HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0442IRFSOLUTT Cl Y 0 F 1 �"77T I () Y ��,O . I RE 7 TA, )OLtITI01," CIT P73�'TTff TO -DIIHVJ�1�1 1111 1 WI' Ili -EATI"IT' iJA,L7Y BET'NEV" L I I)VIf OF T4',� ard M ST.97PUS EXV47T'T.1TY`3 FROTA TRF 11101RDIVRIZ LVIP, OF 85i STRRE'T TO T�f7 SOUTITERLY I ' IFE J r ' CITY OF BAK77R`y FITL71). OF ll"j,i S' REET, TY 1['�474 J", D7 IT 0771,777) 7V 71'r C(-,ITT'OT� 07 7 CITY '0 771J), as fo m?m Tnat it ih tree irtertior of tare kj'olurcil of the City of Tlal*erq- Nleld to or,ler 151"Le follow!7,-" street mark to be dorp to-wit. Tiqat certiir alley betweer, L ,ird M, Stmets emtprdin�,r f from tae rorta-ivrly lire of F)tn Street to tne soutnerly lire of lltn 15treet, be di,,rniri?ned to s, uriform of twerty-ore feet betweer re S. An-1. mlid Courcil does, nrxe)y cleterrnire ard declare tnnt tine 9,�iH nroncf-,fr,,d ^,,rork ani im-)-rovemert is of more tnnr ordirary oLiblic I 'r' e qp r nerefit cry vvill affect arr� �)erp'it tne, Im-?s a -, listx�ict , r8i after described, ard vfr�,iicq &;AA 4 i7trict is noreby qeclared to be, the Histrict aff'ected ard, bernfitted sy ,ail work �ini imirovenerb -rd triat tnerefore, tne er'ire darqa,77-3, coRt mtr,p oxperqeri of' maid im,ar!k ard imnrovennert r,;wc.01 be or,"! 'irreby cm,,)r,)`palble ai-airst, ani snall be n,scgesss, xle upor cmid lard and district, mnicn diitrlct ir, Imitniv tilp, Cit, "o,,,Lmty of Kerr, 'State, of Cn�ifor- V, y of B&1L,,,err,-,fie1d, ' ria, ar,0 tree exlbprior bourdaries o F qaii lanis affected and berefitted by sald work aril immrovenprt are )art icih: rl,v described r,i.s follorm, to - w i t Bvt7ir,,,1-0r 'it Lr,ip irtersectior of tne viie9terly lire of - 3treet Itreet ard r�Arring tnerce, soatrleriy mitn Lne ,:nu,Lne�rly line of lltn alon- t westerly lire of to tne rortelerly lim of' Stn ,Street; t,,irrce vmsterly tm, rort,,iorly Are of Stn Street to 1 4, tne eaqLprly lire oC 1, litront'; tnemne rortmerly alor'� V.,ne easterly ,� L r e lire, of L Street; tea soutnerly lire of 11tai I U; trlercp easterly alon tne soutnerly lire Of 11 t', 7'`tref)' t,O tne ,poirt of bes�rirrin,. Beiw, all of Blocks 20, 29 ard 44 LR,s 9,-jid bjook�„ are, rno,,,vr or tne "Man of the City Of 11-kLpq°7,1.r f j'j,n or recur ir ,tie Off ice -I- 912115 CC AGENDA PACKET PAGE 452 of tqe "ourty Recorder of Kern Courty, Yovember 2�tri, 1,898. .Q1 of tne rieredr prono�prl work snall ire done ir ourquarce of z,,,,r acts or Le,-isla-ture o h,np ttAp of Oalifcrria, ertitled "Ar act to grovirIe for tl,ie JjyjjT-7 out, onprir,,7, ;^ xtprdir-, v(ifieriry-rl fflurairrnte7"irc7, or c1o,�7irv- !m ir Tmolp- or, it part, ary street, 1,--re sqtl,,are, allellf, courL or 11 ace v,,itnir '�uricioali ties, ard to corder r arA acqjiro all card prop,,�rty reoess,.,.x � or cerveriert for tnnt app-roved !Larn,�r �.i,rd tnp several acts amerf],atory tnc-reolf or supIplemert-til tnexetuo. TRI� BP.K7RSFIELD CALTITOfTlAF, is nereby desi�,,.rrated as lu�ie laily rei',vs Alper pablisned ard r, i r cul !aed ir said Cit,y ir °,mnicnj tzle 7)unerirterdert of 7,treets' robice of' t(,e of tnis Ilesol,ition Ire -,mblis-,3pd. I �T77R79Y CMITI 'Nf tri°it fore goiTy'; Resolatior of TrtertiA)r imas )ussed by 13�io 6o Arch of t�jeu'ity of 73,akersfield, or tne 2' .L� a. o 7!rc, 1 t PnI101pir otr— ' Pine, H b-,Irr, Rn bin son, Snilh, vitRIM .................. ex -o icio U r cc) ,Irp,i,j of tje City of BL-Jtersfield., APPTIOVED tn. i �3 U�,,, 0 f 119 2 912115 CC AGENDA PACKET PAGE 453