HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.18.2015 WB Agenda Packet Regular MtgCity of Bakersfield Water Board Regular Meeting of February 18, 2015 �I' i� - J / ~� �..� rte, '�-1 ' J . / r i �: y� �- ',►�..� Monument on the Kern River Water Resources File Packet WATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Bob Smith Terry Maxwell CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 2015 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Update on Kern River South Levee Certification - Adoption of Operation and Maintenance Plan - For Board Review and Action 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2014 - For Board Information 7. HEARINGS 8. DEFERRED BUSINESS 00,�� B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Bob Smith Terry Maxwell CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 2015 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Update on Kern River South Levee Certification - Adoption of Operation and Maintenance Plan - For Board Review and Action 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2014 - For Board Information 7. HEARINGS 8. DEFERRED BUSINESS Water Board Agenda February 18, 2015 Page 2 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Southern California Edison Water Holding Agreement - For Board Review and Action 10. MISCELLANEOUS 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 12. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) (One case) North Kern Water Storage District v. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case No. 56 -2011- 00408712- CU- CO -V7A 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 14, ADJOURNMENT ., ART CHIANELLO, P,E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: February 13, 2015 O�B A K%J� `NCORPOR�7� "S1� ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT c9IF0 WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Minutes ITEM: 3. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member APPROVED FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: February 13, 2015 SUBJECT: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of January 14, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of January 14, 2015 BACKGROUND: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, January 15, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Hanson, Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 3, 2014 for approval. Motion by Smith to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 3, 2014. APPROVED, ALL AYES 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Dennis Fox spoke regarding weeds vs. water. B. Ted Page, Kern County Water Agency, spoke regarding meetings with the City regarding the new irrigation well located within the Pioneer Project and the City's request to bring its own water to the Henry Garnett Purification Plant. Mr. Page also requested the City immediately, due to the need for that pumped water, allow the Agency to hook -up the recovery well to the City's Kern River canal. C. Greg Hammett, General Manager, Belridge Water Storage District, spoke regarding the new irrigation well located within the Pioneer Project and requested the City allow Belridge Water Storage District to connect that well to the City's Kern River canal. B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, January 15, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Hanson, Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 3, 2014 for approval. Motion by Smith to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 3, 2014. APPROVED, ALL AYES 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Dennis Fox spoke regarding weeds vs. water. B. Ted Page, Kern County Water Agency, spoke regarding meetings with the City regarding the new irrigation well located within the Pioneer Project and the City's request to bring its own water to the Henry Garnett Purification Plant. Mr. Page also requested the City immediately, due to the need for that pumped water, allow the Agency to hook -up the recovery well to the City's Kern River canal. C. Greg Hammett, General Manager, Belridge Water Storage District, spoke regarding the new irrigation well located within the Pioneer Project and requested the City allow Belridge Water Storage District to connect that well to the City's Kern River canal. Bakersfield, California, January 14, 2015 - Page 2 5. REPORTS A. History and Overview of City of Bakersfield's Domestic /Agriculture Water Supply. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, gave a general overview and summary regarding the City of Bakersfield's water system and historical water rights. The City first became actively aware of its water needs and shortages in the mid 1960's. A study to determine the City's current and long term water needs and a report on alternative sources of water supply for the Bakersfield area was conducted by Consultant, Thomas M. Stetson, Engineering. The Kern River Rights were acquired in 1976. The Water Resources Department currently manages domestic and agricultural water systems. No action taken, for Board information. B. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan reviewed the charts and stated the Isabella storage is currently at 44,900 acre feet, not very good storage, but storage has been maintained between 44,900 and 45,200 acre feet since December. The Kern River Basin snow pack accumulation for the April -July runoff is projected to be 47 percent of normal. We are half way through the accumulation season, four good storms and we could be right back up to an average or medium flow by April. No action taken, for Board information. C. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for November 2014 Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, gave a brief update of the City's domestic water service area for November 2014. He stated the water productions for 2014 was reduced by 19.5% over November 2013. Approximately 1,011 new connections were added in the service area. Based on an estimated population of 140,600 in November 2014, the calculated residential use percentage was 72.42% in the City's water service area. The City's gallons per capita daily usage was a reduction of 21.8 %, down from 229 gallons per person per day to 179 gallons per capita per day. The December 2014 reduction was 12.3% from December 2013 and the gallons per capita per day was reduced to 138 gallons per capita per day. Staff answered questions. No action taken, for Board information. Bakersfield, California, January 14, 2015 - Page 3 5. REPORTS continued D. Report Regarding Enhanced Water Conservation Plan Art Chianello, Wafer Resources Manager, stated at the December 3, 2014 Water Board meeting, that staff was directed to report on a proposed water conservation program for even /odd day outdoor irrigation watering. Staff has been working with California Wafer Service Company, on this matter. After review, if was concluded that even /odd watering days may have short term benefits and may not have long term gains. Currently the City is implementing a conservation program parallel to Cal Wafer's Rebate Program on high efficiency toilets and appliances; a rebate smart irrigation controllers and free sprinkler nozzles. In addition, bill inserts and advertising on the web site is being utilized. The City recently implemented program parallel to Cal Wafer, free home conservation kits. The City will also be implementing the endorsement of the California HERO Program. Staff is recommending the City work with other urban water purveyors to implement water conservation efforts citywide Steve Teglia, Assistant to City Manager, stated that the California HERO program allows homeowners to fund home energy and wafer conservation projects through a special assessment on property taxes. Water Board Member Maxwell directed staff to investigate socio- economic factors affecting residential water use. Water Board Member Smith directed staff to investigate "smart irrigation controllers" and if they are required for new building construction in the City of Bakersfield. 6. HEARINGS None 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS None Bakersfield, California, January 14, 2015 - Page 4 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Reimbursement Agreement between City of Bakersfield and North Kern Water Storage District for Weather Modification Program for a not to exceed amount of $53,776.50. Motion by Smith to approve and refer the Reimbursement Agreement to the full City Council for approval. APPROVED, ALL AYES 9. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT None 10. MISCELLANEOUS A. Approval of Proposed 2015 Water Board Meeting Calendar. The following are proposed dates for 2015 Water Board meetings: February 18; March 11; April 15; May 13; June 10; July 1; August 5; September 9; October 7; November 10; and December 16. Motion by Smith to approve the 2015 Water Board meeting calendar. APPROVED ALL AYES 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS Terry Maxwell stated he is excited to be on the Water Board and knows he is surrounded by very bright people who will help him learn the requirements of his position and hopes to do some good work. 12. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d) (2),(e) (1) (One Matter) Recess to Closed Session at 2:50 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, stated by unanimous vote, staff was given direction on Closed Session Item 12. A. Bakersfield, California, January 14, 2015 - Page 5 14. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m. Harold Hanson, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CMC Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board BAKE[ �� `NCONPOq�itp�is� ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT c9L`P WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Kern River Levee District ITEM: 5-A. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager February 12, 2015 APPRC)VFn DEPARTMENT HEAD ` 0 1 Update on Kern River South Levee Certification - Adoption of Operation and Maintenance Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Water Board recommends that the Kern River Levee Operation and Maintenance Plan be referred to the City Council for adoption. BACKGROUND: The Kern River Levee District was formed in 1928 with the single responsibility to operate and maintain a levee system along the Kern River through Bakersfield. On March 28, 2000 the Local Agency Formation Commission approved the merger of the Kern River Levee District with the City of Bakersfield and establishment of a Subsidiary District. The attached maps show the size of the current district as well as the location of the river levees. The purpose of the Kern River levees is to hold back and contain high river flows in time of flooding. The Flood Map Modernization program, a multi -year Presidential initiative funded by Congress from 2003 to 2008 called for the nation's flood maps to be improved and updated. On April 23, 2007, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security notified the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is in the process of the Flood Map Modernization Program. The existing Kern River levees at time of this notification were accredited by FEMA for the 100 year flood event. During the Map Modernization process, FEMA would continue to accredit the levee as a Provisionally Accredited Levee system (PAL). It was the City's responsibility to provide data and analysis to FEMA so that once approved, FEMA can once again permanently accredit the Kern River levees for providing protection against the 100 year flood event. Submittal of levee data, flood model analysis, and geotechnical reports were submitted to FEMA in July 2011. After several review cycles, the re- accreditation process for the levees is near complete. An outstanding issue is to have an "Adopted Operation and Maintenance Levee Manual by the local City government. Submitted herewith is that Operation and Maintenance Levee Manual for your review and recommendation. Staff asks the Water Board, on behalf of the Kern River Levee District to recommend that this Operation and Maintenance Levee Manual be Adopted by City Council. H � E pnlplania Pa �ooMuouoo �+ i Z 1 ter.' m V iCC033 H@ C tl i a 2 E , la P14)\ eiiv f w ur 4.. - isuo tpepy -.. .r � m 5` n _ X - �� --F-�— _ N " ny uolu(1 S $ P LO QD 43 D _ f N nVai{ =IO ` AV Iq 0 JAC nyJ M94ON t -"- _ iS H WNVO ON I Ndg tl lsv i1-r 1 1 t r 1 � � "� � I � � yin; H •i•-� I V W 14 3$ 180 111 N Q ..- _ F T199H s Q owu W 9•- •�� P N a � uas nii . J 43Puel LL 3 - � victor t -- • 1-' GN aug N W L •ti f S Ma • yMe4oyy L 0! 1 �rti y t o vt 1 I jl C Y r ti ti, Y '--+78 alIfV 'S5 � zm uoged — 7 uy 3 � zt fit, 'i Wo>>o9 PH 09 0 4 berlakestj� i rfet Ual: BPJry �•�, ti O k sl 1 Jp At Aoleo u l o p.en r 0. n d e Me Pa FISIA euang m 3 Gi , m• s � '42 LU R Pa NO / Pa I 0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LEVE ALONG THE SOUTHERN BANK THE KERN RIVER LOCATED IN KERI ADOPTED: Art R. Chianello, P.E. C Water Resources Manager Table of Contents PARTI — INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... ..............................2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REGULATIONS .......................................................... ..............................2 AGENCIES RESPONSIBLE FOR OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ............................ ..............................2 FUNCTIONS OF THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS ............... ..............................2 PARTII — PROJECT INFORMATION ......................................................................................... ..............................5 GENERAL............................................................................................................................. ..............................5 PARTIII — OPERATION .............................................................................................................. ..............................6 Chapter1 — Introduction ........................................................................................................... ..............................6 GENERAL............................................................................................................................. ..............................6 Chapter 2 — Flood- Operation Procedures ................................................................................. ..............................8 GENERAL............................................................................................................................. ..............................8 STAGE1 FLOOD ALERT ..................................................................................................... ..............................8 STAGE2 FLOOD ALERT ..................................................................................................... ..............................8 STAGE3 FLOOD ALERT ..................................................................................................... ..............................9 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR FLOOD FIGHTING ACTIVITIES ................................ ..............................9 COORDINATION WITH U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS .......................................... ..............................9 PART IV — MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ........................................................................ .............................11 Chapter1 — Introduction .......................................................................................................... .............................11 OVERALL MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................... .............................11 Chapter 2 — Maintenance Function .......................................................................................... .............................11 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MEASURES ............................................................................. .............................11 NON - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... .............................13 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR FLOOD FIGHTING ACTIVITIES ............................... .............................14 Chapter3 — Inspection Function .............................................................................................. .............................14 PERIODICINSPECTIONS .................................................................................................. .............................14 Chapter 4 — Public Interest Function ....................................................................................... .............................15 POLICEPROTECTION ........................................................................................................ .............................15 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ......................................................................................... .............................15 Chapter 5 — Project Review Function ...................................................................................... .............................15 AUTHORIZATION................................................................................................................ .............................15 REVIEWPROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... .............................15 PROJECTINSPECTIONS ................................................................................................... .............................16 PART V — OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REPORTS ....................................................... .............................17 Chapter1 — Report Function .................................................................................................... .............................17 GENERAL REPORTING ACTIVITIES ................................................................................. .............................17 TYPESOF REPORTS ......................................................................................................... .............................17 REPORT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................. .............................18 Chapter 2 — Spring Semiannual Reports ................................................................................. .............................18 PREPARATION OF FORMS ............................................................................................... .............................18 GENERAL REPORTING ACTIVITIES ................................................................................. .............................19 Chapter3 — Fall Semiannual Report ....................................................................................... .............................19 APPENDIX A: Excerpt from Title 33 of Code of Federal Regulations APPENDIX B: Kern River South Levee Data Sheet APPENDIX C: Flood Control Works (FCW) Inspection Guide APPENDIX D: Storm Patrol Manual 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LEVEES ALONG THE SOUTHERN BANKS OF THE KERN RIVER LOCATED IN KERN COUNTY PART I - INTRODUCTION This manual is intended to guide the operation and maintenance of the flood control levee system located along the southern banks of the Kern River in the City of Bakersfield. This manual specifies the policies and procedures that are part of the responsibilities of the City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (Department) with regard to the operation and maintenance of these facilities. Also, this manual is developed to meet the requirements of Title 44, Article 65.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations per the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Regulations. Essential instructions are provided in sufficient detail to ensure proper operation of the flood control protective works and maintenance of these facilities in a manner that will assure their continued function. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REGULATIONS 1. The south levees of the Kern River, known as the South Levee, were constructed utilizing local funds. Federal monies were not involved. However, in order to comply with Federal requirements implemented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) this manual has been developed to meet the requirements of Title 44, Article 65.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations per the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Regulations. 2. Title 33, Article 208.10 of the Code of Federal Regulations regarding maintenance and operation of structures and facilities for local flood protection also applies. An extract has been included in Appendix A of this manual. 3. Facilities are operated in accordance with the Kern River Channel Maintenance Program adopted in 1985. AGENCIES RESPONSIBLE FOR OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 4. The City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (Department) is the organization responsible for operation and maintenance of the South Levee along the Kern River in the City of Bakersfield. The Department is required to maintain divisions capable of adequately operating and maintaining the project units for flood control. The Department shall appoint an official (referred to "Superintendent" in the basic regulations) who shall be responsible for the inspection, development, and proper functioning of the Department's Operation and Maintenance (O &M) Division in accordance with instructions in this manual. The Operation and Maintenance (O &M) Division is charged with the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of this facility and all other Department facilities. FUNCTIONS OF THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS 5. Functions of the division responsible for the operation and maintenance of the flood control system are traditionally divided into two categories: those concerned with operations or use of the flood control facilities, and those involved in the continuing maintenance of the facilities themselves. These functions are detailed in PART III and Part IV of this manual, respectively, and are summarized here. 2 a. Operation, as defined in this context, encompasses all uses of the flood control system or any of its components. The principal and overriding purpose of the system is clearly the conveyance of storm - runoff in such a way that the impact of the runoff on urbanized area through which it passes is minimized and the efficient functioning of the project produces the benefits set forth in the project authorization. The operations function, then, is subdivided as follows: The flood operation function includes responsibility for operating the project in accordance with Federal and local flood control regulations. There are several aspects to flood- operation procedures. 1) The Mobilization Function includes responsibility for providing sufficient equipment, material, and trained personnel for adequate operation of the project units in times of flood emergency. 2) The Coordination Function requires that appropriate measures be taken to ensure that the activities of all local organizations connected with the protective works are coordinated with the operating agency during flood periods. 3) The Inspection Function provides for scheduled patrolling of flood control activities during periods of storm runoff in order to detect and correct any condition which endangers the structure. Also included in this function is a complete inspection following each major high water period, to ascertain if any other damage has occurred b. Maintenance includes all activities concerned with ensuring proper and continued functioning of the project units. The aspects of the maintenance function are as follows: i. The Inspection Function requires that such inspections shall be made as are necessary to ensure that the flood control facilities are maintained in a properly functioning condition. ii. The Public Interest function includes the responsibility for providing police protection of the project units and the responsibility for public health and safety in connection with the various flood control facilities. iii. Federal regulations require that no improvement or construction within the project right -of- way or change in any feature of the flood control facilities be made without prior determination by the United States Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) District Engineer or his authorized representative, and that the improvement or alteration will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the channel and appurtenant facilities and the hydraulic functioning of the flood control facilities, nor violate environmental agreements. This responsibility includes all determinations concerning multi - purpose uses of the project. The regulations also imply a corollary responsibility which requires inspection and supervision of work at all stages of construction to ensure that such work adheres to proper engineering standards. These responsibilities are categorized as the project review function. iv. Use and alteration of Department facilities by others is controlled by an encroachment permit process within the O &M Division and the Engineering Subdivisions Division of Public Works. The Permit section is headed by a Civil Engineer. Encroachment permits for all connections to Department facilities, and /or use of Department property, are issued only if the proposed use will not have an adverse effect, and is compatible with the facilities' intended function. v. Federal regulations require that the O &M Division prepare a semiannual report to the USACE District Engineer covering operation and maintenance of the flood control facilities, together 3 with such supplemental or supporting reports as are required by the USACE District Engineer. PART II - PROJECT INFORMATION GENERAL This manual is prepared as a guide for the operation and maintenance of the City of Bakersfield levees along the southern banks of the Kern River located in Bakersfield, CA. The levees along the southern banks of the Kern River, also known as the South Levee, were constructed by private land owners in the late 1800's and early 1900's for flood protection against the Kern River in and around the City of Bakersfield and for irrigation. Before Isabella Dam was constructed by the Army Corp of Engineers in the 1950's Bakersfield suffered from periodic winter and springtime flooding due to erratic and extreme flows from the Kern River caused by rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination of both. With the dam in place, coupled with the levees, flooding occurrences due to the Kern River were minimized. However, in the event of heavy rainfall, high flows would still course through the Kern River in Bakersfield. Although the Isabella Dam reduces the outflow to the Kern River to a minimum from the Isabella Reservoir during high inflows, tributaries to the Kern River downstream of the dam increase flows in the river through Bakersfield. These high flows would cause extensive flooding if the levees were not in place. Up until 1976 the Kern River properties, facilities, and water rights through Bakersfield were under private ownership and operation. In 1976 the City of Bakersfield successfully purchased pre -1914 Water Rights and river properties, and associated facilities. The City owns most portions of the Kern River Channel between Manor St. and Enos Lane. The City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department assumed all responsibilities for the Kern River Levee District in June of 2000. The river and its facilities, excluding the north levee which is maintained by the Kern County Water Agency, is now operated and maintained by the City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department. Since the purchase of the river the City has replaced all existing weirs along the river and has made other significant improvements. The City has constructed and maintains and operates the Kern River Parkway along the South Levee which consists of various parks and most importantly the Bike Path. The Bike Path is a paved road atop of the South Levee that is used for bicycle transportation and as a levee maintenance road. The South Levee generally follows west along the left bank of the Kern River from 24`h Street to the extension of Renfro Road. Side slopes of the south levees vary, with a maximum of 2H:1 V. Where warranted by higher than 2 feet per second velocity flows, the levee banks have a revetment consisting of rock riprap. 9 PART III - OPERATION Chapter 1 - Introduction GENERAL 1. The term "operation" encompasses all uses of the flood control system or any of its components. Clearly, the principal use of the system, the purpose for which it was designed and constructed, is to collect and convey storm runoff in such a way that its impact on urban areas is minimized. The maintenance program and flood - operation procedures are oriented toward this purpose. 2. One of the guidance for this section of the manual is the Department's Storm Patrol Manual (Appendix D), which presents the guidance and direction of the Department during flood alerts. The Department's manual covers duties and responsibilities, and administration and logistics of each division during the flood events. Included topics are operation and repair of the facilities, patrol, data collection, and data evaluation. The responsibilities for each level of the Storm Center Chain of Command are included in Section 9 of the Storm Patrol Manual and are shown on Figure 1. 3. The Department's Storm Patrol Assignments identify areas (levee reaches) of responsibilities and facilities in those areas and lists potential problem areas in each section. A "Storm Patrol Observations" form is included for use by each patrol. Emergency procedures for operations and maintenance of Department facilities are also contained in the Storm Patrol Manual. 1. Figure 1 — The Storm Operations Chart CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT LEVEE MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART I WATER RESOURCES MANAGER I ART CHIAN ELLO WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR JASON MEADORS WATER RESOURCES SUPERINTENDENT DON RICHARDSON AGRICULTURAL WATER KERN RIVER LEVEE INSPECTOR OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR II DOUG PERRY AGRICULTURAL WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I RAY WHITMORE I MAINTENANCE CRAFT WORKER I I JIMMY MULLENS I LEVEE MAINTENANCE CREWS I 7 MIKE VRADENBURG I LEVEE MAINTENANCE CREWS Chapter 2 — Flood- Operation Procedures GENERAL The operation program, which specifies flood- operation procedures, consists of 3 Flood Alert stages. Each phase is characterized by a degree of mobilization; a patrol procedure which includes inspection, operation of field facilities such as gates and staff gages, and any immediate maintenance; and a reporting requirement. Pertinent information on these phases follows. The Flood Alert Stage is declared by the Water Resources Manager or his designee. STAGE 1 FLOOD ALERT 4. The Stage 1 Flood Alert is during normal to moderate rain over some or all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella. a. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities (see Storm Patrol Manual, Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols). Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled. b. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled by Maintenance Crews. c. The City and County NPDES /Hydrology Sections will collect water quality samples and inspect Department's recording stream and channel gauges. d. Office personnel will function as usual. e. Engineering personnel should consider observing drainage flow patterns in areas where projects are contemplated. STAGE 2 FLOOD ALERT 5. The Stage 2 Flood Alert is during heavy rain over some or all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella with local flooding. a. The City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) may become operational depending on the severity of the event at the discretion of the City Manager. City personnel will work 8 to 12 hour shifts as necessary. b. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities and will perform emergency repairs and flood fighting on Department facilities as needed (see Storm Patrol Manual, Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols). Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken. Flood fighting efforts should be reported to and coordinated with the Water Resources Manager. c. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken by Maintenance Crews. Flood fighting efforts will be coordinated by the Water Resources Manager. d. Patrolling of Department facilities in accordance with Storm Patrol Manual, Section 5 - Summary of Storm Patrol Assignments will be implemented as determined by Shift Managers in coordination with the Water Resources Director. Patrols will be available to respond to public inquiries in their areas and will report to the Shift Manager on the status of projects being patrolled. If a patrol determines the need for a facility to be monitored constantly, this will be communicated to the Shift Manager and 111 Water Resources Director. The Water Resources Director will have either a Maintenance Crew, Survey Crew or Construction Inspector sent to the site for ongoing monitoring. e. Shift Manager will report to the Water Resources Director on the status of facilities being patrolled. NPDES Hydrology Section will perform daily discharge measurements at various streams. Planning Section or Storm Center Phone Personnel will receive all public inquiries /complaints and requests for flooding information. STAGE 3 FLOOD ALERT The Stage 3 Flood Alert is during heavy rain over all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella with wide spread flooding. a. The City's EOC begins 24 -hour operation. b. The City's EOC will receive all public inquiries /complaints and requests for flooding information. c. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities and will perform emergency repairs and flood fighting on Department facilities as needed (see Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols), Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken. Flood fighting efforts should be reported to and coordinated with the Water Resources Manager and Public Works Director. d. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken by Maintenance Crews. Flood fighting efforts will be coordinated by the Water Resources Manager. e. Patrolling of Department facilities in accordance with Storm Patrol Manual, Section 5 - Summary of Storm Patrol Assignments will be in 12 hour shifts as needed and as determined by Shift Managers in coordination with the Operations Manager. Patrols will be available to respond to public inquiries in their areas and will report to the Shift Manager on the status of projects being patrolled. If a patrol determines the need for a facility to be monitored constantly, this will be communicated to the Water Resources Director. The Water Resources Director will have either a Maintenance Crew, Survey Crew or Construction Inspector sent to the site for ongoing monitoring. f. Shift Manager will report to the Water Resources Director on the status of facilities being patrolled. g. NPDES /Hydrology Section will perform daily discharge measurements at various streams. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR FLOOD FIGHTING ACTIVITIES 7. Equipment and material used for flood fighting activities will be coordinated by the Field Operations Center. The Storm Patrol Manual (see Appendix D) lists the addresses and contact information of the maintenance yard and equipment pools of the Department to be used during the emergencies. It also includes names and phone numbers of staffs in charge of the yards. 8. The list of equipment available for flood fighting activities is updated annually. Currently the available equipment includes dozers (2), dump trucks (22), loaders (15), excavators (1), motor graders (3), backhoes (6) skid steers (3), and a lowbed (1). The equipment is available at the Water Resources Department and the City's Corporation Maintenance Yard. COORDINATION WITH U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 9. The operation and maintenance organization is responsible for maintaining close liaison with the Reservoir Regulation Section of the USACE Sacramento District during all flood operations. Exchange of hydrologic and hydraulic data, including precipitation and storm flow data, is useful in the operation procedures of both agencies. Pertinent information on liaison and coordination is given in the flood emergency manual SPL OM 500 -1 -1, titled "Natural Disaster Activities ", published annually by the USACE. This manual also covers flood - emergency assistance procedures. 10 PART IV - MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION Chapter 1 - Introduction OVERALL MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Periodic inspections of the levees need to be conducted to determine if any corrective actions are necessary in order for the facilities to operate as required. Routine inspections are to be conducted semiannually; however, inspections may take place more often after a major storm event. The Data Sheets in Appendix B provides relevant information of significant features for the levee. This information includes reach descriptions; structural information; access roads and ramps to top and toe of levees, bridges, and other pertinent features; and river gage locations and flood level limits. 3. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Article 208.10, Section (b) states, "The Superintendent shall provide at all times such maintenance as may be required to ensure serviceability of the structures in time of flood." Although the broad scope of this directive allows considerable freedom of interpretation, it clearly implies a responsibility to detect and correct any condition which might adversely affect the functioning of the flood control system. Explicitly defined are the maintenance function, which involves actual repair and restoration procedures; and the inspection function, which includes programs and procedures necessary to detect hazardous or malfunctioning conditions. 4. Implicit in this directive are also several additional functions which are less directly related to the immediate maintenance requirements, but which affect the continued functioning of the system in a manner appropriate to its design purposes. These implicit functions include the public interest, project review, and reporting functions. Chapter 2 — Maintenance Function ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MEASURES 5. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, Article 208.10, Section (b) Levees— (1) Maintenance, specifies in some detail the routine maintenance procedures for various types of flood control facilities. The entire Article is provided below: The Superintendent shall provide at all times such maintenance as may be required to insure serviceability of the structures in time of flood. Measures shall be taken to promote the growth of sod, exterminate burrowing animals, and to provide for routine mowing of the grass and weeds, removal of wild growth and drift deposits, and repair of damage caused by erosion or other forces. Where practicable, measures shall be taken to retard bank erosion by planting of willows or other suitable growth on areas riverward of the levees. Periodic inspections shall be made by the Superintendent to insure that the above maintenance measures are being effectively carried out and, further, to be certain that: No unusual settlement, sloughing, or material loss of grade or levee cross section has taken place; No caving has occurred on either the land side or the river side of the levee which might affect the stability of the levee section; iii. No seepage, saturated areas, or sand boils are occurring; iv. Toe drainage systems and pressure relief wells are in good working condition, and that such facilities are not becoming clogged; V. Drains through the levees and gates on said drains are in good working condition; vi. No revetment work or riprap has been displaced, washed out, or removed; 11 vii. No action is being taken, such as burning grass and weeds during inappropriate seasons, which will retard or destroy the growth of sod; viii. Access roads to and on the levee are being properly maintained; ix. Cattle guards and gates are in good condition; X. Crown of levee is shaped so as to drain readily, and roadway thereon, if any, is well shaped and maintained; xi. There is no unauthorized grazing or vehicular traffic on the levees; xii. Encroachments are not being made on the levee right -of -way which might endanger the structure or hinder its proper and efficient functioning during times of emergency. Such inspections shall be made immediately prior to the beginning of the flood season; immediately following each major high water period, and otherwise at intervals not exceeding 90 days, and such intermediate times as may be necessary to insure the best possible care of the levee. Immediate steps will be taken to correct dangerous conditions disclosed by such inspections. Regular maintenance repair measures shall be accomplished during the appropriate season as scheduled by the Superintendent. The Water Resources Superintendent shall provide for periodic repair and cleaning of debris basins, check dams, and related structures as may be necessary. 6. Facilities are operated in accordance with the Kern River Channel Maintenance Program adopted in 1985. 7. Periodic inspections shall also be performed to verify that: a. No undermining of levee revetment, floodwalls, and drainage structures are occurring; b. No cracks of concrete structures are occurring. 8. Any areas of the levee that require maintenance and repairs must be identified during the inspection function, described in Part IV Chapter 3 of this manual. The recommended repair actions are described below. The terms are organized by the terms under which the items on the inspection form are categorized. In case of severe damages on the levee and /or concrete structures, it is important to investigate the cause of the problems as to apply necessary repairs. a. Vegetation — All unwanted vegetation that could reduce the performance of the levee should be removed by mechanical or manual means. b. Depressions and Rutting — Any depressions, ruttings, or settlements in levees that cause a change in grade or cross section should be backfilled and compacted to original line and grade with material similar to the existing levee. This repair would also prevent water from collecting on the top of levee and spilling down along the slopes to cause surface erosions. c. Erosion / Bank Caving — Erosions will first be identified as an occurrence by nature or some other identifiable occurrence. Types of erosion should include both surface erosions at top and side slopes of the levee and toe erosions which may cause undermining of levee toe and structure foundation. After the source has been identified, all corrective measures will take place. Erosions will be backfilled and compacted to the original state with material similar to the existing levee. d. Surficial Slope Stability — For slope stability problems identified after the inspection, the Department maintenance with the assistance of Engineering will take the appropriate action to correct the problem. 12 e. Deep Seated Slope Stability — For deep seated slope stability problems identified after the inspection, the Department maintenance with the assistance of Engineering will take the appropriate action to correct the problem. Cracking — Cracking on grouted stone revetment and concrete floodwalls needs to be repaired. Continued development of crack patterns and increase in size are evidence of stress and possible loss of integrity in the levee structure. Large cracks greater than 6 inches deep should be sealed to prevent penetration of the structure by water and migration of backfill material through the cracks. I cracking is identified during the inspection of levee, the Department maintenance will review the problem and, if a field determination cannot be made to correct the problem, will ask for the assistance of Engineering to evaluate the condition and recommend repairs. g. Animal Burrows — All levees will be monitored for any and all rodent activity during the course of the year. Animal burrows can lead to seepage and slope stability problems of the levee structure. Appropriate measures will be taken to determine the need for proper rodenticides for any infestation identified. Burrows and runways formed within the levees should be opened and backfilled with material similar to the existing levee through compaction. h. Encroachments — Levees will be monitored throughout the year for any encroachments. Proper signing will be maintained and any access gates will be secured. Revetments and Banks — All riprap and grouted stone revetments on banks of the levees will be maintained annually. Any deficiencies will be repaired in kind with the appropriate type of material and /or hardware. This would include replacing deteriorated or displaced riprap and grouting due to storm damages and wear and tear on the structure due to the age. Closure Structures — Closure Structures will be checked for proper operation and an assurance will be made that all devices function as intended. The devices will be opened during the maintenance to remove any debris accumulation inside outlets and check the conditions of culverts. All culverts will be maintained to assure they drain properly and that all culverts are in good operational condition. Under - seepage and Relief Wells — Levees with sub drains and toe drains will be cleaned and flushed as needed to function properly. Any vegetation obstructing these drains will be removed as needed. Water Seepage will be monitored and a determination will be made on the corrective action to be taken. Maintenance and Emergency Accesses — Maintenance and emergency roads and ramps will be clear of obstructions and in good conditions. Fence gates will be secured and regularly adjusted for ease of operation. NON - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 9. Certain maintenance procedures, which are not explicitly described as routine by the sections of referenced Title 33, are implied by the directive to ensure serviceability in times of flood. Such procedures would include repair of any damage caused by earthquake, storm runoff, maintenance of the embankment roadway and the right -of -way fencing (so as to provide unimpeded access to the project units at all times), restoration of subdrain system, and other such required maintenance which occurs on an irregular basis. 10. Following a significant earthquake in the region, the Department should perform inspection of the levees with consultation from an experienced geologist or seismologist. After the inspection, the Special Report is required to be submitted to the USACE District Engineer (See Part V, Chapter 1). Data regarding a seismic event (magnitude, peak ground acceleration, etc.) can be found at the internet site www.earthquake.usgs.gov /eqcenter /. The seismic events that would require the inspection of the levees are as follows: 13 a. A magnitude 5.5 or greater earthquake with an epicenter located within a 50 mile radius of the levee. b. Any seismic event that generates a peak ground acceleration of 0.208 or greater in the proximity of the levee. c. Any seismic event that causes ground cracking or subsidence in the vicinity of the levee alignment. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR FLOOD FIGHTING ACTIVITIES 11. Equipment and material used for flood fighting activities will be coordinated by the Field Operations Center. The Storm Patrol Manual (see Appendix D) lists the addresses and contact information of the maintenance yard and equipment pools of the Department to be used during the emergencies. It also includes names and phone numbers of staff in charge of the yards. 12. The list of equipment available for flood fighting activities is updated annually. Currently the available equipment includes dozers (2), dump trucks (22), loaders (15), excavators (1), motor graders (3), backhoes (6) skid steers (3), and a lowbed (1). The equipment is available at the Water Resources Department and the City's Corporation Maintenance Yard. Chapter 3 — Inspection Function PERIODIC INSPECTIONS 13. Inspections shall be made immediately prior to the beginning of the flood season, immediately following each major high water period, and otherwise at intervals not exceeding 90 days, and at such intermediate times at such may be necessary to ensure the best possible care of the protective works. 14. The purpose of these inspections is to determine whether or not the flood control system is in a properly functioning condition. This responsibility involves locating and recommending repairs for any damage which may have been caused by storm runoff or the action of other natural forces, ensuring that access to all project units is maintained at all times, and preventing unauthorized encroachment on or access to the project right - of -way. The Code of Federal Regulations is quite specific on this point; Title 33, Article 208.10, Section (a)(4) states: No encroachment or trespass which will adversely affect the efficient operation or maintenance of the project works shall be permitted upon the rights -of -way for the protective facilities. 15. Inspections of the levee system will be made by qualified staff who are familiar with the design, construction, and maintenance of small dams and levees. Personnel from the Department will use information included in this manual as well as the publication "Levee Owner's Manual For Non - Federal Flood Control Works" prepared by the US Army Corps of Engineers (March 2006) as guidance for levee inspection. The inspection reports will be reviewed by a registered Civil Engineer of the State of California. 16. The Data Sheets in Appendix B of this report provide the criteria for locating and recommending repairs. They define each reporting feature, and briefly summarize the features' pertinent design criteria. This information provides the inspection personnel with a design background to assist in determining recommended repair measures. The Data Sheets in Appendix B provide a complete listing of reporting features. 17. The results of the periodic inspection are noted in the appropriate semiannual report; these results provide the basis for the maintenance program as a whole. 14 Chapter 4 — Public Interest Function POLICE PROTECTION 18. The operation and maintenance division is responsible for providing police protection for the project units, obtaining adequate ordinances protecting the units, and obtaining limited police authority for the operation and maintenance organization. Adequate policing will minimize litter and damage due to malicious mischief. The City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department and the Water Resources Department are responsible for removing litter and repairing any such damage. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY 19. The operation and maintenance department should develop liaison with organizations responsible for public health in order to prevent the accumulation of waste discharges, insect - breeding areas, and other menaces in the flood control rights -of -way. 20. Unimpaired access to all flood control facilities by authorized personnel must be provided at all times. However, this access must be restricted to prevent trespassing or uses which might interfere with flood control. The facilities may be regarded as an attractive nuisance, and adequate fencing must be provided to prevent unauthorized persons, especially children, from gaining access to the right -of -way and harming either themselves or the facilities. However, security provisions must consider recreational uses, where applicable. Chapter 5 — Project Review Function AUTHORIZATION 21. The basic authorization of the Project Review Function derives from the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, article 208.10, section (a)(5), which reads in part as follows: No improvement shall be passed over, under, or through the walls, levees, improved channels or tloodways, nor shall any excavation or construction be permitted within the limits of the project right -of way, nor shall any change be made in any feature of the works without prior determination by the District Engineer of the Department of the Army or his authorized representative that such improvement, excavation, construction, or alteration will not adversely affect the functioning of the protective facilities. Such improvements or alterations as may be found to be desirable and permissible under the above determination shall be constructed in accordance with standard engineering practice. Advice regarding the effect of proposed improvements or alterations on the functioning of the project and information concerning methods of construction acceptable under standard engineering practice shall be obtained from the District Engineer or, if otherwise obtained, shall be submitted for his approval. Drawings or prints showing such improvements or alterations as finally constructed shall be furnished the District Engineer after completion of the work. 22. These specifications apply to the Project review for all federally- constructed flood control facilities. REVIEW PROCEDURES 23. Federal regulations assign the responsibility for providing an interface between the general public and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project review to the Local Sponsor. Applications for permits are submitted to the Local Sponsor, which requests comments from the USACE and then issues or denies a permit. This procedure applies to all facilities for which reports are made to the Corps of Engineers, but does not apply on those units for which reports are not made. 15 24. The review procedures adopted by the USACE in the Sacramento District are detailed in the "Flood Control Projects Manual ". 25. The project review by the Department includes responsibility for engineering evaluation of any improvement or alteration. In most cases, such improvements are part of the purpose for which the flood control right -of- way was obtained, such as street or utility crossings and side drain connections. In some cases, however, an evaluation must be made to determine if the proposed work will adversely affect the functioning of the flood control facilities. Any future utility or pipe crossing that will be installed on the levees are required to be reviewed through full engineering analyses, plans and specs, and permit process and approved by the Department and the USACE. 26. The USACE maintains "as permit constructed" plans which reflect all changes or modifications in the project units. Maintenance of current plans requires drawings or prints of all proposed work and a completion notice to indicate that a project is finished. 27. An important part of the project review procedure is the requirement that an appropriate block - letter channel station number visible from invert, access ramps, or embankment roadway be placed wherever possible to identify the location of a reporting feature for inspections or maintenance work. On vertical channel or spillway walls the block - lettering should be at a height above the invert which is convenient for lettering and readily visible. On grouped or ingratiate stone side slopes, the lettering should be applied on flush mortared pad areas. This identification is the responsibility of the operation and maintenance organization. Where initial stationing was placed as a part of the construction contract, the local sponsor is responsible for maintaining the markings. PROJECT INSPECTIONS 28. The Department will inspect project construction to ensure that improvements or alterations do not interfere with the proper functioning of the project and that the construction follows acceptable standard engineering practice. These inspections will also verify locations to ensure the "as- permit constructed" plans accurately reflect the actual condition of the project unit. 16 PART V - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REPORTS Chapter 1 - Report Function GENERAL REPORTING ACTIVITIES The basis for the report function is given in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33, article 208.10, section (a)(6) which reads as follows: It shall be the duty of the superintendent to submit a semiannual re -port to the District Engineer covering inspection, maintenance, and operation of the protective works. 2. Although the Department is required to submit several types of operation and maintenance reports to the USACE District Engineer, all reporting activities must be oriented toward the submittal of two basic reports each year. These semiannual reports are then supplemented by additional reports as necessary. 3. The following sections of this chapter define the required reports, report organization, and reporting terminology. The reports can be narrative letter reports or summarized on a form designed by the City. The suggested forms included in this document have been used on other projects and are included as examples. The only requirement is that the information identified be included in the reports. TYPES OF REPORTS 4. SEMIANNUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REPORT. The semiannual reports, which are the basic communication on the functioning of the flood control system, are prepared in two phases: the spring phase, which indicates the maintenance requirements of the project units at the end of the flood season; and the fall phase, which indicates the ability of those units to accommodate storm runoff after the summer maintenance. The two phases, with the supporting reports which may accompany the basic reports, give a successively revised picture of the operation and maintenance of the project from the start of one flood season to the start of the next. 5. QUARTERLY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSPECTION. Federal regulations require a complete inspection at least every 90 days to determine the need for temporary or permanent maintenance and to initiate the necessary maintenance for the project units. However, because two such quarterly inspections coincide with the two phases of semiannual reports, the requirements for quarterly reports are as follows: January ................A separate report is required on a rapid inspection to determine maintenance needs. A copy of this report is also included with the spring semiannual report. April .....................The April quarterly inspection is for the sole purpose of determining whether conditions exist that would interfere with the detailed inspection required for the spring phase of the semiannual report. A separate report is not required, since the results of the April inspection are indicated on the semiannual report form. July .....................The July quarterly inspection is essentially a progress report on summer maintenance. A separate report is not required, although a copy must be included in the fall semiannual report. October ................Maintenance work performed during the summer is repeated in the fall phase of the semiannual report; a separate report for the quarterly inspection is not required. The required reports need only be very brief summary descriptions of maintenance needs and the status of the project units. 17 6. STORM FLOW OPERATION REPORT. A supporting report which accompanies the spring phase of the semiannual report is the storm flow operation report, which contains the log of operations during those periods in which storm runoff is above the staff gage reading indicated on the Data Sheets in Appendix B. The log report form shall be the responsibility of the operation and maintenance division. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS. Special reports are prepared to describe any unusual occurrence which affects the flood control system; such phenomenon may include large flood flows or unusual damage from storm runoff, earthquakes, or other causes. A Special Report is to be transmitted to the USACE District Engineer within one week of the occurrence. A copy is to accompany the next following semiannual report. MANUAL REVISION REPORT. The revision report should include comments, suggestions, and additional data from those directly concerned with operation and maintenance, as well as policy- making, administration, funding, and programming information. The Department is particularly concerned with maintaining the accuracy of this manual. REPORT ORGANIZATION 9. TIME OF SUBMITTAL. The spring phase of the semiannual report shall be submitted to the USACE District Engineer on or before June 1 ST and the fall phase on or before December 1 ST. Included with these reports are any quarterly reports, storm flow reports, and manual revision reports. Special reports are transmitted as indicated previously. 10. FISCAL STATEMENTS. Information on cost of operation and maintenance is required as part of the semiannual report. Actual costs are to be given when possible. Estimates may be used for items where actual costs are not available. Operation and maintenance costs for any work performed or paid for by the operation and maintenance organization are to be shown irrespective of the source of funds. Costs for work performed by other agencies and not reimbursed by the Department are not required. 11. Inclusions in Semiannual Report. a. The list of reports which may be included in the spring submittal is given below: i. Spring phase of the semiannual operation and maintenance report (including the April inspection). ii. Copy of the January quarterly report. iii. Storm flow operation reports. iv. Manual revision reports. v. Special reports (the originals of which were previously submitted). b. The list of reports which may be included in the fall submittal is given below. all phase of the semiannual operation and maintenance report (including the October inspection) ii. July quarterly report. Chapter 2 - Spring Semiannual Reports PREPARATION OF FORMS 12. FORMS TO BE USE. The reporting agency has the option to use either Appendix C: Flood Control Works (FCW) Inspection Guide from the Levee Owner's Manual for Non - Federal Flood Control Works ( USACE 18 2006) or a similar form specifically developed for the levee facility. A copy of the FCW Inspection Guide is included in Appendix C of this report. 13. REPORTING FEATURES. For each levee segment, all the possible reporting features are identified in the Data Sheets of Appendix B. These are the minimum features that have to be covered in the report, and any future improvements or conditions that warrant reporting should be included in the report. 14. RATED ITEMS. Rated items are presented in the FCW Inspection Guide. Using these items, each of the reporting features will be rated: a. Acceptable b. Minimally Acceptable; Maintenance is required c. Unacceptable d. Not Applicable 15. If more than one reporting features is needed to be discussed for each reporting item, a third column under " Location /Remarks /Recommendations" needs to be used to elaborate the findings. If any issue arises that is not covered under the rated items, additional papers should be used to report them. GENERAL REPORTING ACTIVITIES 16. SPRING HOUSECLEANING. Effective inspection and maintenance requires physical and visual accessibility to all reporting features. Debris and vegetation should be cleared away, although meticulous neatness is not required. The guiding principle should be that to the general public the appearance of the project units reflects on the competency and adequacy of the flood control facilities. A specific task to be performed is the removal of debris obscuring inspection or hindering maintenance. Accumulations on bridge piers should be removed, and debris on toe blocks and invert slabs should be windrowed lengthwise along the invert to permit inspection and maintenance and to prevent ponding. Vegetation obscuring inspection of channel condition should be removed, eradicated, or trimmed, as applicable. 17. RELATIONSHIP TO APRIL QUARTERLY REPORT. As previously stated, the April quarterly report is made for the sole purpose of determining whether conditions exist that would interfere with the detailed inspection required for the spring phase of the semiannual reports. A separate April quarterly report is not necessary; the results of this inspection are noted on the semiannual report. 18. CLEANING DEFERRAL. If the reconnaissance indicates that cleaning maintenance may reasonably be performed at intervals longer than one year, the inspector should give his reasons for recommending deferral in a similarly lettered note on an applicable backup page. However, cleaning should not be deferred if debris or vegetation accumulation might be objectionable, and in no event shall such maintenance be phased over a period of more than five years or deferred for more than a year. Approval of phasing or deferral by the operation and maintenance organization must also be indicated in the note and the year that the maintenance will be performed should be recorded. 19. The spring semiannual report should be reviewed by the Water Resources Superintendent for signature. The reports are then used to make at least two copies of the entire report, one copy of which is filed for reference by the operation and maintenance division and another of which is submitted to the USACE District Engineer as indicated in the "Report Organization" subsection of "Report Functions" in this Part. The reports are then filed by the operation and maintenance organization for use in preparing the fall semiannual report. Chapter 3 — Fall Semiannual Report 20. The fall semiannual report describes the final inspection of repairs and project construction scheduled for completion before the start of the flood season. It also serves to verify that the project units are ready for storm flow. 19 21. The fall semiannual report should be reviewed by the Water Resources Superintendent for signature. The reports are used to make at least one copy, which is forwarded to the USACE. 20 AFFENOM A EXCERPT FROM Tl �TLE 33 m CODE OF FEDERAL R GULATDONS Appendix A Pt. 208 (d) Enforcement policy. Every means at the disposal of the Army Corps of Engineers will be utilized to monitor and enforce these regulations. (1) To identify vessel operating com- panies that should be reporting water- borne commerce data, The Corps will make use of, but is not limited to, the following sources. (i) Data on purchase and sale of ves- sels. (ii) U.S. Coast Guard vessel docu- mentation and reports. (iii) Data collected at Locks, Canals, and other facilities operated by the Corps. (iv) Data provided by terminals on ENG Form 3926. (v) Data provided by the other Fed- eral agencies including the Internal Revenue Service, Customs Service, Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Commerce. (vi) Data provided by ports, local fa- cilities, and State or local govern- ments. (vii) Data from trade journals and publications. (viii) Site visits and inspections. (2) Notice of violation. Once a report- ing violation is determined to have oc- curred, the Chief of the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center will notify the responsible party and allow 30 days for the reports to be filed after the fact. If the reports are not filed within this 30 -day notice period, then appro- priate civil or criminal actions will be undertaken by the Army Corps of Engi- neers, including the proposal of civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance. Typical cases for criminal or civil ac- tion include, but are not limited to, those violations which are willful, re- peated, or have a substantial impact in the opinion of the Chief of the Water- borne Commerce Statistics Center. (3) Administrative assessment of civil penalties. Civil penalties may be as- sessed in the following manner. (i) Authorization. If the Chief of the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Cen- ter finds that a person or entity has failed to comply with any of the provi- sions specified herein, he is authorized to assess a civil penalty in accordance with the Class I penalty provisions of 33 CFR part 326. Provided, however, 33 CFR Ch. II (7 -1 -12 Edition) that the procedures in 33 CFR part 326 specifically implementing the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1319(8)(4)), public notice, comment period, and state co- ordination, shall not apply. (ii) Initiation. The Chief of the Water- borne Commerce Statistics Center will prepare and process a proposed civil penalty order which shall state the amount of the penalty to be assessed, describe by reasonable specificity the nature of the violation, and indicate the applicable provisions of 33 CFR part 326. (iii) Hearing requests. Recipients of a proposed civil penalty order may file a written request for a hearing or other proceeding. This request shall be as specified in 33 CFR part 326 and shall be addressed to the Director of the Water Resources Support Center, Casey Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060- 5586, who will provide the requesting person or entity with a reasonable op- portunity to present evidence regard- ing the issuance, modification, or rev- ocation of the proposed order. There- after, the Director of the Water Re- sources Center shall issue a final order. (4) Additional remedies. Appropriate cases may also be referred to the local U.S. Attorney for prosecution, penalty collection, injunctive, and other relief by the Chief of the Waterborne Com- merce Statistics Center. [56 FR 13765, Apr. 4, 19911 PART 208 — FLOOD CONTROL REGULATIONS Sec. 208.10 Local flood protection works; mainte- nance and operation of structures and fa- cilities. 208.11 Regulations for use of storage allo- cated for flood control or navigation and/ or project operation at reservoirs subject to prescription of rules and regulations by the Secretary of the Army in the in- terest of flood control and navigation. 208.19 Marshall Ford Dam and Reservoir (Mansfield Dam and Lake Travis), Colo- rado River, Tex. 208.22 Twin Buttes Dam and Reservoir, Mid- dle and South Concho Rivers, Tex. 208.25 Pensacola Dam and Reservoir, Grand (Neosho) River, Okla. 208.26 Altus Dam and Reservoir, North Fork Red River, Okla. 208.27 Fort Cobb Dam and Reservoir, Pond (Cobb) Creek, Oklahoma. 106 A -1 Appendix A Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD 208.28 Foss Dam and Reservoir, Washita River. Oklahoma. 208.29 Arbuckle Dam and Lake of the Ar- buckles, Rock Creek. Okla. 208.32 Sanford Dam and Lake Meredith, Ca- nadian River. Tex. 208.33 Cheney Dam and Reservoir, North Fork of Ninnescah River, Kans. 208.34 Norman Dam and Lake Thunderbird, Little River, Okla. 208.82 Hetch Hetchy, Cherry Valley, and Don Pedro Dams and Reservoirs. AU'111101n'rY: Sec. 7. 58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. 709. §208.10 Local flood protection works; maintenance and operation of structures and facilities. (a) General. (1) The structures and fa- cilities constructed by the United States for local flood protection shall be continuously maintained in such a manner and operated at such times and for such periods as may be necessary to obtain the maximum benefits. (2) The State, political subdivision thereof, or other responsible local agency, which furnished assurance that it will maintain and operate flood con- trol works in accordance with regula- tions prescribed by the Secretary of the Army, as required by law, shall ap- point a permanent committee con- sisting of or headed by an official here- inafter called the "Superintendent," who shall be responsible for the devel- opment and maintenance of, and di- rectly in charge of, an organization re- sponsible for the efficient operation and maintenance of all of the struc- tures and facilities during flood periods and for continuous inspection and maintenance of the project works dur- ing periods of low water, all without cost to the United States. (3) A reserve supply of materials needed during a flood emergency shall be kept on hand at all times. (4) No encroachment or trespass which will adversely affect the effi- cient operation or maintenance of the project works shall be permitted upon the rights -of -way for the protective fa- cilities. (5) No improvement shall be passed over, under, or through the walls, lev- ees, improved channels or floodways, nor shall any excavation or construc- tion be permitted within the limits of the project right -of -way, nor shall any change be made in any feature of the § 208.10 works without prior determination by the District Engineer of the Depart- ment of the Army or his authorized representative that such improvement, excavation, construction, or alteration will not adversely affect the func- tioning of the protective facilities. Such improvements or alterations as may be found to be desirable and per- missible under the above determina- tion shall be constructed in accordance with standard engineering practice. Advice regarding the effect of proposed improvements or alterations on the functioning of the project and informa- tion concerning methods of construc- tion acceptable under standard engi- neering practice shall be obtained from the District Engineer or, if otherwise obtained, shall be submitted for his ap- proval. Drawings or prints showing such improvements or alterations as fi- nally constructed shall be furnished the District Engineer after completion of the work. (6) It shall be the duty of the super- intendent to submit a semiannual re- port to the District Engineer covering inspection, maintenance, and operation of the protective works. (7) The District Engineer or his au- thorized representatives shall have ac- cess at all times to all portions of the protective works. (8) Maintenance measures or repairs which the District Engineer deems nec- essary shall be promptly taken or made. (9) Appropriate measures shall be taken by local authorities to insure that the activities of all local organiza- tions operating public or private facili- ties connected with the protective works are coordinated with those of the Superintendent's organization dur- ing flood periods. (10) The Department of the Army will furnish local interests with an Oper- ation and Maintenance Manual for each completed project, or separate useful part thereof, to assist them in carrying out their obligations under this part. (b) Levees - -(1) Maintenance. The Su- perintendent shall provide at all times such maintenance as may be required to insure serviceability of the struc- tures in time of flood. Measures shall be taken to promote the growth of sod. 107 MAN i= R ;--, ,, �_ f � � ! � � �_i i � _.- it I _ i 1 �_ F- W Z Q Q w w w T L- C/7 u- I_I r -. 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U v 'n L Lc c c 7 L D v e Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide �c a •� N N s » N O y C � p v V th •� � i cd 'O C R u y x-. � E u O Q; c—,-S CO 'D� .O C .Q v _ro RS n v •G F v �>, o v •n o � a O 27D C C O C y E ro 2 O ^• VJ .) = ° o u v L o= E o c n n v o r E o O o c v 5 r O F u F -v N cG o' °- u .°• u v E O u v n o v A'• N n v o •� i LO N ,� CJ_1 ^l) G N ,v V C y �nj 0 N O O y `o u. � F- F F- 5o a F Q •'_' ° cva �°s' t-- � t7 I C ¢ T C 'U U _ G n ° W i ° ° O o U O c v 0 ado y Q go •oo ¢ ¢ �o v ¢ Y c c 7 L D v e Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide wo C a> C C W 3 U w J. O F d D I W U W �n x b y O T v IS 3 N o °q p. 0 3 v ❑ a`, p- o U r,_, � v 0 3 o Y v O v O LO' GEJ t0 ._ v p L .0 O •� .� to O G v bA o v N v A Oi 0. bv-0 y0 �w ?A o c s c o = °— � u a `m v a. =° L = o •� a s° u m o oo^n 7 •`-' v u E v> Q .> v T.E �.V 0. C. > c o o •°— v E o. °_ o E E o to tD G E _ u C m s c° 6 a N n o (++ � � p V O >' R cGa N _ O O E 0. v v R O' 6 � 7 0 .N � •O � v E RS �, tb ° E vOi • A :-. O T _, O O v v .L ❑ '.' p0 v � b E � c' �' v v O O .� U ,D - c3 - R 90 w° 4- � N E '+- N RS `o. N •G' N O cd v N cd N cd •� O y 'O .N. O ° c6 .� o � u� W � u c u o '.. c � � v o � ❑ c °? ca v °.3 E R a Pj a° c � c � �' v o 9 o L E F 5 0 .E p c ttl U _ ° E s v❑ E y E D c G .2 w .•� On. Z .o E E E , ' ' o ,o cE N C N U E p > G c E cd O 3 c ••• E .n E u_ E —-- E -- E u O o- O o n p o o °' v�= E -- v •° v v w 3[— ¢ z e c o 'Z. E c � p r > O 0 Y E y C .1 W Fa• E c v = y ] c fRi E O 7 E �Q�n aUa N w K1 uE.� U V 4t vl a � Appendix C: FCW Inspecti ®n Guide 0 0 C 0 O z z v C 4 v 0 V 00 r r w v w u U Y [i C O 2: O C 0 c C a o 'cn U R v C > "i O 3 u U� �I Li v C p v N a R Eg '> O w O W 2 ° R< N t0 N C .Q � v L L C v R a o y- a L.. p� C p p .o p p Np a a c a .E Ol L.L7 a I.LI CC, d `z d a v F z � O F_ mlll c = - W fY v u v •� `f _. o in Gc1 n r oo a; 1 c "a G Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide z 0 Q z w a U t R R 7 7 n N N N t v 45 R -2 ` U U R R C C F F v v 72 V Q Ql v o . .0 o ° ° v o� •ai o o y y ; ;o ? ? o o W W v� o o°i� ° ° E a' > > = =_ ° °1 � � . � • •_ o off° •° c c c O • •� � w w a a c � v v 3� v v o v v. v r u u o o , ,o E E o.N•o a y y,D o o� w � w � c "a G Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide is O U S.a N Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide Q F a 0 0 U a f Y a a F a f a U 0 a � V E P rOn ° O .2 E fl. 0 v 9 � Y a � a 'o 5. 3 cz7 � c.q� O 3 � O 29 UE � as .� •> � � > Y °cn °° � v .R c v 'g •a n, L� � � v � .D o .v � v o o c � u v o v v v c E u L ca a • z a v o � •o ° d C ❑ >' G � N M Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide u u C 0 V v nn U cc OL � y d r� Li Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide c Y e C i 'o v i Q rX 9 CJ O v till v cc —cs u v nn c � v .. c 0. •° a W L � L �� v O v H� a O F -O v C O c acs ti .= � � G .« y � i v �- OLD N � � O C C '� � t y R «• .O •C 00 v N) C - v .- O v v > o> N v C� cd 5 O v j Gil ~' •- � `� L = � u v .n =' > � v o v o � O u y u nyu . 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'� R ant E Z' Ln FL a w d d 7 d d z a a z d v L Y : c u U u u C v CO R U V1 r U C CA v ffi i ob E 4F U F V7 ccd W m � W Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 0 0 a c O a O z a v v 0 v z 0 V c 0 v 0 :e 0 C i u U w c u u c � W c _ C � O '^ U o QS O _O �I of u O � U� � v v v ° S .O ° W) .� `^ N � � 0. r>J i v • J U O �• �p p .c F_ p o > E c -- .� G U.1 �, N �+ R ^� 0. .O ._ O .a p ^ v + c0 cf ^ ,_ N N _ v o °J =d o ,� w N T tOJ U" U= C F U •- GJ > v $ C U $ _3 d ��„ 'c6 n bl) v y N W v _ v c Oi ,C v C W 7 ,p u W C Nl O o a A$= v o ro ro' v v v v L c v a n R •p � .o L c a N a c v c a v .O a u o a v o ti >. v v ° @_ .l' y '^ •cc �`a '� it F M 'Z V 'D N N U N Q :' .> ca t •= m O O C '� —' �_ 01) + C O v W v •— v v c6 .� v 'D v v P v t v SJ v a W p O L y O _ U O' v @ J 0. u p, _ iC w cC� t G '� O O O Z. n. -E d a z a - c d 0 c v a v c ii C4 m v 7. E° N F c a W y u i o p W `o •o v y ¢` Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 10 0 .0 h .y on 'i a O C 0 Ir z z v v 'N v v a v — a a U w � 3 m ro m v v ou � 3 c c o o u c O � O O � � c a �, v� • •� v . .. C v L N L L , ,vim v O O � ' O •-. � . v o o W v v a jtb N L U . O U v ` p .H ` v p �= v v °o •° c> c c° ° °J yJ L v v$> o o a v � � c c u d m m� � � ° °-' 'o :: � w w c t ti a '� . .n >o � � n . .� 3 3 . ,r . .`i' o o o � o o • •v c v °" 3 0 00 a v w � � v v _v, m m 1 a" � W v v rl t t> O O v 3 3 i i . ._ F Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 10 0 .0 h .y on 'i a O C 0 Ir S A &a WH z z O F a A z w O U a a a F w z Z F-' Q U O W u i G � m v E E o u c a ° v v •a N C° L c 'v o .0 �� a u � o •a v �, v G o v s s N N E' R° E y D C CA •D u ,vn F L 3 Y s 45 v o a F o O L i s c Y n u an y d i o s `o ? E u v v CQ a u t O 44 t O a L E L s y •N C 0 i O v p �' U u C 0 O 0u 0 R O to aC q T w O ` cu >a v O > cC > N .O W LE L �-• itl cC cC > O. .O .E £ O P C �. O. y v R N u •� L w u L W °> bu0 o p O O O 'O 'O > N ! 4-1 o o ro N 3 i Ny O ti p E v L ._ « •_ L d 'O N «L+ y 3 P O vui N O N u N G 40 .E- C .O � Y m O '> o Z. ❑Uo° 0 oC ffx + D ,E w L FN . Q T i d w � 5 v v a s o Q 2 ° u Llv a�iL > O __: W N I a. v CL E Ct I o W D Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 11 c 0 c eu 9 O 0 a° C r 0 S V v oa C C 0 0 a� c C O U v C L A Fr O �L L" Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 12 v v 0 v z a W Q W S1 = L v @ •O R v ^ O V O� .- y _vOi p p .G y @ O F •t7 R '� .- OU11 c u oon o°n ° �1 •O v u y > s C u .n' d 'D E '/, C j O E � o •� m v H N - ^ v u O 'c, c •� C n O G R H @ E- d n u > _ � R E U L •' •- R •p v � O" .- .= V v u 'E N E h '° C O y .t+ '� v -c 9 f-' p n � N .m J� fl. •_v s 'O i R = p i O � y c ..+ @ a n E W E v 'O � n O e3 .° .. N) . .= >v 0 •_ •v .E L � ca O � @ v v •p W U� OJ n F R @= O � U ° V �.. �- O E v O ... O blJ _v .. byU E O 'v •p •E O i av � '9 S 7 O @ @ v vi O n C H O � � =• N sv. 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C T �' t E CL W W z. Q N 0. cC3 V] y z a ¢ � P u V U — w a o v o o o ro o.5 Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 13 O 0 c q c 0 0 0 K II 0 O C v 4 z 0 v r Z 6 Q 0 "L7 O a a 0 CU Tr GA CC i. A L O z 0 Q z w WO a a 0 H a U O a v g v g v 'o is eu v O U C O O N ro r C c^ O C O N CW •• � - O O C OU 'O O N R 'G — W j ` th iJ .o X •O •v ro N C cs N v .- v W o o N v :o = :o u v en R E o c u.. •`-" 7 o= s ca a, N m p � s .W W) G` ofl co .. � br) �f1 � � W1 ro W'p �'.' v •a os � y '.• u U R •E P = O W .E '�. ofl '+- N V O C .D C U C •^ ,� U M U 1 ..y O •w C v R �- E N W) •n U 1 .U. R E •!' 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'D G N 'D u � � O � U � �=• 'D U •_ •p '.2 O U O_ O u E' cd U R U ° p 7 U ° '+- •_ H U oA r to ,� y .O U U to .s E O" U U °C x v b 3 v G' .o '- ° v N v E ti E O E C C7 Y •� O n •� .� c° x .°- R d •� c u A s en o u a° R o '= n U v ti c° W > o a ; H h v u i, 5 a O a 0 9 R _ 0. E U E v E R R fl. 7 p LE 2 C7 u F Q Q 7 Q 5 z Q z Q z a . z Q F _ 3 o u O u •� � _ u F -E s = s c u u p Q _ cn F F CC Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 17 0 D 0 c 0 0 u D 0 v a 4 v 0 v v y O `a a a y O .y O G u W � o � U C c U � O CA] = � o 0 4 00 4 'o h C a K Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 18 z 0 d 0 w 0 a k a �a 0 H d U O a n, '= O _ .r O 'O — C .y y O V O V .D � R •c3 is � v QJ q cC V O ti a $ � •Y r iC .— N O -p � •% I .D � � .-• to W A O � ro i v v O� 'D -' N_ cl E h Ql y cQ L W eS W p pRj) 'J N N O cd u v W O^ O y _ R N •D R �. u Ls• :.. � O v Y � H .u. v W- :: W R R O L � ti O n. � C L E U aV+ O 7 O V Q) F OU C3 n• i a z `c d ?f) O h II ? �?v) �•O C c- 0 06 0 4 00 4 'o h C a K Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 18 C CC C 0 U b 0 0 w v �C W C it W f s C U o] a i :C a d i a f r 0 H a 0 ,° 0 0 Y p c3 G L u cc LL u ca O F+ •fl v o O O O v O p, � T v •� y O v i z. ° � u � � •D � O � PO 'O � � v p � V P O O � ' O P L b O by bD > •b � is � ° � o P o � � •u � v bD c o v � v .�.1 v V •�, O Y RT u >' u > V O O ti L u V .L+ 'O > O N O o N o g �- u a .� L � O. •O � O .O '� =, .L d bA b4 ON v, ro v, oU+ L v a E � o u v v> c� � v L a o .c o° s`o •o o °c° o b P y> H N G a 3 u D v u= ca v cOi u p P u O V LO bD = u � c u @ a' � v t v u .o aj o •o Y g bD � k � •= � � � � � bD v L v s s u s� o o L t u o o v � '� a E '� n. 'K '� o� Q v '� R L o acdi •v c •v F s O Z Z u `m 2 n F m o F o u> Z v Q w u F Z S o Q o d z F d v v o• o E v E g Appendix C: FCW Inspection (Guide 19 0 c D 0 a O II D a v a v z 0 s V v z a V 0 0 z v `a m d O L O � O � C ❑ u O R V K O Q% ^ C S U O L � L ❑ �an O U O = O � U � G Y R r_, R � u CC L W � Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 20 0 .0 •i `o d 0 a W z c� �a on •° v .v v � v v •�-, u v •d ` � �, w Y O :-• C m L ca � oW v v c'.• a u� ro ro " .- � � � � = O O L U 'a •� R N ?� O ^ > > O O y � N � 1. U O •p N y H L .O � U U � R �� R ?� cJ a .- O V C H .^O.. L L N .`.• G •O H _ .N C C O O F v A C v •� > > W V .L � C � CO � O C) � bL � v � � N •v v 5 � V v OyD O y y ` a � ro •� w = a 'Q U m C V cs .- cJ ro b0➢ R bOA tiR O O U •u O) O O O C) O L ro y •� rC O 0 U 1 C 0 O ^ C O p N C ro O C 0 w O L y .R i0. N 'O v L GLWJ �U" V V L O C 0 L R .ro L y1 L ° a. C/5 o, C2 J, L L 7. cn � !n �"' ryN u. U R (D `o 0 a d O d Q l z d 7` Q 7 c Q y ^ `o u C o > U Appendix C: FCW Inspection Guide 20 0 .0 •i `o d 0 d r O aL. C 0 0 G v u C 0 0 0 ea - ® W S� on �+ c C � O c V c O � �O c R r� pp C ed v O L c.i m Appendix C: FCW Inspecti ®n Guide 21 4 v Z v y r a v v s U z 0 F a 0 z w O w a a a z O .a N 'D °- '� U cC •p •°c U) son Op 0 'E 'O � v b W � v i U L O� � E � � L R O X O p U ... ., � •� E s c c v 2 o v v v u L L 9 b y E '- U E u u O � ,,-. CC, •O r L cC _ c3 L y y � W � E .� o O u °• �a -o w � � c O o L v c c v s � v o c v 'b � � v c � � °° c c E � c N °' °' � o� •v � v .r � n,> y v c° v v� N v v .c c A o E v a u v tiff >, c on Y m v v a E ass 3 � n, $. 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O O O � a T 3 P 'O OA L w � G oA :� � R •p bOA 'D - v a v O � V •• 7 � � R O U N U C P F pOq R -oD w v G � v c o W v v U R O 'O O w E _ N T •G � ro U U v ¢ R O U m v > o v v � j R o E a �v � � P O ' O C > O R o � o 'i 0 T P a. v 'O v v v 7 R own .O 0 v R C P° v v w 0 c .o a C T P W R 00 b0 .� E U � d 0 U L NC v � M 'fl G Y 3 D T v v s =• T R 0 3 V TLv.. w = O v � P v E •n R3 v 'D P s � 0 3 O 0te O _ a' v v s Y i O O � v w P U = � V U � O > G N O � v d .- 7 O C E Y ti •D O. 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I° I !�!n.'E ADDOPTED O a T 50 S. R 27 E r I p ' • 6 • o IV li ' \ •Oe ,T I! I� y Table of Contents SECTION 1 - FLOOD OPERATIONS (Flood Alert Stages) ...................................................... ..............................2 STAGE1 FLOOD ALERT ......................................................................................................... ..............................2 STAGE2 FLOOD ALERT ......................................................................................................... ..............................2 STAGE3 FLOOD ALERT ......................................................................................................... ..............................2 SECTION 2 - GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................. ..............................4 GENERALINFORMATION ....................................................................................................... ..............................4 CONTRACTORSUPERVISION ............................................................................................... ..............................5 OPERATIONOF RADIOS ........................................................................................................ ..............................5 SECTION 3 - STORM CENTER STAFFING ............................................................................... ..............................6 SECTION 4 - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................... ..............................7 SECTION 5 - SUMMARY OF STORM PATROL ASSIGNMENTS ............................................ ..............................8 SECTION 6 - STORM PATROL DETAILS ................................................................................ .............................11 STORMPATROL 1 .................................................................................................................. .............................11 STORMPATROL 2 .................................................................................................................. .............................12 STORMPATROL 3 .................................................................................................................. .............................13 STORMPATROL 4 .................................................................................................................. .............................14 STORMPATROL 5 .................................................................................................................. .............................15 STORMPATROL 6 .................................................................................................................. .............................16 STORMPATROL 7 .................................................................................................................. .............................17 STORMPATROL 8 .................................................................................................................. .............................18 STORMPATROL 9 .................................................................................................................. .............................19 STORMPATROL 10 ................................................................................................................ .............................20 SECTION 7 - SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE PATROLS ....................................................... .............................21 SECTION 8 - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CHAIN OF COMMAND ....................... .............................23 SECTION 9 - DEPARTMENT PHONE LIST .............................................................................. .............................24 SECTION10 - FORMS ............................................................................................................... .............................25 STORMPATROL OBSERVATIONS ....................................................................................... .............................26 FEDERAL PROJECT PATROL REPORT ............................................................................... .............................27 SECTION 11 - MAINTENANCE MAPS ..................................................................................... .............................28 1 SECTION 1 - FLOOD OPERATIONS (Flood Alert Stages) STAGE 1 FLOOD ALERT The Stage 1 Flood Alert is during normal to moderate rain over some or all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella. 1. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities (see Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols). Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled. 2. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled by Maintenance Crews. 3. The City and County NPDES /Hydrology Sections will collect water quality samples and inspect Department's recording stream and channel gauges. 4. Office personnel will function as usual. 5. Engineering personnel should consider observing drainage flow patterns in areas where projects are contemplated. STAGE 2 FLOOD ALERT The Stage 2 Flood Alert is during heavy rain over some or all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella with local flooding. 1. The City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) may become operational depending on the severity of the event at the discretion of the City Manager. City personnel will work 8 to 12 hour shifts as necessary. 2. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities and will perform emergency repairs and flood fighting on Department facilities as needed (see Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols). Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken. Flood fighting efforts should be reported to and coordinated with the Water Resources Manager. 3. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken by Maintenance Crews. Flood fighting efforts will be coordinated by the Water Resources Manager. 4. Patrolling of Department facilities in accordance with Section 5 - Summary of Storm Patrol Assignments will be implemented as determined by Shift Managers in coordination with the Water Resources Director. Patrols will be available to respond to public inquiries in their areas and will report to the Shift Manager on the status of projects being patrolled. If a patrol determines the need for a facility to be monitored constantly, this will be communicated to the Shift Manager and Water Resources Director. The Water Resources Director will have either a Maintenance Crew, Survey Crew or Construction Inspector sent to the site for ongoing monitoring. 5. Shift Manager will report to the Water Resources Director on the status of facilities being patrolled. 6. NPDES /Hydrology Section will perform daily discharge measurements at various streams. 7. Planning Section or Storm Center Phone Personnel will receive all public inquiries /complaints and requests for flooding information. STAGE 3 FLOOD ALERT The Stage 3 Flood Alert is during heavy rain over all of the Kern River Watershed area below Lake Isabella with wide spread flooding. 1. The City's EOC begins 24 -hour operation. 2. The City's EOC will receive all public inquiries /complaints and requests for flooding information. 3. Maintenance Crews will patrol all Department facilities and will perform emergency repairs and flood fighting on Department facilities as needed (see Section 8 - Summary of Maintenance Patrols), Maintenance Crews will report to their Supervisors on the status of all facilities patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken. Flood fighting efforts should be reported to and coordinated with the Water Resources Manager. 4. Maintenance Supervisors will report to the Water Resources Superintendent who will inform the Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities being patrolled and any flood fighting efforts being undertaken by Maintenance Crews. Flood fighting efforts will be coordinated by the Water Resources Manager. 5. Department representatives with respect to other agencies. Inspectors will report to the Construction Engineer on the status of facilities and to the Water Resources Manager on the status of any work being performed on any facility. 6. The Construction Engineer will report to the Water Resources Manager and Water Resources Director on the status of the facilities and any work by Construction Inspectors. 7. Patrolling of Department facilities in accordance with Section 5 - Summary of Storm Patrol Assignments will be in 12 hour shifts as needed and as determined by Shift Managers in coordination with the Water Resources Director. Patrols will be available to respond to public inquiries in their areas and will report to the Shift Manager on the status of projects being patrolled. If a patrol determines the need for a facility to be monitored constantly, this will be communicated to the Water Resources Director. The Water Resources Director will have either a Maintenance Crew, Survey Crew or Construction Inspector sent to the site for ongoing monitoring. 8. Shift Manager will report to the Water Resources Director on the status of facilities being patrolled. 9. NPDES /Hydrology Section will perform daily discharge measurements at various streams. 3 SECTION 2 - GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Patrols are to report to the Water Resources Department to pick up all required supplies. Work in pairs. For Stage 3 Flood Alert: Patrol Shifts 7:00 a.m. — 7:30 p.m. Daylight Shift 7:00 p.m. — 7:30 a.m. Night Shift EOC Shift 8:00 a.m. — 8:30 p.m. Daylight Shift 8:00 p.m. — 8:30 a.m. Night Shift 2. Equipment and supplies to be carried by each patrol: a. Gate keys on vehicle keys b. Sandbags (Sandbags may be supplied to citizens during emergencies only. Sandbags are empty and sand is available at the City's Corporation Yard. Ten or twenty bags may be given out depending on needs of the requesting party.) c. Hook or shovel d. Flashlight e. Rope f. Rain Gear g. Camera h. Phone /Radio (if available) 3. Maintain contact with EOC at least every 2 hours by radio or telephone. 4. Inspect all City/Water Resources Department facilities in your area. Gate keys will be with vehicle keys. Note flows, problems, and take photographs as appropriate. Keep record of findings and photos on report form and turn it in at the end of patrol. Personnel going off duty should brief personnel coming on for each area assigned. 5. Report the need for ongoing monitoring of any facility to the Water Resources Director immediately. Public Works Director will designate Maintenance Crew, Survey Crew or Construction Inspector to such facilities for monitoring and continuous inspection. 6. The Public Works Department will perform clean out of catch basins where safe and feasible. 7. Only Water Resources Department personnel assigned to inline and closure structures will regulate structure gates. Changes in structure discharges shall be relayed to the Water Resources Director or Superintendent for coordination. 8. Expected response to citizen complaints received or referred by EOC: a. Evaluate situation. b. Document what you see, do and who you talked to. c. Department cannot perform work on private property unless a Department facility is in jeopardy. d. Refer to local City and County Fire Department. Fire Departments have a ready supply of manpower and sandbags and may assist residents. They are usually nearer the problem than Department personnel. e. Concentrate efforts on observing existing Department facilities and observing flooding conditions in area of planned projects. 4 f. Report problems to Shift Manager as soon as possible. CONTRACTOR SUPERVISION If a contractor is hired by others, Department Construction Inspectors shall be on the job to assist, advise, and direct Department forces and equipment as needed. All efforts involving outside contractors in flood fights are to be coordinated with the Water Resources Manager. Corps of Engineers' representatives will direct operations, maintain records of equipment, manpower and material used if they are involved in the flood fight. Department staff should do likewise and turn in all paper work at the end of each shift. The authority and responsibility for issuing orders or proclamations to the public remains with the Department, therefore, Department representation is required when the Corps engages in a flood fight. 2. When the Corps abandons a flood fight, immediately report this information to the Water Resources Manager. If the Department Manager authorizes the Department to take over, Department staff will advise contractors they are now working for the Department. Department personnel shall continue to keep records and turn in all paperwork after each shift. 3. Maintain detailed reports on "Extra Work Report" forms including: a. Description of equipment b. Hours worked c. Materials delivered to jobsite d. Personnel OPERATION OF RADIOS Call numbers are assigned to persons who regularly use radios. During flood periods other persons should check to identify their radio call sign before leaving the office. Their call sign is the patrol they are assigned (e.g., 4A). When calling anyone, use their number first and then your number. Talk in a normal tone and be as brief as possible. Use assigned numbers to request the person you want. Wait for the repeater to shut off before trying to talk. Remember that many people today have scanners and can listen to all of your conversations. Use appropriate language. 2. Some areas of the Department have poor reception. The most common way to correct poor reception is to get elevated such as on a hill, freeway overpass or bridge. Reception can also be improved by changing the direction the vehicle is heading or by having the engine idling. 3. Avoid talking while you are gathering your thoughts, i.e., "Okay, 10 -4, will do, WHF95, 613 clear ". Mobile and base radios should sign off with WHF95. Identify the area, channel and problem. Many channels have similar names and identification of the areas can become a problem. 5 SECTION 3 - STORM CENTER STAFFING (Including Cell and Radio Numbers) TITLE DAY NIGHT ALTERNATES Art Chianello Department Manager Cell: 661 - 549 -6313 Jason Meadors Department Director Cell: 661 - 717 -4631 Don Richardson Department Superintendent Cell: 661 - 699 -7670 Radio: Agricultural Water Doug Perry Operations Supervisor II Cell: 661 - 978 -6794 Radio: Agricultural Water Ray Whitmore Operations Supervisor I Cell: 661 - 978 -8909 Radio: Mike Vradenburg Kern River Levee Inspector Cell: 661 - 343 -2405 Radio: Jimmy Mullens Maintenance Craft Worker I Cell: 661 - 800 -7636 Radio: Heather Williams Engineering Technician Cell: 661 - 979 -1453 Radio: "Note: Staff without radios will be assigned radios and numbers during a flood situation, if needed. R SECTION 4 - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Title Duties and Responsibilities Department Manager Oversees field operations and patrol of facilities. Coordinates with Department Director and Superintendent involving all flood fighting activities. Department Director Oversees flood fighting activities. Coordinates with Department Manager and Superintendent involving all flood fighting activities, maintenance and operations of water facilities. Department Superintendent Responsible for the coordination and supervision of Operations and Maintenance Supervisors. Agricultural Water Operations Supervisor II Responsible for the coordination and supervision of Operations Crews. Agricultural Water Operations Supervisor I Responsible for the coordination and supervision of Maintenance Crews. Kern River Levee Inspector In coordination with Operations and Maintenance Supervisors prioritizes and reports on Levee and Water Facility conditions. Maintenance Craft Worker I In coordination with Operations and Maintenance Supervisors works with Field Crews in the operation, maintenance and repairs of Water Facilities. Heavy Equipment Operator In coordination with Operations and Maintenance Supervisors works with Heavy Equipment in the maintenance and repairs of Water Facilities. Light Equipment Operator In coordination with Operations and Maintenance Supervisors works with Equipment in the maintenance and repairs of Water Facilities. Field Crews In coordination with Operations and Maintenance Supervisors conduct work in the operation, maintenance and repairs of Water Facilities. SECTION 5 - SUMMARY OF STORM PATROL ASSIGNMENTS Storm Description and Personnel Patrol No. FEMA LEVEE I.D. 200 1 A.M. Doug Perry — Supervisor II P.M. Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I FEMA LEVEE I.D. 201 2 A.M. Doug Perry — Supervisor II P.M. Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I FEMA LEVEE I.D. 8 3 A.M. Doug Perry —Supervisor II P.M. Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I FEMA LEVEE I.D. 9 4 A.M. Doug Perry — Supervisor I I P.M. Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I FEMA LEVEE I.D. 10 5 A.M. Doug Perry —Supervisor II P.M. Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I FEMA LEVEE I.D. 100 & 99 6 A.M. Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I P.M. Jason Solf - HEO FEMA LEVEE I.D. 13 & 14 7 A.M. Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I P.M. Jason Solf - HEO FEMA LEVEE I.D. 15 8 A.M. Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I P.M. Jason Solf - HEO FEMA LEVEE I.D. 18 9 A.M. Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I P.M. Jason Solf - HEO BELLEVUE WEIR AND ADJACENT HEAD WORKS 10 A.M. Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I P.M. Jason Solf - HEO Environmental Patrol: Don Richardson Heather Williams Doug Perry — Supervisor II Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I City of Bakersfield Task Manager Jason Meadors 717 -4631 Cell 326 -3715 Work Assistant City of Bakersfield Task Manager Don Richardson 978 -6796 Cell 326 -3715 Work 699 -7670 P.Cell Chester Ave. Team: -R- Ray Whitmore 836 -8344 Home 978 -8909 Cell Reggie Gutierrez 654 -0255 Home 619 -4890 P.Cell 978 -9018 Work Cell 326 -3715 Work Jason Solf 588 -6787 Home 978 -8905 Cell Mohawk Street Team: -T- Doug Perry 393 -2448 Home 978 -6794 Cell 326 -3715 Work Heather Williams 979 -1453 Cell 326 -3715 Work Mike Vradenburg STORM PATROL BACKUP Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I Jimmy Mullens — Craftworker I NPDES SAMPLING TEAM County of Kern Task Manager Greg Fenton 589 -0156 Home 862 -5061 Work Assistant County of Kern Task Manager Kevin Hamilton 393 -6062 Home 703 -5570 Cell 862 -5071 Work W, 363 -3882 Cell NPDES SAMPLING BACKUP Doug Perry — Supervisor II Mike Vradenburg — Craftworker I Ray Whitmore — Supervisor I Jimmy Mullens — Craftworker I PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF PROBLEM AREAS Don Richardson Doug Perry Matt Johnston Jason Solf Mike Vradenburg 10 Heather Williams SECTION 6 - STORM PATROL DETAILS STORM PATROL 1 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 200 — The extension of Renfro Road to S. Allen Road South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheet: 2 A.M. PATROL Don Richardson Doug Perry P.M. PATROL Ray Whitmore Jason Solf Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station I Major Facilities I Notes 10 +00 to 63 +00 1 Earthen levee, gravel top. Monitor levee integrity. 11 STORM PATROL 2 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 201 — S. Allen Road to Stockdale Highway South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheets: 2 & 3 A.M. PATROL Don Richardson Doug Perry P.M. PATROL Ray Whitmore Jason Solf Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 63 +00 to 81 +34 S. Allen Road is Monitor levee integrity. the levee. Wilson Ditch Coordinate with Berrenda Mesa Water District and 80 +50 Box Culvert monitor structural integrity of culvert and S. Allen Road. Station Equation: Sta. 81 +34.10 Back = Sta. 10 +49.24 Ahead Wilson Ditch Coordinate with Berrenda Mesa Water District and 13 +00 Control Structure monitor integrity of structure. 10 +49 to 59 +96 Earthen levee, Monitor levee integrity. paved top. 12 STORM PATROL 3 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 8 — Stockdale Highway to 3/4 miles east of Calloway Drive South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheet: 3 A.M. PATROL Don Richardson Doug Perry P.M. PATROL Ray Whitmore Jason Solf Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 59 +96 to 150 +41 Earthen levee, paved top Monitor levee integrity. 64 +50 The Park at River Walk Lake Monitor control structure for proper operation. No flows Outfall from the Kern River shall travel back into lake. Coordinate with Storm Patrol 10 regarding operation and Bellevue River monitoring of the weir. If so directed from the 68 +00 Weir Department, remove the 330' soft plug to the south of the weir; coordinate with Department Maintenance and Operations. 98 +00 Pioneer Canal Monitor flap gates for proper operation. No flows from the Outfall to River Kern River shall travel back into the Kern River Canal. 13 STORM PATROL 4 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 9 — 3/4 miles east of Calloway Drive to Coffee Road South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheets: 3 & 4 A.M. PATROL Don Richardson Doug Perry P.M. PATROL Ray Whitmore Jason Solf Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 150 +41 to 189 +00 Earthen levee, paved top Monitor levee integrity. 189 +00 to 201 +22 Coffee Road is the levee. Monitor levee integrity. 14 STORM PATROL 5 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 10 — Coffee Road to 3/4 miles east of Coffee Road South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheet: 4 A.M. PATROL Don Richardson Doug Perry P.M. PATROL Ray Whitmore Jason Solf Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 201 +22 to 239 +71 Earthen levee adjacent to Monitor levee integrity. Truxtun Avenue, paved top Operate as directed by the Department and monitor weir integrity. If so directed from the 203 +00 Coffee Road Weir Department, remove the 150' soft plug to the north of the weir; coordinate with Department Maintenance and Operations. 204 +00 Kern River Canal Intake Monitor structure integrity and operate as directed by the Department. 15 STORM PATROL 6 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 100 & 99 — 3/4 miles east of Coffee Road to Mohawk Street South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheet: 4 A.M. PATROL P.M. PATROL Mike Vradenburg Jason Solf Don Richardson Matt Johnston Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 239 +71 to 284 +64 Earthen levee, paved top Monitor levee integrity. Truxtun Lake Located between the east and west Truxtun Lakes, 241 +50 Overflow Facility 1 monitor flap gate for proper operation. Water shall not flow from the west lake to the east lake. Truxtun Lake Overflow Facility 2 — Between the Truxtun Lake West Truxtun Lake and the Kern River. Routes Overflow Facility 2 overflow water from exterior West Truxtun Lake to the Kern River. Two 54" board bays. Closure Structure. 16 STORM PATROL 7 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 13 & 14 — Mohawk Street to BNSF Railroad South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheets: 4 & 5 A.M. PATROL P.M. PATROL Mike Vradenburg Jason Solf Don Richardson Matt Johnston Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 284 +64 to 322 +50 1 Earthen levee, paved top I Monitor levee integrity. iINA STORM PATROL 8 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 15 — BNSF Railroad to Freeway 99 South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheets: 5 A.M. PATROL P.M. PATROL Mike Vradenburg Jason Solf Don Richardson Matt Johnston Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 322 +50 to 366 +16 Earthen levee, paved top Monitor levee integrity. Truxtun Avenue Underpass at Monitor flows out of facility 325 +50 BNSF Railroad Storm Water into the river, check for flows Lift Station in reverse. 18 STORM PATROL 9 Levee Reach: FEMA Levee I.D. 18 — Freeway 99 to 24`h Street South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheets: 5 A.M. PATROL P.M. PATROL Mike Vradenburg Jason Solf Don Richardson Matt Johnston Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Station Major Facilities Notes 366 +16 to 384 +37 Earthen levee, paved top Monitor levee integrity. 21 s' Street Storm Water Lift Monitor flows out of facility 370 +00 Station into the river, check for flows in reverse. 19 STORM PATROL 10 Location: Bellevue Weir and Adjacent Head Works South Levee As -Built Mapping Sheet: 4 A.M. PATROL P.M. PATROL Mike Vradenburg Jason Solf Don Richardson Matt Johnston Major Facilities and Notes on Potential Problem Areas Location Major Facilities Notes Operate as directed by the Department and monitor weir integrity. Coordinate with Bellevue Weir Storm Patrol 3. If so directed from the Department, remove the 330' soft plug to the south of the weir; coordinate with Department Maintenance and Operations. Pioneer Canal Head Works Operate as directed by the Department and Bellevue Weir and monitor weir integrity. adjacent head works to the north Operate as directed by the Department and Aera Pond Turnout monitor weir integrity. Berrenda Mesa Recharge Coordinate with Berrenda Mesa Water Pond Intake Structure and District and monitor integrity of structures. 72" Pipeline to Wilson Ditch Rosedale -Rio Bravo Water Coordinate with Rosedale -Rio Bravo Water Storage District Head Works Storage District and monitor integrity of structure. 20 SECTION 7 — SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE PATROLS Title Name Cell # Radio # Water Resources Director Jason Meadors 661- 717 -4631 117 *160960 *28 Water Resources Superintendent Don Richardson 661 - 699 -7670 116 *17633*4 FIELD Personnel Radio # Manual Perez 116 *17633*18 Matt Johnston 116 *17633 *8 Jimmy Mullens 117 *160960 *28 Charlie Wilson 116 *17633 *14 Frank Lozano 116 *17633 *17 Maintenance 116 *17633 *12 Maintenance 2 116 *17633 *15 Reggie Gutierrez 116 *17633 *16 ROVING MAVNTENANCE PATROLS Title Personnel Cell # Radio # 661-978 - Supervisor Doug Perry 6794 116 *17633 *33 661-978 - Supervisor Ray Whitmore 8909 116 *17633 *9 661-343- Facility Inspector Mike Vradenbur 6595 116 *10973 *5 661-978 - Rovin Personnel Jason Solf 8905 116 *17633 *7 21 MAINTENANCE PATROLS Levee Section / Patrol Area Personnel Cell # Radio # The extension of Renfro Ray 116 *17633 *9 FEMA Levee I.D. 200 Road to S. Allen Road Whitmore 978 -8909 Ray 978 -8909 116 *17633 *9 FEMA Levee I.D. 201 S. Allen Road to Stockdale Whitmore Highway Ray 978 -8909 116 *17633 *9 FEMA Levee I.D. 8 Stockdale Highway to 0.73 Whitmore miles east of Calloway Drive 978-8909 FEMA Levee I.D. 9 0.73 miles east of Calloway Whitmore 116 *17633 *9 Drive to Coffee Road Coffee Road to 0.73 miles Doug Perry 978 -6796 FEMA Levee I.D. 10 east of Coffee Road 116 *17633 *33 FEMA Levee I.D. 100 0.73 miles east of Coffee Doug Perry 978 -6796 116 *17633 *33 & 99 Road to Mohawk Street FEMA Levee I.D. 13 Mohawk Street to BNSF Doug Perry 978 -6796 116 *17633 *33 & 14 Railroad Doug Perry 978 -6796 116 *17633 *33 FEMA Levee I.D. 15 BNSF Railroad to Freeway 99 Doug Perry 978 -6796 116 *17633 *33 FEMA Levee I.D. 18 Freeway 99 to 24th Street 22 SECTION 8 - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CHAI N OF COMMAND CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT LEVEE MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART URCES I WATER ART OCH AN E MANAGER WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR JASON MEADORS WATER RESOURCES SUPERINTENDENT DON RICHARDSON AGRICULTURAL WATER KERN RIVER LEVEE INSPECTOR OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR II DOUG PERRY AGRICULTURAL WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I RAY WHITMORE I MAINTENANCE CRAFT WORKER I I JIMMY MULLENS LEVEE MAINTENANCE CREWS MIKE VRADENBURG LEVEE MAINTENANCE CREWS II STORM PATROL OBSERVATIONS Observer: Date: Time Pictures Levee Reach or Facility: Location: Observation: Levee Reach or Facility: Location: Observation: Levee Reach or Facility: Location: Observation: Levee Reach or FacHity: Location: Observation: Q^: a J Q cc W 0 W IL (A Y f0 E N N N M � H C O :u cu V O J a U L (C N °' ° a) U) '�'/^� c, O Qi 0 Q > E E 0 0) J E O O I I I 0 c U c c '(DD _ U ° O O O _ cc N N CO) U- O O O w w o a w 0 ai ai (ll N .L � � L W+ i i z a J a J � E a. U li - , .�_, � �J. *s i� 'fit 1 �; �'.� . ���i � i) � ,y, o�C; B oR4, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT /FO IFO WATER BOARD �yl MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6:. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: February 13, 2015 APPROVED z DEPARTMENT HEAD c. O- SUBJECT: Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: Report by John Ryan Hydrographic Supervisor on current Kern River flow and Isabella storage conditions. w �YY li O li `O /MY IL w Cl) w Q J J w ,,m Vi � a w �i } O m J w LL Q W Q L) J CM w *- � N O J LL J Q Q Z Ir w Z ir w Y (slsayluGJud ul UOIJOAa13) 4=13V ul 3JVLI®AS O '- 0- 0- 0— 0- O- 0— 0— O- O O O r O E: O S O i O i O CL O ti O ti O ti O O O ON Ln O coo O N 00 Or 0 c7 O Om Ov O O O O ri O `° 60 O cD O N O "' O N 6— O° O O O Lo O, Lo rn O US m O Lo n O Lo O O CO N LO N N I t N It ry CYi N Cri N N N N T N T LO O lf) T L U) LO T Q LO r f I �1 R E ) LL O _ Z y N i R Z I i O�1 LL :i 3 d I .0 I I i O O co I• • • . O CD LO ®N003s 83d 133J oieno M N Or 0) cc O R N R CE M, c D LO T R 2 LO r CL Q i co 2 LO T .6 N LL LO r c R U N r O Z T +ri U O 7 0 M 1 x w �2 cc\:)j 0 C\i Cf) — z 21, 0 LU co C/) p 0 w MOO 7 7 O < C\j 0 60- cz L — — — — — I — — — — — — 1—.4 — — — — i — — — — — — I — — — — — t ----- r — Im — — — — — — I -------- I ------ I— I ------- I- (1) --.) I i LO LO CY) 0 N & - CC) C\J CA M Cl) N ------------- ------------------ - ----------------- -- - Q) C) Q.) Q) ------------------------ -------- -------- ------- ----- ------- — O q q q 0 LO 0 LO LO It 't CY) O C? q 0 LO 0 Ch C\j C\l (SOWU0 W84403 J948M 9 9 q q LO 0 LO 0 CL ca uj 0 ca (D Qr- r C) LL 0 (00 CC E :3 0 0 co co (f) CC U- 0 U O -0 E O 0 Z - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- co C\j 02 O cq L — — — — — I — — — — — — 1—.4 — — — — i — — — — — — I — — — — — t ----- r — Im — — — — — — I -------- I ------ I— I ------- I- (1) --.) I i LO LO CY) 0 N & - CC) C\J CA M Cl) N ------------- ------------------ - ----------------- -- - Q) C) Q.) Q) ------------------------ -------- -------- ------- ----- ------- — O q q q 0 LO 0 LO LO It 't CY) O C? q 0 LO 0 Ch C\j C\l (SOWU0 W84403 J948M 9 9 q q LO 0 LO 0 CL ca uj 0 ca (D Qr- r C) LL 0 (00 CC E :3 0 0 co co (f) CC U- 0 U O -0 E O 0 Z BAKE oRPDR4 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cAL``P WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6• B. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager February 11, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD , -�C'_ Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2014. RECOMMENDATION: For Board information. BACKGROUND: The emergency drought regulations implemented by the Governor require the City to report water usage to the State by the 15th of each month. The City began reporting monthly water usage for its domestic water service area in June 2014. From December 2013 to December 2014 the City added 1,073 new residential connections to domestic water service area. In December 2014, the City reported to the State a total water production of 1,078,158 hundred cubic feet (CCF). In December 2013 the total water production was 1,170,691 CCF, for a reduction of 92,533 CCF in December 2014. This equates to a reduction of 7.9% in total water usage. Based on estimated populations of 140,922 in December 2014 and 137,177 in December 2013, and considering a residential use percentage of 74.8% in 2014 and 76.5% in 2013, the City reduced its residential gallons per capita per day (R -GPCD) to 138 in December 2014, which is down from 158 in December 2013. This equates to an R- GPCD reduction of 12.3 %. To summarize, total water production from December 2013 to December 2014 was reduced by 7.9 %. Considering population growth, there was a 12.3% reduction in residential gallons per capita per day during the same time period. Drinking Water Information Clearinghouse (DRINC) Monitoring Report Calculations Month: Year: No. of Days in Month: December 2014 31 December December 2014 2013 Total Potable Water Production (CCF): 1,078,158 1,170,691 Residential Use Percentage: 74.84% 76.50% Estimated Population: 140,922 137,177 R -GPCD: 138 158 R -GPCD Increase /Reduction( -): ]put Used to Calculate Residential Use Percentage: December December Input Used to Calculate Estimated Population: 2010 Census Population: 2014 2013 Single Family Residential (SFR) Water Use -CBK01 (CCF): 763,767 851,747 Multi - Family Residential (MFR) Usage -CBK15 (CCF): 43,120 43,837 Total Residential Usage (CCF): 806,887 895,584 Input Used to Calculate Estimated Population: 2010 Census Population: 130600 2010 Active Residential Connections: 37428 2010 Baseline R -GPCD: 3.49 December December 2014 2013 SFR Metered Connections- CBK01: 39,999 MFR Metered Connections- CBK15: 387 Total Residential Connections: 40,386 New Residential Connections (for one year period): 1,073 38,926 387 39,313 Jason Meadors From: Art Chianello Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:39 PM To: Jason Meadors Subject: FW: Monitoring Report Acknowledgement for 1214 Thanks Jason. From: SWRCB Office Research, Planning & Performance [ mailto :drinc @waterboards.ca.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:23 PM To: Art Chianello Subject: Monitoring Report Acknowledgement for 1214 Hello Art Chianello, Thank you for your Monitoring Report. Below is the information you have submitted for the month of 1214: Reporter Urban Water Supplier Stage /Mandatory Reporting Month Total Potable Water Production Last Year's Art Chianello Bakersfield City of 3 Yes 1214 1078158 CCF Monthly 1170691 CCF Production Residential Use 74.84% Percentage Non - revenue Water CCF December 2013 had a population estimate of 137,177. December 2013 Qualification residential use percentage was 76.50 %. December 2013 R -GPCD was 158. Population 140922 R -GPCD 138 Enforcement Actions Implementation Recycled Water Office of Research, Planning & Performance 1 11111111111 / /I// /K ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT alllll � zN''lliillUy $ /..� '111,11111111 . R BOARD !'���HN /q/IIMIIII MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 9.A. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD February 13, 2015 APPROVED 1 Agreement with Southern California Edison for Water Holding at Isabella Reservoir. RECOMMENDATION: Water Board Recommends that Agreement with Southern California Edison (SCE) be referred to City Council for Approval. BACKGROUND: The Southern California Edison Powerhouse No. 1 hydroelectric power plant is located on the Kern River about three (3) miles into the Kern River canyon from Bakersfield. This hydro - electric power facility was built in the early 1900's and has been operating since this time. Isabella dam was built in 1954. Due to the construction of the Isabella Dam and the ability to store and regulate water behind the Dam, water flow operational parameters were established to minimize disruption to the ability to make hydro - electric power. The ability of water to be released from storage behind the Dam down the Kern River channel for the purpose of generating electricity is called "power flow releases ". Because the City of Bakersfield has water storage rights in the reservoir behind Isabella Dam along with other Kern River interests, depending on a multitude of factors, it is possible that water owned by the City would be drained out of storage and be used for generating electricity. A large percentage of City water in storage behind Isabella Dam will be treated at treatment plants and used for City domestic water purposes. In drought years with reduced amounts of water in storage, it is important that the City strategically control when this water in storage is released for City purposes. Therefore, this Holding Agreement with Southern California Edison will allow the City to keep valuable water in storage in the March through June time period and allow it to be used later during the peak months of summer. The decision of when to coordinate with SCE and to hold water is an operational decision by the City and various factors such as Kern River flow rate and amount of water in storage must be considered. 1. WEST END EXTERIOR OF KERN RIVER No. I POWERHOUSE BUILDING SHO... Page 2 of 2 1. WEST END EXTERIOR OF KERN RIVER No. 1 POWERHOUSE BUILDING SHOWING SWITCHRACKS ON SOUTH SIDE AND PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY KERN RIVER CANYON POWERHOUSE FOREBAY STRUCTURE IN FOREGROUND. KERN RIVER NO. 1 FOREBAY OVERFLOW PIPE IS VISIBLE ABOVE POWERHOUSE. VIEW TO NORTHEAST. - Kern County No. 1 Hydroelectric System, Powerhouse Exciters, Kern River Canyon, Baker -qfield. - K-ne-n County rA littp:Hwww.loc.gov/ pictures /item /ca202 Lphotos.315325p /resource/ 02/1312015 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Arthur R. Chianello, P.E.. Water Resources Manager March 5, 2015 AGREEMENT NO. Henry Martinez, Vice President Power Production Department Southern California Edison Company 1515 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: STORAGE OF KERN RIVER NO.1 POWERPLANT WATER ENTITLEMENT Dear Mr. Martinez: The two preceding water years were below average on the Kern River. The 2014 -2015 water year is still well below average at this date. Kern River Basin telemetered snow sensors are 14% of normal, April 1" average. The California Department of Water Resources has set the state water deliveries at 15% allocation to its water contractors for 2015. Due to the above factors and to help exercise control over our respective water entitlements, City of Bakersfield, (City), requests that a portion of the flow of the Isabella Reservoir Inflow to which Southern California Edison, (SCE), is entitled, will be stored in Isabella Reservoir for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant subject to the following terms and conditions: The term of this letter Agreement shall be for the period of March 1, 2015 extending through June 30, 2015. 2. Water stored for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant under this Agreement shall be calculated as the positive difference between the mean inflow of Lake Isabella as reported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers up to the 412 cubic feet per second capacity of the KR #1 Powerplant, or such lesser temporary capacity of the KR #1 Powerplant as may be determined by SCE, and the total mean outflow from Isabella Reservoir. City shall compensate SCE for the loss of power production due to storage of KR #1 Powerplant water entitlement and Operations & Maintenance cost for KR #1 Powerplant at the following rates: Water Resources Department . 1000 Buena Vista Road • Bakersfield . California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 • Fax (661) 852 -2127 • E -Mail: water @bakersfieldcity.us B A K E R S F I E L D WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Arthur R. Chianello, P.E.. Water Resources Manager March 5, 2015 AGREEMENT NO. Henry Martinez, Vice President Power Production Department Southern California Edison Company 1515 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: STORAGE OF KERN RIVER NO.1 POWERPLANT WATER ENTITLEMENT Dear Mr. Martinez: The two preceding water years were below average on the Kern River. The 2014 -2015 water year is still well below average at this date. Kern River Basin telemetered snow sensors are 14% of normal, April 1" average. The California Department of Water Resources has set the state water deliveries at 15% allocation to its water contractors for 2015. Due to the above factors and to help exercise control over our respective water entitlements, City of Bakersfield, (City), requests that a portion of the flow of the Isabella Reservoir Inflow to which Southern California Edison, (SCE), is entitled, will be stored in Isabella Reservoir for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant subject to the following terms and conditions: The term of this letter Agreement shall be for the period of March 1, 2015 extending through June 30, 2015. 2. Water stored for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant under this Agreement shall be calculated as the positive difference between the mean inflow of Lake Isabella as reported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers up to the 412 cubic feet per second capacity of the KR #1 Powerplant, or such lesser temporary capacity of the KR #1 Powerplant as may be determined by SCE, and the total mean outflow from Isabella Reservoir. City shall compensate SCE for the loss of power production due to storage of KR #1 Powerplant water entitlement and Operations & Maintenance cost for KR #1 Powerplant at the following rates: Water Resources Department . 1000 Buena Vista Road • Bakersfield . California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 • Fax (661) 852 -2127 • E -Mail: water @bakersfieldcity.us A. Component One (1): Energy Replacement KR# 1 Capacity Replacement Renewable Energy Cost Differential Total Energy Value KR Efficiency Cost per Acre -Foot Withheld Component One total cost per acre -foot shall be sixty -six dollars and ninety -three cents ($66.93). B. Component Two (2): Step 1 - Calculating Daily O &M Units $ 45.35 $ per MWh $ 1.52 $ per MWh $ 41.20 $ per MWh $ 88.07 $ per MWh Average Daily Total O &M 0.76 MWh/acre -ft $ 66.93 $ /acre -ft Component One total cost per acre -foot shall be sixty -six dollars and ninety -three cents ($66.93). B. Component Two (2): Step 1 - Calculating Daily O &M Units Monthly O &M $ 228,451.00 $ /mo /30 30 day /mo Average Daily Total O &M $ 7,615.03 $ /day Step 2 - Calculating City Holding Ratio Units Example: KR1 Entitlement 412 cfs 412 City Holding Request x cfs 82 Outflow 412 - x cfs 330 City Holding Ratio x / 412 0.20 Step 3 - Calculating City Holding Cost for O &M Units Example: Average Daily Total O &M $ 7,615.03 $ /day $ 7,615.03 City Holding Ratio x / 412 0.20 City Holding Cost per Day $7,615.03 x / 412 $ /day $ 1,515.61 Reduced $18.48x $ /day $ 1,515.61 cfs x 24 hrs to Conversion 1.983 acre - ft/day 1.983 City Holding Request x cfs 82 Cost per Acre -Foot Withheld $ 9.32 $ /acre -ft $ 9.32 Component Two total cost per acre -foot shall be nine dollars and thirty - two cents ($9.32). Total cost per acre -foot shall be seventy -six dollars and twenty -five cents, ($76.25), for water stored in Isabella Reservoir for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant pursuant to this Agreement. Water Resources Department • 1000 Buena Vista Road • Bakersfield • California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 • Fax (661) 852 -2127 • E -Mail: water @bakersfieldcity.us 4. SCE reserves the right to suspend the storage for later use of all or portions of KR #1 Powerplant water entitlement at any time throughout the term of this Agreement subject to reasonable advance notice to City. At the end of each month during the term of this Agreement, City shall provide to SCE a tabulation of the amount of SCE's KR #1 water entitlement stored in Isabella Reservoir for later use at the KR #1 Powerplant. Subject to SCE's review and approval of such tabulation, a check will be prepared and sent, within 30 days, to Southern California Edison Company, 1515 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770, attention Henry Martinez. 6. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon forty -eight (48) hours' notice. All payments for stored water shall be made within 30 days of such notice. 7. This Agreement is an accommodation by SCE at the request of City, is temporary, and shall not affect the water rights of either party in any way or become a basis of a right or precedent for future agreements. 8. At its sole cost, City shall make all of the necessary arrangements to divert, store, and release the water covered by this Agreement in compliance with all applicable water rights, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements, or any other applicable restrictions. City also assumes all risk of loss associated with this Agreement, and City shall indemnify and hold harmless SCE for any loss, damage, claim, or cost, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from implementation of this Agreement. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 11 -rd HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BY: ART CHIANELLO Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATTORNEY BY: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: BY: NELSON SMITH Finance Director ACCEPTED AND AGREED: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY %1 TITLE: DATE: Water Resources Department . 1000 Buena Vista Road • Bakersfield • California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 • Fax (661) 852 -2127 • E -Mail: water @bakersfieldcity.us BAKE O� �coarox�r�Rs � ♦ �Cq ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IFO WATER BOARD AL �� MEETING DATE: February 18, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 12. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Commissioner Terry Maxwell, Commissioner FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DATE: February 10, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD y9 CITY ATTORNEY VSO SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1). (One case) • North Kern Water Storage District v. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case No. 56 -201 1- 00408712- CU- CO -VTA VG:dll S: \WATER \Waterboard \14 -15 Clsessionadmin \02- 18- 15.Existlit.Docx 2/10/2015