HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-STATIC PRESSURE 9/6/2011OIVI UST TP-201.3 UST Static Pressure Performance Test Report Form Permit Dumber: S-1946-1-8 Test CornpanX: lConfidence UST Services, Inc. Confirmation- 11-19041 Technician: Kristopher Karns 11 Site Name: Mobil Calibration date for pressure nieasuriDg device (must be within 90 days of the test) 80-2/2011 Site Address: 800 34th Street District: SJV-0007 NA City/Zip: Bakersfield. CA 93301 Franklin (Healy): 5859773702 3/12/2012 Date/Time of Test: 9/b /2011, 9:00 AM Veeder-Root, B34106 12/4/20117 Number of nozzles: 8 We the tanks manifolded? x Yes No Phase I vapor recovery system executiv• order (as referenced on Permit to Operate) VR-102 Phase 11 vapor recovM system executive order (as rdereoced on Permit to,2crate) VR-207 Nitrogen introduction point x Phase I vapor coupler I J Phase 11 vapor riser P ressure measuring device F incline manornete x di t -. mechanical -auge _�gital manometer Calibration date for pressure nieasuriDg device (must be within 90 days of the test) 80-2/2011 Ending value lot digital manometer dri ft test if applicable (must. be 0.0 1 in. w.c. or less) 0.01 1, Initial tank One pressure (vent if over 0,5 in. w.c.) -0,03" Nitrogen introduction flow rate, F (must be between I and 5 CFM) 1.6 CFM Calculated tillage fill-Lime, t, (12 —"' V / 1522 x F) 8.17 Minutes ,AcLual fill-time 7.41 Minutes Number of hoses with over 100 rnt (balance hoses must be drained prior to testing) 0 Start time 10:35 AM 12:45 NVI Initail Prcssurc, inches of water column 0.21" Pressure at one minute, in. w.c. 1.991, pressure at two minutes, in. w.c. 1.97" Pressure at three minutes, in. w.c. 1,95" Pressure at four minutes, in. W.C. 1.9411 Pressure at five minutes, in. w.c. 1.9410 Aflowable minitnutu pressure, in. w.c. 1.911, 1.9111 IBass / Fail (enter"GF" for gross failure) GF Pass I declare, under penalty of perjury wider the lawy of the Mate of California that based on ti)formiiion aril belief formed afte)- reasonable inquiM thestatentent.v and it fonnalion provided in this docunientere Inte, accurate, and cmnpleze. Signature if Technician; Date: 9/6,12011 .UST W a TP -2013 B Static Torque of Rotatable Phase .l Adaptors Report Form Permit Number: S- 3946 -1 -5 Test Corn an : Confidence UST Services, Inc. Confirmation: 11 -18041 Technician: Kristopher Karns Site Name: mobil "N m, Brand: Site Address: S00 34th Street District: SJ V -0007 NA City/Zip: Bakersfield, CA 9330t 1 Franklin (Healy 5859773702 3112/2012 Date/Time of Test: 9/0/2011, 9 :00 AIvl Veeder- Root: .834106 12/4/2012 Measurement units: x pound -inch impound -foot Va. �rA;ia totr l` "ctrl #�x' Va `'or�Aillt tt►r3 Ya r �1%n tti,': Brand: OPW Brand: OPW Brant!: Brand: OPW Brand: Model- VSA- 6I -EVR Model: VSA- 6I -EVR Model: VSO►- 61 -EVR Model: Product grade: Regular Product grade: Plus Super Product grade: Super Product grade: TbEque 1: 52 Torque 1: 58 Torque 1: Torque 1: 55 Torque l: Torque 2: 50 Torque 2: 60 Torque.,: Torque 2: 55 Torque 2: Forquc 3: 56 Torque 3: 63 31.7 Torque 3: 55 Torque l Averagc: 52.7 Average: 60.3 3600 rotation: average: 55.0 ,Average: 360' rotation: x Y/-1 N 3+60° rotation: x Y t 9 N' 360° rotation; x Y/ -1 N '1600 rotation: `l Y 1-1 N Procnrt:Acla f�tr1l .+ett itr ,.a�►da to �iAi :for Brand: OPW Brand: OPW Brant!: OPW Brand: Model: SALP -6I -EV Model: SA UP-61 -EVR Model: SAL. -61 -EV Model: Product grade: .Regular Product grade: Plus Product grade: Super Product rade: Torque 1: 35 Torque 1. 10 Torque 1: 34 Torque 1: Torque 2: 30 Torque 2: 5 Torque 2: 30 Torque 2: Torque.,: 30 Torque 3: 5 ;!'argue 3: 30 Torque 3: Average: 31.7 Average: 6.6 Avera ,e: 31.3 Average: 360° rotations: x Y N 3600 rotation: x Y 1 rl N 3601 rogation: x Y N 3600 rotation: i Y/ :7 N I declare. tonderpenalt), of petj uoy under the laws of die scare ofCalrfonnO that based on information and belief j6r►ned rijier rc ?usorutbie tngtrrr , the statements and lrtfor matron provided lt7 this document are tr'zo% accurate. and complete. Signature ifTechnician: ,�,,� . ',-fi? Cr..c�...�.� Date: 916/2011 40��1c�� C, UST 0 TP- 201.XC /D Leak Rate of Drop Tube /Drain 'Valve Assembly and Leak Rate of Drop Tube Overfill Protection Devices and Spill Container Drain Valves Report Farm Permit Number: S- 1946 -1 -8 Test Comp any: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Confirmation: 11 -18041 Technician: Kristo her Karns Site Name: Mobil Certification:Num)ier . ; Ex iratioin Dtie '' Site Address: 800 34th Street District: SJV -0007 NA Gi /zi : Bakersfield, CA 93301 Franklin (Heil y): 5839773702 311212012 Date/Time of Test: 9/6/2011, 9:00 ANh Veeder -Root: 834106 1214/2012 Pressure measuring device x digital manometer '. mechanical dau e Calibration date for pressure measuring device (must be within 180 days of the test) 8/22/2011 Ending value dor digital manometer drift test if applicable (must be 0.01 in. w.c. or less) 0.01" Drop Tube Drain Valve Pressure Test: Flow rate 80 mMndir Drop Tube Overfill Device Pressure Test Flow rate 200 mt/mi�r " Corrected" 4verfilt t)cvicc Leak Rate A_. Time to reach 2 in. W.C. at 80 ml /min. Drain valve leak rate' Final Pressure Time to reach 2 in, w.c, at 200 m1 /min. Overfill leak rate Final ressure Overfill EX-vice Leak Rate 1Vliatis ua15`:' Brain Valve Leak Rate Corrected Leak Rate Tank Grade sec. ml/min in, w.c. mins. mllmin. in. w.c. ml/mim mi/min. ml/min. I Regular 2.48 Minutes 10 ml 2.01" 2 Plus 3.18 Minutes 30 mi 2.02" 3 Super Fail. from Drain Valv +200 ml 4 NOTES: I straight drop tube must be tested with a bladder in place and using a flow rate of 80 mt/min. 'The bladder section of TP- 201.11) may be skipped if the entire drop tube passes with a leak rate below 80 ml /min. 3Leak hate = nitrogen flow rate needed to maintain a constant pressure (at least 2 in. w.c.) for 30 seconds. I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided in this document are true. accurate, and complete. Si; nature of Technician: Date: 9/6/201) Permit Number: 5-1946-1-8 Test Company: lConfidence UST Services, Inc. Confirmation: 11-18041 Technician: Kri stopher Karns Site Name: Mobil Yes 3. Were all nozzles and hoses completely drained of gasoline prior to inserting nozzle into Dynamic Back Pressure Unit? Site Address: 800 34th Street District: SJV-0007 NA City/Zip: Bakersfield, CA 93301 VST: 1180 5/2212012 DatefThne of Test: 916/2011, 9:00 AM Veeder-Root: 834106 12141201? 1. The dispenser shall not be activated. Ifthe dispenser is activated, gaoline in the fuel hose may be pressurized when eggaging the fuel lever. 2. The Hin VCS 100 Thermal Oxidizer shall be turned off At the Hirt indicator Panel, tum the Power Switch to the "Off' position. 3. Prior to inserting the UST EVR nozzle into the fillpipe of the Dynamic Back Pressure Test Unit in step 7.1 of TP-201.4. completely drain any gasoline in the nozzle and vapor path of the !rose. The dispenser must be deactivated and the nozzle lever and bellows shall be fij)ly engaged. I 4. When flowing nitrogen per step 7.1.2, fully engage the nozzle lever to allow vapor flow from (lie nozzle to the UST. S. After conducting TP-201.4, turn the Hirt VCS 100 Power Switch to the "Oil" position. C, Required Steps YIN I . Were ail dispensers deactivated? Yes 2. Was VCS 100 Power Switch lumed to "OM position? Yes 3. Were all nozzles and hoses completely drained of gasoline prior to inserting nozzle into Dynamic Back Pressure Unit? NA 14. Were all nozzle levers fully engaged when conducting flow test? NA Is. Was VCS 100 Power Switch turned to "Oil" position after conducting TP-201.4? IYes I declare. under penalty qfpe jwy under- the Imvs of the .crate of Calfl6rnid Mai Caved on information and belic fjbrmed after reasonable inquiry; the Statements and information provided in this docanteni are true. accurore. and complete. Signature if Technician: Date: 9/6/2011 Permit Number: S-1946-1-8 Test Company: lConfidence UST Services, Inc. Confirmation: 11-18041 Technician: Karns Site Name: Mobil '11"C_' b4b*.Minba. till 5&­. A 1101 . iDatef Site Address: 800 34th Street Discrict: SJV-0007 NA City/Zip: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date/Tirne of Test: 91612011, 9:00 AM jVeeder-Root: VST: I SO 834106 5/22/2012 12/411-012 OM M 'V as (Incuded Exhibit 4) cnducted in Wt 24 hours? No Was TP-201.4 (IncludinS Exhibit 6) conducted in last 24 hours? No Was Exhibit 5 conducted in last 24 hours? No Mas, there a fuel deli very within last 3 hours? No ITotal Storage Capacity of Tank(s): I 30044 Total Ullege:—F 19913 % U I I ig_T 66.37% Is Power Switch lit? Yes Is PROCESSING lamp on? No if "Yes", test cannot be perfonned until lamp goes, out! Time for PROCESSOR laMe (0 light (ipinuts): 30 Seconds Did PROCESSOR lamplight within three (3) minutes? Yes Time for OVERPRESSME lamp to light (minutes): NA Did OVERPRESSURE lamv 1ip_11t within sixty-two (62) minutes? No NC} rm I A certified HJRT technician must perform this test. 2Turn 3-way valve handle back down to Normal Operation - open to ulloge space. 3 Tarn power to processor back on. I declare. 2wd4.,r penaftv ofpeijwry tinder /lie {mss of file stale of California that based nn in -mat on and behefforvtM after "etTeMicible 111(71flOY the $10fetnertis and inl6renadon provided in this d6contenf ore trite. accirrate. and col"Agele. Signature irTechniciaw Date- 9/6020H .0 ,jUST ,CCNK11&MCf. Invoice No: 27866 Re LO During the Hirt VCS-100 Operability Test the Overpressure lamp wouldn't light up within 62 minutes. This parr of the test failed and the internal timer inside the VCS 100 needs to be sent to Hirt to have tbern repair or replace it with a new one. Also while conducting the TP 201.3 test the following components were leaking, 8' VST Hose -46, -# 1, VST Whip Hoses on 9.2. #6,. #7, #8. OPW Vapor Adaptors on Regular 87 Vapor, Plus 89 Vapor, Super 91 Vapor. There is also a leaking rubber vapor hose in dispenser 1-2, and during the Drop Tube testing the CAP C; drain valve is leaking and needs to be replaced. All of these repairs must be completed witbia 7 days. C% Due to the leaking hanging hardware we didn't replace, due to issues with ffie custorner, we were unable to finish the testing and perform the necessary test procedures that apply to this Executive Order. Required.Repatrs-., Updated o4l,9M TATI'Team Confidence UST Services, Inc. 16250 Meacham Road, Bakersfield, CA 93314 800-339-9930 or 661-631-3870 FINAL TEST RESULTS ALERT 1000 / ALERT 1050 / TEI LT-3 / VMI LDT-890 CUSTOMER ADDRESS: Wholesale Fuels, Inc P.O Box 82515 Bakersfield, CA 93380-2515 SITE CONTACT: Nabil Alhussieni TECHNICIAN: Bryan A Self WATER IN BACKFILL: 0.00" WORK ORDER: 33928 TEST DATE: 3/212015 PHONE: 661-327-4900 PHONE: 800-339-9930 DATE & TIME OF LAST SITE ADDRESS: #1001 Wholesale Fuels 2200 East Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93380-2277 LICENSE: 11-1756 FUEL DELIVERY: 12 Hours+ TANK INFORMATION: (WETTED) TANK I TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 PRODUCT TYPE: T-3 Clear Diesel T-4 Unleaded T-6 L-S Dyed Diesel T-6 L-S Dyed Diesel TOTAL GALLONS: PRODUCT LEVEL: PERCENT FULL: TEST METHOD: WATER IN TANK: TANK MATERIAL: P.S.I. @ BOTTOM: TEST DURATION: FINAL LEAK RATE: TEST RESULT: TANK INFORMATION (ULLAGE) U/F ONLY ALERT 1050X ALERT 105OX ALERT 105OX ALERT 1050X ULLAGE GALLONS: START PRESSURE: END PRESSURE: TEST RESULT: PRODUCT LINES: TEI LT-3 TEI LT-3 TEI LT-3 TEI LT-3 LINE TYPE: Pressure This line was Pressure Pressure START TIME: 1:00 PM leaking on the 1:46 pm 2:15 pm END TIME: 1:15 Prn day of testing 2:00 pm 2:30 pm TEST PRESSURE: 55 PSI 65 PSI 65 PSI FINAL LEAK RATE: 0.004 0.001 0.002 TEST RESULT: Pass Fail Pass Pass MECHNICAL LINE LEAK DETECTORS: VMI LDT-890 VMI LDT-890 VMI LDT-890 VMI LDT-890 MODEL: SERIAL NUMBER: CHECK VALVE PSI: BLEED OFF ml: LEAK RATE TESTED: TEST RESULT: A) These systems and methods meet or exceed the criteria in USEPA 40(;FR parts 280, NFIJA 329-37 and all applicable state codes. 13) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all regulatory agencies. TECHNPTAN SIGN A RE: — 12TI201 5 Alert: F TMI-116 CERTIFICATIO TO LT3: N TMI-1 16