000�00 ������� ��� ' ��� ������ ' ������� �� ' ���� ������� 0000�00 ������� ��� ' ��� ������ ' ������� �� ' ���� ������� • •: • �OQQ�Q� ������� ���� ' �� iiliT.7i�e�i7liL�i7�ii7 � ❑ City Council Meetings 3:30 Closed Session 5:15 p.m. Public Session Holidays - City Hall Closed . ������� ������� ������� ' ������ ��� ' ��� ������ ' ������� . 0000�00 --�-��� ��� � � ' � ������� � ' � � ��� ���� ' �� ������� . 0000�00 ������� ������ ' ������� �� ' ���� ����� ' � ������� NOVEMBER S M T W TH F S ������� 7t.•7iT.1ii1iL7ire�i�l �QQ� ���� � ' �1 ���1 ���� : ��� ��01 ���1 �� '1 ���1 m��♦ � : �•i� DEC The following slide show was presented at the Special Meeting of the Legislative and Litigation Committe� on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 _�`��kz - ,,,{� �I ;y, `i��� � � � � � � � � • � � � � � � � � • Le islative & Liti ation Com g g Februar 17, y � ■ ■ i � �� � � � � I � � � I � � A game of �bi�go in which the �um,bers or s o� ra�domly dra wn plastic �balls are ar��oui a�atural perso� prese�t at the site at whic, live game is co�ducted, a�d the orga�izatic co�ducti�g the �bi�go games uses audio a� tech�o%gy to li�k a�y of its i�-state facilit� the purpose of tra�smitti�g the remote cal� live ,bi�go game from a si�gle loca tio� to �r locations ow�ed, /eased, or re�ted �by that orga�izatio�, or as descri,bed i� su,bdivisio� Section 326.3 of the Pe�al Code. ■ ■ ■ e rr� o e � e r i n o- i i .. n i ies . An organization that is exempted from the payment of the taxes i m posed u nder the C o r p o rat i o n Tax Law o r Reve n u e a n d Tax at Code (specific sections identified). �� A mobi le home park association. 099 A senior citizens' organization. YYY� Charitable organ izations affi I iated with a sc d i st ri ct. ■ ■ � � � � � � � I � � � � � I �� � The organ ization cond ucti ng the game s hal been incorporated or in existence for three more. ► Shal I be I icensed for reg u lar Bi ngo by City. � Receipts of the game shall be used only for charitable pu rposes. �YY The operation of bi ngo may not be the pri n pu rpose for wh ich the organ ization is orgar ■ � � � I � � � � � � � � � � � � � Games shall not be conducted by any licen� more than two days d u ri ng any week, exce� additional game each calendar quarter. � No m i nors al lowed to partici pate P� Remote caller bingo shall include only sites located with i n the state. ��� Shal I be open to the pu bl ic and not I i m ited members of the authorized organization. ■ ■ � � � � � � � I � � � � � I �� :-� Ove rhead costs s hal I not exceed 2 0% of g rc sales. ��� The value of prizes awarded shall not exceE of the g ross recei pts for that game. � An organization can cosponsor a remote ca bi ngo game with one or more organ ization; specific provisions. � No more than 10 u naffi I iated organ izations more than 10 locations. ■ e rr� o e a e r i n o- r� rocess v� Local j u risd iction needs to have an ord i nance authoriz Caller Bingo. � Organization must receive a license from local jurisdic � Submit a"Statement of Eligibility to Conduct Remote C to the DO� Bu reau of Gam bl i ng Control. ��Y The completed application will be considered by the C Gambling Control Commission at a regularly schedule� meeti ng. ,� Once authorized by the state the organization must pr anrJ Inc-al law Pnf�rc-PmPnt with at IPa�t �n-rJav� ar�van ■ � � � � � � � I � � ���� � :-� State Department of �ustice - Bureau of Gar Control - Remote Caller Bingo Page: i � ��N►. � / �►� .r.,a. �uv`' / �ai � � ui i i �� / � �� i ���.C_'�.t-�i �c � ► California Gambling Control Commission P� � Y � � �..r . / / :� � �+ �Y �+ �i . '�.. +�.� �1., �... . '�., t�l . � +r.� �r , : f✓ � '�.� �. � � — � � � � � � �e � �a � �. � �I � � � � ; � Bi ngo I n novations of Cal iforn ia: �t�C��. � j v�vr�r��.r err�c.,���.:c����� ��ri�c.�.t.,�rr� � ■ � � � I I � � � � � � � Recommend the Cit take no action an v authorize Remote Cal ler Bi n o i n Bake� g � Recommend the Cit take action to rE y p an ord i nance authorizi n Remote Cal IE g i n Bakersfield er state statute. p ► The ord i nance can c fo r revi ew o r can o g consideration. ome back to Com r strai ht to Counci g