HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/06C� (� Alan Tandy, City Manager Staff: Alan Christensen � B A K E R S F I E L D AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Irma Carson, Chair Mike Maggard Jacquie Sullivan REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Of the City of Bakersfield Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:45 a. m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 The meeting was called to order at 11:55 a.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Councilmembers Irma Carson, Chair; Mike Maggard, Vice Mayor Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan Advisory members present: Bob Malouf, Employer's Training Resource; Stephanie Campbell, Cornerstone Group; Wesley Crawford, SCLC; and Walter Williams, GBLA ADOPTION OF THE JANUARY 24, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON CRIME, WEAPONS, GANG VIOLENCE AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Adopted as submitted. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Discussion and update on enforcement activities by the Police Department and other agencies (Assistant Police Chief Bryan Lynn) According to Assistant Chief Lynn, so far in 2006, there were 31 guns seized, 219 felony arrests, 728 probation/parole searches, and 4 search warrants were served. There have been 8 gang shootings. Comparing g�ng shootings for this timeframe to years past: 2005 — 9; 2004 — 5; and 2003 - 3. The Department applied for a$60,000 grant, which would pay informant fees, and perhaps a gun-buy program and funding for gun analysis. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee March 23, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 2 Captain Scott reported that the Special Enforcement Unit is concentrating this year on saturating its patrol presence. The number of officers has increased from 14 to 20, complimented by 3 sergeants. Time on patrol has increased from 16 to 20 hours per day. As a result, there has only been 1 gang homicide in 2006; at this time last year, there were 4. The Unit works closely with detectives in the Investigations division, especially on high profile homicides, and attends neighborhood, Church and other group meetings. They are also working proactively with the Crime Prevention division and school resource officers to reach young people to dissuade them from joining gangs. The Narcotics unit has also implemented a street program which culminated with arrest of approximately 24 street narcotics dealers, who were mostly gang affiliated. The Police Department is working closely with the District Attorney's office to obtain the enhanced penalties for gang-related crimes, which could add an additional 5— 15 years to a penalty, depending on the original offense and criminal history of the individual. It was noted that the community is contacting gang hotline. Committee member Maggard asked for an update on security efforts at Valley Plaza. Assistant Chief Lynn reported that the number of Valley Plaza security officers has increased, and they have increased patrols both inside and outside of the mall. The City's Crime Prevention division continues to meet with Valley Plaza management to discuss proactive approaches, such as identifying gang members, sharing information, and ways to handle incidents, should they happen again. Stores frequented by gang members involve the sale of sports clothing and tennis shoes. The Special Enforcement Unit is also continuing their presence there, making contact with gang members, and arresting them, if necessary. b. Discussion and recommendations regarding analysis of SB 155 — Gang Abatement Act (City Attorney Gennaro) City Attorney Gennaro gave a brief overview of the bill and an update on the status of the bill, which was introduced by Senator Feinstein. Sarah Moffatt, with Senator Feinstein's office, stated in a recent conversation with City Attorney Gennaro that the bill is supposed to go back to the Senate Judiciary Committee, with Alan Spector as Chair. Should this bill not be placed back on the Committee agenda, a new bill will be introduced. This Committee will be kept apprised. Ms. Moffatt asked that this Committee direct the Chief of Police to send a letter to Mr. Spector in support of the bill, and request that it be placed on the agenda. This action was approved by motion and second. Committee Chair Carson asked for additional letters from everyone, including the Sheriff's Department, Probation, and the Department of Human Services. She plans to meet directly with Senator Feinstein the week of March 27th, and would like to deliver the letters personally. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee March 23, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 3 Advisory member Williams will try to get a letter from Mt. Elgon, who will be applying again for Weed and Seed program. A letter will be circulated for signature by the Advisory members at the next meeting. c. Continued discussion and recommendations regarding Advisory Committee appointments The Advisory Committees were designated, as follows: • Education and Prevention — Walter Williams, Bill Andrews • Job creation — Stephanie Campbell, Bob Malouf, Wesley Crawford • Enforcement and suppression — Police Department, Wesley Crawford, Beth Gong • Intervention w/ families — Beverly Johnson, Wesley Crawford, Beth Gong, Walter Williams Each group will choose their own chair. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion regarding graffiti enforcement activities by the Police Department (Assistant Police Chief Bryan Lynn) Assistant Chief Lynn reported that there are two officers assigned full-time to a program called GHOST (Graffiti Habitual Offender Suppression Team). This team works closely with the General Services division and their graffiti staff. General Services' staff takes photos, which are sent to the GHOST officers, who in turn work closely with Probation and the Kern County High School District. In the past week, 5 arrests were made (4 felonies and 1 misdemeanor) and 34 cases were cleared. There has been a tremendous spike in reported cases in January and February, with nearly 1,000 cases each month. The Police Department intends, by May, to assign two detectives to supplement the team. A large component of the program is education of school children, merchants, and general citizenry. A yet-to-be-hired Community Resource Specialist will ensure businesses that sell paint are in compliance with the law. b. Discussion regarding 2006 Committee meeting schedule It was agreed to meet on the 4�h Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee March 23, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 4 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Advisory member Williams stated that the Special Enforcement Unit is making a difference within the community with their presence. Specifically, Officer Miller is doing a miraculous job at Sequoia, Emerson, Wayside and Curran Schools. He spends time with children during school, after school, walking house to house, and walking kids home. The response time overall has improved. Mr. Williams also suggested holding a community forum every few months to show the community that the Committee is being proactive. Advisory member Campbell reported that she and Advisory member Malouf had discussed an innovative way to create� jobs by holding a contest that would be judged by local business owners. The winner would receive assistance in seeking capital. Advisory member Crawford stated that the response time at Wayside Park is excellent. Officers are running offenders out of the park so that the kids can play. According to Bill Andrews, the Stop the Violence action group is meeting every Monday night at the PAL center. Every Saturday, they pass out flyers and talk to the community. They are looking at a broad range of activities either to help create or partner with others in the community to provide alternatives with respect to jobs and training, such as starting small businesses, going into schools, and after-school programs. Committee member Maggard reported that the African American Male Mentoring Program meets monthly on Saturdays at Emerson School. Committee Chair Carson directed that Valley Plaza management and the FBI be invited to the next meeting. She also wants to see a fact sheet of enforcement efforts. Jim Scott, with KGET — Channel 17, reported that the station is presenting a forum on gang violence on April 23, 2006. In May, MASK (Mothers Against Senseless Killings) is holding a series of events for community awareness. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12 53 p.m. Staff present: Mayor, Harvey L. Hall; Assistant City Manager, Alan Christensen; City Attorney, Virginia Gennaro; Assistant Police Chief, Bryan Lynn; Capt. Archie Scott and Lt. Jess Molinar, Bakersfield Police Department; and Sean Cacal, Public Works Department. Others present: Beth Gong, Kern County Probation; Craig Porter, Kern County Sheriff's Office; Beverly Beasley Johnson, Kern County Department of Human Services; William Andrews, Stop the Violence; David Strong; Jim Scott and Steve Van Scheck, KGET — Channel 17; and representatives from Channels 23 and 29. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council