HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER (13)e. Logistics Emergency Medical Plan Each supervisor will be trained in CPR and first aid. For minor injuries Dr. CHRISTIANSEN will be used. For serious injury or injury due to a hazardous material, SAN JOAQUIN . will be used. Memorial Hospital or Kern Medical Center will be given second consideration. Any supervisor has the authority to dial 911 for medical emergencies. Maintenance Procedures Ammonia System Shutdown 1. Shut King valve on receiver to pump all ammonia into the receiver. 2. Shut suction valves on compressors. 3. Turn compressor motor off. 4. Shut compressor discharge valves. 5. Lock out electrical panel. 6. Tag warning on the electrical panel. 7. Open discharge valves before starting. Isolating a Compressor for Maintenance 1. Shut suction valve, allow compressor to pump down (remove ammonia). 2. Turn compressor motor off. 3. Close discharge valve. 03320012.001 62 THE SAFETY OFFICER, DAVID WRIGHT, AND OR ASSISTANTS ON SHIFT WILL CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALL PERSONNEL SAFETY. INCIDENT OBJECTIVES PRIORITY ONE - INSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSONNEL INVOLVED, INCLUDING THE SURROUNDING AREAS. 2. SECURE THE PREMISES, AND TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE, USING ALL THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE, OR AS NEEDED. 3. GENERATE AND MAINTAIN RECORDS OF ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE INCIDENT. WUlic 8.0 i',Mi +.;IZGENCI' CON'l'INGENCI' I'[_,A,NS 8.1 Geim— al.Evacuatimi Employees are verbally notified of emergencies by the plant Manager or his designee. All employees are to leave the facility immediately through the parking lot at .Last California and Lakeview. Exhibit 8 shows emergency evacuation routes and designated meeting places. 'These routes have been planned to bYpass ammonia systems that may be leaking. Emergency responders will be notified through 911. In the event of an cinerbency after normal opera.ting hours, after notifying 911., the following individuals should be notified in the order given - Bob 1-1offierd - 805- 832 -0453 Wile he cannot be reached, call David Wright - 805 -836 -1.382 if he cannot be reached, call 8.2 Fire 'Flit sprinkler system will engage when it. has detected a. fire. All emmiployees are to leave immediately through (lie nearest exit a-nd regroup at time parking lot at Last California and Lakeview. Emergency responders will be notified through 91 1. In the event of an emergency after norrrmal operating hours, alter notifying 911, the following individuals should be notified in the order- given: Bob .1.lofterd - 805 -832 -0453 if he cannot be reached, call .David Wright - 805 -836 -1382 [f he cannot be reached, call 8.3 '± artlig aloe Employees should reniain in safe, stable locations (in doorways, under sturdy desks) until earth movement has ceased. After the earthquake, all employees are to leave i�mirlletliatcIy tltrvugh the nearest exit. and regroup at tine parking lot at .1_ ast California. and Lakeview, la r enough froni the building to avoid falling masonry. 8.4 Significant .Lcalc from the Ammonia Systeiiis Notil'y the Bakersfield City .I. ire Department. 131nployces'are verbally notified of the leak. Mechanics will work. to isolate the ammonia leak, if possible. If Norman Anib.ose is not in the f , plant,, lie should be called immediately alter 911 at 805- 393 -4176. All nonessential erliployees are to leave inrniediately arid, I-egroul.) at the parking lot at East California and .Lakeview. Page 32 WzI illc 'file following individuals slloulcl be called Bob l lol7erd - 805- 832 -0453 David Wright - 805 - 836 -1.382 Clcalllll) procedures for all ammonia release will lllitiPtc file erects of the release: Ventilation will reduce conccrltratiorls of ammonia ill erlclose(I areas. * If liquid autlnonia is oil the floor, spray Ivitl I.tr•t;e quantities of cold water. * «'ater• will stl►sol'Ir alnnrolli): Iligil concentrations of :unnlonia vapor or (lisl)cr'sL'(I arllrllollia earl be diluted ivitlr water spray. DLIFing a release, the .Plant Engineer (Mainten(,ince Manager) will: * Stoll leaks, if possible. * Slal►en,ise the use of self Coll taine(I bl-catllillt; "Pparatus (SCBA). The PlantEngineer 11<`ls a thorough 1<Ilowlcdgc of the a.l1111)onia syste111. Ile has many years of experience with reivigcration Systems. r 4 Page 33 8.5 Emergency Responders In an emergency, the following agencies may be needed: I Hospital Mernorial Hospital 420 34th Street Bakersfield, California (805) 327-1792 Fire Department Call 911 W-- Z1 INC A/1 Vj Ije i.