HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/2008� B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Au TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager �7/af SUBJECT: Generallnformation 1. Staff participated in several conference calls with our legislative repres week, focusing on the status of the State budget. There is no clear cut share with you as details are scarce. A budget proposal that includes sorr of local revenues remains a part of the discussion. The League of Califo out an analysis that estimates the financial impact of this grab for each cit� Bakersfield's estimated impact would be: � � � Property Tax Shift: Proposition 42 Diversion: Redevelopment (tax increment Take: $6.2 million $2.9 million (plus $133 mil in the STIP for Mohawk anc Parkway that could be dela} $317,000 annually The attached article highlights the most current news, which is that the � Senate have tentative plans to hold a budget vote on Sunday. Details of thE will be put to a vote have not been made public at this time. Stay tuned! 2. In the June 20, 2008 General Information Memo, we advised you that the T applying for three grade separation projects through the Highway Raili Safety Account Program. Kern County was fortunate enough to get a pos recommendation on two of those —$9.9 million for a BNSF crossing on Sev Road and $17.65 million for a BNSF crossing at Hageman Road/Aller crossina at the SR-58/Rosedale Hiqhway of the San Joaquin Valley Railro Honorable Mayor and City Council August 15, 2008 Page 2 4. We continue to make steady progress on our major parks construction projE Mill Creek. The following is a brief update for each of them: Aera Park: An amendment to our agreement with Bakersfield Southwest the Council agenda for August 20th. The amendment will revise the City obligations for the construction of the restroom/concession stand and the landscaping for the park. The underground utilities are complete, and C currently placing the retaining walls in the retention pond/baseball fields curb and gutter in parking lots. Staff anticipates starting paving in pai August early September. Mesa Marin: The construction documents are in process an on sc completed in October. The bid process is set to begin in late October, with on late November. Construction will then begin in October, with a tentative July of 2009. Sports Villaqe: The amendment to the Design Consultant Agreement is cc design of the 8 soccer fields and restroom/concession stands. The design � started design for the 8 fields to meet AYSO's anticipated schedule of Marc is coordinating the design of arterial widening adjacent to the WWTP 3 and to meet the needs of the Sports Village including infrastructure. The undE district has been revised to adjacent to the Sports Village and is currently for approval. PG&E anticipates they will be able to meet the City's schedul and relocation of existing poles adjacent to the WWTP3. Mill Creek: The Central Park Phase 1 construction is progressing on sch pond railing fence currently being installed. The sidewalks and bike paths and benches, trash receptacles, and fountains have been ordered. Under< continuing for installation of the bollards and lights. The electrical and irrig will be installed this month and next. The landscaping work should begi Phase 3, the street crossings at 19th and 21 St Streets, continues with c preparation for the traffic signal installations. If you drive by the site, you w project is really taking shape! 5. We received the Public Utilities Commission's comments on our quiet zo for the downtown corridor. While they expressed disappointment that we c more expensive alternate, it seems to acknowledge that the method appropriate. Next will be a review by the BNSF and the Federal Railroad � Meanwhile, its quiet! Honorable Mayor and City Council August 15, 2008 Page 3 7. Tonight, the Recreation and Parks Department hosts another Free Frida� Park. Families are welcome to bring snacks, blankets and lawn chairs to e the Chipmunks on the big screen. The movie beings at 7:30 p.m. 8. Also tonight is another Family Fun Night at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. Th of family games to enjoy from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 9. On Saturday, August 16th, Bike Bakersfield is co-sponsoring a Full Moon starts at the Park at River Walk at 8:00 p.m. and heads to Enos Lane and � to bring helmets, bike lights and water. 10. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 18t" is enclosed. 11. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Councilmember Couch • Increase in City Water Rates. AT:rs:rk:al cc: Department Heads Pamela McCa�thy, City Clerk Roberta Gafford, Assistant City Clerk California Assembly speaker plans a budget vote Sunday - sacbee.com •.:,- ...�� , ,. � I F� Snrr:�n�rr.n�Rrc This story is taken from Sacbee / Politics. California Assembly speaker plans a budg vote Sunday By Kevin Yamamura and Jim Sanders - kyamamura@sacbee.cc Published I 2: 0� am PDT Frida y, August I 5, 2008 Assembly Speaker Karen Bass said Thursday she plans to force a budget vote Sunday though lawmakers have no deal to end a stalemate that has lasted nearly seven weeE the fiscal year. Republicans and Democrats remain divided over whether to use new taxes, cuts or bc to resolve a$15.2 billion shortfall in a$101 billion general fund budget. If lawmakers convene Sunday, it would mark their first budget floor vote this summer, 48 days intc fiscal year. Lawmakers want to register a vote by this weekend to meet a deadline set by Secret� State Debra Bowen for placing measures on the November ballot. At least two compo budget negotiations require voter approval: a long-term change in budgetary policy a plan to borrow against profits from an expanded California Lottery. Many see the deadline as negotiable, however, and believe a Sunday vote may be thE several floor exercises before a final deal is struck. Bass, D-Los Angeles, said lawmakers plan to vote Sunday on a modified version of th Democratic conference committee plan, which relied on tax increases on the wealthy. Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata said his chamber would hold a vote "probably though he grew more tentative about those plans late Thursday. Perata, D-Oakland, said Thursday that lawmakers remain divided over whether to usE or borrowing to balance the state's budget shortfall. But he said he is on the same pa Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on long-term budget changes that estabiish a stronger r fund but do not tie spending to population growth and inflation, as GOP legislators wa "That's not an issue anymore," Perata said. "We've worked that out. I think it's to his satisfaction. It's to our satisfaction. I don't know how the Republicans feel about that. California Assembly speaker plans a budget vote Sunday - sacbee.com reliable reserve, a real rainy-day fund, is to limit the growth of spending when reven� growth is strong." Go to: Sacbee / Back �Q storx This article is protected by copyright and should not be printed or distributed for anything except personal use. The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q St., P.O. Box 15779, Sacramento, CA 95852 Phone:(916)321-1000 Copyright � The SdCramento Bee 0 AUG 1 1 2008 U.S. General Services Adm Alan G. Tandy City Manager, Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Uniied Sates Magistrate Court Project Mill Creek Site, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Tandy: This memorandum is to advise you of a need to postpone our meeting schedi for September 9, 2008, in your offices. As you will recall the intended purpos� tha# meeting was to engage in discussion with you, your staff, and our clients preparation for a public scoping meeting. This public meeting is required for t project in compliance with regulatory guidance issued pursuant to the Nation� Environmental Policy Act. Unfortunately, due to continued uncertainty with the United States Marshals Service (�USMS) funding for the project, we rnust defer this meeting uniil we h a sense that either funds are available or budgeted to be available in a matter months. At present, we have no such assurances. We will contact you to request a new meeting date to proceed with this project as soon as condition: warrant. � (n the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please d� not hesitate to call me at (415) 522-4476.. Sincerely, �= ames J.� ane Directo an Francisco Service Center {9PF) Public Buildings Service cc: The Honorable Kevin McCarthy The Honorable Barbara Boxer Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Dianne Hoover, Recreation and Parks Director �'lnnna Ki tn� F�nnnmir nPVPInnmPnt f�irect�r STk'� OF CAI.IFORNIA ARNOLD SCHW.A!2c PUBLlC 1.���LtTiES COMMISSlQN 51 S �$-c r�. SL; R� .., 9 SACRAMEti?G, CA 95E'� August 6, 2f�8 Ciiy CIerk City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfieid, CA 93 ; � ] pistrib�� tC: ��auor V %OifRCl1 �/ �.- _ � �!�� ,�:ty A#ty ;, .. . ; ��Fl� y'� � I .. i ( .... ��� x,� � t :�_�' '--_ �.��;_.._... < . .; .J By City Clerk , Date ��� �� � Fiie: Q.0' Ms Jo StrenQ Associate �ciministrator Federal Rail?'oad Ad:z���ustration, 12Q4 Ne�• Jersey .Ave, SE, «'ashington, DC 2059� �te: City of Sakersfield Q�iet Zo�e Application —�etailed Plan to Establisl� Quiet � for the S\'SF Rail Cvrridor, �iojave Subdivision To whom it may concem: The California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) has jurisdiction o�•er safety of hi; rail crossings in California. The eommission's Rail Crossings Engineering Section (RCES; administers the Comm�ssion's hi�.'�way-rail crossing safety progra:n. Qn June 23, 2048 we received the City of Bakersfield's (City) filzng w�th the Federal Railro Administration (FRA) dated Tune 18, 200�. The City filed the Detailed Plan to Es`ablish a� Zone pursuant to §222.4I (c}(2} under the Federal �'rain Horn RuIe I Title 49 Code of Feder� Regulations, Part 222. V+re provided extensive d�tailed ec�mments on crossing safety cancerns both foilowing the di review and in response to the CT�•'s Notice of Intent. We support the City's proposal to clo; problematic crc�ssings along this corridor, ��d the City's recent improvements to sif;nage an� markir.gs at Lhe crossings. Ho���ever, it is disappointing that the City has decided not to add� of the major safety concems discussed at the diagnostic and in our comments. Although the r:av qualify through the train horn rule for is quiet zone, u�-� disa�ee w-ith the statement con tines 9 through ] 3 on paae 4 of the Uetailed Plan, that because of the method chosen by the it does not appear necessary to address the comments from either the CPUC or B'V SF since comments deal with a plan we are not implementing." The comments and re�ommendation, Cit�� of Bak�rs�e�d CPUC Comrner.ts on Det�:Ied Plan Auwst b, 2U08 Page 2 Pedest-zan Safety �e appreciate the city install��g additional Vb'10-� signs on the pedestrian approaches at th crossings to supplernent those required an the highway ap�roaches, whic� t:�e city instaliec the i�'10-I advance wam:n� s��s. There are. ho�rever, numerous additi�na� recommenda' regarding impro�-e::�ents that «�ould increase pedestrian safety that have not been addressec Pedestrian safety cor.cerns in the area around the Arena and other public bu:ldin��s in the d� area wh�ch generate si�ificant pedestrian traffic are exacerbated. by the presence ofmultip and in some cases limited si��tlines. The concems arc particularly acute at "L" Street and Stree*., «�here pedestrian ch�.nnelization, pedestrian warnang devices and �e�estrian enforce should be improved. Please see our previous recornr�cndations for these crosszngs. Private Crossir_a in BNSF Yard :�o private �r yard cressings ��ere rev::�-.,-�d by the dia`�osfiic team or were Iisted in previot but the Detailed PIan now Iict� a private crossing at MP �87.76, witich apgears to be a yard used e�cIusively by BNSF employees. Since t�:e crossinb is u•�thin the BNSF yard and is n to public access, it is not re�uired to t�e r��-iet�•cd by the diagnostic team. However, the FR rule requires that the appr��ria�e si�;s be p?aced at private crossings, includin� the t�10-9 TR.A.� HORN sign. Additionailti�, in Caiifornia, the private crossing sign requirements, sp+ Commission Gereral O:-de�- 75-D, include the Standard ]-� assembly cc�nsisting of a ST�F private crossing si�. The City should �`-ork with the pri��ate crossing ow•ne; to assure thes� ins`a11ed imm�iately. PIease note that BN�F inay sound the train horn in its opc�rational y, necessary to �roteci worker sa�ety, v��hieh rr.av not be associated with crossings. Amtrak Station Also, as discussed on pa�e 15 of the RCFS's February 8 commcnts. there is a station crossi by Amtrak passengers and baggage �andling carts, at the west end of the Amtrak station ad "Q" Street. There are pedestr:an-onl_y crossings within the station. Since these station pedc crossings v��ere not reviewed as p� o� the corridor diaQnostic, are along the Amtrak Lead U on the B'.�1SF inainiine corri3or�, and have not been listed in the detailed pla.�, we assume t� ace not inclue�ed in the �uiet zone. ��'"e request that �r A clarify requi� ements for horn usa�� crossings. If the city intended to include them, we request the city a.rrange a �r_eetir.g w:th C FRA to discuss the need for diagnostic revic«� of these crassings to consider any appropT-iat measures that mav be necessarv. If you have any quest�ons, please cantact me at (916) 324-8325 or dar!i.��c�LC.c�.;.�c�:• or cont Schumacher at {415) 703-1208 or �hK'ci,c���c.ca.�fc�v. Sincerely, � , , Cin• of Bak;:-�field CPUC Comznents on Detaileci Plan At�cast 6. 20U8 Pag� 3 . t`C: Curlis Ballant�-rte �NSF Railway Gom-�any One Califorlia �'laza. 37�' Flac�r 3Q0 South Crand Ave. �.oS Anae�cs, C q 90071-3 i 47 �harlie ?�a�aod Federa.l Zaiiroad Administration PQ Box 453 Oakhurst, C� 93�� Steve Cate� Californ;a Bepf of Transportation 1 I20 �1 S�:ect. Room ?an0 Sacramento, ::A 9�814 Randall Pem- San Jaaquin Valley Railroad 221 :�torth F Street P.O. �3ox 937 rzeter, C A 93221 John Shurson B�1S r Railway Cor�,p�z�y 74Q East Carne�ie Dri��e San Bemardino, CA 92408 Ro� Reis Federal Railroad .4dm:nist: �tio�. l 120 � c-r:��ont Avenue, '�: `-. �, b`n ��loor-MS 25 �Jashir.�t�n, DC ?0590 Raui Rojas, Dircctor City of Bakersfie:d Public Works I Sfll "� :r?�tLU1 Ave. Baite-sfie�d, CA 93341 Rail A,mcrca 5300 F3rokcn Sound Blvd., ?� W F3oca Raton, �lazida 33487 . B A K E R S F I E L D Public Works Department Raul Rojas - Pubiic Works Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, August 13, 2008 PRESS RELEASE Contact: Stuart Patteson Construction Superi (661) 326-3049 The City of Bakersfield started a construction project on Monday, August 11, 2C will reconstruct Camino Media between Old River Road and Lancashire Street, west of Gosford Road. Traffic will be reduced down to one lane in each direction during construction. addition, access to side streets and driveways will be temporarily closed only fo period of time that reconstruction is occurring at that intersection. This will resul� traffic delays, so drivers are urged to use alternate routes. The reconstruction portion of the work requiring the two-lane closure is anticipai complete by September 14, 2008. Periodic localized lane closures will occur un project completion date of October 3, 2008. The City thanks the public for their � during this period. For more information, please contact Stuart Patteson, Public Works Constructic Superintendent, at (661) 326-3049. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF AUGUST 18 — AUGUST 22, 2008 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Resurfacing streets in the area between King Street & Dr. Martin Luther Boulevard, Brundage Lane & 3�d Street. Reconstructing City streets in the area befinreen Park Drive & Morning Di Willis Avenue & College Avenue. Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Working on the Mill Creek project. Working on the Aera Park project. Sealing streets in the area between in the area between 30t" Street and � Avenue, Oak Street and Union Avenue. PaAe 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, Auqust 18, 2008 Area between Panama Lane & Panama Road, Stine Road & Highway 9� Tuesdav, Auqust 19, 2008 Between Wilson Road and Stine Road, Ming Avenue to White Lane. Between District Boulevard and Panama Lane, Gosford Road to Ashe Rc Ashe Road and Stine Road, Panama Lane, north to the railroad tracks. Cul-de-sac between Manley Court and Chris Court, north of Angela Way Wednesday, Auqust 20, 2008 Between White Lane and Panama Lane, Buena Vista Road to Old River Between Old River Road and Gosford Road, White Lane to Pacheco Ro� Between College Avenue and Willis Avenue, Morning Drive to Park Drive Thursdav, Auqust 21, 2008 Between Stockdale Highway and White Lane, Gosford Road to Ashe Ro� Between Ming Avenue and White Lane, Ashe Road to Wilson Road. Friday, August 22, 2008 Area between Hageman Road & Meacham Road, Old Farm Road & Call� Area between Calloway Drive & Coffee Road, Norris Road, Granite Falls. Alfred Harrell Highway from Highway 178 to the north City Limit. Miramonte Drive from Highway 178, to the south City Limit. Area on the north side of Highway 178, east of Valley Street. ### � B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM August TO: Alan Tandy, C� Manager �� FROM: Maurice Randall, Business Manager THROUGH: Florn Core, Water Resources Manager SUBJECT: INCREASE IN CITY WATER RATES Council Referral No. 001925 (Ward No. 4) During the City Council meeting of June 20 2008, Council Member Couch requesi prepare a response to correspondence from Donald Haslett regarding water ra provide a copy to council member Couch. ___ On August 4, 2008 staff sent a response to Mr. Haslett addressing his concerns re the proposed increase in water rates to customers of the City of Bakersfield's D Water system. The response explained that the proposed increase in rates will b� quantity rate charge that is currently $0.79 per hundred cubic feet unit. The propo; will increase by $0.06 to $0.85 per unit on October 1, 2008. There is no increase pi on the readiness-to-serve charge. The reason the increase was needed was to c� cost of new water supply programs, the cost of ineeting water quality standards cost of general inflation. We also explained that in comparison to other local purve City's water rates are among the lowest in Bakersfield. We further explained to him that although he is a customer of the City's water sy� is required to pay monthly water bills to California Water Service as an agent or cc of the City of Bakersfield. As a City customer he is receiving lower cost water serv Cal Water's customers that currently pay about 45% more in monthly rates. Fin explained to the Mr. Haslett that the City is not moving to a tiered rate on its domes� system. California Water Service was mandated by the California Water Public Commission to implement a tier rate structure for its customers and service area wr put in place on July 1, 2008. The tiered structure is designed to be "revenue neutr< /'1 �� �. . .1'_�. _�_ t_____ ___1'i._i-_IL'-____I ___GC__.___._._1._._�_1__77�..��.���