HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 16, 2002Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague None Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Jack Leonard Staff: Jim Movius, Pam Townsend PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - POTENTIAL LITIGATION (Monday's Meeting) Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(E) of Government Code Section 54956.9 One (1) potential case This item was discussed at Monday's pre-meeting. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None CONSENT CALENDER 5.1 Non-Public Hearing Items: 5.1a Approval of minutes from Planning Commission meetings of April 1,4, 15 and 18, 2002. 5.1b Approval of General Plan Consistency finding for the acquisition of property located adjacent on the north side of Reina Road, just east of Jewetta Avenue. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 4) 5.1C Approval of Capital Improvements Program Budget FY 2002-2007 determination by the Planning Commission of consistency with the general and specific plans. (City of Bakersfield - Public Works Department) (City-wide) Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 2 Motion was made by Commissioner McGinnis, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to approve the non-public hearing items portion of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. 5.2 Public Hearing Items 5.2a Approval of street renaming of Prairie Lane to Barber Way (Barber Group, Inc.) located east of Wible Road, approximately 800 feet north of Pacheco Road. (Exempt from CEQA) (Ward 7) 5.2b Approval of continuance to June 6, 2002 for Revised Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 6087 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 8) Item 5.2b was pulled from the Consent Calendar at the request of Commissioner Gay. Motion was made by Commissioner McGinnis, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to approve the remaining public hearing item on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. Public portion of the hearing was opened for discussion of Item 5.2b. Commissioner Gay stated he asked for the removal of this item from the Consent Calendar by mistake. Public portion of the hearing closed. The public portion of the Consent Calendar was reopened and Item 5.2b was placed back on the Consent Calendar. Motion was made by Commissioner Tragish, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to approve Item 5.2b of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING -2nd Revised Tentative Parcel Map No. 10465 (Mclntosh & Associates) (Ward 6) Staff report given recommending approval with conditions as shown in the attached resolution including the memos received by the Commission today. Public portion of the hearing was opened. Roger Mclntosh, representing Castle and Cooke, CA, stated that he has reviewed the staff report and memorandums from Planning and Public Works and that he concurs with all of the conditions. He stated he is prepared to answer any questions the Commission may have. Thomas Denatale, representing various members of the Antongiovanni family who owns the property due west of Progress Road, stated they were opposed to the vacation of Progress Road but have been notified by staff that that has been eliminated from the project and if that is the case, they are not opposing the project. Mr. Denatale was given a copy of the memorandum from Public Works stating that the reference to the vacation of Progress Road has been eliminated. Mr. Denatale was satisfied. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Denatale if his client owned any portion of Progress Road and Mr. Denatale stated that they do not own any portion of Progress Road that is located inside of Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 3 this tract. Commissioner Tragish asked staff to show him on the map which portions of Progress Road will be vacated. Ms. Shaw and Mr. Mclntosh did so. There were no other Commission comments. Motion was made by Commissioner Gay, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve and adopt Revised Tentative Parcel Map No. 10465 Second Revision with the findings and conditions set forth in the resolution as amended in the memorandum from the Planning Director dated May 15, 2002 with changes to conditions as noted in the memorandum from the Public Works Director dated May 15, 2002. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS -Zone Chanqes 7.1 Zone Chanqe No. P02-0169 (Marino and Associates) (Ward 5) Staff report recommending approval with conditions was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened. The following residents in the area spoke against the project: Sue Layman-Fincher, Danny Clark, Joe Ippolito, Craig Pelz, Kathleen Loomis-Tubbesing, Raymond Lowe, Nicki Galante, Carol Borrel, Cindy Skully and Bruce Katz. They expressed their concern about notification of the property owners. They feel 300 feet is not a large enough area of notification. They also had concerns about their property values, traffic through the neighborhood and being unsafe for their children, no other commercial property in the area and the fact the entrance to the neighborhood will be destroyed. They requested that the entrance to the project be moved from Saddle Drive to White Lane so that no commercial traffic will be going through Tevis Ranch. Nicki Galante requested some landscaping be put in between her backyard and the mini-storage project because the buildings for the mini-storage will be taller than her rear fence. Ms. Skully requested that the sign be located around the fountain and that if any trees have to be removed, that they are replaced with trees that are at least a comparable size and age. Ms. Skully also had a concern about the public auctions that will be held and wanted to make sure that there is enough parking on the site so that customers going to the auctions won't have to park on the street. Jim Marino, representing Derrel's Mini-Storage, said they have reviewed and agreed with the conditions of approval. He stated that there are only about 50 cars a day that will use this site but a comparable commercial project could generate 7,000 cars a day. He stated he is here to answer any questions and Paul Ridenour, the project manager, is also here to answer any questions the Commission might have. Paul Ridenour said that the site was presented to them as being the best use for the Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 4 site. It fits in with their marketing plan of having a storage within a two to three mile radius of their customers and for the past 15 years they have improved the appearance of the exterior with stucco walls and a lot of landscaping and they are also integrating an attractive water feature at all of their new facilities. He also said that they do not build for others. They manage all of the properties themselves so that they can maintain a high quality operation. They have a vested interest in having a good relationship with their neighbors. They have had no negative feedback from neighbors at any of their other sites. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner McGinnis asked if there are plans to put a traffic signal at the corner of Saddle Drive and White Lane? Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer, said that there is future plans for a signal at Saddle and White. But it is not on a priority list. As traffic increases on White Lane, there will be more priority placed on placing a signal at the intersection. Commissioner McGinnis said that there is some concern from the neighbors about the Tevis Ranch signs being removed and asked Mr. Ridenour if they would replace them with something of a like nature? Mr. Ridenour said they would replace them with their own signs. The Tevis Ranch signs are on the property they purchased. There is no easement there and no mechanism for them to be maintained. Commissioner McGinnis asked if they could be a good neighbor and do something about their signs? Mr. Ridenour said he did not know what could be done. Commissioner McGinnis asked Mr. Ridenour if they have an alternative for having the entrance on Saddle? Mr. Ridenour said they based their entrance being on Saddle from what they were told by the Traffic Department that for safety issues it would be better on Saddle. Mr. Walker said that several months ago they met with representatives from Derrel's about location and possible access points. They talked about the pros and cons about access on White Lane. The limited access of turn movements. A left turn was needed out of the site to the west and the only location feasible was off of Saddle. They consider this a very Iow traffic generator. There are locations along White Lane where an access point could be located. Commissioner McGinnis said that he has talked with residents who live around other storage facilities who have had no complaints about living next to a storage facility. They would much rather have that than a Taco Bell or 7-11. For that reason he supports the project. Commissioner Sprague said that it is his opinion that this is the best use for this piece of property. Commissioner Gay said he could not support an entrance on Saddle Drive unless they could revise the opening so the homeowners could still have the same ingress and egress they have now - one lane in, one lane out, unobstructed. He thinks some kind of median to accommodate a turn lane in and out with stacking for about two or three cars should be required. Commissioner Gay asked if there is any requirement for the mini-storage to match the wall and landscaping requirement Castle and Cooke established to the north or would the city undertake that to screen the canal? Mr. Grady said there is no requirement that they match "The Greens" landscaping plan. If the Commission desired that, it would have to be added as a condition of approval. Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 5 Mr. Grady reminded the Commission that the PCD tonight allows them the opportunity to place whatever conditions they deem appropriate for this project to fit the neighborhood. If they want to place conditions on the project to address issues, they need to do that tonight. Commissioner Gay asked what the phasing time is and how long before build out? Mr. Ridenaur said that it is approximately a one year process once construction is started. Phasing takes place as the market demands. The exterior will look complete. Phases 2 and 3 which are interior buildings will be built later. There will not be RV storage at this site. Commissioner Blockley asked if there could be a restricted left turn lane out of the project on Saddle Drive? Mr. Walker said installing a median with a restricted left turn only onto the site would be good mitigation to keep traffic out of the residential neighborhood. This would involve making Saddle Drive a little wider. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Marino if they had looked into placing the entrance on White Lane and if so do they have any tentative plans? Mr. Marina said "yes" they have. However, there are power poles down White Lane with substantial voltage and the intersections of Saddle Drive and Old River Road make it difficult to install a worm without creating reasons for motorists to make a u-turn at Saddle Drive. Mr. Marina then showed the Commission on the map where it may be possible to make an entrance between power poles but the problem is the conflict with existing traffic. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Marino if the power poles couldn't be moved? Mr. Marina said it would be very difficult because of the size of the poles and the power. It is not a 12 kv pole. Commissioner Tragish asked if the caretakers house would have to be moved if they made a White Lane entrance? Mr. Marina said "yes." Commissioner Tragish asked if this would cause any adverse impact on the project? Mr. Marina said there would be a major economic impact on the project. Eight to ten percent of the buildings would be lost because of the necessary increase of drive aisles from 20 feet to 40 because of Fire Department regulations. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Marino if the applicant could live with widening Saddle Drive and installing a median with a left turn lane and stacking of vehicles so that the neighbors won't be impeded in traffic going to their residences? Mr. Marina said that Saddle Drive is not your typical residential street. The pavement section is wider than usual. It would not take much widening. There are some utility cabinets that might have to be relocated. Mr. Ridenaur stated that he hasn't heard justification for widening the street. That basically they are adding a car every 15 minutes and if the Traffic Engineer said that the street needed to be made bigger, they would consider it, but everything he has heard so far, he doesn't see where the widening would accomplish anything. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Walker if there is any advantage to widening Saddle Drive from a safety point of view? Mr. Walker said that the street is wider than normal and that he hasn't measured it but it may have to be widened just a minimal amount. If a median were placed there with a left turn lane, it would allow some stacking so that traffic wouldn't be impeded but it is a minor advantage because this project only generates 1/4 of what a residential development would be. He didn't anticipate it as being a needed requirement but it is an enhancement. Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 6 Commissioner Tragish asked if in Mr. Walker's opinion it would take a substantial amount of feet to accomplish the stacking and left hand turn into the site? Mr. Marino said that he estimates the street to be 48 feet flow-line to flow-line. Commissioner Tragish asked how many feet would it take to accomplish the left turn lane and the stacking? Mr. Marino said 24 feet per car. Mr. Ridenour said that they can stack cars four deep at their entrance. They would not be stacked in the public right-of-way. Commissioner Tragish asked how often public auctions are held and how many people attend? Mr. Ridenour said that at the most it would be every two months and as many as 10 to 50 people attend them. Mr. Ridenour then showed the Commission a synopsis of the traffic at the various Derrel's mini-storages in the greater Bakersfield area. At 8 in the morning the average percentage of traffic at any of their facilities is one every 20 minutes. The highest peak time is 1 every 10 minutes later in the afternoon. Compared to traffic in and out of the residences, this is a very Iow impact. Commissioner Tragish feels that a mini-storage would be less intrusive than any other project that could go in the site. He thinks over time a lot of the neighbors fears will subside. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Marino if any trees will be removed on White Lane? Mr. Marino said that in particular there are several Liquid Ambers that look like they have been chopped off and will be removed. If any trees are removed, they will be replaced with 48 inch box trees according to the conditions of approval. Commissioner Ellison stated he was not in favor of approving the zone change with the entrance to the project being so near the residents unless an entrance could be worked out off of White Lane or Old River Road. Entrance off of Saddle Drive appears to be a variance from most Derrel's mini-storage facilities. Placing the entrance on Saddle Drive is not acceptable to him. Commissioner Gay said that he suggests a median on Saddle Drive that would take one or two trucks out of the lane of people going into Tevis Ranch. Also, he suggested 12 inch metal lettering on the westerly block wall saying Tevis Ranch and the Derrel's sign being limited to the fountain base not to exceed three feet in height. Something else Commissioner Gay suggested would be a condition to read "auction parking would be kept inside during auctions" to accommodate the neighbors. Commissioner Tkac said he does not see a problem with the entrance where it is. Commissioner Ellison asked what other kind of commercial development could go in at this site? He stated that perhaps this property should be zoned something else. Ms. Shaw said that the mini-storage only needs one entrance. A strip mall could have multiple entrances along White Lane. Commissioner Sprague said that this is probably the cleanest and highest and best use for this. It will be well landscaped and maintained and only requires one entrance. Commissioner Blockley said that according to the photographs he has seen, it seems the signage and lighting is inconsistent with the neighborhood. He asked if it can be toned down as there is no other commercial within 2-1/2 miles. Mr. Marino said that there is 1,000 feet of frontage on White Lane and 350 feet of frontage on Saddle Drive. There is zero frontage on Old River Road. There is 1,350 linear feet of street with one 32 square foot sign. The lighting is around the fountains. It is a commercial development and is just an identification sign. They feel that the sign and lighting would not be intrusive to Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 7 the neighborhood. Commissioner Gay asked the applicant if there is any thoughts on the Tevis Ranch lettering to help identify it if the logo for Tevis Ranch is removed from the property? Commissioner Gay said that it could be on the white block wall on the corner with landscaping below it that could allow for the letters saying Tevis Ranch in 12 inch high metal. Mr. Marina said he did not see a problem with that if the city has sufficient interest in the wall to let them do it. Commissioner Gay said it would be acceptable to him if the Derrel's sign was a standard 4 foot by 4 foot by 8 foot monument sign laid horizontal and not limited to the three feet height he mentioned previously. Mr. Marina said it is an 8 foot high pedestal. Ms. Shaw said that if the Commission is talking about widening Saddle Drive, there is a good chance the existing trees would have to be removed. Commissioner Gay said he would rather have the public start over with new trees and have the safety of the sidewalk. Commissioner Sprague asked if the motion would include continuity with the block wall across the street? Commissioner Gay said he thinks Mr. Reidenaur has more decoration than the block wall that is on the west side. Commissioner Gay has no complaint with that. There were no other Commission comments. Motion was made by Commissioner Gay, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve the negative declaration and approve Zone Change P02-0169 with the findings and conditions set forth in attached resolution Exhibit "A" and the subsequent items: Saddle Drive shall be improved to provide channelization for a one lane north bound, one lane south bound and one left turn storage for south to east turns into the development entrance. Left turn out shall be prohibited. Saddle Drive shall be improved to provide channelization with one lane southbound, one lane for north to west left turns and one lane north to east right turns to accommodate the future traffic signal at White Lane and Saddle Drive. Tevis Ranch ID sign shall be placed on the southwest corner of Saddle and White Lane on the block wall subject to City approval. Said lettering shall be made of metal and one foot maximum height. The Derrel's ID sign shall be a 4 x 8 foot cabinet maximum six foot in height and located approximately to the east of Saddle Drive. 5. All auction parking shall be provided on the interior of the project site. Final review and approval of the site plan shall be at the public hearing before the Planning Commission; and recommend the same to the City Council. Mr. Marino asked if the Commission could change the conditions if it comes back to Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 8 them for Site Plan approval? Ms. Gennaro said "generally, no." If there were some major modifications, they would come back to the Commission but for the site plan review, the answer is "no." Commissioner Sprague said that the items of concern have been addressed and suggested that they move forward and have the site plan go before the Planning Director for approval. Mr. Grady said the site plan review is before the Development Services Director. Commissioner Gay said to modify number 6 to read the final review and approval of the site plan be subject to the Planning Director's approval. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague NOES: Commissioner Ellison ABSENT: None Commissioner Ellison said his "no" vote is based on the location of the entrance to the facility being near the residential homes. That is not acceptable to him. A five minute recess was taken. 7.2 Zone Chanqe No. 02-0263 (Rich/Matz Bakersfield LLC) (Ward 3) Staff report recommending approval with conditions was given. Public portion of the hearing was opened. John Chipman for Rich Matz stated they have reviewed the staff report and agree with the conditions and he is available for any questions the Commission might have. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Sprague stated that he wanted Mall View Road to access the property with four lanes. Commissioners McGinnis and Gay agreed that Mall View Road should access site. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Chipman if he has seen the May 16, 2002, memo from Mr. Walker regarding the channelization and retainment of the four lanes? Mr. Chipman said yes he has. Mr. Chipman said that currently they have the construction documents from Lars Anderson, the Civil Engineer that was approved for the access to Home Depot on this site, which shows a 36 foot drive access ample enough to get three full lanes. Four lanes at Mt. Vernon and four lanes when it gets up to the main cross aisle with Home Depot. But three continuous lanes through. The memo from Mr. Walker indicated that if Mall View Road needed to be widened to be sure they could accommodate three lanes. They are fine with three lanes going through continuously and then expanding to four at the two intersection points. They are concerned about parking at the market, the landscape approach and very concerned that this remain a Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 9 quality project. Commissioner Blockley asked Mr. Walker if a traffic study had been done and asked if there were counters on Mall View Road? Mr. Walker said they have had counters out there at the direction of the City Council. They asked for an after study after the Home Depot had been put in. Part of those studies have resulted in some of the conditions that were added by the memo tonight. Other things that are being looked at is activity on Bernard Street. What changes might have to be done to their striping and a before and after study of how much volume of traffic has diverted from Bernard Street to the extensions of Mall View Road and things like that. Commissioner Blockley asked if anyone has studied the impact this development will have on the existing development and the existing traffic patterns? Mr. Walker said that as part of the overall general plan amendment that was done, Mt. Vernon was studied from Panorama to College Avenue for the affect of traffic, turning movements, what would have to be done at other intersections and any additional channelization. There was nothing identified north of 178 where the existing Albertsons and Longs Drugs are located. It is a difficult area to make left turns but that is because there are no medians and there are no medians because there are so many driveways. They are having to live with what was developed at least 35 years ago. Commissioner Sprague asked Mr. Walker if the road between the Home Depot parking lot and the proposed Albertson's parking lot that goes off of Mall View Road south to Bernard Street can be widened? Mr. Walker said that that is an internal access road. It is not a connecting road as the extension of Mall View Road is. It was originally designed to service Home Depot. It is adequate for that means. Commissioner Sprague asked if they should consider urban blight issues when projects like this are in front of them or is that an economic issue that they should not be considering? Mr. Grady said it should have been addressed when the general plan came in for a change. It is already designated commercial. Commissioner Tragish asked where the Albertson's plan is? The plan before them is for a Von's. Mr. Chipman said that Von's has dropped out and it looks like Albertson's is a solid deal. The elevations and the pallet of materials are usually developed so that a market can come in with a prototype of their own and fit it using the pallet of materials and colors that they have provided to collect the whole site together. Commissioner Tragish asked if the PCD is approved tonight and then the supermarket wants to change the elevations if they come back before the Planning Commission? Mr. Grady said that it is brought back before the Commission as an administrative review for determination that it is a minor change. At that time, the Commission can schedule it for a public hearing if they feel it is a significant change. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Walker about Mall View Road and about the traffic coming onto the street going in a southeasterly direction and it being one lane coming in until it reaches Mt. Vernon. He asked if the street shouldn't be a little bit wider to handle the traffic? Maybe two lanes? Mr. Walker said that the location they have sited for their private street/drive off of the private road to the developments both north and south of it is not a problem. Traffic can be adequately handled there. The transition lane is too short for the volume of traffic they are experiencing going into the Home Depot. The traffic department is asking for the channelization changes to keep the two lanes going up to that entrance (north/south parking aisle). That will facilitate the flow of traffic, reduce any congestion that is in the area and also will follow nicely with what they are proposing as access locations off of the main entrance road (the extension of Mall View Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 10 Road). They are anticipating it to be adequate. It is a substantial distance away from Mt. Vernon Avenue. Commissioner Tragish asked about the traffic going on the site from north and south that wants to go into the restaurant areas - not Home Depot? Should there be four lanes? Two up and two back? Mr. Walker said one lane should be adequate. You don't have all the conflict of reducing lanes. It is much slower traffic coming into the restaurants and also it is not coming together from other sources of traffic. The conflicts are greatly reduced. They don't anticipate a problem. Commissioner Gay asked if the R-1 zone on the map is part of this project? Mr. Grady said it is not identified with this project or the Home Depot project. Commissioner Gay said he would prefer two full lanes inbound to the east plus the median and two full lanes outbound to the west along the Church property. There are four high traffic generators going in with the restaurants. There is the Church and there is an additional large parcel that could also be developed. Commissioner Gay said he would approve it with two lanes in, median, and two lanes out and a buffer wall along the truck well to give some relief to the apartment owners. Commissioner Gay asked if there is a way the Commission can ask the applicant not to deed restrict the site they are leaving to prevent competition? Mr. Grady said they would look into it in the future. Commissioner Sprague asked if the Home Depot and the road is owned by the same owner? Mr. Grady said he is not sure and deferred to the applicant's representative. Mr. Chipman said he thinks it is at this time. Mr. Chipman feels the traffic lanes should be approved as they are on the map. It would be detrimental to their landscape plan and detrimental to the market to add another lane. Commissioner Sprague said they have to have four lanes going through there to accommodate the multitude of traffic that will come off of these developments and the development to the north. He feels that there is going to be a substantial amount of traffic coming from the market, restaurants and Home Depot onto Mt. Vernon Avenue. He said it would be acceptable to him not to have a median if four lanes could be squeezed out. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Walker if the current configuration is adequate to handle the traffic coming through there now and as projected? Mr. Walker said that a traffic study was done with the general plan amendment and land use change which showed what the volume of traffic is projected to be. His memo does not address capacity of the street. His memo addresses the operational characteristics of the extension of Mall View Road from Mt. Vernon up to the north/south drive aisle of the Home Depot. Because of the operational characteristics - the reduction of the lanes, two lanes coming off of Mt. Vernon, a turn lane, and an immediate desire to make a right turn into Home Depot - that's a conflict, that's an operational problem, it causes some backup of traffic. That is the reason for the request for re-channelization to have two lanes all the way up to the interior intersection. Mr. Walker stated he did not address the capacity of the road. That was addressed with the traffic study that was done for the original project and original land use. At that time, the Commission requested four lanes which was reduced at the Council level. Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Walker if based on his experience if it would be appropriate or beneficial to have Mall View Road be four lanes? Mr. Walker said he would have to say "yes." Practicality and whether it is needed is another thing. Mr. Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 11 Walker said he does not usually address internal circulation matters unless it is to make sure they do not cause a backup onto public streets (such as Mt. Vernon). He said he is not prepared to address level of service on "interior, non-public roads." Commissioner Tragish asked Mr. Chipman if his client is prepared to build four lanes on Mall View Road if it becomes a condition of approval? Mr. Chipman said that if that becomes a condition, they will go back and study the impact. They feel that it will interfere with parking and landscaping and will downgrade the project instead of upgrade. Commissioner Tragish asked if the market satisfies parking requirements? Mr. Chipman said they exceed city standards by 14 but not the market's standards. Commissioner Sprague asked if there is enough width to have four lanes without the median without taking away the required parking for the market? Ms. Shaw said she doesn't know how much more width will be needed but one lane takes 20 feet. Commissioner Sprague said he believes by giving up the median it will work and he believes it is an absolute. Commissioner Gay stated that he thinks they should approve the project tonight with Mr. Walker's memo and add a condition to remove the median and provide two lanes egress and two ingress from the Home Depot property west to Mt. Vernon. Commissioner Sprague asked if the traffic study that was done originally covers the development of this project and is it appropriate for the streets? Mr. Walker said that the traffic study that was done for this area included the parcels that are in consideration tonight. Also, it was for about 60,000 sq.ft, more retail area than what is being developed. There were no other Commission comments. Motion was made by Commissioner Gay, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve and adopt Zone Change P02-0263 with the findings and conditions set forth in attached resolution Exhibit "A" incorporating the following changes: 1. Two full lanes inbound to the east on Mall View Road. 2. Two full lanes outbound to the west on Mall View Road. A buffer wall on the south side of the truck well shall be incorporated to provide a sound buffer high enough to protect the apartments to the south; and 4. Incorporate the May 16 memo from the Traffic Engineer, Steve Walker. Recommend same to the City Council. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Sprague NOES: Commissioner Tragish ABSENT: None Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 12 Commissioner Tragish said that he voted no because he doesn't think it has been shown that Mall View Road needs to be four lanes in each direction. He thinks the testimony of Mr. Chipman and Mr. Walker indicates the roadway as currently configured is adequate to handle the anticipated traffic from that particular site. He would like to see four lanes but feels that it might create more problems by cutting into parking in the process. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 01-1025 (City of Bakersfield) (Wards 1 & 2) Staff report recommending approval by city staff was given. County staff will not recommend that their portion change to collector. No one spoke either for against the project. Public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Tragish said he would like to keep it as an arterial. Commissioner Sprague said that he thinks it would be unfair to downgrade this street to a collector. He would like to vote to deny this project. Commissioner Blockley asked what kind of restrictions would be placed on the number of access points that a developer could have? Ms. Shaw said typically during development stages, they will require waiver of access along both collectors and arterials to limit the access. Commissioner McGinnis said that he agrees with Commissioners Sprague and Tragish. Commissioner Blockley asked if there are portions developed to arterial standards now? Ms. Shaw said yes there are several short portions. Ms. Shaw also said that either way, we will have sawtooth development. Ms. Shaw also said that an arterial has a 90 foot curb-to-curb width and a collector has a 65 foot curb-to-curb width. Commissioner Sprague asked if the city can waive the requirements for an arterial? Ms. Shaw said that the only time they can't require that it be brought up to city standards if it doesn't hit certain thresholds. The thresholds being whether or not the improvement to the property is in excess of 25 percent of the valuation, etc. Commissioner Sprague said that he would like to look at this a little harder and would entertain a motion to continue this item. Commissioner Tragish asked if they could make a motion whereby they say "Brundage Lane to a certain point will be graded to a collector and after that point to the city limits it would be an arterial?" Ms. Shaw said the Commission has the discretion to do that. Commissioner Blockley said he thinks an arterial designation does not make it a better street. He thinks it should be a collector. Commissioner McGinnis said that they should refer this to committee and give it more study before they take action. He would make a motion to continue this item. Commissioner Sprague said he would like to have a report from Public Works presented to them at the next meeting. He doesn't feel it needs to be sent to a committee. There were no other Commission comments. Public portion of the hearing was reopened. Motion was made by Commissioner McGinnis, seconded by Commissioner Gay, to continue this item until June 6, 2002. Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 13 Motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Tkac, Tragish, Sprague None None 9. APPEAL OF DECISION OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DENYING SITE PLAN REVIEW APPROVAL FOR SILVER RHINO. (Ward 5) This item was withdrawn by the applicant. 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NEW MEMBERS AND APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE- CHAIRMAN Ted Blockley and Burton Ellison were acknowledged as being new members of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Sprague was elected Chairman and Commissioner Tkac Vice- Chairman by unanimous vote. 11. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING EXPANDED PUBLIC NOTICE Commissioners McGinnis, Gay and Blockley were appointed to the committee with Commissioner McGinnis acting as Chairman.. 12. COMMUNICATIONS None 13. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Tragish asked Ms. Gennaro if there is any reason the chairman does not ask for anyone abstaining from the vote when he is asking for a no or a yes vote? Ms. Gennaro said there is certainly nothing wrong with asking and that is why she has gone with the roll call votes on all of the public hearings. That is so that she can calculate that everyone has registered a vote. Commissioner Sprague said he thinks the individual Commissioner should say "1 abstain" when he is asked for his vote. 14. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- MEETING. It was decided that there would be a pre-meeting on June 4, 2002. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at Minutes, PC, Thursday, May 16, 2002 - Council Chamber, City Hall Page 14 10:04 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary June 11,2002 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director