HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/28/2014BAKERSFIELD /s / ste�v�w Te,g (,i,a� Staff: Steven Teglia Assistant to the City Manager AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Committee Mei Willie Rivera, Cr Ken Weir Terry Maxwell Monday, April 28, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember Willie Rivera, Chair Vice Mayor Ken Weir Councilmember Terry Maxwell - Absent City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Assistant to the City Manager Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant-City Manager's Office Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Nelson Smith, Finance Director Tera Loveless, Accountant II - Financial Services Randy McKeegan, Accounting Supervisor - Financial Services Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager Nick Fidler, Acting Public Works Director AGENDA SU� Budget and Finance Comr Monda� 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The Report was unanimously adopted as submitted. Note: It was incorre on the agenda as the January 27, 2014 Agenda Summary Report. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion reqardinq the Open Gov Budqet Data Sharinq Webs Finance Director Smith reported that Councilmember Johnson item to Committee at the City Council meeting on March 5, 201 Public Statement portion of that meeting, a brief presentation Gov software was given by a representative of the Kern Citizens fc Government. He stated that the City is in support of transparency, and has, fo posted financial statements and all Budget documents on the w is fully accessible by the public. Further, the Government Fin� Association (GFOA) requires a high level of disclosure and trans� the City of Bakersfield has repeatedly met that criterion, as e multiple awards bestowed on the City by the Association. Staff researched both the Open Gov software and a product another firm, Socrata. Cost estimates were received. The yearl Open Gov software is $12,000 and $22,000 per year for the Socrat Assistant to the City Manager Budget information posted on navigational tools. The format documents from 1999 forward, posted. Huot provided a practical ovE the City's website, including ho is considered to be user friendl� including a condensed "Budget At the Committee's request, Finance Director Smith accessed tr website, and presented a random overview of its capabilities. that it is an alternative method to viewing the information th available on the City's website. City Manager Tandy added that other than being able to preferred type of chart, all of the information is the same as � /VIY/�NN\/ NNP NNN NNP NNN T/�Y N I/�NN �IVY1/� AGENDA SU� Budget and Finance Comr Monda� Committee Chair Rivera asked when the City's Budget informat posted on our website. Assistant to the City Manager Huot said that it will be posted the City Council meeting during which the Council is provided thE The Telecommunications Division will upload the entire Counci viewing, also. Committee member Weir asked if there is any advantage to the software. City Manager Tandy said that staff does not see an advc information is posted in both comprehensive and condensed fc public. Committee member Weir asked if staff had received any negati� from the public about the Budget that is posted online. Both City Manager Tandy and Finance Director Smith said that � are received; and in response to those that are, those individu walked through the online document, provided with a DVD of tr or provided with an electronic copy of the specific section thE see. Committee member Weir asked if this would be an added budget process, or if would change that process. Finance Director Smith said that the process itself would not cha� involve extra work on staff's part, however, as they would have tc information the first time, then update the data on an annua believes that it would not be worth the effort or expense for the fE who look at the Budget online. City Manager Tandy added that there would be no benefit to sta Committee member Weir asked if there were any pending stc issues that would require a standardization of formatting betv� counties. Citv Manaaer Tandv said that GFOA does not have specific form� AGENDA SU� Budget and Finance Comr Monda� Committee member Weir said that perhaps this could be kept ir future, but he does not see a use for it at the present time. Committee Chair Rivera agreed with that statement. He mentic City's website is in need of update. 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update on Validation Action City Attorney Gennaro provided a verbal report on the proc current status of the City's action. She said that this is a Court prc City is using to approve or validate sources of funding and borrc be used for TRIP projects. The City's validation action was filed in Kern County Super November 13, 2013. The City is represented by Neil Arney and Iv Kutak Rock, LLP. Mr. Reppe has made presentations to the City C topic. The process involves statutory time limitations, after which adequ and testimony is presented to the Court. If an objection is filec becomes more complicated and lengthy. An administrative re� created, and a hearing is scheduled. In the City's case, an objec by the Westpark Homeowners Association, which is represented � of Brumfield and Hagan. Two status conferences have been held, and the case will a� Judge David Lampe, who set a follow-up case management c� May 21, 2014. The City Clerk is working diligently to put the c record together, and it is estimated, when finalized, to contain ; pages for the Court's review. It is the City's intention t� administrative record with the Court by May 21, 2014. Judge La schedule a hearing date for oral arguments and provide a receipt of required backup documentation from both parties. currently calendaring hearings in March of 2015, so there will waiting period. City Manager Tandy stated that the City will not need to formall funds for at least two years, so the delay wi►I not encroach upon tl B. Continued Discussion reaardina Fundina for TRIP Projects r� _ __ _ __ _'ll _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 1_ _ __ \ I ___ _ _ _ II __ _ I _ _ _I ll_ __1 _I_ _ _ 1 _ I_ ' _ ___