HomeMy WebLinkAbout2200 E BRUNDAGE LN 3-2015 (8)Mar.10, 2015 7:36AM CRANE WASTE OIL 1 55412 Hwy 178 Weldon, Ca 93ZW97a2 Rhone: 780'378-3M 0 ` 801) 272.6330 Fix 760 378 -3144 No. 1237 P. 1/5 t FRIO iJe r 5 Y�.ccf 7s 4 � • r Mar. 10. 2015 7:37AM CRANE WASTE OIL A f.11fty, AW&. "CRANE'S WASTE 011, INC. qrw EnvIronmental Servim "W 15412 Highway 178 WELDION, CA 93283 1.800-272-6330 FAX (760) 378-3144 www.craneswaoteoll-com TO ho�e,5atG, F(J,CiSz a_Dc.n C__ Iffi TERMS: DUE ON (*MPLETION 1'6% Interest On Unpaid BalanCe (18% Per Annum) Work or Signature eel_Uca I I h)eb a 88tIsfac&4,vCmAc00n of the above de!tCdbQd Work. No.1237 P. 2/5 -4171 U'C ORDER TAKEN SY MATERIAL LA PRICE CUSTOMEA's Opopis NUMBER ❑ DAY WORK ❑ CONTRACT ❑ EXTM JOB NAME /NUMBER JOB LOCATION JOSPHONE TAITIme DATE 17 - IS DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS Work or Signature eel_Uca I I h)eb a 88tIsfac&4,vCmAc00n of the above de!tCdbQd Work. No.1237 P. 2/5 -4171 U'C ORDER TAKEN SY o DATGr� Orr — — Ls CUSTOMEA's Opopis NUMBER ❑ DAY WORK ❑ CONTRACT ❑ EXTM JOB NAME /NUMBER JOB LOCATION JOSPHONE TAITIme DATE 17 - IS DESCRIPTION • WORK N c "AR rA - 0,0 LABOR OTHER . CHARrx.r;S � I)p m t, O�� T, TOTAL OTHER -RATE AMOUNT TOTALLABOR I TOTAL MATERIALS WaD 0 0 TOTAL OTHER on TAX TOTAL 1 . Mar-10, 2015 7:37AM CRANE WASTE OIL Phase Drint Or tMO, (form designed for use on elite (12- pitch) typewriter.) No. 1237 P, 3/5 Form ADProyed. OMB W, 2050-W39 UNIFORM HAZARDO I'll Generatoi 10 Number 2. Page 1 of 13- 5morgancy Response Phone 4, Muftst Tracking Number 1 012800457 JJK WASTE MANIFEST CA09808 13950 1 761- 376 -WIC 5. Generato(s Narne and Mailing Address Site Address (11 different than mailing address) CRANES WASTE OIL, INC. 16095 HIGHWAY 178 15412 HIGHWAY 178 WELDON, CA 93283 USA WELDON, CA 93283 LISA. Generators Phone. .Wln 6. Transporter I Company Nome U.S. EPA ID Number GRANE'S WASTE OIL, INC CAD980813W 7. Transporter 2 Company Namd U.S. 15PA N -Number 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S. 9PA 10 Number BAKERSFIELD TRANSFER, INC. CAL0010282S8 1620 E BRUNDA05 LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Facidib/a Phone: 9a. 9b. U.S. DOT Descriplon (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, 10. Go ntainecs 11. Total 12. Unit 13. Waste Codes No. Type HM' and Packing Group Cd any)) Quantity VAI/Vol, NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE SOLID (OILY RAGS /PADS & UU3 DM P 352 DEBRIS) tD 3. A. 14.$pKisl HandIIN Instructions and Additional Information .1 WEAR PROTECTIVE GEAR (OILY RAGSIPADS & DEBRIS) PROFfLEft-012615-02-BT-1- 15. GENFRATORWOFFEROKS CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that ft cmients of this conaignmentare fumy and accurately described abwa by improper shipping name, and are classffled, packaged, marked and labefodl*carded, and are in al ra&pects in proper condition for transport according to appkeable international and national goverrimental reguatlons. If export shipment and I am the Primary Exporter, I certify that the contents; of this consigrunent conform to the terms of the attachM EPAA&mw1odgmhI Of Consent I Cei*that the waste minimization statement IdonNed In 40 CFR 262.27(s) (if I am a large quantity generator) or (b) (ff I am a small quantity generator) is true. Gefleratoft]Offeroes PrInlediTyped Name Signature Month Day Year - -J 16. Internali=1 Shipments ❑ Import to U'S' Export �Orn U.S• Port of snVeAl: Transporter signature (for exports only): Date leaving U.S.: 17, Transporter AcknowWgmant of Receipt of Materials Transporter I NntedTyped Name Signature Month Day YOU CL Transporter 2 PriniadfTyped Name Signature Month Day Year 18. DiMpahCy 18a, Discrepancy indication Spew � (auentity Residue Partial Rejection ❑ Full Rejector) Manifest Rafie=ca Numiter. 18b. AflemaW Facility (or Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number U6 Facilitys Phone: 1 Bo. Signature of Alternate Fa6ty (or C-4nortlor) Month Da y ear disposal, 19, Hazardous Waste Report Managamtht Method Codes (i.e., oado for hazardous waste treatment, and recycling system) LU 1. 2 . C 20. Donated Facility Owner or Operator CeetikAtion of receipt of hazardous materials covered by the manifest except as nded in Item 18a PrintGdlTyped Name gnaulre My Year GPA Form 8700.22 (Rev. 2-05) Previous editions are obsolete. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DID-S-1-INATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) Mar. 10. 2015 7.37AM CRANE WASTE OIL Please print or tvoe. (Form dtisicined for use on elite (12- Ditch) typewriter.) No-1237 P. 4/5 Form Approved. OM13 No. 2450 -0039 EPA Form 8700 -22 (Rev. 3 -05) Proviou5 editions are onsoleue. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF HEQUIHhU) UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generator JD Number 2. Page 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone 4, fit antfeatTracking Nurn er 1 760- 378 JJK WASTE MANIFEST CAD980813950 -3010 012800459 5. Generstor'g Name and Palling Address Generstoes Site Address (I difl$rent than maillag address) CRANE'S WASTE OIL, INC_ 16096 HIGHWAY 978 15412 HIGHWAY 178 WELDON, GA 9$283 US A WELDONI,•CA 93283 USA cenaratoes Phone.764 -31r8 -31110 B. Transporter f Company Name U.S. EPA JD Number CRANE'S WASTE OIL, INC CAD980813950 7 Transporter 2 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number 8: Designated Facility Name and Site Address BAKERSFIELD TRANSFER, INC. U.S. EPA ID Number �GALagt�2$ i9S 1624 E BRUNDAGE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Farifi Phone:46�- 377 -0348 ga 9b. UA DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Ha2ard Class, ID Number, 10. containers 11. Total t2. Unit f 3. Waste Codes No. Type HM and Pang Grouli•(if any)) Quantity WtNot I. NON RCAA HWIRDOUS WASTE SOLID (0 ABSORBENT 002 I7M P 352 W/DEBRIS) 2. LLJ 0 3. 4. 14. Special Handling Instructions and Additional lnfonnatiWn WEAK PROTECTIVE GEAR (OILY ABSORBENT W10r=13RIS? PROFILE# 011615- 04-STI 15. GENERATOR WOFFEROR'$ CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accuralety desathed above by the proper shipping name, and are dassftd, packaged, rrrarked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects N proper condition far transport aoco►ding to appllcable Intematfonal and national governmental m0ationa. If export shipment and I am the Primary Exporter, I eertlfy that the contents of this consignment conform to the Corms of the attached EPAAdmowladgment of Consent- I ceT* that the waste minimizatior, statement identified in 40 CFR 262,27(a) (if I am a large QusntHy generator) or (b) (t'I am a small quartrty generator) Is true. Generator'arOfferor's PrintedlTyped Name Signature Month Day Year F 6.. ntematlona rents ❑ Import to U.S. ❑ Export from U.S. Port of entrylexit: Transporter signature (forexports only): Date leaving U.S.: 17. TransparterAdmowiedgmentof Reoelptof Materials Transporter 1 Printed/Typed Name 5ignafure Month say Year Transporter 2 PrintedlTypmd Name Signature Month Day Year 19, discrepancy ��11 �1 1$a. Discrepancy Indlcalon space El ouandty E Type ❑ ResEdue Q Partial Rejection ❑ Full Rojectun Manifest Referenge Number 16b. Alternate Facility (Dr Generator) U.S. EPA ID Number _J C,7 �. Fadlty's Phoho; Month t?ay Year 1 c. Si nature o AJtemats Facility (or Generator) 18, Hazardous Waste Report Managemr3N Method Codes (La,. codas for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) 1. 2. 9. 4. 20, Designated Facility Owner or Operator. Certit- icatr'nn of recelpt of hazardous matotiials covered by the mant iw except as noted in item 19a Prints me Signature Month Day Year EPA Form 8700 -22 (Rev. 3 -05) Proviou5 editions are onsoleue. DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF HEQUIHhU) filar, 10. 2015 7.38AM CRANE WASTE OIL PIe8s9 tint or type. (Form dersigned for use on elite (12 -pitch ) typewriter. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1, Generator ID Number WASTE MANIFEST CAEMU8139W 5• Generalots Name and Mailing Address CRANE'S WASTE OIL, INC , 15412 HIGHWAY 178 V rz=N, CA 93263 USA w a W 0 No, 1237 P. 5/5 Form Approved. OMB No. 2050 -0439 Rage 1 of 3. Emergency Raapoase phone 4. Manliest ackM Number 1 764-378 -3010 012800458 J J K Generator's Site Address (If deferent than maaitlg address) 118095 HIGHWAY 178 WELDO v, CA 53283 USA 6. Transporter 1 Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number CRMIE'S WANE OIL, INC CAD9808139W 7, Transporter 2 Compahy Name U.S. EPA ID Number 6, Designated FaciFrty Name and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number BAKERSFIELD TRANSFER, INC. CAL0002825M 1620 E RRUNDAGE LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Fartiiitfc Ahnne! 6131 - 377 -0308 ga, HM 9b, U.B. DOT Description (including Proper Shtpping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, and Pa4king GMUP V any)) iu. Containers 11, Toni Own* A 2. Unit WtNol. 13; waste coda No. Type 1' NON RCRA.HAZ1iRUOUS WASTE SOLID ( OILY WATER W1GAS & SOLIDS) 001 DM P 2. 3, 14, specter nanaung rnarrucuona aria Auoraanar in mrmanon WEA. t PROTECTIVE GEAR (OILY WATER INICAS & SOLIDS - _PP- -TILE* 15. SENERATQR'SIQFFEROFr$ CERTIFICATroN. I hereby da4re that the contents of this wmignment ate fully and accurately deaoribed above by the propershipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are In all ropects in proper condition for transport eocording to applicable intematidnaland national govemmenhal regUlations. If export ahoment and I am the Primary Exporter, I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPAAcknowl*rnent of Consent. I oerb' y that the waste minimization statement iderk9ed In 40 CFR 26227(8) (if t am a large quantity generator) or (b) (d I am a small quari ity generator) is true. ,I,. ..,W,,,o„« (� Impart to U.S. Export from U.S. Pori of enlrylexit Transporter aignalure (for exports ontyj: Dale leaving U.S.; W 17. Transporter AcfmowledgffrW of Recut of Materials Transporter t Arintedffyped Name Signature Month Day Year 'Transporter 1Prints Name Signature Month Day Year 18• DiSetapency ��--tt 18a, (Ascrapancy Indication Space 7 Quantity F1 Typa El Residue I_I Partlst Rejection ❑ l=ull Rejection Manifeai Reference Number: 18b. Alternate Facility (or generator) U-S. EPA ID Number Facility's Phone: 18e. ghature orAiternate Facility (or Generato) Mwth Day Year 21 r19, Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., cades for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling syatems) 1. 2. 4. 20, Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Ce iftatlon of rs Ot of hazardous materials covered by the manliest except as Holed in Item 189 Prints d Name Signature Month Day e :PA ForM 8700 -22 (Rev. 3 -05) Previous edlions are obsolete, DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED)