HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/2008� B A k E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM NovemC TO: Honorabie Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ��� d � SUBJECT: Generallnformation 1. The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) has issued a report about the state's fiscal outic through 2014. Reduced state revenues due to the economy and rising expenses are to the need for $27.8 billion in budget solutions over the 2008-09 and 2009-10 fl Absent any corrective action, the state is facing $22 billion budget shortfalls annu< 2013-14. The LAO's projections do not consider the effect of any of the tax increase � reduction proposals made by the Governor as part of the special session. With little p� quick economy recovery, the state's budget problems demand long-term solutions th ongoing impacts. One positive note for cities - the LAO realizes that new borrowins answer as it will only worsen the situation in the out-years. The update on the City's budget that I presented to Council on Wednesday night incluc the key components of our plan to balance our budget. One of the most important cor early action, which is why this week has been largely consumed with meetin departments to identify potential cuts. More work will continue over the next short hc and the one after that. 2. We received the 2009-10 Annual Valuation Report and rates from PERS. A memo c information is attached. The report shows a reduction in the City's Miscellaneous and rates and an increase for Police PERS rates for 2009-10. However, the report alsc increase in the City's unfunded liability from $97,218,170 to $98,639,589 as of June 30 important to note that these rates are based on investment returns for the fiscal year E 30, 2007. Due to the lag in the fiscal periods measured for the actuarial study, thE PERS investment losses affected by the economic downturn recently reported in the r reflected in the 2011-12 rates. We do not know the extent of rate adjustments that wo� 2011-12 as they are dependent on the actual investment results through June 30, 200� 3. Ground was broken this week on Fire Station No. 14! 4. The Economic and Community Development Department Activity Report from July November 13th is attached. 5. The Streets Division work schedule for the week of November 24th is enclosed. 6. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: ���� � B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM November 21, 20 TO: THROUGH: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Cou i� Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinso�sistant City M nager SUBJECT: 2009-10 PERS Rates The City recently received its 2009-10 Annual Valuation Report and rates PERS. The report shows a reduction in the City's Miscellaneous and Fire rates and an increase for Police PERS rates for 2009-10. The rates are as follc Rates Miscellaneous Fire Police ��: �� 13.394% 21.409% 29.022% 2009-10 12.869% 20.664% 29.031 % However, the report also shows an increase in the City's unfunded liability June 30, 2007. The report shows an increase from $97,218,170 to $98,639,5 is important to note that these rates are based on investment returns on the year ending June 30, 2007. PERS has just made official the investment return expenses for the 2007-08 fiscal year of -5.1 % which will cause the projected 2011 rates to remain relatively flat. Investment returns for the 2008-09 fisc� (where there have been news reports of significant PERS investment I incurred in the stock market and other investment losses affected by the eco downturn) will be reflected in the 2011-12 rates. We do not know the extent � adjustments that would occur for 2011-12 as they are dependent on the investment results through June 30, 2009. remaining unamortized gains or losses as opposed to the current 10% of such and losses. The effect of this policy is more stable rates for the City. HowevE funding of the City's unfunded liability will be spread over a much longer per time. It is estimated that with the rate changes projected for 2009-10 the contributions to PERS (which total about $25.7 million) will be about $396,78� (for all funds) than for 2008-09 based on current payroll. The actual I contribution amounts will be determined when the 2009-10 budget is prepared. cc. Nelson Smith F • �. , F3 A h E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M ;) ,�,L� November 1 � ^ � TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager �,,,a� c FR4M: Donna Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Economic and Community Development Department Activity Repc July 1, 2008 through November 13, 2008. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1. 19th Street and Eve Street Streetscape Improvement Proiect Construction on this latest downtown improvement began March 31, 2008 ar completed in September 2008. The intersection now features decorative concrete colors, new sidewalks, crosswalks, streetlights, illuminated bollards and up-light: trees wells. Eight, 36" box trees are covered with cast iron trees grates surround� decorative green glass mosaic surFace. All utilities have been relocated and the ne� drain system, catch basins and junction boxes on both sides of the intersection c, divert rain water to reduce flooding. 2. Street Reconstruction Proiect — Wards 1� 2 Funds for $1,040,925 (FY06/07) were budgeted for street reconstruction and si installation on the following areas: Alta Vista Drive to Baker Street and from FI< Highway 178; East Truxtun to California Avenue and Union Avenue to Williams StrE Lotus Lane between Casa Loma and Bradshaw. The curb and gutter agreement E on June 30, 2008. Public Works staff will continue to monitor the street reconst projects. 3. 34th Street Streetscape — Phase I Work will begin October 6 on streetscape improvements on 34t" Street between Avenue and "Q" Street. These improvements will include the installation of trees, : automatic irriga�ion, lights, and feature design elements. Formation of a maintE district has been completed and improvements are expected to be comple December 19_ 2008_ This timeline coincides with dedication of Mem�rial H�snita 4. Lowell Park Restroom Construction Proiect CDBG funds of $350,000 (FY 07-08) are available for design and constructio restroom facilities to replace the existing deteriorated restrooms at Lowell Park Ic 4th and "P" streets. NEPA was completed in October 2007. The Recreation ar Department which is the lead department, is preparing the bid package. The desi� project should be completed by July 2008 with completion expected by end of tr NON-PROFIT/PUBLIC FACILITY PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECTS The following various non-profit organizations are being financially assisted to im� level of service for operating their public facilities. 1. Bakersfield Senior Center CDBG funds are used by this agency to maintain its current level of services, st hot lunch program, recreational programs, and entertainment to seniors in southE central Bakersfield. The agency has expended 100% of its 2007/2008 ; allocation. An agreement for 2008-2009 funding is scheduled for Counci November 5, 2008. 2. Bakersfield Homeless Center Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds are used by this agency for operational e� such as staff, postage, telephone, utilities, insurance, equipment rental, and mainl costs. The agency has requested 100% of its $61,880 allocation. An agreement fc 2009 funding is scheduled for Council action November 5, 2008. 3. Bakersfield Rescue Mission Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds are used by this agency for essential servi� operation and maintenance expenses including staff costs. The agency has ex 100% of its $61,880 allocation. An agreement for 2008-2009 funding is sched� Council action November 5, 2008. 4. Alliance Aqainst Familv Violence and Sexual Assault Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds are used by this agency for operati maintenance expenses. The agency has expended 100% of its $15,200 allocati agreement for 2008-2009 funding is scheduled for Council action November 5, 5. Bakersfield Senior Center Roof Rehabilitation In May 2006, the City Council approved the FY 200fi-07 Action Plan which ir $48,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding to rehabilitate the walkway Bakersfield Senior Center located at 530 4"' Street. An amendment increasing the b� ,� . ,. ,. ,. ,. .. . . - - - - -- 6. Martin Luther Kinq Jr Center Roof Replacement This project involves repairing the wooden deck if needed and replacing leak sections A,B,C, and D at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center with a nE multi-ply "cool" roof system to preserve the integrity of the interior of the center. scheduled to begin on the project in October 2008 and estimated completic December 2008. HOUSING, ECONOMIC AND NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROJECT: The following private and non-profit organizations are being assisted by staff to ; develop or improve their housing and neighborhood/commercial facilities. 1. Southeast Bakers�eld Infill Housinq Proiect The City was awarded a$500,000 CaIHFA loan to build affordable housing on sc lots in southeast Bakersfield. The RDA assumed all rights and obligations of the February 26, 2003. Round four of the infill housing project began in fall of 200 agreement period will be in place for two years and the contractor will be oblic complete at least four homes within the two-year period. To date, seventeen new have been constructed. Hybrid has completed the construction of a home at 226 East 6t" Street and ha: constructing theirthird home located at 1213 Murdock Street. The anticipated con date is December 2008. � 2. Bakersfield Colleqe Foundation Construction Alliance for � Achievement (CASA1 Proqram The Redevelopment Agency approved the donation of three residential lots to Bak College Foundation (BCF) to build infill affordable homes in the Southeast. ThE program enhances job opportunities among low-income residents while a developers and construction firms have an adequate skilled labor pool to meet demands for affordable housing. This activity addresses the demand for craftsmen/women in the construction field, and provides job training skills among r populations of Bakersfield. The CASA program is participating in the Southeast Bakersfield Infill Housing Projec took title to the lots located at 339 Brown, 124 Hayes and 301 Owens Streets in No� 2005. The 1 St home located at 339 Brown Street has been completed and sold tc income family. The 2�d home located at 124 Hayes Street was recently completec currently listed for sale. blighted tract with 110 structures consisting of wood frame, new and older mobilE units (28), and deficient wood frame single family homes. Thirty eight (38) vacant I scattered throughout the neighborhood with various amounts of debris, abar vehicles, and substandard structures. Addressing deficient commercial structure: Cottonwood Road are not included is the plan at this time. Housing programs currently available for low income residents not exceeding 120°r area median income include a targeted owner-occupied housing, no interest-d� rehabilitation loan to $40,000 per unit. Qualifying homeowners occupying subst� homes with clear title to their property may be eligible for down payment assistanc $35,000 to purchase or construct a new home on their existing lot or purcf manufactured home. A front porch grant program is also available to impro appearance of the exterior of a residence. The maximum project cost cannot E $5,000. This program requires a matching contribution of 10% of the total project co the applicant. This program is funded with Southeast Tax Increment funds. Approximately twenty five residents attended a community meeting on Saturday, J� 2008 at The New First Community Baptist Church on East Planz Road to learn ab� Filson Area Targeted Neighborhood Revitalization Housing Programs. Sin� community meeting, staff has received approval from the Bakersfield Redevelc Agency to implement a sewer grant not to exceed $10,000 and a demolition grani exceed $8,000. These funds will provide additional assistance to property owners incomes do not exceed 80% of AMI with costs associated with replacing a subst� structure. One applicant to date has been pre-approved for a loan with Bank of Ai and downpayment assistance through the Filson Area Targeted Revitalization prog purchase a manufactured home. 4. Home Accessibilitv (HA) Grant Proqram Since November 2006, twenty-eight physically challenged households have been pr improvements such as whee(chair ramps, handicap toilets and grab bars. A new cc was executed for FY07-08 and eight additional physically challenged household: been improved with sixteen applications in various stages of approval. Six of thE physically challenged households were improved during this quarter. 5. West Columbus Affordable Housina Proiect - Residences at West Colu On April 9, 2008, staff sent out a Request for Proposal & Qualifications t development Firm/Agencies to acquire and develop the 3.5 +/- acre residentially zon located at 500 West Columbus Avenue in Bakersfield, California. GEAHI-II was cho the City through an in-depth proposal evaluation and a follow-up developer interviev current owner of the property (LINC Housing Corp.) is working closely with the � +.........s..............,.....1.�:... �rit��. �__.__.s..t_ iL- -----1---1-1'--- -u- —�-�-�- �- - - � � The project name has recently been changed to the "Residences at West Col� Construction of the 56 unit project is expected to begin sometime in March 2009 ai complete, will primarily serve emancipated foster youth. 6. Habitat for Humanitv An agreement was executed that allows Habitat to utiliZe a total of $100,000 in CHDC funds to build affordable single family homes. These homes are then sold to familie income is between 30% and 50% of the area's median income. The selected Habit; and volunteers provide the needed sweat equity laborto construct the homes. In ad assisting with acquisition costs, the loan to Habitat assists in paying for such con; costs as school fees, building permits, appraisal fees and construction supervision. has completed the purchase, construction, and sale of a single family home locate� Haley Street, and has purchased its 2�d lot located at 801 Oregon Street. Habitat I the lot on Oregon Street into two lots. The new addresses are 1315 King Street a� King Street. Habitat has selected the two potential families to own the homes. Hak completed the construction at 1315 King Stree# and the new family is occupying th� Construction of a home at 1319 King has began and has an anticipated completior December 2008. All HOME-CHDO funds have been expended for this project. 7. Tax Defaulted Properties Each year the County of Kern compiles a list of real properties for which properl have not been paid for a minimum of five years. Pursuant to the County sellin properties at auction, the City or Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency can object #o of the properties and purchase them for future public use. EDCD staff ha successful in gaining the right to purchase 22 properties over the past few years. � tax sale was held in December of 2007. Staff objected to the sell of one property at 210 Rodman Street and is now in the process of purchasing the property. The i sale should be held in December of 2008. 8. The Parkview Cottaqes Housing Proiect The City was awarded a$1.2 million HELP loan, which was used to acquire a portic old foundry site located at 21 S� and "R" streets. The project consists of 74 singlE housing units, ranging from 1,280 to 1,820 square feet. Each unit will be two stor have a two/three car garage. One home is in escrow, thirteen homes are ready f home buyers currently occupy 29 units, and two units are models. Current market conditions and lack of mortgage financing options for low and mo income families have affected the ability to sell the homes. Staff increa� downpayment limits and the developer lowered the prices. A new local br aggressively marketing the homes on television and in the local pages. These effoi ir�nr�nc��rl ����n ��+i�ii+�i +� .�r�r�r�virv���.�.1.. ri ��....��.-. .....- w......iL. 9. Fair Housing Between July 1 and September 30, 2008 173 calis were received: 13 were sub: service calls dealing with fair housing issues and four complaints were filed; the under review by both the Department of Fair Employment and Housing and city sta housing discrimination complaints and inquiries during this period were categori Race 50%, Familial Status 25%, Disability 0%, Religion 0%, and Other 25%. 10. Baker Street Revitalization Proiect (Old Town Kern Mixed Use Pro�ect Foundation work and grading has been completed for Phase I of the project located Baker Street south of Lake Street on one-half block. When finished, this phase will i 24 three-story town homes, 13 residential lofts and 9,000 square feet of commercia on Baker Street. The residential and commercial development are for-sale Neighborhood type services are anticipated for the commercial space. Phase I completed by Spring 2009. The next three phases will include more residenti commercial units, and 41,000 square feet of new commercial space, such as a c store and pharmacy as possible key anchors. Total project value is approximatE million. 11. Mill Creek Linear Park Pro�ect Mi11 Creek Linear Park is a conceptual design of a 1.5 mile stretch of agricultura which is being transformed into a major recreational linear park with a"natural creE pedestrian corridor that will travel through the heart of downtown Bakersfield alc Kern Island Canal from Golden State to California Avenues. The over all theme project is focused on the late 1800's era with a historic flavor to include replic� covered bridge and mill house. The Redevelopment Agency received a$10,000,000 loan to provide financing forthe brining the total budget to date to $12.7 that will cover the segments between Goldei Avenue and 18th Street and from Truxtun to California adjacent to the South Mi Mixed use Project. A multi-disciplinary team was assembled to design the Mill Linear Park Master Plan with estimated completion of the design and construc improvements to Central Park in summer, 2008. Construction of elevated street crc at 19�' and 21St streets and additional phase of the parkway have begun. Staff w additional state and federal grant resources to help fully fund construction of the including the plaza. Mill Creek: At the Central Park Phase I construction, the pond rail fence panels place and nearly completed. Irrigation work is continuing and the remaining walk west side will be put in place next week. The pedestrian bridge will be delivered at t of October. 13. Orphan Grant Clean up work on this contaminated site began the first week of August. The city- property at 1433 Union Avenue is the subject of a grant from the State Water Res Control Board to pay for removal of the contaminated soil and backfilling with cle Excavation work should be finished by the first week of October, and completio schedule for the end of 2008. 14. BEGIN Down Pavment Assistance Proqram State grant funds of $1,560,000 were received from the Building Equity and Gr� Neighborhoods (BEGIN) Program from the California Department of Housir Community Development (HCD). These funds will be used to provide mortgage ass to 52 low income first-time homebuyer families interested in purchasing a home � residential development near Ridgeview High School. Self-Help Enterprises (SHE affordable housing developer for the 52 lots that will be receiving the BEGIN down p� assistance. The down payment assistance will be a 30 year (silent second) loan (dE at 1% simple interest up to $30,000. SHE has had considerable delays in delivering the 52 units. The primary delay � program was the lack of administrative resources for SHE to deliver the mutual s� building program. Another delay has been SHE's outreach/marketing efforts for qt, families for this affordable housing project. Currently, escrow has closed on nine located on McKee Road. Phase II of the project has begun by SHE. 15. South Mill Creek Mixed-Use The Mill Creek South Mixed-Use Project is a commercial and residential plan tha1 approximately 10 acres and include a minimum of 80 units of affordable mid rise style affordable rental units, 35 market rate urban style upscale condominiums, and square feet of commercial space for retail, restaurants, community event neighborhood services. The proposed project is located in the Southeast Redevel� Project Area, alongside the southern tip of Mill Creek. The restaurants in the plannE development will have outdoor patio seating overlooking Mill Creek, a 1.5-mile sti agriculture canal, which is being redeveloped into a major recreational amenity with water look and will travel through the heart of downtown Bakersfield. The plann million, 10 acre mixed-use project will replace a contaminated metal recycling busin� auto repair and body shop. In addition, it will replace a dilapidated empty warehous predominantly vacant commercial dilapidated building with several abandoned structures. In January of 2008, two firms; Chelsea Investments Corporation and Southwest Coi Inc., were selected by the Redevelopment Agency for the development. E� . . - i - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -� - - n � _ t _ _ � . . ..,...� ... � I .....a �. ,.l r.... aL... ..I ... ,..I...,.�, n draft Disposition and Development Agreement with Southwest Consulting, Inc. construction of 36 urban style upscale condominiums is currently being reviev management and legal council, and will be under consideration for approval Bakersfield City Council and Redevelopment Agency in December 2008. condominium component of South Mill Creek is anticipated to begin construction by 2009, with completion expected by March 2011. 16. South Millcreek Plaza Cinema Complex South Mill Creek Plaza is a mixed-use lifestyle, ground-up development on approxim acres. The site is designed to accommodate a total of 89,000 square feet of featuring 28,000 sq. feet of entertainment related retail, restaurant space and a i square feet state of the art 16 screen, 2,600 seat multiplex cinema. Maya Cinema: America, the developer, plans to develop the project south of Rabobank Arer Convention Center, and south of the railroad tracks between California Avenue, "M" and the Kern Island Canal. Maya Cinemas North America and D.W. Sivers have ac all the property necessary for the development of the $32 million dollar project and w 24 months to construct and stabilize. The South Mill Creek Plaza will be a major factor in reducing blight in the area a provide the Southeast Redevelopment Project Area with an anchor tenant that wi catalyst for additional development along California Avenue. The ground br� ceremony was held on July 29, 2008. Construction began on the Maya Cinema ph the project in September 2008, with completion anticipated in the fall of 2009. Const on the 28,000 sq. feet of entertainment related retail, restaurant space is estim� begin in March 2009, with completion by December 2009. South Mill Creek Plaza Maya Cinema Complex is a$39 million dollar development pl to include a 16-screen state of the art movie theater, and 30,000 square feet of ret� restaurants. The project is located south of the railroad tracks between California A� "M" Street and "P" and "Q" streets, on approximately 4.5 acres. The project has re its construction funding commitment. The site has been cleared and architectural d were completed. Relocation and undergrounding of utilities and construction is expe begin in fall 2008. A ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for July 29, 2008. 17. Villaqe Park Senior Housinq The Housing Authority of the County of Kern (HACK) received $2 million in HOMI Construction monies from the City of Bakersfield for the construction of affordable housing. The proposed project is the development of 60 units of senior housing Downtown Redevelopment Project Area, at the corner of 24t`' and R Streets. The E will consist of a total of 60 units (56 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units), a L_�___1_JL_�__'______i___L_1____Al1A/ _Lil__ ____J'___• _____ TL_I____J_____IIL. The development agreement was approved and executed by City Council on J� 2006. HACK applied for tax credits for the bulk of the construction funding in Jul� Their first round application was unsuccessful. A second round in early 2007 also unsuccessful for HACK. Council approved an amendment in June to increase the from $1.5 million to $2 million in HOME funds to increase their chances of a ta; award. HACK re-applied for tax credits in July 2007 (third and final round), and rea verbal response they were successful. Project began construction February 20C project is underway with roofing and exterior work almost completed. Project expe be completed by January 2009. 18. Kinq Square Familv Apartments KSA Partners received $850,000 in HOME funds to construct a 72-unit family ap� complex at 1601 Lotus Lane. This is a low-income housing tax credit project. The De� expects to receive $9.3 ± million in tax credit funding, $2.3 ± million in private lor financing, and $1.5 ± million deferred developer's fee in addition to the $850,000 in funding. A Council action approving the HOME project agreement with KSA Partners oc February 7, 2007. Construction started in March of 2007 and is expected completed by fall of 2008. Project is generally completed and tenancy occup� underway. City staff is awaiting a Notice of Completion and occupancy information releasing the remaining ten percent retention. 19. McDonald Wav Sewer Connection Proiect A construction contract was awarded in May 2007 to HPS Mechanical for sept abandonment and hook-ups. Staff has been receiving and processing applicatior qualified residents and the first abandonments and hook-ups were completed this 1 date, 29 applications have been award SCG funds with 3 applications being av during this reporting period. Additionally another 28 applications are in various st� approval. Low-income families in the area may qualify for CDBG assistance to connect to the once it is completed. It is anticipated that this grant amount can be as mi $20,000/connection for eligible applicants. The grant will only be available to low i homeowner occupants. This program will be phased over two fiscal years and will or about January 1, 2009. Total funding for the project consists of $450,000 FY CDBG funds with an additional allocation of $400,000 for FY08-09. 20. Lowell Place Senior Apartments Securitv FencinA �� � • . � . � � � � i.r. r � � . r • . _ . ��. _ � _ _ n �t 21. Graffiti Removal Proqram - Citywide CDBG funds are used to assist in graffiti removal in low- and moderate-incomE throughout the ciiy, primarily in wards 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. Of the $200,000 allocated 2007/2008 year, 100% has been used. Graffiti has been budgeted for the fundir 2008/2009 the amount of $200,000. 22. Quantico/Madison Affordable Housinq Rehab Proiect The apartments are located at 1885 Madison Street and owned and operated by Housing California. HUD (HOME) and TI Funds will be used to benefit about 56 � project agreement is being prepared and is expected to go before the Council by r than late 2008. City funds in amount of $450,000 will be used for exterior renovatic site improvements and tenant based rental assistance. About $350,000 (TI funds) used for exterior and interior rehabilitation and $100,000 (HOME funds) for Tenant Rental Assistance to benefit five households (at risk homeless families). A draft C Participation Agreement (OPA) using TI funds ($350,000) has been drafted and i; review by Mercy Housing. Construction is anticipated by early 2009. 23. Casa Loma Park — Wet Plav Area Proiect Improvements to include wet playground equipment consisting of a circulation filtration system, and concrete base for a county-owned park located at 493 Eas Loma Drive within the City. The Council approved an amendment activity to the Fl 08 Action Plan in the amount of $375,000 last fall. The County's Park and Rec Department will construct the improvements and own and operate them upon com� Preparation of a project agreement between the City and County is und Construction is expected to start by late 2008. Construction should be completed by 20a9. 24. Bakersfield Association of Retarded Citizens CDBG funds of $300,000 (FY 07-08) are available for a social entrepreneurial non-� acquire, construct, or rehabilitate a commercial/industrial training facility for a economic development activity. The proposed multi-million $ project is to be locate� Bakersfield Association of Retarded Citizens (BARC) training facility on 2240 Soutr Avenue it will be a 30,800 ± sq. ft., pre-fabricated steel frame metal building witr 40,000 sq.ft. asphalt paving to be used as a: 1) recycling facility, or 2) internet order or a 3) pallet manufacturing facility. The County also has about $300,000 of CDBC earmarked for this activity. A minimum of 40 jobs to be created with the total ($6C HUD assistance with at least 22 positions or 51 % of the jobs to be created earmar low income job seeking residents. The project agreement befinreen the City, County � non-profit has been executed by all parties. EDCD staff in conjunction with the Cou BARC have met to discuss the project management and a Notice to Proceed is ex . � . � • � r � . � r� w �� •t� t i�_ _ t _ _ _� _ __ _ ._ __ _ t_ __ 11_ _- - _i'_ __t' ' 25. 19th Street Plaza — Southwest Consultinq This proposed mixed use project adjacent to the Mill Creek Linear Park would i office, commercial, and residential space. The developer envisions approximately : square feet of office and commercial space with a restaurant in a four level b adjacent to the canal; 67 one and two-bedroom units of affordable senior rental hou a three story structure; 3,000 square foot food court; and an 80 space parking garag RDA has entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement with Sou Consulting, Inc., to build the project on approximately 2.5 acres of vacant land eas� canal between 18�' Street and 19t" Street, 501 -19th Street. Engineering and archit� plans are in site plan review. 26. Bovs and Girls Club of Kern County Renovation of this existing facility at 801 Niles Street will involve improvements to tr ceiling panels, air conditioning, and gym floor. The target date for completion is Dec 2009. Staff is currently working on an agreement for this agency's request of $40 27. Acquisition 8� Relocation — Catholic Charities This project will involve acquiring the parcel located at 525 - 18th Street and relocat tenant, Catholic Charities. CDBG funds in the amount of $400,000 were approvec FY08/09 Action Plan. An amendment to the Action Plan for an additional $281,5� approved by the City Council at their July 30, 2008 meeting. The site then converted into park space in connection with the Mill Creek Linear Park Project. date for completion is Winter 2009. 28. Habitat for Humanitv — 1812 Filson On May 5, 2008, the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approved an agreement t� vacant parcel located at 1812 Filson Street to Habitat. This parcel was purchased Agency through a tax default sale. Habitat for Humanity volunteers and the prosE new homeowner will begin construction on the home in September. The completec will then be relocated to the Filson Street address. This parcel is also located withir block Southeast Targeted Neighborhood program area. By Fall of 2008 the home be constructed and a low income family will be able to occupy this home. 29. E. California Avenue Property On May 7th, 2008 The City of Bakersfield Economic and Community Develc Department posted a Request for Proposal & Qualifications on The City of Baker: EDCD Webpage to acquire and develop the 2.69 +/- acre commercially zoned pa East California Ave. between S. Owens St. and S. Robinson St. Postcards were � potential participants for notification of the City's Request for Proposal and Qualific The RFP/Q was circulated for a 45 day period and the deadline for submittals wa „� �,,,,� The Kern County Black Chamber of Commerce has shown interest in the propert� currently reviewing the RFP/Q. The Chamber's President along with a par developer will evaluate the feasibility of a potential development and will c� submitting a proposal to the department. 30. Green Gardens II Golden Empire Affordable Housing, Inc., II (GEAHI-II) is requesting $600,000 in funds from the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfie{d Redevelopment Agency. Th would be used for the development of a new 24 unit permanent supportive r complex designated for chronically homeless individuals. The housing will consis1 412 sq. ft. one-bedroom units. Total project cost is estimated at approximately $4.� and will utilize various funding sources. The project is located at 2300 S. Union Ave., approximately at the northeast corne intersection of Union Avenue and White Lane. The project encompasses approx 2.01 acres and is located in the Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Area. ThE currently reviewing the application from the Housing Authority of The County of KE the NEPA review for the project is nearing completion. Project construction is ten scheduled to begin in March 2009. 31. Friendship House — Communitv Action Partnership of Kern Community Action Partnership of Kern requested $247,342 for improving the c sports complex located on the Friendship House Community Center property � Cottonwood Road while $3,039,000 has been secured from the State of Ca Department of Parks and Recreation. This project was reconsidered and funding id from year end closings and savings. This project was included in Amendment Nu FY 07/08 Action Plan. EDCD is currently awaiting documents from CAP of Kern in � begin the NEPA review. 32. Kern ReAional Foundation — Tavlor Street Apartments In October of 2008, City Council approved an agreement with Kern Regional Fou (KRF) in the amount of $500,000 that provided funding to 12 developmentally d persons/families to assist in purchasing a home. These newly refurbished condon have a sales price of $89,900 each and are located at 609 Taylor Street. The deve the units provided all new appliances including a dishwasher, stove, microwa washer and dryer and KRF has provided homebuyer counseling and mortgage assi Escrow has closed and a key dedication ceremony was held on November 13, 200 twelve families. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 24 — NOVEMBER 28, 2008 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Preparing streets to be reconstructed in the area between Fairfax Road Morning Drive, north of Panorama Drive. Reconstructing streets in the area between Sundale Drive and Club View east of Ashe Road. Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Working on the Mill Creek project. Working on the Aera Park project. Working on the Maya Cinema project. Paqe 2 of 2 STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, November 24, 2008 City streets in the area between Allen Road and Jasmine Parker Drive f Avenue, south to the canal. City streets between Rider Street and Allen Road from Johnson Road, : canal. Tuesdav, November 25, 2008 City streets in the area between Olive Drive and Meany Street, Coffee Knudsen Drive. Between Columbus Street and 34th Street, Chester Avenue to San Dim� Wednesdav, November 26, 2008 City streets in the area between Snow Road and Hageman Road, Jenki Jewetta Avenue. Between Niles Street and Jackson Street, Union Avenue to Beale Aveni Befinreen Sumner Street and E. Truxtun Avenue, Beale Avenue to Browi Thursdav, November 27, 2008 Holiday — No Sweeping Service Fridav, November 28, 2008 Holiday — No Sweeping Service ### � B A K E R S F 1 E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director - DATE: November 12, 2008 SUBJECT: GRAFFITI IN WILDERNESS PARK Referral No. 39 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED STAFF REMOVE GRAFFITI ON - INSIDE OF THE FENCING, NEAR THE GATE, SURROUNDING THE SUMP IN WILDERNESS PARK. This graffiti was removed on Saturday, November 08, by graffiti staff with help fro of CSUB students.