HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-G_Cultural SurveyAppendix G
Cultural Resources Report
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
811 West 7th Street, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Contact: Michelle Long/Mark Robinson
(213) 627-5376 October 2007
MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ..........................................................................................ii
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1
SETTING ............................................................................................................................6
ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ........................................................................................6
PREHISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY...........................................................................7
ETHNOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND ................................................................................8
HISTORIC BACKGROUND .............................................................................................9
METHODS .......................................................................................................................10
RECORDS SEARCH .......................................................................................................10
NATIVE AMERICAN CONSULTATION .....................................................................10
FIELD SURVEY ..............................................................................................................10
REFERENCES CITED ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ...............................................13
Figure 1. Topographic Map ...............................................................................................2
Figure 2. Location Map......................................................................................................3
Figure 3. Overview of Project Area.................................................................................11
Woodmont—SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project i October 2007
Cultural Resources Evaluation J&S 00823.07
Jones & Stokes conducted a phase-1 cultural resource survey for the proposed Woodmont—
SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project on September 24, 2007. This investigation was
performed at the request of the City of Bakersfield to fulfill requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Woodmont Bakersfield LP proposes to develop a 965,000
square foot retail center and associated parking lots east of Highway 99 and north of Hosking
Avenue in Southeast Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The project area currently consists of
approximately 22 acres of disturbed open space. One structure is located within the parcel. The
structure is a single-family residence located along the north side of Hosking Avenue. It is not
considered part of the proposed project footprint. Instead, it is considered part of a separate, but
concurrent Caltrans project. As such, it was not evaluated for this project.
Prior to field investigations, Jones and Stokes conducted a literature search at the Southern San
Joaquin Valley Archaeological Information Center, located at California State University,
Bakersfield. The record search included a review of all available cultural resource survey and
excavation reports and site records for an area within a one-mile radius of the project area. The
results of this literature and records search indicate that two archaeological studies have been
conducted within the project area. Surveys within the project area identified three isolated
fragments of historic glass. Records for these artifacts are filed at the Southern San Joaquin
Archaeological Information Center under the trinomial numbers KER-9205, KER-9206, and
Jones & Stokes also contacted the Native American Heritage Commission, which provided a list
of Native American contacts in Kern County. Letters describing the project area and indicating
the project location were sent to the Native American representatives on September 18, 2007.
No comments have been received.
No further cultural resources were identified during the current project. However, if cultural
materials (Native American or historic artifacts) are encountered during construction, work
should stop in the vicinity of the find until a qualified archaeologist can assess the material.
Design of a treatment plan and consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer may be
required to appropriately mitigate any unanticipated discoveries. Treatment measures typically
include development of avoidance strategies, capping with fill material, or mitigation of impacts
through data recovery programs, such as excavation or detailed documentation, or other
mitigation measures, following standard archaeological procedures. If human remains are
exposed during construction, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further
disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin
and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code 5097.98. Construction must halt in the area
of the discovery of human remains, the area must be protected, and consultation and treatment
should occur as prescribed by law.
Woodmont—SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project ii October 2007
Cultural Resources Evaluation J&S 823.07
At the request of the the City of Bakersfield, Jones & Stokes conducted a phase-1 cultural
resources survey of the proposed Woodmont—SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project
(Project). Woodmont Bakersfield LP proposes to develop a 965,000 square foot retail center and
associated parking lots east of Highway 99 and north of Hosking Avenue in southeast
Bakersfield, Kern County, California. It is depicted on the Gosford USGS Quadrangle map, in
Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Section 25 (Figure 1).
The project area is approximately 22 acres of open land (Figure 2). One structure is located
within the parcel. The structure is a single-family residence located along the north side of
Hosking Avenue. It is not considered part of the proposed project footprint. Instead, it is
considered part of a separate, but concurrent Caltrans project. As such, it was not evaluated for
this project.
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The Project is regulated by Section 106 of the NHPA. Section 106 requires federal agencies, or
those they fund or permit, to consider the effects of their actions on “historic properties,” as
defined by Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regulations (36 Code of Federal
Regulations [CFR] Part 800) for implementing Section 106. Historic property means any
prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in, or eligible for
inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) maintained by the Secretary of the
Interior. This term includes artifacts, records, and remains that are related to and located within
such properties. The term includes properties of traditional religious and cultural importance to
an Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization that meet the National Register criteria [36 CFR
Section 800.16(l)].
To determine whether an undertaking could affect NRHP-eligible properties, cultural resources
(including archaeological, historical, and architectural properties) must be inventoried and
evaluated for listing in the NRHP. In order for a property to be considered for inclusion in the
NRHP it must meet the criteria for evaluation set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.4, as follows:
The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering,
and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess
integrity of design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association and
(a) that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the
broad patterns of our history; or
(b) that are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or
(c) that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of
construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic
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Woodmont—SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project 2 October 2007
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Woodmont—SR99/Hosking Commercial Center Project 3 October 2007
Cultural Resources Evaluation J&S 00823.07
values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose
components may lack individual distinction; or
(d) that have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or
Among other criteria considerations, a property that has achieved significance within the last 50
years is not considered eligible for inclusion in the NRHP unless certain exceptional conditions
are met.
California Environmental Quality Act
The Project is also governed by CEQA. In accordance with Section 21084.1 of CEQA, the
proposed project would have a significant adverse environmental impact if it causes a substantial
or potentially substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource.
According to CEQA (PRC Section 21084.1), historical resources include any resource listed, or
determined eligible for listing, in the California Register of Historical Resources (California
Register). Properties listed, or determined eligible for listing, in the NRHP, such as those
identified in the Section 106 process, are automatically listed in the California Register.
Therefore, all “historic properties” under federal preservation law are automatically “historical
resources” under state preservation law. Historical resources are also presumed to be significant
if they are included in a local register of historical resources or identified as significant in a
qualified historical resource survey.
As defined under state law in Title 14, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 4850, the
term “historical resource” means:
“Any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript which is
historically or archaeologically significant, or which is significant to the architectural,
engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, educational, social, political, military, or
cultural history of California.” For the purposes of CEQA, “historical resource” is further
defined under PRC Section15064.5 as a “resource listed in, or determined eligible for
listing in the California Register.”
Section 15064.5 of the State CEQA Guidelines sets forth the criteria and procedures for
determining significant historical resources and the potential effects of a project on such
resources. Generally, a cultural resource shall be considered by the lead state agency to be
“historically significant” if the resource meets any of the following criteria for listing in the
California Register:
(a) The resource is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to
the broad patterns of California’s history and cultural heritage.
(b) The resource is associated with the lives of persons important in our past.
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(c) The resource embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region,
or method of construction or represents the work of an important creative
individual or possesses high artistic values.
(d) The resource has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in
prehistory or history.
The cited statutes and guidelines specify how cultural resources are to be managed in the context
of projects such as the proposed project. Briefly, archival and field surveys must be conducted,
and identified cultural resources must be inventoried and evaluated in prescribed ways.
Prehistoric and historical resources deemed “historically significant” must be considered in
project planning and development.
California Health and Safety Code
Human remains are sometimes associated with archaeological sites. According to CEQA,
“archaeological sites known to contain human remains shall be treated in accordance with the
provisions of State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5.” The protection of human remains is
also ensured by California Public Resources Codes, Sections 5097.94, 5097.98, and 5097.99. If
human remains are exposed during construction, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5
states that no further disturbance shall occur until the county coroner has made the necessary
findings as to origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98.
Construction must halt in the area of the discovery of human remains, the project proponent must
assure that the area is protected, and consultation and treatment shall occur as prescribed by law.
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The project area is located in Bakersfield in the Southern San Joaquin Valley of California. The
San Joaquin Valley is 50-mile-wide lowland that extends from the Sacramento Delta in the north
to the Tehachapi Mountains in the south (Norris and Web 1990:412). Bakersfield has a semi-
arid, dry steppe climate characterized by hot, dry summers and short, cool winters. Rainfall is
scarce, averaging approximately 6 inches per year. Natural bodies of water near the project area
include Buena Vista Lake, located 13 miles southwest of the project area and the Kern River,
located 6 miles northwest of the project area. Canals include Kern Island Canal, bordering the
west end of the property, the Arvin Edison Canal, 0.2 miles north, and the West Branch Canal,
1.5 miles west of the property.
The 22-acre project parcel is relatively flat, as is typical of the San Joaquin Valley. The center of
the project parcel is 365 feet above sea level with a slope of 0-2 percent. Surface soils consist of
Kimberlina fine sandy loam (USDA 2007). The project area has been used for agricultural
activities, but is currently vacant. Vegetation on the southern half of the property consists of
thick creosote bush. Low lying grasses cover the northern half of the property. One structure is
located along its southern edge. The structure is not part of the proposed project footprint.
Instead, it is considered part of a separate, but concurrent Caltrans project. As such, it was not
evaluated for this project.
Activities within the project area including construction, agricultural activities, dumping,
grading, and recreation (dirt bikes, etc) have disturbed most of the project area. A large,
rectangular hole has been dug in the east/central portion of the property. The date this area was
dug out and the purpose it served is unknown, although we can speculate that it was a pond. The
excavated area is 181 ft (e/w) x 104 ft (n/s) and is approximately 15 ft deep. A second
depression exists 270 feet east of the first. The second depression is small and round. It is
approximately 2 ft deep and has a diameter of 22.5 ft. The lack of surrounding prehistoric or
historic artifacts indicates that these two depressions are recent and not historically or
prehistorically significant.
Land west of the project area consists of Highway 99, bordered by agricultural fields primarily
growing cotton. North of the project area is a vacant lot and a residential housing development.
Residential housing developments are also located east and south of the project area.
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This section provides a general overview of prehistoric, ethnographic, and historical periods in
the southern California deserts. The discussion of the prehistoric cultural setting is based
primarily on a cultural sequence defined by Warren (1984).
“Early Man” Period. Several sites in California, the most well known of which is Calico Hills,
have been tentatively assigned to the “Early Man Period” with relative dates ranging from
12,000 years ago to as far back as 50,000 years ago (Moratto 1984). Various geologic and
experimental dating methods provide these extreme temporal assignments. Thus far, however,
none of these “Early Man” sites have withstood scientific scrutiny. Despite claims for evidence
of “Early Man” in California, it appears likely that humans first arrived in California between
11,000 and 13,000 years ago.
Paleo-Indian Period. The earliest humans to occupy North America are believed to have been
highly mobile hunters and gatherers called Paleo-Indians. Two traditions characterize the Paleo-
Indian Period in the southern half of the San Joaquin Valley: the Western Fluted Point Tradition
and the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition (Moratto 1984). The Western Fluted Point Tradition in
California is similar to the contemporary Llano Complex of the Southwest and Great Plains.
Thirteen complete and seventeen fragmentary fluted and stemmed Clovis-like points,
characteristic of this tradition, were collected from the southern shore of Lake Tulare, in the
central San Joaquin Valley (Riddell and Olsen 1969). Similar points have been found near
Bakersfield and on the Tejon Ranch (Zimmerman et al. 1999). While none of the California
points have been radio-carbon dated, obsidian hydration measurements of specimens found at
Borax Lake in Northern California have dated to 11,000-12,000 B.P. (Maratto 1984). Stone
artifacts found on the southwestern shore of Buena Vista Lake, 13 miles southwest of the project
area, have been associated with the Western Lakes Tradition. Radio-carbon dates, statigraphy,
artifact types, and depth of overburden place these artifacts at approximately 8000 B.P.
(Fredrickson and Grossman 1977).
Early Horizon. Early Horizon sites are associated with the margins of pluvial lakes and with
now-extinct springs. Pinto-series projectile points, crudely made stemmed or basally notched
dart points, are the most distinctive artifact type of the Early Horizon. Other artifacts found at
Early Horizon sites include large, leaf-shaped knives, thick, split cobble choppers and scrapers,
scraper-planes, and small milling slabs and manos. This was a cold, dry period with low inland
population densities. Most known Early Horizon sites are small surface deposits of lithic
artifacts, suggestive of temporary and perhaps seasonal occupation by small groups of people.
Middle Horizon. Penutian-speaking peoples, including the Yokuts may have entered the
southern San Joaquin Valley during the Middle Horizon, between 4000 and 1200 B.P. This was a
time of cultural intensification. Large occupation sites are most commonly found adjacent to
permanent water sources, such as lakes, streams or perennial springs (Moratto 1984).
Technologically, the artifact assemblage of this period is similar to that of the preceding Early
Horizon; new tools were added either as innovations or as borrowed cultural items. Artifact
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types include rectangular-based knives, flake scrapers, T-shaped drills, milling slabs and manos,
as well as core/cobble tool assemblages such as scraper planes, large choppers, and
hammerstones. The bow and arrow and mortar and pestle were introduced during the Middle
Horizon. Diagnostic projectile points include Humbolt, Gypsum, and Elko-series dart points
(Warren 1984). Shaft smoothers, incised slate and sandstone tablets and pendants, bone awls,
Olivella shell beads, and Haliotis beads and ornaments are also found (Warren 1984).
Middle-Late Horizon Transition. The Middle-Late transition period in the southern San
Joaquin Valley coincides with the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, a period of increased
temperatures and accompanying droughts. This climatic instability resulted in decreased water
availability, a reduction in harvestable natural resources, and demographic stress. Evidence of
transition period sites is minimal. Many of California's interior sites may have been abandoned
at this time (Warren 1984).
Late Horizon. The Late Horizon was a time of recovery from the instability of the Medieval
Climatic Anomaly. The relationship between the Southern San Joaquin Valley and surrounding
areas in the Late Horizon is relatively unknown; however, it is believed that the precursors for
historic Yokut lifeways developed during the Late Horizon, between 1200 and 800 B.P. (Warren
Yokuts, along with other Penutian-speaking peoples, entered the southern San Joaquin Valley
between 4000–1200 B.P and the precursors of historic Yokut life ways developed between 1200
and 800 B.P. (Wallace 1978). At least 15 Yokut tribelets are known to have existed after A.D.
800. Each spoke a separate Penutian dialect (Wallace 1978). Estimations of population size are
difficult to determine because of the extent of destruction caused by the introduction of European
diseases and subsequent Euro-American colonization. Kroeber (1925:38) estimated 350
individuals per Yokut tribelet, bringing the total population of the 15 Southern San Joaquin
Valley tribelets to 5,250 people. Nineteenth century Spanish expeditions calculated a much
higher number. They estimated as many as 15,700 inhabitants (Cook 1995).
Yokut subsistence consisted of fishing, hunting waterfowl, and collecting shellfish, roots, and
seeds. Fish were caught using nets and stick pens. Species include lake trout, chubs, perch,
suckers, steelhead, salmon, and sturgeon. Mussels and turtles were also collected and eaten.
Waterfowl were caught using nets and snares (Wallace 1978:450). Tule, among other grasses
and flowering herbs, was collected, dried, pounded, and made into starch flour. Grassnuts,
fiddle-neck, alfilaria and clover were eaten. Acorns were not easily accessible in the Southern
San Joaquin, but may have been traded in from Kingston (Wallace 1978:450). Terrestrial
mammals and birds made up a minimal portion of the diet. They were caught using snares,
unbacked bows, and wooden-tip arrows (Wallace 1978:450).
The Southern Yokuts built domestic structures, granaries, and sweathouses (Wallace 1978).
There are at least two types of domestic structures. The first type is a single-family structure. It
is oval, wood framed, and covered in tule matting. The second type is larger than the first, but
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similar in construction. It is wood framed and covered in tule mats. It differs from the first type
of domestic structure in that it is steep-roofed, housed more than 10 families, and had multiple
entryways and hearths (Wallace 1978).
Early Exploration. European settlement of California began with the founding of Mission San
Diego de Alcala in 1769. Spanish explorers and missionaries began entering the Valley soon
after. In the fall of 1772, Pedro Fages led a group of soldiers through the Tejon pass and visited
a village on the shore of Buena Vista Lake, 13 miles west of the project area, on his way to San
Luis Obispo. Garces, a Spanish explorer, followed Fages in 1776 (Wallace 1978). Between
1806 and 1814, the Franciscans led several incursions into the Southern Valley, but were
unsuccessful in gaining a foothold there (Wallace 1978). While no missions were established in
the Southern San Joaquin Valley, the area was indirectly affected by mission life through the
infiltration of runaway Indian converts who took refuge in the Valley (Wallace 1978).
Mexican California. Mexico, including California, won independence from Spain in 1821. No
ranchos were established in the San Joaquin Valley between 1822 and 1846 and direct Mexican
influence over the area was minimal (Wallace 1978: 460). In 1833, a severe malaria outbreak,
with an estimated mortality rate of 75 percent, decimated the Southern Yokut population (Cook
American Period. The acquisition of California by the United States at the end of the Mexican-
American War in 1848, and the discovery of gold in 1850, brought the first major wave of Euro-
Americans into the San Joaquin Valley. In 1851, the U.S. government removed southern Valley
Yokuts to the Tejon reservation at the base of the Tehachapis and to the Fresno Reservation
outside Madera, California (Wallace 1978:460).
City of Bakersfield. The first homestead claim within Bakersfield was filed in 1866 for a parcel
of land named “Baker’s Field.” Named after Colonel Thomas Baker, the city of Bakersfield was
formally laid out in 1869. Between 1869 and 1873, the city established a telegraph office, two
stores, a newspaper, two boarding houses, a doctor’s office, a school, and a saloon. The town
was incorporated in 1873. In 1876, it disincorporated and did not reincorporate until 1898. That
same year, the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad (later known as the Santa Fe
Railroad) began providing service to and from Bakersfield.
Agriculture and oil played vital roles in early Bakersfield and remain central to the city’s
economy. In 1927, one of the nation's largest and oldest farming co-ops, the California Cotton
Cooperative Association (CalCot), was founded in Bakersfield. Crops harvested in the area
include carrots, alfalfa, cotton, grapes, almonds, pistachios, citrus fruits, wheat, garlic, and
potatoes. Oil was discovered in 1877. In 1899, the Kern River Oil Field was tapped. The
discovery of oil brought an influx of people and technology.
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Cultural Resources Evaluation J&S 00823.07
Prior to field investigations, Jones & Stokes conducted a literature search at the Southern San
Joaquin Valley Archaeological Information Center, located at California State University,
Bakersfield. The record search included a review of all available cultural resource survey and
excavation reports and site records for an area within a one-mile radius of the project area. The
results of this literature and records search indicate that two archaeological studies have been
conducted within the project area. In addition, two surveys were conducted directly adjacent to
the project area and twenty-nine surveys were conducted within a 1-mile radius. Surveys within
the project area identified three isolated historic glass items. Records for these artifacts are filed
at the Southern San Joaquin Valley Archaeological Information Center under the trinomial
numbers KER-9205, KER-9206, and KER-9207 (Garcia 1992). KER-9205 is recorded as a
“small fragment of blue glass,” KER-9206 is a “small aqua glass bead”, and KER-9207 is a
“large fragment of purple glass” (Garcia 1992).
On September 17, 2007, Jones & Stokes contacted the Native American Heritage Commission
(NAHC) and requested that they consult their sacred lands file and provide a list of Native
American representatives for the project area. The NAHC responded on September 18, 2007
stating that a search of their sacred lands database did not yield any sacred lands or traditional
cultural properties within the project area. The NAHC provided a list of 8 Native American
contacts in Kern County. Letters describing the project area and indicating the project location
were sent to these Native American representatives on September 18, 2007. No comments have
yet been received.
Results of the record search and other survey work in the area indicate that the valley floor
setting of the Project area has potential to encompass prehistoric archaeological sites. The
identification of historic glass suggests that additional historic artifacts may be present. The high
degree of surface and subsurface damage to the Project area resulting from agricultural activities,
grading, dumping, and construction activities decreases the chance of identifying intact
archaeological deposit (Figure 3).
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A pedestrian survey was used to investigate the Project area. No prehistoric or historic cultural
resources were identified during the pedestrian survey. A Jones & Stokes archeologist walked
80% of the surface area in 15 meter transects. The remaining 20%, located on the southern
portion of the property, was covered in thick creosote bush and was impassable. A high level of
debris litters the surface. This debris includes piles of concrete slabs, sofas, hot water coolers,
piles of dirt, car parts, and other modern debris and appears to be the result of modern dumping
Two depressions were noted during the pedestrian survey. The first is 181 ft (e/w) x 104 ft (n/s)
and is approximately 15 ft deep. The second depression is 270 feet east of the first. It is small
and round, with a diameter of 22.5 ft and a depth of 2 ft. These depressions were intensively
surveyed for archaeological resources and no prehistoric or historic artifacts were identified in or
around them.
Figure 3. Overview of project area facing north
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Three archaeological resources have been identified within the project area. All three are
isolated pieces of historic glass. No further archaeological resources were identified during the
current investigation. However, buried cultural resources may exist within the project areas that
do not possess surface indicators. It is possible, although unlikely, that resources could be
unearthed during project excavation activities. If cultural materials (e.g., bone, chipped stone,
ground stone, shell, glass, ceramics, metal) are located below surface during the construction of
the project, work should be halted in that area so that a qualified archaeologist can determine the
significance of the find. Design of a treatment plan and consultation with the State Historic
Preservation Officer may be required to appropriately mitigate any unanticipated discoveries.
Treatment measures typically include development of avoidance strategies, capping with fill
material, or mitigation of impacts through data recovery programs, such as excavation or detailed
documentation, or other mitigation measures, following standard archaeological procedures.
If human remains are exposed during construction, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5
states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made the necessary
findings as to origin and disposition pursuant to Pub. Res. Code 5097.98. Construction must halt
in the area of the discovery of human remains, the area must be protected, and consultation and
treatment should occur as prescribed by law. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native
American, the coroner must contact the NAHC.
If Native American human remains are discovered during project construction, it will be
necessary to comply with state laws relating to the disposition of Native American burials that
are under the jurisdiction of the NAHC (Pub. Res. Code Section 5097). For remains of Native
American origin, code 5097.98 states that no further excavation or disturbance shall take place
The Most Likely Descendent of the deceased Native American(s) has made a
recommendation to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work
regarding means of treating or disposing of the human remains and any associated grave
goods, with appropriate dignity, as provided in the Pub. Res. Code Section 5097.98; or
the NAHC is unable to identify a Most Likely Descendent or the descendent fails to make
a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the Commission. In
consultation with the Most Likely Descendent, the project archaeologist and the project
proponent will determine a course of action regarding preservation or excavation of
Native American human remains, and this recommendation will be implemented
expeditiously. If a Most Likely Descendent cannot be located or does not make a
recommendation, the project archaeologist and the project proponent will determine a
course of action regarding preservation or excavation of Native American human
remains, which will be submitted to the NAHC for review prior to implementation.
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Cook, Sherburne, F.
1995. The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California. Anthropological
Records 16:31-80. University of California, Berkeley.
Fredrickson, D.A. and J. Grossman.
1977. A San Dieguito Component at Buena Vista Lake, California. Journal of California and
Great Basin Archaeology: 4(173–190).
Garcia, Juanita
1992. An Archaeological Assessment of Tentative Tract No. 5738, in Bakersfield, Kern
County, California. Filed as Report #KE-00412 at the Southern San Joaquin Archaeological
Information Center.
Kroeber, A. L.
1925. Handbooks of the Indians of California. California Book Company, Berkeley.
Moratto, M. J.
1984. California Archaeology. Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
2007. Web Soil Survey. Online resource located at
Wallace, William J.
1978. Southern Valley Yokuts. In California, edited by Robert F. Heizer, pp. 448-461.
Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8, W. C. Sturtevant, general editor. Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, D.C.
Warren, Claude N.
1984. The Desert Region. In California Archaeology. Academic Press, Orlando,
Zimmerman, L.E.
1989. A Clovis like Projectile Point from Sierra Nevada. Journal of California and Great Basin
Archaeology: 11:89-91.
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