HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION 8-26-2015BAKERSF:IELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE..PREVENTION INSPECTION , Prevelntioln <Sellvices B E •R S F I D F /RE 01 . ..� A'R iM T Baker fie de CA 93 01 3 . Phon'e: 661 326.3979 • Fax: 6,61 852 -2171 DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE FEE FACILITY ADDRESS .: , rr f CITY; STATE;,Z3P t f 1 F FACILITY , NAME MANAGER'S.NAME PH NO.. BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ` CITY, STATE;-ZIP PH N.O.. BILL TO: '(IE DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME,'ADDRESS'' " :CITY, STATE, 2IP, PH NO. -0CC OCC LOAD .. NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE " ©:YES Ih1,.� 0 CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS VWLATIdN REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW Nd: i Remove 'and safely dispose:o.f all. hazardous refuse and•;dry vegetation on. the.above- premises (GFG COMBUSTIBLE, ' WASTE / DRY 304.1:1 ) VEGETATION. 2, Provide non - combustible co;htain'ers with:tight,, fitting lids, for the storage of combustible waste and rubbish ;pending ,its. safe disposal: , .CFC '.304:3,2) .'Note:: applies to' co,ntaine.rs .ov.er; 40 gallons. COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 ;, Relocate combustible storage to provide at least .3 feet, clearance around motor fuse box /fire door .(CFC 6�0 5 3) �;. 4 Relocate.fi:re extinguishers) s'o .th:a`t they will .be' i'n a "consp:icu.ous location, hangi.ng'on. brackets °w.ith the t.op,fo::the .extinguisher not more than .5 feet above th•e floor. .. ..(CFC 906.:5'& 906.:9).. EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and i.nsta`ll (a mount) .` _ approved: (type: & size) _ __ _ _ portable fire. ____ extinguisher. to be immediately accessible 'for 'use in (area). ____�_ _ _ _ TABLE 906.3(1)) •6 Re °charge -all fire exting.uishers Fire e'xtingulshers sh'a11. be. 'serviced,at. (east: once each year;' and j':o'r after each. use; by a person hay.ing'a valid. Iicense.or certificate. .'(CFC 906.'2) Provide and malnta:in �` -EXIT" sign'(s) with..:letters 6 or more in,ch'es in height over each required:.exit SIGNS `.` �--° 1. ,(door %wi•ndow) to. fire: escape... (CFC 1011) ,' !!� :: r ' ,.,f �n r, r�9 ` `ter~ .:.. , i;: i� l it T g ". Provide .and, maintain appropriate, numbers on. a :contrasting background, a.nd '�.is -ble 'f;rorhthe street to. : i.ndicat'e.the -*corr6ct address o:f the bu'ild:ing.:. (CFC 505`.1) 9 Repair a.li (cracks /.holes /olJeninys) i.n. pla Ste r. in (aocat.ion') ____ ____ FIRE DOORS / Plastering shall return the surface to its original fire resistive. condition. (CFC 703' 1) FIRE - SEPARATIONS' i.0 Remove /repair . (item & • l o.c a t i o n) : - -- -- -- __ __ - — - -_._ .. - -= -- — — -- - - - ------ Self- 'closing doors sha'.II be designed. to- close b.y gr.a.vity:; :or by the ,'action`of a mechanical devi'c:e; or by an.. ap:pr.oved smoke and heat '.'sensitive device. S: elf= closin`g:doo.rs shall have .no attachments capable.:of . preventing 'the operation of ;the clos.i,ng device. : (,CFC 703.2) 11. Re:rn'o.ve all' obstruction from. hallways Maintain all means of. egress free of 'any storage.;; (CFC .1028:,3) EXITS 12 Provide a' contrasting co)o.red: an, d. permanently insta.li.ed -electric light oye:r or'near.r,equi,r.ed exit .' (locat:ion) --- --- - - - - -= - - -- = —� - -- -- to clearly indicate :it 'as a:n e.xi.t: .('CFC 1006.3):' STORA GE. :':. 13 Remove al'i storage .and /or other .,obstr.uctions-from fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts;:. (F.ire. escapes /stai.r shafts :are. to be .maintained free from obstructions .at ail.:.tim.es.) . {CFC 1.003.6): 14 .. Extension cords - shall, not be used in. lieu of permanent approved wiring. . Install.a-dditional'approve:d ELECTRICAL.APPLIANCES:. electrica :l, o.utletswhere needed: (CFC 605.5,) 1s R.emov:e m.ultiple `atta.chntent cords..from spe,ci.fic electri.c,al convenience outlet (one plug. 'per outlet) : (CFC OUTDOORBURNING '16 Recreational fires or open burnin GFC 307.1 FiriEwoRKS 17 Violatiohs of Section (.CFC 5608.1) &.8.44:_040 (B ..M .' C.). . OTHER. :. 18 r {{ )) f> : f.^ ,^a. .... i J ,+-a, f t .. f C, A '11'" er i. i�":'� ..i l4, y'r� ^. Rif r`4..J .: 1p .. ti ,.. \ . �. t.. .. CORRECTION :DATE Corre � f Correct th'e violations noted above by: ��.,,✓�, '" LEGEND: . . c C.F.C. CALIFO RNIA FIRE CODE. CUSTOMER: $. O C.B.0 CALIFORNIA - BUILDING C DE (Sig.natu (Please Print Name Legibly, Title) B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE N.F.P.A. NATIONAL 'FIRE PROTECTION °" ,r'`- . • NQ ;T frF , ,.: `a : ASSOCIATION N.E.C. NATIONAL .ELECTRIC CODE