HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2015� BAKERSFIELD /�'/ StP�vPi TP��t;a� Staff: Steve Teglia Assistant City Manager Committee M Terry Maxwell Jacquie Sulliv Chris Parlier REGULAR MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Monday, June 22, 2015 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember, Terry Maxwell, Chair Councilmember, Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember, Chris Parlier City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Steve Teglia, Assistant City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant City Manager Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst - City Manager's Office Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant - City Manager's Office Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Josh Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Tom Geddes, Associate City Attorney Greg Williamson, Chief of Police Lieutenant Jeremy Grimes, Bakersfield Police Department Doug Mslsaac, Community Development Director Jacqui Kitchen, Planning Director Phil Ri irr�c Ri iilrJir�rv fliro�+r�r Legislative and Litigation Comr June 22, 2015 - Agenda S� 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Liz Keogh spoke about mandatory spay and neuter legislation, and she disi information on the topic. Ms. Keogh volunteers at both the City of Bake Care Center and Kern County Animal Services facilities, and with the Friend She noted that most people who do not spay and neuter their pets canr procedure, so a mandatory program would hurt them. Instead, she enc Committee to discuss a long-term commitment on behalf of the City to fun neuter program for both dogs and cats, and to increase the current level such a program. The reduction in pet overpopulation would not be im would be seen over an extended period of time. She and some of her c attend the Committee meeting in July when the item is on the agenda t� questions about the issue. 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding a Local Ordinance Bannina Synthetic Stir Cannabinoids City Attorney Gennaro reported that the draft ordinance requE Committee was included in the meeting packet for review. She n� criteria outlined by the Committee had been used to format the dre such as using language that would encompass the ever-changing both bath salts and spice; expedite the approval process withc quality of work; note that the use, sale and possession of the synthet would be illegal; provide a tool for law enforcement to cite the illeg� a misdemeanor as well as an infraction; and to be able to with� challenge. Should the Committee approve the draft, the ordinance will be pre full City Council on June 24, 2015 for first reading. If it is approved at second reading will be on the Council's agenda for the July 22, � and would then take effect 30 days later. Committee member Parlier thanked the City Attorney's Office for c and thorough job on the draft ordinance. He said he looked forwc reading at the City Council meeting. Committee member Sullivan agreed with Committee member Parlier Committee Chair Maxwell agreed, also, and complimented Commi Parlier for bringing this issue to the forefront. He also gave cred Legislative and Litigation Comr June 22, 2015 - Agenda S� B. Discussion reclardinq a Local Ordinance for Maintenance of Empt� Assistant City Manager Teglia provided a recap of the discussion frorr Committee meeting. The item was referred for Committee disc� Chair, whose goal is to improve the Downtown area. After recei� from the Committee, and taking into account comments made by � Tandy regarding a proposal to create economic incentive areas discussions about a process that might be proactive, rather than memo that was included in the meeting packet outlined an appro staff would ascertain whether or not a property is vacant or � attempt to learn and understand the reason behind it, and determin proceed. Building Director Burns reported that staff's efforts were focused on 1 to address the concerns about vacant buildings without addinc proposal is to reach out to the property and/or business owner(s) a them to discuss the reason(s) why a building is vacant. Potential q provided to the Committee for review. Staff would then discuss methods to potentially assist the owner(s) of the structure or component would be included whereby the individual(s) would be how the distressed building and/or business affects the neighborhooc In review of the current ordinance regarding structures that are boarc discretion is allowed on the part of the Building Director as to what used. Mr. Burns proposed a new ordinance that would require that t painted to match the structure, which is consistent with c Enforcement practices. The Building Code requires that any exposf weatherproofed, and that is accomplished by painting it. Another issue that was raised at the previous Committee meeting wc securing any alcove against transient use. Mr. Burns noted th concerns about this as alcoves are actually an architectural featurE not a large transient problem. Staff proposes to distribute a flyer oi brochure that would list ways to dissuade transients from taking up re entrance or exit. Staff believes this will be a more business-friendly a� Assistant City Manager Teglia noted that if it was acceptable to thE staff would accept feedback without a motion, and proceed with I the program over a period of time. Building Director Burns added that efforts would begin Downto� �vr�ivr�rd +l-�r�i iivl-��i i+ +h� i�i+�i Legislative and Litigation Comr June 22, 2015 - Agenda S� Committee member Sullivan asked if any more of the structure woul� beyond that of the lumber used to board it up, should the existing state of disrepair. Building Director Burns said that it would depend on the situation. areas is typically not done unless it is to cover graffiti. Committee Chair Maxwell agreed that it is better to work with peo conduct strict enforcement when that is the only method to motivat something with the property. He asked which staff inembers woul� the ones to sit down with the property and/or business owner(s). Assistant City Manager Teglia said that as the proposed process was the discussion on economic development, it would be appropri� someone from the Economic Development staff. Community Development Director Mclsaac said that it is envisioned a collaboration of staff from both Code Enforcement an Development. The Economic Development staff would take the I communication on what the issues might be, with the goal of owner(s) to perhaps invest more into the building or business and tak of it, which is more of a holistic approach. Staff hopes that this ma� for future economic development. City Manager Tandy suggested that staff submit a periodic report r disposition of the buildings and/or businesses. Committee Chair Maxwell suggested that when staff reaches out to they also make contact with surrounding businesses. It is possible 1 multiple entities could be merged into one positive outcome involved. He provided an example whereby a local hospital df nearby property on which a vacant business now sits. The hospital � parking at the location, so another adjacent property ownE approached about using their land for that purpose. Other than m� suggestion, he approved of the proposal from the Building Director. Committee member Sullivan asked that the local newspaper do whc make the community aware of the positive efforts being made tc Downtown area. She suggested, also, that staff provide a picture � contact with out-of-town owners to show them exactly how the prc business looks. Legislative and Litigation Comr June 22, 2015 - Agenda S� 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Sullivan said she appreciated the information pro� Keogh, and she feels very strongly about the pet overpopulation probl review the information and be ready for discussion at the July Committee m 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.