HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/29/2008� B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Aup TO: Honorabie Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ��/a! SUBJECT: Generai lnformation 1. A vote was held Friday by the State Senate on a slightly revised version c proposed by the Governor earlier in the week. The new version was b Governor's latest proposal to break a near-record-long stalemate, with its being a one-cent increase in the State sales tax for three years. Its chief diffE the Governor's proposal would reduce the sales tax below the current le three-year period, while proposal considered by the Senate would merely E penny without a further decrease. According to the Sacramento Bee Frid� the Senate vote to pass the revised budget failed along party lines. 2. We received great news this week from the California Transportation Comm The Commission approved the City's $133 million State Transportation Program (STIP) allocation for the Westside Parkway. This allocation is cor the approval of a State budget that does not divert funding away from the S- still very much up in the air, given the current status of State budget negotiaf In addition, the CTC also approved funding for two local grade separatior Kern County. This includes $9.9 million for 7th Standard Road/BNSF and for Hageman Road/BNSF. Funding for these projects come from the Prop. ' - Railroad Safety Crossing Account. 3. Photos of the progress of the Fairfa�SR-178 Interchange project are en controlling item at this stage is the construction of the bridge over the f� alignment. In the next couple of weeks, Security Paving will be installing t reinforcing steel for the bottom deck and the stem walls of the bridge struct concrete pour for the structure is tentatively scheduled for September 10tn Honorable Mayor and City Council August 29, 2008 Page 2 5. Two weeks ago, I notified you that GSA had canceled the public sco� Follow-up correspondence was received this week that effectively tells � unduly concerned," but also provides no future schedule pending resolutior issue. Enclosed is a copy of their letter. 6. The Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Expansion project is expected to be April 2010. As of last week, we are about 46% complete with the project. some photos of the sludge dewatering building, new administration laboratory, and construction of the aeration basins. 7. The Kern County Housing Authority received $2 million in HOME New monies from the City for the construction of affordable senior housing. 1 project is the development of 60 units (56 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedre senior housing in the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area, at the cornE "R" Streets. The units will be rented to persons at or below 60% of the income level. The funds will be used for the construction of the senior ho� HACK already owns the project property. Construction on the project bega 2008, and is expected to be completed by April 2009. 8. Staff attended the LAFCO meeting this past Wednesday where several iterr the City were before the LAFCO Board. The protest hearings for the Kimberly annexations were conducted on Tuesday and LAFCO staff indicatE a number of protests filed. Executive Director, Bill Turpin told the LAFCO b awaiting review of the protests by the County Clerk to verify the signatui registration information to determine if an election will be necessary. They determination coming back to the LAFCO board next month. Also on the agenda was consideration of a new policy regarding requirerr when agricultural lands are being annexed. City staff presented our city's opposition to the proposed policy as well as similar resolutions from a nui cities. Also presented was a legal opinion prepared for the City of ; indicated the policy proposal to require cities to obtain a notice of c< Williamson Act contracts from the County prior to annexation was in conf law. Due to the concerns expressed by the cities, the LAFCO board defe until next month and indicated the LAFCO Agricultural Advisory Committe� with the cities and discuss our concerns. In addition to our staff, the cities Wasco, McFarland and Shafter were present at the meeting in oppc Agricultural Advisory Committee proposal. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 29, 2008 Page 3 requested that LAFCO reconsider their previous decision to approve the an to this additional information. Based upon advice from the LAFCO attorney, also deferred by the LAFCO board to the next meeting. 9. Beginning the week of September 1 St, City Animal Control staff will be inii program designed to increase citywide compliance with existing dog li vaccination laws. Over the course of the three-month program, staff will b� neighborhoods throughout the City looking of unlicensed dogs. Residents w information on how to comply with the law, as well as information regardin� clinics and low-cost spay/neuter programs. Attached are examples of the inf will be provided. 10. Both the Closed Session calendar and the regular agenda are very September 3�d City Council meeting. Rather than having "dead" time � Consent Calendar items on the 5:15 calendar similar to General Plan cycle � 11. The latest and greatest Bakersfield At-a-Glance cards are now available. Z city's business cards, with numerous facts and statistics about Bakersfield. attached for your use, and additional cards can be obtained from both EI Convention and Visitors Bureau. 12. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of September 1 St is enclose 13. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: Mavor Hall • Radio Tower Lease Councilmember Benham • Walking Program in Parks Councilmember Couch • Acquisition of Bragg & Associates by York Insurance Services Councilmember Scrivner • Downtown Lingerie Shop AT: rs: rk:a I Fairfax/SR-178 Interchange � — - _... � � r - -�'� �} August 29, 2( , ,� �. :> r� - � - ,. �.� . _ �'"��,-� .c ; -�� __---�--- - .- - -__ j � - - - . �. - �' `, � s _,y.�-t'''��'""� ,1 � . . 1 - - - � �� � - � ' '� .i � - �._._��:_ _� �!'i�"�.�,.`'�'�''`.' �:,�,. The bottom deck of the bridge structure is being formed (looking South). �, �-T _-�-�, •�� . " • M, .. 3 r • , "` �, +' .�'. , �1�•e' - . �'. L �t � , . .. 1 ' �� _�_ '� ' �'.. ';�� i�,"`" . . +r ',�r �'�T'-`�'."'� - ., . . . � ��' r . - \ \ �� ' �- .�x ��r� , �'''� �,��� 3 . � ��� �I� � :� iP " . . ... �,� � . , I `; = ,:� - �. . ..,r:a ; �1'*�*� ��r _� r � .� . i J_ • Fairfax/SR-178 interchange -� �, , _ _ . - , � . : . Y,,r : � �; . r � ��1 I' �: r"� li� � �,��i� . . ' � = x � � t. ,''� R �, t `�' ��� `. � , '�� ji `�+��"7N_.'��O���J�C��� �d �y�y ,n.a y- "' - __: +.. ^ ° W�P ��'-.� �Y � 3!Sy�� ��-V... � August 29, 2t t;; �;, t:; ►-� � �:. � � ..� � y� , _. . _,�, � ' -. � .- -�. . � - �^' ; . v ^ "'�. ' . ---e�'Lrr : - o � cy.- - .. - 7'r, ' _ S r� ;`v� . i. 'f,-. 7 � . � . _ � „ y }A �� s � y?�. � f��� •� '��. ., r � -,� �� 'fr �.� � .'7. E f` � 1 ti ' � '�^a�l �' ��.:r = .. ...l�. - �� � x � -'k�-•.-j�y� +�i��� -a.. - - - _ - r.F. .,� � . . �� l ia���, `t �.' ' _ — - �:� - ,,�, � �.---�----- ' �_ Excavation and hauling operations are 80% complete (looking North). �I E � � ��' � t 1 ._�'r: �. �� �,� E i t' „ 'M! �'. �. .�, �.: ;�c . � �. ' , i� �—�-- - �" _ .. �� • �� �. ,�,, �„� � �,,,,,,,,. ,.� � _ W'!'!���.��. . 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' �+.�'t� Setting up the false work and forms for the bridge structure (looking North) RTIF Update Meetinq Schedule Meetinqs Held to Date • Council Workshop — February 27, 2008 • Stakeholder Meetings — March 4th & 5tn • Planning and Development Committee Meeting — April 3, 2008 • Planning and Development Committee Meeting — May 6, 2008 • Stakeholder Meetings — May 23�d & 27t" • Stakeholder Meeting with Commercial Developers — June 13, 2008 • Planning and Development Committee Meeting — July 3, 2008 • Stakeholder Meeting — August 14, 2008 • Planning and Development Committee Meeting — August 19, 2008 • Stakeholder Meeting (Chamber of Commerce) — August 22, 2008 • Stakeholder Meeting (Roger Mclntosh) — August 26, 2008 Future Scheduled 1�leetinqs • Stakeholder Meeting (HBA / Assoc. Realtors) — September 2, 2008 • Planning and Development Committee Meeting — September 4, 2008 • City Council Meeting — September 17, 2008 H�CEiV�L`: 8/28/O$ '.:l4PM; -yCZTY OF BAKF..RSFIELD; #230; PAGE: 2 AUG-28-2008 13:45 From:SFSC +DIRE�TOR 41�5548163 To:3242850 w AUG 2 8 2008 U.S. Ganeral $erv�cea Rdm�ni Alan G, Tandy City Manager, Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfiield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. T�ndy; Thank you for your letter of August 25, 2008. Please do not be unduiy concemed about my correspondence to you of augusc � �, 2008. Our intent remains to carry out the project in the most efficien and tirnefy manner possibie. The presen# scheduling hiatus is caused by the absence o# necessary budgeied funds. We are no# delay+ng the projee� by not proceeding with preparations for any public meeting such as may be required under t�e National Environmentai Policy Act of 1969 {NEPA) at this time. If a scoping meeting or otf�er public meeting as may be appropriate un�er NEP� were perceived to be held subs#antial�y in advance af a proposed project, it can easi(y be argued that the meeting was either not balanced or not thorough. Thi� is because the passage of t;me allows for new arguments to arise about conside�ation of facts and circumstances that have either come to light or s'ssue: of concem thai have arisen subsequent to ihe meeting. At a minimum, GSA would be vulnerab!e to the argument that #he meeting was premature and it would be necessary to re-do the rneeting. On the basis of the above, we attempt to schedule meetings carried out under �IEPA implementation as early in the process as possible, but immediately precedent �o the proposed project. In the absence of planned or budgeted fund: to proce�d, we do not have a sense of certainty as t� when we will be in the position to take irrevocabfe action on #his project. Therefore, we are not presently in a position to schedule a pub(ic meeting on this project. �gain, please be assured th�t we are looking forward to proceeding with this projec# in a timely manner once we have project funding appropriately budgeted Questions �r comments, piease do not hesitate to cafi at �415) 522-4476. Sincerefy, �iEGE�VED: 8/?$/08 1: 14Plrl; %CI"Y �F BAK:-��SF 7�LD; #?_3U; F'AGE 3 AUG�28-z��3 33:45 From:SFSC +DIRECTOR 415�54826� To:3241850 cc: The Honorable Kevin Nlcvarthy Tiie Honorab[e Barbara Boxer Raui Rojas, Public Works Director Dianne Noover, Recreation and Parks Director �onna Kunz, Economic Developrnent Director �on Anderso�, Real Property Manager Peter Sh�eyn, GSA Ciiff Harian, Asst. Circuit Executive Space and Facilities Judicial Councii of the Ninth Circuit, Office of the Gircui# Execu`ive Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Expansion Project August 29, 2t �!�,;,.•-.. ��w•+ � _ 'Tw��„�-.�,. -�� -�"�' � _ . . . - - . - -- . _ ,� _ = �: ' . cii ri �� :f � ,..; _ `-r �� ;�.�,�1« E �� ;. :, .!.- " - ; ;i �� '� �i.- � - .. -a"'^ ,+. 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Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Expansion Project August 29, Construction of Aeration Basins , � -- ,_ - �,- „� . . , , _�, - � .�'1 �,� ,,, ` - + 1 � iI ' � I ' 11 1 ' • `+� .� � ,' � �� T!^AR �� � ' .. .. _ ' • • .�r- �..`� � _.�c�+�-.7�t� .--i�� "�::-`.= �°'r.'�"�;s� —�;� _r9�.� ?�--- 5; �'�'.,� ��'� ,, `;-.3''"'i - �•�� ,-�. � . ;-' �"' =_ , � 'G.�' .,k{ --� � --�'�•' � `� t .1���. , . ,, . a ' .! - �•'"N { "� » _ ` ie � '_� "''�i-rr ��, � �� ` -iY� - - -tii`s��..T '� 4� , h _� � . � J4r��� j ' - ' � ` � '.i'"`i� b .-, ', � �, I` � � . . . .. _ �.: . - �y ' . 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Foundation will offer low cost Spay/Neuter Service� Kern County Domestic Animals. No income qualifications apply. Twice mont Dogs & Cats. will be transported to Fresno, Ca for low cost spay/neuter servic APPOINTMENTS MAY BE MADE BEGINNING Tuesdav, Julv 1 � Cat Spav/Neuter* Female $55 Male $45 � 0 -- 641b: ; 65 - 84 lb: � 85 —1001b: ' Over 1001b: DoQ Suav/Neuter* Female - $75 $95 $105 $115 Male $65 $85 $95 $105 *A Rabies vaccination is required for all Dogs and Cats. A$12.00 additior will be cl�arged for rabies vacctnation if proof cannot be provided at time registration. Appointments must be made and Pre-paid in advan of Clinic I�ate. Please call the Bakersfield SPCA @ i 323-8353 for informatiori and scheduling. Clinic Dates: Monday August 11 September 15 October 13 Monday August 25 September 29 October 27 Future Clinic Dates will be announced. ; I�(ERN COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination Clinics 2008 Schedule Date Da Time Cit L o i iosi2oog 01 / 19/2008 02/02/2008 02/ 16/2008 03/O l /2008 03/ l 5/2008 04/OS/2008 04/ 12/2008 04/ 19/2008 OS/03/2008 OS/10/2008 OS/ 17/2008 06/07/2008 06/ 14/2008 06/21 /2008 07/OS/2008 � / / 1 G%Lll�O 07/19/2008 08/02/2008 08/09/2008 08/16/2008 09/06/2008 09/13/2008 09/20/2008 10/04/2008 l 0/l 1 /2008 10/ 18/2008 11 /O 1 /2008 11 / 15/2008 12/06/2008 12/20/2008 Saturday �aturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday SatUrday : Saturday �aturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Ca��ru�}� Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday �aturday Saturday Saturday , Saturday Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:0,0 �.m. - 12:00 noon ;9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:fl0 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - I2:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m: - 12:00 noon �::;G u.m. - ; 2:�U r,cor! 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m.. - 12:00 noon �9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Mojave Bakersfield Frazier Park Rosamond Bakersfield Arvin Lake Isabella Bakersfield Lamont Bakersfield Bakersfield Shafter Tehachapi Bakersfield Taft Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Wasco Bakersfield Bakersfield Ridgecrest Bakersfield Bakersfield B A K E R S r� �� F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M August 28, 2008 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: D nna K nz E n mi D v I m n �r r.!, r_ �'/ o u, c o o c e e o p e t D i e c t o _�. ►� ;�� r SUBJECT: Bakersfield At-a-Glance Cards I am pleased to announce the updated Bakersfield At-a-Glance cards are now � These are the city's business cards, with numerous facts and statistics about Ba� A box of them accompanies this memo. Please distribute them to councilrr Additional cards are available in our office and at the Convention and Visitors Bu � I !�i 2I O 3 I _ 'I � _ � - Q'I � I� S 2I ��I � g � population 2ppg Average high�lrn�: ternps 76.df53.1 Metro Bakersfield 490,500 Average annual rainfall 6.49" Ciry o1 Bakersfield 328,692 Sunrr�r days Per year 273 County of Kem 817,517 Elevation 403' �tate ot Cafdom�a 38,049,462 Populatic�n cie�nsm (cih�'� 2.41U persons;'sq mi • B A K E R S F I E L D City of Bakersfield Economic & Community Development Departmenl 661l326•3765 ►vww.bakerslieldcity.us Bakersheld ConveMion and V�sitor� Bureau 6611852-7282 www.v�sitbakersfield.com • 11th mosf populous city in California, 58th most populous city in U.S. • Population increased 33.13°-a between 2000 and 2008. • Rated No. 9 on Inc. Magazine's Top Medium-Sized Cities for Business, 20pg. • Large employers include Neslle, Frito-Lay, State Farm, Aera Energy, Chevran, Occidental Oil & Gas. • Labor force Increased 13% since 2003. • Average lravel time to work: 2i.1 minutes. • Median household income �51,421. • County seat ot Kern County, 3rd largest county in California. • Kern is th2 4th largest agricultural producing county in U.S. • County generates 76°�0 of all oil produced in California. • Underground aquifer guarantees reliable drinking water supply. • lh�ithin a four hour drive of 90% of California's population. • 49 aty parks (471 acres), 1,213 miles of city streets, more than 100 miles of bike lanes and paths. • Tree City USA designation 11 years in a row. • Kern Rraer Parkway includes 6,000+ acres of trails, parks and x�aterways. • Burgeoning arts district, unique museums, live theatres, renowned Basque dining. • 5,200 hotel rooms, from quaint to full-service. • Central, afiordable location attracts statewide and regional conventions. • 81% of residenls have a high school education or higher. • Bakersf�eld Coilege (founded 1913) and CSU Bakersfield (tounded 1970). • CSU Bakersfield has NCAA Division 1 status. • Pro sports: ice hockey, baseball, basketball, auto racing, soccer. • Home to Bakersfield Jazz Festival smce 1986. ....turning red ta�e into red cor�et Pac�e 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 1— SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 Resurfacinc�/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Reconstructing City streets in the area between Park Drive & Morning Dt Willis Avenue & College Avenue. Reconstructing streets in the area between New Stine Road & Old Stine north of Wilson Road. {By Annual Contractor) Preparing streets for reconstruction in the area befinreen Fairfax Road & Drive, north of Panorama Drive. Miscellaneous Streets Division pro�ects: Working on the Mill Creek project. Working on the Aera Park project. Sealing streets in the area befinreen in the area between "F" Street & Oal north of 24th Street. Page 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, September 1, 2008 HOLIDAY OFF — NO SWEEPING Tuesdav, September 2, 2008 Between California Avenue and Brundage Lane, Oak street to Union AvE Wednesdav, September 3, 2008 City streets in the area between Panorama Drive and Columbus Street, I Boulevard to East Columbus Street. Between West Columbus Street and Bernard Street, San Dimas Street � Avenue. Between Stockdale Highway and Truxtun Avenue, Coffee Road and Hev Thursdav, September 4, 2008 Between Truxtun Avenue and Brundage Lane, Union Avenue and Wash Between Bernard Street and Niles Street, Alta Vista Drive to Owens Stre City area between Owens Street and Williams Street, Flower to Kentuck� Between Kroll Way and Camino Media, Gosford Road to Don Hart Drive Befinreen Pacheco Road and Panama Lane, Old River Road to Progress Fridav, September 5, 2008 City streets in the area between Columbus Street and Bernard, Paladino Azalea Avenue. Area befinreen Ming Avenue and White Lane, So. Allen Road and Old Ri� Area between Pensinger Road and Panama Lane, Buena Visa Road an� Way. _ ��i'�.,; - ��1111�f���,, �� .. . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director ^/� August 27, 2008 Council Referral Item # 1— Radio Tower Lease Mayor Hall requested staff contact Ron James to discuss his concerns regarding the � lease with Nextel Spectrum Acquisition Corp., at 8101 Ashe Road site. City staff inet with Mr. James on August 27, 2008 to discuss their concerns. A memo summarizing the discussion points. We are also attaching a copy of the original corr� received from Mr. James on August 20, 2008 for your information. � � �� � J �k� C �r • �. • � � � Memorandum �'i'iUl�c'i'11 .�1(!lltl�c'l)lc'/11 L)Ii'1.�iUi1 Date: August 27, 2008 To: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director From: Donald M. Anderson, Real Property Manager Subject: Radio Tower Lese On August 20, 2008 the City Council approved Agreement No. 90-279(1 } wi1 Spectrum Acquisition Corp (Nextel) to transfer the radio tower lease at W� Treatment Plant No. 3 and approved a sublease from Nextel to Verizon Wirel the meeting Ron James spoke on behalf of Verizon Wireless asking that the Cii Verizon that it will be allowed to continue their operations after the lease e� November 27, 2010. Mayor Hall and the City Council requested staff met James to address his concerns. On August 27, 2008 Wayne Hopfe and I met with Ron James and Don Duncan Communications. Ridge Communications is a consultant to Verizon Wirele: and construct cellular telephone towers. Verizon is concerned that they will be to remove their facilities when Nextel's lease expires in 2010. We discussec City does not own the tower and Nextel has the right to remove the tower w lease expires in November of 2010. As such, we can not guarantee them happen in 2010. We expressed our desire to keep the tower and that the starting the process to either renew the lease or seek proposals from others. I we have not completed the due diligence necessary to identify all the issue: need to be addressed in the new lease, i.e. structural maintenance, painting spectrum compatibility, etc. In summary, we advised them we could not ass� r��� +►,�t ��o.�tol ���n� �Irl ramnvP thP tnwPr nr we discover issues th8t would pt'E � B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 29, 2008 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks `� �� Subject: Walking Programs in Parks Referral ID:04 Councilmember Benham requested staff contact the citizen who started the walking program at Stiern Park, and brainstorm ideas to expand this program other parks such as Linear Park near the Senior Housing Complex. Report b to Community Services Committee. Councilmember Benham requested staff contact the individual that started th walking program at Stiern Park to determine if a similar program can be conducted at other parks in the city such as Linear Park near the Senior Hou Complex. Staff will assemble information on how the walking program was initiated at Stiern Park and present some possible options for a walking program at othe sites in the city. This report will be given at the next Community Services Committee meeting. . B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM August 2 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: John W. Stinso�istant Ci Mana er � tY 9 Subject: Councilmember Couch Referral Regarding Acquisition of Brag Associates by York Insurance Services At the August 20t" Council Meeting Councilmember Couch asked staff to information regarding the acquisition of Bragg & Associates (the firm that p adjustment services for liability claims against the City) by York Insurance � Group. On July 1, 2008 Bragg was acquired by York Insurance Services Group. Yc national claims adjusting company. City staff has been in contact with represe� from Bragg and York and they have assured staff there will be no effect upon tl of services provided by Bragg or change in personnel assigned by Bragg to ser City's account. Since Bragg will become a specialty division of York, there will be an assignment of the agreements between Bragg and the City to include Yoi assignment is scheduled to be presented to the City Council at the Septemk Council meeting. � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistan , �-' �� SUBJECT: Downtown Lingerie Shop Council Referral No. 3 Councilmember Scrivner requested a report on the current situation downtown lingerie shop and what the options are for the City. Sensations Lingerie and Pipe is currently consistent with all zoning regulatio business license that it pulled. The specific nature of the proposed merchanc sold cannot be verified until the store opens. Therefore, the City currently � store no differently than similar businesses such as Victoria's Secret or Fred Hollywood which are both currently located at the Valley Plaza Mall. Chapter 17.69 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code defines an adult-oriented bu; a store that: (a) displays merchandise on more than twenty-five percent (2� floor area open to the public, or (b) derives more than twenty-five percent (2� revenue from the sale of such merchandise would be considered an adul� business. Should the store exceed the percentages noted above, by ordinance, the o� three options. The first option would be to reduce the display area or sales under the twenty-five percent (25%) threshold. The second option is to rr 1___l:_._ L1��1 ........1.,! .............1.....��4. r`h.�r���r '17 �C� %�r�ir�n ror���7+InnC PGr'lllll^G t�'lat Scrivner — Downtown Lingerie Shop Councii Referrai No. 3 Page 2 third option is to issue a conditional use permit, upon the store's request, to lessen the separation requirements to allow the store to remain in its current However, there is no justification to support such a reduction based on the find need to be made under the provisions of the zoning ordinance. The City Attorney's Office, in the attached letter dated August 8, 2008, noted Vice Division of the Police Department is aware of this new store and will co inspection and inventory the merchandise once the store is open for business. CITY ATTORtVEY VIRGINIA GENNARO DEPUTY C1TY AITORNEY Joshua �I. Rudnick Robert M. Sherfy ASSOCIATE ATTORNF.Y Jeffcrson Billingsley Justin A. Crumley Bethelwel Wilson . <`�`y� � � ���.'` � T�� l �'', ~�'.�,1 ��'�pp ��� l�`�iY � �� � `\ I�'�`.,, /F ,' % �.y-�a---�-� �,��,�` - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OFTHE CITYATTORNEY 1600 TRUXTUN AVENUE FOURT}� FLOOR BAKE:RSFtE1.D, CA 93301 TELEPFIUNE: 661-32G-3721 FACS 1 M I LE: 661-SS2-2020 August 6, 2008 Mr. Bob Bell, Chairman DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOClATION 2000 K S#reet, Suite � 20 Bakersfiield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Beii: This letter is in response to your correspondence ta Counciimember Benham surro "Sensational Lingerie and Pipe Shop." !n light of the legal aspects of you letter, Coun Benham asked that I respond to your concerns. As you know, the City of Bakersfieid is very much interested in attracting s businesses and #ourism to our downtown area. However, #he City's desire for redevelopn without challenge. Adult entertainment businesses are afforded certain protections unde Amendment of our Constiiution. While the City es#ablishes regulations for adult ent businesses, our reguiations are based on state and federa! court decisions. The City ha regufations that have been uphefd by the courts and avoided regu{ations which have b� down. By following this practice over ihe course of many years, we can now generally ci state or fsderal case which supports most o# the provisions in our adult entertainment cha Bakersfield Municipa( Code. Modifying provisions in the area of adult entertainment, which you s�ggest in your fe be very risky, and unlikely to fegaily succeed in light of the broad protections given to fr w�ich appiy to aduit entertainment businesses. However, the Vice Division of the Bakersf Department is aware of this new store and wilf conduct an inventory and inspection at the � time to ensure compiiance with our regulations governing adui# en#ertainment businesses. in the meantime, if you have any further questions concerning this mat�er, please 1 g�ve me a�all. Again, and on behalf of Councilmember Benham, thank you for your di�i� effo�ts both personaily and through the Downtown Business Association, in promoting Bakersfiield. � ^