HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/06Aian Tandy, City Manager Staff: Alan Christensen � B A K E R S F I E L D AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Irma Carson, Chair Mike Maggard Jacquie Sullivan REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE and Community Advisory Committee of the City of Bakersfield Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:30 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 The meeting was called to order at 11:45 a.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Councilmembers Irma Carson, Chair; and Jacquie Sullivan Vice Mayor Mike Maggard Advisory members present: Bob Malouf, Employer's Training Resource; Stephanie Campbell, Cornerstone Group; Wesley Crawford, SCLC; Ralph Anthony, St. Peters; and Walter Williams, GBLA ADOPTION OF THE MARCH 23� 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Update regarding gang and graffiti enforcement (Assistant Police Chief Bryan Lynn) Assistant Chief Lynn reported on graffiti enfo�cement. In 2005, the GHOST unit made 70 arrests. As of April 25�', there were 40 arrests. During the last finro weeks, probation searches were conducted at three residences by a combination of Police and Probation officers, which resulted in one juvenile and one adult arrest. Cases are being cleared with the cooperation of Probation, the Sheriff's Department and the School District. 5. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee April 27, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 2 Police Captain Scott reported on gang enforcement. Since the last meeting of this committee, 40 felony suspects were arrested, bringing the total 2006 to 303. Since January, 48 guns were seized, and over 984 probation/parole searches were conducted. The number of gang-related shootings for April, 2005, was 214. In April, 2006, there were 2. The focus continues to be on drugs, gang violence and the seizure of firearms. The Special Enforcement Unit increased random patrols of Valley Plaza. Committee Chair doing a great job. Carson thanked the Police Department for making this a priority and Committee member Sullivan stated that parents need to be more responsible. b. Gathering of signatures by the Advisory Members in Support of SB 155 (Gang Abatement Act) The letter was distributed for signature. c. Update regarding Security at Valley Plaza Shopping Center (Assistant Police Chief Lynn) Assistant Chief Lynn introduced Valley Plaza General Manager, Donna Berlin and Acting Security Manager, Tom Dinnauer. Ms. Berlin reported that the Police presence has had marked improvement. Internally, they made some personnel changes, added new equipment, and added hours, among other things. Committee Chair Carson thanked them for attending and for conducting a tour of their security area. She stated that the shopping center is doing what it is supposed to do. Advisory member Crawford suggested that if the cameras were lower, more detail could be viewed. He also reported that .some other shopping centers have armed security officers. Ms. Berlin explained that the company has a poticy for all of their facilities that the security officers will not be armed. A statement was made from the audience that the risk was too great of injuring an innocent person in this type of.setting. Mr. Crawford also asked about the feasibitity of having a satellite police station at the mall. Ms. Berlin responded that the facility management was in favor of this idea and would pay some of the costs involved. Committee Chair Carson replied that this issue is currently under consideration by the Police Department and City Atto�ney's office. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion regarding the feasibility of establishing an ordinance to authorize seizures of drug/gang houses (City Attorney Gennaro) Committee Chair Carson reiterated the need to establish ordinance to seize drug houses. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee April 27, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 3 City Attorney Gennaro reported that there are two sections of State law that relate to this issue. The first section is part of Health and Safety Code Section 11469, which allows the government to seize property, including houses where any part of drug trafficking takes place. This can only be prosecuted by the District Attorney's office. She suggested having a representative of the District Attorney's office attend the next meeting to explain how frequently they use Section 11469, their rate of success; and if none, why not. Section 11570 is more civil in nature and prosecutable by the City Attorney's office. Any building that is used to manufacture, store, or sell controlled substances, by law is a nuisance, which can be abated. The City Attorney's office will accumulate a large amount of documentation, and, working closely with the Police Department, build a case. These documents include calls for service and arrest records at a particular address. Once there is a written record, the matter goes to court, where an injunction is obtained. These injunctions may also regulate who visits and what they can do there. b. Discussion regarding County Involvement in Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Kern County Supervisor Rubio stated that he was pleased to meet with this committee. His focus is on prevention and intervention. He suggested the creation of a standing committee that would deal not only on gang violence, but violent crimes in general. Specifically, it would focus on keeping neighborhoods safe. Social agencies would be integrated. Presentations would be regularly made to the City Manager and County Administrative Officer. Advisory member Campbell stated that it would be beneficial to have a gang member participate. Advisory member McClanahan reported on a model that is a collaboration of law enforcement, legal, parole, probation, and community-based organizations that provides education, job training, substance abuse counseting, and mental health counseling. Citizens are monitored and given an opportunity to work out their problems. Pastor Jordan reported that the Stop the Vio/ence committee is directly involved with gang members by getting them job training, taking them to church, and mentoring them in an after- school program. Every Saturday, the committee marches through a different community to make contact. Manuel Carrizalez reported that Stay Focused Ministries also works directly with gang members, and has a positive outreach program. Committee Chair Carson reiterated the need to take action, and use strategies that area already in place. Supervisor Rubio �epeated his conviction to stand with Ms. Carson and call for the creation of a joint committee. He stated the need for both public agencies to provide ongoing funding for the program. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Aprii 27, 2006 Agenda Summary Report Page 4 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m. Staff present: Assistant City Manager, Alan Christensen; City Attorney, Virginia Gennaro; Assistant Police Chief; Bryan Lynn; and Capt. Archie Scott, Bakersfield Police Department. Others present: Michael Rubio, Kern County Supervisor — 5�' District; Mickey Sturdivant, M.A.S.K.; Willy Wahl, Kern County Sheriff's Department; Edward King, Bakers�eld Californian; Elizabeth Gong and Matthew Kundinger, Kern County Probation; Beverly Beasley Johnson, Kern County Department of Human Services; Pastor Josephat Jordan, Stop the Violence; Donna Berlin and Tom Dinnauer, Valley Plaza; Manuel Carrizalez, Stay Focused; Terry McClanahan, Ebony Counseling Service; Greg Scoggins; C. Witliams; Jim Parks; and Nitar Milligan. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council