HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/2015AT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER August 7, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager Subject: General Information Good News  We are excited to announce that final work is underway on the State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchange Project and the project will fully open to traffic on August 18th, following a ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for 9:30 a.m. atop the new Morning Drive Bridge. A groundbreaking ceremony for another State Route 178 Widening Project will also be held on August 18th in conjunction with the State Route 178/Morning Drive event. We look forward to seeing you there. Attached is a flyer for additional information.  Attached you will find the monthly TRIP Status Report for the month of August. The report gives a summary of each TRIP project in construction, in design, and under review. Completion percentages and pictures of projects are also included.  The California High-Speed Rail Authority will be holding a Community Open House Meeting to discuss the Bakersfield F Street Station Alignment (BFSSA) on Tuesday, August 25th at the Marriott beginning at 4:00 p.m. As a result of a settlement agreement between the City and California High-Speed Rail Authority, this locally-generated alternative has been developed in cooperation with the City and will be studied along with the approved Bakersfield Hybrid Alternative in a supplemental environmental document. The Authority has been working with the cities of Bakersfield and Shafter, as well as local residents, stakeholders and regulatory agencies to refine an alignment that includes a station at the intersection of F Street and Golden State Avenue. Please see the attachment for more details.  The Bakersfield Police Department in partnership with TerrioFit is holding a week long Police Junior Academy. Twenty five youth will be introduced to proper physical fitness routines, defensive tactics and will interact and be educated by BPD’s Crime Scene Unit, Training Division, Special Enforcement and Community Relation Divisions. They will also receive special presentations from SWAT, the Bomb Squad and our K-9 teams. We General Information August 7, 2015 Page 2 are looking forward to spending a week with our future law enforcement leaders! Attached is a flyer with further details.  City pools were in high use this summer. Staff saw an increase in pool usage at all locations. Jefferson and Martin Luther King pools will close for the season today, August 7th after the general swim is completed at 5:00 p.m. Silver Creek and McMurtrey pools will continue to offer open swim through Friday, August 14th. McMurtrey will remain open for general swim, 1:00 -5:00 p.m. weekends through Labor Day. TRIP Nighttime Lane and Ramp Closures on State Routes 58 and 99 The contractor for the Beltway Operational Improvements Project will be working in various locations along State Routes 58 and 99 next week, which will require the following nighttime lane and ramp closures. These closures are expected to be in effect from Sunday, August 9th through Thursday, August 13th, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. All lanes and ramps are expected to re-open in time for the morning commute. • Motorists should anticipate closures of the two outside lanes on southbound State Route 99 between State Route 58 and Wilson Road. • Motorists traveling on northbound State Route 99 should expect the Ming Avenue off-ramp to be closed in addition to the outside northbound lane in this area. Intermittent nighttime closures can also be expected for the Ming Avenue to southbound State Route 99 off-ramp and for the Ming Avenue to northbound State Route 99 on-ramp. • On State Route 58, intermittent off-ramp closures are expected to occur at the Chester Avenue, Union Avenue, and Cottonwood Road interchanges. Construction crews will also be working during daytime hours along State Route 99, between State Route 58 and Wilson Road, and along State Route 58, between State Route 99 and Hughes Lane. Daytime work will take place behind the recently-placed temporary concrete barriers and is not expected to affect traffic. However, motorists are advised to stay alert to changing conditions and watch for construction workers and equipment while driving through the construction zone. General Information August 7, 2015 Page 3 Council Referrals Attached is a response to the following Council referral: • Councilmember Parlier o Outreach By Crime Convention Staff Report For your reference, the following reports are attached:  Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 10th; and  Recreation and Parks Monthly Report for July Event Notifications Event Calendar for Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center AT:CH:cb:al cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk TRIP projects are moving rapidly through the various stages of project development. This report is to provide a periodic up-to-date snapshot of each project’s recent major activities and progress. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Janet Wheeler at the TRIP office, (661) 326-3491. MILESTONES Let’s Celebrate! Final work is underway on the State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchange Project and the project will fully open to traffic on August 18th, following a ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for 9:30 a.m. atop the new Morning Drive Bridge. To reach the event site, please exit the freeway at Fairfax Road, head east on Auburn Street to Morning Drive and follow signs to the parking area. As one project ends on State Route 178, another begins. A groundbreaking ceremony for the State Route 178 Widening Project will also be held on August 18th in conjunction with the State Route 178/Morning Drive event. (Utility companies have been relocating lines in the area for several weeks and roadway widening activities are expected to begin in early fall). More Good News – The City has received the Authorization to Proceed for the State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements and the project will be advertised for construction on August 10th. It is anticipated that the contract will go before City Council for approval on October 14th. The $7.5 million project is funded through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). Construction is expected to begin late this year. Workers have completed the temporary falsework for the new Hosking Avenue Bridge and are in the process of setting reinforcing iron for the stems and soffit (girders and bottom of the bridge). A concrete pour has been scheduled for mid-August. The pour will begin in the early hours of the day and take about 10 hours to complete. The work is not expected to affect traffic on State Route 99. The environmental process for the Centennial Corridor Project has taken another big step forward. The final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement has been sent to Caltrans Headquarters and Legal for review. The document is expected to be completed and released this fall. PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchange Contractor: Granite Construction 98% complete; anticipated substantial completion: August 2015 The new interchange project is nearly complete and will be opened following a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, August 18th. The ceremony begins at 9:30 and the public is invited to attend. During the month of July, the contractor worked on the new extension of Morning Drive south of State Route 178, completed the drainage system, placed overhead signs, and installed landscape elements. Prior to opening, crews will be busy grinding the bridge deck and approaches, completing joint seals and striping, installing roadside signs and right-of-way fencing and completing other miscellaneous activities. Crews will be in the area for a few weeks after opening to complete detailed work outside the travel lanes. August 2015 TRIP Status Report Page 1 TRIP Status Report August 2015 State Route 99/Hosking Avenue Interchange Contractor: Granite Construction 41% complete; anticipated completion: early 2016 The job site was a flurry of activity last month as crews worked on the new bridge structure, the drainage system and electrical conduit, and continued earthwork operations. The re-construction of Hosking Avenue, within the project limits, was also underway. Crews started placing curb, gutter and Class II aggregate base for the widened street. This work will continue into August. The project will mark another milestone in mid-August when the contractor places concrete for the stems and soffit (girders and bottom of the bridge). Falsework has been completed and crews are setting reinforcing iron in preparation for the stems and soffit pour. The upcoming pour will require 1,500 cubic yards of concrete (more than 150 truckloads). The operation will begin in the early hours of the morning and take about 10 hours to complete. Concrete will be placed for the bridge deck this fall. No impacts to traffic are anticipated during the concrete pours. Beltway Operational Improvements Contractor: Security Paving Company 3% complete; anticipated completion: summer 2017 This project includes various improvements along State Route 58, from east of State Route 99 to Cottonwood Road, and on State Route 99 from Wilson Road to north of Ming Avenue. The contractor has placed temporary concrete barrier rail at various locations throughout the project area and has re-striped a section of State Route 99 to keep all lanes open during the majority of construction. Clearing and excavation operations are underway along State Route 99. This work is being performed during nighttime hours since freeway lane closures are needed to safely perform this work. Motorists driving through this area will see increased construction activity as the contractor steps up work on the roadway and drainage systems within the State Route 58 median, begins construction of retaining walls along State Route 99, works on the Ming Avenue storm water pump plant, and continues roadway excavation activities. Motorists driving through this construction zone should anticipate potential construction work during daytime and nighttime hours on both State Route 58 and State Route 99. Rosedale Highway Widening Contractor: Teichert Construction 18% complete; anticipated completion: fall 2016 In late July, a full, around-the-clock weekend closure of Rosedale Highway was in effect near Landco Drive. The closure was needed to allow the railroad to replace track panels to accommodate the widening project. The contractor took advantage of the road closure to relocate an 18-inch storm drain across Rosedale Highway. The contractor continued the removal of median islands along Rosedale Highway last month and began installing aggregate base for widening the roadway in the westbound direction. Other work included the installation of a 16” water line and the relocation of various water hydrants, water meters, and water service connections. Crews were also working on the storm drain system, installing curb and gutter, modifying signals, relocating private property monument signs and installing temporary striping. The contractor plans to continue these activities through the month of August as construction progresses to the west. The majority of work is conducted during nighttime hours to maintain traffic flow during the day. The City has possession of all of the right-of-way necessary to construct the project; 97 ownerships have been acquired, and two ownerships are in the condemnation process. Page 2 TRIP Status Report August 2015 State Route 178 Widening Contractor: Granite Construction 5% complete; anticipated completion: mid-2017 Utility companies continue their efforts to relocate lines along the corridor. This work is expected to continue through the summer months and the road widening construction is expected to begin in early fall. Local officials will break ground for the project on August 18th, in conjunction with the State Route 178/Morning Drive Ribbon Cutting ceremony. The City has possession of all of the right-of-way necessary to construct the project; 26 ownerships have been acquired and three ownerships are in condemnation. State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements Designer: Parsons Design 100% complete; Project is within existing Caltrans right-of-way; Advertises in August The project provides operational and safety improvements along southbound State Route 99 and at the Rosedale Highway off-ramp. The City has received the Authorization to Proceed for the State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements and the project will be advertised for construction on August 10th. It is anticipated that the contract will go before City Council for approval on October 14th. The $7.5 million project is funded through the state Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). Construction is expected to begin late this year. PROJECTS IN DESIGN AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 24th Street Improvement Project Designer: TYLin International Design 95% complete; Right-of-Way 86% complete (full acquisitions); Anticipate bidding: mid-2016  Progress on this project may be impacted pending court action  Soundwall and streetscape design are on hold Hageman Flyover Designer: Caltrans Design 35% complete; Right-of-Way 0% complete  Potholing for utilities is expected to begin this summer  Right-of-way acquisition will not begin until design has progressed to 95% • 12 properties, subject to change as design progresses Truxtun/Oak Intersection Operational Improvements Designer: Dokken Engineering Design 50% complete; Right-of-Way 0% complete The project will widen Truxtun Avenue, to three lanes in each direction, from Empire Drive to east of Oak Street, modify the curve at the Westwind Drive intersection, and provide a right-turn deceleration lane for westbound traffic turning north onto Westwind Drive. Construction is anticipated to begin in mid- to late 2016, depending upon environmental permits and right-of- way acquisitions.  Design work continues  Right-of-way impacts and property owner coordination has begun Page 3 TRIP Status Report August 2015 PROJECTS UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Centennial Corridor Caltrans lead; Environmental Consultant: Parsons Environmental process 96% complete; Right-of-Way 60% complete for full acquisitions of single-family properties  The final EIR/EIS has been sent to Caltrans Headquarters and Legal for review. The document is expected to be completed and released this fall.  Advanced preliminary engineering and design work is ongoing  Geo-technical work continues as crews collect core sample from various locations along the proposed alignment, including State Route 58 and State Route 99  The type selection process is underway for bridges and structures  Right-of-Way (Early Acquisition/Voluntary Basis) • Full Acquisitions required for the project: 199 single family residences 12 multi-family properties and 36 commercial properties - Purchase agreements approved by City Council: o 120 single family properties o 4 commercial properties o 2 multi-family properties Page 4 TRIP Status Report August 2015 PROJECT PHOTOS Top left: Workers install stamped concrete for the medians along Morning Drive. Top right: Paving crews lay asphalt for the new extension of Morning Drive south of State Route 178. Middle left: Overhead signs are erected in advance of opening the interchange. Middle right: Utility relocations, including this water line, are underway along State Route 178, between Canteria Drive and Miramonte Drive. The utility work is expected to continue through the end of summer. Bottom: Construction of the Beltway Operational Improvements Project is underway and crews have started working on roadway and drainage systems within the State Route 58 median. Page 5 TRIP Status Report August 2015 Top Left: Hosking Avenue, between H Street and the new bridge site, is prepared for paving. Top right: Falsework is complete and iron workers are installing rebar for the Hosking Avenue Bridge stems and soffit. A concrete pour is scheduled for mid-August. Middle: The contractor takes advantage of an around-the-clock road closure to relocate an 18” storm drain across all lanes of Rosedale Highway. Bottom: New railroad panels were installed across Rosedale Highway to accommodate the widening project. Page 6 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREG WILLIAMSON, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: AUGUST 5, 2015 SUBJECT: OUTREACH BY CRIME PREVENTION STAFF Council Referral No. 621 Council Member Parlier requested that Crime Prevention staff reach out to residents in the vicinity of vacant homes, and encourage them to become involved in the Neighborhood Watch Program and establish block captains. Council Member Parlier’s request was assigned to the Bakersfield Police Department Community Relations Unit. Staff initially focused on the area around the vacant properties along 24th Street; they canvassed occupied homes on the north side of 24th Street in the 2400 block of Alder, Bay, Cedar, Pine, Spruce, Myrtle, and Beech Streets. On the south side of 24th Street, they canvassed in the 2200 and 2300 blocks of Beech, B, C and 23rd Streets. They talked with residents and provided contact information for neighborhood concerns. They provided the attached 24th Street Neighborhood Watch Flyer along with information on Neighborhood Watch. Information was left for residents who were not home during this time. Community Relations staff also focused on the area of the Centennial Corridor Project by canvassing Candy, Suzanne, and Morrison Streets. Additionally, they canvassed Stine Road starting at Stockdale Highway, Dunlap Street, Ford Avenue, and all of Joseph Drive along with affected areas along Real Road, Williamson Street, Garnsey Lane, Garnsey Avenue, Marella Way, Hillsborough Drive, Kentfield Drive, La Mirada Drive, and Fallbrook Street. They talked with residents and provided contact information for neighborhood concerns. They provided the attached Centennial Corridor Street Neighborhood Watch Flyer along with information on Neighborhood Watch. Information was left for residents who were not home. City Code Enforcement has provided a list of other vacant properties within the city and staff will reach out to existing Neighborhood Watch Programs in those areas and provide similar information. They will assist residents with starting Neighborhood Watch Programs in those areas if none currently exist. Week of August 10_2015_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of August 10, 2015 – August 14, 2015 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Sealing streets in the area north of White Ln between Ashe Rd & Stine Rd Maintenance Grind & Pave on Hageman between Coffee and Calloway Reconstruction of streets in the Auto Mall area East of Wible Rd and north of Pacheco Preparing Panama Ln. between Freeway 99 and Stine Rd for a Maintenance Grind & Pave Preparing Hagen Oaks between Ming Ave and Camino Media for a Maintenance Grind & Pave Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the city Dirt work and storm line installation at Sports Village Working on Brick repairs at Centennial Plaza Grading for new parking lot at Mesa Marin Sports Complex THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of August 10_2015_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, August 10, 2015 Between So. “H” St. & Union Avenue – Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) – Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Between 99 Hwy. & So. “H” St. – Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. “H” St. Wednesday, August 12, 2015 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. – So. “H” St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. – So. “H” St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. – Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. – Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursday, August 13, 2015 Between Carr St. & California Ave. – Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. – California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. – Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. – No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. – Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, August 14, 2015 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. – Ming Avenue & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. – Gosford Rd. & Stine Rd. NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 6, 2015 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: July 2015 Monthly Report Total monthly attendance for all programs, reservations and volunteers combined for the month of July totaled 112,685 as compared to last year’s total of 107,746. ADMINISTRATION o Jefferson Park Shade Structure Project – This project is complete. o Beale Park Greens & Coral Keys Parks Playground Rehabilitation – Public feedback was provided to Carolynn at RecWest for Bill Park Greens Playground replacement. The revised conceptual should be completed over the next 5-7 days. Bill Park Greens revisions include tan playground safety surfacing, increase in amount of safety surfacing, 2-5 play structure, addition of two exercise stations, and shade structure. Coral Keys Park revisions include tan playground safety surfacing, increase in amount of safety surfacing, and shade structure. o Maxicom Upgrade Project – Phase I – Seven parks are now completed (Quailwood, Seasons, Grissom, Campus Park North, Campus Park South, University, and Haggin Oaks). Kroll Park schedule to start August 6, 2015. o Mesa Marin Concessions: The Department has terminated the agreement with the current concessionaire, Uncle’s BBQ, due to non-conformance to terms of the agreement. To minimize interruptions with concession operations for City softball league play and upcoming tournaments, the Department conducted a RFP and will recommend City Council approve an agreement with Muthana Corp. Muthana Corp has over 10 years’ experience in the food services industry. One of their locally operated food chains is Juicy Burger. o Water Reduction: support staff continues doing an excellent job tracking CCF use on Cal Water accounts. We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 2 Wall Repairs: Current Wall Repair List Summary: The City’s annual concrete contractor Cen-Cal Construction & Grijalva Contractor’s will be performing repairs on the following walls locations: o Gosford @ Kroll & Reina (wall planters) o Deer Peak Park (various locations) o Greystone Park (shade structure pilaster) o Calloway & Manhattan (molding on monument corner) o Old Farm Rd & Rendley St. (Letter “I” Brimhall Estates Monument Sign) o 11700 Block of River Run Blvd. & Mountain Park Dr. (N/E Planter) o Harris Rd. & Silvergate St. o Kern Canyon Rd. @ Chase Ave. - Completed o Q St. @ 19th St. (N/E planter) 10. Ming & Ashe 11. 6700 Block of Harris & White Frost Way 12. 7000 Block of Stockdale Hwy (North of El Rio) - Completed 13. 200 Block of Renfro @ Stockdale 14. N/E Corner of Ashe & La Puente 15. N/E Corner of New Stine @ Wilson Aquatic Maintenance: • Annual state inspection for the McMurtrey Aquatic waterslide was performed on 7/15/15. No reported deficiencies. • In coordination with Stuart Patteson (P/W), RRM, & Aquatics Maintenance Staff, final comments were provided for the design and bid documents for the Centennial Plaza Fountain. Bid advertisement scheduled for 6/9/15. Bid opening for project on 6/30/15. Public Works to reconvene with RRM to discuss value engineering possibilities to reduce construction costs due to lowest bid well over estimated cost. • Staff began process to replace the automated chemical controller system for the McMurtrey Aquatic Pools. Meetings scheduled with Lincoln Aquatics & Sea- Clear Pools to review current systems and obtain cost proposals. RECREATION Total Attendance: 112,685 Special Event Reservations: • Central Park – Burrito Project, Community Outreach Anniversary – 300 Guests • Total Attendance: 19,031 Reservations/Special Events We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 3 Silver Creek Community Center • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance was 2,364 as compared to last years of 2,103. o There was one (1) rental for the month of July. • Camp Fun – Attendance: Weekly Average: 342 Monthly: 1710 • Total Revenue: $32,059 Saunders Recreational Facility • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance was 653 as compared to last year of 956. o There were no rentals for the month of July • Hockey Drop-In Program: Registered Participants 53/ Total Attendance: 53 • Soccer Program: 16 Registered Teams / Total Attendance: 600 • Total Revenue: $ 266.00 Aquatics • Overall Aquatic Attendance: o Total attendance for Aquatics was 53,901 compared to July 2014 of 49,717. o Total attendance for Aquatics had an 8% increase compared to July 2014. This was due to the number of swim lessons offered and having free admission to Recreation Swim at MLK and Jefferson Pools. • McMurtrey Aquatic Center: o Monthly attendance at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center was 27,682 compared to last year’s 28,592. This 3.2% decrease was due to the drop in attendance for Recreation Swim at McMurtrey. July had several days of unusual weather with clouds, lightening and rain which forced cancellation of some classes. o The 100 Mile Lap Swim Club - The 100 Mile Lap Swim Club is currently made up of 415 active members that swam 14,642.65 miles this month. The club has swum a combined total of 149,732 miles. Jefferson Pool: • Total Attendance at Jefferson Pool for the month of July was 6,809 which is a 47.2% increase from last year’s attendance of 4,626. This huge increase was due to having free admission to Recreation Swim. Last year’s Recreational Swim was 2, 336 compared to this year’s 4,555. Swim Lessons Recreational Swim Swim Teams Trainings Rentals Total Attendance 1,788 4,555 420 46 0 6,809 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 4 Silver Creek Pool: • Total Attendance at Silver Creek Pool for the month of July was 14,382. Last year’s total attendance was 13,492. This 6.6% growth was due to increased numbers in swim lessons and pool rentals. Swim Lessons Recreational Swim Swim Teams Trainings Rentals Total Attendance 6,772 4,278 2,128 104 1,100 14,382 MLK Pool: • Total Attendance at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pool for the month of July was 5,028. Last year’s total attendance was 2,855. This 76.1% increase was due to the large numbers of people attending the free Recreation Swim. Recreational Swim in 2014 was 1,089 and this year it was 3,507. Swim Lessons Recreational Swim Swim Teams Trainings Rentals Total Attendance 464 3,507 224 51 0 5,028 Make A Splash Program: • Staff conducted a Parent CPR and First Aid Training on July 11th with 4 participants getting their certification. The Make A Splash discounted swim lessons began on July 13th for Session 3 and July 27th for Session 4 with all 525 openings filled to 100% capacity. Discounts Days: • The City offered $1.00 off discount days at McMurtrey and Silver Creek Pools on July 7th and 22nd this month. These discounts reflect the commitment the City has to provide low cost fun to the community. City Championship Swim Meet: • The annual City Championship Swim Meet was held on July 25th at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. The City of Bakersfield Recreational Swim Teams who competed included: 2 McMurtrey teams, 2 Silver Creek teams, 1 Martin Luther King Jr. team, and 1 Jefferson team. Participants received 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed medals and ribbons for 4th through 16th place. Lifeguard Olympics: • Aquatic staff participated in Lifeguard Olympics on July7th and 8th at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. McMurtrey had 4 teams, Silver Creek had 2 teams, and Jefferson and MLK each had 1 team as they competed against each other in various life-saving skills. After 2 days and 8 events including a fierce Manager Gauntlet Challenge, McMurtrey Team#2 came in first place. Winners received a pizza party to celebrate their victory. Family Fun Night &Wacky Fridays: • Family Fun Night was held on Friday, July 17th at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center from 6:00 to 9:00 pm with a “Wild Wild West” theme. There were 269 people who enjoyed the slides, played games, competed in the cannon ball contest, and won prizes at the “Rethink Your Drink” and Water Safety Booths. We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 5 • Wacky Fridays were also held at Silver Creek on July 24th, Jefferson on July 17th, and MLK Pool on July 10th. These events were held during Recreation Swim with the same “Wild Wild West” theme. Participants enjoyed the same games, prizes, booths, and contests as the Family Fun Nights. o Donation Total: $255.00 Athletics • Total Attendance: o Adult, Youth, Fitness and Adaptive Programs total attendance for the month of July was 30,569 as compared to last year’s total of 30,411. Monthly attendance increase by .5 as compared to the same time last year. Adult Softball o League games continued through the month of July five days a week. o There are 166 teams in the Summer League with 102 Men’s teams, 59 Coed, and 5 Women’s. Softball Tournaments o Mesa Marin Sports Complex hosted an ASA Men’s & Coed Softball Tournament on July 11th & 12th. A total of 21 teams participated in the tournament. o Mesa Marin Sports Complex hosted a USSSA Men’s & Coed Softball Tournament on July 25th & 26th. A total of 12 teams participated in the tournament. Pee Wee Camp & Sports o Pee Wee Camp was held for one week this month at Silver Creek Park. The focus of the camp is to introduce 3-5 year olds to the fun and excitement of sports. o Pee Wee Sports was held on Saturday’s at Silver Creek Park this month. The program introduced kids to sports such as soccer, basketball, t-ball, kickball, track & field, and circle games. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance for the month was 6,167 as opposed to last year’s total of 6,343. Attendance at the center was down by 1% from last July due to less participation in the breakfast program. o Camp King – Through a grant from the Arts Council of Kern we were able to have Razzle Bam Boom perform the History of Music for our campers. o Campers visited Wind Wolves Preserve where they learned about preserving the environment and local wildlife. o Free tennis lessons were offered to children 5-18 years of age. Donations: $ 3,421.00 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 6 PARKS Beale Park • Raised concrete at 2 to 5 play area was removed and replaced on 7/28/15 by annual cement contractor. Area staff stayed after hours to prevent vandalism to the new cement. Calloway & Mohawk • BHC and Staff worked on Calloway & Mohawk on ramps on 7/29/15 & 7/30/15. City staff spent 12 hours on the WSP and BHC spent 36 man hours each day. Coffee Road • New computer for Maxicom was delivered and installed by Kern Turf on 7/17/15. Gopher Holes • Staff treated gopher holes at the following parks: o River Oaks Park – 155 holes o River Run Park – 21 holes Gosford Median, South of Ming Avenue • Turf irrigation heads checked to conserve water. Trees allowed to be watered. Gosford Median Island • New turn pocket - north of Harris Road completed. Hageman between Coffee & Fruitvale • The Streets department is replacing multiple sections of sidewalk on Hageman between Coffee and Fruitvale and Clay Patrick Farr and Calloway. Parks is assisting with root pruning and irrigation repair. Staff cleaned debris and weeds on the east and west side of Mohawk extension north of Rosedale. Kern Canyon Road • Repairs to brick wall on east side north of Chase Avenue were made by contractor. Area staff set out traffic control equipment requested per contractor. Lowell Park • Area at south side of park was identified on 7/20/15 for a tree removal that caused a broken irrigation line under it and was also causing the sidewalk to lift. Tree was removed by City’s tree department. River Run Blvd. • Staff treated 21 gopher holes. Siemon Park • Broken irrigation line under asphalt in parking lot was exposed and repaired by Craftworkers on 7/27/15. The Streets department assisted with patching after repairs were completed. Tevis Park • Staff treated 13 gopher holes We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 7 University Park • Irrigation system was modified for Maxicom upgrade by contractor Kern Sprinkler on 7/24/15 to 7/27/15. New components (master valve, slow sensor and irrigation controller) were installed. CRAFTWORKER DIVISION Area 1 • Staff assisted Area 1 crew with irrigation repairs caused by sidewalk replacement contractor on Hageman Road and Clay Patrick Farr Blvd. Beale Park • On 7/13/15 Staff repaired the Vaquero component at playground area. • On 7/28/15 Cement Contractor removed and poured for sidewalk repairs at playground area. Caltrans Property • Staff started the Caltrans irrigation controller removal project. The project was completed on 7/17/15. Maxicom compatible ESP type irrigation controllers and 4 CCU’s were collected. Challenger Park • Staff installed replacement parks to Whirling Robin component at playground area. Greystone Park • Staff re-installed a telescope that was stolen from the playground equipment. Lowell Park • Staff continued the renovation of the wash area wall at Lowell Shop. Old River Road • On 7/1, 7/2, 7/20 & 7/24 Staff trenched and installed new irrigation wires to the median island and east side streetscape between Ming Avenue and White Oak. Police Department • On 7/6/15 staff located and repaired broken isolation and irrigation valves at the front planter of the Police Department building. Silver Creek Park • Staff assisted the Playworld Systems Installer with repairs and installation of the “Cruise Line” components in the playground area. Yokuts Park • Staff assisted the Playworld Systems Installer with repairs and installation of the “Cruise Line” component in the playground area. We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks July 2015 Monthly Report Page 8 TREE DIVISON Removal of Dead Trees o Annual tree contractor, General Tree, removed 81 dead trees throughout town and trimmed all trees at the following locations: • Haggin Oaks Park • Allen Road, North of Brimhall (30 trees) • Verdugo & Old Farm (54 trees) • Mondavi & Brimhall (204 trees) Fairfax Road North of Paladino Drive o Tree Staff trimmed all trees On Fairfax road. North of Paladino Drive. There are approximately 20 trees on the East side of the road that were growing out into the bike lane. Tree staff cut trees back 20 feet and cleaned bike lane. Kern River o Staff assisted Code Enforcement in the removal of seven (7) homeless encampments in the Kern River area. Work was complete on 7/22/15 and took four (4) tree staff employees and 8 hours to complete. Las Palmas Tract – Ming & El Portal o Tree staff trimmed all the palm trees outside the tract. Truxtun & T – Vacant Lot o Staff removed small trees and weeds next to Amtrak Station. Trimming: Trees Trimmed: 73 Clearance: 99 Removals: 22 • Service Tickets: Received: 73 Completed: 65 UPCOMING/ONGOING EVENTS: • Family Fun Nights Fridays 6:00-9:00 pm at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. All Ages Welcome, $4 per person or $13 for groups of 4. See schedule below: o August 7th Fiesta Friday • Fall Softball League opened for registration as of 7/13/15 through 8/21/15. $475 per team. Men, Coed, and Women’s teams accepted. • For additional activities and events offered through the Recreation and Parks Department, Please visit our website at www.bakersfieldparks.us. We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday (Excluding Event Days) TICKETMASTER LOCATIONS Walmart - 2601 Fashion Place Walmart - 6225 Colony Street Walmart - 8400 Rosedale Hwy CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-800-745-3000 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Bakersfield Community Concert Association 661-589-2478 www.bakersfieldcca.org UPCOMING EVENTS July 24 – WWE Live 7:30 PM $95, $65, $50, $35, $25, $15 On Sale Now August 27 - Florida Georgia Line 7:30 PM $54.75, $34.75 On Sale Now September 10 – Ringling Bros. Circus 7:00 PM $70, $38, $10 On Sale 7/31 September 11-13 – Ringling Bros. Circus $70, $38, $25, $20 On Sale 7/31 September 21 – Kings vs Coyotes 7:00 PM $115, $65, $40, $29 On Sale Now October 16 – Pepe Aguilar 8:00 PM $149, $119, $89, $49 On Sale Now July 14 – Dancing With The Stars Live 8:00 PM $74, $48, $34 On Sale Now July 28 – Juanes 7:30 PM $73.50, $48, $38, $28 On Sale Now August 7 – Espinoza Paz 9:00 PM $125, $95, $80, $65, $50, $30 On Sale 7/14 August 12 – Fifth Harmony 7:00 PM $47.50, $27.50 On Sale Now September 25 – Wild Kratts Live!7:00 PM $43.75, $37.75, $27.75 On Sale Now October 20 – J Balvin with Becky G 7:30 PM $73, $47.50, $37.50, $27.50 On Sale Now September 18 - Firefall 8:00 PM $15 On Sale Now October 1 - Gary Allan 7:00 PM $57, $37, $27 On Sale Now October 2 - Hotel California 8:00 PM $15 On Sale Now www.rabobankarena.com - www.bhnamphitheatre.com