HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/2008. + C� B A K E R S F I E L D Ciiy Manager's Office Memorandum TO: Honorable Mayor and City Cour�c� � l FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager � � / SUBJECT: General information � 1. Attached are two articles from the Sacramento Bee which illustrate tf California's budget deficit continues to be a moving target. Earlier thi: governor indicated that the deficit could be as high as $20 billion starti The second article hints that tax receipts might be improving. The scheduled to release the May revision to the budget on May 14th, which us a better understanding of the size of the budget deficit. Needless tc be significant. 2. I am pleased to announce the promotion of two employees within the P Department. Brad Underwood has been promoted to Assistant P� Director and Mike Rogers has been promoted to Fleet Superintendent. Mr. Unden�vood has worked for the City for over 21 years. He is a regi Engineer and Land Surveyor in the State of California. He has servec Works Department in various capacities beginning as an Engineer in Division and then Traffic Engineering. From there he moved to P� maintenance as the General Services Superintendent and then to P� Operations Manager. Mr. Underwood's experience in maintenance will rounded view to engineering issues encountered by the Public Works DE Mr. Rogers has worked for the City for over 37 years, all of which has Fleet Services Division in various positions. He served three years a worker until he promoted to the mechanic position, which he held for s� He has served as a supervisor for the last 27 years. He has extensive ti types of equipment including automotive, heavy truck, police motorcycl equipment. Mr. Roger's immediate plans include enhancing service ar timA tn nthPr ritv f�IF?t�at'tI�Y1P_ntC Honorable Mayor and City Council May 2, 2008 Page 2 4. Mayor Hall, Councilmembers and City staff are invited to join the Baker� Department to honor police officers who died in the line of duty. ceremony will be held on Monday, May 12t" at 7:00 a.m. in front of Department at 1601 Truxtun Avenue. A countywide memorial cerem hosted by BPD on Thursday, May 15th at noon at the Kern County Pea Memorial located at 1415 Truxtun Avenue. 5. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of May 5t" is enclosed. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Mayor Hall • Consideration of revised policy to allow alternates for KBB Committee; Councilmember Sullivan • Pothole on New Stine and Wilson Road. AT:rs:rk cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk An�lysis: Governor's deficit estimate rises to $20 billion - sacbee.com � : •,:-: ���� i� ,, . 4,�: .. • 'I hr S:irrartrcntr�}!ec This story is taken from Sacbee / Politics. Analysis: Governor's deficit estimate rise� $20 billion By Kevin Yamamura - kyamamu_ ra@sacbee.com Published 12:00 am PDT Wednesday, Apri130, 2008 Salinas residents who heard Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger two weeks ago would have reason to believe the budget deficit is $18 billion dating back to January. Those who listened to him in Alameda could have walked away thinking the gap is $1 less. And local prosecutors who heard him at a Sacramento conference last week mic the problem at $10 billion starting in July. Schwarzenegger has been all over the map in his deficit estimates this month. But af offering vague explanations for the governor's previous calculations, his aides on Tue decided to embrace his latest figure: as high as $20.2 billion starting July 1. The number is an estimate, and Schwarzenegger is scheduled to reveal his revised b� May 14 with an official deficit figure when all the tax returns are opened and expensE revenues for the next year projected. But Schwarzenegger's rhetorical flourishes aside, one thing is certain: The budget pr� getting far worse - nearly twice the problem he described in January - and the govei wants everyone to know it. "The larger that number gets, the more unrealistic it is to think you can cut your way it," said Sen. Denise Ducheny, D-San Diego, chairwoman of the Senate Budget Comr "And it's unrealistic to think you can tax your way out of it, either. it forces you to th changing things we've been doing for years." Schwarzenegger's aides advised Tuesday that the $20 billion figure could change. "V1 have a hard number right now," said Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear. But the governor has used the large figures -$20.2 billion is one-fifth of an estimate billion spending plan - to make a case for a long-term "rainy-day fund" and to persu legislators to find new revenues in addition to making budget cuts. An�lysis: Governor's deficit estimate rises to $20 billion - sacbee.com Schwarzenegger has not had a joint meeting with legislative leaders for nearly two The worsening deficit, McLear said, is "why we need to start working on this now, be� every day that goes by that we don't work on this budget, it gets worse." Department of Finance spokesman H.D. Palmer said the governor's latest estimate is on lower corporate profits, a housing market slump and an economic decline. He saic department is reviewing K-12 enrollment, the prison population and social service ca to determine whether expenditures are more than anticipated. The $20.2 billion figure includes a$2.8 billion reserve, which the governor had not fz in before. Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill said Tuesday she believes revenues will be "several below" what her office anticipated earlier this year, though she said she couldn't corr the governor's $20 billion figure because she didn't know what his assumptions were Schwarzenegger's number is roughly $11 billion higher than Hill's projection from Fel Ducheny and Assembly Budget Committee Vice Chairman Roger Niello, R-Fair Oaks, they were surprised to hear the governor estimate the 2008-09 problem to be $20 b They said data from the state Franchise Tax Board suggests that April personal incon receipts have been better than anticipated. Both said they thought the deficit might be closer to $12 billion. "Who knows what's accurate?" Niello said. Jean Ross of the California Budget Project, an advocacy group for the working poor, Schwarzenegger's projection "may be an attempt to prepare people for the fact that going to get worse and not better in the May revise." But, Niello said, if Schwarzenegger is floating a worst-case scenario figure to dampei expectations, "the shelf life of any message that might be given by an intentionally r number is pretty short" because the budget plan will be released in two weeks. Go to: Sacbee / Back to story This article is protected by copyright and should not be printed or distributed for anything except personal use. The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q St., P.O. Box 15779, Sacramento, CA 95852 Phone: (916) 321-1000 Copyright �O The SaCr�mgn�o. Bee The Latest From Capitol Alert - Capitol Alert - The Sacramento Bee - Finding change in t. May 01, 2008 Finding change in the seat cushions You can't put too much faith in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's deficit numbers these days, but in an interview with Patt Morrison of KPCC. Radio, the governor said he learned this week of "a few billion dollars that came in unexpected." On the same day Schwarzenegger aides explained the governor's latest deficit figure had ballooned to $20 billion, the governo� learned privately that tax receipts might be improving. In the KPCC interview, Schwa2enegger said Department of Finance Director Mike Genest told him Tuesday "we just got some good news the last few hours." "And I said, 'What is that?' " Schwarzenegger explained. "He says, 'Well, there actually, there is a few billion dollars that came in unexpected.' So, you know, we budget, you deal with numbers, and so it changes all the time." � g °:ii � � �ir� _ . . ._ a Z � .. - -- , . . ; .. . . 4 _� . �`'� Schwarzenegger has been throwing out numbers I_eft and right lately, most recently a$20 billion deficit 1 represents the worst-case scenario. He told KPCC his strategy is to "always look for the worst, and ther always dial back from there." "So I think it's better to just take the approach and say, let's take the worst of circumstances, and then g from there," he said, "rather than always painting a perfect picture, and then the revenues are not there. Schwarzenegger is expected to decide on a conerete deficit projection May 14, when he issues his revi; Posted by Kevin Yamamura on May 1, 2008 03:39 PM �,,,��; ,;, e�::���i�i�! �., .�F. e.� ,� �,,° .� � . ,"��I11 Date: To: From: Subject: April 29, 2008 BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager W. R. Rector, Chief of Police W�-° Peace Officer Memorial Ceremonies Peace Officer Memorial Week is May 11-17, 2008. �1 � 'iSi. J�`��tCE � �'� . � .��; � ,���, � � ; � .,;o `� . ��� � v� � n�L I ~ � ^�TV � r, r• r,�.� The Bakersfield Police Department will honor police officers who died in the lin during a special memorial ceremony on Monday, May 12th at 7:00 a.m. The c will be held in front of the Police Department Memorial at 1601 Truxtun AvenuE expected to last approximately 30 minutes. On Thursday, May 15, 2008, Bakersfield Police Department will host a County memorial ceremony in honor of "Peace Officers' Memorial Week." The ceremc commence at noon at the Kern County Peace Officers' Memorial located at 14 Truxtun Avenue, and is expected to last approximately 30 minutes. I would like to invite Mayor Hall, City Council Members and all City staff who w to join us as we honor law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate s� while serving their community. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF MAY 5— MAY 9, 2008 Resurfacinc�/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Preparing streets for reconstruction in the area between Planz Road anc Lane, west of Stine Road. Preparing Niles Street, between Brown Street and Union Avenue, for a t overlay. Miscellaneous Streets Qivision projects currently in progress: The Mill Creek project. The Aera Park project. Installing curb, gutter and sidewalks in the area between Truxtun Avenu� California Avenue, Baker Street to Williams Street. The Calloway Median Island project. The Bakersfield Municipal Airpark Beautification project. Paqe 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, May 5, 2008 Between Oak Street &"F" Street, 16th Street & Golden State Frontage Between Bernard Street & Niles Street, Chester Avenue & Alta Vista Dri Between Rosedale Highway & Palm Avenue, Jenkins Road & Allen Roa Between Brimhall Road & Rowland Avenue, Rugger Street & Jenkins R� Between Allen Road & Jewetta Avenue from Stockdale Highway, north t Tuesdav, Mav 6, 2008 Between California Avenue & Brundage Lane, Oak Street & Union Aven Wednesday, May 7, 2008 City streets in the area between Panorama Drive & Columbus Street, Ri� & East Columbus Street. Between West Columbus Street & Bernard Street, San Dimas Street & l Befinreen Stockdale Highway & Truxtun Avenue, Coffee Road & Hewlett Th u rsday, May 8, 2008 Between Cochran Drive & Ming Avenue, Ashe Road/Carr Street & New Between California Avenue & Stockdale Highway, New Stine Road & Hi� Between Hosking Road & McKee Road, Wible Road & Stine Road. Fridav, May 9, 2008 City streets in the area between Belle Terrace & Adidas Avenue, Stine Highway 99. Between Watts Drive & Brooks Street, Hale Street & Madison Street. .�. �i�:1 h'i�:: -�' � �: r ��1'i�i,L:;yj C _.. � �t i '�Y+r.r ���'�� a� . �1j1�' ���� . TO: MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY April 29, 2008 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: VIRGINIA GENNARO, CITY ATTORNEY '�,' � � - JUSTIN A. CRUMLEY, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY�� SUBJECT: KEEP BAKERSFIELD BEAUTIFUL COMMITTEE COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 001912 ***DUAL REFERRAL TO LEGISLATIVE & LITIGATION COMMITTEE (LEAD) CITY ATTORNEY*** MAYOR HALL REQUESTED THE LEGISLATIVE & LITIGATION COMMITTE CONSIDER REVISING THE CURRENT POLICY TO ALLOW THE COMMITT HAVE ALTERNATES. The City Attorney's Office will have a draft ordinance for the Legislative Committee to discuss when this matter is agendized. cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �` MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE : May 1, 2008 SUBJECT: POTHOLE NEW STINE Referral No. 1911 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF TO FILL POTHOLE ON � STINE, AND WILSON ROAD, LANE GOING SOUTH. There are some alligator cracked areas on New Stine, south bound lanes, beforE getting to Wilson Road that are starting to develop potholes. These areas were April 30, 2008.