HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/15 CC MINUTES1 L__ BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2015 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Special Meeting - 3:30 p.m. Regular Meeting- 5:15 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING - 3:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Councilmembers Rivera (seated at 3:34 p.m.), Maxwell, Weir, Smith, Sullivan (seated at 3:37 p.m.), Parlier Absent: Vice -Mayor Hanson 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2015A: Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $170,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of City of Bakersfield, California Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2015A, approving a Fourth Supplemental Trust Indenture, an Official Statement, a Bond Purchase Contract, an Escrow Agreement, a Continuing Disclosure Certificate and authorizing and directing additional actions in connection with the issuance of the Revenue Refunding Bonds. City Clerk Gafford announced a staff memorandum was received clarifying the "not to exceed amount" is $177 million in aggregate principal amount of proposed refunding. Finance Director Smith made staff comments. ACTION TAKEN RES 078 -15 44 �_ 2 9 � Bakersfield, California, June 24, 20� 5 -Page 2 3_ NEW BUSINESS continued Motion by Counci /member Wair to adopt the Rasa /ution_ 4_ CLOSES SESSION C3. Conference witti Legaal Counsel - Potential Litigation: Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9CdiC2�.Ce� <1 Cone matter. Motion by Counci /member Wair to adjourn to C/osad Session cot 3=33 p.m_ Motion by Counci /member Maxwa // to adjourn from C /osad Session of 4 =40 p_m_ 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation: Closed Session pursuant to op Government Code Section 54956.9 <d� <2�.Ce�CI� Cone motter�. 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hall adjourned tha r" tin of 's p_m AYOR of the City of Bakers Id. C<i ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio rk of the Council of the City o Bakersfield REGULAR MEETING -5:15 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Haall, Counciimembers Rivera Cseated at 5:28 p.m.�. Maxwell. Welr. Smith. Sullivan. Parlier Absent: Vice -Mayor Hanson 2_ INVOCATION by Mayor Harvey L. Hall ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AB HANSON, R/VERA, SULL IVAN APPROVED AB HANSON, R /VEQA, SULL /VAN APPROVED AB HANSON STAFF WAS G /VEN O /RECT /ON Bakersfield, California, June 24, 2015 - Page 0 2 9 s 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Daphne Moore. 3rd grade ACTION TAKEN student at Olive Knolls Christian School. 4. PRESENTATIONS C3. Presentation by Mayor Holl of o Proclamation to Audrey Chavez declaring June l9th through 29tH "AIDS Compassion boys" in Bakersfield. Ms. Chavez accepted the Proclamation. mode comments and submitted written material. b. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to sponsors of the July 4th Fireworks [-->isplcay at The Pork at River Walk: Leslie Golich. Director of Public Affairs, Kaiser Permanents Hospital /Health Plan: Dr. Shark--t Briggs, Chief Operating Officer, San Joaquin Community Hospital: Bret Kingsbury, Chief Financial Officer, Kevin Small and Family. KS Industries: Sam Williams. Sunshine Metal Clod: Todd Dickson. President, Bakersfield Police Officers Association Mayor Holl presented the sponsors with Certificates of Appreciation and made comments. c. Presentation by Mayor Hall of certificates honoring the Kern High School District's 2015 First in Class Students in the Greater Bakersfield area. Mayor Holl was Joined by Councilmember Sullivan for this presentation. and recognized the following students and presented them with certificates: First in Class recipients: • Ulysis Baal, Alexandra Vaughn - Bokersfield High School • Timothy Andersen, Juliette Pascual - Centenniol High School • Rachoel Skeeter - Eost Bakersfield High School • Matthew Barrera. Irmo Fernandez Martinez, Mario Liro Macias - Foothill High School 2297 Bakersfield, California, June 24, 2015 -Page 4 4. PRESENTATIONS continued ACTION TAKEN ITEM 4.C. CONTINUED • Mario Chumpitaz Lovc lle. Joseph Cruz - Frontier High School • Annie Murrell - Hig Yilond High SChOOI • LeCheng Tong - Independence High School • Brendan Alvarez. Parents of Even Amason, Nadine Anncon, JunGyo Kim, Bianca Medina, Alexanclrla Pyle, Zcochary Pyle - Liberty High SCh001 • Johcanna Coronado - Mira Monte High School • Brecanna Ramos - Ridgeview High School • Arturo Ccostellanos - South High School • Parents of Mudit Buch, Parents of Jasmeet EWhcoliwal, Jasmine Fong, Madeline Goossen, Anjali Patel. Alcop Scohoo - Stockdale High School Mayor Hall recessed the meeting at 5:41 p.m. cond reconvened the meeting at 5:43 p.m. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ies and dead lawns: and asked how the City will Keep the dust down during construction with the current water drought. Counci /member Moxwa // requested staff reach out to Mi_ Moro/as with o response fo his quasf/ons and concerns; provide Mi Moro /as with o copy of the rafarro/ response memo regarding property mco/nfanonca on 24- Sfiaat,- oncJ inform him of exact /y what answers ore prow /dad fo Mr_ Moro /as_ �zss Bakersfield, California, June 24, 205 -Page 5 5_ PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN d. Trista Chapman spoke regarding the difficulty she is experiencing in moving from the property she rents on Alder Street: stated she Fick not been able to reach anyone from Overland, Pacific, and Cutler regarding her relocation payment or package. Counci /member Moxwa// fhonKBd Ms_ Chopmon for coming fon/gtsf oncJ opo /ogizad she has not received good service; d/ractad staff fo contact Ms_ Chopmon by tomorrow morn /ng and to mo/ca sure what she was prorrsissd /s fo//owad through; csnd brief him on the stcrtus os soon os possib /a_ e. Michael Turnipseed, Kern County Tax Payers Association, spoke regarding difficulty in reaching the water budget given to him by the Colifornic�i Water Service Company. 6. WORKSHOPS None. 7. APPOINTMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENr>AR Minutes: CD. Approval of minutes of the June 3, 201 5, Regular City Council meetings. Poymants: b. Receive cond file department payments from May 21, 2015 to June 1 1, 201 5 in the amount of $27,520,436.32 Self Insurance payments, from Mcoy 21, 201 5 to June 1 1, 2015 in the amount of $574,731 .28. totaling S28,095, 167.60. Ordinances: c. First Reading of Ordinance Enacting Chapter FR 9.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Unregulated Chemicals. � 9 9 Bakersfield, California, June 24, 2015 —Page 6 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN d. Adoption of this following Ordinances amending various sections of tl-)E Municipal Code: (F)? 06/03/20 7 5) 1 Amending Sections 2.1 8.01 2 and 2.1 8.050 ORO 4806 relating to Administration cond Personnel for Water Board. 2. Amending Sections relating to ORO 4807 Administration and Personnel for Planning Commission. 3. Amending Sections 2.72.200 cand 2.84.1 10 ORO 4808 relating to Temporary Employment. and Section 2.84.490 relating to Sick Leave Policy. 4. Amending Sections 5.32. 1 60 concl 5.32.1 70 ORO 4809 relating to Massage /Bodywork Establistiments. 5. Amending Sections 8.29.020 and 8.29.030 ORO 4870 relating to Litter. 6. Amending Section 8.32.1 40 relating to ORO 487 7 Refuse /Sol id Waste /Recycl1 no. 7. Amending Sections 1 0.32.070 cond ORO 4872 10.32.1 10 relating to Pcorking. 8. Amending Section 10.69.030 relating to ORO 4873 Application and Fees for Special Events. 9. Amending Section 12.3,5.010 relating to ORO 4874 Construction by builder. 10. Amending Section 1 6. 1 6.030 relating 10. 0120 4875 to Tentative Maps. 1 1. Amending Section 1 6.20.090 relating to ORO 4876 Final Tract Maps. 12. Amending Section relating to ORO 4877 Final Parcel Mop. 13. Amending Section 1,5.28.1 70 relating to ORO 4878 Lots. 14. Amending Section 16.32.070 relating to ORO 4879 Improvements. 15. Amending Section 17.0,5.050 relating to OR > 4820 designation of Zones. Bakersfield, California, June 24, 205 -Page 7 8_ CONSENT CALENDAR continued e. Adoption of Ordinance amending the Official Zoning Mop in Title 17 of the Bcakersfleld Municipal Code by changing the zone district from A CAgriculture.) and E (Estate_) to R -1 <One Fcorrmlly �welling�, M -1 CLight Manufocturing3 and C)I CE>rilling Islands on approximately 94.2 located on the west side of Santo Fe Wcoy. north of Austin Creek Avenue CZC # 14 -0480 - Rosedcole Lcond E>evefopment, Inc.. Bryan and Marie Batey,) (FR 05/06/2075) f. Adoption of Ordinance amending the Official Zoning Mop in Title 1 7 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone dlstrfct from County A <Exclusive Agriculture to (--lty A C^griculture3 on 563.74 acres located along the south side of Stockdcale Highway, between Nord Avenue <future olignment,) and the Union Pacific Rcoflroad <ZC # 15 -0015 - McIntosh 8c Associates. representing IDicomond Farming Compc-ony3�. (FR OS/20/207S) RasoluTions: g. Resolution confirming approval by the City Manager designee of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer's report regarding assessments of certain properties in the City for which structures hove been secured against entry or for the abatement of certain weeds. debris and waste matter and authorizing collection of the assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. h. Resolution authorizing the Police Deportment to aPPly for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant t;S 7 39,253 from the U.S. Deportment of Justice to expand the City's public safety camera system, purchase a license plate reader cond fund overtime to reduce violent crime where gong influences ore most concentrated. ACTION TAKEN ORO 482 7 .465 SMITH ORO 4822 RES 079- 7 5 RES 080- 7 5 X300 301 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 205 —Page S 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Continued ACTION TAKEN i. Resolution approving the submission of on RE5087 -75 application to the U.S. Deportment of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. for funding of an Improvement project at the Bakersfield Municipal Airport under Airport Improvement Program Project No. 3-06-0323 - Ol9 and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary documents. J. Resolution determining that a modular home RES 082 -75 for the temporary housing of Fire Dept. personnel cannot be reasonably obtained through the usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance director to dispense with bidding thereof not to exceed the budgeted amount of S 7 00.000. K. City domestic Water Well CBK 4l 1 . Resolution dispensing with bidding RES 083 -75 procedures due to emergency construction required to install arsenic removal adsorber media vessels. and associated site piping and equipment. at City Domestic Water Well CBK 4l, not to exceed S300.000. 2. Approval of agreement with WM Lyles AGR 15 -750 Co. knot to exceed S300.000�. for installation of arsenic treatment vessels and associated site piping and equipment. I. Resolution approving an application to the Kern RES o84 -75 County Local Agency Formation Commission to ABS SnrfiTH annex uninhabited territory into the City identified as Annexation No. 639 located along the west side of Santo Fe Way. generally between Reines Road and Austin Creek Avenue. c302 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 2015 -Page 9 8. CONSENT CALENn^R continued ACTION TAKEN m. Resolutions to odd the following territories to the Consolidated Maintenance Cistrict and approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works C)irector's Report for each: l . Area 2 -60 C,4516 Cistrict Boulevardo 1 - RES 085 -75 Word 6 2. Area 4 -1 34 031 8 S. Owens Streets -Word 1 RES 086 -75 3. Area 4 -1 35 Cl 41 5 8c 1422 E. 9th Street) - RES 087 -75 Ward l n. Resolutions of Intention CROI3� to add the following territories to the Consolidated Mcointenance [District cond preliminarily approving. confirming, and adopting the Public Works Eirector's Report for each: 1 . ROI No. 1847 to add Area 3 -95 northeast RO/ 7847 corner of Wible Rood 8c Hosking A,\,,c -enue> 2. ROI No. 1848 to odd Areas 4 -136 <391 O N. RO/ 7848 Sillect Avenue 3. ROI No. 1849 to add Area 4 -137 RO/ 7849 southwest corner of Britton Rood 8c Arrow Street o. Changes to salaries and related benefits for various employee units: 1 . Amendment No. 6 to Resolutlon 080-13 RES 080 -73(6) setting sCOlCOries and related benefits for officers cond employees of the General Supervisory, Police Supervisory and Mon(2ogement Units. 2. Amendment No. 1 to Resolution 198 -14 RES 798 -74(7) approving the Memorandum of Understanding setting salaries and related benefits for the employees of the BolKersfield Police Officers Associotlon CB POA3 . 3. Amendment No. 3 to Resolution 078 -1 3 RES 078 -73(3) capproving the Memorandum of Understanding setting salaries and related benefits for the Fire Supervisory Unit of the Fire Cepcartment of the City of Bakersfield. 7303 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 2015 -Page 10 8_ CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN 4. Amendment No. 3 to Resolution 077-13 RES 077 -73(3) approving the Memorandum of Understanding setting scilaries and related benefits for the Firefighters and Engineers Unit of the Fire department of the City of Baakersfield. VD Resolution extending the existing terms cond REMOVED FOR , conditions of the CallfarniCJ Water Service SEPARATE CONS /OERAT /ON Company franchise agreement With the City of Bakersfield for the use. transmission. and distribution of water within the City of Bakersfield to December 31, 2015. Agraamants_ q. Agreement with HPN Books for Publication of REMOVED FOR SEPARATE Hardcover Pictorial Cityscape Book Of CONS /OERATiON Bakersfield Cno cost involved. r. Agreement with /ABS Surplus -O LLC. and AC--K- 75- 752 indemnification of Albertsons, to allow the City to utilize a vacant lot cot the southwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road on July 4. 201 5, to accommocicote codditional parking for the Fourth of July Event at The Park at River Walk. S. Agreements with Clifford 8k Brown for legal AGR 75 -753 A4--R 75 -754 services regarding General Miscellaneous Issues for C$75.000DP cond General Personnel Issues for C$75,000�. t. Agreement with Brown Armstrong AGR 75 -755 Accountancy Corporation C$49,600) for a full scope annucol audit of the 2014 -15 fiscal year. u. Agreements for on -call wastewater maintenance services cot Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 and Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3: 1 Crider Construction, Inc. Cnat to exceed AGR 75 -756 $200.000 for o two -year terry-)3. 2. BR Frost Company Cnot to exceed AGR 75 -757 $200.000 for o two -year term3. ti304 Bakersfield, California, June 24, 2015 -Page 11 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN v. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with AGR 75 -758 Gateway Housing. LLC for Tract 6209 Phase 2. located south of Foirvlew Rood and west of S. Union Avenue. w. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with AGR 75 -759 Gibbons 8c Wheelo n. Inc. for Tract 6337 Phase 2. ABS SM /TH located east of S. Union Avenue and south of E. Hosking Avenue. x. Final Mop. Improvement Agreement. and AGR 75 -160 Landscape Agreement with Iron Rock AGR 75 -767 development for Tract 6802 Phase l . located west of Akers Rood and north of TafF Highway. Y- Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. l l -038 AGR 7 7- 038(7) with Cliffiord 8c Brown <S50.000: revised not to exceed S200.000� to provide outside legal services in the matter of Truxtun Court Partners: Ching T. Young 8c Shu H. Young as Trustees of the Ching 8c Shu Young Living Trust. etc.. v. Clty of Bakersfield <KCSC Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 278947 SPCA z. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 08 -087 AGR OS- 087(2) with the County of Kern to reimburse the City for processing of greenwoste material at the Mount Vernon Greenwaste Facility t;odditionol annual revenue to Refuse Fund of S1.000.000�. oo. Amendment No. l to Cooperative Agreement AGR 77- 763(7) No. 7 1 -163 <Coltra ns Agreement No. 06 -7504 with the State of California Department of Transportation �Caltrans� increasing the City's contribution by S52.500.00 to S3.052.500.00 for completion of environmental clearance. final design. and right -of -way tasks for the S2 58 GAP Closure Project �r21 P�. ab. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 1 3 -034 REMOVED FOR with Kern Security Systems. Incorporated SEPARATE �S50.000: revised not to exceed S205.000� and CONS /OERATiON extend term until June 2076 for the security guard services provided of 7 8th 8c Eye Street Parking Garage. ti304 2305 Bakersfield, California, June 24, 201 5 -Page � 2 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ac. Freewcoy Litter Program: 1 . Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. AGR 73- 072(3 13-072 with the Bakersfield Homeless Center C$561.588; revised not to exceed $1,402,228 cconcl extend term one year> for litter and debris removal services. 2. Memorandum of Understanding with AC-;W 75 -762 Kern Council of Governments C$l 50,0003 to provide continuation of funding for freeway litter program for Fiscal Year 201 5/1 6. ad. Contract Change Order No. l to Agreement AGR 74 -303 No. 14 -303 with AC Electric Company CCO 7 C$13.750.80; revised not to exceed $452.490.803, for the Traffic Signal, Lighting, 8c Synchronizcotion System Buena Vista Rood at Harris Rood /Pensinger Road and Buena Vista Rood, Pcancoma Lane to White Lane. oe. Contract Change Order No. 3 to Agreement AGR 75 -078 No. l 5-01 8 with Trinity Construction C$28,1 88.57: CCO 3 revised not to for the project Known cos Pavement Reconstruction on Lake Street from Union Avenue to Tulare Street. of. Contract Change Order Nos. 7 cond 2 to AGR 74 -247 Agreement No. l 4 -241 with Security Paving CCO 7. CCO 2 Company CS l 6l .794.84; revised not to exceed $82,041.321 .04; change orders funded with Federal Earmcork Funds {80 %} and Capitol Outlay Utility /Roods Fund {20 % }�) for the Beltway Operational Improvements CB01) Project CfRIP '>. Property Acquisition Agraamants - TRIP- ag. Agreement with Nom and Maria Bui C$l 19.000> REMOVED FOR t0 purChCJSe real property located at 1 North SEPARATE Stine Road for the Centennial Corridor Project. CONS /OERAT /ON ah. Agreement with Veronica Johnston C$l 38.500 AGR 75 -764 to purchase real property located at l l OEEO 8230 Morrison Street for the Centennial Corridor Project. ai. Agreement with Edwin Pleitez CS149.0003to AC--M 75 -765 OEEO 8237 purchase real property located at l 1,5 E>unlap Street for the Centennial Corridor Project. L Bakersfield, California, June 24, 20� 5 -Page � 3 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued oJ. Agreement with Zeima Mc�onald CSl 22,000 to purcYiase real property located at 1 l 2 Dunlap Street for the Centennial Corridor Project. ak. Agreement witF� David Potter and TFiomos Clerk <S994,000� to purchase reel property located at 4800 Euston Drive - Building E Unit 1 l4 for the Centennial Corridor Project. Bids: al. Reject bids to Furnish and Install a standby generator at the Police Deportment. om. Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bakersfield C545,920. 7 3� for two additional four door poiice special sedans for the Police Department. an. Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bc�kersfield CS82,035.03� for three replacement four door police special utility veF�icles for the Police Deportment K -9 unit. ao. Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford CS60,639.38� for three replacement four door midsize sedans for use by the Police Deportment. op. Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bakersfield CS93,326.98� for four full size extended cob pickups for use by the Police Deportment. aq. Accept bid from BercFitold Equipment Company C$67,619.70� for an additional track steer loader for the Water Resources Deportment. ar. Accept bid from GovWare LLC CSl 19,940.63 for 35 Panasonic Tougl� book Laptops for the Public Works and Community development Departments. os. Accept Bid and Approve Contract with Loop Electric, Inc. CS90,385.00� for Street Light Improvements on S. Chester Avenue from EI Serono /EI RoncFio drive to 500' N. of Belle Terrace. ACTION TAKEN AGR 75 -766 OEEO 8232 AGR 75- 167 OEEO 8233 AGR 75- 168 �sos x'-307 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 20'I S -Page Y 4 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN at. Purchase of skid mounted belt feeder with conveyor belt: l . Accept bid from Bejcoc (-orporation, Fresno. C<olifornfa <$273.255.33_) for a skid mounted belt feeder with conveyor belt for use by the Solid W<oste Efvision. 2. Appropriate $93.300 Refuse Enterprise Fund B<7lonce to the Public Works Department "s Capft<71 Improvement budget. ccou. PurcFiose of two axle low bed trailer: 7 . Accept bid from Murray Trailer. Stockton. California <$92.961 .843 for a two axle low bed trailer for use by the Streets Division. 2. Appropriate S23.200 Equipment Fund Bola nce to the Public Works Deportment ' s operating budget. M iscel loneous: ay. Appropriate and transfer S20.000 Fire Trust - Hazmat Penalty Funds to the Certified Unified Program Agency <CUPA� Fund Operating Budget for the clean -up of hazardous and biological material spills. aw. Authorize the Finance Director to write off accounts receivable in various funds totaling S98.044.60 and forward non bankrupt accounts to a collection agency for additional collection efforts. Successor Agency Business= ax. Receive and file Successor Agency payments from May 2l, 2075 to June 1 1. 2015 in the amount of $2,475.00. ay. Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release AGR SA 75 -007 between the Successor Agency and various Kern County School Districts and the Kern County Superintendent of Schools regarding AB 7 290 Pass- Through Underpayments of the former BoKersfield Redevelopment Agency. :308 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 20� 5 —Page � 5 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN City Clerk Gafford announced o stuff memorandum wos received regcrding item S.o.. with a correction to page 3: a staff memorandum wos received regarding item 8.0.. clarifying the Police Supervisory Unit Police Sergeants will receive a 31Y- COLA, a tianclout was received from Mayor Hcoll regarding item 8.q.: cond o staff memorandum was received regarding item to include o bond rider with exhibit E:>. Councilmambar Smith connouncecl that ha would obstoin, clue to o conflict of interest, o source of income to himself, parsonsol entities ore clients (Bryon Botay oncl Gibbons 8c Wha@Icon), on items 8_a., 8.1., oncl 8_w_ Mc3yor Holl recluestecl item S.cl. be removed for saporata consideration. Councilmambar Maxwell requestecl items 8.ab. oncl 8_og_ ba removed for sepcorote considarotion. Councilmambar Rivard requested item removed for saporata considarotion_ Motion by Cour�ci /member Wair fo adopt Consanf APPROVED Co /endor ifams 8_0. thlough 8_oy_, with fha !6/7)OV0/ Of AB HANSON items S. p_, 8_q_, 8_ob_, and 8.vg_ for seporofe considarotion_ FD. Resolution extending the existing terms and RES 088 -75 conditions of the California Water Service Company francFiise agreement witti this City of Bakersfield for ttie use. transmission, and distribution of water wittiin tl-)t City of Bakersfield to December 31, 2015. Mof/on by Rivaro fo adopt Conselat APPROVED Co/erpdcor item 8. p_, Wim ff7e sfipU/Otion thcrt starff wvit AB HANSON orp f/rper//zing on agreement Li"M the Courac// is crta/e to hove o conversof/on ckiririg Closed Session of the August 72' rrseefing. C4. Agreement witti HPN Books for Publication of AGM 75- 757 Hardcover Pictorial Cityscape Book of Bakersfield Cno cost involved. Motion by Moyo! Ho // to adopt Consent Co /endor /ter» APPROVEEO 8_47. AB HANSON ? 3 O 9 Bakersfield, California, June 24, 2015 - Page 16 8_ CONSENT CALENDAR continued ab. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 1 3 -034 with Kern Security Systems. Incorporated X550.000: revised not to exceed S205.000� and extend term until June 2076 for the security guard services provided at 18th Sc Eye Street Parking Gcorage. Counci /m6mbar Rivaro requested the Budget and FinOrlCe Committee review the City's po /icy on the amount of times o contract con be orrsend*pCC to extend o term for services, before go /ng through the fu// bidding process ago /n_ Motion by Counci /member Moxwe// to adopt Consent Co/endvr item 8_cob. ag. Agreement with Nom and Mario Bui 4C $7 79,000 to purchase real property located at 7 North Stine Rood for the Centennial Corridor Project. Counci /member Moxwe // requested scoff provide on updated quorler /y report that gives /nformotion on the progress of the right of way phase of each TR /P project and the costs associated with the project Motion by Counci /member Moxwe // to adopt Consent Co /endor item 8.og_ 9_ CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 7 O_ HEARINGS a. Public Hearing to consider approval of the issuance of tax- exempt multi - family housing bonds by the Housing Authority of the County of Kern: 7 . Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield approving the issuance of multifamily housing bonds knot to exceed $6.5 million:) by the Housing Authority of the County of Kern for the acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable housing at 2300 South Union Avenue. ACTION TAKEN AGQ 73- 034(2) APPROVED AB HANSON AGR 75 -763 EEO 8229 APPROVED AB HANSON RES 089- 7 5 :?3 to Bakersfield, California, June 24, 20� 5 -Page 17 1 O. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN 2. Indemnification agreement between the AGR 75 -770 City of Bakersfield and the Housing Authority of the County of Kern. Community development Eire(--tor Mclsaac mode stcoff comments. Hearing item 1 O.co. opened at 6:27 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing item 1 O.a. closed cot 6:28 p.m. Mot /on by Counci /mambas Rivaro to adopt the APPROVED ReSO/LJt %On crncJ Agl98mBnt_ AB HANSON 1 1. REPORTS None. 12_ D-EFERREEDO BUSINESS C3. Fiscal Yecor 201 5-16 Budget: I . Resolution Approving cond Adopting the RES 090 -75 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets for the City of Bakersfield. Ccolifornia for the Fiscal Yecor 2015 -16 as Amended. 2. Resolution Establishing the City of RES 097 -75 Bakersfield Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2015 -16 Assistant City Mconager Huot made staff comments and recommended adoption of the Resolutions. City Manager Tandy mode additioncol staff comments. Motion by Councilmamber Moxwall thct the raclossificotion monies coma to the City Council for opprovol before the Council's consideration of t"e raclossificotion_ Motion by Councilmambar Moxwall to ramova the budgeting of $24.5 million for t"eo 24- Straat Widening Project_ L '? 3 1 1 BaKersfield, California, June 24, 207 5 -Page 1 8 7 2_ DEFERRED BUSINESS continued Motion by ColJnci/membar Wair to adopt the Rasa /ut/ons crud budget with the omendmants os sat forth in Exhibit "A. " 7 3_ NEW BUSINESS None. 74_ COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Porlier thonKed his colleagues for their support of a new Ordinance of the Municipal Code relating to unregulated chemicals such as both salts and spice; thonKed the Legislative and Litigation Committee, specifi cally Councilmembers Maxwell and Sullivan, for their support_ Counci /member Moxwa // requested the Pub /ic WorKs Oaportmant provide o presentation to the Counci /, os o who /a, demonstrating how to avo /uota the condition of pavement on streets to determine of what point o straBt Heads attention and o co // shou /d ba p /aced to the Pub /ic WorKs Oeportmanf_ Councilmember Sullivan thonKed staff for their hard work; and expressed her appreciation to Micheal Roney for attending tonight's meeting to invite the public to attend the BaKersfield Municipc�l ParK Bond's final summer concert being held of Beale Pork, this Sunday, of 8 =00 p_m_ Mayor Hall complimented Police Lieutenant Matson for the outstanding ramorKS ha mszde of o recant Downtown Business Association function regarding the homeless population in our City and what is being done for this situation_ 7 5_ ADJOURNMENT Mayor moll c�djoumed MAY6R'rof the City of BoKersfield, C� ATTEST: frty ITYCLERK and Ex Oco I Lc of Council of C of oKersfield ACTION TAKEN APPQOVEO NS MAXWELL AB HANSON �J