HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/2010• B A h' E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September TO: Honorable Mayor and City C u�-�- FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Generallnformation v BUDGET NEWS � The most recent sales tax receipts information arrived last week, which the activity during the months of April, May and June 2010. The result foi quarter shows an increase of 6.38 percent as compared to the same q� 2009; however, sales tax receipts in the most recent four quarters are dc percent as compared to the same prior four quarters. In March 2010, the sales tax revenue estimate was revised to ref annualized deciine of 17.50 percent for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009-10. Back 2010, the State projected that the result for the second quarter of 2010 w negative 5.50 percent. Given that the last quarter's result is only the secc in the last fifteen quarters that experienced a positive increase as comK the same quarter of the previous year, we are uncertain at this time whE reflects the beginning of a long term trend or a temporary anomaly. Tr we are not suggesting any adjustments to the sales tax revenue estimatE FY 2010-1 1 budget at this time. -� SACRAMENTO, CA - After breaking its own record for the longest impasse in modern history, the Governor and legislative leaders have r the "framework of an agreement" to solve the $19 billion budget deficit. of the deal are not available as they will apparently be ironed out c weekend so that, according to Assembly Republican leader Martin "...the leaders can come back together Monday with a consensus and f � VISALIA, CA - The City Council voted this week to settle on a labor contr Honorable Mayor anc� City Council September 24, 2010 Paqe 2 their members to stay in shape through a recommended workout progr a 2 percent cut on top of that. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS -� Intended to inspire change among regional commuters, Kern Co Governments is asking drivers to seek alternative means of getting to school during Rideshare Week, October 4th through the 8t" by participat Ride Share 2010 It's A Total Trip program. A press release with more inforr enclosed. � The following report is enclosed: • Streets Division's weekly work schedule. RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRAL -� Councilmember Couch • Feasibility of allowing dove hunting on the sewer farm property. AT:rs:rk cc: peparfment Heads Roberfa Gafford, City Clerk 1 � ��))11111���,, �� .. . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director ��� September 20, 2010 Sales Tax Update We received the most recent quarterly sales tax data, which reflects the � and sales during the months of April, May and June 2010. The quarterly a annual trend information is as foflows: Comparing the most recent quarter with the same quarter last yea positive (+) 6.38 � Comparing the most recent four quarters with the prior four quartei negative (-) 9.02 The positive quarterly results reflect the 2nd time in 15 quarters where o�r results have been above zero. We are uncertain at this time whE information reflects a long term trend or is a temporary anomaly. Ther are not suggesting any adjustments to 2010-11 budget estimates at this tii The annualized negative 9.02 �o, while still negative, is better than our � budget estimate for 2009-10 of negative 17.5 %. Ending the 2009-10 fi: with this positive 2nd quarter provides a net cash flow of approximately $� when compared to year end budget estimates for sales tax revenues. Given the significant cost increases expected in our employee benefit r� the next several years with CaIPERS, along with the fact that we ha unable to budget the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) amount fc Medical in the past three years, we would suggest using these "surplus" hel� address the vet unresolved budget issues facing the City over � 0 � L^` W i� �- L � � � � Q � Q L � � � � � O N a--' � � (� U � > � � � � � a i� N � � � � O i O (n � � � O � U � � o � � � �� O Q L O .O U � � �� 0 i�+ N C (� � U \ 0 C � N � U � N � � � � O � � O � � � � C O f� > � 0 � L N i � O � �L � � L � � .� � o 0 0 � � � M N O � Cfl N �- ' � � N N 0� CO O � 0� Cfl � M � � N M � N � � � r- {�} E�} f�3 (�} � � � � � Q N N N � � � � O Q, Z U � � � � O � O C� ti') r �' e �- � � 0 � N N � � � � � � � � t� Li � � .� -� Q � � � N O c� N '� QO � � � '� N N !� r r I � � � ��I � „ a' � X \ 0 N O d� ► N � M M O Lf� E�} � � 0 � a� cfl CO � M � � � � �--� � � \ 0 N CO N N i 0 0 N 00 �t � N O N � � i \ 0 � � � � � N N 0��0� M M 00 �-- I a0 O � OOI �- r- (� O� N N c'7 �- ' r- � r- r I, Ef� �F} l�} 6F} � � � � � � r N N N N � Q U � � � � � �+ • � � O � � Q Z L.� 'L >+ .+..� � Q U Q � O � � � � � !— �' �i �ri N O N O � O N � � � � � tn � d' N r r r r � � � �' n � 0 0 � a' Capitol Alert: Schwarzenegger spokesman: Leaders have 'framework of an agreement' on ... �� �' .� ��'+�� � ��:�`�����.:�`�� _ ,�� . _ ��„�„��:W ,�:�:�' �. � � � � � ��, ;� �x � �,�� . ,_ � �r .� � . �a � � � .;_� r..v'___. _ .. �'r._. _ _.. _ ... .._ _.� ... ._ _ ._ ._. .. . . . .. The latest on California politics and government September 23, 2010 Schwarzeneqqer s�okesman: Leaders have 'frame_work _of an agreE on_budget Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders have reached the "framework of an agreement" to $i9 billion budget deficit, Schwarzenegger's spokesman said this afternoon. The five lawmakers "will work through the details over the weekend, and hope to come to a final agreemen reconvene Monday," Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear wrote in an e-mail to reporters. Details of the deal were not immediately available. Spokespersons for Senate President Pro Tem Darrell � and Assembly Republican leader Martin C'Tarrick confirmed McLear's statement. The announcement came as leaders wrapped up a second day of budget talks in Los Angeles. This year's sp on Friday becomes the latest state budget on record. UPDATE 5:29 P.M.: Assembly Speaker John A. Perez released the following statement: "Today's meeting has resulted in sign progress, and I believe we have reached a framework for a potential agreement. We will continue to work t the weekend to iron out the details." Seth Unger, spokesman for Assembly Republican leader Martin Garrick, wrote in an e-mail to reporters budget framework in place. Members and staff will be working on language through the weekend so that tY can come back together Monday with a consensus and finalize." Posted by Torey Van Oot 4:13 PM � Comments (195) � Share � �r:,s E., http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci�16156981 ?source=rss&nclick_check—1 � �l�e��e��u�� et�� Mercury�le�s.cam ' Framevvark' af an agreement reached to resolve California`s budget stalemate �y Rcsb'ss� 4�irciery= Associated Press f'asted: 09!23'2�1U �}�:��:i;� ��� �'L�E� Updated: 09/23/2010 10:13:27 PM PDT SANTA MONICA -- California's leaders declared a breakthrough in long-stalled budget talks Thursday, as the state approached a dubious milestone: breaking its own record for the longest budget impasse in modern history. After two all-day negotiating sessions in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's private Santa Monica office, the governor's spokesman said they had reached "a framework of an agreement" on eliminating the state's $19.1 billion deficit. Top legislators concurred. Proclamations of such accord have proved premature in the past, but the negotiators said they could strike a final deal as early as Monday. "We will continue to work throughout the weekend to iron out the details," Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, said in a statement. But the legislative leaders, who had traveled to Southern California for a rare budget summit outside the Capitol because Schwarzenegger has a severe cold, left the talks in SUVs and cars without �� �.. �� : :� � � � � +r7 i.' T t�.' �S, ib tir :�,� � ��, � � 3:' �, $� � � t ,� K �;. � ` � �, � w ;� r �} �^ ; r a� �� f g ] t�,:§ � , �A� � T °� � L �; t'� �.>a.. �t .y �"S 1Y'�� � ��s . .�m #d�+':;.i�w . ��`�n.x. providing details. The Democrats had arrived in Santa Monica bear matzo-ball soup for the Governor Wednesday, 84 days into the fiscal year. California reaches a recc for a late budget today; the previous record was s Sept. 23, 2008. Both Democrats and Republicans have said any r budget is unlikely to raise broad taxes such as those on sales or income. But the spending plan, once completed, is expected to cut into numerou� government services to close the deficit. Schwarzenegger has vowed not to sign a budget unless it reins in public pensions, and one person with knowledge he talks said that remained a point of contention. The governor also said there would be no spendi� plan without some controls on other state spendir and the source said that demand would be met w a future ballot measure. Eliminating this year's deficit -- equal to more thar $500 for every man, woman and child in the state has proved especially intractable. Lawmakers ha� been at loggerheads for months over what progra to cut or what taxes to raise to close the shortfall. As Schwarzenegger and lawmakers began meeti Thursday, how much to spend on K-12 education and how to repay schools what they are owed fro past years were among the key sticking points. Republicans were amenable -- for a price -- to the suspension of a corporate tax break allowing businesses to deduct losses in one year from tax� paid in another, according to finro people close to the negotiations. The sources, who also spoke on the condition of r �� � ��%� � t ,;: , N � , � �� �S � ' x �p�` �' t � ���,� s ,� �- t��e sA �?��' �` '�+, : ��i �`� � ''� '1 ; +' � N i:.. }.,- � � S ' +�.�'`r�;�.- '�t * �.s �� �y , � i �:1� �.,{�, y,�i���� d4 �y 5�.� 9 >� � . , d, ��- �:c7' �� � , . . L ���� �) � � ' � r .°#:`"° ... . . .,. 5��� ..... . . � � � ... ,'�-£.'�4 uA'.'.is.`� http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci_16156981 ?source=rss&nclick_check=l ����e�cur �euu� [Nercury�le�us.com � anonymity because of the delicate nature of the talks., said those discussions were ongoing. As the summer budget impasse has crept into the fall, a growing number of California's bills are going unpaid -- a projected $6 billion through September, according to the state controller. "IYs horribly frustrating and devastating," said Jeremy Tobias, executive director of the Community Action Partnership of Kern, which provides child care services. His organization is owed $900,000 by the state, he said. As a result, services for more than 3,000 children have been cut or eliminated. Staff has been laid off or had hours reduced, he said. "We're expected to carry the state during this period," Tobias said, "and we're just not in a financial position to be able to do that." � � �. � � r„ � "� #� � � � � � ... � � ;� ,� � ,� ,� � b http://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/article/20100921 /NEWSO 1 /9210327/Visalia-City-Coun... �.,� � �� >� � ���. �� �� ��� � �� � �.�� ��� �� �.� �� � �- � k;�� ` w ��� ��` � �"�.s ".�:Q.,��j e� �%���,��,ar.�'�� �..2_ __ Visalia City Councii: Same workers agree to 4°/a pay cut .�,_ °0.' �i�%:�s' �.'a�`�:_� �.._,., s;{'`��Y��c?4e.�:�,,�'tG:`:c. CC33�a " ��'�:"ae":'::�.s:��u�i ;'�, .�L'?i.t lri�G`�,� City Council members Monday night voted 5- 0 to settie on a labor contract with one of its five bargaining groups, which amounts to a 4 percent pay cut over the life of the deal which expires June 30, 2011. Group M, the city's largest pool of general rank- and-file employees, consisting of 242 members, agreed to absorb a 4 percent payment to the state retirement system that had been previously paid by the city, on top of zero pay increases of any kind. That contract was approved by Group M members earlier tonight, and by a 5-0 council vote at the outset of Monday's regular meeting at the Visalia i"..Q�'SL`�`f��iC?:? �iE�i�2r- However, three of the other four management groups continue to hold out on settling with the city as their chief negotiators pleaded with the council to "get back to the bargaining table." Hence, in a separate vote taken after a late-night closed session, the council voted 5-0 to delay forcing the city's "best and final offer" onto the other three groups, a deal that also features what amounts to a 4 percent pay cut, negotiators said. That vote will take place Oct. 4, said Visalia Mayor Bob Link. "Fir�fighters' workloads have tripled in Visalia since 1995, and the staffing has not kept up," said T homas Sharp, lead negotiator for Group G, which includes 58 firefighters under the rank of captain. "Forcing this contract would be an outrage. Staffing is to the bone as it is. What is the urgency?" The management groups — B, A and G— are various levels of management, and will no longer be paid a 2 percent premium accorded their members to stay in shape through a recommended workout program, and will get a 2 percent cut on top of that, under the current proposal. The pay cuts were tempered, in part, with a 4 percent increase last year that harnaininn nrnimc rafiicati tn take hack desDitP_ instead being saddled with what amounts to a 6 percent cut on this current contract should it be approved, said head negotiator, Visalia police Lt. i Lynn. Advertisement �° _� a ������� ,� �� r �� � =�; �. s� � �� �: ��rr� E�il�rrr�rr�� ����:+`�.,�t t"�c3L��'�5��'� ������i �� ���rir�� ��r ��ir �:���Li�"t� �� ��� �C� :���r�. ������ �t �r �?� �d [� �- �' �-'' i R ; 3 �I' k -�:'�BebJVh�,O"��.�=v -z+_ q ,^ . `" y � x�.,�����°� w�... .t�., <������.�.�"��.,�. r� ��.. ��� September � For additional information, KernCOG Rideshare Coordinator at (661) 8E IT'S A TOTAL TRIP! FOR KERN REGIONAL COMMUTERS TO PARTICI IN ANNUAL RIDESHARE WEEK OCTOBER 4-8 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Organization: Kern Council of Governments What: Rideshare Week When: October 4-8, 2010 Intended to inspire change among regional commuters, Kern Council of Governr asking drivers to seek alternative means of getting to work or school during Ride Week, October 4-8 by participating in its Ride Share 2010 It's A Total Trip progrc Rideshare Week is an annual statewide campaign that promotes carpooling, trar other alternatives to driving alone as a means of easing traffic congestion and im air quality. To help commuters get involved in the Week and have fun at the same time, Ker is offering a variety of tools for employers and interesied persons. Access the R, Share It's A Total Trip website by going to www.commutekern.orq and clicking oi Rideshare icon. "We are asking people to find an alternate means of getting to work or school wh it's carpooling with your coworkers, riding the bus one day or bringing your lunch work" said Anne Schoolcraft, Kern COG's Rideshare Coord,inator. "Participants � eligible to win prizes by accessing the Rideshare Week pledge card online. We � make people feel good, protect our environment and save them some money all commuters who try ride sharing for the first time during Rideshare Week c to ride share at least occasionally afterward. 3. Currently, eight in 10 commuters drive alone to work and traffic congestior growing by 3 percent each year. Sharing the ride is a low cost solution that will help meet the Kern region's mand< clean air and growing transportation needs. "Rideshare It's A Total Trip!" is a fun way to encourage people to consider a diffe approach to getting to work or school during Ride Share Week," said Schoolcraft real key is to continue to inspire change in people's driving behaviors and to thinE ridesharing throughout the year." For more information, access www.cammutekern.orq or call the Rideshare Coorc at Kern Council of Governments at 661-861-2191. ### Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 — October 1, 2010 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Sealing streets in the area between Gosford Road & Ashe Road, Panama Road to Minc Reconstructing streets in the area north of Panama Ln & west of Wible Rd. Blade Sealing on Gosford Road between Panama Lane & Taft Hwy Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Installing Handicapped ramps in the Kern City area. Building parking lot at Mesa Marin Sports Complex. Repairing damage sewer lines found during video inspection in the alley east of ChestE California, also in the 1700 block of Vanderbilt Repairing concrete at various bus stops on Wilson Rd, Hughes Ln, Wible Rd, So. "H and Planz Rd areas THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, September 27, 2010 Between Coffee Rd. & Verdugo Ln. — Brimhall Rd., south to the Kern River boundary. Cul-De-Sacs, west of Windsong St., between Brimhall Rd. & Thistlewood Ct. City areas between Rosedale Hwy. & Stockdale Hwy. — Verdugo Ln. to the west City Li Between Jenkins Rd. & Allen Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Birkenfeld Ave. Between Hosking Rd. & Astro Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Tuesdav, September 28, 2010 City areas between Olive Dr. & Downing Ave. — Coffee Rd. & Knudsen Dr./Mohawk St., Wy. From Weldon Ave. to Meany Ave. Between W. Columbus St. & 34th St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Beween Union Ave. & Madison St. — Casa Loma Dr. & White Ln. Between Westwold Dr. & So. Laurelglen Blvd. — Gosford Rd. & Woodglen Dr. Wednesdav, September 29, 2010 Sweeping streets in areas that are not on a set sweeping schedule. Thursday, September 30, 2010 Sweeping streets in areas that are not on a set sweeping schedule. Fridav, October 1, 2010 Between Buena Vista Rd. & Allen Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Mountain Vista Dr. — Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. Between 178 Hwy. & Paladino Dr. — W. Columbus St. & Morning Dr. City areas between Sterling Rd. & Morning Dr. — 178 Hwy. & College Ave. L � B A K E I� S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September � TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ; �� , ;..__ FROM: Rick Kirkwood, Administrative Anal st III ' - � . _ __ Y �� . _ SUBJECT: Dove Hunting on Sewer Farm Property Council Referral No. 194 Councilmember Couch requested that staff review the feasibility of a dove hunting on the sewer farm property. After the September 8, 2010 City Council meeting, Councilmera�ber requested that staff review the feasibility of allowing dove hunting on thE farm property. Background: In the early 1980s Garone Land and Cattle, Inc. leased the land from the Bakersfield to farm approximately 5,000 acres of agricultural lands c disposal of treated effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2. Today, the sewer farm consists of approximately 5,500 acres of agricultur� leased to Donald Collins, DBA PROGRESS FARMS, to grow crops a reclaimed wastewater and biosolids produced from the City's Was1 Treatment Plants. The current Agricultural Lease (Agreement No. 05-382) a term of ten (10) full calendar years through December 31, 2015 and option to extend for one (1) period of five (5) years. Alan Tandy -� Dove Hunting on Sewer Farm Property Councii Referral No. 194 S�ptember 23, 201 U Page 2 access shall be precluded from the treatment and satisfactory combination of fencing, signing, and practices." (emphasis added) disposal irrigation faciliti� manc The current Agricultural Lease with Donald Collins contains language c to this discussion as identified in the following sections: • 2.5: Selected Situations: ...No hunting, shooting, hazardou� disposal, septage disposal, or other use which may in, Premises or pose hazards to persons on or about the Premi. be permiited. (emphasis added) • 2.8.7: Access to Premises: No public access shall be allowec Premises. Gates shall be locked at all times and no public � on, or across, the Premises shall be allowed, nor shall the p allowed on the Premises for any purpose. Duck, dove, or hi any kind is prohibited on the Premises. (emphasis added) Discharge of firearms within the city limits: Section 9.50.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, states, "No person or discharge any gun, rifle, pistol, or firearm of any kind within the city lim city, without a permit as provided for in this chapter." Section 12.56.050(HJ and (IJ of the Bakersfield Municipal Code states th� the limits of any park, it is unlawful for any person, other than a d�ly au city employee in the performance of his or her duty, to do any of the foll� H. Purposely or knowingly, in any manner, provide access to food, bait to any wild animal, including, but not limited to, coyote squirrels, feral cats, foxes, raccoons, skunks, waterfowl, birds or bec I. Take into, exhibit, use or discharge any firearm, weapon, air slingshot. Conclusion: As noted above, public access has been precluded from the sewer fai the early 1980s and continues to be precluded so as not to dist operations being conducted or pose hazards to persons on the sev� property. In addition, the Bakersfield Municipal Code prohibits the disca firearm within the city limits. Considering this information, most imK CRWQCB's 1982 order to preclude public access and the current Aa►