HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/2010� B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Augu� TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager �` �� I�� SUBJECT: General information MISCELLANEOUS CITY NEWS � Enclosed is a current list of certified candidates for Council Wards 1, 3, � Please note that since the incumbents for Wardsl and 7 are not runr filing deadline for those Wards has been extended to Wednesday, Augu: 5:00 p.m. � This week was Assistant City Manager John Stinson's last week with the c years of experience and breadth of knowledge will be missed and we � the best in his retirement. � We have also been notified that, after serving 12 '/� years as Fire Chieft Rc will be retiring in October. --� It has become clear this week that Kern County wants to follow the lea� State by taking revenue sources from jurisdictions smaller than itself. In t Bakersfield, if not others as well. As you are aware the County has � processing paperwork on certain annexations - thereby under State allowing them to reach LAFCo and killing them through non-action. I cases there are "mitigation" payments being demanded with the threc non-processing of the tax split being the tool to force the payments. � know that, in addition to the mitigation the County wants from the de� they want to change tax splits and take primary revenue sourcE Bakersfield as well. This was shown this week on a vote taken Compagnoni No. 1 annexation for which the County passed the tax spl Bakersfield sets a pattern of allowing them to dip into sales tax and T Occupancy (hotel) taxes which has never been done before. There w< ' - - - - --- - -� -- - - -- - -1- - 1 -- - - -- ��l - tr - - - -� - - - - - - � �� - - � - � � - - - i _ _ rr _ � � - - - - - Honorable Mayor and City Council August 6, 2010 Page 2 The other developments/annexations held up or threatened to be he this to date inciude: • Stockdale Ranch • SacoRanch • West Rosedale Ranch • Kratzmeyer Ranch • Hageman No. 6- new this week with no explanation provided by thE as to why it has been killed County staff indicates they have hired a consuttant and have a subco working on the issue. It appears for the time being that all annexations blocked. The County has an adopted formal policy stating it will be ne annexations. They also have a Master Tax Split Agreement with Bakersfie defines how most tax splits (Compagnoni No. 1 being an exception) a handled. They are ignoring both of these. This same thing was attempted during another fiscal crisis/State revenue period some years ago by a then county administration. After an e period of delay in annexations and with the assistance of every other cl county, the Master Tax Split Agreements (that are now being ignore negotiated and the threat went away - at least until now! The unforfunate parf is the limited amount of development a-ctivity economic repurcussions on the impacted parties! � Enclosed is a letter from the California High-Speed Rail Authority in res� Mayor Hall's letter sent in June. The letter informs us of the intent to pre alternative alignm�ents carried forward for study in the Environmental Report/Environmental Impact Statement during public information meE be held in Bakersfield in August. In addition, the Authority has been hol� going discussions with Bakersfield High School and the Kern High Schoc about impacts of the "Blue" alignment on Bakersfield High School. The le assures us that regularly scheduled stakeholder and public information r will follow with access to the most accurate and recent alignmenfi maps. � CSUB indicated a couple weeks ago that this will be the last season that i h�me hc�skethnll a�mes will he nlc�ved at Rabobank Arena_ The enclos� Honorable Mayor and City Council August 6, 2010 Page 3 -� The City's Labor Negotiator sent a letter in response to the latest correspc from the Police Union which received some press last week. A cop response is enclosed. -� Kern County is the 62nd largest metro area in the nation, according to an released this week. Business First calculated population estimates fo metropolitan and micropolitan areas in the U.S. That analysis estimates population (as of August 4, 2010) is 824,583. In March, Kern ranked 63� among the nation's metro areas. In relation #o other California metro arE now ranks 8tn. -� The following reports are enclosed: • Streets Division's weekly work schedule. • Neighborhood Stabilization Program Update. WESTSIDE PARKWAY UPDATE � Motorists are advised that the short-term lane closures, that may reduce one lane near the Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk Street intersection, will con Monday, August 9t" and Tuesday, August lOt" from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p closures will not affect ail directions simultaneously; however, while a clo effect, only one lane will be open to traffic in that direction so motorisi expect delays. These shorf-term lane closures are necessary to c removing existing asphalt, sidewalk, curb, and gutter for the intE expansion work. --� Security Paving Company, the contractor for the Westside Parkway project, plans to close a section of Jewetta Avenue that is located t Stockdale Highway and Brimhall Road, on Tuesday, August 10, 2010. ThE is needed to facilitate construction of retaining walls at Jewetta AvenuE allow the contractor to begin stagin equipment and resources construction of the Jewetta Avenue bridge that will cross the Westside F Motorists should expect the �losure to be in place for at least a year or new bridge is complete. This is the only complete road closure that will be needed while construc phase of the Westside Parkway. The full closure is necessary due to conditions at Jewetta Avenue, which will not accommodate a bypass one currently in use at Calloway Drive, or allow parf of the road to remc during excavation and bridge construction. A press release is enclos CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET CITY COUNCIL WARDS 1, 3, 4& 7 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2010 CERTIFIED CANDIDATES: _'� WESLEY CRAWFORD, SR. 805 EI Toro Drive Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661)378-2473 (661)322-2001 WESLEY DAVIS, JR. 207 S. Brown Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 829-2038 (661)900-8264 MARVIN DEAN 1510 Potomac Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661)747-1465 RU DY SALAS, J R. 1200 S. Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661)837-8180 JERRY M. SHIPMAN 5606 San Mateo Drive Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661)366-4655 WARD 3 KEN WEIR 5763 Roundup Way Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661)326-3767 (661) 619-2472 Candidates for Public Office Page -2 - 8/6/2010 1��►/�1:� �Z! DAVID COUCH 12007 Riverfront Park Drive Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661)326-3767 (661)328-7611 DANIEL MBAGWU 1504 Sugarleaf Ridge Drive Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661)664-9293 WARD 7 MARTIN BERTRAM 600 Hosking Avenue Apt. 57D Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661)865-1910 RUSSELL JOHNSON 3107 Grandview Lane Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661)203-1838 Curt Pringle, Chairmar �f om Umberg, Vice-Chair Russeti Burns David Crane RoG �iridon, Sr.* Fran Fiorez' Richard Katz Judge Quentin �. Kopp" �ynn ScMenk 'past cEiair July 23, 2010 IFORNi�4 ver leaving fhe ground CALIF(�RNIA HlGH-SPEED RAlL AUTHORtTY Honorable Harvey L. Hall Mayor, City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mayor Hall, Thank you for expressing your concerns in your June 18, 20101etter regarding the Calii High-Speed Train (HST) project through Bakersfield. As you know, the California Hig Rail Authority (Authority) has conducted a number of technical, stakeholder, and public information meetings within the City since April 2007. A listing of these meetings is at this letter for your reference. We have attempted to keep the City and its staff abreast o process for identifying altemative alignments to be considered in the project-level Envi� Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement EIR/EIS. Community and stakeholder was integrated into the alternatives screening. Initially, five alignments were considered through Bakersfield. The screening of these alternatives in April 2009 identified two primary alternative alignments (commonly refe the "Red" and "Blue" alignments). Each of these alignments meet three important princ established with local input, in addition to the Authority's screening criteria and evaluat measures. The three important principles are as follows: • Closely follow the existing BNSF railroad corridor (selected in the Program EIR 2005), � Prav�d., a I�S�' stati�n near the cu�rert Arntrak station. • Eliminate the risk of operating through the refinery complex, The alternatives allow the Authority to act in accordance with the recommendations in t "Metropolitan Bakersfield High Speed Rail Terminal Impact Analysis" developed by th Council of Governments (July 2003), and provide for optimum system-wide train operai speeds, and reduce risk. options to be carried forward for environmental evaluation. In June 2010, the report� summarizing these findings was presented to the Authority Board for approval. The alternative alignments camed forward for study in the EIR/EIS and the process for these alignments will be presented at upcoming TWG and Public Information meetings held on August in Bakersfield. In addition, the Authority has been holding on-going di; with Bakersfield High School and the Kern High School District about impacts of the " alignment on Bakersfield High School (BHS). Regularly scheduled stakeholder and pu information meetings will follow so that stakeholders and the general public understanc process for moving the project forward, have access to the most accurate and recent ali� maps, and have the opportunity to pose questions and comments to the Authority regarc concerns as part of the environmental process. In this regard, the points listed in your letter of June 18, 2010, are addressed by item bel 1. City Comment: The High Speed Rail project seems to be progressing on an aggressive timeline, given the magnitude of the undertaking. We would like better understanding of what is driving this process, as the timeline goals do to be realistic. Response: The stipulations for receipt of ARRA (federal stimulus) funding that High-Speed Train construction activities begin in 2012. The Fresno to Bakersfield project is one of the four designated sections to receive ARRA f To meet this schedule, the Final EIR/EIS and issuance of the federal Record Decision (ROD) must occur by September 2011, roughly 14 months from nc 2. City Comment: There has been discussion of a phasing plan for constructic the need for significant additional funding to construct the High Speed Rail � what sections will be built first with the funding currently available? What i and time frame to construct the remaining sections? Response: The Authority Board has not made a decision on which High-Sp section will begin construction first. However, it is anticipated that the secti� receiving ARRA funding wi1l be some of the eariiest to be built. Furthermo� anticipated that a section within the Central Valley will be constructed early to permit testing of the trains and systems. The overall goal is to have Phase the statewide High-Speed Train System, from San Francisco to Los Angeles operating by 2020. 3. City Comment: We are aware that the High Speed Rail project has receive� billion dollars in federal stimulus funding, but, as with any federal funding, t . . . . . . . . . . . .� , • . n , r . � r to ensure that you do not jeopardize the federal funding source, given that y< have funding for the entire project? Response: The Authority has streamlined the internal review process and h� closely with the FR.A to develop a workable timeline for their review. Addi� the Authority is providing staff augmentation for key positions at resource a, expedite reviews. The Authority has entered into MOU's with resource age� provide agreed upon strategies to streamline and expedite mitigation and pei needed for the project. 4. City Comment: It is our understanding that the Authority currently plans tc construct rail at some point north of Bakersfield to a point south of Modesto the existing budget does not include the capacity for trains or stations. We v appreciate receiving verification if that is your plan and further clarity on thE designated north and south points. In addition, we would like to know the approximate time when construction would take place in and around Bakers. Response: As described in the response to Comment 2, the Authority Boarc made a decision on which High-Speed Train section will begin construction However, it is anticipated that that a section within the Central Valley (Merc Bakersfield) will be constructed early in order to permit testing of the trains systems. This section would need to include approximately 100 miles of tra� the heavy maintenance and operations facility. Should the Fresno to Bakers: section be selected for this early work, it is anticipated to include constructic track infrastructure from a location near the community of Bowles in Fresno to approximately Hageman Road in Kern County. This is the work that is dE in the Authority's ARRA application for the Fresno to Bakersfield section. ' may begin as early as 2012. Construction within the urban areas of Fresno a Bakersfield is not expected to begin until the iast quarter of 2012, at the earli 5. City Comment: The City Council is requesting the High Speed Rail Author reconsider the "Red" and "Blue" alignments and to provide an alternate plan takes into account the sensitivities to the community concerns that have beer It is apparert that the public m�etings that have been hel� to date have not bE adequate, so we request that you provide a specific plan to City staff as to hc plan to solicit and incorporate public comment going forward. Response: The constraints affecting the placement of the HST project throu Bakersfield were reviewed in depth with City staff during 2009. These cons include limitations on curves and station track geometry and accommodatin� recommendations in the July 2003 "Metropolitan Bakersfield High Speed R� r.. • t T . • t • ee 1 • -�- --- - - ------ --- �- � --�-------�� _1`�L_ TTC'�T ._a„�.: Authority will revisit the alignments which may require moving the station � from the existing Amtrak station. The Authority intends to continue to conduct regularly scheduled stakeholdf public information meetings in Bakersfield to ensure that the alternatives be studied in the environmental document are understood; that issues raised by stakeholders and the community are addressed in the EIR/EIS; and that the : toward project implementation are clear. 6. City Comment As you are aware, Bakersfield High School and the Kern Hi School District have presented strong concerns regarding the impacts the Hi Rail project may create for BHS and other school sites in the proximity of th It is essential that the Authority confer at the State level with the California Department of Education regarding any issues that may involve. Response: The Authority is conducting discussions with Bakersfield High : and Kern High School District to address impacts of the "Blue" alignment, t alignment which would directly affect BHS. The Authority has begun discu with the State Department of Education and will continue to meet with them throughout the process. Again, we appreciate receiving your input and the continuing collaboration with the Cit Bakersfield. We look forward to your continued partnership and participation in our de environmental studies. Sincerely, il � L�, {�z� e v �:�..,y.� _...7 ( �-ti-�...�-.-. Carrie L. Bowen, Regional Director California High-Speed Rail Authority Attachment: High-Speed Train Meetings in Bakersfield cc: Bakersfield City Councilembers Alan Tandy, City Manager Jim Eggert, Planning Director Tom Tracy, CHSRA Regional Manager Bob Schaevitz, URS/HMM/Arup Joint Venture Date 3/26/09 9/15/09 9/15/09 11 /03/09 11 /04/09 12/9/09 2/16/10 5/4/10 5/14/09 6/08/09 6/16/09 11 /5/09 1/21/10 2/24/10 3/31 /10 4/2/07 4/2/07 4/09/07 4/13/07 12/04/08 1 /28/09 1 /28/09 1 /29/09 5/14/07 5/17/07 High-Speed Train Meetings in Bakersfield From April 2007 to June 2010 (Sorted by Meeting Typej Meeting Description Scoping Meeting in Bakersfield Scoping Meeting in Bakersfield Bakersfield Public Information East Bakersfield PIM Rosedale PIM East Bakersfield PIM cast Bakersfield Public Stakeholder Meeting Wasco/Shafter PIM Bakersfield TAG Bakersfield — Kem Co Alternatives Review Bakersfield TWG Bakersfield Station Planning Meeting Station Planning Meeting with City of Bakersfield staff Station Planning Meeting Station Planning Meeting Alan Tandy, City Manager Ron Bnammett, Kern COG Ex. Dir. Dave Price, Kern County RMA Kern County Planning Staff Bakersfield Planning Staff Kem County Staff Kem COG Staff Kem County Resource Management staff Ahron Hakimi, Caltrans Project Manager, TRIP office Bakersfield Chamber Kern County Transportation Foundation Meeting Location Meeting Type Rabobank Theater, Downtown EIR/EIS Public Scopir Bakersfield Red Lion Hotel, Bakersfield EIR/EIS Public Scopir Red Lion Hotel, Bakersfield Public Information Meetin PIM Cain Memorial AME Church, East PIM Bakersfield Green Acres Community Center PIM MLK Jr. Recreation Center, East PIM Bakersfield Church of Christ, East Bakersfield PIM Wasco Council Chambers PIM Bakersfield Technical Working Grou TWG Bakersfield City Hall TVVG Bakersfield Ci Hall TVI/G Bakersfield City Hall TVVG Bakersfield City Hall TWG Kern Co RMA Building TWG Kern Co RMA Building TWG City of Bakersfield Agency Kern COG office Agency RMA Office Agency Bakersfield Office Agency RMA Office Agency Kern COG Office Agency Kern Co. RMA Office Agency TRIP Office Agency Chamber Office Bakersfield Stakeholder Group Stakeholder Group Date � Meeting Description � Meeting Location 4/2/07 Mayor Bakersfield 4/13/07 Gov. Review Council Kern Chairman Bd. of 4/13/07 Supervisors and Vice Mayor Bakersfield 6/18/07 Bakersfield Vice Mayor 1/28/09 Kern County Supervisor pon Maben City of Bakersfield staff, Mayor 1/28/09 Harvey Hall and Councilman Harold Hanson 1/28/09 Kern County Supervisor Ray Watson City Councilwoman Sue 1/29/09 Benham 8� Councilman David Couch Vice Mayor Zack Scrivner, 1 /29/09 Councilwoman Jackie Sullivan, & Councilman Ken Weir Bakersfield Bakersfield Council Chamber Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield City Hall Bakersfield Bakersfield City Hall Vice Mayor's office, Bakersfield 3/16/09 Bakersfield City Council City Council Chambers, Bakersfield 9/22/09 Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall Mayor's office, City Hall 2/16/10 Kern County Board of Kern Board of Supervisors Su ervisors U date Chambers 2/17/10 Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall Mayor's Office 2/17/10 Bakersfield City Council City Council Chambers, Bakersfield 6/30/10 Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall Bakersfield 6/30/10 Congressman McCarthy Staff Bakersfield 6/06/08 IDEAL Seminar on UC Merced, Bakersfield Trans ortation 6/05/09 IDEAL Seminar on CSU Bakersfield Trans ortation 9/15/09 AWMA Luncheon Hungry Hunter Restaurant, Bakersfield 9/24/09 Kern County Fair Kern County Fair 2/19J10 Leadership Bakersfield Meeting City CoUncil Chambe:s, Bakersfield 3/04/09 Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary Bakersfield 4/14/10 West Bakersfield Rotary Stockdale Country Club 4/22/10 American Society for Public Petroleum Club, Bakersfield Administration Total Meetings Meeting Type Elected Officiai Elected Official Elected Officiai Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected Official Elected O�cial General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach General Outreach � `�°`�" .�� .'� G�� �` .. `:�� .. � Mr. Alan Tandy �ity Manager C€ty of Bakersfeld � �00 �r�xtun Aven�ae Bakersfieid, CA 933Q1 C3ear Aian_ ,��.� �._ � � � �"'`���"? �F�s^�aa����� ]t�1ai1 Stt��: 3 � �3DC: �}(l€;; 5t«c?�da!e <ii��;it�x-atf 3aicc;<siielci, Caliivr��ia 9 �3 (fi6? j �i7�-2?^ t ({�Ei C) f�5�- � : fi$ F.��:X WWlPd.CSEd�"',. EL�G.' .�U�y e Thanks for meei3ng with �ne iast week. It was good to hear more about #he City's pl� projects and to share with you the tlniversity's p{ans and projects as well. �n follow-up to our discussion regarding the �Jniversity's co�tract to piay its men's home bG ga�nes at Rabo�ank Arena {Agreement No.98-258}, this wi[! confirm that the University exercise its option to renev� ii�e iease when it ends on June 30, �Q11. This decisian €s beir t�ecause we wish to returr� tQ our �ampus venue — the icarda Center. As we discus. University may desbre �o schedule selected individua! games at Rabobank Arena, and ya indicated a wi#Iingness to do sc if schedules permi#. We have apprecia�ed our partnership wiih tf�e Gity, SMG and prior managers Qf Ce GardentRabobank Arena. When we reach the point where o�r average attendance � basketball games exceeds the capacity of the icardo Center, we might want to enter into agreerr�eni with �he Ci�y. We look forward ia an exciting seasor� of CSU Bakersfield rnen's basketba(I at Raboban durir�g 20'� Q-'€ '� _ Sincerely, ^ ,� ,�� r Harace Mitchell Presid�nt ;t�. �, �.�; ����� � �' . � � �:r�. ..s�,% �'�- �; �� w�� � W � a s s o c LOS C Snntn Cruz t Snn Lui� August 6, 2Q10 Alison Berry Wilkinson, F�s�. Berry/WilkinsonlLaw Group 4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 200 San Rafael, �A 94903 Dear Alison: �'hank you for your letter of August 2, 20I0. Unfortunately, it is inacc�rate and/or incomple severai important respects. The City first gave notice to the Bakersfeld Police Officer's Association, in writing, on M< 2QI0 of the possibility that the Bakersfield City Council was contemplating a ballot measur a separate email, sent the same day, the City advised that the measure would involve a se+ tier program for newly hired employees. On May 15th, the City advised the BPOA, in writing, that it was available to meet to discus issue on June 2nd. On May 20th, the City advised the BPOA, in writing, that the City CounciI had directed the Attorney to draft a measure. The City reiterated its willingness to meet and confer or possibility of the bailot measure on June 2nd. Un May 25th, the BPUA responded tha� it did wish to meet on the bailot measure, but couli meet on 3une 2nd. BPOA proposed June 16th in Iieu. The City agreed. In the interim, ti�e Council at its meeting on June 9, 20I0 directed that tt�e ballot measure be placed or November i�allot subject to possible withdrawal by August 11. 'The BPOA President atte tliis meeting, bu� did not address the Council. As you noted, on June 16th the parties met and the City provided the BP�A witla relf materia�s on the balIot measure. This included the iast date tlie City Council could withdra� measure. The BPOA responded flnly by saying that while it understood why the City Co was progosing t�le measure they did not consider it to �e a"good way of doing business." V �i.,, l�:+., ....���ri *�, .. �,.1,RO.�„o*,t moattnn ,-.., T„it, '?Qth it r1ir1 en nnl�r hr�ra�tca t}�at wac t}�E? On Ju1y 2$th the p�rties discussed several issues involving the ballot measur�. Llpon prompt�ng, BPflA offered, for the first time, that it opposed the measure. Despite repeated requests, BPaA declined to offer any alternate proposals. The City did offer to discuss wi�.Y City Atto�ney t.he possibiiity of any modification to the baIlot measure. As you note information was provided to BP�A on July 30th. That letter restated the possi�iiir withdrawing/postponing the measure. Please nate that the statement in the footnote to your 1� regarding knowledge of BPOA availability is simply false. While the City has repeat advised that the City CaunciI cou[d withdraw the measure only through August 11th, BP�E June 28th proposed that the parfies next meet on August 16th, after the d�adline for withdra The City pointed out that that was unworkable and suggested Aunust 2nd, 3rd, IOth, and � 11 aiternatives. AlI were deciined by BPOA. After dec�ining these dates, Mr. Strobridge, the B� representative, advised that he wo�ld be on vacation and that his son was getting married. City stopped pressing for an eariier meeting, based an this representation. Ciearly, BP�A the option of using an alternate representative had it wished to meet prior to the ballat dead Finally, the August 4`�` date was simgiy the agenda deadline. BPOA has neither indicated a dt to address the Council nat has it proposed any alfiernatives. The matter is thus not agenized. It is disingenuous, at best, for BPOA to decline #a state its position on the ballot measure largeiy unavailable to meet and to simultaneously claim the City has not completed its meet confer obligations. As sugbested at the last meeting, it wauld be more produc�ive �o [e� democratic process proceed where ail parties can make their arguments to the electorate. Sincerely, ,. ' f� ��.. � Wiiliam H. Avery� WHA cc: Alan T, Ginny Gen Dale Strob� Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF AUGUST 9, 2010 — AUGUST 13, 2010 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Resurfacing (Overlay) streets in the area between Old River Road & Ashe Road of Harris Road. Sealing streets in the area between Buena Vista Road & Gosford Road, Panam< to Stockdale Highway. Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Installing Handicapped ramps in the Kern City area. Installing street grindings at Wastewater Plant III. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Auqust 9, 2010 Between So. "H" St. & Union Avenue — Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) — Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesday, Auqust 10, 2010 Between 99 Hwy. & So. "H" St. — Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. "H" St. Wednesday, Auqust 11, 2010 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursdav, Auqust 12, 2010 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Befinreen California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. � B 1� T� E���' I� L� T� Economic and Community Development Department PVIEMORANDUM August 3, 2010 � ����� TO: Alan Tandy, City Manag � FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director ��BJECT: Neighborhood Stabilization Program Update Attached is the monthly NSP Progress Report for July. Among the highlights: *To date, NSP funds have been used to acquire 19 REO properties in the City of Bakersfield. *Rehabilitation work has been completed on 17 of those 19 units, with the remaini units expected to be completed within the next 60 days. *The down payment program continues to see high levels of activity. To date, the program has assisted in the purchase of 52 previously-foreclosed homes. *Rehabilitation work on Pinewood Glen Retirement Community (formerly Castlewc continues on schedule for a September completion. The remodel of the kitchen a community room remains. When completed, the purchase and rehabilitation will r in the expenditure of more than $4 million in NSP funds. *The program is expected to fully expend all of its funding by the September 2010 deadline. DL S:\NSP\Monthly Report )uly 2010.docx O O N � � � �i � Q d � N N d L � O L a a N Z � o °� � ° � �. N � U �, ,..�', N O � ,� � "- � � (6 j '� i � � L. � � � � � � � 6 Y � � O p � 3 � O � � � � � a � � � � � � O � � m � " j< � � � L � � ln C � � � � � V"' � � � •�--� U � � � "� � � � � N -a O �- � C � '� � U7 U "6 L � � N � � � N O C w=_ .� � � C (B � � o N � (_� p C "�--' � � � •� � � � a� E -- � � o � o o � � � � L � � � � E � .o e L � � � Vi � � � � L' > � Qi � � � L � � �, � i � Q 0 � � � U I— o � > cn m � a�i � � a��i � � � �� m Q�rn° °�' cn �� Y� � �—U,�' � o o �E o fl- M � O � O � C � � 3 (n O � O U � � � � CE in <6 p � >, � Q7 y -� � � p � Q � -"" U i O � N � � � .u7 (n (B � {1 L L CQ a3+ � . 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Closure limits are from Pecos River Drive to Lane. This section of roadway will be closed to automobile traffic, but pedestrian access will be maintained across this area. The closure is needed to facilitate construction of retaining walls at Jewetta Avenue an the contractor to begin staging equipment and resources for the construction of th� Avenue bridge that will cross the Westside Parkway. Motorists should expect the clo: in place for at least a year or until the new Jewetta Bridge is complete. This is the only complete road closure that will be needed while constructing this ph< Westside Parkway. The full closure is necessary due to existing conditions at Jewett< which will not accommodate a bypass like the one currently in use at Calloway Dri�rE part of the road to remain open during excavation and bridge construction. Motorists traveling north-south between Stockdale Highway and Brimhall Road may u: parallel routes, including Calloway Drive and Coffee Road, which are expected to ma lanes in each direction while construction is underway. Allen Road also remains oper south traffic. The City of Bakersfield is currently widening the remaining two-lane ; Allen Road to four lanes to accommodate additional traffic. The Allen Road project is to be completed within the next few weeks. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program appreciates the public's understan patience, and apologizes for any inconvenience caused by work on the Westside Par9c