HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3631OROINANCE NO. $ 6 9 AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 17.04.282 AND CHAPTER 17.25, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 17.26 AND SUBSECTION B.6. OF SECTION 17.60.060 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CENTRAL BUSINESS ZONING. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions to Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a proposal regarding text amendments to said Title 17 adding Section 17.04.282 and Chapter 17.25, and amending Chapter 17.26 and Subsection B.6. of Section 17.60.060; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 64-94 on December 1, 1994, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of said proposal, and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that resolution; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to CEQA and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff, Planning Commission and this Council; and WHEREAS, this Council has considered and hereby adopts the Planning Commission's findings contained in Resolution 64-94. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. All the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. follows: SECTION 1. Section 17.04.282 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as 17.04.282 Floor area ratio. "Floor area ratio (F.A.R.)" is the gross floor area of all buildings on a parcel or site divided by the net parcel or site area. total gross building floor area (sq.ft.) F.A.R. = ...................................................... total net parcel/site area (sq.ft.) OR)GINAL follows: Section 2. Chapter 17.25 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as Sections: 17.25.010 17.25.020 17.25.030 17.25.040 17.25.050 17.25.060 17.25.070 17.25.080 17.25.090 17.25.100 Chapter 17.25 C-B Central Business Zone Generally. Uses permitted. Uses permitted subject to planning director review and approval. Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit. Site plan review. Building height. Front, side and rear yards. Floor area ratio. Public benefit features. Minimum lot area. 17,25.010 Generally. The regulations set out in this chapter shall apply in the C-B central business zone. This zone is intended to be applicable to the central business core area accommodating a diverse mix of medium/high density residential, commercial, financial and institutional uses serving both city-wide and regional needs. In addition to these uses, cultural, entertainment, specialty retail, convention services and lodging are also principal uses in this area. 17.25.020 Uses permitted. A. Any use listed in the "Uses permitted" section in the C-O, C-1 and C-2 zones. B. Any of the following uses: 1. Bus, train and other transit station, provided that transit vehicles are not stored on-site and no repair work or servicing of transit vehicles is conducted on-site, 2. News/magazine stand, 3. Nightclub, cabaret, bar, cocktail lounge or other establishment selling alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption where said use, including entertainment, is the primary business, 4. Parking garage or surface lot, 5. Police, fire and other emergency service alarm centers, OR;GiNAL 6. Post office and other courier or parcel delivery service, to issuance of an encroachment permit. C. Residential uses provided they are located in the second story or above, Do permitted. Mixed combinations of uses allowed in subsections A and B above are E. Accessory buildings, structures and uses necessary to support the principal use located on the same lot or parcel of land. 17.25.030 Uses permitted subject to planning director review and approval. The following uses may be permitted in the C-B zone subject to review and approval by the planning director: A. Itinerant memhant, including street vendors, subject to city permit and business license. B. Promotional activities as defined in this code. C. Public utility structures. D. Water pump stations. E. Public benefit features pursuant to Section 17.25.090 17.25.040 Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit. A. Any use listed in the Uses Permitted section in the R-3 and R-4 zones that occupy an entire building, or are located on the ground floor. B. Any of the following uses: 2. 3. 4. 5. Apartment hotel, roominghouse, single room occupancy, Farmers market, Food and/or shelter service agency as defined in Section 17.04.285, Research and testing services, Swap meet, flea market and auction houses. C. Uses as specified in Section 17.66. 17.25.050 Site plan review. All permitted and conditional uses pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to site plan review as provided in Chapter 17.53. In addition, the following requirements shall apply to all development subject to the site plan review: A. Landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of Section 17.53.061 of Chapter 17.53. Street trees shall be subject to the provisions of the Central City Master OR,G,~I~[ Street Tree Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 195-92 for those areas defined in the plan. B. Off-street parking and loading shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.58, and subsection B of Section 17.34.020 for parking areas located adjacent to property zoned for residential development. C. Signs shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.60. building. Storage of material and equipment shall be enclosed entirely within a E. Roof-top areas shall be completely screened from public streets by parapets or other finished architectural features construct to a height of the highest equipment, unfinished structural element or architectural feature of the building. F. All outside mechanical equipment shall be enclosed or screened from public street view. Bases of towers and antennas shall be screened or enclosed to a height of 15 feet above grade. 17.25.060 Building height. A. There shall be no maximum building height in a C-B zone. B. Radio and television masts, antennas, flagpoles, public utility lines and poles, chimneys and other such structures, shall not exceed a height of 210 feet from grade; if such is located on a building that is more than 180 feet in height, said structure shall not extend more than 30 feet above the building height. 17.25.070 Front, side and roar yards. There shall be no minimum front, side or rear yard in a C-B zone; however, where a lot abuts any R, E, MH zone, or PUD project of a single family nature, there shall be a minimum setback from any side or rear property line of 20 feet. 17.25.080 Floor area ratio. A. The maximum floor area ratio (F.A.R.) in a C-B zone shall be 3.0; however, additional floor area may be permitted by the approval of public benefit features pursuant to Section 17.25.090. B. The following areas shall be exempt from the FAR calculation: 1. All gross floor area below grade. 2. Mechanical equipment storage areas located on roof. 3. Parking areas, excluding parking garages. 4. Gross floor area of public benefit features constructed pursuant to section 17.25.090. 4 17.2~.090 Public benefit features. A. Additional floor area may be permitted by the Planning Director above the base floor area ratio when the project includes one or more of the following public benefit features: 1. Open space, atrium, plaza, or garden available to the public. a. Intent. These areas are intended to provide public open space which provides quiet retreats from surrounding activity in the intensely developed areas of downtown or a center. While relatively small, they should be flexible in design to accommodate passive recreational activities, as well as allow events and public gatherings. They should also be strategically located to denote important places, create a focus for surrounding development, and increase light and air at the street level. Weather protected areas can serve to function as an interior park to give the public relief from extreme weather conditions. b. Bonus area. In order to be eligible for a bonus, the open space area shall be a minimum of 3,000 square feet in size, with a maximum bonus area of 10,000 square feet. The area shall be one continuous space, with elements such as but not limited to landscaping, fountains, seating, and public art. c. The open space area shall be directly accessible from a public sidewalk with accessibly to the handicapped meeting state handicapped requirements. d. Permanent art may be incorporated as part of the open areas as set forth in this subsection. e. Kiosks, displays, art exhibits, and retail vendors are permitted provided they are portable in nature and use of the open area by the public is not precluded. The total area occupied by such uses shall not exceed 25 percent of the total open area. f. Interior pedestrian lighting shall be provided. g. Directory or directional signs may be permitted pursuant to Chapter 17.60. 2. Sculptured building tops. a. Intent. Sculptured building tops are intended to provide visual interest and variety in the downtown or center skyline. They have the greatest impact in the downtown area where the tallest buildings are permitted. A sculptured building top which modifies the silhouette of a 5 building by reducing the area of the top floors, reduces the overall bulk of the building to produce a more interesting building form. As the building increases in height, its upper portion should become more slender and ornamental. Mechanical equipment on the roof would be enclosed and integrated into the design of the building. b. Bonus area. The bonus area shall be the sum of all reductions on qualifying floors plus an automatic 10,000 square foot reduction. The reduced floor area shall only occur within the upper 30 percent of the total occupied building height. The maximum reduced floor area eligible for a bonus shall be 30,000 square feet. 3. Public art work. a. Intent. There is a broad view of what constitutes art, and it is desired to encourage a high-quality, imaginative interpretations of the various media. Works of art may be merely decorative, or both decorative and functional. Over time, new materials and art forms may be developed. Therefore, art work may include, but is not limited to two or three dimensional works in all media such as oil or acrylic on canvas, textiles, photography, ceramics, wood, paper, metal, stone, etc. Art work may also include fountains, mobiles, special wall or paving surfaces, mosaics, murals, landscaping elements, and other decorative features. Interdisciplinary projects and collaborations are encouraged, as are works involving sound, touch and other senses. b. Bonus area. The maximum bonus area shall be 5,000 square feet. The City Council shall adopt parameters that define public art work and criteria that will determine the amount of bonus area that may be allowed by the Planning Director. c. Art work shall be an integral part of the design of the building or public open space, and shall be compatible in bulk, scale, design, texture, color,and shape with the space in which it is located. It shall be located so that it is clearly visible to people using the public space, and whenever possible, visible from the street. d. The setting for art work shall be designed in such a way as to provide comfort and amenity, and accommodate people viewing it by incorporating such features as steps, ledges, benches and other seating, or provide rails or other architectural features to lean against. e. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all art features for the life of the building or open space. 6 4. Voluntary building setback. a. Intent. Voluntary building setbacks are intended to expand the landscaped area along streets to encourage additional open space along public streets that link large open space areas, parks and plazas. b. Bonus area. The maximum bonus area shall be 10 feet times the street frontage along the street the additional setback is provided. c. The additional setback area shall provide ample room for landscaping that will compliment existing street landscaping and the building. d. The minimum additional setback shall be five feet in order to count as bonus area for a minimum continuous distance of 60 feet, or the entire frontage of the lot the building is located if the lot is less than 60 feet in width. 5. Overhead weather protection. a. Intent. Overhead weather protection is intended to improve pedestrian comfort along pedestrian routes. b. Bonus area. All area protected. c. overhead protection shall be permanent and non- retractable with a minimum protection width of six feet. d. At least one-half of the overhead protection shall be over the public sidewalk or walkway. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for any overhead protection over public right-of-way. e. No covering shall extend more than ten feet or to a point within two feet from the curb flow line, whichever is less. The entire area under the weather protection shall be unobstructed by structural elements such as columns. f. The lower edge of the overhead protection shall be a minimum of eight feet and a maximum of 12 feet above the sidewalk. g. The minimum length of the overhead protection shall be 60 feet or if less, the entire length of the building in order to qualify for bonus area. 7 ORiGiNAL 17.25.100 B. General conditions for public benefit features. 1. Public benefit features shall be installed at the same time as the additional bonus area. The Planning Director may extend the time allowed when installation is not feasible due to construction scheduling or other good cause; however, final occupancy shall not be issued until all features have been provided. 2. Public benefit features shall remain for the life of the building which includes the additional floor area. A feature may only be diminished or discontinued if the additional floor area allowed in return for the specific feature is permanently removed, or by replacing it with another public benefit feature of at least the equivalent value as approved by the Planning Director. 3. Changes in the design, function or architectural features in a public benefit feature shall be approved by the Planning Director. 4. Unless othep,vise stated in the specific conditions for the public benefit feature, the property owner shall be responsible for all elements of maintenance of an approved public benefit feature. Minimum lot area. There shall be no lot minimum requirement in a C-B zone. Section 3. Subsection B.6. of Section 17.60.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.060 Sign development standards. 6. Signs permitted in the C-B (Central Business) and C-C (Commercial Center) Zone Districts shall be subject to the C-2 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.4., except as follows: a. Agricultural uses permitted by the Planning Director under Section 17.26.011 B. shall be subject to the residential and agriculture/open space sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Signage for uses defined within a specific plan for the C-C zone district pursuant to Section 17.26.011 shall be allowed as part of and in accordance with the provisions of the specific plan. If signage is not identified in the specific plan, then a comprehensive sign plan shall be approved; however, one sign indicating the probable future use of the site may be permitted prior to the approval of either plan pursuant to the C-2 regulations. follows: Section 4. Chapter 17.26 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as Sections: 17.26.010 17.26.011 17.26.020 17.26.030 17.26.040 17.26.050 17.26.060 17.26.070 17.26.080 17.26.090 17.26.100 17.26.110 Chapter 17.26 C-C Commercial Center Zone Generally. Specific plan appFoval Fequired. Uses peFmitted. Uses peFmitted subject to planning directoF Feview and approval. Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit. Site plan review. Building height. Front, side and rear yards. Floor area ratio. Public benefit features. Minimum lot area. Distance between buildings on the same lot. 17.26.010 Generally. The regulations set out in this chapter shall apply in the C-C commercial center zone. This zone is intended for those areas in the city that are planned for large scale mixed used development centers consisting of commercial and high density residential uses consistent with the "centers" concept as described in the general plan. The C-C zone is also intended for use in the downtown area in conjunction with the C-B central business zone to allow a mix of commercial and residential uses that support businesses within the commercial core of the city, providing a harmonious transition from the commercial areas to residential areas. 17.26.011 Specific plan approval required. No person shall undertake, conduct, use or construct, or cause to be undertaken, conducted, used or constructed any of the uses within this chapter without obtaining approval of a specific plan for development (pursuant to the regulations of the Governmental Code Section 65450). Notwithstanding, the following is exempt from this section: A. The downtown Bakersfield area as bounded by 24th Street on the north, California Avenue on the south, Union Avenue on the east, and F Street on the west. 9 B. Agricultural uses where no buildings or structures are permitted unless approved by the Planning Director. C. Continued operation of buildings, structures or uses that existed at the time of zoning reclassification. 17.26.020 Uses permitted. The following uses are permitted in a C-C zone: A. Any use listed in the "Uses permitted" section in the R-3, R-4, C-O, C-1 and C-2 zones, except those uses permitted in the R-1 and R-2 zones as referenced. B. Any of the following uses: 1. Apartment hotel, roominghouse, single room occupancy, 2. Bus, train and other transit station, provided that transit vehicles are not stored on-site and no repair work or servicing of transit vehicles is conducted on-site, 3. Parking garage or surface lot, 4. Police, fire and other emergency service alarm centers, 5. Post office and other courier or parcel delivery service, 6. Sidewalk use, including but not limited to outdoor seating, subject to issuance of an encroachment permit, permitted. Mixed combinations of uses allowed in subsections A and B above are D. Accessory buildings, structures or uses necessary to support the principal use located on the same lot or parcel of land. 17.26.030 Uses permitted subject to planning director review and approval. The following uses may be permitted in the C-C zone subject to review and approval by the planning director: A. Public utility structures. B. Water pump stations. C. Itinerant merchant, including street vendors, subject to city permit and business license. D. Promotional activities as defined in this code. E. Public benefit features pursuant to Section 17.26.090. 17.26.040 Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit. The following uses may be approved in the C-C zone subject to approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures provided for in Chapter 17.64: 10 A. Any of the following uses: 1. Bar, nightclub, cabaret, cocktail lounge or other establishment selling alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption where said use, including entertainment, is the primary business, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Farmers market, Food and/or shelter service agency as defined in Section 17.04.285, Kennel, entirely contained within the enclosed building, Research and testing services, Swap meet, flea market and auction house. Single family dwelling that is not accessory to a commercial use. B. Uses as specified in Section 17.66. 17.26.050 Site plan review. All permitted and conditional uses pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to site plan review as provided in Chapter 17.53. In addition, the following requirements shall apply to all development subject to the site plan review: A. Landscaping shall be subject to the requirements of Section 17.53.061 of Chapter 17.53. Street trees shall be subject to the provisions of the Central City Master Street Tree Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 195-92 for those areas defined in the plan. B. Off-street parking and loading shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.58, and subsection B of Section 17.34.020 for parking areas located adjacent to property zoned for residential developments. C. Signs shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.60. D. Commercial development proposed adjacent to property zoned or designated for residential development may be required to be separated by a masonry wall constructed to a minimum height of six feet. Any wall that may be located within the front yard area shall not exceed a height of four feet. Along street frontages, landscaping may be required in-lieu of or in combination with a solid wall to screen the commercial development from residential uses. E. Open storage of material and equipment permitted in this zone shall be surrounded and screened by a solid wall or fence, including solid gates where necessary not less than six feet in height. Materials shall not be stacked above the height of the screening. F. Roof-top areas shall be completely screened from public streets by parapets or other finished architectural features construct to a height of the highest equipment, unfinished structural element or architectural feature of the building. 11 0,, G G. All outside mechanical equipment shall be enclosed or screened from public street view. Bases of towers and antennas shall be screened or enclosed to a height of 15 feet above grade. 17.26.060 Building height. Building height requirements in a C-C zone shall not exceed one hundred eighty feet (approximately twelve stories). 17.26.070 Front, rear and side yards. A. There shall be no minimum front, side or rear yard in a C-C zone; however, where a lot abuts any R, E, MH zone, or PUD project of a single family nature, there shall be a minimum setback from any side or rear property line of 20 feet. B. All buildings used exclusively for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-4 zone. 17.26.080 Floor area ratio. A. The maximum floor area ratio (F.A.R.) in a C-C zone shall be 3.0; however, additional floor area may be permitted by the approval of public benefit features pursuant to Section 17.25.090. B. The following areas shall be exempt from the FAR calculation: 1. All gross floor area below grade. 2. Mechanical equipment storage areas located on roof. 3. Parking areas, excluding parking garages. 4. Gross floor area of public benefit features constructed pursuant to section 17.25.090. 17.26.090 Public benefit features. A. Additional floor area may be permitted by the Planning Director above the base floor area ratio when the project includes one or more of the following public benefit features: 1. Open space, atrium, plaza, or garden available to the public. a. Intent. These areas are intended to provide public open space which provides quiet retreats from surrounding activity in the intensely developed areas of downtown or a center. While relatively small, they should be flexible in design to accommodate passive recreational activities, as well as allow events and public gatherings. They should also be strategically located to denote important places, create a focus for surrounding development, and increase light and air at the street level. 12 Weather protected areas can serve to function as an interior park to give the public relief from extreme weather conditions. b. Bonus area. In order to be eligible for a bonus, the open space area shall be a minimum of 3,000 square feet in size, with a maximum bonus area of 10,000 square feet. The area shall be one continuous space, with elements such as but not limited to landscaping, fountains, seating, and public art. c. The open space area shall be directly accessible from a public sidewalk with accessibly to the handicapped meeting state handicapped requirements. d. Permanent art may be incorporated as part of the open areas as set forth in this subsection. e. Kiosks, displays, art exhibits, and retail vendors are permitted provided they are portable in nature and use of the open area by the public is not precluded. The total area occupied by such uses shall not exceed 25 percent of the total open area. f. Interior pedestrian lighting shall be provided. g. Directory or directional signs may be permitted pursuant to Chapter 17.60. 2. Sculptured building tops. a. Intent. Sculptured building tops are intended to provide visual interest and variety in the downtown or center skyline. They have the greatest impact in the downtown area where the tallest buildings are permitted. A sculptured building top which modifies the silhouette of a building by reducing the area of the top floors, reduces the overall bulk of the building to produce a more interesting building form. As the building increases in height, its upper portion should become more slender and ornamental. Mechanical equipment on the roof would be enclosed and integrated into the design of the building. b. Bonus area. The bonus area shall be the sum of all reductions on qualifying floors plus an automatic 10,000 square foot reduction. The reduced floor area shall only occur within the upper 30 percent of the total occupied building height. The maximum reduced floor area eligible for a bonus shall be 30,000 square feet. 13 3. Public art work. a. Intent. There is a broad view of what constitutes art, and it is desired to encourage a high-quality, imaginative interpretations of the various media. Works of art may be merely decorative, or both decorative and functional. Over time, new materials and art forms may be developed. Therefore, art work may include, but is not limited to two or three dimensional works in all media such as oil or acrylic on canvas, textiles, photography, ceramics, wood, paper, metal, stone, etc. Art work may also include fountains, mobiles, special wall or paving surfaces, mosaics, murals, landscaping elements, and other decorative features. Interdisciplinary projects and collaborations are encouraged, as are works involving sound, touch and other senses. b. Bonus area. The maximum bonus area shall be 5,000 squre feet. The City Council shall adopt parameters that define public art work and criteria that will determine the amount of bonus area that may be allowed by the Planning Director. c. Art work shall be an integral part of the design of the building or public open space, and shall be compatible in bulk, scale, design, texture, color,and shape with the space in which it is located. It shall be located so that it is clearly visible to people using the public space, and whenever possible, visible from the street. d. The setting for art work shall be designed in such a way as to provide comfort and amenity, and accommodate people viewing it by incorporating such features as steps, ledges, benches and other seating, or provide rails or other architectural features to lean against. e. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all art features for the life of the building or open space. 4. Volunta~ building setback. a. Intent. Voluntary building setbacks are intended to expand the landscaped area along streets to encourage additional open space along public streets that link large open space areas, parks and plazas. b. Bonus area. The maximum bonus area shall be 10 feet times the street frontage along the street the additional setback is provided. c. The additional setback area shall provide ample room for landscaping that will compliment existing street landscaping and the building. 14 r' ORiGi~.,V,L d. The minimum additional setback shall be five feet in order to count as bonus area for a minimum continuous distance of 60 feet, or the entire frontage of the lot the building is located if the lot is less than 60 feet in width. 5. Overhead weather protection. a. Intent. Overhead weather protection is intended to improve pedestrian comfort along pedestrian routes. b. Bonus area. All area protected. c. Overhead protection shall be permanent and non- retractable with a minimum width of protection of six feet. d. At least one-half of the overhead protection shall be over the sidewalk within the public right-of-way. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department. e. No covering shall extend more than ten feet or to a point within two feet from the curb flow line, whichever is less. The entire area under the weather protection shall be unobstructed by structural elements such as columns. The lower edge of the overhead protection shall be a minimum of eight feet and a maximum of 12 feet above the sidewalk. g. The minimum length of the overhead protection shall be 60 feet or if less, the entire length of the building in order to qualify for bonus area. B. General conditions for public benefit features. 1. Public benefit features shall be installed at the same time as the additional bonus area. The Planning Director may extend the time allowed when installation is not feasible due to construction scheduling or other good cause; however, final occupancy shall not be issued until all features have been provided. 2. Public benefit features shall remain for the life of the building which includes the additional floor area. A feature may only be diminished or discontinued if the additional floor area allowed in return for the specific feature is permanently removed, or by replacing it with another public benefit feature of at least the equivalent value as approved by the Planning Director. 3. Changes in the design, function or architectural features in a public benefit feature shall be approved by the Planning Director. 15 4. Unless otherwise stated in the specific conditions for the public benefit feature, the property owner shall be responsible for all elements of maintenance of an approved public benefit feature. 17.26.100 Minimum lot ar~a. There shall be no lot minimum requirement in a C-C zone; however, all buildings used exclusively for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-4 zone. 17.26.110 Distance between buildings on the same lot. None; however, all buildings used exclusively for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-4 zone. SECTION $. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... 000 .......... 16 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on F~B ~ ~ ~5 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILME/~BER DeMOND, CARSON, SMITH, McDEP~!OTT, B~lll~, CHOW, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEmBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEN~RR ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED FEI~ ~ ~ ~5 MAYOR of the City of Bakcrsficld APPROVED as to form: JUDY K. SKOUSEN City Attorney Assistant City Attorney 17 OR~G~L!A[ AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern ) CAROL WILLIAMS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 24th day of February, 1995 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3631, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 22nd day of February, 1995, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 17.04.282 AND CHAPTER 17.25, AND ~ENDING CHAPTER 17.26 AND SUBSECTION Bo6 OF SECTION 17.60.060 OF THE BAKERSFIELDMIrNICiPAL CODE RELATING TO CENTRAL BUSINESS ZONING By: /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS City Clerk cf the City of Bakersfield