HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/2010TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and City Coun �I/ Alan Tandy, City Manager General Information Decerr � Our newly selected and re-elected December 15th. Associates and famil extend their congratulations during immediately following the ceremony. and a regular business meeting. Councilmembers will be sv� y members will have the opK a brief reception that wil Afterwards, we will have clo� � Residents are encouraged to go to the Recreation and Parks www.bakersfieldparks.us and vote for their favorite anti-litter slogan, oi own. The choices are listed in both English and Spanish. Votes wi through the end of January, and the winning slogan will be used in v free campaigns throughout the City. Get involved in keeping our bE even more beautiful! Budqet News ✓ Governor-elect Brown is conducting a budget briefing in Sacrar Wednesday, December 8th. We will monitor the discussion and upd anything relevant. Miscellaneous News thi� wPPk fr�m The United States Department of Honorable Mayor and City Council December 3, 2010 Page 2 obtained, does not constitute approval by the State, it is a start! enclosed. ■ In metropolitan Bakersfield for this time of year, the measured rainfall i long-term average for this time of year is 0.58". Current snow model the Kern River watershed is showing normal; which means if future sno� normal, than we will have a 100�o year. Last year the Kern River enjo� year. However, it is still very early in the snow season, and subject to c� ■ Council Referral Response: • Councilmember Benham o Parking Violations and Pedestrian Safety on 18th Street ■ The following report is enclosed: • Streets Division's weekly work schedule. AT:rs:al cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk �[Jnited States �epartmen.t of the I�terior in Keply Kefer't`a: 8142{�-200$-T.r�-083�4-Q 1 �-ic�nc�rable Har��ey L. Hal� Niayar c�f�B�tkersfe�d 15(Jl T`ruxtun �hven�e Ba.�.ersfield. C� 93301 �ISH ANT)'w��I�ai��..IF�:: S�'RVICF Sacrame��r.o }�ish and Wildlifc. O�c�: 28�00 Cot�ag� VVay, Room W-2605 Sacrament�, Califomia 95825-18�b Mr. '�I�e� James Dir�;ctor, D�v�iopment S�rv�ces A.���icy C�unty flf Kern 2700 "M'' S�rcet, Suite 354 �3akcrsfield, California 93301-237 Sx�bjec�t: Metro�olita� �3akersf et� �-iabita� Cons�rvatian �'laz� L�ear l��a�rc�r Hall and NIr. T�d .1am�s: u� F�x �w� s�xv�c � .-- , :� �� ,t.M� No��ember 1 U, 20 Thank �''fltI f()i ���ur corr�sponc�enc;e dated Sept�m�er 7, 2U 1 t� (from 'I'ed Ja�ries) and I�o�-ember 1? 2U10 (fi•om I�a}�or �°IaII} requesting our consideraiio� of ex�endir�g t�� term (i.+ renev��ai) of the I�3�tropc�litan �3ak�rsf eld �-i�bitat Co�ser�cTatior� Plan �1v��3�-�C�'} and its assc�c sectiun l 0(�}(1 }(�3 j Incidental Take Permit �i I`P'�, �vhrch ex�ires on �u�ust 2�, 2014. `�'our letters r�quested �;r�nsic�eration and con .firrnation from tY�e �J.S. Fish and Wz�dlifc S�rvice �Scrvicc} nf �ur inte��tinn to extend tl�e 1VI��3�-iCP's ITP. I�ccording to �our �cttcrs, the extenr is nccessar}�• in o�der to providc continued incic�ental ta�ce coveragc�, pwsuant to the fec�eral Endan�ered Sp�cies �ct �f 19735 �� �mended (lb C.J.S.C. T S31 §§ et seq.}, tt� the applicants � the tvfBHC:�' whiic theyT pursue the deveioprr��r�t of a netiv habitat cn�aserva�ion pian (�-�C.�� t�: am�r�d thei� existing .��P. In order ta proc�ss an ITP renewal for a I�C}', th� Scrvice inust ensure the follfl���ing: {1) th� c�rigii�al ITP is �iesignated as a ren�:wti��ble �ermit; (2} the appticaxats ha�Te .filcd � v�Tittf request #ar a rene��•al (I�orm 3-2{�0-56} at ?east 30 days prior to th� perrnit's expiration; (3) ��� are nQ subsi�tivc chan�es t.o the permit; �4) t�c ���C;F is being irn�lemented as dcsi�;nc:ci and applicants �re in �;oc�c� s�tanding (i.e., mi€i�ation requirements arc u� 1:v date, man�gemcnt an� monitorir�g is currcnt, and the Service has re�eived all annual reports}; (5} all statc�m�r�ts and inf�rrna�ion in t�e c�ri�inal apt�lic,ati�n are still correct or a l�si o� chan�es has been pr�vidcd Hunorable Har���y I.. �ra11 �nd NIr. "I�ed J�.xr�es Accorc�ing to the Servicc's records, th� Z1°�' for the IVIBHC�' is eii�ible for a r�nc��al �s indi� in box 4 �f the perrnzt �attachment I�. O�r�ce the agplicants ha�e submii�ed a completec� Fon 2f�U-5� (att.ach�nent 2 and available on our u���b site at: http:,'lvv�,�inav.fws.�c���/fo�s/3-20{�-�6. requesti�g a permit renewal, thc Service tivill �evieut the in�ormation subrnitted and any €�th� rclevant inf�rmatit�n i� determine whe��er t�c applica�ts are zn �,00d stand�n�; with re�ard t� .�v�BHCP (as c�escribed abave}. The Service v��ill then be ab�e tc� prvicess the per�nit rcn�vY°a�. �'lease cUnia�t IVIi�C� Th�omas, �;hi��, C;ons�rvatian Planx�in� Bra.�ch or �ric Tatters�ll, I�e�u �ssistant Field Supez�Tisor, at (9�6j 41�-ffi00 in the Sa�;rar�er�t�o �ish and '��'ildlii'e 4ffice, t� ensure the Servicc has a�� the nec��ssary in�t�rmation in ordc�r to consider � permil. r�nev�al. Sincerel��, , � . _ �; r f�. ♦,: C;ay t:. C�oude Assistant Field Supervisflr �ttachments cc: California ��c�artn�ent of Fish ar�d Gaxnc � :-"-�=�'�� �M L �� L� �,"° � ���" �` �` °=i�'£�'"�'1���-� ��ruaia� �a;�o �5�� �"L�i Q'L4S U� r�� ��U �YiS . �. �.._......`..�... i:y DF6�ASt7At�#iL OF T�iB ib3't�Rli�R �� y V """ i•J �••i �' rws`°.'�m'���e'.irr. i• � � ,. ,����� t.t.8. 4�S1i AIdD 1KlLA4Ji''E �ERVSC� F������. �� ��� ���.����� ����r� c�.�� fl� �e��f��.a, �.�o�. ��,.m .�v�, ° ������.��.a, c,�...:..�o�.a ���a�. x�� co�.�, z�oo �� s���e�., ���.00 '�C2Z��1�.?,�.t� y �+37.�.�L��i3�8 ��J�'0� 'x. .�1:JT1��7GdiTY•3�Tit$i.fi'K �.� usc �s: . ���,,��� {a� � - �� c� �. � , . �. ���a� , � � �E��� � Y&£ Q iY0 fi. E�£LTiVL� 9_ �Ids�£ Atdp mLE i?� 3�a+►�Ctc�t, o�tG�si {K �s r a a bvsu�cssj B. 7YPE oi� P�RixF'l A2an ��n��, Ci �y �1aa.�a ;e�, Bairex�s��.�.�.d ' ' el'� �o�rr� � r�i�ar� �e�n Co . �nci��t�1. �k� '. 1G, tACt1'►tON i�f76R& �iVtNflNfdEl3 C+C't71�TX �Y � G!1(+I�i.IC7�eQ � . T��e txopol�. tan Bai�ersfie.�d 20i0 �enexa3. P].an. Area, CalzFox�a�.a �i24���� .t PI�-�78b53� 1s, oona�r�oris �.wo �v�rsos�zArFarr�: . A. OEtiiRA� GARDffK7N8 fi�f OUT S►t SiSU3p�7R� Q DF SD C�R 13, � SPEGifC G(7NDillt}7JS COliiAfN�A p1 i�pEiiAL cz�Ot�E.A7iLS4tS Ct7Et) !N B1,pCk If�itEHY LIAOE A R0.iiT OF'i}iNS PE3;iU'?: 4ii. AC�lV17188 AUTkQfi�2ED H£REtNE MiJffii Bl" CARRiFA OUT IN JiCCDiiLt 1M7tE A�iC FOR THE 1°11RPOSF3 DI fii�P�.2CA'iTC3N SLtBiWTT6A. CGkT1►if3E1D V�ei.tiDCtY a�t REN1EliS►AL 4F itti°u pLR14117' t5 5L►IBJECT 70 CCAa�4E't� !►I�iY 'tlAtLE.T CCS►�6PLIIUKGfi �'llili / C�i+fi3�Ttci�1$, iN�ltii�Ulfi Tsi� Flias�G CkC ru.t. RlE4R3CRFf? 1HFA�+fRT�ON AWt3 REPGtir1'S. . B. T1rE VALtdtT7 CF THSS PE#�MtT iS at5� COirU1T1QNF� tiP�ii ST'R�C'i t►9S6pvaKQL i�F ,cti aP�PL�Ca.�t.k� FCi�1t�l� 8"CA'T�. WCAL 4R Ci'CClt�R fEt C, vwLiC �Op vaE 8r PERNit7�E NASUE� a6c»v�, . • i7� i1.L 3wCsLA� 0 �j , ��� ADD1TfOPiAi, .�'i7Kpi'C1Okb Rtli7 AV7)b�iAYli7pla U1i RE1��� ALSQ AI�Y t�. aErosrn� �aurx€�wer+ss , • r, r . . '�JTT I II t�.` �, ���,« � � ; � . � �g6 . ',.,;,.% .�A�, 3 `: � s7Gi ����� �� � � � us ����. � �?��� ��� 7 �.�5 Pt� '?:ttiw ' "'�y"aa< . � .?,Y^a�y�.+Re.� `�[f �.J. tr ;r �� J14y�r `+: '" �;�Sj�� � " tJ�� .;-i r� � z��Kr� `r f'/.�1 iY.,� «ri,, �ri , _ m 1 fLAit .. zix�ires P.'ev. s . i)�{aartmeE�t of thQ Interiar C1T3B T:o. 10) fi •-��H.w�•��,Y� Ci,S. i°ish ani! 1�'i�d}ife Service �exw4t ..t,. -- �'edera) �'ish anci '��'iid3ifr I'ertnit r�pplicatiun �'orxt� lt�turn to: (J.S. FisYt and �t'ilJlife Service (L�SI=VJS} �'f'pe af Activity: ;�ative � ndangered anc� '6'hreatene�l Species — inci�ienial Take i'er�n'sts A:�socaatec3 K�itiy n]-Taf�it9t Coriscrvation Plara (�iCY) Coniple;te Sections � or i3, �inei C, I�, and �: af'this appiication. U'.S. '�c�dress rr�ay be required in SectiUrt �, see ir�sG-uctiun� fc�r details. See attac3�ed ins4ru�tion pages for in€ormation or� hofr ta rnak� yc�ur apptication carnpi�t�e anci belp airoie! unneLC•ssary detays. A. ��m Is:ie if a I�itz as Bt; indivitival 1.a l.ast name l.b. First name 1.c. :=1i:ics:-� r:;:�>>:: c?; ir�;tr:i 2. llate of�birth (rrunldcilY'YYY7 i. 5c�ciaf Securiry T�q 4. C)ccu�ation S. A#�fiiia;�,:�r,; J'�c�in,. ���a�iness as (s: �.. . � B. Co�n�iete if a ].a. '�ame af bssiness, a�cncy, or :nstin�tion Z. "i..:: i��e.ntitoc3tF�n no. a. Prin,ii�<il ats�cer 1.,2stna;n�; � C. 1. a. 2.a. : i rt: i.;�al c,ri .c. an beba�i of a busin�ss, cor oratin�, ublic a 1.b. Doirzg bu�ir��ss as (db�} 4 i �. Descript<on of busiriess, a�cncy, �r instituti�n s.b. t'rit�ciDal uf:icer F irst name � �• �'i rnan� canta�_t nurr;ber �.b. AiEemate te.lephc�n�: number 7.c. t3a�r:�ss rar. �umaer A�1 a�p�icants coan�lete address infarmation trf�et atidress: A�+�.Zment f, 5v�k. _, :�: R:?�:n t�; no P.O. Boxes} .....�.�..,.- ;.c. State 3.d. lip code%'�ostal code: l.e. t:ountylPravince hvsical ad�ress; inc]ude nam� of eanta�t �e;�On if a�rp;ical�lc.) e. maE i)i jIlSt6tU�.lOIE 0 e nainct 3rrit�ai l .f. ll. ��. a. ,....�...., .....,. _ ----- ---- : I. ,qitech ch�ck or ,TtiQf12y s�rd�r payabic ta the U.S. FISH h'�7D WTLDLI�'i: S�TtViC;E in the amouzst Sndicateci on page 2. Federal, tribal, Stat�, anc g�vernment agene;ies, and thosc acting vn b�half of se�ch a�encies, ar�• exerrtpt fram the prncessin� fc.: — attach ducumentation ofjre exernpr statu: insttuciions. 'SO CPi2 33.I1'd 2. Do }�on curre-��tly hav�: or tiave yc>u ever had an}� I�i..�i:sra! Fish �nd �:'ildFif� peiTnits? Y�s ❑ If ��es, iist �he numbcr of the most cu*-rznt pt:rmit you he��e hetd or that you are applyino to rcnew/;e-issue: _,P„ ,._ ._m..— %* �ee pa�e 14 f�ir adt�itiatial is�siruct�ons nn c:t�s�s }�leting the above farm. See �age 1� for anf�rrc�at'sc�n an ti�� ���er�vork �2ed�ictifln A��, T'rivaey Ac�, �nd Fre�dorn c�ff Inform�tio�i Act �spects af this applicatio� fornrk. S�{:�lUi1 �. � ALL f�►PT'L�CAiV'�'S CC?;Vi�'LETE S� C'�'IOn �. �'rovide the ir�forma.tic�n t�uilined in Sectic�n E. on the fc 1....:_.:.,...�. . pages. l3e as ec�mplete and descriptivc as pc�ssibte. Please dc rot senci ��ages that are over $.S'"X I 1", VI(��(7t3��s, �r I�VDs. �'_�IC�D�NT�L TAkE F�EF2.M1�II'i"S ASSt)(:XAi"ED Vv'i'I'lFi 1'� I��BI'I'.�1T Ct3� SE�tVAT1C}h I'LA N{iHC�') Itave yUU a�iained all rec�nired Sta#i, Federa! vr �'oreign tiovernineni ���pro��al tt� eon�fuct #�e ac_t�vity you �rapase? a�,��are [hat there ma}� be other requiremenLs necessary �tt� conduct this activity sueh as an irn�ort �ermit, ctsllectian �ermit, pe to i��ork on Pedcr�l lands, Federai hird �}anding }�ermit, C".or�:�s c�f Engi��eers permrts: �n�ir��nmenta} Protecti�n r��ency�• NPZa� �ermit�, Scate, ct��:ity or iocal pernzits, eic. �;,� Yes. Pr�vic�e a cc�py of 1he ap�arovai(s). T.ist the �tate, Federal cjr fc�rei�n Uauntries i�vol��ed a.nd ty�e af docume! require�l. Inc.iutie a copy of ihese ciocumer_ts with the ap�izcativn. C� i h�ve app�ied, t...ist the State, 1=ec�eral ar fareigr� cc�unlries �nvah�ed and type c�f docurne��is required. Pro��ide thc ��-hy the �Lrrnits have not been issued,_ .. _.. -...._......_.�-_...._........._ ...W. �; t���i required. The �rt�pc�sec� acti��it�� is noi regulated. �,p�tic�tic>n Yrocess3n� �ees '1"he a��Iicatic�n processing fe;e fnr a new Incidentai �l��ake p�rmit, or it� rencw>`rG-issue an chisting vaiic� �errni�, is $lf)(l. If pea amendrnent is reqvired at a time othet� thar, re:�ewa3.,'re-issuan�e, the �Sroc�ssin� f�e is $aU. Check the a��ropriate bc�x beio��� an� enclose check or �none}� order payable to the U.:S. Fish anc� YT'ildlife S'ervice in the am� (� � iUQ ior a �iew �ermit UR �$iU0 to renew!re-issne �ny existing valid permit (�ith anlr minc�r c17c�n5c.�s such as updating my namc ��n�i addre= my curre7lt app)i�ation pac�;age or� file. UR �$SO t� makc a xuhstantir�e amendrnent (��ith nxcrjvr cJzange.s} to mv' exi�tin� y-a;id ���rn�t ��� ��'T: i3.a x(d}�Z;J. t# the information in your current ap�?icatior� �acka�c on file has chan�;eci in a manner �hat tri�gers a rnajor amendme ci�ange nat catherwise spe�ified in the perrnit, t#7�n you rr�tast a}��ly for an atnendment to your ��alad permit. �'or cxam� major changes may inclut�e c;hartges in location, acti�rity; amUUnt ar type of take, ar species to be cavcred by the perr contact cur Ecr�l��icai Servic:es �iel� U��e ]ocat�r� close5t tU yt�ut' �ro�sed activit;� ft�r technical �.ssislance in mak determination. The cont.act in.formation for our �:co:o�ical Services �ield Offices can be faund on the U.S. Fish &'�� Se�1��ice's �ffce direc�Qry wcb page at htt��:.?,�`����r��ti•_iti���..��vir�tiii;csl�iir�ctc�i�;;.listoffcr:ma��,,,htn1� I'lease ch�ck th� type vf atue�n�imcnt y�u ar� regrsesting -- � ac�d s�x;cies (specify} _..,�,w, �..._��..._._ .._.. ..._..�.—...__..�....�._�.� - �7. add a�eE�graphic a=ea !� change in pc.�rsarmel C:� �ther (s�ecsfYl �����Fi�:atioiti Processin�'Tiine `i'o expes�ite :z �Ytai dec�sioii on �o�ar a�piicatian, vou are Urger� ta cae>rdinate �vith us as soon as possible i'�r guidar�ce i assemb�i�g a cr�m�>lete a��li�:ai3t�n �ack�gc. if yo�e are res�Lwxng or amenc�i.n� a��aiid perniit, yvur compleie applicati }�aeicage must be received a( Ieas! 3U ciays prior to the expzration of i�ie walid permit. 'T�t�is tam � geriad begi�s ��k�en ��+ a�o�n�tete permit applic�tion p:�cka�e and cfaes not inclv:r�� as�y time r�quired for requesting cla�ific�tian +�r adc�it"st�� is�fort��atiazi abpuE your a��l'scxtia�a. 'i'he iim� required to pri�cc5s an application fc�r an ln�idental 'I'ake permit will w�ary dependi��b on the siz�, cornplexity, and in the f.-tGP involved. �'rc��eduraily', the m�st var�abie factor in �=pplicatian prncessing is the lei�el of analysis required %r tIie pr }-1C?' u��dcr the 3�<�tional I;nvironmenia� i'olicy �A.ct {c.�;., �uheir,er an app3ication reguires preparation �f ar3 Lnvironmer�ial I�r Stais;ment, �.nviros�mental ASSessinent, or whethcr a categt�ricai exclusi�n a�pliesl, a1tI�ou�;h �iher f�ctors such as �ub4ic t;on can als� affecL ap��licaiiun �rocessing tirr�cs. "I`he tar�et �roc:.ssin� timeline frnm «�hen we receive a complete a�plicatic�n pa our final dec.ision on a pern�it a�;�lication is: up to � inc�nths ior lav4�-�;ffect I-�CPs, 4 to f7 monchs far F�IC:F�s with a� L•.nvirar�m Assessment: �ir�d up to 12 rnc�r�t3�s for l�CPs w;th a 90-tiay comt�7ent �eriad andl�r an Fnviror�m�ntai i�npact Statement. /Alth �nandat.eci by law or re�;ulatic�n, these tar�ets are �c�opted �s iJ.:S. �'ish & Wildiife Serv4c� anc� ;�ationa! Ndarine i�isi�eries Scn ���I�S,�;pAf� Fis�iei•ies) policy anti �11 o#Tices ar� ex�ected to strea�»iine tl�eir Int;idental 'i'ake perrnit prc7gratns, and to sne �ar�ets to lt;e maximu� ext�nt pt•acticat�le. The infar��nation provi�ed in yc�ur �+ermit a�plicatinn �vill he �sed t� evaluate your applicatic�n f�r compiia.nce• ��ith ihe £ncias �pecies AcT, it5 irnple�nenting regulations (u�hich m�y ret�aire a�0 c3ay pvblic ccmment p�riat�}, ar,d with [;.5. F�ish and V�'ii Service palicy. Kecei�t �nd pa�session of a permit under the Fandan�ered Species J�ct should t�e re�arded as a pri�� i)egc, as � k�alanc�: persnit i5suaeace «�itl} t�Lr tiuties t.a prot.ect and secavt�T IfSiCt� Sj�CCF�S. L?j�-la-date annuai report5 an� a:�v ather rcquired regt�rts un�;er your �raJid permit(sj �nust b� on file before a permit will t�e c for rene���al; re-issuanc�: or �mer�dment. If ��our activities rnay af#'ect specics under the aUthorit�� oft}�:c?�atit�nal Marine 3=isheries Service ('�?v1FS�'?�'p�A Fisheries), may nee� to t�btain a separate permit frorn th�:t a�ency. Cn addiiion we sh�re jurisdicti0c� ENit}� ;�f?vl��(NUA,4 Fisheries fcsr s te.�., we evnluate d�plications ic�r permits to ct7nd��ct aeti��it:es impacting sea turtles t�n ]and, and'`�1�3T'SM�I�.A �'isheries � applications for �errnits tc� cc�nduct activitses impacting sea turtles in the n;arin� �nvironment). Ta a�plt- fer a permit to can activities tivith sea turi3�s in the marine environment or other species under NNtI'S.�OAA i'ish�ries j��ristiiction, �lease cr�n7 via thcir permit cve;b �age at?�itt�:r'i��,+.���4r.r�n�i�,a�c�:sa.nc���' r�..:er~r:�?�/ _.-�? :i:w............'...,_... We cannc�t iss�ae an Ir7cz�en2a4 Take p�,�rmit unc�er Sicti�zn lt�{a)(2}(.�)(il af the .�ndangered Species �ct uniess you subini.t a eonservation plan that specifi�:w t�e irripact� trtat are like!}� ti� �esult from ihc incidensa3 take assoeiate� u�it� }'our activii��. Our gen�rzl permit re�ulations at 5i� t:FR 13.12(a}{�} atlo�++' us to cc�llect st�ch c�thsr irrforar,ati�n as �+�� determine ihat is relc pr�cessing ofa permit ag�lication. �3efore you submit an a�glication for an Incicientai "Take perrnit, we may requi�c; tY�at yc biolc�gical surt°eys ta ��termine which species andfnr habit�t wouid be imparted by th� �ciivities sou�ht to be ct�vered tande permit. Hialooical s�nreys provide information necessary t� de���lop a� adeqaat� ��IC�', dnd to �.ssess the bioiogical im}�act �rapc�scd activities. Iri additic�n, the inforrnation provided in a bialt�gical sun•c;�' c;ar► reciuce El�e applicant's risk of take und ofthe Entiangered Species Aci k�y cnsurin� that �f%eted sp.��c;es and/or habitat are i�er�tifced and a��propriately covured unt perrriit. You are required to abtain a Sci�;niific Yurpost;s, Enhancen�ent of Pt-t�pagatian or Survival permit {caminc�nly call�d a Recc perm�t) frnm us befor� engagin�; in arty biolo�ical surv�y artiv�ties t.hat r�°c�uld take iiste� spccies. Cantact aur I:eologica3 : €�'ieid Uifiee closest to the it>catic�n c�f your a�t.ivity to ob�.ai� technic:al assistanee in determinin� the neec� for tmth a b�o1o$i and a f�eco��ery p��rnit for y=our 3urv�:}� acti��ity. The conta�t ininrmation for aur Ecolc�gical Ssrvic:es Fi�id Offa�es cart he : L.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's office dire_etary w'eb pas�e at i�tt���a��'.fZ�`5,�`..'.f]V:`0��3CiSJCIit^CC�Ct '�_3'j �1Sit}trCCT�43?.,� �1L17?i If a bioiogical sunfey is rec�uired, you ���sil need tc� send us yaur cornpiete Recc�vcry permit application �acka�e at ieasc 3 rr +., ni�mrnnnf�PTT1F[!Y ���f �»�,�ev activities tt� facilitatc processin� of yaur Rec;avcry permit aPP'tieatian�'Thts Reco��er� permit � _ . _ --- --.M� ....,., Fish ar�ci 1��,'ilc�li:fe Set�liut; Res�iot�al C)ffce a4 tim� anci �uarklo:�d allc�v,�. P1r,asE be aware thai this lisi d�es not represent an e.ndc}rsen�c:nt ��y us t�f any ��rtit;utar �ern�:t�e�.. ��x*��***kt*.r��+��v��*+���*�k+�*��*�k��.x��=��a �*����*�**n,a�fx�*�**r�**�*��****���t�k*���.���*t�*x��+�**���*x**�k�:t�� if�yau are not a��l��in�; as a�i ir�oit�it���al bt�t <�s a busincss, ct�rp�ratic3n, institution, c�r nnn-Federal ��u�lic ager.cy (blo�:: i3• crr� � th� a�piication�; the }zer�an to «�t�om ii�e pe��rnit �+��ill bc issue� (r,g,, the lanci�wn�r, presidt.nt, �lirector, executive airectoi•, ar e of�cer) is 1e�al�y r�s��nsi�le for im�3ementin� the pennit. A1ti�aua}� other peopie un�es the ciir�;ct cvr�trol ofihe �ermiitee (e. ernptoyees, con�rkctors, ConsulI�nt$) i�.Cei��e thliC� �31'tY �.a°�t� St1LilOTiL.ci110T1 lYl iht;iT CapSC1Ly aS C�i:51�'fJCES t)�t}�t• p�T'S711t1:2C, thc i named �s tlte perrnittec u3tirnately is [e�al�y responsibJe for the perrni£ and any acti��ities can•ie,d aut under the permit exc:ept a; �therw'tse lirnitec� in the �a.5e af perrzlits issueci tcj �tate �zr ioc�l �o��ernment entities und�r �0 G�FZ 13.25{e). x+s�+�**�k��k�kx*#*:u*x��!*t��k*�****�k**�k��k��F+��**�k��i�k*�*�k�kx��kz�*�kxi***�x*#*�k*�k�k�*�k*�+��+FX��k�k*+k�*�*+F**x**#**�*���*:i If }��u ��ish to caordinate the pracessin�; af this Ferrr�it appiicat;on ti�rough an aulhorized agent, a�►d ta have that agent repre; as tht� �rimarv coniact tiuith u�, chE:ck thc; box ��9aw. Si�rt (i3°< bluc; snk) and datc the �tithori•x,atian s�.ai�me�t, ant� �rovide ��r� inf�rrnatic�n fc�r your :uthorir�c� a�;er�t. �a I hereby autharire the fc�llo�vin�7 p�rsc�n ic� act as dn a�thori;rrd ��en1 Un m�� b�hali in the processing of'th�s permi' app[icatic�n ar�� tc� f�rn'ssh> uPan requ�st, suppl�meni.a� inft�rtnation in suppc�rt �f�this pennit anplication. sign�ture (in ;�I�.:: ink) pl��:se prin# narnc le.�ih!y date Yc�ur Atsthc�rized A�en;'s Ccmta�t Infc7rmatic�n (I�ie�:.s�; �.�rir7# ie�i�ly} Nam�. �.ddress: C E ty • _„_,�.....�..,� 'S"el ephone: ..._ �ax: E-Nlaii: Sfate: _�._.._.,.....— 7ip God.e: .__ ..._.. II�C���i�`'i"�,L TAK�, PERNIi'1':�,PPl.�ii::�,'7["10'�` 1NSTRIJC"�"'iQNS �!au ha��� 4 aptions �'Ur �rov�t�ing the a•e.qc�ired �nforrcbaiiax� fnr an �ncicientai Ts�k� pe�-�it a��i�eati�rt. C��aose only a�a ir�citferitat Takt �'crsAtif �1pplir.atio�: �ntic;n I. Ret��:wai �i a ti'alid Incir9entai Tak� �err�it. Up-to-datc annual repc�rCs and any ather required rep�ri:s undc.r }°UUr ��alid �er�nit(s} must be t�n .file be:fore a p�rrnii �.��il[ be ce� f'or re»e��al. Sign the followin� stattmer�t ifyou are ap�lyi�<g to r�n�w an -�xisting 4�a1's� I��c:idenial "X'ake p�:'r,�it. lf'yau are proposine rn�jo u> your Inciciental Take }�ermit, yc�v rnust use C)ption tI. `I"}ic. inciivi+�uai si�ning box I.3. nt� pa�L l of the appiicatior� m:rst also si�r� {i;� bllte ink.} the fc�llowin� stat�ment. 'l��is ccrtifa ian�ua��. is re.quired c�nr�er 70 ��'K 13.22(a). ] certif}- ttiat?he statein�;nts �nd inf�rmatian submitt:;a 3n sup�ort o!'my original a�plication far a U.S. FisF� and Wi3� Servicc incic�ental ��ai:e permit � are stiil eurrent and correct anc� hereby rcquest rene��al of th�t p signature (;t� t?1:.��° i��l:} ,.� _._.....� _....._ pJease �rir�t «an�� Iegibly �t� �` Pi�.ase r�e�tc: if;ri�u have si�ncd th� abo�+e st�.i�r�7�r,t, ihen your renewa! rec}uest is corriplete. �'fease subn�ii cornp �ssges 1 thrau�h � t�f� tl�ss applic�€tic>n to otjr K�gi�n�:1 t}ffice {see atiach�d iisi) ct�verin� the location of }�our �rc��os� R�:�::ests far rene��ais must b� r�.�c:iru� no later than 30 ciays prio.r to purmit ex�iration ta ensure ihat ycur eunent } re��ain� in efftci ���hiie 1�e prac�;ss your ��enew�al rec{uest. Tncicfer�fai Take k�Ci'B�ilt �..Ij,[3�IC��S4)II: �)�}�IE32i II. Anlen�ieci �ncrd$ntal'�v�{Ce YE:T'[Iiig tFW3L�3 J7ii?f01'CI11It1g85� �ap-to-ciate annual rept�rts anc3 any� c�ther requircd reJ�orts und:;r your valid �erri�it(s) must be c�n fle before a permit ����ii be co. fc�r arneridFnei�t. Sign tlie folloti;�'sng staternent if yUU are praposin� to amend �x valid Incidental 'l'ake �ermit by �naking major ci�anbes. �uch �r chan�;es rr�ay inLlesde chan�eS in Ic�cation, activify, am�unt or type t�f t3ke, or sp�c;ies 1.c� be �:or�ered by lY�e. �ermit. The ir�diw�i�ual sigriing t�ox D. an �a�,e 1 of I3�e ag}�lic�tipn rr:u�t also si�n tiri blue ink} �I�w fvlio�ving statc�nent. "i'his certific� !an<;;ua�c is rec�uir�ec3 under 50 C'PR l?.22(aj. I ceriit�- that the sta4.ernec�ts ar�d infc�r�nation submitteci in 5ugport of my c�ri�inal applieati�n for a�(J.S. F�sh and V�filc Se�-��i�e Incider�tal TaSce permit #__� are stitl eurrent and correct, except for the changes 1i�ted belo` ._ ..:............�.....__ heret?y reyuest amencime�it of th�t �e:-rnit. si�;nat��re (i.r� ;�h�e in�) dale p3c.asZ print narne Ie�ibi}1 ?rovi�ie a bref d�scription c�f ih� changes io yUUr �+a!'s� permit (ansu�er the apFso�riate r.�ue_stions ft�r th�se changes unc��r (nr 'I'ake Perrnit,4ppiicatinn t)��tian III. belc����). P[z.ase sut�tnit c:ampleted pa�es 1 through 6 ofti�is a���ficatiot� f�r� (aIong �ti°ith ch���n�ed in%mlatian reiativc to Uption ITi_ below} to tzur Re�ioral C3ffice {se.� �itaehe�i list} cfl��ering the ic�cation oi' your prc; activ�i�y. Incitienizl Take i'crrti�t Ag�plicatzQ�: (}ption III- l�e��' In�:irIenta!'I':�ke �'e_r;azit a4.: S�p�ierssentary Tni'orrriaficsrt for AmE c�f f} V�lid Pers�it (��it�a rnajar clrur7oes}. Citnzral ��rni:t re�uiations for tF�i U.S. I�isii & VJiEdlife 5en�ir.e ca.n bc i-c�und at �0 C,}�'R i3. Ke�ulaliar� far an Incidental "1��? under t)�� �:r!dai�g�:rcd �pt;cie.s flct c:an b�; fi�und at a(3 t;filZ 1�.22(b}�i} ia; �ndan�ere�t w�ildlit'� species anii SQ CFR 17.32{b}( threate��ed ��'ildlif� sPeCies. l;ae�� J�incft���•ntir who„u�ishes to ue cQVercci unc�er a n�:w or arr3encfed Incicjtntal T3ke . enn�t ass�ciated wi;ih an HC�' must. si„�r ,_....�� . ini�.} and date the incider�ta� `T'��:e Pe�-mli, 4ppticatior� ('e:rtifcation Nc�tice at the e�,d of this_,applieat���� unl�:ss thc iancic���!ner � �:,overeci under this.L,.� i�ish �_��ildlife�Ser+,-ice It�cic3enta! T�ke�ermit �'ia �nott�er,vehicl such as a ccriifieatc �f inclusi�n � 1�,25� r�ny cha��ae in the language of the �;ertificatic�n l�o:ict; must �e revie���d by lhe llepartn�ent c�f Tnterior, ��f ce of' Salicitor and approti�ed by tt�e U.S, Fish &�b�il�life Ser��ice. "!`he same person t�iio signs in box D, on pa�;e i uf the a}��i��;atic ci�;n the c�rti�cafic�n_ If� th� infor°�nation ity i�enis :'�. - D. �ielo��� is atr::aciy prc�vzded ir you{ final I-iCP (c�r In�plem�nting A�reemei�i, if a�pi.ir:ab{e}, 1: do ;�ok have ta ��ra��;d� it here. Instead, ch�:wk th� box b�Jc�w anci use the spaees pcoviclGd in items A. - I3. it� indicate the page i» yow• HCP c�r Im��lementi��; Agrc;em:.��t that �r�vidc tine re�uested i��formation. � I iilt3 T.1L)1 �iip��idin� tY^,e i'olluwing i:��Qrma#i�n fUr ii�rns A. - f�. as part c�f my lncider�tal Take �irr*iit a�plica �ec;•�use if is a'reat�y pro��'ide:d in my fir.al 3-fCP or i���itntic:tting Agreement {cap�� dtxacl�ed �r alreaciy svt�j�s it�the rcyuested ic�ft7rmatiori i�� ite:��s A. - 1}. is c3ot �ravided in your fin31 HCP nr frzal Irnple�nentina t'��reement, or 3rou are t Qption lI. to <3rnend }��tir existEng va1i� Inr:sdenta! Take perrrsit, then ��ttach separate pag�s for the rnissing ir�f�rmation. In tar assist us in �roces5iiig ti�our reqt:est, p3ease provide flie iiem :�umber (A. l.a., etc.) of�the requireci infbrmatit�n b�foa•e each of respar�s�;s. '1'harik yc�u. Ple:ase ensure ttiat y�o�.�r tinal HC:P arsd Inipl�men�in� A�ree;r�ent (if applieat�le} are at.t�cht:d if it has nc�t been previously� subr If �'UU r�ave FT•eviousiy :�u%mitte.ti a finat ciraft HCP ar Imple�-ner�tis�g Agreerr�ent, piease inc�ica#e th�: tiucument's daie. I:?ate c��� i?nal drwf't }iC}' ___�. I3ate of final dra$ Im�lernenting Agreement App4;.cations f�r <�n Ir�cidtnta} Take �ermit assuciateti wit�t �,7 iiCl' must prt�vide ihe foiio���in� s�ecific infUrnzatien (;elevan activityj under iie.rns :'�.- D. bel:�w in ac�dition to the �.enera` i:nforrn�iion an �age 1 of iriis applic3ti�n. .�. Ide�stifv ��ecies anc� ��tivi#y: 1. �`or a new Incidentet T'ake �ermit: a. Provicie the rc�mrno�� and scSenti:ic names c�f thc species being requ�sted for caverage in the perrr their statvs tendang�red {E}, threatened (T}, prt�posed endan�ered (PE), proposed threatened (T'T� candi�ate for iisiin�, (C)� �r species iikely tn �eeom� a candic�ate {LC}:). b. Pr���ide thc �urnber, a�e, ar�d sex c�f such species fc� the e,cteni kno���n c. Quantify ihe aniicipated effects tu t.heir h�bitat. �. Deseribe th�: land usc nr �iratc;r rnanagement activity s�ught to be au.tharizeti fc�r each species. 2. Far an amen�ed Incidental Take perrnit: sF�ecies sfate tYte c�rr�nlly authorizeE� aciivsty, the requesterl ne��� acti���ty�, �nd ho�� t�ie r.ew :�ciivit�� impact cacii spcLies. ti. identify �;ach activi�y assoeiwt�:c1 «tth yc�ur projcei that v���ulc� r�sult in the incidei�tal take t�f e�eh s e. QEl1Ili.3I�;' 3T)Y £tI7t]L1'���:tec� effects tc the t�al�itat �.yf e�cY� added spec;ies. Ttientif�' S��.cies to be �eiete� frorr ;-c�ur ��dlid �errnit ai�d the reason(s) f'or the cieletion. F'a�e(sj & sns�rce c���;ume:t�t : i3. Ici�ntify IOi3t1!)il ()� 1�4C �3I'D�}OSCCI c'1CtE'4't���: F'ro�Jidc tfze name af thc Sial::, cc�unty, and spccifi.c iocation of the prt��osed activity site(s}. Tr�cludc a fonn descript:i�an, sect'son/toti}`nsh�plrart�e is�fortnaiion, caunty tax parcel numt�er, local ac�dress, or �fn}' other iti�n prc�perty dc:siq�atiun thai will �recisely pla�e thc locatic�n af tl�e proposed act,ivity site(s�. Attach a ioGatio: plat flf-ihe prajeet siie clearly de��icti��g t.he prt�ject t�oundaries anci the #'�c�tprsnt and l�eation of all partions ��r��3erty th�ft �j�ossld t�c ai'ft;cieti �y yaur proposee� activities. ?. �'�•c>vicie the; wt.�i nursi��er of� acres cavered E�y� t.hc. HCI' Ts This the l�7ta1 acr�:at�e c�f the p3rcc�i? (circle one} yes rto 3, I'rovide the ap�roxir�ate nurnber of acre� t=� bE impac.ted �. Provide the approximate ntEr�ber oi`acres to be p3•otectec� 5. Prc�v�de a cr�m��ietc destri�iionr inci:�clina }_imeframes, fc�r irnp9emeritatinn �f propose� vc�luntar;� ���n��em aciivilies to cnhance, restore, �r msintair� hat�ita.i bene�iin� fed�rally lisied, proposed or candsdate s��cies, s��:scic;s li:ely tc� becams: canr3idates. Incl�:ci� schedules for im�lementing these activities. Pa�e(s} & source documerfi: C, i3escribe ih� pruposed activities ir� ihe ct�nscrr�ativi� �ian: Ynu must submit a}�abi�t Ct�nservatiar� Plan. `J4'e stron�ly encourage yau to ensvrc that yt�ur HCP is cons4stent ��� X-iabitat C;t�nservation PlannFng Ha�dbnc�k, subsequ>�nt }iand�.iook addendums, and current �olicies ia minimize dela ev€,�a�atir.g t'�u.• 3pgli�aii�i . The I�ia��'�o�i: und ot�er H.:�P ;nf�rmation �s ava:l�t�le c;i �:;c U.S. �=is;� & Zx� ild:if:, Se l;'r�dangs:rcc� S�ecies web page at htt,Pr':�«�tii.�+�.t�w�.�:;��;!enciar�rccil;,c}�/inciex.i�tml I'rovi�e a c�.�m�lete descri�stiai3 of� �cti �ity(ies) to b�; �uthnrized or referenc� thc appiicablc HCP or lm��lecnentin�; pa�;e rtumbcrs identifyir�g thc subjeci infc�rrnatian. The I��C:P must specify: The impact that t�iJl iikely resuit frc�m the ii�cid�ntal tak`sng. ta discussion of the irnpaci that wi31 like[y rc: th.e inczdcntal take shouid inc[ude quantircatian �f any ��iicipated cffecTs ta t}ye habitat of the species sou covered by the permit. 2, Th� steps tha~.wiIl be iakeri to ►r�inir�ir.e a�d miti�;ate such impacis, the funciin� that w�ili �e avai3able to such ste}�s, anci ihe �?rocedures to deaI wii:� unforescen cireumstances. 5_ "I'h� biolo�;�cai ;oals(s) aJi� oL?jict.ives fc�r t"tie HCP, 'i`he duratiar� rt.quesi�ci for the proposeci permit. Pa�,e{s) & sc�urc� �ac��ment : U. �rn��tementis�g flgree�erii An Irn�i?���r:t:n!inY, /��reemer►t is i.r trot {F� W� 1`�eksrr�nc�.l C�,ffice. tt� �irr,le �ri�) rec�uire� ss F�art of` ih�: �F�rn�it �tp�;lication for a I�Iabitat Gonsen'ation F1an. 1'his ?n�plementing Agreement must bE si�ncd at �nalii.ati�r:. c?ft}ic I-�CP. Are �'c�u v.�illin� to a7mrnit t,a an Irnpler��c:rting A; ut inaliratior� c�fithe 1��C�P`: � Yes, 1 am ti�•iliing tu c���tr�i� :� an 3n��lem�nting i��recment. �'l�ase s��t�mit any unsi�ried, dr�fl Ij��plemer�?ing A=. that yoi� �a��e �Sre�ared wit.h c.�ur I�ield C3fiic�. ;� \p, i am nt�t ���iliing to comnift tc� Gn �m�icn�cntir;g r'l�reement. lncideratal Ta�.e i'Lrmit :��pli�atic��: Ot�tiar� �ti'. E'erniet.'rrattsfer or 4�ccession of a i�ermit Ct�mplete ihe fc�llowing if y�ou are ap;�lying for transfer caf fl��alid Incidental 'I'ake permif to you or c�t�taining ri�}�ts of s�access ��alid inci�erttal Take permit. Fn a�dition, yt)u 3nd the Cttrren: perm�ii holder may also ��eed �a si�n an t'lssurn�tic�n A�.reement cantact c�iir �calz�icai �ervices �ietr� Office ne�irest ypur ar.tivity tr� determine �.vt3cthei• you and the currerzl pernzil holc�er nec execute an Assum�ti�]ri A�re�rneni. T���e cunzact iniormaiion fc>r pur ficaing�cai Ser��ic;es FieicE Of4ices can be fotind on the iJ ��; ��`il�life 5ervice.'� �#fic� direct�ry� web page at 1�t�.�: �r`« :��t�..fir�s. a��'i}Cf:iccsit�3CGC1:03"v,J4i,�ic�f;liccm�i�.l�lmi � F'li.�s� inc�icate the namc: of i;-�e HCP to be transfen'ed uc succ�;eded and ifzdic4at.e thi. c�oc:ument's date. Name afHCP Date of I iC;P An Assu���pti.c�n fl�,reernertt is is noi {F���S T�ccl�gica) Services I ield C1�c�: to cir•cl� an�} ;e�uirEx3 as y�ari af ltie tra�ZSfe; ar Sutx;.ession p�rmit applicatian for the I-iC;!'. i��c4dent:3i 'I'a4:e Per�a��t r�.;�plicatiou Cer-��#'ic��t�nn Nt�tice 'i'l�e same ��erson �vha si�ns in i�c3x D. o�� �age 1 af the app�iica#inn sh�utci si�n {irt blue in{t} tlie fc�llcnvin� certi£"scaEion. I.3y subrnitiir�g t.his a���!ieaTicn and rec;eivin� an Inc�d�nt�►1 �!`ake perrnit pi�rsua�t tc� Ser:.'€it�n 30(a)(11(B) ofthe Endar S�ccies .1ct, I (r�r-int nsme�s),l attest ihat Ir''���� a��n t}�c lar ..k._._._.._._...w_.,_.�...._,�.......�....._ _____.___�.__.._._.....___.__._._._........_ .____ . indicai�d in tl�is appiic3tion, �»' h�ve su�ficierFt autt;oriiy or ri;i3ts c�v�:r these lant�s to in��lernent the: m�:ast,res of the C'onsen�ation Plan �and Im��letne►�ting ��reemeni i� a�p�ic.able} covered by the: I�cic�c;ntal "T'a}:c p�rmit. ���:rthtr, up� of the Ft�cidentaf Taki �errnit, Iiw� agrec: to c�r3d�3�t .he rctivities as s�ec�fiecl ;n the Ha1>iiat Conser+-�atinn 1'lan (ai�c 3n��lementing !lgreemt.ne if a.pplicaLle} accor�inA to the terms �nd cor►ditions oi`thc Incide3ztal Tal:e permit ai�d iis �OC117fi1CTItS. -----� —._.___�......__._.__._. ....._.__.. si�a�ature �1J� h�U4' 1RiC� ��li�sG print nan�e le�ii�ly signature (in I,��� ir:k} nlease �rini riarr�e. ic�ibly Cf a�C da#c; %*�:�x*i��*+kM+K*ic�#+k*#�k**:k�k*�**+i��Y��#�A:}�**k#�k**�+k*�*�k�k�ka�*�k*°k*�s�s�F-**�k��#�#***+t#*�x##�f=#�k�k��%�%�#�k�*#***�+F**�*�� "f'I�e �ubiic re��artirz� burden for c.omF�letirig this appliCa[ivn fc3r �n IncidentaI Take permit is Gstirnated to be 3 h�urs; includi� re� iew�ing instruciiorts, �atheri�g and maint�ininb �}�plic�tien �ata, aY1d evm�feting and revie���ang the fnrms. Cornrncnts r�� burc�en estirz�ate or any othcr aspect n� �:ne reF�prti€�g rec�uiresnent(s) should be dirccted Fc� the i i.S. �'ish & i� iidlife S�:rvice Ir CoIlectian C;learance Of#icer, ?�iS 22? /aKLS4, U.�. Fish a�id �iV�3life Scrvice, WashingEc�n, DC 2t�240. r'�ti 1aCI1CV i17S�' [lUT CUJ3CI31Cf c1S3� 3�?CCS4i� iS ftC)t rEC�L111'E(� �O :"CS}�011t� Ct1 � C:pIleC�1QT! Af 1F1fOfftl�fiUi1 llT1��SS 8 CUi7�IlilV V3�1C� O number is dis�layed. ,�t:xt�*��**�s��*���sMx�*�Y**��r_**i *�_�***�**�*��**�*��*��******x�*****��**M�•t*�,x�r*��*���*****���=�*x�*�+�*� iJS���� 32e�iona� Cc�xit�cgs far 3�a�.����. F..nc�an�,�ere�9 & Threate�e�i STjecics Permits �'ac��c �2egiort (Regios� J.}: �il, ��, �3iZ, ��'A, Anycrican Sar�3oa, C:�rcarri�n��e�ttl� of t�3e �orfliei•» l�iari.�iaa �slancis, Gua ti�e I'aciisc 7'rust Territaries L.S. Fis}� and ��ildIife ��;rvice Encia����:cc;d Specic:s f'errnit C)ffice t?J 1 NF I lt}-i A��enu� Poriland, Oreg�az 97232-4 1 8 1 Wet�: 1_t�:iltj.t��•t�_. f«.s.:.�«�_'I;'aci tic:!ecr,scf��iLeS%cndlr.s�t:rc;ci!i nc3exMt�irri3 I'hvne: (SOa) 23I-�071 err�ai?: nc�r��;tsRtl::S'fi:;ic�S.�.�r��� I��;: (�(}i) 231-624� _ Catiforr�ia cYc Nevaria �tegion (R€g�ox� 3}: C!i araci IV"�' U.S. l�ish anc� ��vilc�l'sie Servicc_ i:r�c�an�ered S�3ecies I'ern�it Ufijce 2g00 Lo.ta�� �L'ay, tiuite t�,%-2�i06 �ac.ramento, Cafifornia 9582� -184ti i�dc:h: hli��:.f,'l:�'��rl��.fE7,�s.?rn�'c:€�i�-'c��'rc'c�,��,;��-��.:htmi Pt�one: (916} A 1 �-�464 . em�il: , ennitsC'�}�:S�ci;[�a��_�,SU�°. fiax: (91b} 41�-6��86 �OUt�1�9t.S'I RC�1fSSl (�2egion ?): AZ, !�':VI, {')K, ar�d "i:� U.4. E'�fS�l 3rit� V�ilt��s#e Scrvi�:e Endangered Species Permit Qrfice SQp Gol�i ,�venue ;�.i��J. {street ad�ir�ss} I'.U. 13Ux I3(}E {mailir�g a�3�ress) Albuquerqui, ?�'cw'���xico 8710�-13t�Ci �Veb: htEt�:/i�i'1i-ti��.fu',S,LU\�ISi'�E:Li11�'(;S�,�L':'F_ild:it3k?ti,'Z,Cj�j'1t,t1CSI Fh�:�e: {S;:iS j ?4$-t�633 email: �errnfttR:?1�'S'd;;1°�.�s,�;�;��� Fax: (�0$� 2�8-C78A ... ;VIi�]w�st Regiara (Re�ir�rz 3}: I1�, �lL, II`i, ?VI�, h'13V, Pt'!�, C3T-�, and t�'I U.S. Ftsh and �'ilcili�e Serviee Endan�ered S}�ecies Perrnit Offce B.H. 1�Vhigple �=ederal �3uilding One F� edcral l.)rive I�ort Sneliing, Minnesvta �� I 11-4056 Vy'eb: htt�:ti�t't��Z'�'.jix�S.4?tJ\'13'ill��l�ucsi;�nd�.;a�,ycrcii:' Phone: (612) ?i.3-S343 . _ ._ ._r1 �nnG.tic__... ...,... SUElf�11E!$Sf IZ��I071 �RC�6t3E1 ��: I�L, AF2, ��i�, �tA, KY, L,:1, I'�IS, ?��:, PR, S�:`,'i'1!, a�d �I.S.'�'irgin istanc3s U.S. Fish a:�:� Wildlife Sen�ice T�ncian�ered S��ecies P�rn�ii Ofiice 18�� Century �ilvci., Suite 2UQ �tEanta, Cr;orgia 3(�3�� Web: hl;t�?:,:!4��v,,}�.�..,fti._�%s.,�c7v:'s�u±l�easL'es,';= YhUne: {�[)� j f'74-?313 err�ail: ;sc�nitsR=�L4�.'rr'�1�,�:s;<,i>�� Fax: (�U4) 67�?-7Q81 .. Northeast �.2egion �Regian 5}: C:'I', DC, L�E, �4� h, "��i n, l�'I�,, \'H, NJ, �IY, Y��, itl, VA,'�`'I', aa�d ��+'�' [.T.S. Fish aszci Wildlife fiervic;c I:;n�an�ered S}��cies Pcrnzit C�ffic�; 3(�t3 �h'est�ate Center I?ri�°e F•�adle}+, NiA Olaj�-9�8�3 'l�Jet�: 17 t tp:!!����v���. i`�a.s:.��c��f� i�nrthe:ast� �a�ti.>>��er�.dr Phot�e: (4l3} 253-8615 email: �em�itsR�L;��u��'��,S,t7c�4� Fax: (� l3'} 253-8482 hlouraiain-Prairic IZegi.on (Regian fi): i�t}, i�S, 3��TT, NE, ?4D, SD, tJ�l', an� '4V�' L:t.S. Fish an�i �'i1J1ii'e 4ervi�e Candan�ere� S�ecies Peranit U��e DLnver Fe:deral C�rteY F.U_ i3c�x 2a48� I")en��er, Colara�io K�22S-{1�49 «'eb: .h tt�:; il��1'V�'1'.���' S. 5,�7�'�: ;^� �:�un :�a r, °�is2 i7}�rai ri e::'c��ttsn�.' �'hone: (303) 23ti-740U ;_ :F.7c`I:1: L`Ll'C'�':SriC,...w�`...�....��.�ti:.��.?.�Ot: Fax: (30�) 23b-Q�27 Aiaska ftegifln (Re�ion 7}: A� U.S. FiSII �ill� u%ildlife �erviee �:nc�an�ereci Sp+:cies Pcrmit C�ff ce l0i 1 E. Tu�or koad ,lnchorage, Al�ska 99503-G 3 99 ��'eb: ll�tn:i�'alask�.fi��s.���;,`f �,l��a-ies; e;�dartnei•ed;'inr3�a.htm Phone: (907) 786-3323 �:mai4: �ri"t�sR7];S:ri?'.�,!•; ��c.•,�° Fax: (9071786-335t7 P�":�2:�''1T7 �1�I'Y'1.ICA'1"ifll'v' 1''�r?,?'4'1� II�STRUC:'I'lC3N�i "i'hc fi�1[c�winU instructit�ns periain to the st�u��ar� ��erziit lorm 3-�(10 that must be c:�ompl�:ted as an ���p1i�'.1'li(77T �OS' �k LI.S. I'15�1 �:nii v�'iicElifc; C'1TE5 permit, 'l�he Ge:nt;r�) F'ermit �'rtyc:.�t�ures it� 5€� C:FR l:3 address t��e permittin� proc�ss. f���3'sirn�liciiy, �EI li{:�:r��ses, ��ennits, :�egistr•al ce�-tiftcates wilI be raferred to as a pernZii. �;EI�tERAL INSTRUC'Y'IC3�S: • Cu�plete t�Il bEocks!'IiflCS�i�Li�SYtOi15 I17 Sf:CEia7)S 1� Qt B, ar:d C; �r�d D. Gamplete ail c�f 5ection .C. a An incumpir.te ap�iicati�in may cavse ciel���s 's�i proeessing ur may be �•efcarned tr� i.Erc ap;�1'scanl. l�e sure J�au are i'i[ling in apprapriatc app[ication iarrn for EE�e prc�pose�i artivity. � Print ctearly or type in it�e iz�forrnaiir�n. IiiegibJc; applicat���zs may c:�use deiays. o Sign the application itt bh:� ink. Pa.�es t�r �apies of il�e orig:i,la! si�nature ��il] not be r�cceFzteti. O Mail t�,e original appl'tcatior� to t�i� aridress at the top o#'p��,e nne oitht; appJication or if applicable on the attachetf adciress list. m �ieep a copy of yaur cornpieted application. • �'€esse pian ahe�d. Ailo►v at feast b0 days for yo�r RpE:iicatiun !o be pro��ssed. Some applicatio�;s maY Latce 6onger iha� 5 process. {50 C�'�2 13.J. t} • A�pJicatiaz�.c are processed in the ardcr thcL• are rec�ived. o A�3ditiai�al fonr,s and instn�ctions are available from htt,p_If�ertr,iis.fws.�ov/ . E;Uh'.(Pi,k:'I"�: �;1'i`I�R S�'C'TIt}:�i A Oi� SEf�iIE3N B: Section A. Complete if apply�n� as an indiviciaai: � Enter the complete nan�e of t.he resracri�sit3te �n�i�idua3 w1-:.o will be ihe perrnittee if a p�nr�it is �ssucd. E��ter personat i��far���atior i:ientific,�s i�ic apnlicaa�t. Fr�r and �-mail �rre not requirx�' if nat �vuilabfe. � 1f y�u are a�plyin� an behaifoF a client, the perso;�al infcnnatior� must pWrtain ta the client, and a ciocumc,�f. evider�cor�� po��.�er o must t�e includad r�°iih ihe a�plication. o Affiliation/ Doin�; business as (cit3a): busir�css, a�enc}', �r�aniz.alio�aJ, �r insiitutianal affiiiation directly rel�ted tt� the activiiy t irt t}it; applicati�n (e.g., a iaxidennist is an indivic3u�sl w�}�ase business can direcrly nlate to the reyue�tcd activit}�}. The L}ivision �iaszagenz�nt Anihority (DT�fA.} ti��ll nc�t ac;��pt dorng business as at�liation� %r inciivicivals. Sectic�n �3. t;ampiete ii appiying as a business, cos'poration, pu�iic a�ec�cy, ar instiEulion: • �nfer the compiete nsme nf Eh� business, a�enc,° �r instit;�tion that ���i13 be the permiTlee if a permit is is�ued, f'sive a hri�i�descri che tyge t�f ouszn�,ss t��c applicaa�t is engabed in. Provic�e contaci pnnn� nurt:ber(s) af the business. � Princi}�al C)f�cer is the person �n char�e of ihe lislc.d busirtess, cor�aratic�n, public agency, or insiitut�tan. The principal officer i pezson res�r�sibie for the applscaiion ant� any peraniried activities. C3fre�s the prin�ipal afiacer is a Direr.tns or President, Prima. i:nntaet is the person at L'�e business, carpn�atian, public a;ency, or institution who wi31 be avaiiabic to ans��cr questions abAUi ' anniieati�n or pet�nitted a�tir'ities. Ufien Lhis is th� �rs�arer af Ehe appiicati�n. AI.I� APPLiC,�,i�I"E'S �£lN1P�.k; ��; SEC�'IO�? C: • t=or al! a��aiications submitted Eo the Dii�isior� t�f :hdanagement AuthoritX (D?vlrl} a pk�ysical C.'.S. address e; requirc�, F'ro��ince a Couniry b.iocks are t rovitfed fnr those iJSFV�S pro�rams �;�hic}i ttsv fnrei�n addre5ses �n� are nat r�yuir�ti hy T)MA.. m ;vlailing address is address ��'here comr�unicaiit�n5 fiDiri L;SF��,'S shouid be mailed if differeni tk�ati a��ticar�t's physica3 3�ic�ress A.1LI.. �kP�'i,IC,411'TS �U:1�iPLE"1'� S�:�t�ifl�ti ll: Scction i�.l �'�.pplicatic►n �rncessing #'ee: • An appiicati�rn processin� fee is re�uire� al the firne of a;�plic.�tian; unless exemgt�d under SO CrR 3 3. I 1(d}{3). 1�Ze applic�tion praccssing fee is assessed �o p•artiatly ec�ver the cnst of pracessin� a req�.iesi. 'The fte t3oes nat ;uarantee tbe issuz�ce t�ia }�er wiil not be refu�lded for appEicxiions that are a�prpWed, abandos�ecl, or [3eneed. We rryay rctunt� fces far w•ithdrawn appli�ati to an��� signi�car�t prucessing occutrin.�. • 1Jocumentatian oi fee rxempt staius is r�vt reyuired fnr �ecieral, tribal, Siat�, ar lvcaf �u��ernm�n� a�e�tcies; b,�t r��ust bc s 3ay those ap�licants acting on behalf af such a�;encies. '���hose a�plicanLs actmg an bchaif bf such a�encies must su.�amit a Iette� a�enc}� ietterhead anti sig�ed by the heac9 of ihe unit aigv��ernrnent for w}3ich t.t�e applicant is aclin� on beh�If, catifirrnin� that t a�plir.ant v,�iil be carr}�ing out the pe�it;ed activily� for t}�e agency. Section 13.2 �ederat �'ish aRd ��4'ildiife perrnits: • List th� number�s} of your :nost current F��r'S nr CITES pe:�rr3it or the numl>er of L3�►e most recenf �ermit if nane are currenlly v�fi appiying for re-issuance af a CITES �ermit, the ariginal ;+�rtni� musE be returned with tt�is applacaticsn. ���r�.�c:�����c��v I��u � �,�,n�;ri.�� r�� �r-� .�.:v� ��;�z�:r��.��� ���nxz�r �'aperw�orlc Reciuetion Ae.t, Privae}r �r.i, arsd I� reedo�n of In�'urmatic�n MCt — Nt�ticis 3n �ccordai��e r��ith the Paperwvork FZeriuct�on �.cT af 199� (�44 iJ.B.C. 3�i}1, eL seq.} nn�9 thc t'riv�cy Aet c�f T974 (S i;.�.�.C. Sa2a}� �3ICgtiC �ilC fi E� V iSCCI : "fhe gatheri��g of informatia3� an fish and ti��ildlife is authorized Fiy: (Autharizir�g sta:utc;s cat� be four�d a.t: h�tp.;1�}�;ti•���;;,��nac_;�c�s,;y�t�/cfrli?3cicx_htn�i and %`ii'(l�:,:Vr?s'\y'.fN:.?`_:.�U4�:nc�rniilsfltt:'itr__�htanl. �. Baid and Csaiden �a�te i'rote�tion Acl {16 t3.S.C. 668), 50 CF7 27; ts, Lndangared S�ecics Act of i 9?3 ( i 6 L.S.C. t 53 i- i 544}, ;U�F'it i 7; e. Migratcsry i3ird 'l�re:acy Act (16 tJ.S.C. 703-712 j, �0 CFR 21; d. Marine Manunal �ratzction Aet of 1972 (1; 1J.S.C. 1361, et. s�q,}, SQ CF�2 18; �. Wi1d 3�rd Cnnsen'atic�n t'�ct (16 IJ.S.C. �4(}!-4y16), St� C_�k 15; f. l,acey Act: 3nj�rious 'ti�'itdlife (I � U.S.C. Q?), �0 CFFt lG; g. C�nventiary orz Ir�ierngtianal Trade in L.ndartgered Spccies oz yv"ild i=aun�. and l�iars� {�t'IAS gZ49), htt;s:.=';ti�-wti��_; itv��.:?� , 5� CFR 23; h. Generai ['rc�visians, 50 C�'K l(f; i. General Pertnit Psocedures, SU CFR 13; arid _j. Wildiile Prr�vesic�ns (Tmport/cx}�ortftranspt�ri}, SCI CFR 14. ?... lnformatian reqi�ested in this forrn is psarely voiuntary. F��owever, sut?missic�n uf reqursted ir��'ormatit�n is reyuircd in c>z'.iL•r to pracess appiica far perrr�its �uthnsi•r.c�i un�3r.r thc abcrve laws. Faii.�rc to provide a�.i requesied infarrt3ation �nay be sut�icia��t caase for the CJ.S. Fish and V�%ild ,e��ice !o deny tiie re�uest, itespo3�se is nnt req;�i-ed unless a cu:TCntly valid OffiCC Gf M311i1faL'TIt�E3t 3f1t� �U��Ci �OIV?�} COTtiFOE TtLIR1I�Ci tS �15j7�8VC� QT1 �QI'fR. 3. Ccrtait3 applicali<;ns for {�ermits au?ht�rizcd ur��c; t13c Endangered Species Act of i473 {16 L.S.C. 153=J1 ssnd :he P�7YfFile Manzmat F'Yatcction i�lb L�.S_C. 1374) `r°itl be �ablisl�e� in ths �'ederal Re�isier as recuired b}' the two Eaw•,. =I. Disclosut�s vutside the De�arl:�nent of she Iruericr niay be made tit�it�c>t�t thc ccrosi:nl aian iac3ivid�al under the routi�ie uses list�t� bCIOtiY, if th iiisclosure is corr��atih]:^ �viih the pur�sos�s f'er wilicYi the reer�rd w�as collected. (Ref. 68 I-'!� �2511, September Q, 2Uf)3} �. 1ZOuttne t�isC145ure t� subjec:t tnt�tte:r experiS, and Federal, 3ribal, State, local, anci foreip,n ageacies, for che �urpesi ofabtainin� acivic� r snakir�g a sic.cision an an a};plication fi�r a pe.rrztil cfr wkren nc::essary i� u;:c�m�slisii � F��JS function relaicd to this systen� of rccorcis. b. Routia�e disclosa�c to t}�e pv�slic as a resolt af pr�blishin� Frderal R�gister n;�ticcs ennUUr�cin� lfic reccipt ofperrnit applicaYians far pul cc�rttment ur notiie of the decisinn oc7 a pern�it appi'scakion. c. Ftoutine �isciosure to Fede-al, Sribul, S�te, lpeal, or fcsreign v��iidlife and �lant ageneies for ihe exehange of infarrnatic�n �n permits t�ran denied to assurc corYtpliance w•i�h a}1 applicxble permiC2ing r�quirement�;. L�. RL7lllt21C tjiSC10S1lFC YO Gapii\+C-�]I�d u�lldl4fe registrants unde�r tha �ndan�,ezed Species .Aci for ihe exchan�;e vf'aut4iori2ecf species, and t��. inforn�ati�n an the captive bTeedin�; nf the�e species, e_ Routinc di�closure to i�ederal, trihaf, Siute, and local aulhurities tivhv nec:ti ia �no�� wha is perrnitted to rece:ve and rei�abil3t�te si;,k, ar� injured birds under the ?�4i�ratnry Bird Treaty Act and t3�e F3al�� and Golden �a�le Protecti�n r'�cr, fecierally permiited r�habili*atu[s; ind s�ekin� a perinirt�d rel�abilitator wiih whotn to plac� a bird :n n�ed oi care; and lic:ensed �retersnarians who receive, treat, ar dia�ncxse si arphaned, and injnred hirds. #: Rovtine disclosur�e to the Uepartm�nt of Justicc, or a court, adjudicative, or oLher adsninisirative body or to a party in litigation before s au;uu'icKti��e ar adrnir.ist.-ztivc: �vd}�, ;:rde: certain cdrecr.:star.c�s. S. Routine disclosure to the appropriatx; P�deral, tribai, State, Iocai, ar for�ign gavernme�jtai a2ency respe�nsible f'or investigating, �rasecu c.nforc;in�;, �r imptcmtntin� staiutes, rulcs, ar licenses, v��hc;r� we becomc au•are ofa violation or patential i-iolaiion oi"such statntes, rul+ licenses, �r w•hen we need to mnnitor activ�ties sssociated witl3 a germit or re�ulated usc. h. Rautine disebsure to a con�ressionai office �n rezponse ta sn i;�qui�}� to the office by the individuai ia whpm lhe rs:cord p�rtains. i. Rut�tinc �isclosure to th� General Accounting O�ce or Corgress when the infarmation is rec�vired for the evaluation �f the �c:rmit pru� i. RouEin� disctosure t.c� prc>��i�e u�dresses obtasned from ihe J:�temal :Revenae Service t� deh2 eotlection a�;cncics fbr purposes of locatin� debtor to coilect or �ornpromise a Fe�ieraJ claim ��ainst the �ebtor or io cansumer reportin� agencies to pre��re s CammerLial �rr,dit re� nse t�y ih� F1�v'S. 5. For indivicivats, �zrsUna! infor�rtxtion sacf� as home address a.nd telephone nuniber, financial dala, and personal identifiers (social security nur� birth date, eic. j wili be remvve�i pr�ic�r to any scli;ase of the application. b. The pubtic reporting burden on the s�pli�ant for infom�atian collection vsries degenciing un the activiiy for which a permif is requested. "ihe retevant i�urden %r an IF�cider�taf 't'ake perrnit application is 3 ho�r�. This burden estimaie includes tirne fior reviewin� instructiar�s; gatherin maintaening data and compketing and reviewing the form_ You may direct camment5 reg�rding ihe burdcn estim�te or any other aspect of the ta the S�rvic<: Inforrztation Cic:arance O�cer,1�.S. Fish anci Wildlifa Sen•ice, Maii Srop 222, ArEingion S�uare, iJ_S. Department oithe Int�ric 1$�9 C Streei, NW, VJashingt�n D.C. 20Z40. TO: FROM: DATE: SU BJ ECT: 0 � � A K E R � �� � �' 7� � CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTNIENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director December 3, 2010 Parking Violations 8� Pedestrian Safety on 18th Street Referral No. 202 ` ..���i�!L1�/'+.C� "':�� �`� - R�QU�S�~' !�"iA� STA�F i��FS�Y `�"�-.. - i�%,�. ��,. ., , � :._::�MPLAINTS OF CARS PARKED fN A NC�-PARKiNG ZON� AND WlTH =-GISTRATIONS IN FRONT OF 502 EAST 18T" STREET. SHE FURTHER REQUESTED TH, �VlEW THE SUGGESTION MADE BY MR. DECKER TO PAINT THE CURB RED A� _: :TATIONS AS A MEANS i G� ;M���`, ,r --�" r' T � � c�^, ,^, �.° �c� � �-c �� r� , .. _ _ _ _ _ Traffic Engineering has reviewed the location and will paint the curb red designate the "No Parking" area at the pedestrian islands. The red curb pain added within the next week. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF December 6, 2010 — December , 2010 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Resurfacing streets in the area north of Panama Ln & west of Wible Rd. Reconstructing Streets in the area North of Panama and West of Akers Repairing Ashe Rd. from McCutchen to Berkshire Rd. Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Installing Handicapped ramps in the Kern City area. Installing Storm Separator at Mesa Marin Sports Complex. Repairing concrete at various bus stops on Wilson Rd, Hughes Ln, Wible Rd, So. "H Ashe Rd, Chester Ave and Planz Rd areas THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, December 6, 2010 Between Golden State & 16 St. -- "F" St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Between 34t" St. & 30t" St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. — 34th/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) — Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesdav, December 7, 2010 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. — Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesdav, December 8, 2010 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursdav, December 9, 2010 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Fridav, December 10, 2010 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd.