HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/2015/�-/ ste�ve� Te���;a�
Staff: Steven Teglia
Assistant City Manager
Committee Member
Councilmember, Ker
Councilmember, Ter�
Vice Mayor, Harold F
Wednesday, August 18, 2015
12:00 p.m.
City Hall North - Conference Room A
1600 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m.
Committee members:
Councilmember, Ken Weir, Chair
Councilmember, Terry Maxwell
Vice Mayor, Harold Hanson
City staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager
Steven Teglia, Assistant City Manager
Chris Huot, Assistant City Manager
Chris Gerry, Administrative Analyst III - City Manag
Caleb Blaschke, Management Asst. - City Manag
Nelson Smith, Finance Director
Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney
Christi Tenter, Human Resources Manager
Mari Blowers, Benefits Technician
Retired employees
and BCARE:
Florn Core, Fred Baugher and Margaret Ursin
The Report was adopted as submitted.
There were no public statements.
A. Discussion reaardinq 2016 Health Care Plan Renewals
Assistant City Manager Teglia reported that the Segal Company has
with the various plan providers to obtain an understanding of the ratE
plan year, which begins in January. Segal representatives and staff
Insurance Committee earlier this same day to present the same infc
turned the meeting over to Tom Morrison and John Lu with the Segal
present their report by way of a handout and PowerPoint.
Mr. Morrison reported that the proposed rate increases for the AnthE
PPO (21�) and HMO (9�0) plans for active employees are significantl
has been seen before as a result of higher than normal usage of
including high-cost specialty medications, and less than necessa
premiums to cover those costs. It should be noted that some of
medications did not exist before, but are making significantly more
difference than what had previously been prescribed. He added th
health condition of the participants in the PPO plan is declining wh
against the Anthem Blue Cross book of business. To address this, inf
provided about a possible wellness initiative, or a disease managerr
that could potentially improve that.
The proposed rate changes for active employees for the remaining
as follows:
• Kaiser HMO - 3.6�o increase;
• Kaiser High Deductible Plan - 3.6� increase;
• MetLife Dental - 2.7�o increase;
• PUD Dental - 4.O�o increase (Imperial 1000) and 4.1 �o (Napa 80�
• MES Vision - No change.
The cumulative total for all proposed rate increases for active emplo�
The proposed rate changes for retirees are as follows:
• Anthem PPO - 14�o increase;
• Anthem Secure Horizon - 16.7� increase;
• Kaiser HMO - 15�o increase;
The cumulative total for all proposed increases for retirees is 13.4�, w
double what has been seen in all previous years, according to Mr. Mc
Efforts to reduce the proposed rate increases might include a low�
and/or higher co-payments for office visits and/or medications. ThE
option of adding a formulary in the drug plan that excludes some dr
there is a competing brand, identical value and property, which cc
rate increase from 9�o to b.l b�o, and still provide brand and generic a
Committee member Maxwell asked about the formulary, specificall�
the decision on what drugs are available and are not.
Mr. Morrison said that the decision is made by a panel from
management company that Anthem Blue Cross subcontracts with, E:
Mr. Morrison stated that because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA),
only be reduced so far before a plan becomes invalid and the emplc
to penalties for not offering a qualifying medical plan. The ACA als�
increase or cost sharing for certain preventative services and medic
City staff is always looking for ideas to offset healthcare premium in
must be mindful of these federal law provisions.
An analysis was performed that compared benefit modifications to c
strategy that revises the current City/Employee 80/20 premium pay
one that is 75/25 for the purpose of lowering the proposed rate incre<
Based on this information and the alternatives, it is believed that botr
the employees would achieve a greater benefit if the cost rati
realigned. It would save the City money and not strongly impa<
because it is deducted from the paycheck on a pre-tax basis. H
alternatives will be considered and discussed by the Insurance a
Committees. The Segal Company will be recommending to City
Insurance and Personnel Committees to consider the modification to
The Segal Company released a Request for Information (RFI) for tr
investigating the current insurance market, and responses are comi
submittals have been received from United Healthcare, Blue Shiel<
Once all of the information has been compiled, another mee�
Insurance and Personnel Committees will take place.
Committee member Maxwell asked what the reason might be
employees' contribution by the figure of 5%. Mr. Morrison replied �
Mr. Morrison reported that the City's contribution towards retiree hec
is based on the individual formulas for each retiree. For those enrollE
plan, the City contributes 42� of the cost of that plan. He r�
Committee that increases in retiree healthcare costs translate into c
the OPEB liability.
Mr. Morrison provided an overview of the remainder of the report tr
presented. He did emphasize a graph that reflected the benefits pa
Blue Cross PPO versus the amounts of the premiums that had beer
substantiated the data used by the provider to determine the p
Assistant City Manager Teglia reported that the meeting with t
Committee earlier in the day went well. There was good dialog, a
informed of all of the information and options. The Committee ir
increases in out-of-pocket costs and reductions in benefits can be m
than an increase in premiums. The proposed revision to the cost sK
year, and it will be necessary to modify the Memoranda of Understar
different labor groups through the labor negotiation process, should
Committee reach approval. The Committee members requestE
information, which will be provided at their next meeting on Septemk
Committee member Hanson said that he is concerned about City en
earn the lower wages.
Mr. Morrison said that the majority of these individuals are already E
Kaiser plan, which is the lowest cost plan with the lowest proposed ra
Committee member Maxwell noted that the City can only do so r�
only way to make this work is if the employees are willing to increasE
they contribute.
Mr. Morrison said that it is his belief that the City of Bakersfield has on
cooperative labor group/management relationships that he has
public entity.
Assistant City Manager Teglia added that the Segal Company has p
role in the success of the process as they communicate well with c
provide full disclosure. It is they who developed the option of chan
split option.
Committee member Maxwell said that the City cannot absorb �
increase in our payments for that insurance, and that fact was conf
Assistant City Manager Teglia said that the Segal Company will ana
from the responses to the RFI, after which it will be presented to 1
Committee, along with the information the Committee members h�
from City staff. When there is a consensus, City staff and the Segal �
return to the Personnel Committee for continued discussion.
City Manager Tandy indicated that it is unlikely that any plans
providers in response to the RFI will be identical to those currently in �
City. Mr. Morrison agreed that it is probable that there will be differer
City Manager Tandy added that employees are sensitive to the issu
will be considerable study and discussion before the item returns to
Committee with a recommendation from the Insurance Committee.
Committee Chair Weir asked if the analysis would be ready by Septe
and Mr. Morrison indicated that it would.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:44 p.m.