HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/2010� S �� K E I�t S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM Ocrober TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager � / ��- SUBJECT: Generallnformation --� We are pleased to announce that Deputy Fire Chief Douglas Greener h� appointed to replace Ron Fraze as the new Fire Chief in Bakersfield. looking forward to a long and productive time of service from him in this K STATE BUDGET NEWS � It appears that the State budget will do no harm to us this time arour primary problem is that they did not deal with their true structural defic will continue to be at risk at some point within the next nine months or so. WESTSIDE PARKWAY UPDATE � Funding for Phase 4(Truxtun tie-in, $24 million) of the Westside Parkway h delayed pending two things. One was the adoption of the State budgE has now taken place. The second is the sale of infrastructure bonds by tr Current projections are that it will take about two months for that to occ goes well we should be able to bid that project shortly thereafter. (Allen-to-Heath, $32 million) is on a reserve list - if the bond sales go possible that project will move into the funded category. Pha appropriated and is much more likely to occur - Phase 6 is hoped for - certain. MISCELLANEOUS fVEWS --� Dianne Hoover will become President of the National Recreation a Association (NRPA) later this month. NRPA is the leading advocacy orgc Honorable Mayor and City Council October 15, 2010 Page 2 -� What does a one-and-a-half mile long revitafized waterway, a trE boulevard, and 350 units of new housing have in common? This qu answered in the enciosed memo from the Economic and Coi Development Director providing an update on the success of redeveloK the City of Bakersfield. -� Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 Solar Photovoltaic Renewable Energ� had an award bid value of roughly $5.36 million, and it was awarded tc 3, Inc. There are two funding sources for this project. The first source is c grant from the Department of Energy in the amount of $3 million that i� the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The second so come from a five-year long rebate from PG&E and the California Solar Program. The City will be reimbursed for the amount of energy it produ< it is anticipated that this rebate will total over $2 million. During the month of September, System 3 began accepting d performed surveys, and obtained a building permit. Since October 4th, < has been driving steel piles into the ground - photos of the prog enclosed. Aiso enclosed is an email from the Department of Energy informinc Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program grantees program-wide goal to draw down at least 20 percent of the funds by Se� 30, 2010 has been attained. -� From the Recreation and Parks Department: • The Good Neighbor Festival at Dr. Martin Luther King Park will be I Saturday, October 16t" from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Food, entertc children's activities and various neighborhood services will be feature� • The concert series at Bright House Networks Amphitheatre continue country band on Saturday, October l bth at 7:00 p.m. Ten dollars for evening of music under the stars. You may bring your own picnic ba� also purchase an alcohol permit onsite. • San Joaquin Community Hospital Foundation is sponsoring the seconc Gospel Festival at Bright House Networks Amphitheatre on Sunday, � 17th from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The featured entertainer is NataliE preceded by several local entertainers from various community c Plenty of food and drinks will be available. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 15, 2010 Page 3 RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRALS � Mayor Hall • Enforcement of uncovered load violations. -� Enclosed is a report presented to the Bakersfield Redevelopment regarding hiring practices related to redevelopment projects. AT:rs:rk cc: Deparfment Heads Roberfa Gafford, City Clerk L�_J � � � � � � � � � � � Economic and Community Development Department October b, 2010 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director -��� SUBJECT; Redevelopment Update What does a one-and-a-half mile long revitalized waterway, a tree lined bo and 350 units of new housing have in common? None would have ha� without redevelopment. Empty lots do not become much-needed grocery stores, contaminated f< do not become attractive residential neighborhoods, and blighted ii properties do not become the county's most popular choice for first-run m by themselves. Each of these projecfis, along with countless other transformed older parts of Bakersfield because of one simple idea; redevel works. Despite the recent articles in the Los Angeles Times, plus actions government, redevelopment is a critical tool to revitalize older parts including Bakersfield. Mill Creek Linear Park is the most visible of these local successes. Mill Cr been a catalyst for afitracting commercial, residential, and mixed use along its 1.5 mile path. More than 350 new housing units, including about 9( senior housing, are also positioned adjacent to Mill Creek with compact I designs that create an attractive urban setting for their residents. While Mill Creek is the larg�st redevelopment effort in Bakersfield's history, projects have just as much impact in their smaller neighborhoods, For e; various streets in Southeast Bakersfield now have curb and gutter impro� new housing, and new residents, to these reenergized neighborhoods. Th residents also mean new customers to nearby businesses. Redevelopment reenergizes blighted neighborhoods, jump starts the process, brings new life to neighborhoods, and much needed tax revenue; government through increased property values. One does not need to look far in any direction in Bakersfield to find projE exist only because of the benefits of redevelopment. The list below includ� of them: PAST PROJECTS • Rabobank Arena and Convention Center, 1001 Truxtun Avenue • Marriott Convention Center Hotel (formerly Holiday Inn Select), 801 Truxt Avenue • FoodMaxx grocery store, 11 i 5 Union Avenue � Bank of America Tower, 1400 Truxtun Avenue •Chase Bank building (former California Republic Bank), 1675 Chester Av • Old Church Plaza, 1200 Truxtun Avenue • Kress Building, 1401 - 19th Street •Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce building, 1725 Eye Street �Canyon Hills Senior Apartments, 6701 Auburn Street (74 units) • California Avenue Senior Apartments, 1 Ol 5"�" Street (179 units) • Lowell Place Senior Apartments, 500 "R" Street (80 units) �Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvements, 24th Street to Garces Circle RECENT PROJECTS • Mill Creek • Maya Cinemas, 1000 California Avenue • Landscaping around Bakersfield Municipal Airport, 2000 South Union AvE • Fire Station No. 5, 700 Planz Road. � Parkview Coitages, 21 St and "R" streets (74 units) •Santa Fe Apartments, 701 Union Avenue (56 units) FUTURE PROJECTS • U.S. Courthouse •Clinica Sierra Vista dental clinic, 1125 East California Avenue • 19th Street M ixed Use Project, 525 19th Street • 19th Street Senior Apartments, 519 19th Street (67 units) /1 /'11L. /1 t . _ _ 1 P1 _ _ _ A 1 � /1 /� 1 I /1 1 � i r /1 � � � Think of redevelopment as a chain reaction. When the Redevefopment improves a deteriorated area, property values rise, Those increased valu increases in property tax revenue to the Agency. The increased AgE revenues mean more funds can be used to make more improvement improvements, in turn, attract private investment. The end result: the economic output and benefits to the community are larger than the origin investment. All of these benefits happen only because of a simple truth: redevelopme S: \ Redev response 10-b.docx Solar Project at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 iJpdate General Information Memo — Friday, October 15, 2010 � `�� �� � . . � � - .... .�»,�,,,� _ .. _ _ ... .. .. ._ w.� �. . . _ . : . . . . . , � , ,, . . . . .,> ._, . , . ,; . �. . .�. , , ..:. .a _. . .. „ - . ' - ���. , _ x� s? - � . . . . . . r:"G � nd .�;_ � : �° .� - � .. . . . � � "''µ�?� , . b . . .i-., " ' F� f°7 h J,�+ x K Z'f• wj � ` �` P�. � � J . ,Y 4 . � � � .. - . .. . � s ,�..i.• .: ., � '� �^ � '� �� 4 �� . �-. . 1 ` r �'� .ir- ' 3 . . .. 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' - �`�"�1�,., .. $'... , k � .. � � ' �`�k. �� EE��3� �xceeded September �'arget - Thar�ks to �'ouy �� � .< !�_ � s � " _�. �1 � ;�' :� �� ,° ' j ; ;i: !. t ; From: DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation 8iock Grant Pragram <eere a�service.govdeiivery.corr:> To: <rpa�ley@bake�sfeldcity.us> Daie: 10/13l2U10 8:39 AM ��sbject: EECBG Exceeded September Targe� - Thanks to You! ��.4__Y.; �� i s t , I. ..._... _ _....... _..._... ..... ... . _......._ ; �, �r � ;. ` � - � k , . � �� , �t�� � �� :�. Dear EECBG Grantee, Earlier this year, we commur�icated an EECBG �3rograrn-wide goal of reachi�ag over $450M in completed projects, or 20% funds dr�wn down by each gra�tee by September 30, ZO10. We are excited to report that the EECBG program exceeded that gaal with $476,898,441 ir funds drawn down by grantees on Septernber 30th. I want to thank you for your hard work and contrib�€tion �o exceedir�g �his goal by investing critical funds into ti�e US economy and your foca[ community. A�d, spec+c thanks are due to the 908 grantees who either met or exceeded �he gGal of reachgr 20°10 in their grant funds spent. This was a major achievement �o� th9s new program as part of an historic expansio in energy efficiency �nd conservation �eployment across the r�atscn. We value your partnersh�p and contFnued efforts in executing the EECBG program and want to thank you for your hard work. In describing the launch of the EECBG program, we have used the anaEogy o� flyinc plane. 1Ne first needed to build up speed on the runway to get off the ground. By exceeding the September 30th target, we have done ti�is, and ar� now, as a program, in flight. We must wark to maintain our speed, specifically fiargetir�g �0% of funds drawn down by 3une 30, 2011. And, in this next phase of the prograrrt, we must also apply other measures with increasing rigor. Specifically, prograrn impact rr�etrics reported throuah the PAGE system and FederalReporting.gov are critical to measuring and communicati�g the impact of the EECBG prograrn. �ur goal is to present t�e natior�wi�e data cn comDleted oroiects, ener4v savinAS, dollar savinqs, avoic�ed emissions and jcb �.EC:I3� � �cceeded September Target - 'I'hanks to You� DOE project oifice�, there are a variety of reso�rces that arp avaiiabie �ree of charc through our Technicai Assistance Prog; am. Please utiEize �his reso�rce by c��tac�in your praject o�icer, phoning 1-877-EERE-TAP (1-8i7-33?-3827}, or visitin� our technical assistance website. Additeonaliy, we hope to support you in celebratsng successf�E projects. PEease he=� us sf�are the good news about your projects by submitting ��our leads abo�t po�ent success stories to �he Er�ergy Ernpowers Web sste a€ wwv��.energyerr�owers,�ovJ V1 wouid :ik� �o add your success to the over 100 EECBG s�or�es currently posted. We look forwa�d ta c�ngratulatpng ALL of our gran�ees when we hi� our nex� milestone for the EECBG prograr�-t of 50% of funds expen�ed by �7�ne �0, ZO? 1. Si ncerely, Toby Russell Program Lead Energy Efficiency and Conservation Biock Grant Progr�m U.S. Department af �nergy Update your subscriptions, rnodify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any tin on your Subscriber Preferences. Pa�e. You wif! need to use your e-mail address to Mcg in. If vou have questior.s or problerns with the subscription service, please contact support@govdeziyery._co�n. t� ..14:'c 1 z r-z^..�o+l, i I�,I.r L: � i(?{�ti:r�^.Ci��i1Cf. ?��Lc�. ��' :v� `',y j"� t'rpY �7^_��.; 5�n� v!J�:_. � C..ffi;� of rrr,r�y :... ..u�, �y �r�c, R2n24va�, _F��.:�Y • tOtl N,. , S';� as� ;��t.€�rf ,�� 2vw-.:� �. r �,.>7-.� i; � . — — — — — ,.. ,,.�._._...,�_._..�__..__._._.....__..__--____._------...----_...� Rabobank Arena, Theater and Conve, _ _ _ &_Bakersfie/d %e S� ac � n s - R��Oba� ----; ; - -- , ; / .:: � i { � `' ; � _ _� ' ; � ------, __ „, , �. The Wiqqles The Fab Four from down under along with Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry Wags the Dog enthralled the audience with "Wiggly Circus Live". The Wiggles are the worlc entertainers and have performed over 350 shows to more than 1.5 million fans since 2005 in 1 alone. WWE Smackdown This live taped event featured The Undertaker, CM Pink, Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Drew Mclnt� Cody Rhodes. For the first time ever in Bakersfield we had a steel cage match for the Heavyweighi Joan Sebastian Popular Spanish performer Joan Sebastian entertained a packed Arena in August along with a Sp� Sebastian has composed hundreds of songs and has been a regular staple on the Spanish top 4 career began in 1977. Uproar The Rockstar sponsored festival featured Airbourne, Hail the Villain, Hellyeah, New Medicine, Sour, Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed. This was the first time we had a concert outside of the as well. Los Tiqres Del Norte Five time Latin Grammy Award winners Los Tigres del Norte performed in the Rabobank ConvE set-up for their event had an open floor which gave the crowd plenty of room to dance and enjoy th Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood sold out the Rabobank Arena in September. Carrie performed many of her hits, performed while suspended on a truck from the Arena ceiling. Billy Currington and Sons of Sylvia � Briqht House Networks Amphitheater We have been featuring local artists on the last Friday of each month, which have been met with community. The events are free and expose the residents to the talent that we have in our own 1 we kick off our first event in our paid Dinner Series. We will wrap up the amphitheater season annual Gospel Festival featuring four time Dove Award Winner Natalie Grant. Upcominq Events October 15, 2010 — Make a Difference Tour October 16, 2010 — Condors vs. Las Vegas October 21-24, 2010 — Disney on Ice October 29, 2010 — Condors vs. Stockton October 30, 2010 — Condors vs. Alaska November 3, 2010 — Condors vs. Alaska ni.,.........i..__ c nn� n c�..�..i:._.... ...i n...,,.... - � °.`5.:-.'°F!+E'E.2' I 1 _ � ������ _ Ra�►D��1� � . - - -- --- - � � �---- , � = � ; � � �' �; � � -� ---T ' j' � � � � �� :, � , '� / ��_�� � ( i � _ __ � . _ : Operations July — We kicked off a few new recycling program initiatives this month. We added recycling k and pantries to recycle the majority of paper, plastic, glass, etc. We also added a large dumpster ii for all cardboard products. These initiatives were in addition to the other recycling programs alrE hope to increase our participation in green programs heading into the future. Our staff also rew control computer this month to take advantage of the system to save power, ultimately reducing c researched a few alternatives to using paper towels which lead to meetings with represent< suppliers and we came up with a report on hand driers as an option to save money on our pape time in addition to reducing the amount of waste we send to the landfill. August — Began working with the City of Bakersfield staff to try and implement a lighting upgra facility that would use PG&E loans at 0% interest to ultimately reduce the amount of power we cor using energy efficient bulbs and fixtures. The crew painted the entire Exhibit Hall, creating a muc space for our events. The scoreboard issues that we encountered in late spring were finally res� the original software programmer in Florida. September — The refurbishment and decoration in the Club Room began with a bang. We st� and with a lot of hard work and elbow grease, the room is taking shape. We are looking to create � room that a sponsor can now come and acquire the naming rights to the room. The staff < recovered hundreds of seats of all different kinds. Meeting room chairs, bar stools, and high tc brought back to life. Final preparations in the video production room were complete. We added a off season to benefit the production staff's ability to create a high quality show. Final preparations for the start of the next season. The concourse was waxed, bathroom floors refinished, basketball addition to about a hundred other projects. We're excited and ready for upcoming event calendar! Ice Sports Center The Bakersfield Ice Sports Center was once again the coolest place in town throughout the summ County. Events like curling, La Campesina cool summer nights, Max 96.5 FM family events and � local Hip Hop sensations Cali Swag District assured that there was something for everyone at the having a booth at the Kern County Fair this year for the first time ever and our friendly staff was z fair patrons face to face and field many questions as well as informing the citizens about the wonc the Ice Sports Center. See you at the rink! Steve Womack participated in the monthly meeting of the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Ed Dor: the monthly Bob Elias Hall of Fame Meeting. Date: To: From: Subject: � B� I� E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks October 11, 2010 Alan Tandy, City Manager � . � �r.,�� Dia e�(-loover, Director of Recreation & Parks September 2010 Monthly Report �� .y �. ADMINISTRATION: :- September Monthly Total Attendance: 42,092 (Includes ail programs, rE and volunteers combined for the month.) • Lowell Park Restroom Replacement - Pre-construction meeting was r September. This CDBG project is scheduled for completion in May of � • City in the Hills Park - The park is currently being advertised for construc • Greystone Park - Burrowing Owls are more of a presence than original State Fish and Game will provide a site visit to discuss mitigation on Oc • Mesa Marin Softball - Restroom/storage/concession pre-fabricated b been delivered and is installed. A change order for the tenant impro� the concession building is being developed in addition to handicappE and drop-off areas. • Mill Creek Sister Cities - The site is proposed along Mill Creek. • Kern River Upland & River Edge Restoration Project - The project will bE by City Council at the October 13, 2010 City Council Meeting. • Bright House Networks Amphitheatre o Free Concert/Movie - EI Barrendero on Thursday, Septer American General Media's La Caliente 96.9 for the first time combining a kids zone, food celebration of Mexican Independence Day. sponsored the fa and commercial A total of approxir guests attended. o Free Concert - SMG held its fourth summer concert showcasin Edition" performing oldies and "Breckenridge Road" performir r-� � r � � 1 I . 1 _ _ I I_ /'� rl r -_--- 1- DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS SEPTEMBER 2010 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE TWO • City Events for the month of September: o Central Park at Mill Creek, Farmers Market - The market coi decline with approximately 40 attendees per week and three 160 total. o Beach Park Diamond - The City held its first Cornhole tourname assistance of volunteers from City staff and community. A t teams participated and it was well received. • Special Events for the month of September included: o September 4th Beach Park , Bakersfield Shoe Crew Horseshoe To 200 guests o September lOth Yokuts Park, Islamic Center of San Joaq� Ramadan, 500 guests o September 1 1 th Kern River Parkway Trail, Kern County Physical Fit Run, 300 guests o September 18th Beach Park, Caregivers of Kern County Wall guess o Patriots Park, SG Komen Foundation Softball Fundraiser, 150 gue� o TPRW, Bakersfield Pregnancy Center Walk/Run, 150 guests o Yokuts Park, HEARTS Connection International Fair, 300 guests o September 25t" TPRW, Ridgeview High School Track Meet, 400 g� • Total Attendance: 12,361 - Reservations/Special Events AQUATICS: • Attendance at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center decreased by 20% as � to the same period in the prior year. Total attendance for September last September's attendance was 5,573. The following two factors c to the decrease in attendance: o Due to current budget constraints, fall swim lessons and the wint recreation swim team were not offered this month. Attendance 699 visitors for these two programs last September. o Garces Memorial High School utilized the McMurtrey Aquatic CE both boys and girls water polo practice last season. This season water polo practice is taking place at McMurtrey. Water polo p attendance was down by 343 visitors this month. i nn n �;i„ �i, ,t-,• DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS SEPTEMBER 2010 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE THREE • Kern River Divers hosted a dive meet on Saturday, September 18th at 1 McMurtrey Aquatic Center. Spectators watched thirty-four (34) diver various cities compete in the one day competition. • Total Attendance: 4,462 ATHLETICS: • Fall Adult Softball League - The fall league began their ten week September 21 St. • League of Dreams - Adaptive Basketball League held an OpE Celebration on Sunday, September 19th at Silver Creek Communi Food, Carnival games, pictures, and demonstrations were all pc celebration. Mayor Harvey Hall, CSUB Men's Basketball Team and Chariots all contributed to making this day a special one. • Other Sports Highlights: o Pee Wee Sports was held at Silver Creek Park this month with t participants. o In collaboration with Kern County Tennis Association, the Ada� Tennis Program started this month at Jastro Park. KCTA prc coaches, tennis rackets and balls for the program on Tuesdays. o Beginner's Golf Clinic o Coed Adaptive Adult Softball League o Cross Country Meet o Pee Wee Sports at Jastro Park o Closing Day Ceremony for League of Dreams-Adaptive Basketb o Kern County Disc Golf City Championship o Mesa Marin • Funding - The Athletic Division received the following donations/Volur for the month of September: o Cash for sports equipment $19 0 62 Angel Volunteers/League of Dreams - 124 hrs 1,19 Total: $1,38 • Total Attendance: 19,719 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER: DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS SEPTEMBER 2010 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE FOUR • The Healthy Cooking class which is funded by a grant from Walmart, tr National Recreation and Park Association has been very successful. o The class started on September 14th and has about 20 participar o Participants have learned to prepare vegetables and fruit in a ways. Fruit kebabs, vegetable trays and healthy tostadas are ju the items made in this class. o An NRPA representative has visited our site to observe the cooki� • Volunteer Hours - The center received the following volunteer assistar month of September: o Recreation Leader 30 hrs. donated @$9.60/hr.= $288 Total Volunteer Hours: 288 • Donations - The center received the following donations for the September: o Tire Slime (1 @ $25) $2 o Check Donation $2 Total Donations: �� • Total Attendance: 3,240 SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER/SAUNDERS MULTI-USE FACILITY: • Silver Creek Community Center o There were a total of fourteen (14) rentals for the month of S� Total attendance for Silver Creek Community Center was 1. included: rentals, classes and the After School Program. • Saunders Recreational Facility o Soccer season ended on September 30th. Playoffs begin the fii October. o The facility was rented for the Special Olympics Program two (� Saturdays for the month of September. o Hockey ended league play on August 31 St. Playoffs ended on � 2gth. The hockey drop-in program will begin on Tuesday, Octo� 8pm to l Opm. o Total attendance for the Saunders Recreational Facility was ' DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS SEPTEMBER 2010 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE FIVE PARKS: • Tree staff raised all 180 trees in River Oaks Park. This project was nec� to mowers having trouble mowing under trees. • Phase II of the Kern River Clean-up is located north of the multi-use secondary flood plain between Yokuts Park and the railroad tracks underpass. Staff began removal of the trees on September 14th and 1 days to complete. A total of approximately 150 trees were removed took 148 loads of brush to the Green Waste Facility for recycling. A Park Division employees were assigned the task of removing and di the brush. • The City's spray parks were closed to the public and signs were I September 20th. The spray parks were all winterized and some K removed to avoid vandalism over the winter months. • TPRW pond cleanup continues each Tuesday and Friday. Coppe being applied by Pest Masters, per the Water Department request. • The Kern River Parkway was interrupted for construction beginni September l Oth. There were flaggers guiding the users through the cc site to allow heavy equipment movement across the path. • Began adjusting water schedule for all areas for the fall season. • On Monday, September 27th, staff set six (6) flag poles at the entrar Aera Park baseball facility. The next step is to reestablish the plant r the project will be completed in early October. • Trees: Trimmed: 145 Clearance: 215 Removals: 240 • Service Tickets: 285 received 285 completed • A total of $2,247 in vandalism occurred during the month. UPCOMING EVENTS: • Farmers Market continues on Tuesday's through November 9th at Cent Mill Creek from 4-8 pm with a Craft Faire now every Tuesday of the month following children's activities will take place for the month of October: o October 12th - Make-a-Monster Contest - Free o October 19th - Decorate-a-Pumpkin Contest - Free o October 26th - Kids and Pets Costume Contest/Zombie Walk - Fr � i�hric+�r�hor (�rlior�r-l� i��nr-or+ rv+ RI-�I�IO 7_S�•'�(i r�m nr� (lr�-tnhAr 7nd -�1 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS SEPTEMBER 2010 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE SIX • Fatt Katt & The Vonzippers Concert at BHNA 7-9 pm on October 23rd - FreE • SPCA Mutt Strutt at Yokuts Park 7:00 am -10:00 pm on October 23rd • MS Walk at Yokuts Park 7:00 am -1:00 pm on October 30th • Village Artisans Renaissance Fair at Central Park at Mill Creek 7:00 am - E October 30th & 31 St Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF October 18, 2010 — October 22, 2010 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Sealing streets in the area between Gosford Road & Ashe Road, Panama Road to Min Reconstructing streets in the area north of Panama Ln & west of Wible Rd. Resurfacing Streets in the area North of Auburn and West of FairFax Resurfacing Streets in the area North of Columbus and West of Mt. Vernon Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Installing Handicapped ramps in the Kern City area. Repairing concrete at various bus stops on Wilson Rd, Hughes Ln, Wible Rd, So. "H� Ashe Rd, Chester Ave and Planz Rd areas Installing asphalt walk way on Old River Rd north of Mc Cutchen THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe2of2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, October 18, 2010 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. — Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday 20, 2010 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Befinreen Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Befinreen Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday 21, 2010 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between EI Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Fridav, October 22, 2010 Between Etchart Rd. & Pavilion Dr. -- Calloway Dr., west to the canal boundary. Between Norris Rd. & Olive Dr. — Calloway Dr. & Coffee Rd. Between Olive Dr. & Noriega Rd. — Calloway Dr. & Verdugo Ln. � . - J sl� ��i a, a.. lv`' .,� .A BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREG WILLIAMSON, CHIEF OF POLICE � DATE SUBJECT October 8, 2010 Enforcement of Uncovered Load Violations Council Referra� No. 197 / '� -. '.,y,.f '�Jv �y��V �'' '�V�� � A �RSFfE1 � �� . ,�11, ,�Y� A �` \�� . ' / .' � '�r �: A ��L-iCS �°� . . / r_- � `�,t{.�j'�1 ` � �,/ Mayor Hall requested that staff closely monitor uncovered loads and increase enforceme violations for the purpose of reducing the amount of litter throughout the City. Operations Division staff was assigned to provide concentrated enforcement efforts aroun waste facility. I contacted Mayor Hall to share violation statistics following our first day of � he was pleased with our efforts and requested that staff continue to monitor the green wa: The attached table provides violation statistics as a result of our efforts since the last City meeting. GSW/vrf attachment H Z W L W V � � � Z W W H H Q � Z W W � V o � � � � � 0 � 0 � o � �o �� � o� N � O� O �000� �000� O r- (`7 � � � � � � i i i O� O O I� � N r- r- � �O � � � � o� 0 o � � r � N , � O� O � M N U > 0 ��� ����� � � J m � Z 0 � � W � J Q U Z Q z z O � � �►DMIN�ISTRAiIVE REPORT BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING DATE: October 11, 2010 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: �', �e Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Joshua H. Rudnick, Deputy Agency Counsel September 24, 2010 DEPARTMENT HI GENERAL COUN EXECUTIVE DIREC' Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Hiring Practices on RedevE with Consideration of Various Funding Sources RECOMMENDATION: No action required. BACKCROUND: This report has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office in conjunction Communifiy Development staff as a response to Marvin Dean's recent corres August 19, 2010 regarding hiring practices related to redevelopment project that the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") include a cla� development agreements rec�uirina developers/contractors to hire 10% of sub- from the Southeost and Old Town Redevelopment Project Areas. The City of Bakersfield and Agency are in compliance with all Federal and regarding hiring goals for Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Owned B (WBE) and Section 3 Projects. Currently all of the Agency development agreer required language for the federal required MBE, WBE and Section 3 Project hirir of Bakersfield is the recipient of these federal funds and the Economic Development Department has on file the current HUD approved Secfiion 3 Plc for the City of Bakersfield. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT However, the Agency is attempting to achieve the proposed hiring goals outreach, and good faith efforts by the contractor and sub-contractors tc residents and businesses from the Southeast and Oid Town Kern Redevelopm For exampie, a recent job fair was conducted by the general contractor Wal the Baker Street projecfi site located in Old Town Kern in which 18 subcontra various trades participated. As a result, 315 applications were accepted and c review, In addition, Mr. Dean representing his Kern Minority Contractors Associ� and participated in this event. Conclusion As the City of Bakersfield and Agency are in compliance with the Federal anc regarding hiring practices on redevelopment projects, staff does not recommE changes to its development agreements. Instead, the Agency should contir job fairs, outreach and other good faith efforts by contractors and sub-contr achieve the Federal and State redevelopment project hiring goals.