HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/2010TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorabie Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager �� �.S , General Information Septemb BIG NEWS -� The Draft Environmental Document for the Morning Drive fnterc complete, and Caltrans will have a public hearing at Highland High � September 15th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Enclosed is the Notice of A which will be sent to property owners between Autumn Oaks and Mas notice was also published on September l st and will be published on Sf gth. Caltrans' public hearing will be an open house format, so peo� able to come and go as they please. WESTSIDE PARKWAY --� We reported to you last week that the Operating Engineers l�nion which covers most of Southern California, went out on strike in mid-A appears that the strike is ending, so we expect that work will resume r on projects that were affected. -� Attached is a media advisory from the TRIP office notifying motorists �. traffic delays and lane closures at Truxtun Avenue and Mohawk when projects are back in full operation next week. BUDGET NEWS -� For only the second time in 34 years, state lawma;kers have reached SE without passing a budget. Competing Democratic and Republic pl . . .. . . . . � � � � � � � � � '' - ' - - -- -- -. _i. . r. � - - Honorable Mayor and City Counci September 3, 2010 Page 2 MISCELLANEOUS NEWS -� The Chief of Police indicates that BPD will increase patrols at throughout the holiday weekend. --� The County Administrative Officer's staff report presented to the Supervisors earlier this week requesting the Board adopt a position in s the California High-Speed Rail Authority's recommended San Joaq� alignment along the Burlington Northern-Santa Fe (BNSF) line is enclo. attachments to the report include a letter to be signed by the Chair anc of the results of a statewide telephone survey assessing Californians' toward the project. -� On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, a road closure will occur on Ashe R McCutchen Road to Taft Highway. This road closure is necessary in install a 36 inch sanitary sewer main line on Ashe Road. As part of this E new roadway will also be constructed on Ashe Road between McCutcr and Taft Highway once the sewer line is installed. It is anticipated that closure will be in effect until October 21, 2010. -� This week, the Structure Group presented the California Public Commission with its assessment of the PG&E Smart Meter Program. Enc the Press Release and a PowerPoint of the Structure Group Report result� -� The following report is enclosed: • Streets Division's weekly work schedule. AT:rs:rk cc: Department Heads Roberfa Gafford, City Clerk STA"rt: OF CALIFOKNIA--BUSINF:SS. TRANSPQRTATION_AND HOUSING AGENCY __ __ _, ARNOLD SCH� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2015 F,AS"T SHI�I,DS AVENUE, SUI"I'F, A-100 I=RESNO, CA 93726-�428 PHONF (559) 243-8196 FAX (559) 243-8215 TTY (559) 488-4066 August 31, 2010 Dear Property Owner: Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Document and Announcement of Public Hearin� for the St; 178/Mornin� Drive Interchan�e Improvements Project The California Department of Transportation in cooperation with the City of Bakersfield, is proposing to c new interchange along State Route 178 from 0.65 mile west of Morning Drive to 1.2 miles east of Mornin� Bakersfield, California. The proposed project would widen State Route 178 to a four-lane freeway. Morni would be widened from a two-lane road to a six-lane road from south of State Route 178 to Auburn Street two-lanes to four-lanes between Auburn Street and Panorama Drive. Additional right-of-way would be re� Two build alternatives, including a design option, and a No-Build Alternative are under consideration for t project. The project is located in the northeastern portion of the City of Bakersfield, within central Kern C This letter is to notify you that the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental �ssessment is avail� public review at the Caltrans District 6, Environmental Division Office in Fresno at 2015 East Shields Ave Suite 100. 7'here are also copies of the report available at the following locations on weekdays from 8:00 � 5:00 pm: TRIP Office at 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93301; the City of Bakersfield ] Department at 1715 Chester Avenue, 2nd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301: the Kern Council of Government 1401 19th Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301 and the City of Bakersfield Public Works Uepartment Truxtun Avenue, Bakersf eld, CA 93301. The report is also available at the Beale Memorial Library, 701 Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tuesday through Thursday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm and Friday and SatL 10:00 am to 6:00 pm., as well as on the following web page: http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist6/environmental/envdocs/d6/. Comments on the document are being accepted t October 15, 2010. Please submit any comments or concerns about the document to Kirsten Helton at 201 _` Shields Avenue, Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93726. A Public Hearing will be held to present the current status of the State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchat Improvements project and to obtain public input on the draft environmental document. At the Public Hear Caltrans will present maps and graphics of the project area and will summarize key results of technical stu supporting the Draft F.,nvironmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment. The date, time and locatic hearing are listed below. The hearing will be informal and you may arrive at any time. WHEN: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 WHF,RE: Highland I-�igh School 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2900 Royal Scots Way Bakersfield, California If you have any questions, please contact me at (559) 243-8224. Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 • Fax: (661) 852-2195 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 3, 2010 Traffic Advisory Contact: Janet Wheeler TRIP Public Relat (661) 326-3491 Work to Resume at Truxtun Avenue/ Mohawk Street Intersection Motorists are advised that work on the Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk Street intersection exp� expected to resume on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Construction at the intersect interrupted in mid-August by a walkout of Operating Engineers Local 12. With the resun work, motorists should stay alert to changing road conditions and to anticipate possi closures while traveling through the area. Short-term lane closures are expected to occur on and off for the next two to three m� different crews perForm work in various areas of the intersection. When lane clos� necessary, they will typically occur between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Since lane closures may cause traffic delays, motorists are advised to avoid the area an alternate route if possible. If traveling through the area is unavoidable, please ; additional travel time. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program will continue to update the public to ch� traffic conditions as the project progresses, and apologizes for any inconvenience t causes the traveling public. For additional information on the Westside Parkway project, please visit our website at www. BakersfieldFreeways. us. ### - Capitol and California California budget vote produces no results Posted at 1222 AM on Wednesday, Sep. 09, 201D By Kevin Yamamura - �ry:em,��*u;r,,��,;sar:uec �•.a^ For only the second time in 34 years, state lawmakers have reached September without passing a budget. The Legislature conducted floor votes Tuesday on competing Democratic and Republican plans, both of which fell shor# mostiy along party lines. exercise served as a rhetorical workout but gave littie indication that lawmakers are close ta a compromise, in about three hours of debate, lawmakers confirmed what has been known for months — that the two parties remain entrenched in their positions and spending cuts. Nonetheless, Senate Presidenf Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said afterward that the discussion had been "cathartic" because lawm chance to explain where they stood. Republicans criYicized Democrats for waiting until the finai day of the legislati�e session to hold the year's first floor vote on a fuil spending pian. l day's action would accomplish little. "So why they put it up for a vote in the first place no one knows," said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at a San Francisco Chamber of Cornmerce e according to a transcript. "But Senator Steinberg insisted that he doesn't want to hear the word drili, that it is not a drill ... So IeYs call it Kabuki, w want to call it, but that's what it is." Steinberg said legislative leaders waited until now because they were previously concerned about disrupting the fiow of pri�ate budget ta{ks. "!f you go too early with the public debate, there's the risk that you're going to harm what can be delicate negotiations," Steinberg said. "In this in: we're to a point where certainiy there's no harm and some value to airing what everybody knows to be the difference, but in a public and in a civil Democrats and Repubiicans essentially disagree over $4 billion ta $5 biliion in solutions, roughiy one-quarter of the $19 biliion deficit. Schwarzen has demanded lower pensions for future state workers, as well as a permanent change that would restrict future state spending. To bridge the last part of the deficit, Democrats have proposed three major tax ideas. That includes a$2.1 biilion delay of corporate tax benefits; tax swap that wouid aiter taxes on income, sales and vehicles; and a tax on oii production that would raise $600 million. Approving those taxes wouid spare the state's welfare-to-work program, provide state-subsidized child care ta low-income families and give schc additional $323 per pupii. The taxes also would avoid higher co-pays and stricter restrictions on doctor visits for Medi-Cai patients. "This is a moment for us to put on the record what we think is the best approach for California," said Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, D-Los An Steinberg said he does not want higher taxes, but that they are required to avoid devastating cuts. Sen. Bob Dutton, R-Rancha Cucamonga, saic pieasure in eliminating programs, but that higher taxes are not an option in a down economy. "i hate all these plans. I didn't come here to make c The Republican proposal wouid bridge the last part of the budget deficit by eliminating welfare-to-work, as well as child care for ail but preschool wouid cut deepiy into in-home care for low-income elderly and disabled residents and rely on the aforementioned Medi-Cal changes. Republican proposed significant reductions in state worker pay. Republicans blamed Democrats for not accepting smaller reductions to weifare and In-Home Supportive Services eariier this year. They said the is that Californians cannot afford higher taxes. "The public expects that we will not take more tax dollars out of their pocket," said Assembly Republican leader Martin Garrick, R-Solana Beach. Both houses wiil hold a joint informational hearing today to discuss a Schwarzenegger idea to appiy the state sales tax to services. The governai hoid a news conference on the budget. Legislative leaders are expected to resume ciosed-door budget taiks within days, although no sessions have been scheduled. Schwarzenegger � leave for a six-day trade mission in Asia on Sept. 9, budget or no budget. ��°�. ����.�y .�.� �������.���� ff��� C;o�ntv r�,dminis�rative �ent�r � 11 � Truxt�in ���c�n�;e;:, �iith F���r � 1�;.��:f�r<f«�:d, f_:,A 93 �C3� -�fi��3 IE:'qC:��I1C)ilt�' C?�?�—FiE)H•j���° � FAX 1���-8E�a-31�+Ca •�-I�Y F�el<i�� �`t.i0-�3�-79"l9 ��c.3a�-c� c7#� �upe�-r� i�c�rs h.�'1'il �',i�Uiit�' ,�E�il"3i313Sti"�IIiVC' �i.�L31�(',1� i I I S I`rt�xt��r3 .'lti�c�ZUi �3akc:rsi te: id, f�'� 93 j�} i _-,�� . . � .. �: Co�anty A�irrii� ��� ��' °� •� F�(��f����3� ����`��'I"��I`�" ��� ����:��� �i��:�;� 3ZA.II� ��..�f�:`���;�'I" E�I�d ��7��1������ �i��r�����,�'�T-�:�.l1i�t� ��!. �a�1�� ��i ��i� s��,�r'��'�.T��� �t��,�,,�� ��s�a� ��a�:��.t: l�o�€� 'T'his is tc� rc�ta��s� �h�t �%o��r �3�arc3' �cl���� �a pc>�itia�� �i� su�3}�t�i-� a�'t��e Caiitornia }-��i�l�-S�eed ��i] ��t�c�r�ty�'s r San Joa���ir� V�Iley �li,xrames�t aio��t� tf�c �3ur13���,t�n �c�rt��ern-Santa Fe f F.3NS�=3 li�le. ���i1ie critics c�t� th� cu��re��tl�.r adt���ge� �1��;��-s�e�cl �-t�il a�i�,a�r��erit a�ierraati���;s h�ive �.rw,�ed tfr� ��,ut}���-itu �c� ����r-t}�-so�ith ali�.:37m�nt �hrc�u�l� the �:'ii�- ���` �3akcrsf�;la�, ��t�il�; c�t��c�rs �a�,�e cdi!€:d f�r sh��tin� the cu�•�-e��t(y pr� �li���r�e��t i� in4�e�c� ��llc��v ;t�i.e; .Ii.c�irte 9�} €`or �t5 �r�ti�-� len�th �i-�in F3�:kersfi�ld t� Fres�lc�. Th� �:�,r�1 C:��z�ricil c�fi ��overn�����ts a���i the C`��i��;€�it� �[i�h-Spe�d R<��� .�►i��hc�rit}� st���f �;�a���ian il��€t rr�c; Jc�a��iia� "t�alle;:� �c�rtic�r� c�f th� aiibnr��en� f'rcxn €�s cirrrentty° p�o��sed �31�t5F rc���te tivau�� be less ecc��c�mic�l, r�tor�: �i�vir�n��ie;�t�i� ir����ct ��ssessa�x�;i�i, �r�ci cc��ild ultimat�l_y c�st t�e ��t•�jcct ����re t��ar� �� hi��ic�r� in �ec ��t�pc��-t if �ti<<�It�at�e�� c�#' � t�c��� rc�Ei�e ali�nm�;r�t �eJa�°s �ro��cadk�r-��k�ir�� past i:��cc���ber� 24)12. ��� ad�-�itiot�, s:c>ulci eroci� c:.t.ir�•�:nt �i'ra�g sc��pc�rt tc�r t��e hi�h-s���d r��l proj�cti �l�rot��.hc�ut C'alif���r�7i�, �s er�iciencc�i bti c�p�raic��l ��.3i1 sr�c����i���� th�t €T�ore tlia�i tE7�-ee-c�u�r�crs o�'ris�anc��n€s �r���u1d lik�a I:c7 ��.�: �1��L p�-c�j�ci I���iI�. ��� ��c�diti�:��, c������in�� il�e �Ii�zlmc�t7t ft'c�m ihc L�T��F [in� tts St��e Rc�€�te E��� �rc�c�lcl 3-�c���i�-e r�;lt���Yir�� �3��kersfiel� hi�h-s�et,c3 ig-air7 stt��ic_�aZ ��t�d ���ou9d disc�t�ali�y� tt�c� �rc��osed Kern �:a�nty :�ites n�ar Shafter a��z cc�T�si�ieratian fc�r Ic�catiiyi� o�t�e 11i�,1�-s��eed tra�rt ��eavy ��TairltcFi�nce Fa�,ility-. "�'��ref�r�, Ir�� �S i���`C�?��1'�TI'�i��.F.C� t���� }`oi�r �ic��rd �dc3�t � posiiion ia� s��p�c�r-t o�� t.��� �::�lifior��a F�i� ,-�.t�tf�orit:r�'s rE�c»llrr}er�d�;cl �ar� Jc�ac�r�ir� V<�J�e�l a(���-i�-nent alc�n� the I3«rli�l;;tun i`Jo�h�;�-n-���1�a �'c� l���c a�t� �:��air�a�� tcs si�,.�r� cc�rre:s�t31-�c�er�c� tcz the ���3�rE>�i�i�ite eff` � s� ��hn I�iilt�n Lryoun�ti� �dc��i�istr�tive �)f�icer i`.::tii3K'1 EGGc�i ias sF7d rni; $NSi� al"ege� E3C7L C'F 30G >4 >i �C7.�.��:� �� �t1�':��.�II���.� St;r�'�;�t��SQ�S J��� i��cQuist�n ................ I:�is�ri�.t � I�Qi3 iV��2�3�I? .................... I.�istriet Z ��zkc :h�a�n<�rc� ............. �3i�trict 3 Rs�vn�.cz��i A. ��ratson ...... �istrict 4 I��icl�a�l J. �i��bzr� ............. i?istri�t 5 TI�e �I��t�rabl�: �urt �'rin�I�, ��air C;uli#'o�-nia l-�i��-S�eet� ��i� r�a�t�onty �Z5 �, S�rc�,t, �uit� 1425 S�cr�r�ent€�, CF� 95�14 Dear �I�airr�an �rin��e: �-:�_��� t��� �,«� Kwrrl Cc�u��ty r�� 111.5 �i'rua�u �3ak�:r4fit �'ele� TT� ' .t�t��u T��: �e�i1 ��unty Bc>�rc� c:�f S���rv�isUrS �i�on�Iy supparts the� ��Ll�%rni� �i�Y�-5�e�d R�ii� rec��n���ncie� ��Ii�nr�e��t a��r�� t�e 13�rlir��tc�� l�o�t:��rn-Sant.a �� {I3£v`SF") �in� ��xc�u�;h the Sa� .�r3a� Fc�ilawi�g exis�in� rail I���es wi�l e�able th� rr�os! c�nvironmen��Il}� 3��n�, ecv�����icaliy ����ef��al, cc�r�stru��ic�r� o� t��is �rital infr��stnacture. '�'��; �3I�1�� al�;nm�;�t w�ii.� �t��ra�tc� ca�stn�ctio�n c�f se����a] transporta�i�n zrr�prc�vern�nts, incY�rdin �-a.de ��ossin�;s tha.t wi�l p��n��z� t�c; tir��;�y �no�uem�nt oZ t�o;�i f��.i�;ht �n� passen�er r�i� traf#'ic. ca:�as�: �h�; Ieast zrz�pacL c�n op��� s�ace5 az�c� rxuzaizn��e th� i�ss �f �iall�;y f��z-zra�anc�. 1�Vc a.isc� nc�te that t4ae clo�k �:s ti�kin� on th� use c�f bil_lions af riollars in �'ede�al �p�rc���r-i�tic��s fc�� rail i� �:al��c��ni�. �it� �€ fed�rai �nar�ci��e tv b�'e�k �rounc� nc� �riter ti�a� Bec�:r��b�r 2(�:i?, the �ut.h��� q�€�c�Clyr t� d�tc�s�� th� b�s� ro�rtc i��r the trai�. Sc�m�: �:ritie5 �d�� ua-aed t�e t`�ut�a�zty tc� r�-exar� south �igr��nt t�rou�h t�e �i�y taf B�ker��'ielc�, bt�t �u�.hnr�ty st�.ff co��idede.c� t�aat �Ite rec��nr�ende� �gainst �t. `�"�e. �:er� r�;z,i�n and th� S��n �c�aq�:��� �Jalley wiil b�nLf� ��atly #rc�rr� having �ane of t�� f�rst operation�l hibh�-speed rail. �s a re�c�n varitI� sc�m� t�f the �i�h�si c�rc�nic t�nernplt��fmcn� in t��e U t�e: Sari Joaqu�n V'�ll�y ur�;�r�tly ��e�ds the ect��c�mic stirr�ulus t��at �;ig�a-spce� rail wili brin�;. Th� ]�e�-n Cou�tv Ro�rc3 c�f �up�rvis�rs t.herefore ur�es �:h� �4uthc�rity tc� �p�rtnJe t�e �3NS� ��ibnzx t.hc� S�n Jr�aquin �1�31e}T. `�'c�ur st��'f has dev�ted many m�nths o� work and has thc�rs�u�hly c;c�nsit�� the ���ternz�t�ves. f111 vi���e a�ib�rn�n�s hav�; hee� �x��ore€� ��a ��;p�h, an�3 ��e �ask #c�r �ina] ac�optit�n c �.�iba��nent nc��� sc� th�t ts�is er.t�cal p�o�ect c��n �a t�rw�a��i. Thar�k y�u fc�r cc�ras���rin� c���.� �3t�arc�'s viewTs zn ��iis rr���ter. Sincere�y, � F�. � �1�r� e� • ' � . r T {;;�e � 5 ` s-_. � - � .::F ?.iT1 � u� 4F�:. .. . : �.� �� d a �g� } � .i: � � . .� _ , . . . _� ., . 3 F w 3 � :i? ;� � � e a� �'��; �y g F � . _ . .. . w ., . . .� � � ,._� � Y'=` � . £ , C.: h; . . . .,, � � � � `. 3���" __ � _ .> �>�.; . .,_ 1'i: t'rl/" i �;�J?:i;;v?i'� r�:'.�.'J','i,it�.'.:,, :,� :>lT��:-r�iC��f�T.i. �+'��f,��i� �,v.,1t1C��;C1 �:)�iivy t��t��€c. �i��a3:ic��ts i a.::,.kx....a,� _. . �.,..,F.a_�......� v.. .,. < _.,. �..,. �::a �.w �3 �.� .� �..� {.) �� � �; .� �� � K..,1� �.� Y��. a��..�� �� �.l � S.�.Wa 4� ��vic� I��1el� I�airE�ai��:, It�1�41�n, `+�a�alli�, ��t.�, �i .�ss�cia�es �.��ri ��Jei ;e1 �'u��ic ��ir�ic�n �trate;i�;� �Cey �ind�r��s �rara� Re:ce�rt Rese�r�;i� �ra I-�igh ���ed �.aii in �"al���ri�ia .�u��� l � , 20� 3 0 �`�irbank, '�'ias�in, Ma�liin, 'Vlr�tz �, f�.SSC�ci�tes �FM3� and F�ubiic �3�in�c�n Str��e�ies (�'�S} r�c.cn�ly ca�-riec� t��t a state���it�e telep�o��c sur��ey c�f C;aIif�arniaazs t� �sses:� �h�ir attit�.�cles iovw��rd t�e stai�'s hi�i� s�v�� rail �rc�jeci.' "��h� rest�iis sY�c��� thai r�or� tha� set�er� irs ter� �rotcrs �vou1;� like tt� �e� 1he prt�jeci b�ilt. �,nd a�thou;h �ar��e h�ve c�nc�rns �bo�t t�� cas� a��c� �i�z�� �f �h� �roj�.,c�, vot�rs scc the pro��;c�'� b��efis — pa�icular�y for �obs, �ir �u��i��y�, �.nc� �tot�i�ii��g a c1�ca��r arac� m€�re cc?nv����:n� r��;thz�d �� travc�l -. as h�g�ly i�raportani. t'�s ��•�suit, vt��ers dc� na� see �a.�c�rtain#:ies �r�?��nd the ��t���ect as o�#'�rir�g c�mp�l�a��� �-��i�ans to delay it; at�d as ���}� �e� r�o€��; i��fcrtnatior� ab�t�t the prr���:ct, thei�-.4u}��c3r� t�3�c�� tc� irlt�nsify. �ey specific .fir�d�n�s c��thc: s�rlrey i��c��de t3�� to1lUt�ir��: � A m�����i� ��f ��lif���-�ians ����c�r� �1�� �r���ct.. Survey� res��ncients `��ere affere�l � cl�a�icc �f thrce �tatemcnts ak�c�ut th�: prc�je�t, �s s��ov��t� �� �'��u�-� 1 aa� �he f+a�lt�vv,�ir�� ��g�. IVI�,re �l�ar� three-�uarters o��thosr� pc�lled �76%� sai� iha� th�e�.� ��o�ld ���Ce �c� see �he tr�i�� bc�il�. "i'�i:� ��r�rber ix�c)udes r�ore �han one-t�irc4 (3=��'/o} r��o ����a�� lii:e tz> se� it �n�ve %n���rc� "�.s qui�;k�y as �ossil�I�S" �r�d �n �cidit�t��al 42 ��rc�r�t wi�o said �hey �r�c��id l�ke i� s�;e the �r�i�� bt��it despite sc�me co�lt;er�s �v�r c;ns� {�€rat� i:it�i��. ���.�er t��t� c�ne ti�oter i� fi��e {1 "�°�o) i��lica��d c�ppositio�s to �hc� ��-aject. �r�ir�.�:1: ����i�� .�.��a��d�� �c�a�-ciia�g t}�� �����-������ ��:� �`�-����� ��s���s3�t if�€ pr�j�ct ar�d Gvo�ai� €Ck� €`t j.� i ; s,�°/p rncs�re ��as�ww�rd �s �ui�kly as p�ossib§�. ; F � �: C}R �._ .. . .. .. _.. _ . , _. . .::�, i v�o�td ��ke �a s�� t�� i�ain �uSd�, j�i � ��vx� sarra� car�C�r��s abtas�t ttre i¢Tni�g � ;�2°!0 C}R �nti �os� a� the prc�je�cr. i -- � capp���: t�se a�r�}�;ct, a�ad wa�a#d prer'�4 tl�af i€�e trair� r�ot be b�ii`:. �����D�'t�lQ��� � ��ro ��i°�a � ........._,,.,,_......- ..............._. _ __ _ a� ♦aa x»: m ipc sou � t��ic�st �r��:��-� ��.���� he;.���i �;�����t����� °�&�€���i ���� ���'��t a��:c� �1�� ���� �����r-��cl ai: t�r��� �� i�� �1�� t��€��� �;�� �����-���-�. Mc.3re �har� se��en i�� t�;n v�.�tcrs sa}� �hcy l�aWe I����: st�me��ing abo�t t�ie p�c��ect? ir�c�i�dir�� 2fi p�rceni ��.�he� }�a�r� ��eard "a gre�t deal" a� �b ��:rc�r�t r��hc� ����vL he�r� a lesscr �rr�c�a�r�t. �'hosc ���c� ha�v�:- hear� som�ethi��� al�o the �rr�ject ter�� to �e �nore s����ac�rtive: f'ully 4:' ��ercen� c�#'t�s�se �����o h�v� �earc� ` �;re�$ d�a�" �bout the projcc:t ��ant i� �� ms�ve fUa-�v�rd �s c�uickly as pr�ssih� t�nm��red to 2� ��ercer�t t�#�t�ose ����� 1�av� nc�t ��e�rc� a�yth�n� a�c���t it, o �c�i��s b�i����-�: ����� �h� r�"�ci ����i� ha��-� �� �ric�� r���$�c� ���' ����€���� ��r�- �����'r�a-�� .�s dc;��i��d i7 ��g��� 2, survey res�and��ts ���er� ask�d tc> ra�e �� va�-iety c���eneiits the prc�ject as "e�ctr�m�iy�," "v�r}�,'" "�c�meti��ha�" c�r "nt3t tvc� er�p�rt�nt." �.s the t�r mahes cle�.r, r�aj€�ritaes v� thc�se �c�lie� sa�� e�cl� b�nefit c�f th� proj��t as at ��z "�rer}� �€�portar�t." I'�Iorc than ihr�c-q��:r�ers vf�er��I �I�is ev�l��tion to t�� }��'oj�e� b�r�cfiis �'or j��s, state r�ver�ues, �raffc, dr�d �ir �t��lu�ic�n. �+'ti��.a�8.k°� 2� ����I��#�t�r� t��' ��� I��c��-����� t��' ���e�i�� ��' i�� �ro,��� ��'��i� �'a�€�,�leci) ��a���� ������ C`r�ati�g �e�� jc��� _�._._..�_�._..�..�.�._.._.._..�..__ �e�aeratin� up tca ��i�c��: t�illio� �ollars in ne�r�� annual r�:ven�i� �ec�uc�nb �ratiic �oF�gcstacan Rec�ucin�; air pcsiltatian and sm��; ��_...�; . . . - � - �"fm ����r����i� �� i1��-� � � �����td� �� i �3 `% 7'9 `�/m i�' �'/o � 77 "/a � � �(��� �a'€�a-�t�� c�f f�-� �e�� �a�t��:���at� ���aFele�°s i�c�i�.°��� i�a;�� gl�� �i�rc��z�€� 1��� �� ��� g�� ��°��� ���� �t �s ��itt. � tc�tai of 7? �e�cer�t c�f� tho�€ pol��ci sa,•° �he}� tra��c� lo�g-dastat�ce betiween r��ions of Ca]i%zri�i� at le�st anr�€aaily�. 't�'hen in��r���e;d th�3t a sin���; p�r,5v�'s ha�;}�-speecl rail trip bet����ee� Sa�� �rancisLO �nd I,c>s t��}�;�les ���ufr� cc�st ��s� t�a� an �i�p�lar�c° t�c�:et ���c3 rnuch ��ss th�n t�e c��st c�f dcivi�a� �- and w��sId be �t�re er�v��c�nr�e�tally° frienc�lyr _ rnore thart sev�,�� o�i� c��` �en sa€� tt�e}r ��c�ulcl p�-e�er �a t�.�.e �he ���gl�-s��ec� rail li���. � �o���-� �c� �aca� ��� ���-���t �n+�er��in���s a� � �-eas€��a t€� d�I� t�� r,�teet. �rh�:�� offercd t��vc� stuten��n�s abc�ut t�a� �ro�ect, a:� c�et�aleci in kig��-� �, I���rly td��ic�; �s ma�y r�-at�rs �ntiic��� that th� l�e���f ts c�f tt�c tr��� rrYa4�� i� ���c�r�h r�r�r��in�; ��rdw��rc� r��it� the invc��rr�ent r�r�«�, �s c>ppas�d tQ deiay2ng ��sed c�n uncertz�i�3�ies �bo�at cos�s, �-ic�crsh��, ��r en�irc�nn�aental �zn�ac�s. �1� �u�: 3: �"��i�e t�f ����e�����fs .�.l�t��t ih� �'�-��j��t �'S`,��'�� �'a,r�,�l��{�� � :... ��, — - - -- T�e �Sat�s�iial e�avironmenial and transpori�#as�r� ' . be�e��ts o� a taigfa-s�reet� r�i� lirss are so great, ���L it �s .-`�' :��% �n+orfih ir�v�stir�g iea it novsr to provide for Caiifo€�nia'� - fu�tar� ' �6� _.,:. �.� _��.�.._._._ _ ..___ �_.____ It is no� r�uo�th tfi�e �isk �o �ui�d a b�ig�-s�►eesl raid j � sys�srs�; rrve ds� r�t3� 3ca�s�wr vv�at ;� wrsCl �os�, h�v✓ mar�y ; ;�3°;�a �ro��ple� wili ride d�, Qs �hat ixs e�vironm�nt�l irrspa�#s ; wili be 1 °I �oti�dP�ei�her/[7KJ�UA Z '; ;�°lo , �. ��. ��b �:� �� � x�.� v€�t��� ���� �€�e�i��s���aa� i��`€�r������aa�r�, #��i�- �� t��� iQ� ��a� ��€����:� ��a�d� �{ ��cr�s���. C�ve�- t��; �ours� �� the s�.2r����y�, �espt�nd�;r�ts ��r� �rc�vid�;� ��rit}� detaile` in��rn�a�io� a�c��� t�� �rc3ject, as ���e�} as rr�essa�,�s �rii�u�a�i��� its ben��ts. �.�tc�r thi iz���rma�ic3�3, c�r�e�-�.11 sup�ort �'�r �h� proj�s�i �r�cr�ase�, as s�:�wr� in �'i�,�r� �. Th �rE�pc�rtion c�f� v��ers int�icatin�; th��t �l�ey� ����?uId I�ke th� prajec� tc� n�ov�; forti�arci "a a�ickly as �a��i�le" ras�: �ro�n 3� perceza� �o �5 �erc;ea�t. ����;R�:. �a f:����;� �� �����s�9' fr�r� tha; �rc�j��� ��t�r �ddi���a���l ��fo�ra��i�o� ; 3 �� '��aSf y` �i� �;b; z , � ,, ,'�� ���.�;; F 6i� 4� Z" } p$@ f, x �' I s�,��ort the �r�j�ct ar�d wo€�id like it to rn�ve � 3�°Io ��.µ z�,--r>,� ��-99% f� � ��� a�, ; c=,�y �s ,,cs����� , . �_ .�_,w .__.�.. _. _ � .W_ . �� I idUGizsli tEi4'Q :ti:� �i:�c: Ii'� Lr�iFi �:�_Jlt?, �)l:I i1;=1Vt: �or� �G t:r:�c�rns about ti�e timing a�� cost of �;,� 1-r.; �c:i. ; �c�c�s�� i.i-�;� �ro;acr �nu k��a�;id prefef �h�t �he train not be bu's�t. Aitl3�onelDKl�iA. 42°�0 � 3°/a � 1 �/n 37°fo � -�% � �°%a I �2% 3% � -8% `�'a�en tc�;ethe�, ���; sun•�ey re5�lis s��c��v ihat despit� som� c���c;e�ns a�c�u�. its cost an ti�inb, ��aos� vo��rs s�,tpport b�ildin� t�e �i�;�-sp�e€� r�i1 pa��.lc�ct- �Ic�t�rs vaiue t� �rc���cl's ��n�fis for _jo1� creaizan, a�r ��aiity, ant� �rt�v��iin� � ch�ap�;r �nci �nc» cor�ver�ien� ����y� t� �ra��� the s���e, �nd �e�i�ve t�e �r�j�:ct is ti��r�h c�aritinue�i ir�ves�mer�t ' 1l�I�t�sc�d�a�a�: Fr�r� :�'�ay 1��a 18, 2(�lQ, �iV�.i and PC3S cc���plcted 8�1� �e9epk�one interv�e;w�s 1�� regis�cred vc�ters in Ca3�for��i�. .�.n additi�nal �U� intervieLti�s we�-e cc�t�dtscted ��igh v�ters in San �ranc�sc S�n Jvse, ��4ca�[o �'��rk'Athertvn.'i'alo �'�ito, Los t"�n�ei�s, 13ak�rs�eld, Fr�sn�, �nt€ l�.rtah�im. A�t re�u' liave �eea� statist�cally w�i�ht�;ci tU refleet the iru� �ec�bra��Yge distrib�tios� �f vc�ters ac:��ss t�te sta� Rcs��l�s far t�c f�iil sarnpie �ave a m�rgin t�f sarr�plin; err�r �fi' +�'- 3.5°ia; rn�rgins o�' san�aplir�g error f subgr€�u�s ��ithi�a ihe sam�l�; r,�.��il be �i�4�er. C � �� � ,f ' .. � . � '� �, •�; . ... � � . • �.•. - � ,. a . �. � . .. � ��. � � r,. . � - �. . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, September 1, 2010 PRESS RELEASE Contact: Rick Millwee Construction SuperintE (661) 326-3358 Road Closure on Ashe Road befinreen McCutcheon Road and Taft Highway On Wednesday September 8, 2010, a road closure will occur on Ashe Road from McCi Road to Taft Highway. This road closure is necessary in order to install a 36 inch sanit� sewer main line on Ashe Road. As part of this project, a new roadway will also be cons on Ashe Road between McCutcheon Road and Taft Highway once the sewer line is insi is anticipated that this road closure will be in effect until October 21, 2010. Detours and alternate access points will be provided during these closure periods. This result in traffic delays, so drivers are urged to use alternate routes. The City thanks the for their patience during this period. For more information, please contact Rick Millwee, Public Works Construction Superint� at (661) 326-3049. ### � � �� ������� FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 Media Contact: Phyllis Goodson, 910.616-9160, phvilis.�oodsnrt±�t;thestc�icture��r<�z�p.c.om PRESS REL� Structure Announces Findings of PG&E Smart Meter Assessme Cu.stomer Usage, Rates, Customer Service, and Process Issues are Largest Complaint Factors HOUSTON (September 2, 2010) - StructureTM, an industry leader in business advisory and cor services to the energy and utilities industries, today provided to the California Public i Commission (CPt1C) an Assessment Report of a five month evaluation of Pacific Gas and Company's (PG&E) Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system focused on electric res customers. Structure concluded that the residential electric Smart Meters deployed by PG� consistent with industry standards and axe performing accurately. However, Structure identified customer service and processes related to the handling of high bill complaints related to Smar deployment, and determined certain PG&E practices to be partially non-compliant relative to i best practices. In the presentation to the CPUC, Structure addressed the following questions: 1. Does PG&E's SmartMeterTM system measure and bill electric usage accurately, both since PU&E's Smart Meter deployment began? Structure confirmed that Smart Meters are accurately recording electric usage at present, systems are correctly processing data and billing usage. Structure also confirmed there ` systemic issues found since Smart Meter deployment, beyond exceptions already repc PG&E. The exceptions that were identified are limited and are not prevalent in the population of deployed meters. 2. What factors contributed to Smart Meter high bill complaints? Structure's Assessment identified multiple factors that appeared to contribute to the escal Smart Meter high bill complaints during late 2009 and early 2010, including finding; following areas: • Customer Usage: o Meter deployment schedules coincided with increased energy usage caused wave. o Some customers experienced load changes that were reflective of changes in � � I ��i � �� � � o Incorrectly applied rates that were based upon historical premise assumptic: affected customer baselines and rates. o Rate-related inquires increased a5 customer bills escalated. Requests fi enrollment or failure to manually renew enrollment in financial assistance 1 California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE). • Customer Service: o PG&E processes did not address the customer concerns associated with t equipment and usage changes. o Customer skepticism regarding the new Advanced Metering technology � addressed early or effectively by PG&E. o PG&E's customer complaint resolution process did not utilize detailed inter� information available from Smart Meters, which may have assisted cus understanding of their individual hourly usage patterns. o Some customers interviewed during this assessment did not consider their co resolved, despite indications from PG&E and CPUC that the customer agre the resolution. • Process Issues: o PG&F, utilized field meter readers for an average of 131 days after Smart were installed, resulting in similar meter reading errors as electromechanical The transition to automate the Smart Meter data for use in billing was not addressed with customers. o PG&E's system tolerances related to billing quality control were not s enough, resulting in multiple bill cancelations and re-billings, which were cc to customers. o Customers indicated that communications surrounding physical meter insi were lacking, or that the customer had issues with the installation personnel. 3. How does PG&E's SmartMeter' M program's past and current operational and dep; practices compare against the framework of industry best practices? Structure performed a review of PG&E's documentation of past and current operatio deployment policies, processes, and procedures against a framework of industry best p� Structure found PG&E to have been historically in compliance (since the beginning o Meter deployment), or have recently come into compliance, with many best practices as; with Smart Meters. However, Structure identified several items of partial or non-con related to industry best practices, particularly in the areas of complaint troubleshoot account billing. To arrive at these answers, Structure divided the assessment into six components: ��� � �� � • Assessment of AMI security framework. As part of the assessment, Structure independently tested over 750 Smart Meters electromechanical meters. The laboratory meter testing included verifying 156 meters for accuracy and factory programmi� representative sample of new meters shipped from the manufacturer and obtained from r geographically-dispersed PG&E warehouse facilities. A portion of these meters were utilized to � environmental stress testing in a controlled temperature chamber at reference, high, and low tempe All of the tested Smart Meters passed the applicable accuracy testing standard established by the in Field meter testing was performed on 611 Smart Meters and 147 electromechanical meters, and i� site verification, meter type and form factor verification, proper installation, and meter progr accuracy verification across six scenarios. 7'he pass/fail criteria were based upon the CPUC a standard of �2.0% for electromechanical and Smart Meters. 100% of the 611 tested Smart successfully passed the CPUC accuracy standard. Of the electromechanical meter field tests, 141 passed and 6 failed the CPUC accuracy standard. End-to-end system testing included both lab and field analysis on a small sample size to confirm r bill system accuracy. Structure verified the meter usage and event data from the customer � through the AMI and billing systems, to the customer's receipt of the printed bill. For both of the Structure did not identify deviations during the testing that indicated a systemic problem in th billing system's accuracy. For the high bill complaint analysis, Structure reviewed and analyzed 1,378 electric Smart Meter t complaints and identified factors around customer usage, rates, customer service, and process Results from 20 high bill complaint customer interviews identified specific service issues complaint management by PG&E and the CPUC. Structure performed a review of PG&E's documentation of past and current operational and dep: policies, processes, and procedures against a framework of industry best practices. As summarizec Structure found PG&E to have been historically in compliance, or have recently come into com with many industry best practices a.SSOCiated with Smart Meters, though certain PG&E practic evaluated to be partially non-compliant. The security assessment was performed to provide a confirmation that controls were establis] documented on the Smart Meter system. Structure concluded that PG&E has developed a cyber framework that is compliant with industry best practices. Structure Principal Stacey Wood summarized Structure's perspective on this project as follows, Structure was able to verify the accuracy of the meters and flow of ineter data to downstrearr systems, Structure did uncover issues that negatively impacted the customer experience, comblicatin� an alreadv complex undertakin�. Ultimately, the success of advanced metering p � � � ��'����; Z'he full report is available on the CYUC website on the page, Independent PG&E Smart Meter � ht�.�-I/������� cpuc ca «c�v/E'�1C%ener-��-/I:�emancl+I2esponse/solicit.htm. To provide an objective eva: Structure developed the findings of this study independently from the CPUC and PG&E, u reasonable efforts to perform the assessment. Structure cannot provide assurances that all issuf identified or that future issues may not develop following completion of this assessment. About StructureTM Structure is a global consulting firm focused exclusively on the energy and utility industry, pr services and technology solutions. Structure focuses in providing a spectrum of services across � advisory, program management, solution delivery and implementation, and performance impro� and was recognized as the Advisory Firm of the Year 2010 by Energy Risk Magazine. Structure r deep industry expertise and proven methodologies to deliver projects across Smart Grid/Dist� Operations/Distribution Automation, SCADA & Energy Management Systems, Energy 7'rading Management, and Competitive Energy Market Solutions. For more information «-t� ��-.th�structl�r�::r�up.com. : ;� a; ir %�:.` r'+"; €�' ' a�,', : a . 4: ti. �; `. �? �: �, � _ �' ". H': �'. 't `� %�' : �'.i ' � ��� x�� . �X i��r. � ` .�` ..�'Y �&� , 3 '�h &.,'r'��. �.i=h sf �, � �e:,''= i � `�, y�: _ p t ' �- + } y:; 'r ps� . � ��.�.' :Y � . _ . �,z' .4. . . ,';ati,. � .� $ a�. , .+r�_�„�..., �S_,.TM� _�' „_ ._'9 ,., „�: ., _ s_ ,� �x �-� � �. , -' .. _�� ��� ' a'��..� .� ,._ __ _ �� *r _ :� y 'i : �^ �����'� ��,.,-. . ..1.�...,.., r p r � ` : � ' .i;: :�" �� �� F,, ,� :�� .. ;. ::��� r &, .� x�� � %F � F �� g{ t �� �� � t � . �,� t �' � . 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Building parking lot at Mesa Marin Sports Complex. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, September 6, 2010 No sweeping service. Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. — Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesday, September 8, 2010 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursdav, September 9, 2010 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, September 10, 2010 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. — Ming Avenue & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. — Gosford Rd. & Stine Rd.