HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/2015AT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER October 2, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager Subject: General Information Good News  Attached you will find the monthly TRIP Status Report for the month of October. The report gives a summary of each TRIP project in construction, in design, and under review. Completion percentages and pictures of projects are also included.  Public Works will begin its annual leaf program. From October 14th through the first week in February, residents can rake their leaves onto the street two feet from the curb. The Streets Division will then collect the leaves. For more information, please see the attached press release.  Recently, One hundred and twenty young men and women passed the written exam for the Bakersfield Police Department’s Explorer Post. This group is now in the process of going through oral interviews and background checks. Those who make it through this phase will enter a five month probationary period and will join the thirty five explorer’s active in the post. General Information October 2, 2015 Page 2 The Bakersfield Police Department's Explorer Program is an extension of the Boy Scouts of America. The program provides an opportunity for young men and women, ages 14 ½ -21, to experience first-hand how a police department functions and what it takes to get started in a law enforcement career. The program, geared around law enforcement, gives youth self-confidence, discipline, and a feeling of community involvement. The Explorer’s are trained in report writing, traffic stops, crime scene investigation, defensive tactics, firearm safety, arrest procedures, crimes in progress as well as many other important aspects of law enforcement.  The City was recently awarded the Cities for Workforce Health grant by the League of California Cities, in partnership with Kaiser Permanente and Keenan and Associates. The purpose of the grant is to conduct an evaluation of the City’s existing wellness program and subsequently identify recommendations to improve employee health. The grant includes free consultation services from Kaiser Permanente and Keenan and Associates, and provides a $5,000 credit use towards wellness activities provided by Kaiser Permanente. We were only 1 of 5 agencies selected for this grant, even though the League received many competitive applications.  We are happy to announce that we received word this week the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has awarded the City’s FY 2014-15 Budget Document with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. This is the 15th consecutive year the City’s Budget Book has received the award from GFOA. The GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program (Budget Awards Program) in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. A special thanks to Chris Huot, who publishes the book annually, the budget team, budget managers and department heads.  We would like to congratulate Zachary Meyer on his promotion as Wastewater Manager. Mr. Meyer has been with the Wastewater Division for over seven years recently filling the position of Superintendent. He has been working as the Interim Wastewater Manager for the past summer and has done a wonderful job. Mr. Meyer has a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering and is licensed as Civil Engineer. He also has a California Wastewater Operator Grade V Certificate. Mr. Meyer’s combination of education and wastewater engineering experience make him well qualified to assume the responsibilities of managing the Wastewater Division. General Information October 2, 2015 Page 3 TRIP Nighttime Closures on State Routes 58 and 99 Motorists traveling on State Route 58 should anticipate nighttime closures of the eastbound and westbound inside lanes on, between State Route 99 and H Street, Tuesday through Thursday next week. The closures are expected to be in place each night between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. The closures are needed to allow for concrete paving operations within the median. All other lanes are expected to remain open to traffic. Motorists should also anticipate potential night work and ramp closures at the Chester Avenue, Union Avenue, and Cottonwood Road interchanges. These closures would also take place between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., Sunday night through Thursday night. Consecutive ramps will not be closed at any one time so motorists will be able to enter or exit the freeway at the next interchange. The contractor continues work along State Route 99 and at the State Route 99/Ming Avenue Interchange. This work may require nighttime closures of the outside northbound lane between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road and of the northbound on- and off-ramps at the Ming Avenue Interchange. If needed, these closures would occur Sunday night through Thursday night, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Reports  Streets Division work schedule for the week of October 5th; and  Letter from Bright House Networks regarding possible programming changes General Information October 2, 2015 Page 4 Event Notifications Event Calendar for Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center Recreation and Parks o Cross Country Meet - Saturday, October 3rd at Yokuts Park, Recreation and Parks will sponsor a Cross Country Meet for ages 6 -13. The first meet starts at 9:30 a.m. This meet draws runners from local schools and usually has over 400 participants. Medals and ribbons are given to the top ten finishers in each race. o Good Neighbor Festival – Saturday, October 10th at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Recreation and Parks and the Southeast Neighborhood Partnership will sponsor the annual Good Neighbor Festival. This festival includes health care information, children’s activities, local resources and free food. All events are free, and “Hidden Heroes” are honored. o Adaptive Basketball League - Beginning Sunday, October 4th at Riverlakes Ranch Community Park, Adaptive Basketball League will start and continue for 6 weeks. The program is sponsored by Recreation and Parks, the League of Dreams and Terrio Fitness and Terrio Kids. It serves special needs participants from ages 5 to 22. Register online at www.ourleagueofdreams.com AT:CH:cb:al cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk TRIP projects are moving rapidly through the various stages of project development. This report is to provide a periodic up-to-date snapshot of each project’s recent major activities and progress. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Janet Wheeler at the TRIP office, (661) 326-3491. Regular project updates are also available on the TRIP website at BakersfieldFreeways.us MILESTONES Construction bids for the State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements Project were opened on September 10th. The low bid came in at $6.3 million. The contract agreement has been placed on City Council’s October 14th agenda for approval. The project is federally funded through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). Construction is expected to begin late this year. Two-thirds of the single-family residential properties needed for the Centennial Corridor Project have been acquired under the City’s early acquisition program. To date, 135 of the 199 residential properties needed for the project have been purchased and additional acquisitions are currently in progress. The contractor for the State Route 178/Hosking Avenue Interchange will begin placing concrete for the bridge deck on October 5th, weather permitting. Concrete for the bridge deck will be placed during two pours. The October 5th pour completes the deck on the north half of the bridge; concrete for the south side will be placed later in the week. Contract work on the State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchange project has been completed. All of the freeway lanes, interchange ramps and the new section of Morning Drive opened to traffic on August 18th, following a ribbon cutting ceremony held atop the new bridge. The City received another award for a TRIP project in late September. The Southern San Joaquin Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) selected the State Route 58 Gap Closure Project to receive a 2015 ASCE Excellence Award for transportation projects. The award was presented at the group’s annual banquet. PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION State Route 99/Hosking Avenue Interchange Contractor: Granite Construction 55% complete; anticipated completion: early 2016 In September, crews placed utilities in the bridge bays, installed bridge deck drains, and installed rebar for the top deck. Paving the tie-in for Silver Dollar Way at Hosking Avenue was also completed last month. Bridge work will continue through the coming months. Concrete for the bridge’s top deck will be completed in two pours in October, with the first pour occurring on October 5th. No impacts to traffic on State Route 99 are anticipated with either pour. Each of these deck pours require 516 cubic yards of concrete and will take about eight hours to complete. The bridge will be post-tensioned following a 10-day concrete cure, and false work will October 2015 TRIP Status Report Page 1 TRIP Status Report October 2015 be removed. Falsework removal will require full freeway closures during nighttime hours. Crews will then begin work on structure backfill, approach slabs, barrier, sidewalk, median paving and decorative street lights. Also in September, crews continued placing aggregate base for the roadway; installed curb and gutter, and electrical conduit; and started placing stamped colored concrete for roadway medians on Hosking Avenue within the project area. All of these activities will continue into October. Beltway Operational Improvements Contractor: Security Paving Company 8% complete; anticipated completion: summer 2017 This project includes various improvements along State Route 58, from State Route 99 to Cottonwood Road, and on State Route 99 from Wilson Road to north of Ming Avenue. In September, the contractor continued to work on a new retaining wall along northbound State Route 99. Construction of this wall will continue through October, and motorists traveling southbound on Wible Road should anticipate intermittent lane closures, between Belle Terrace and Wilson Road, for the off-loading of materials. The wall allows for the construction of a new auxiliary lane for northbound State Route 99 to the Ming Avenue off-ramp. On southbound State Route 99, a temporary on-ramp has been constructed at Ming Avenue. Traffic was shifted onto the new on-ramp in September and construction will begin in October on a new retaining wall along southbound State Route 99, between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road. Ultimate construction includes a new two- lane southbound on-ramp at Ming Avenue and an acceleration lane for southbound State Route 99. On State Route 58, a section of 72-inch diameter drainage pipe was installed in September. An additional section will be installed across eastbound State Route 58 in a later phase of the project. Crews also made subgrade and placed asphalt along the inside of the roadway for the new shoulder and mainline. Ironworkers will begin laying rebar atop this asphalt in October in preparation of concrete paving. Temporary asphalt was also placed at the eastbound off-ramp to Cottonwood Road to allow for reconstruction of a portion of this ramp. Grading and drainage work will continue within the median through October. The Union Avenue and Chester Avenue off-ramps are expected to be re-striped to allow for reconstruction work to begin on these ramps. Rosedale Highway Widening Contractor: Teichert Construction 38% complete; anticipated completion: fall 2016 Construction work has shifted back to nighttime work hours. Crews will be working in various areas along Rosedale Highway, from Gibson Street to Coffee Road, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., Sunday nights through Thursday nights. Closures may affect either lane in either direction while work is underway, but at least one lane in each direction will remain available to traffic. All lanes are expected to open daily in time for the morning commute. Highlights for September include completing the installation of 16-inch water main. This water line is expected to be tied in to the system in October. Existing curb, gutter and sidewalk were removed in various areas along Rosedale Highway and the installation of new curb and gutter for the widened roadway is underway. Crews made subgrade and placed aggregate base along the north side of Rosedale Highway, between Fruitvale Avenue and Gibson Street. In October, the contractor plans to continue road widening activities in the westbound direction, west of Mohawk Street. This includes the installation of temporary striping, curb, gutter and sidewalk, storm drain modifications, and utility relocations. The October schedule also includes making subgrade and placing aggregate base in various locations. Page 2 TRIP Status Report October 2015 State Route 178 Widening Contractor: Granite Construction 8% complete; anticipated completion: mid-2017 Utility relocations continued through September and work included the construction of a joint trench across State Route 178 for multiple utility lines. The contractor also worked on the drainage systems located along both sides of State Route 184 near the connection of State Route 178 last month. This work is expected to be completed in October. Clearing and grubbing operations along the highway within the project limits also moved forward in September. In October, the contractor plans to work on the storm drain system on the north side of State Route 178 at the east end of the project limits. The City has possession of all of the right-of-way necessary to construct the project; 26 ownerships have been acquired and three ownerships are in condemnation. State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements Designer: Parsons 0% complete; anticipated completion: late 2016 The project provides operational and safety improvements along southbound State Route 99 and at the Rosedale Highway off-ramp. Construction bids were opened September 10th and a $6.3 million contract agreement has been placed on the October 14th City Council agenda for approval. This project is federally funded through the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP). Construction is expected to begin late this year. PROJECTS IN DESIGN AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 24th Street Improvement Project Designer: TYLin International Design 65% complete; Right-of-Way 90% complete (full acquisitions); Anticipate bidding: mid-2016  Judicial proceedings are in process that could modify the project schedule  Soundwall and streetscape design are on hold Hageman Flyover Designer: Caltrans Design 45% complete; Right-of-Way 0% complete  Potholing for utilities and geo-tech borings for structures are underway  Caltrans structures team is working on the general plans  The design team is working with Caltrans Traffic Operations on stage construction plans  Design for the project’s drainage is in progress  Right-of-way engineering is underway  Right-of-way acquisition will not begin until design has progressed to 95% • 12 properties, subject to change as design progresses Truxtun/Oak Intersection Operational Improvements Designer: Dokken Engineering Design 60% complete; Right-of-Way 0% complete The project will widen Truxtun Avenue, to three lanes in each direction, from Empire Drive to east of Oak Street, modify the curve at the Westwind Drive intersection, and provide a right-turn deceleration lane for westbound traffic turning north onto Westwind Drive. Page 3 TRIP Status Report October 2015 Construction is anticipated to begin in mid- to late-2016, depending upon environmental permits and right- of-way acquisitions.  Design work continues  Right-of-way • 4 ownerships west of Oak Street • 6-10 ownerships east of Oak Street; waiting for design PROJECTS UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Centennial Corridor Caltrans lead; Environmental Consultant: Parsons Environmental process 98% complete; Right-of-Way 68% complete for full acquisitions of single-family properties  The team has received comments on the final EIR/EIS from Caltrans Headquarters and Caltrans Legal. The document is expected to be completed and released this fall.  Advanced preliminary engineering design work is ongoing  Preparation of the diversion plan and permit package for Kern River Bridges is underway  Geo-technical work continues as crews collect core samples from various locations along the proposed alignment, including State Route 58 and State Route 99  The type selection process is underway for bridges and structures. The team has received type selection approval for two zones within the corridor and is awaiting approval for the third zone and the Stockdale Highway bridges.  Construction of retaining wall to accommodate utility relocation on schedule  Drainage basin development for corridor is underway  Right-of-Way (Early Acquisition/Voluntary Basis) • Full Acquisitions required for the project: 199 single family residences, 12 multi-family ownerships and 18 commercial/industrial ownerships - Purchase agreements approved by City Council: o 135 single family properties o 4 multi-family properties o 5 commercial/industrial properties Page 4 TRIP Status Report October 2015 PROJECT PHOTOS Top: Iron workers set rebar for the new Hosking Avenue Bridge deck. The bridge contains more than 1 million pounds of rebar. If all rebar were ½-inch diameter, it would stretch for 300 miles Left: Crews work on the stamped concrete median for the new section of Hosking Avenue. Bottom left: Utility relocations continued for the SR 178 Widening project in September. Here, multiple lines are exposed at a joint trench near Alfred Harrell Highway. Bottom right: Electrical crews place a 2-inch conduit in the joint trench – the conduit will carry a relocated cable line. Page 5 TRIP Status Report October 2015 Top: Work to widen Rosedale Highway continues along the outside lanes, primarily at night to keep all lanes open to daytime traffic. Middle left: Crews work on a new retaining wall along northbound SR 99, between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road. The wall is needed to allow for the construction of a new auxiliary lane in this area. Middle right: Trucks line up to deliver asphalt for the base layer of the new inside shoulder and mainline for eastbound SR 58. Asphalt for the westbound side is shown in place. Bottom left: Operations begin on an around- the-clock work weekend (September 18-22) for the installation of a 72-inch diameter drainage system pipe across SR 58. Bottom right: Installation of this section of pipe is complete. Placement of additional pipe will be scheduled in a later phase of the project. Page 6 Week of October 5_2015_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of October 5, 2015 – October 9, 2015 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Sealing streets in the area south of Panama Ln between Stine Rd & Wible Rd Reconstruction of streets in the Auto Mall area East of Wible Rd and north of Pacheco Preparing Panama Ln. between Freeway 99 and Stine Rd for a Maintenance Grind & Pave Paving on Camino Media between Old River & Gosford a Maintenance Grind & Pave Paving various streets in the area east of Calloway and south/north of Brimhall Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the city Curb & Gutter installation at Sports Village Working on Brick repairs at Centennial Plaza Concrete work for new parking lot at Mesa Marin Sports Complex Concrete Repairs to various Bus Stops throughout City limits THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of October 5_2015_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, October 5, 2015 Between Golden State & 16th St. -- “F” St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Between 34th St. & 30th St. – Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. – 34th/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) – Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. – Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. – Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Between Panorama Dr. & Bernard St. -- Union Ave. & Loma Linda Dr. Between River Blvd. & E. Columbus St. – Panorama Dr. & Columbus St. Between College Ave. & Azalea Ave. – Mountain Dr. & Raval St. Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Allen Rd. & Buena Vista Rd. Thursday, October 8, 2015 Between Carr St. & California Ave. – Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. – California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. – Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. – No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. – Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, October 9, 2015 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. – Ming Avenue & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. – Gosford Rd. & Stine Rd. NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday (Excluding Event Days) TICKETMASTER LOCATIONS Walmart - 2601 Fashion Place Walmart - 6225 Colony Street Walmart - 8400 Rosedale Hwy CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-800-745-3000 (Ticketmaster) 1-888-929-7849 (AXS) GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Bakersfield Community Concert Association 661-589-2478 www.bakersfieldcca.org UPCOMING EVENTS October 2 – Old School Throwback Jam 8:00 PM $75, $59.50, $49.50, $39.50 On Sale Now October 3 – Condors vs San Jose 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now October 9 – Condors vs Grand Rapids 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now October 10 – Condors vs Ontario 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now October 16 – Pepe Aguilar 8:00 PM $149, $119, $89, $49 On Sale Now October 29 – Kevin Hart 7:00 PM $89.50, $69.50, $49.50 On Sale 10/2 November 5 – Disney On Ice 7:00 PM $55, $33, $12 On Sale Now November 6-8 – Disney On Ice $55, $33, $23, $18, $15 On Sale Now November 21 – PBR Velocity Tour 7:00 PM $79, $54, $34, $19 On Sale Now November 25 – Juan Gabriel 9:00 PM $225.50, $155.50, $105.50, $85.50, $65.50 On Sale Now December 5 – Guns ‘n Hoses Boxing 6:00 PM $38, $33, $28, $23, $18 On Sale Now January 22-23 – Monster X Tour 7:30 PM $40, $20, $17, $15, $10 On Sale Now October 3 – Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now October 20 – J Balvin with Becky G 7:30 PM $73, $47.50, $37.50, $27.50 On Sale Now November 10 – Taste of Home 3:00 PM $55, $15 On Sale Now November 14 – Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now January 8 – Disney Live 3:30 & 6:30 PM $56, $32, $23, $18 On Sale Now October 1 - Gary Allan 7:00 PM $57, $37, $27 On Sale Now October 2 - Hotel California 8:00 PM $15 On Sale Now October 4 – Gospel Fest 3:00 PM Free Admission www.rabobankarena.com - www.bhnamphitheatre.com