HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION REPORT 7-28-10HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services 1501 Truxtun Ave 1s'r FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ! ARrIM t Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT I L Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name j2 Cp Ap" %LVI- -1 Date 0 Site Address Time In L2 (ap�,,Time Out 933® Owner /Operator UAl� A �/j J f ,'�T f # Phone Misc.DAM Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # AX 600 , / ❑ Routine ❑ Re- inspection/Follow -up Xcombined Routine nsp coon ❑ Joint Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Focused ❑ Other ❑ Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility ID# ❑ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying 4 records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste ham ling requirements. I - Class I Violation, 11 - Class If Violation, M - Minor Violation Pate of 1 II M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIRENIENTS I =N/A COMMENTS/NOTES/DOCUNIENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GR01 Generator has an EPA ID number j GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes ❑ Analysis ' enerator Knowledge S GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness GRO5 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue copy(,) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available who 35 days of waste shipment GRO8 Bills of Lading/receipts available GR09 LDRs available and complete GRID I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GC01 Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when addin g removin g GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected weekly lit GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator GCO8 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance/hazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 7 D UF b s✓ ,-"C GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (I year if <1 ton) GA06 Pb -acid batteries offshe within 180 1 yr. if < I ton) Labelin Markin GL01 Containers are ro erl labeled GL02 Satellite containers have 2n ASD marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly_ GL04 Universal waste container properly labeled GU)5 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers GLO8 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date T Z 2 GL09 Empty containers marked with date em tied Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not it a Bement with findings, only receipt of report. GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (en. eligible) GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/party GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 While — Prevention Services Copy X zl Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— Business Copy FD2179 (Rev 10/21/08) Re);ulatoty Citations and Corrective Actions Descri tion of violation I Re ulatory /statutory citation I Corrective actions to be taken ilr minor violations trrorked in the "NP column oiI ftont) GR01 The lacilily tailed to obtain an FpA ID number ['Title 22, CCR, 66262.121 For a Cadiloroia F.PA 1D #contact the Department ofToxic Substances Control a I -SIIO -618 -6942. For a EPA ID # call 415 - 495 - ,'895. 11 rite the number in the s ace market/ "EPA ID # " oil the fi,ont of this page. GR02 The facility t -ailed to make a waste determination for the noted in the [Title 22, CCR, 66262.1 11 Atake a determination of the waste based on pour knowledge (you can use AISDS or other documenrts,lor {yelp) or have the waste cum led curd sent to cr state cer[ilied lcrborcoon'v for analysis. ((scam plinQ is conducted tell the lab to unal,ze for GR03 The lacility (lid not have the name and phone number ol'the emergency coordinator, the location of Fire extinguishers and shill control equipment, or the fire department telephone number posted next to the telephone. "Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(d)(2)j Prepare and post the above information next to u pholle. GR04 Facility personnel did not demonstrate that (hey were familiar with proper waste handling procedures due to Tide 22, CCR, 66262.34(cl)(2) Provicdc tlwiniag to personnel regal-ding GIM The facility failed to properly complete a hazardous waste manifest. Manifest # was missing [Tillc 22, CCR, 66262.23(a)(I )]. Correct the information on the manifest in Boxes) initial and date. Submit a letter to DTSC, G1SS:: P.O. Rox 800 Fh l -1; Scrcrumento, CA 95,'12 -0806 stating the manifest #, the ship doe, roar EPA /D #, the Box # and correction made and roar signature. (Correction to more than one manifest mar be included Dr the scare letter) Git06 Facility Iailed to submit a copy of the manifest to DTSC within 30 days of shipnlgnt. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.32(a)(4)] Alail the blue copy ofnuaufest # to. DTSC. PO Box 400, Sacramento. CA 95812 -0400 or a photocopy of the TSDFco n• to: DTSC. PO Box 3000. Sacramento. CA 95812 GR07 The facility tailed to file an exception report to DTSC after not receiving the signed TSDF copy ol'a inanilest within 35 clays. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.42] A/cnke a cope of manifest and send it with a letter to DTSC. 110 Box XXV,, Sacramento, CA 95812 stating what ,non are doing to find out why you have not received the lied, signed co iv of the munilest. Include a si oalure and your lindin s while looking for the manifest in the cover letter. GR08 The facility failed to have copies of receipts for the removal o1' . [IiSC 25160.2 - Consolidated manifests/ 66266.81(a)(6)(B)- leatiz)ci(ibutievies/00266.130-oilt'iltvrsI The lbeffliv shall contact and request codes oi*recei hs between & GIt09 The lacility tailed to complete or maintain a Land Disposal Restriction notification for manifest # [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(x)(4)1 The lacilit: shall determine it its waste is subject to LDR rec uu•enhents, caul i /'so. ensure that a L DR is pre pared and submitted with each shipment of 'Iwas•te. GR 10 The facility did 1101 submil a recycling report [HSC 25 143. 101 The facility shall complete and submit the 0110 .larnn "Recyclable Adaterials Repora ". The /arm can he found at www.eale a.ca.ahov/ ublications /title27 /dePauIt.htin (7hw1jecye. d1) GCOI The facility failed to maintain containers holding hazardous waste in good condition. The container of was Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)( 1 )(A) The contents ol'tlhe committer o/' shall immediately be [ranski-red to a container in good condition GC'02 The lacilily failed to keep containers closed except when adding/removing wastes The container of' was observed open 1Tille 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) . The /utility shut/ immediatel; close all containers cold ensm-e that containers remain closed except when acldhn>; o' removilig waste. GC03 The lacility is handling contaminated containers as empty when they are not. A container of' was noted as not meeting the definition ol, empty. [Title 22, CCR, 66261.7] The fincilip, shall nnark the container as hazca-dous waste or consolidate the contents of container with a like waste and immediately label the emptied container with the words "em m "and the dale. GC'04 The facility could not demonstrate that containers were being inspec(ed weekly. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A)l The./aciliir shall develop and implement a plan that ensures that all containers holdin g waste are inspected weekly GC05 The lacility could not demonstrate that lanks were being inspected daily. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(I )(A)1 The facilit shall keep it log showing that tanks holding waste are inspected chub. GC06 Containers utilizing satellite aCCUMUlalion rules were not at or near the point of generation. ['Fide 22, CCR, 6626234(e)(I )(A)l Thc' lucilit: shall more the container holding to a location that is at or near the point ol'generation of shall ensure that the waste is removed within 9011801270 days of lirsi di-op ol'waste being added. (il'ihe faciliy enerarer less than 100 kg, the clock does not start moil /00 kg. cure "enrercaed) GC07 Containers utilizing satellite accumulation roles were not under the control ol'an operator. ITitle 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)( I )(All Thefacilih: shall ensure that an operator is at or near the point ofaccu mulatiom or shall ensure that the waste is removed within 9011801270 clans of Jirst drop of waste beilig added GCOS The facility kept more than one satellite container of at a satellite accumulation area. ['Title 22, CCIZ, 66262.34(c)(I )] Thefacitity shall immediately remove all bill one container from the accumulation aura or shall demonstrate that it is not i-ac•ticcl or sale to do such. GC'09 "The facility stored excluded recyclable materials not in accordance with local ordinanceftire codethazardous materials codes JI ISC 25143.9(c)l 'l7lefacility: shall n•etnrn to code by GAOI The IaCif IIY aCCUMUlaWd 1VastC' I'M. greater than allowed time Ilinits (Storage without a peril(). A container of had ail start dale of marked tin it. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(x) I The fac•ilirn shall innrhediately ao-a nge for the removal of the waste, and shat/ supphv ar copy of manifest or bill or lading denronsn•atin,g removal within dos. GA02 'The facility held satellite accumulation wastes for grcaiei than one vear. ITille.22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(1)(B)l See GFI01 above for eorrections. GA03 The lacilily failed to properly handle contaminated containers within I vear. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.7(1) See GA01 above for corrections. GA04 The lacility held universal wastes for greater than one vear. ITitle 22, CCR, 66273.15(a) or 66273..35(a)l .See GA01 above for corrections. GA05 The facility held drained used oil filters tier greater than 180 days /one year. ITitle 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(4)] See 6401 above far corrections. GA06 The facility held lead acid batteries for greater than 180 clays /one vear. Title 22, CCR, 66268.81(a)(6) See 6401 above lur corrections. GL01 "i'Ile facility trailed io properly label all containers. Containers, contents and missing information are noted on the front of this page. l' "Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(1)] The jacilim shall clearly mark all containers with the following: l) the IwOI "CIS "/hazardous waste ", 2) composition and physical state. 3) hazard ro perry. 4) none and address ofthe generator. and 5) accumulation start duce. GL02 The lacility failed to mark the date the container was moved From the satellite accumulation area [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(I )(B)l The (hcilitY shall mark all satellite accumulation with the elate waste is iirsl added as well as the dale the container is fidl. GI-03 The facility failed to mark tanks /container(s) of eCChlded recyclable materials properly 1.1 -ISC 25143.9(x)] The tanks /containers of materials shall be clearly marked with the words "Excluded recyclable material" instead of"hazardous waste ". 61-04 The lacilily tailed to meek a container of universal waste properly. [Title 22, CCR, 66273.14 lbr SQI-1 or 66273.34 for LQI-11. Thefhcilitl: shall innnccliatel: mark all containers holding universal waste with the words "Universal Waste- " GI-05 The facility failed to mark a containerofdrained used oil filters with the words "drained used oil filters ". [Tile 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(3)1 The fcrcilitrshall mark till filter containers with the words "drained used oil filters", GI-06 ']'lie lacility failed to mark the date on which the batlery was received. lTitIc 22, CCR, 66266.81(a)(6)(D) I The laciliy shall I: mark the rate on each baoei-v. GI-07 The facility failed to mark a tank /container of used oil destined tier recycling with the words "used oil" [IiSC 25143.9(a)] Clearly mark all tanks and containers with the words "user/ oil• ". GLOS The facility failed to mark the tank of with [lie ITitle 22, CCR, 66234(1)1 Thejaciiitv shall clear/: mark the tank with GL09 The lacility tailed to marl: contaminated containers with the (late emptied. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.7(t )l C/corl: mark all containers with the date emptied. GI-101 The facility tailed (o remove 1'1'0111 tin appliance prior to crushing, baling, shredding, sawing or disposing of the appliance IFISC 25212(a)]. T he lacility must submit to D7SC an application to be cent /ied cis a "Certifier! Appliance Recvc•ler" CTTOI The lacilily failed to obtain a permit or other authorization for treatment ol'hazaIdous waste. I IiSC 25IS9.5(d) G F 0 2 The facility failed to use a registered transporter/used a transporter or consolidated waste when Ihev were not eligible JHSC 25165(a)/25160 GDO I "The lacilily disposed of hazardous waste at an unauthorized lVint. HSC 25189.5(a) I BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE Code UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services N N/A 0 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR �A_ 1'38N r Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Facility Name All to A itl /A" Date / / 2 �f / 1,5) Site Address 2&,9S,' MT yn'*/UDN Role / lc-�,'C41 CA Timeln 1V.'00.X— Time Out Generator has an EPA ID number ` 933�� Owr /Operator UA� A Fl ae Phone M* sc� Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID t�,QKGYr/-5-323 ❑ Routine ❑ Re- inspection/Follow -upX❑ Combined Routing In ection ❑ Joint Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Focused ❑ Other ❑ Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CIP Facility ❑ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name/ Title): \� ' A , A �� �� c i V �`� �.V \ 0 U _ Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. 1 - rlace I Vinlntinn 11 - Clace II Vinlafinn M - Minnr Vinkfinn Pao, of I (I M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUNIENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GROI Generator has an EPA ID number ` 177,_ 712—C- « 7-12? e jCOs,o 7i-,11' GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes ❑ Anal si Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness GR05 Mani fests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC �( GR07 'rSDF signed copy of manifest available w /in 35 days of waste shipment x GRO8 Bills of L idin /recei is available ?C GR09 LDRs available and complete GR 10 I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Y Container /tank management GCOI Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected week) GCO5 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator X GCO8 One container per wastestream at satellite area X GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinancethazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 C ,3577' D OF o 4/ ?/ C /C d/° GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (1 year if <1 ton) GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 (I yr. if < l ton) X Labeling/Marking GLOI Containers are pr o perly labeled GL02 Satellite containers have 2 od ASD marked once full }; GL03 Excluded rec clable materials marked properly X GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled X GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries `L GL07 "Used Oil' marked on all used oil tanks /containers GLO8 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date � / D.z•- GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied IX Treatment Transport and Dis sal/Otlier Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not il\Rly �,g \ ent with findings, only receipt port. j \ \\ V, GTOI Have py rmit/au[horization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (Ben. eligible) GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/ party GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 White — Prevention Services Copy PA. 3 z6 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— Business Copy FD2179(Re, 10121/08) v.I , 1, 1. 'Ie- �, .1 I (r)S'631 SZ JS HI 'ILI10C pazl.1o111nr.Un UP. 113 al%rA% s110I)JU I JO pasoC Sy) At!1!3el NIJ, I O(19 1191 SZ /(r)�q I 5 JSI-I. I )Iglal(a loll a.laM Aagl uagM alsmvv pal UP! l0suo0 .10 .1al.lo surd r, pasnl.lal.loc Stlr.q pa .1als! PJ r asn 01 IX) 1!gl Aup3rl 3q.1, Z019 (P)S'6SISZ JSH 'alsm\\ SnOp .1rzrq,10 U.13t11133.0 .1Q1 Uo!lrz!.l0ylnr..lal{1o.10 uuuac r u!elgo o11131!13.1 APII3P.l )q.1. 1019 .ID1.1.1,7d?f Dallnq 1J 1781/71.10 „ 73 ,1311173!/1 ,1.1(1(1 aq of nollr7)yd( ) fit) JSLO of maglr.r ).vim r1/r1)Oi7/ at/l (r)C I CSC JSI-I �� 3311P.11d(1C P111,10 91.1ISOCIsIp.10 °nlgmms Iulppa.It1S `511111tq `51JILIS11 .13 01 .101.1[1 33UP.g(1dP. Lllr. LLlall aA01.11-0.1 Ol pallrl X11113131 3gJ. I01-ID Ilan 111(1 clop dill Ill' lilt S.Idu!nu100 fln2f.10111 n /.11)31) (T I9Z99 `21.'55 `ZZ 3117.1. 'P3!lc wa alrp alp gl!A% SK) 11!r.1110,1 pa1nnulrlu0-) 1.11310 Ol P31!r11 Al!I13r1 MI, 60 -10 117171. 111171 31113 ;/.nmt ;tLmalo pm/sai!p0f1(dgl 1(I)h£Z99 `dill `ZZ alu.L� ' -,)III gl!Av -Jo ,111131 3ql 1 .113111 011)3pr.1 nl!I!ar.l 3LIJ, SO "ID "Po pd91111 EJ)JO l dill 1//-M ..Vduln11loa pun syulu 1117 1.117111.1).191) I(r)6'£t 1 SZ JSI -I I ,I!o pasn„ s1) .1oM 3111 guM Suy3,t33.1.101 paUltS3p 1!11 p3Sn Jo .1au!r.1u03 /.yurl r. 1 .113111 01 pal!rl ,t111!3rl 311.1. LO 7D udlloq IP0d uo dfnp dill y.nJlu it /JMgs nlq!an/ dlLl ((I)(9)(r) I S'99Z99 `dill `ZZ a11!,I 'paA!a33.1 SUAv A.lallrq alp go!gM t o alrp 3111 , IM11 of 1131!13..1 Aly!3r1 3q,[. 90 -19 311111)0 pasn par/lv.lp„ .V/)./O,; alp gp'lI slagwluoo .Ix/j/ 111) y. low pvgs.tigronl di/j. I'99Z99 `21JJ `ZZ 31t!,I_�' „s.1311!I I10 pasn pollp ".11)„ sp.lom alp ill!,vv s- Ialh-I I10 P3SI1 paUlr..Ip J0.1a11!T1llo3 r, .1.1131.11 01 11311131 Clg!3rl aLl.l. SO "19 - djSDjI InS.IJ:1 /!1.l), .VI)JOM a1/1 1/1 tr/t d)EP;U 11J9.1.7a 11/17 InPlnry .c.la(n 1)l uoa 110 1.17)(11 tjdlnlpolluu! pvl/.c Dillon/ dill, '1II0-I .101 rf'£LZ99 10 1-101 .IOt tiI'£LZ99 `21JJ `ZZ 311!.1.1 'XI- IN10.ld a1S13M 113s.1a:y11n,10 IXi!rlLI03 r 1.1CLU 01 p3prl ril!I!ar.l 311,1. 170 -ID ' „dlsnM Sn01)JvZvI1'jO pnafsi/l „1n!.ldunu algnl.zeJd.l pdpnl.zrg„ spdont 31/1 1//!.11 Idy.nnll pindlo ail /Ju y.c s/n!.Idlnw jo s.ldu!1)nloajsylll7l dqJ j(r)6'0-, l SZ JS11.1 SI.Iaclo.ld slrualmU algcl3 C3a.1 p1pnl3za Jo (s) .1aulrluo3 /syuet .1.Irul of pallrl Sl!I!3r1 3q,L £0'19 '111(1 9! .ldlgnll(oa dill aloe dill NO IldAt SO pdJ21M 1.1•.17/ 9( e1SnM DIVI) 0111 1l11M u0jImplu /than dl!11dIMS 11M 1.171711 /ing9 n7lp.aol'dgJ. I(9)(1)(3)t'£'Z9Z99 `2IJJ `ZZ °Il!.LI r3.1r 00013Inun133P. 011 1131139 3111 1110 .111 p3AOM sonv .1X11!1111103 agl 3111,11 aql 1 .1eu1 ill p31!rl 1111!3131 111.1. ZO'1D dlnp moos Ilounpnmrodn (c pun -.IOn)Idlld dill to .rsd./ppv pun dmoll (h 'Al.ldr o./ p.lnzny (S 'dlnl.cla)ls.tild pun rlo!n.rolOuoo (C ' „d)suM 9nop.InZnl/„ Sp.loal dill (1 :8lna101/q/'dill IpFU Y.Idlgv111od //v y.mru,Ij.rod1,)11ntlsairlaol3(111 1(1)t£'Z9Z99 21JJ `ZZ 311111 '3113.(1 s!gI J0 1110.1,1 01.11 Uo paloU 3 .113 u0!113ul.101111 SUISSILU pur Sluan 03 `s.laulrluOJ -s.lou!rluo3 Ile loqui Xpldald of p31!rl ri1g!3131 3q.L 10"19 svo!wal.roo .rot 3001117 I /1.l %.'.) ddS (9)(13)11'19299 `2lJJ `ZZ 3111.1. '.1raA auolsnrp 0S l 1113.111 131raaa .101 saualtrq p!3r. Peal play A1!p3r.:) 311.1 90VD Sunuoal.loa .ro/ 3.101117 101,'D ddS (17)(3)0£ I'99Z99 `21:)5 `ZZ 3111),. %111aA OLIO /SArp OS 1 Urgl .131MO.ln JCO4 SK)11!1 110 pasn p3wr.lp play Apl!3e1 ag.L SOb 9 .cunlpal.too .lo/ 3301117 /Ohl DDS .(r)S£" £LZ99 .10 (1311 I'£LZ99 `21JJ `ZZ 311!.1_ ' 11113A duo 1113,11.131133.11 .101 salsrM IM.laA!un play 1!1!0131 DILL t7OVD cuolloa.l.u)o 1311/ a.logn JOt %'J daS 1111' 19299 `21.)5 `ZZ 211!,1., '.I13aA I U!L11!A\ s .1aumuul3 palrU!UlJUO, alp11eg AI.1ac o.1c 01 p3l!131 Al!i!3rl 311.1. £0\39 '.1'llO!Od.l.l0D.r01.mogn ll/h'D d8s 1 (0)(I)(3)h£' "c9Z99 Ila) ZZ 011!,I. 1 3110 LIOL11 .131ra.13.1C?I salsem L10pullit111133r 311110JUS plan All i3P.l 3LIJ. COVD -s.lvp 1!111 /IJt /1).lou /a1 31I7/M.I1911011/div 311!Il)l. /O 1pq,lo 1Sal!umu dill If) :ICIoo n,ljdilns 11M11s Into 'd1Snd1 dIp /O /n.'IOII/d.l dill .l0/ d,?tln.1.117.Ijalnlpdtllll /r 1jPI/Y . tlrll Inif dill J(V)17£'Z9-9q CC all!,I] '11 LIO P,)JA UI JO3up 1.11319 1113. pry 10 .1au!UJU01 V '(11111 .1ad r 111O11y,n 3013 .101S) Syunl 31u!l paAto11r. 1113111 .13113.3.11 .1111 X1seM palrinuu133r �i!p3rl 3111. I OV9 Ig dpoo of u.mld.i Ilmis U!Jlon% D1l h 10)6'£b l SZ JSI II s3p03 sl13!.I31ru1 sn0p.mzeg /apO3 a.1 111311ru!1)10 111301 gltAv 33uP.1).1033r U! 1011 Slr.!.latr.Ul algP.l3ri3a.1 papnl3sa p3JOIS S1g13r1 ag.l. 60J9 gan.c op 01 311)9.lo Ivaudn.lt loll s? /! 11711) 010,11suoulap /lops eo 120.11) I1ouolnuoroDV alp ulo.11.lau.inju o duo mg 1.I) dAOIIIdJ nld)n!1)dnr1u111171/9 )!lj.)n %al /f I )(3)t£'Z9Z99 `dill `ZZ a)IIUI 'raw uo!trinluna3e at!1131rs r it .10.1311!1311103 31!113112% duo LILgi .loin lcla•1 !1!p3r1 311.1 SOJ9 pdp/m , lliaq alsnal /O C o.rp Is.rl/ ,/O Srtnp OZVON1106 0111)1" 17,'moiwu S! a1SnM aq/ Ir7il1 d.nuud 1117115.10 uopnIn(1111odo7o liqod dip .19!1.10 in .si .lojzmd o (In 117111 dJll.rlld I /1711.5:11111)11/ dill I (V)(I)(3)U£ G9L99 dill CC 31l!.hl '.1010.12 (1O Ur J0 10.11LI00 3L11 .IapU11 1011 ),IJA% SXIII.I LIOIlr111 U1113DC 31!1131135 &11711!J11 S.13LIIr1110,) LO )D (Idlu/aud3 3117) '3y )101 1!lun 1.mf910 11 sdop yaoto ail/ "".Y 00I 11171// s7.Sd1 9dI MIDI Id3 al!1!on/ ag1.I!) 'pdppn (uaq d/.cuu /010.117 ls.n/ .10 s;tn17 IILj 1O,PI 106 !171111:11IMA011la.l Sl 31917171. dill )nql d.ur.cud Ilnys.io uollulaua,1 to hood dip./nau./o In s1.1nlp uop000l n of YurploI/ .lauroluoo dill dAOIU /lIN/.r airpan /'ai // I(V)( I)(a)h£'Z9Z99 `TIJJ `ZZ 3111.11 110!lr..laua310 Hood 31.11 .111.311 .10 113 loll 93111.1 110tlrintu1133C a1!110les 9111211!117 S.Iou!rluo') 90)9 1.1.1!1711 11(11(1(11 sun (1.117 dlsv,lt 11711101 spun Jwll 8uunoq.r Sol n daay IJOI /S Ailpdnidl/I I(V)( I)(r)t£'Z9Z99 `21JJ `ZZ 311!.1.] 'SI!rp pal3adsul Sulaq am,%v slur! Imp a1r,.1tsuoulap 1ou pino3 11!1!313.1 3q.1. 90J9 :tlydaat pd10al.rul au) d /.chat 11111/01 .claunnuoo I/1) 117111 9d.1n.ri1.911)1/1 unll n /ilauldldul! Inv dnldndJ7 JIMI /s 3./1/!)17 /.dill. I(V)( I )(r)h£'Z9Z99 `dill `ZZ a[11.1] 'SI`laaA\ pal3ad LI! Sumq ).K)At s.tau!rlt1O3111.1.11 alr.gsuoluap 1011 1111703 X)II!3rl aLlj. VOJ9 ,dIV /7 dill Pill) ":tlr illd, Sp.loM dip (1)131 x,)n!vIuoj pollr uld dill 1agl)l r11a1nymulla! Mil /7 d1sall 3111 n I /nm .ldllinll/Od d!// /O E/Cld/IIOJ Jlll Dli)l]11O.S110D .1.0 .71Si7M SIlOI),In?!71/ Si),IaflilJ/IIOJ dip y. /!)Ill Jll)7l$:If lll.7n1d11/ IL I9Z99 21 J,) CC all! Ll 'Aid 1113 .10 11011111113p alp DL111321-1.1 IOLi Sr I)PIOU SUM 1.O.131I101110J V '1011 2.111 SPL11 U3gAv XId1l13 Sr S.13111r11101 palrUILUrluct) nUl11Urq SI X11113r1 311.1. £0JD 'a1SnM 3111,1019.1 ./O L1I /J1) 11(1(131 VIDDY8 IMSO /0 II!nllld./ Vd(l /1)111000 IM/) ddluud Pull, S.IdlllnlrlOD 1/17 d.CO /O Aldf1)lI)dlInt 111MIS:111170n1 dill I)(r)t7£ C9C99 `20J `ZZ 311!_1) uaclo 1)3,v -losgo Sum ,1.0.1a1l!r,A103 Xg.l. 'o1sP.M Suln0way3uy)pP. uagM I (1ama p31SOl3 S .1aU!rluo3 daay of p3prl Xulinrl 3q,1. ZOJJ rl0!11pilOJ /)00,711! ddII! )JIIO,) 1) O! )7d. /.1.J /SII M.n dg rt /d /MIId(11nlr 11Mlps /O:ldrI!oJ( /OD di11,10 611011100 x111 (V)( I )(r)t1£ C9G99 `215.) CC 311!.1.. SUM ,10 .131I!rluO3 aq,L 'U011y)1103 pO09 Lit 31S13A\ Snol7lrzeg Stl!ploq S.IaU!ru103 urrlU!P.UI 01 pallrl Sl!p3r1 ag.l. I ODD (111 -o:toaf/Allg) ullLi llnujQP /L,ZOIjlj /SlI011B01Igll /AO,'CO'L 2(CO'MMM in pmlol aq In)D uuo/. gild ,1.10dd ?/ 9101./ainplr dJgvp:f0all„ nl.lo /t /,7c /n )III j!nlgns pull alaldulo: ) 101'£t71 SZ JS -1 1.10(1,.11111131331 r I!ulgns loll p!p X111M1 PLIJ. 01219 'disnat 10 110110.111E 11.11) 1p!nl Idll!ul(ln.e pill) Ia.lnra.lc s! XQ7 n 11171) a.ln.rud 'osl! Inn 'slualud.11n7dd 807 0) 130fgns sy dismal s)1 /1 aupaidop pmps:U!Jr;JVI all! 1(b)(r)t'£'Z9Z99 `21:)5 `ZZ oll!J.l # 1sXl!Urul .10,1 UO!)M)iI!10U U0n3!.ns321 1r,SodS!(] PUP-1 11 U!rlU!011I .ill X1alCluw3 01 paI!rl CI!I!3r' l dill. 60219 1, 113(11711311 .r1. !(133.1 /o 931313110 1.ran )dd I)un lonluoa Ilugs:U!pxy a1/l s.Iall!I I!o -O£ 1'99Z99 /sal.lallrq p!3r. peal �(8)(91(r) i '99299 lstsal!urw p2lP.pgosUC1J 2'091 S2 JSfi) ' ,1 91.!X3Jo sa!do3 SO IP.AOLUOJ anrg Ol p31!r1 ,Q!1!3r1 311.1. 5024') '.laud! .ldeoo ail/ r1) lsd /rums/ dill .lo/ Xu! yool dlnpil s u!pur/ .mo.a pun a31110113ls n apilpul '!Sd /umul dill /0 A O:71)du31.r 'Jn(n1 dip pd:udodd loll dAOIJ n0.i.Il/M 1110 Mtnl01 811101) d.ln no.(* Jl)gat 811111)11 Lf8 (, 1�3 'O)udulv.00S '.C\:C .t'nN Od 'JSJ.O 01. .101,01 1) rlgM f! Muds pun 1salrunw a(f.10 :fdoo n d yM11t � Ct7 C9C99 2tx) CZ X11!,1.) 'sSup S£ Ili Llll, \1 1SO.I!UPLU U 10 ACIO3 dCI S.L p3uSis aq1 ci'LIIA10-N 1 1011 .131,113 JSJ,CI 01 1 .10da.1 LIOIIda3Xa Lin all! 111 pallrl ,111113P.1 XLIJ. L0219 Z/NS(j NJ 'O1n8111n.1071S '000) X'Ofl Od ',)SJO :of :1.r oa c/OSL alp 10 n10001011r 1) .10lOPO-Z /.4S6 VJ '0flldul0, )IW '00th A'OA Od '.7SJ17 :O1 # 1Sd /ilnlill 16 :tdod alllq dill 11171,1( Ilb)(r)L£ 29299 dill CC 3111J] '1UaLIORIS Ill UILitM JSJ.C1 Ol IS311Ueul 3111,1.0 Ado3 11 llwyls 01 p3ltrl 13(11pae�{ 0)0219 (.10101 d IMS dill III Pdp11IJin dq :5 )111 JSBI!iIMIl duo Milli .1.10111,101 II0PJd.l.l0,)) d,nun118!9.ln0:i pun Dpn(u uouaa.t.loD 1711» # .rof /dill '# 01. NcCq .ulo.i '(11171113117 /s alp '# 1st %rumu dill SIMMS ylhl'll'Zl,4Sl 1,:D 'O,1llaun8lonS : J -5.9,1 9(IN . 0 'O'd "SSID JSJO 01 .IJJIaJ l) l /lltq)IS - dlnpinn lM!1!(li (133).1'08111lsdIIII71n dill 110 II0!1VIf0(?1il r dill Idd.l.10,D 'I(1)(r)£CZ9Z99`21JJ CZ 311!_1] n °QLIISSILLI S17AA ' IS3llurl'l '1s311L10L11 a)Jgrm SI10p.Irznq r 31alc1LLIO3 Xp-,)daid Ol pallrl X)Ilt3P.l ag,i. 5219 3u!p.n73a.11duuos.ld 013'1117171111 311730.1/ (Z)(I >)b£'Z9Z99 `21DJ `ZZ 311!.1_ of ,n1) 93111)330 .1d 5111IpurLl alsrM .MCIORI LI1!A\ .11311!10131 OJOAv , Mlj trip 0113.11S OLIMI) u)U 1)!p lau110S.13d xly!3rd b02iD 'duoil n of l.tidu uopvu.lolu! dnogn dill lsor pun all) at l (Z)(P)b£'Z9Z99 `dill `ZZ 3111.] 'auogc 31313111 017VaU pmsocl mqunul au0gc alas JU3Ul),IP.0 2p 3.111 NII JO'1LIXlll(Il111)3 10.111103 11!Cls pur S.13gsU1Su!lsa 3.11,1.10 uo!I133o1 3111 `.101131111).1003 C3uaS.lauta alp lo.laglunu 3110gC1 PUP. Xumu 3111 3Aeq 1011 1)q) 1111!313.1 aqJ. £0219 .1111 aZ:l/n1/D Ol 1117) a(pJ Jldl I81a17I(/OD S1 3(11)1 tlI17S./1 'Sr S': 1117(117 .101 :I.101n•IOgr711Jd1111.1dd d1n)S I7 Ol 1(131 pllM IDJ 13111)5 dl. Mal Dill dAVII.lo ( dl dq. lo_('sln0umo01).la(Ito.I0 SOS'l11 dsn lino 11010 d8pDIA101131 .n10.1'110 113131711 diSOM 11// lb I/0pnu!lI0d/dp n dy1)11( II I'Z9Z99 `dill `ZZ all[j] 3111 u1 patou alp .1111 u0!lrutiu.IaWp X1SrM r. a1ru1 01 pal!rl Sill!3e1 aq,l. 20219 a, n s;nllJo 1710.1 / ay) 1111„ # (71 Nd J„ IJd)l./171u doers alp) u! ./aqumu )III 317.1)11 '1(,1511 S/ h Sl h /110 # O/ Vd-71 13 .10./ '17h69-N /9- 00,x' -I 117 /0.11110.) saoawsgnS olxo.L.(01ua(ul.lnddCl atp 100,11100 # Of Nd.7 murn %1117) n.lod [Z I -Z9Z99 `21JJ `ZZ rill!,]] .Iaqulnu (11 Vd:-1 1113 ul13lgo of papel �lg!3rl 311.1. 10219 (ulo.( 110 uwn/O.) ,J.i1„ a1 /I IR 1)5 y.!l1111 suffy )lopt .loliflu ./q 10117; aq 01 S1l0!!dM ad11a8.l.103 1101113)!3 A.IU)u)r.)s /A.IU)epl, i21 uO!)upuA Jo 1101) 1.1393(1 SUOIJOV 3A1113JJO3 puV St101 .113110 k1O VjM10 d