HomeMy WebLinkAbout9700 Panama Lane Drainage StudyRite Aid (Store #6716-01) DRAINAGE STUDY 2 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................ 3 3.0 DESIGN APPROACH ............................................................................................... 3 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 4 ............................................................................................................... back of report Soil Map .................................................................................................. back of report Time of Concentration (Tc) Calculations ................................................. back of report Inlet Sizing Calculations .......................................................................... back of report Hydraulic Calculations and Pipe Profiles ................................................. back of report Basin Exhibit ............................................................................ sleeve in back of report Drainage Exhibit ...................................................................... sleeve in back of report Reference ............................................................................................... back of report Reference ............................................................................................... back of report Basin Exhibit ............................................................................ sleeve in back of report Drainage Exhibit ...................................................................... sleeve in back of report Reference ............................................................................................... back of report Reference ............................................................................................... back of report Rite Aid (Store #6716-01) DRAINAGE STUDY 6 Vicinity Map ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Not to Scale RITE AID (STORE # 6716-01) _Not to Scale Rite Aid (Store #6716-01) DRAINAGE STUDY 3 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose for this drainage study is as follows: 1. To provide a storm drainage system in accordance with the City of Bakersfield requirements and guidelines. 2. To provide an economical and reasonable design for storm drain conveyance and disposal facilities. 2.0 GUIDELINES The following design standards were used in the development of this study: 1. No initial times of concentration for this commercial development. 2. Soil Group A is primarily located throughout the site. - 174: Kimberlina fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes MLRA 17 3. The runoff coefficients used are: A. 0.90 - Commercial B. 0.95 - Pavement, drives, and roofs 3. Rainfall intensity curves used are those shown on Plate D-1 of the City of Bakersfield, Subdivision & Engineering Manual. 4. Sub-areas using multiple run-off coefficients are given a weighted average based on the area relative to each coefficient. 3.0 DESIGN APPROACH The contributing areas to the temporary basin are zoned commercial with the adjacent streets and therefore were modeled as such so that the proposed improvements were accurate. The affected project area for these improvements is dictated by the flat terrain that is present. More specifically the improvements are designed to benefit all areas bounded to the east by Old River Road, to the south by Panama Lane, and future proposed commercial development to the north and west. Stormwater run-on will not occur from offsite areas due to the flat topography of the area thus any proposed berms or other flow preventative measures will not surround the temporary sump. The flows for the sizing of the pipes were estimated utilizing the City of Bakersfield Rational Method in accordance with the Subdivision Standards. Flows were computed for the 10-year event using the formula Q = CIA, where Q is the flow in cubic feet per second, C is the runoff coefficient, I is the intensity in inches per hour, and A is the catchment’s area in acres. Since the main purpose of this report is the storm drain system leading to the basin and the curb capacities were determined based the 10-year storm event. The proposed temporary basin, on the southwest end of the project, will have a bottom elevation of 343.00 and handle all of the discharge from the site. The ultimate build out basin volumes (provided and required) were not calculated. The required basin volume was calculated using the City of Bakersfield sump volume equation (V=0.15 x Ʃ (CxA)). The total contributing area equals 4.92 acres; this acreage is divided into the areas as noted below. The coefficient values are Rite Aid (Store #6716-01) DRAINAGE STUDY 4 provided for each area, and the calculations for the required and provided volumes are shown below and on the Basin Exhibit. Area Acres Coefficient C x A RITE-AID Commercial 1.92 0.90 1.72 Old River Road 2.00 0.95 1.90 Panama Lane 1.00 0.95 0.95 ALL TRACTS Ʃ(CXA) = 4.57 TOTAL 4.92 VOLUME REQUIRED (AF) = 0.68 * Assumed based on a plan provided by the City of Bakersfield The rational method for the 10-year event was performed using Autodesk Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension 2014. This program routes the flows and calculates the HGL for the system. The program has the ability to calculate the time of concentrations, but it also allows you to enter your own time. A spreadsheet similar to the curb capacity spreadsheet was used to determine the initial time of concentrations in a 10-year event. The flows from the 10-year event were calculated and routed. Starting HGL at the basin was estimated to be at the soffit of the pipe at Storm Drain Manhole No. 1. 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The flows from the 10-year event were calculated and routed. All the pipes in this system were sized to be 18” RCP for the off-site portion and 8” PVC and 12” PVC for local drainage on-site. The HGL is not less than 0.5’ below the proposed grade at any manhole and catch basin. Drainage Area 1 consists of westerly half of Old River Road and the back alley of the commercial site. The northern limit of Old River Road was established based on surveyed topography. This area has its own weighted coefficient value from portions of Old River Road and the commercial site. Catch basin #4, 3.5’ opening width inlet, is located just north of the proposed driveway along Old River Road and will collect the all of the 2.95 cfs generated discharge. Catch Basin #3 is on the southerly side of the same driveway and will collect the discharge produced by Area 2. This 3.5’ wide opening catch basin collects discharge, 1.99 cfs, from the westerly half of Old River Road and the half of the parking lot from the commercial site. These inlets will discharge into Storm Drain Manhole No. 4 which is connected to an 18” RCP running southerly along Old River Road. At Storm Drain Manhole No. 3, another 18” RCP runs west along Panama Lane until it reaches Storm Drain Manhole No. 2. Drainage Area 3 is only the rooftop of the proposed building and will discharge into several roof drains equally spaced out on the north side of the roof, represented as Node A on the Drainage Exhibit. These drains are directly connected to the site drainage system and will handle the produced runoff of 0.64 cfs. Drainage Area 4 will convey 0.46 cfs into a 2’ x 2’ Christy U21 Box located on the westerly side of the site drive aisle. This area consists of the west side of the project adjacent to the proposed building. Drainage Area 5 consists of the northerly half of Panama Lane and south parking lot of the site. This area discharges 1.43 cfs into catch basin #2, which also accepts on-site runoff from the Christy U21 Box at Node C. This 3.5’ wide opening catch basin is located just east of the proposed driveway along Panama Lane. Storm Drain Manhole No. 2 is a confluence point for all the runoff produced by Drainage Areas 1 through 5. The remaining downstream drainage lines are 18” RCP which Rite Aid (Store #6716-01) DRAINAGE STUDY 5 connects Catch basin #1 and ultimately drains into the sump. Drainage Area 6 will convey 0.77 cfs into a catch basin (CB #1) approximately 110 feet west from this driveway, south of the proposed temporary basin. The discharge from this area consists of the northerly half of Panama Lane. The westerly limit of Panama Lane was established using surveyed topography. A CMP Riser will discharge the entire runoff into the temporary sump, as shown in the Off-Site Street Plans (Reference). The main objectives of this study were to design an economical storm drain system and meet the design standards set by the City of Bakersfield. The storm drain system will be able to handle a 10-year event. The connection to the temporary basin, from Storm Drain Manhole No. 1, was omitted from the hydraulic modeling since the HGL of the future developed condition will govern. Catch Basin #1 will be plugged from behind once a permanent basin has been established for the overall commercial development. A starting HGL at Storm Drain Manhole No. 1 was assumed at the soffit of the 18” RCP (Line No. 1). The depth of the basin is 6.0 deep with a proposed CMP riser outlet structure at an opening elevation of 344.00. The required capacity for the constructed site is 0.68 acre-feet with a sump that can possibly store up to 0.68 acre-feet of runoff. This temporary basin was only sized for this development and any additional tributary area from Panama Lane and Old River Road. The final developed basin will need to be expanded or replaced with a larger one downstream when additional commercial property is developed. The Drainage Exhibit, part of this study, shows the proposed storm drain along Panama Lane which allows for the expansion westerly off of a 5-foot 18” RCP stub at Storm Drain Manhole No. 1. SOIL MAP 6R L O  0 D S ² . H U Q  & R X Q W \   & D O L I R U Q L D   1 R U W K Z H V W H U Q  3 D U W 1D W X U D O  5 H V R X U F H V &R Q V H U Y D W L R Q  6 H U Y L F H :H E  6 R L O  6 X U Y H \ 1D W L R Q D O  & R R S H U D W L Y H  6 R L O  6 X U Y H \         3D J H    R I                                                                                                          ƒ        1 ƒ  :  ƒ        1 ƒ  :  ƒ         1 ƒ  :  ƒ         1 ƒ  : 1 0D S  S U R M H F W L R Q   : H E  0 H U F D W R U    & R U Q H U  F R R U G L Q D W H V   :* 6      ( G J H  W L F V   8 7 0  = R Q H    1  : * 6                )H H W             0H W H U V 0D S  6 F D O H           L I  S U L Q W H G  R Q  $  O D Q G V F D S H      [     V K H H W  SI T E 0$ 3  / ( * ( 1 ' 0$ 3  , 1 ) 2 5 0 $ 7 , 2 1 $U H D  R I  , Q W H U H V W  $ 2 , $U H D  R I  , Q W H U H V W  $ 2 , 6R L O V 6R L O  0 D S  8 Q L W  3 R O \ J R Q V 6R L O  0 D S  8 Q L W  / L Q H V 6R L O  0 D S  8 Q L W  3 R L Q W V 6S H F L D O  3 R L Q W  ) H D W X U H V %OR Z R X W %R U U R Z  3 L W &O D \  6 S R W &O R V H G  ' H S U H V V L R Q *U D Y H O  3 L W *U D Y H O O \  6 S R W /D Q G I L O O /D Y D  ) O R Z 0D U V K  R U  V Z D P S 0LQ H  R U  4 X D U U \ 0LV F H O O D Q H R X V  : D W H U 3H U H Q Q L D O  : D W H U 5R F N  2 X W F U R S 6D O L Q H  6 S R W 6D Q G \  6 S R W 6H Y H U H O \  ( U R G H G  6 S R W 6LQ N K R O H 6OL G H  R U  6 O L S 6R G L F  6 S R W 6S R L O  $ U H D 6W R Q \  6 S R W 9H U \  6 W R Q \  6 S R W :H W  6 S R W 2W K H U 6S H F L D O  / L Q H  ) H D W X U H V :D W H U  ) H D W X U H V 6W U H D P V  D Q G  & D Q D O V 7U D Q V S R U W D W L R Q 5D L O V ,Q W H U V W D W H  + L J K Z D \ V 86  5 R X W H V 0D M R U  5 R D G V /R F D O  5 R D G V %D F N J U R X Q G $H U L D O  3 K R W R J U D S K \ 7K H  V R L O  V X U Y H \ V  W K D W  F R P S U L V H  \ R X U  $ 2 ,  Z H U H  P D S S H G  D W           :D U Q L Q J   6 R L O  0 D S  P D \  Q R W  E H  Y D O L G  D W  W K L V  V F D O H  (Q O D U J H P H Q W  R I  P D S V  E H \ R Q G  W K H  V F D O H  R I  P D S S L Q J  F D Q  F D X V H PL V X Q G H U V W D Q G L Q J  R I  W K H  G H W D L O  R I  P D S S L Q J  D Q G  D F F X U D F \  R I  V R L O O L Q H SO D F H P H Q W   7 K H  P D S V  G R  Q R W  V K R Z  W K H  V P D O O  D U H D V  R I  F R Q W U D V W L Q J VR L O V  W K D W  F R X O G  K D Y H  E H H Q  V K R Z Q  D W  D  P R U H  G H W D L O H G  V F D O H  3OH D V H  U H O \  R Q  W K H  E D U  V F D O H  R Q  H D F K  P D S  V K H H W  I R U  P D S PH D V X U H P H Q W V  6R X U F H  R I  0 D S    1 D W X U D O  5 H V R X U F H V  & R Q V H U Y D W L R Q  6 H U Y L F H :H E  6 R L O  6 X U Y H \  8 5 /    K W W S    Z H E V R L O V X U Y H \  Q U F V  X V G D  J R Y &R R U G L Q D W H  6 \ V W H P    : H E  0 H U F D W R U  ( 3 6 *      0D S V  I U R P  W K H  : H E  6 R L O  6 X U Y H \  D U H  E D V H G  R Q  W K H  : H E  0 H U F D W R U SU R M H F W L R Q   Z K L F K  S U H V H U Y H V  G L U H F W L R Q  D Q G  V K D S H  E X W  G L V W R U W V GL V W D Q F H  D Q G  D U H D   $  S U R M H F W L R Q  W K D W  S U H V H U Y H V  D U H D   V X F K  D V  W K H $OE H U V  H T X D O  D U H D  F R Q L F  S U R M H F W L R Q   V K R X O G  E H  X V H G  L I  P R U H  D F F X U D W H FD O F X O D W L R Q V  R I  G L V W D Q F H  R U  D U H D  D U H  U H T X L U H G  7K L V  S U R G X F W  L V  J H Q H U D W H G  I U R P  W K H  8 6 ' $  1 5 & 6  F H U W L I L H G  G D W D  D V  R I WK H  Y H U V L R Q  G D W H V  O L V W H G  E H O R Z  6R L O  6 X U Y H \  $ U H D    . H U Q  & R X Q W \   & D O L I R U Q L D   1 R U W K Z H V W H U Q  3 D U W 6X U Y H \  $ U H D  ' D W D    9 H U V L R Q     6 H S          6R L O  P D S  X Q L W V  D U H  O D E H O H G  D V  V S D F H  D O O R Z V  I R U  P D S  V F D O H V         RU  O D U J H U  'D W H V  D H U L D O  L P D J H V  Z H U H  S K R W R J U D S K H G    $ X J          ² 2 F W        7K H  R U W K R S K R W R  R U  R W K H U  E D V H  P D S  R Q  Z K L F K  W K H  V R L O  O L Q H V  Z H UH FR P S L O H G  D Q G  G L J L W L ] H G  S U R E D E O \  G L I I H U V  I U R P  W K H  E D F N J U R X Q G LP D J H U \  G L V S O D \ H G  R Q  W K H V H  P D S V   $ V  D  U H V X O W   V R P H  P L Q R U  V K L I W L Q J RI  P D S  X Q L W  E R X Q G D U L H V  P D \  E H  H Y L G H Q W  6R L O  0 D S ²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²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feet Abtm =3,364sq ft=0.08acres Amid =4,900sq ft=0.11acres Atop =6,724sq ft=0.15acres Provided Sump Capacity =29,688 Cu. FT 0.68 AC-FT TABLE OF RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS Rite-Aid C x A = R-1, 6000 SF0.42 R-1, 6750 SF0.4 R-1, 7500 SF0.38 R-1, 10000 SF0.34 R-1, 15000 SF0.27 R-2 0.55 R-3, R-4, M-H0.8 Commercial0.9 1.92 1.73 Industrial 0.8 Parks 0.15 Grasslands, Type A Soil0.15 Grasslands, Type B Soil0.25 Grasslands, Type C Soil0.35 Grasslands, Type D Soil0.45 Pavement, drives & roofs0.95 3.00 2.85 Backyards0.05 Lawn-landscape 2% slope0.17 Lawn-landscape 2-7% slope0.22 Lawn-landscape 7% slope0.35 n C x A =4.58 Total Area Project Total 4.92 acres =Acres 4.92 Required Sump Capacity = 0.15 x C x A =0.15 X n C x A =0.69AC-FT 0.00AC-FTAC-FTTotal Difference of Provided Sump Capacity Required Sump Capacity Volume = 1/6 x (0.08+0.45+0.15) x 6 = 1/6 x (0.68) x 6 Depth from Design Water Surface = Bottom Area of Sump Half Depth Area of Sump Area of Design Water Level Prismoidal Formula: Volume = 1/6 x(Abtm+4Amid+Atop) x D 0.68 TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) CALCULATIONS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RATIONAL METHOD (In accordance with City of Bakersfield Standards) TABLE OF RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS R-1, 6000 SF0.42 JOB TITLE:RITE AID R-1, 6750 SF 0.4 DATE:Jun-15 R-1, 7500 SF0.38 R-1, 10000 SF0.34 Rational Values:R-1, 15000 SF0.27 Event:10YEAR Values: 5, 10, 50R-3, R-4, M-H0.8 M.A.P.6in./yr. Values: 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30Commercial 0.9 Industrial 0.8 Curve Values Parks 0.15 a:2.38I=a+bTc (Tc<20min.)Grasslands, Type A Soil0.15 b:-0.058 Grasslands, Type B Soil0.25 P60:0.550I=K1*(6.02*Tc)^(0.17*LN(p60/K1)Grasslands, Type C Soil0.35 K1:40.00 (Tc>=20min.)Grasslands, Type D Soil0.45 Pavement, drives & roofs0.95 Backyards 0.05 Lawn-landscape 2% slope0.100.17 Lawn-landscape 2-7% slope0.150.22 Lawn-landscape 7% slope0.200.35 SUBAREACIArslt TcLdHSgQStreetVTrial TcRoof toTmInletCurbD NAMERunoff Intensity TotalTimeLengthElev.GutterFlowTypeVel.MIN.GutterTravelSizeCapPipe Coef.IN/HRAreaConc.FeetDiff.SlopeCFSFPSTimeTimeFeet InDia. AC.MIN.FeetFt/Ft MIN.MIN.In. AREA 1 0.94 1.801.74 8.42 9882.840.29%2.95601.9610.000 8.424.38 AREA 2 0.92 1.801.20 2.61 3572.110.59%1.99602.2810.000 2.613.66 AREA 3 0.90 1.800.39 0.65 1072.132.00%0.64602.7510.000 0.652.21 AREA 4 0.90 1.800.28 1.97 2423.321.37%0.46602.0510.000 1.972.05 AREA 5 0.93 1.800.85 2.75 2690.710.26%1.43601.6310.000 2.753.66 AREA 6 0.95 1.800.45 2.24 2030.530.26%0.77601.5110.000 2.243.05 Required Sump Capacity = 0.15 x C x A =0.68 ac-ft C =0.93A=4.92acres Tc CALCULATIONS RITE AID (STORE # 6716-01) McIntosh Associates 2001 Wheelan Ct Bakersfield, CA 93309 10 yr CalcHydrology_10_yr.xls 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 INLET SIZING CALCULATIONS Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Jun 22 2015 Catch Basin No. 4- Drainage Area 1 Curb Inlet Location= Sag Curb Length (ft)= 3.50 Throat Height (in)= 4.50 Grate Area (sqft)= -0- Grate Width (ft)= -0- Grate Length (ft)= -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft)= 0.020 Slope, Sx (ft/ft)= 0.083 Local Depr (in)= 2.00 Gutter Width (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope (%)= -0- Gutter n-value= -0- Calculations Compute by:Known Q Q (cfs)= 2.95 Highlighted Q Total (cfs)= 2.95 Q Capt (cfs)= 2.95 Q Bypass (cfs)= -0- Depth at Inlet (in)= 5.83 Efficiency (%)= 100 Gutter Spread (ft)= 5.37 Gutter Vel (ft/s)= -0- Bypass Spread (ft)= -0- Bypass Depth (in)= -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Jun 22 2015 Catch Basin No. 3- Drainage Area 2 Curb Inlet Location= Sag Curb Length (ft)= 3.50 Throat Height (in)= 4.50 Grate Area (sqft)= -0- Grate Width (ft)= -0- Grate Length (ft)= -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft)= 0.020 Slope, Sx (ft/ft)= 0.083 Local Depr (in)= 2.00 Gutter Width (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope (%)= -0- Gutter n-value= -0- Calculations Compute by:Known Q Q (cfs)= 2.00 Highlighted Q Total (cfs)= 2.00 Q Capt (cfs)= 2.00 Q Bypass (cfs)= -0- Depth at Inlet (in)= 4.96 Efficiency (%)= 100 Gutter Spread (ft)= 4.49 Gutter Vel (ft/s)= -0- Bypass Spread (ft)= -0- Bypass Depth (in)= -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Jun 22 2015 2' x 2' Christy U21 Box - Drainage Area 4 Drop Grate Inlet Location= Sag Curb Length (ft)= -0- Throat Height (in)= -0- Grate Area (sqft)= 3.00 Grate Width (ft)= 2.00 Grate Length (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft)= 0.020 Slope, Sx (ft/ft)= 0.020 Local Depr (in)= 2.00 Gutter Width (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope (%)= -0- Gutter n-value= -0- Calculations Compute by:Known Q Q (cfs)= 0.46 Highlighted Q Total (cfs)= 0.46 Q Capt (cfs)= 0.46 Q Bypass (cfs)= -0- Depth at Inlet (in)= 0.86 Efficiency (%)= 100 Gutter Spread (ft)= 9.15 Gutter Vel (ft/s)= -0- Bypass Spread (ft)= -0- Bypass Depth (in)= -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Jun 22 2015 Catch Basin No. 2- Drainage Area 5 Curb Inlet Location= Sag Curb Length (ft)= 3.50 Throat Height (in)= 4.50 Grate Area (sqft)= -0- Grate Width (ft)= -0- Grate Length (ft)= -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft)= 0.020 Slope, Sx (ft/ft)= 0.083 Local Depr (in)= 2.00 Gutter Width (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope (%)= -0- Gutter n-value= -0- Calculations Compute by:Known Q Q (cfs)= 1.43 Highlighted Q Total (cfs)= 1.43 Q Capt (cfs)= 1.43 Q Bypass (cfs)= -0- Depth at Inlet (in)= 4.36 Efficiency (%)= 100 Gutter Spread (ft)= 3.89 Gutter Vel (ft/s)= -0- Bypass Spread (ft)= -0- Bypass Depth (in)= -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Jun 22 2015 Catch Basin No. 1- Drainage Area 6 Curb Inlet Location= Sag Curb Length (ft)= 3.50 Throat Height (in)= 4.50 Grate Area (sqft)= -0- Grate Width (ft)= -0- Grate Length (ft)= -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft)= 0.020 Slope, Sx (ft/ft)= 0.083 Local Depr (in)= 2.00 Gutter Width (ft)= 2.00 Gutter Slope (%)= -0- Gutter n-value= -0- Calculations Compute by:Known Q Q (cfs)= 0.77 Highlighted Q Total (cfs)= 0.77 Q Capt (cfs)= 0.77 Q Bypass (cfs)= -0- Depth at Inlet (in)= 3.56 Efficiency (%)= 100 Gutter Spread (ft)= 3.09 Gutter Vel (ft/s)= -0- Bypass Spread (ft)= -0- Bypass Depth (in)= -0- HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND PIPE PROFILES 10-YEAR STORM RITE AID (STORE # 6716-01) HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS (INPUT OUTPUT) LineLine IDDrainageRunoffCapacityLineDrainageRunoff Capacity No.AreaCoeffTcFlowing FullNo.AreaCoeffTc Intensity Flowing Full (ac)(c)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)(ac)(c)(min)(in/hr)(cfs) 1MH-2 to MH-1 6 2CB-2 to MH-2 2.750.9310.001.800.64 7 3C to CB-2 8 1.200.9210.001.801.99 4B to C 0.280.9010.001.801.43 9 1.740.9410.001.802.95 5A to B 0.39 0.90 10.00 1.80 0.77 LineLine IDPipePipeFlowAvg.CapacityInvertHGL Velocity VelocityEGL Sf Invert No.LengthSizeRateVelocityFlowing FullDownDownDown Head Down DownDownUp (ft)(in)(cfs)(ft/s)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft) 1MH-2 to MH-1168.28187.484.233.62343.91345.414.230.28345.690.508344.11 2CB-2 to MH-216.42182.531.4428.86344.11346.791.430.03346.820.058345.35 3C to CB-292.36121.12.872.28346.4346.892.870.13347.020.292346.67 4B to C144.3280.642.490.78347.17347.632.490.1347.73 0.298347.6 5A to B200.7380.642.210.77347.6348.201.930.06348.26 0.177348.18 6MH-3 to MH-2314.00184.952.83.65344.11346.702.80.12 346.820.222344.49 7MH-4 to MH-3198.58184.952.83.65344.49347.522.80.12 347.640.222344.73 8CB-3 to MH-415.42184.952.83.78344.73348.082.80.12348.20.222344.75 9 CB-4 to CB-3 82.01 18 2.95 1.67 3.67 344.75 348.32 1.67 0.04 348.36 0.079 344.85 LineLine IDHGLGrnd/RimCoverVelocityVelocityEGL Sf Sf EnergyJ-LossMinor No.UpElev. UpUpUpHead UpUpUpAvg.LossCoeffLoss (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(%)(%)(ft)(ft) 1MH-2 to MH-1346.26350.254.644.230.28346.540.5070.5070.85410.28 2CB-2 to MH-2346.80349.772.921.450.03346.830.0510.0540.0090.680.02 3C to CB-2347.16350.282.612.870.13347.290.2910.2920.2690.720.09 4B to C348.06350.632.362.490.1348.160.2980.2980.431 0.1 5A to B348.643512.152.490.1348.740.2980.2370.47710.1 6MH-3 to MH-2347.40350.874.882.80.12347.520.2220.2220.69810.12 7MH-4 to MH-3347.96349.63.372.80.12348.080.2220.222 0.44110.12 8CB-3 to MH-4348.12349.042.792.80.12348.240.2220.2220.03410.12 9 CB-4 to CB-3 348.38 349.11 2.76 1.67 0.04 348.43 0.079 0.079 0.065 1 0.04 MH-4 to MH-3 CB-3 to MH-4 CB-4 to CB-3 OUTPUT Intensity INPUT Line ID MH-3 to MH-2 MH-1 MH-2 Li n e N o . 1 CB-2 MH-2 Li n e N o . 2 CB-2 Inlet (C) Li n e N o . 3 Inlet (C) Bend (B) Li n e N o . 4 Bend (B) Roof Drain (A) Li n e N o . 5 MH-2 MH-3 Li n e N o . 6 MH-3 MH-4 Li n e N o . 7 MH-4 CB-3 Li n e N o . 8 CB-3 CB-4 Li n e N o . 9 DRAINAGE EXHIBITS Know what's R REFERENCE LOADING