HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER (12)B. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Manufacturing Process Manager, Dee Secara, is responsible for the Bakersfield facility. Issues must go through the Manufacturing Process Manager for final approval before implementation. At the Crystal Geyser Bakersfield location, the Safety Coordinator, Robert Hofferd, will be the qualified individual and Environmental coordinator. The Evironmental Coordinator is responsible for all safety training of employees. The Emergency contact will be the Production Manager David Wright. Any emergency incidents that occur at the facility will be the emergency contact's responsibility. All supervisors will be responsible for the safety of the employees in their section.8 03320012.001 18 111.2 NOTIFICATIONS A. INTERNAL NOTIFICATIONS Facility personnel will report an accidental release or any other emergency condition to their supervisor. Supervisors will notify office personnel who will use the paging system to notify all employees to evacuate the facility. If emergency situation occurs after work hours, supervisor or lead person will use paging system to notify employees of evacuation. AFTER HOURS/WEEKENDS/HOLIDAYS NOTE: If an ammonia sensor is activated, our in house automatic dialer will start calling management personnel. Management will react as needed. Outside agencies will be notified if needed. 03320012.001 38 PAGE I INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM {ORGANIZATION} COMMAND STAFF: ASSIS'T'ANTS-- - - - - -- JOSE MENDOZA Q.C. TECH (ON DUTY) MAINT. TECH (ON DUTY) aw {ON SITE CONTACT FOR OUTSIDE AGENCY, O.E.S. FIRE KEPT. HAZMAT TEAM ETC.} PAGE 2 GENERAL STAFF OPERATIONS SECTION: CHIEF: DAVID WRIGHT DEPUTY'S: JOSE MENDOZA Q.C. TECH (ON DUTY) 1VIAINT. TECH (ON DUTY) PLANNING / INTELLIGENCE AND LOGISTICS: CHIEF: ROBERT IIOFFERD ASSISTANT: DEE SECARA 2. DEVELOPE INCIDENT ACTION PLANS FOR EACH 11: 3. MAINTAIN RESOURCE r ON r , AND PERSONNEL ASSIGNED. 4. MAINTAIN INCIDENT DOCUMENTATION. ASSISTANT: DEE SECARA 1. TIDE UNIT 2. PROCUREMENT UNIT 3. COMPENSATION/ CLAIMS UNIT 4. COST UNIT s �� r 111.6 Plan Review and Modification All records concerning this RMP shall be kept for at least five years (Section 2755.1). Necessary revisions to the RMP will be made at least every five years (Section 2745.10 (a)(1). The RMP must be revised within 60 days of a modification that results in a significant increase in either the amount of regulated substance handled at the facility or in the risk of handling the regulated substance (Section 2745.11 (b)). All revisions to this RMP are to be recorded here. DATE OF CHANGE CHANGESIINPUTS MADE TO DOCUMENT PAGES/ SECTION AFFECTED SIGNATURE/DATE 03/07/06 ENVIROMENTAL MANAGE, SYSTEM 18 03/07/06 INTERNAL NOTIFICATI01N ATTrIln DIA1,RR ADD. 38 03/07/06 INCIDENT COMM. UPDATE 51 aq P z 03/07/06 'CHANGES RECORDES 69 L&7-, 03/07/00 TRAINING ANALY. UPDATE 68A -a 03320012.001 69