HomeMy WebLinkAboutRMP REPORTF-dleiif-ftv ?MGn-le: CO3 -Y EPA. ID: 1.2 EPA Facility Identiffer. 1.3 Other EPA S MR Facility 10: 1.4 Dun and oradstreat Numbers 1*DUNS)-, a. facliffly DUNS: 6- Parent company #1 GUNS.- c. Parent Company #2 DUNS: I 1-5- facility Location Addrew. a. Streat 1: 12333 E. C311TOM13 Ave b. meet 2: L county: KeM Facility Latitude and Longitude: 9. Lat (dd.dddddd): 35. 35-77f 8 1. LatfLong Method: A-, . 1. Laaang DGWIPtl0fl: 1618 IL HorlZontal accuracy measure (Mj): I- Horizontal Reference Datum code: m. source reap Scale Number. 1.9 owner or Operator. a- Home: RIO and 'vVe k I y c h D. phone: f70,7), 942-05-0-1 mailing address.- c- Street 1: 1233 E. 'C3.0mia Ave a- Cliy-. Bakersfield 9- U WHIrd: 61K h. Long- (ddd.ddddddy: Addre-56 IA-dWhing - Z-Areel Centerline AdMIN-StratNe BUIlding a] 003 ,IVorld Geodefir; System of 1-984 d. Street 2: f. Siate: C;.ik g- zip: 11 i 3 r,2004 1:24:49 P I-A Page 1 of 10 -actuty Name: Co-b-ta! Gey-mer "Water Co. EPA 10: 1.7 Name and tMe of peMn OF P08MOR MPOVDIDIO for Pert 68 (RMP) Implementation: a. Name al'person: Robert Hofferd h T-Ma ny pa n ar. pagh on- wpe ;Llr �Mruq ex Dept. S -M.,, Evniml s0dreff. Emergency Contact a. Home: b. Title: Malrdainence Manaer C. phone: M I) YzM296 d. 24-hour pnone.- 0. EXt or PIN: E Email addreW. john dporystalqeysenoont -3 Other points of contact a. Facilly or parent Company E-Mall Addrew. @561) 322-6295 b- FaMlity PubilD Untad PhDnS: C. Facility or Parent Company WAFW HoMepage Addreas. 1.10 LEPQ Region 5 1 FPC Inland SoM 1.11 Number of full time amployeaS WOO: K2 1.12 Covered by. a. OSHA PSM: No M L. E- P CILA, 302: —0 c. CAATIts V: yes Air operating permit ID: G728-1-2. '113 OSHA Star or Merit 112fliking: No 1,141.. Safety MOPOW1011 ft art EXterflai Agencp Date: 1.15 LM4 Safety Inspection Performed by an EXternal Agency: I.-S' III thig RMp Immlys predicthm 11ling?: No 1.18 RMP PTOPMY InformatJon: a- Name: Robert Hofrerd D. Telephone: @51) 321-0896 0. &*Oafl: 2361 E. arundaqa Lane 06 rz I Mre Fire oepartynent 06/18.QM4 1:24:49 PI-s1 Paae 2 Of 10 Facliftif Name: Crystal Geyser Water C;---. .1 EPA 10: d. StrootL a. CKY: t Slate: Bakersfield CA zip: SIB 330- 7 0 1 Section 1.17 Process(es) a. Proem 10: 1 Program L 12' bottling D. NAICS code 31212 0. Process, Chameab C-1 Proem chemical go / Name) I 11111111 1111!111111111111111iilll -* V-7PD= TV111,=Tr-YfT Toxics: or Case ID 2.1 a. Chemical Home: b. Percent Weight of 2.2 Physical state: mndal 2.4 Scenario: 25 Quantity released: 2.9 RGIGSOO rate: 2.7 11819MO OUTHDOR: I R MOn't Anood: C.2 CA.S Nr. C-3 ft (11*-) IF.—IPA Ali 7 3 CrW1. f *94*10 a —.T 4,up—v I AMMOMA (3nnYVIUS) chemical fir in a mixturwi: -,0.0 a4,,� Gas Uquined by Pressure ppa, ;;* p f—�stm a Retnamtinn R ra i, T-�*Djp C Pq "rgiq OtL -8 : — A- Uquid spill &-vaporl-zattion 4,500 The 4-50.0 lbWMIn io.0 Mine 1.5 BLISS 0 2.3 Afmolp boric StOblilly C1088. 0 2-10 TopograPhY: Urban ,L nib 9 1 -ii Didance to Endpwilt, 0. rJ 2.12 Eglifnated Residential population Within dil-AanCe to andpoint I BODO 2.13 Public receptors Within didance to OMPOInt 0. Schoolw. Yes d. Prisorwearrection facilities: NO D. Readonce$. Yes a. Recreation are-SO.- Yes f. Major comroarclaf. office or. Iffiluawal are": INJO 06M.=4 1,24:49 PM Page 3 of io F301ty Nai'Tle: Crystal Geyser'Watear Co. —CPA 10: g- other (Specimp: medical clinic 2.14 Environmental receptors wiftin didance to endpoint a- National or state parim. foreab. of Monuments. Of c. Federal vdiderness araw. No d- Other (SpecIV: F-hartin Luther King Jr. and Virginia Avenue County P36,6 2.15 Pa mitigation considered: a. DIKEST D4, 0 U-- "Dialr1w No D. Enclosures. Yes 0. Sumps: No C. Berfnw. No t other (Specft: Water sparqe tank With containmerA wall 2.19 Graphic file naMG: Toxics: Aftemative Release 10: 1 3.1 a. chemical name: Anj monf;; (anhydrous) b. Percent weignt Of chemical kir in a mixture): 80.0 3.2 Pinflical State: Gas Uquffled by Pressure 3.3 model: EPA% Rf-AP Guidance rurArnrnonla ReflIgeration Reference Tables or Equations SA Scenario: pipe leak 3.5 Guanft released: 2,040 109 3-6 Release rate: 9231.0 IDWMIH 3.7 Release duration: 2.2 Mine 3.8 Wind speed: 1.5 Wage 3.3 Atmospheric Stability CI8W- D 3.10 Topography. urban 3.11 Distance to Endpoint 0.4110 ml 3.12 Estimated Residential population wdnln distance to endpoint: 66-0 3.13 pjbllc receptors within didance, to endpoll &W 8. S"411001T. NO d. Prisonstcarrection facaftlew. No h R danfmw YA-- No a-- Recreation ar,83K NA Vow T. Major commercial, office,ar Industrial grew- -tit-of (Specmq: IA r-milmnmonf-21 r&^*nfnm urithin dtat*ni-a fn andnnaniF =Z=I%X. LII X-vxw &W a. National or Owe Pam. foreals. or manumoub. AIC, b. Of cialljf desigasted wilditre efinctualleff. PFODOMOD. Or f8fugft-' No 0611842W4 1:24*50 RIA Pane 4 of 10 FaC.111ty Nate. Cry.-to-fl Geyser 'Water Co. EPA 10: C. Federal WilderneW MORE. d. Other (SPOCIIY): 3.15 Paolve Mitigation Considered: a. DIRM No D. Enclosures: yes 0. Bernw. No 3.1c Adwo frah9afton conadered: a. Sprualuief Upternw. No b. Deluge system: No c. water curtain: No 0. HoutrailzAlon: NO 0. Excew flow Val": 110 3AT Graphic 1118 BOMB: No d. Drainw. N0 0. sumps. No f. Other (specify): W M e r S P 2. r g e ta I I k. W It 1"! .01 G.- I'l 13 .1frii 11-1 'a -1 t it I 1. Flarew. No 9- ScrubbefF. Yes 11- Emergency ahUtdOW11 909nW. Yes 1. Ater (Spedw: Jill 0'=7 93= I 0. Chemical Home ,44,1=1.13 (EnhydrOU8) 9.9 ftsiono eft o=4 a. Gas release: b. Liquid c;. Fire: d. EXploslon: CAS HUMbOr 7564,41-7 9.7 Release source: No a. Storage vowel: Yes h. Piping: N o 0. PrOCON VOWAI: No d. Transfer hose: a. UncoutrollediRunswiry No reachnon 6.8"Wes-ther Conditions at time Of event (If Known): too yes N o No 0sw 0 6,tvi G.' Pf..4 b. Quantity C. % Released obs) weight 2.5 W.0 a- Valve: 1. Pump: g. joint No h. Other (Speelfifi: FlarigEd g_BSKet blew out C611 M004 1:24:50 PT-9i Pages of 10 Facility Name: Crystal Gey'ser VvIater Co. EPA ID: a. Vand speed: Unfix milem b. Temperature: 90 Degrees Fahrenheit c. Atmospheric -Vablifty Class. d. Precipitation present No @- Unknown weather conditions. No P-3 on-ate Impack Employees Of COMMISM g. Environmental damage: Public rwPoRdSTV. U 0 0 Direction: NNW Public: 0 d. Evacuated: 0 0 9. Sheltered -in- place: 0 0 E Property Damage ($): 0 a- Equipment failure: b. Human error 0. improper pwcodurw. d- 1OWerpressurization: o. Upset condition: 9 13 OMts responders notified Yes g. maintenance acftvftinacftv*. No 11- Pro ceso design failure: No i. unwitabis equipment: No J. Unusual weather Condition: No IL Management error Ne I- other (SPOCIV: Nonmed and Responded No r-LI 0 No No No 9.114 Changes Introduced as a result Of the SCClOORt 8. Improved or Upgraded equipment: No g. Revised emergency response plan: No b. Revised maintenance: No h. Changed procow. NO 0611, Sa204 1:24:50 PM Page 6 V, 10 EPA 10: c- R training: No 1. Reduced Inventoly: No d. Revised operating procodum No I None: No 0. Now process controls: INO k. other(spocify.): InstaHed new gasket, retigmened flanges E Novi Mitigation 4WOMS: No Section 7- Prevention Program 3 — No Data To Report Section 'a. Prevention Program 2 Process ID: I b0iming Prov%ritan Program 10: 1 Prevention Program DOWIPtl0fl: pnilmonla useJ for carriocooler, and glycol Miller useul Tor cooling cleat exchangers. 8.1 ACS Code: 31212 8.2 chemicals: Chemical Name AM, monla (31717ydrou�l o.3 saraty information: a. The date of the most recent review or revision of the safety Information: a3/1 V-21003 b_ S91ecl all Federal of State rogulabons or jadusby-specm deogn codes and standards used to gug Lis 82TO41ty j"gormejoll ,requirement RI AJ� MI WOOVU Val I r AN SWRIUMIUS. fli-i OSHA (223 CFR 1310-111): Y ASME Sitandardo: Ye-S A,,P7TM Standardw. No None: No TOXIC totem: Yes rprMurization: YES EarthqUake: - -.1 3' Fire: No COOT. ROW M, 0 Flooft (11006 plain]V: No FXplosion: No M-rorniling: No Tornado: N0 Runaway ran din: No contamination: No HUMCIMM No Polymerization: No Equipment MUM: . ,: ftoy (-zzp8ejM C.B-Tbo e.L-iL-.!er c.in r a OPTIZVOU117M Sr"4 1:24:50 P114 Page 7 of Facility Name: Crystaf Geyser Water Co. EPA ID: 46. SM SM. in use: Proem area datectofW. yes Perimeter monitaiw. None: No Other Mpecifyi: ammonia :Sensors as Training. 11 gf'r 0 m jEd To Cael I f Weg OW of f 07M o tfairl! a g .2 U1 U1 U1 I prograniff. 01 A M4M D. The type of training provided: classroom: Yes on the job: Yes other training (Sped*: Consortia Training c. The type or competency testing used: 05115 a 1:24:50 PM page 8 or III Loss of C001IR9, 1102thig. olectrift, Instrument air. No d. Proem controls in use: vent. 'Y a s EMorgenCV air suppir. Yes other fSpsciW.- RelleTYRIV68-- Yes Emergency power. No Check valvew. 1 Backup pump: Rlo Setubbs1w. 111e GTountsing equipment NO FISVQW. NO Inhibitor 2(idiflon: No Manual shutoft. Yes Rupture dam. Yes Automatic 81111t0ft Yes Excm flaw device: Y e Inferfoclo. No Gueffell qatem: No Manus and proced♦M Yes - pla."a YM3a9t'Lhaam- No Keyed bypM-- No None: No e. Mitigation qdems In use: Sprinmer qratem: yes water curtain: No DIKOW. No Enclosure: yes Fire WOW No Neutralization: No Bleat IM511W. M10 Hong: P40 Deluge M: No D %Me & p 46. SM SM. in use: Proem area datectofW. yes Perimeter monitaiw. None: No Other Mpecifyi: ammonia :Sensors as Training. 11 gf'r 0 m jEd To Cael I f Weg OW of f 07M o tfairl! a g .2 U1 U1 U1 I prograniff. 01 A M4M D. The type of training provided: classroom: Yes on the job: Yes other training (Sped*: Consortia Training c. The type or competency testing used: 05115 a 1:24:50 PM page 8 or III 1`3011ityName: Crf,,-taiGi-Py-.2-;-IrlvVaterCi EPA ID: Written teeb: No obsepation: No oral esk yes other (Specify): Written docurneritation review Demonstration: No 8.7 maintenance: -0 Proce of T9V_aOJ 112illtellaflf a. T- -Uy U U1 U1 U b_ The date of the mad recent equipment Inspection or tak C. EqUiPMent most recently InMected of tested: SurvivaIr Mark 2 8.8 Complism audits. 2. Tag date of the most recent compliance audit 03JI212CM b. Expected or actual date of completion of all changes resulting from the compliance audit W/1212DI3 a. Tice date of the most recent Incident Investigation (If any): 13611 6.W03 D. Expected of actual date Of COMPISUM Of all changes resulting from the lnVG8ftgA0fl: 05,416-04M 8.10 771,9 date orthe mod recent cusage that triggered a rwA&w or revislon orsar* 031I 003 information, Mbe hazard reviews operating or maintenance procedures, or training: 3.1 Written EmorgenCY ROSPORM (Ell) Plan: 0. is faclifty Included in Written community emergancy response plan? NO b. Does facility have ItEk own written emergency response plan? yes 32 DOes facilitfs ER plan include aPOOMO actions to be taken In response to accidental releases Of regulated substanceo? Y e- 5 s.3 Does fElcifity'o ER plan include procedures for Informing thO Public Yes and local agencies responding to accidents[ M188800? 3A BOBO TOCIRty's ER Plan Include Information OR SmOrgOnCY heat" care? ;B.s Date or most recent review or update of facility*$ ER Plan: 01/135)01 3.(; Date of mo* recent ER tralfflUg for faCifflyss amplaysse: OVIMA-W 3.7 Local ageflCY With which T;Dclldp ER plan or response adivitles are 000rdiflat0d: a. Name Of agent: Elakersffeld fire Dept. D. Telephone number. (661) YZ-3649 3-8 subject to: 06/I;B,2W4 1:244 PM page 9 of 10 Facility Name: Crystal Geyser lWatler Co. ERA 10: 0. OSHA RegUlatIORS at 23 CFR 1310-38: `t es CFR 1310.128: yes a8an %Wk-Iter Ad Rogulabons at 40 CFR 112: Yes d. RC RA RegUlabons at 40 CFR 24U. 295. and 273.52: No o- OPAL Regulations at 40 CFR 112, 33 CFR 154, 49 CFR 184, or 30 CFR 254: No f. SWO EPCRA RulawLaW. Yes g. 01lier (Specify): OFFICE OF ENVIROMIENTAL SEMACES 4 -4 .Accidental release prevention: The rellrigerationsystem 11-a monitored C1311y. Temperatures ands pressures are X recorded at various points orthe system. 'Me werators W IS used Mi !deMffw tne Ewq.em onpm Ing no.rIL -)nc,. .1 j r -*--"* - TemperaturefPressures relationships, along *M6 vibrations and other variables are studied IT. out of the norrval operating iAndition. Preventhie maintenance is done both In house , and contracted with Bartell & Assoslates. Mechanical integrity is Keep in tact by following the Frick recommended Service Schedule for tile R-TeW Compressors. Cleaning. and ap In W CIIL IUS L VIM I Wjifu '31120 IV a '044..Cu a. Cris f=mergenov response Our plant is set-up on :re incident Command System. Organization consist of a incfdeni T Commander, Command Stall, General stair, Operations staff, Planning i Intelligence and Logistics, with Finance and Axalnistratlon dutys. Our plan IS to evacuate all employees, while taking our three S.C.S.Rs with all contact Informatlon to the east end of the parking lot. Once all enployees are secure , the Command StBIT will decide If the fire depadmeni needs to be contacted, idependina on huw,2-evere the incident is ) along with the other outside aqw-cless , and assist as neccessary. Regulated substance : Anhydrous Ammonla - Max amount 45W tbs. Hir4h pressure receiver. System is Squiped are located an the north IS of rife Fin"I.171fle I—Vonn, with two electrical switones that 110111 close the King valve.'T, If side of and outside the machine room on the southside , aionq xofdh a manual varirr--, overhead under the high pressure receiver. Right beside each King valve shut off Is another s'-witch for the emergency exhaust fan. The south side emergency box outside the M30111ne room, on the Wall also has Isolation dump valves. If used these dump valve;,; a U=- cull lon —i,-ater sp-3-1ge tanv. mat IS Inside a containment wall. qVII. I =iCaac &I It: Q it I I.., I, Five year accident hisiory :ran 06 l&2003 an 5MBIl arnmonia release occurred on ire oil cooler recy"Ciing line. I A gasket had lost It Seal for no apparent reason. Suction pressure was at 60 psi and discharge pressure was at 170 pV1. 'VVe e-Stifflated, 3 110-5t LIT 2-5 iDs. !*qje3SUreC- taken to imp V4 rrr!ve safp1w -kkiere to retigMen angel !!ere ever J ga.5k--- t.5 are used. Fire department wa-5 calied right away, not knatMng how bad It was, or HOW 10ng tij 16clate It. King valve Was shut, and inciderr, was under control berore the We department arivea. Planned changes to in prove safety : Scheduled outside audit by our contractor on all aspects of system Integrity, including pressure relief valve replacement as needed I ruptured disc type ]. Ammonia sensor ejjj eey S, and P.-VI review. x zaaciation EFFUMHUMMUM Crystal Geyser Water Co. Section I Record /Name Error Type Error Message I I S1 Facility Registration "I I I !no' Initial submission 1,2 E-PA 1`301111V 11-dalill"llef CR.Mr—I.ALL Mazing arid thIs Is I ran I 06118Q004 1:24:50 PI-0 Page 1 0 of 1 0 19 ckztlpl':k 4- --- t 1 *Fi,- al t i o n Le t -t--i C"ertiLfication Statement for Program Level ---> To the best of th? undersigned'S k-nowl-edge, liniformatic-m', and i or, S. u, b bel.41-ef formed afr-'ter reaasonall--)-"Le -Li the inforri-tat' rai r-4 is trLuer =AnAA S3 i c9f n a' rt Purr' e Print Name Tj t I ! - --- T'ip t- p Z -- EPA Fa-c-j-'-lj L.-yl -ILD # f