HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/15 CC 4:00PM SPECIAL MEETINGCouncil Chambers, City Hall, 1500 Truxtun Avenue Special Meeting 4:00 PM SPECIAL MEETING - 4:00 PM 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. WORKSHOPS a. City Council Goals 2016 Staff recommends that the City Council review the Draft 2016 Council Goals document and add additional goals, or make modifications as may be necessary, to give staff further direction on Council's priorities. 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Attorney; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) / 54957.6. 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 6. ADJOURNMENT 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL FAG 1 enaif MEETING DATE: 11/4/2015 Workshops 3. a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager DATE: 10/16/2015 VI %1 N 13 SUBJECT: City Council Goals 2016 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council review the Draft 2016 Council Goals document and add additional goals, or make modifications as may be necessary, to give staff further direction on Council's priorities. BACKGROUND: At the September 16, 2015 City Council meeting, Council was provided an update of the highlights and accomplishments to the 2014 City Council Goals. Staff has revised the document by striking out goals that have been accomplished, updated goals whose projects or dates have changed and added additional goals to reflect projects currently in progress. Staff requests that Council review the document and add any additional goals by November 17th° 2015. Council can submit goals by calling or emailing staff from the City Manager's Office. Once Council submits comments, staff plans on bringing back the Goals document to Council at the November 18, 2015 meeting for final approval. The Goals document will then be used by City staff to accomplish and work towards Council's priorities. ATTACHMENTS: Description D Blue Memo Type C oveir I eirno 11104115 CC 4PM ,SPECIAL FAG 2 in UVRMON!" I j • FROM: ROBERT A GAFFORD, CITY CLERK , : 6d SUBJECT: COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 2015 AGENDA ITEM — WORKSHOP 3al. This item will come back to the City Council oin November 1 8 approval. 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 3 III III Ir ■ GOAL #11: PROVIDE QUALITY PU�BiLIC SAFETY SERVICES GOAL 1 . 1 : CONTINUE TO EVALUATE, ADDRESS AND IMPLEMENT TH' E RECOMMENDATIONS FROM INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION! OF CHIEFS OF POLICE TO REDUCE PRIORITY RESPONSE TIMES. Target Actions fq Meet Goal: 1. Confinue to work to implement the highest priority reconuriendations providerd by the IACP to reduce response times, irnprove officer recrulftent and retention and Improve overalQ customer service to the public. sMinq V �j rn�slon c0, 'j, MC I f') g 0 n i�, F V "t, rt ""J: r, Cr ff )VOCPN Ss "N' j,") o n s e r?'oftc,'f� �,,l 1�),",-,1,1"�',v tp 0,dfls C1 CRy Council G(xils Adc)pled 05/21 14 Page I 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PIS 4 P c:e a J, 'y r", Q GOAL 1.2: PROVIDE CONSISTENT PO D ENHANC�EPROACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT INCLUDING CITY-WIDE EFFORTS TO REDUCE GANG VIOLENCE, ILLEGAL DRUG USE, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND CHILD ABU�SE. L=. Em 1. Plan for and develop funding rnechanisr-ris for additional staffing wl-len possible. Continue efforts fa increase Police patrol and progress towards a goal of 1 3 officers, Fier 1,000 POPLtati011. Pursue Stifle and Federal grants lo increase police officer complimeM, 2. Meet recruitment and Ihirin g goals, to ensure lhat all vacant positions are filled. j Pr,'�, pe"i, I r 6, Jr S 20 ��48 potfk"",n tn k:'6 en Z"I"A for FY 2015, - 16, 3. Pursue and coordinate Home1an(J Security programs and facilitate information sharing with state and fedefal agericles regarding regional security concerns, ina", lfi­,­,11� f�a a'M�f,� AH CM n� t,, C C 5 W v t "f r jl� �J Gf fl rz Y, 4. Enhance ffie City's graffiti enforcemerill efforts using cornmunity education, inforrn(:ifion on the City's graffiti Web site, City crews and vollunteer clean-up effort Police enforcernent and available tech nology, including TAGRS Program. Work with the City Attorney's office to mitigale crir)IEu thrOUghOUt 1he City. SE1,J,' M J1, U", 01, 6"', c fry, k r 01y Councir G(r,)als - Adopted 105/2a/ 14 Rage 2 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 5 maKuncHoning &Wc QnW, and poWev In= can hm mToHed fkoug�.-i 5. Work with Kern County Shed-ff's Office, BakersHeld Safe Streets Partnerships �B�SSP,) area other agencies involved in the Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations CornnlHem the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Corn at Gang Violence and the Schools Resource Officer Program to reduce gang related crime through prevention, lntervention and suppressiori activities,. Fohcei nu; BakenTeld Safe Sty.. Is': PadrwrOWP (B AM resuqW"I osse%u, rdamong; of Projec! Cpasefme style gang Kah,hls- and Whve 2a ahrom&4,� e nl c t � " � d", fl . . . . . . Orxnahans Whkm, SEE woNed v0h ON; BMP 10 con MKIF coN W Q the EW SW Upi jESC). %nq known ms H e mon? shnoHngs in Op""u'c'hons ""'>l 'U Yhl in to", lV "w',Jest We Uips (WSCL knwmi as 1% gong h"a "':'l number W recent shooHnSt,,,'- Pahcm 1he OpmAlons Dividon! SEU caHubmaled wHh lad col to Presen' P e a c e VkA k ' e Y a n t a m W he e t r a I o w„ 0 . c, � n l o a f """) n r,�� ,,, "HI, ; tt"" e ''„kI m Decembe,2014. Reckdeuds A thh.05admalaged neofAosdiood OR W& homes to pAn Fw1c, wrOce WoWdmv ami inccd goveinnneid agencW,,,,. �2 Iand (mahqt gan"','; doknce and 5ecv&v W .inn aNni ubmA C I! ,, b l'-' "i , ("' ni 'g), PONLe! The Qerahons WiWnAEU began bi -woekly nVeeQ95 of laccd, state, oo"'Ind 1c.,nov aNdamonmnt am piasecuNw, to revWnv recent q &Aenci, cnuJ provkh; a comdinuled ( 6, Prot-note park safehy by utilizing traditional police rxflroL police citizen volunteer pa= spedaked park patrol, and video technology. PaNce oHkv;s Fruve cunHnuad to ptoy& p0m; SOVIC, Q CTV Im'", G", began p nwAng addhwat PKA to CAV PO4", Pohnn%weahon I PmPsIl. Conhmled Wh P a" I e c I i 0 0 F 0 'v' 0� PH"de secuot 0- fc'v � . . . . . . . t,' tn(,e UpdWed Adeo technology cat UK: WOO Cen& and MM h5 us, BPD r r", ""': r er"' S """, i""i P ',I, f r cA' S " "a r n ""A' ",I r ot""(ru d t t ,' e Y" L �", "', k t e" r , Y' 7, Reduce Part I and cyj(-jlity of life crimes through dieded policing practices and strategies that uhhe crime analysis, to identify crime trends and heavy calls for service locations. utilize the resources of the Community Relations Unit and the Schools Resource Officer Program to proactively work with neighborhoods, coarnwcIal areas and schools to make individuals and property less at-fractiveto the criminal Yernent, 01y CouncO Gocfls - Adopted 05/21/14 Page 3 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 6 PoNce: the ove;W! mkne icle 4 2014 was 442 wpodmi crim(, v pet 10041 ) cH;yem, Tho vepaseMy cj han yeaf bKoNc Qva !% pad, year khem wa5 a 13.200 dec rea s e in ovwaH c Qwe c alwared o 2(),'� 3, "n' rope (QUQ rattmy P6171 agWcavaied craauH f-0431" burglary (dUff lowenyVIUAY and cwKMeR[2K67j, Pahce.Pew,,/'idv<J' X927 gesiderda JheSchna'j� Reunnce ON& er pegumi gna0ded sevvices K 76 BcanKfAd CH Schocvis, 8. Continue to work closely with the Kern County Department of Hurnar-i ServJces Child Protective Services in a parinershill'-), to effectively investigate allegations, invo�ving child victims of physic cil abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. PaHce, Cluing F Y 14- LT We Bakersfisdd PoKe I "'�' ", ."'' (" ,w Di4don (St eLV YcHrns LOH) SVU conHnued to coHuborWb"My waA wWry, ""AN-agency, m0bd4cohnmy, teams Q mnp,""'o"v"I 'k"" k C i z' e ifi, 4; 4ao, 1, f S sexual cusaWK caKl dameAlc violence Child Ane"nind CeNer 0KY K. UwAy Depm%vlA of Human SeNken AR mall sAya&M Famy on:J CA NJ If, h� Re v TO= FoAcy Entered Kqo an ngveerr"ad dtOh I. Me, lQwenics ShHle S=Ukt ",0F cemww CW%ma to CnKIS", spwaaHzed forenMr sexual assuufrt exanlnuhons ks vkAhys of woorwc, 9. Contirwe strategies lo address the impact to tt'ie City clue to the realigrirrienf of 1he California DeparMient of Coirectk)ns. Work closely with all agencies Nvolved in the local Con-irinunily Corrections Partnersh1j) to effectively and efficiently rninimize crime as a result of the reaHgnnmnt and the impacts of Proposition 47. Pubhc Afaks The cohrne by ci lot; skiUs hoinhig pmgmm in Februaq 2015 Q earN miease imndes ihmugh puOnard'rr _,, vvlN' f flre Irciitnirq, Rescr urc(,',„ using funrdmg horn hr�­e s lern 0', 10, EftechVe& Use Crime tew n"iapping system to haprome traffic safety efforts by the BPD through identifying problem areas with high collision rates, developing action plans for collision reduction and improved safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians and evaluation of results while working with City Raftic Engineering to knprove overall roadway safety. I L Proactively prornote new NeighboKood Watch and Business Wa, tch programs and encourage continued padhipahon from neighborhood residents and businesses after the programs are established.. Tfu, CwnmunRy Rekdk= WE fc­v, N ' �qlhbrrwmod Wafch group, and sustnined 1142 exthng gcoups, They Wm, the, R JaH Qhm"' fl/ 10 lt. City CouncO GoalS -- Adopkd 05/2 N / 14 Page 4 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 7 i GOAL 13: PROVIDE CONSISTENT FIRE AND RELATED EMERGENCY SERVICES THROUGHOUT BAKERSFIELD. I , Determine fire service needs and future station locations based on planned growth within the Metropolitan General Platy conduct research on residentlal/conirnerclal build out, populaflon statistics and funding. lrnpleri�ient new station development plans (Pursuant to Joint Rowers Agreement with County, including fundlng the construction and staffing of Stallions # 12, # 16, and # 18.) fc'Vnd a:isit Y' re' S S e S der,'4oynient nrwdk,°fls' F4e S,cffeiy k S�s of en-wlgerl� Y (JrVi Reduce fire deaths, injuries, and losses through-ii fire suppression services, education, and prevention awareness programs administered through direct corflacl with the comm unify, service organizations, educational facilities, non-profif groups, the media, and olt her private sector en fiti es. Fire: Firiia� wm ',vrc h'-fr 2011) 11""01 flv.; Office t'afing wa.',," tq,,'iqroJe !l fi'orn, a to 2 '1 1afi'�"ng �"' ased On, 4'A i fk,'r H,), M."t• I fhe best "n Pre offe!' d W k,,,,ehn,,g flru" V"rCrsf 11'1'- ioveer k',)ccl 3� Maintain Fire Department deployrnent, service, and staffing levels through sfrategic, planning and forecasting, Maintain awareness of service trends via the standards of the National Fire Protection Association and Occupational Safety (Arid Health, Administration, and Natioinal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations. �n general plkcrinnun(.4, and J provkled over slqh�' o,�" f"i've piocesst',,,,s Improve and n,'xi,infain Fire Department emergency response capacity through continued use of various federal and state funding strearns, including AFG, MMRS, UASI, SHSGP, SAFER, and FPS. lrivesfigate other non-traditional funding streams relative to Fire Deparinieril priorities and competitiveness, Nn : His, Adnrihnistrafivi,� Scni`'hPr es Bn'�nch firu(',fl AFG lmprove and maintain Fire Department disaster and major emergency response capabilities, including the Fire Departr-rent Operations Center, grant funded cornmunications improvement and upgrades, pollicy and protocol revisions, and City C�'xjrldl Goals -- Adopkxl 05/21/M Rage 5 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 8 fund i-i 20il AFG h, S 1'�� " r e d �-.w irj g," r i r,,, fj S I,',3, c, � n �J I'll �", P,,kAA R S f t� n,,.','J d F f qp: � c, �� his, lmprove and maintain Fire Department disaster and major emergency response capabilities, including the Fire Departr-rent Operations Center, grant funded cornmunications improvement and upgrades, pollicy and protocol revisions, and City C�'xjrldl Goals -- Adopkxl 05/21/M Rage 5 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 8 ongoing department -wide major ernergency operations planning and training, Fly'e: Is 0,q:�arhrnnr-,-0 loi1a'�"'inq Centez ((:F'SE) req.x-wsc,�, Systefrn(641MS), d fir devek-,'q',,r Dc'�parfi'i'went OpeiriflOn,,i J"DOC and Mr,,2nfzigervieni Tecjrru (ItAl) pirocessit,,F, MUM GOAL 2�.1: MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EXISTING SURFACE STREETS AND i I ARTERIALS BY CONTINUING TO ENHANCE THE ROAD RESURFACING PROGRAM, INCLUDING INCREASING FUNDING FOR STREET MAINTENANCE. Evaluate the condition of city streets and implernent a plan to achieve street resurfacing improvements. Develop strategies, top r6COnstruction of segments of selected arterial streets and older streets, based on priority, usingi state and federal road funds or olher available fundinf,.j sources. Set aside one-time eligible monies as a prioril y for street maintenance pre." ecf s as they become av(:jilable, nevw!, Flc,'vveirriealt 55ystern ("FIMS) fol thc"' 'ak F"MS k"i n.a s'1A trik") ais''b",,!'�r", or�ri p u( �' e r soft rvcsr k", eff®rOs oukl' 1'!)e pe;fc'nmraed payenv','r lo e)der,re,'J pa, rstt , c:nv,.JJhen. rnak„?s i,eka 'I'N�)i,di,,f,),,94s�,r6'tlrJC,�3'l,'ilC)k'I' cpn ;.post bcntefil 1'0 casi effiech,vely The PMS vd'aff hc,4p flaff develop as Plan to arl[d resa'Jk'wk"sg (1RCJ C' I fly stvee'is, inCk)(fiflg arh.rial sh'eels P#"AAc "])Voflv's k'l City rok,)IIe to sec,'t,if'e Y"nfflk!)n, of 5 1'( Pp fi"kr3u "J's lor of son the SR,9'9, rdt Implement a long term program for the i-el-)cibiliiation/rec(,)ristru,ictioi-) of surface and arte6al streets Wing recurringli state and federal funds. Pursue additional funding opportunities through Kerr) COG to increase street repair and maintenance. GOAL 2.2- IMPLEMENT THE THOMAS ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. I �* 01frinVIT&M, a 0' Work with the Coulinty and other governmental entities to cooperatively plan for and fuind multi-jurisdictional transportation pacflifies in the nietropoli'lan area. rW""'0ic fhw"" sut"';wnun, 2014 $411) (""Ok"tnty as fhe h"!r the c ,,.,,rnF,00k'>rT a l "he FRW the (."'otmtry thus' mr'pd oflhe'9' o r,:ionstnuct TRIP prr,rJec,ts ittr""' 711, Sll:,t;ardp:ir'vd Rc,)c)d crwddr�Ra , City Council Goals- Adopted 05/2M4 Page 6 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 9 iaceMQ mWeed to condwcl an cuMay One taran rmd'h�bota'd f Rcwk 99, clefxed vvhh fl-w 2,11h VI/Wit niitig Prc',ject, B. pad wet ct, Al"fle Wrded Calhans project MY MV pkmnkq la mhai-,'JHflate po „,via,''ilr,aw,n'it rtlong State AM 99, 2. ln')plernenf the Thomos Roach Improvement Progmai Widuchig: a. Complete consfiruction of Westside Parkway Phases 6c, Phases 1, 2, 4, 6a, and 6b have been conipleted and opened to traffic. PAY lo%” fhe"! 1d"'Is1 t",flncise A the WYeslAdo c v'r a S 0 r'V c"i, 1'o in. flrie,, ipiIrv""t '20 15, b. Complete cor-Muction of the Slate Route 178 and Monting Drive Interchange Project (cornplete construction wid-2015); Pubhc schedWed to compiksle conshuchon oF he interchanges project W Aw5pnt 2015, c, Cornplete final deAgn car d land acquisition for construction of ilhe State Route 178 Widening Project (begin construction late 2014), Put; Hc Woks: MnW design for Slate Ro- Ae "Us COMAHed fr a`R'� 1.. s1de,'p✓ 2015, and lamf projec""t can".3yucHon wan CQU) ir-,, Fc,'Am"Jory M5�' ° V'-"" ri'; a' e k I J dw. r",cwMcNon W March 2015 and awarded in Aph! 2015.10 p"ject YWH Lmlyin comomcHwi W smrmer 2016 wOh comp%w; anWpMerd hi sInhig/summer D31 7 d, Coniplete final deign and hand acquiisition for the Rosedale Highway Widening Project (begin construction late 2014). PubUc MCI final d es lgr�, f()J vsuniple4ed in SMQMer 2014, ct',n0nach;an was can TkAed K, October 2014, 1he pmjed conshucHan wa5 bid in to ,::nod 21114 ancir in Jurajory 2015, Th,,', project is be d,76r ple, 'tw aay f all ?W6 e. Conniplete k.ind acquisition, and Ind deign work for the 24t"', Sheet Apmvernents F'roject (env ton rrie ri tail corripleled early 2014; begin construd ion, raid -2015). Vvc"fl <s": Hnrcd N at a 605 host""'", 1ate siriot"k,"I a it compMed W November 2M5, a legal MaHenge or, the FED fhar""', edelayed HnaHzIng Ko desWry Ujxni overconOng the iegi dal chaHeinge, hnWing the deMypi and righl al wcvy,, R is �,'infi6poted,' fl' al wiR i.rC,)d irU 24v1 tl 6 f. Complete land acquisition and final design work for lhe Belfway Operational Improvement Project (einvkonirneMall completed early 2014; begin construchonlate, 2014). CRy CowwH Goah - AdopWd 0501/14 Page 7 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 1 (0 vto)fic 4a o1r 44. R. Fir rat des'W� fhe si,Ih`vviny wcx; Ca')Irn,�pleied Vn Pu�gusf 2014 Lan,,1" 2014, fl:ro�,,t,r(A r �onshuchor� w�,:is un<J avvar,�Ied in iotier 2014, 4'1 June of 2W5 w0h coirrq,,flefior,� e)(pec�e ,J 4i the s nalf "'a" "'Nraad F �of 2 017, g. Complete final design work for the Hageman Flyover Project (Arid begini land acquisition late 2015. vvr,�W<s rf,,�,e Wiy 2014, 011ive rc.° ,zl w'Hiffi c(>rnplefi: the fine ,,W! prcjecA,,, vvh!ch Vs clmentiy undhwvvcry; final Oed lk,:,; Land J i g h, Complete environmental, land acquisition, and final design work for the Centennial Corridor Project (anticipate to begin constiuction of the initjal phase in 2016�, Pt,a bl1c: A�cok::,r , Ih(e, Draft q,,DED) 0-w 2014, (FED) corrunervirs fe(,,eive4,-i on, thk"", lfl p.,G i's beilqg #rer"'ared. flq"-Wat of ffiir�, �FFD is fi"Al ,"!(315, 1x'1,nrJ acquuslflk,,w,, f,Ias s f a rt e c,.f ir v,,,Aurvf:r V :,,�ncf fi"41-firli"a" pfopk-'�,rfles- of w0l c,,&nstrucf ffie River ont.-I A%vern �., annJ 0,jjouh,-j ir,f vrVl)ci 201 3, Pursue the prudent acquisition of needed properties on designated transportation! corridors from willing sellers with available funds designated for transporiaflon, purposes, ir,,,Ai&kon e �grly de�,-,l fw ty-se r,, 1, e i i. n C or'id,l,,)r Pre,5jeIr"J, As o! 20 5, neartly of lVte resWerifial e,k �,,or thu, b0eill P 101 �, C, progratn' • Hncjnce Ac1'q0,i4ed Po of 1`1�39 unui pro ,Ierfies c wridca' of the 1,nulr mt R a u d s h rr r, t, 000 UY 14'll f 'I P r` t') 1 f,:, 15 GOAL 2.3- AS TH�E CITY CONTINUES TO TRANSITION THROUGH TH�E TRIP CAPITAPROJEC�TS, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS A STRONG DESIRE TO MAINTAIN OR EXCEED HISTORIC LEVELS • SUPPORT FOR STREET MAINTENANCE, RESURFACING, AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FOR ALL RELATED PURPOSES, INCLUDING SUPPORT OF THE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN. WM, rovTM— I � 6 1. Irnplernent a long term program to maintain and improve the condition of City streets In a method that sulor,:)orts the Complete Streets Policy and the Bakersfield City Cotindil Goals - Adopted 05/21 / & 4 Page 8 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 11 �Bicycle Transportation Plan, fluk)flc WoH<& Pui"')I%c A Y,,e w:� t d d n h p n-' t t c i,1,,,n v e II n, e ',ri GOAL 2.4i: IMPLEMENT'THE CONSTRUCTION O PARKWAY AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE, 1. Wes1side Parkway construction from Allen Road to, Stockdale Highway/Heafln Road, Phase 6c (Target Completion Date: November 2014) N,4,,),1Fc,. Wc)rks'. P <:rSr''' 6c, O� GOAL 2.5 PURSUE CONSTRUCTION FUNDING FOR THE SR 99/HOSKING ROAD INTERCHANGE 1. Complete environmental, land r:icqutisifion, and final design work for the [-Iosking Avenue at SR-99 Interchange Project (begin cc riStrUction Fall 20114)1. PubI6- We,,-,,brtes. 111,'e 15,venve cill Sfisfie Roufc'?, 1,119 hiterchangc� Pmjjeci VvcJs furjd' ,a" to the '21011rl '15 CE3POIC11, F"n-)qrarr,, budget wi0r lo<:i�,0 fk,,virJs, e':Ontrar "::t vv�:,is in, St-,,pl,r rviber 2014, (,',ir-id cc')r'�,struc fion k'l 2W5, be ccstrqfleh"'-e h-J! 01,^,. GOAL 2.6: MAINTAIN AND C�ONSiTRUICT TRAILS FOR CYCLINiG, WALKING, JOGGING AND EQUESTRIAN USES. Target Actions to Meet Goal: 1. Recognize the link between land use and tran sport a I ion through adoption, and irnplernentation of General P'lan policies incIuding development a:r"id transportation standards which promote a balanced transporiafion system of r.')edestriarl, bicycle, transit, and motor vehicles. Explore alternative developrnent concepts which promote pedestrian and transit oriented comr-riunifies, c0n,,,i rn,ixtun, Plan, "olill y; ars 2. Continue to expand ands develop, trails and bikeways by prornofing the connectivity of new and existing trails wif hin the city to the existing Kern Rivet, Parkway. A�-'IdE',,d dasfc:ince s"icins fo h-mT,, 1,;f n ROver Wcfl'e ,ubrmHed i Urffled R'iver tn 75;", City Counal Gc:)ah - Adopted 05/21/14 P(JgH 9 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 12 3. Pursue a "Bicycle Friendly ComrnunRy" status from the League of American Bicyclists. Cornnjjnfly DeveQme"* Summmed applk'alNci'n lh"'> a Amedcan McycHds (LABY LAB if, ponded %Qh fi OnixovemeMs behre pmmmAing the Blcyele 4, Work wiff) local bicycle organildions to identify new bicycle facilities. Encourage installation of bicycle parking areas, in the downtown and in private developrnents. Man for inclusion , of wider bicycle lanes on new and existing streets as the locations may ailow. Incorporate bicycle racks at City harks, as needed. A Bicycle Transportation Plan was adopted in November 2013 that will qualify for funding through Caltraris' Bicycle fransporfafion Account to er'ihance and/or construct new oficycle facilities. PubUc WVmkv rwo new Up mcks "yme irmtalkvd at Grariite Pc4rrt Nvk, (Dne ri,e,,m bike m(',]<, oics ins1aHE,',d r,',ii Ymt!I ;hrd rncfijded ar', "'Ar and repdr Oafhn."ke mcks Yvete cdso insfoUed of various CRY facihHes including Rabab=k Corrvenflk'.',"rr R"'abobi,"ir0k, Arerv,,f" o"'nJ Nodl"r, Fk.. ketsfi0d ['-u,�d ViAlors Bufeau vecenHy conklmed $1,000 to astst lacui in era!' odv,,','cacy grm-lp oJ� 'ii pd"' ng ?")f "nr'f Cq''s 5. Pursue other available grant funding to continue bicycle transportation planning in furtherance of the adopted Bicycle Transportation Plan Wahr Depaamr:M h wmkNg Mi Conpmsman AAmCc"ihy s aRice In jgair� s u r) p o rl for I h e; F i (,:i, ri I K e, nn s., .ar °naaa 1,R i k e P c,a fh, Klevelqument: SuN,-niljred t ".'Jnd CarnaurNes gpunt appUcaVan to Stafi,',, 'Stnfleg9c, Gtowflyh fat ifnrprorrery'�.erds to Kein oJlfir w 6. Seek legislative assistance to nxike possible the installation of niulfl-use trails along canal corridors, including the SaWh H Street corridor from Taff Highway to Belle Terrace ar-id the Friant Kern (Zonal corridor hom0he Kern River Channel to 7th Standard Road, in addition to the identification of fundbg sources and design and construction issues. Armcaded $12,00'.0 pn,'TDA - Afil,trAi, ; cJowntow"r,' tank e p.-Irl'dt�g $1,0, ',,)Oir'rTDA -, ArYle 3 funds for the CAy's VAIVA-Blke Progrcun Awrnder,'i $138500 N 'TDA...- Afficlie ,3� fur",ds for Uke lones rmnd, rOUIes fzm A Skeet and Bmwukige Lane, Appfieid hm riru R4?,nuwe H twid; Or bWe kums an Clay Pd rick FmT Wa,,,,#, and AAeacham Road Apphod for $52ZOOO in Achve F,mgmm funch for 37.5 adhes of new and 4n <:11111t"I Dfr'u,k,vnlown AppUed Im M0110,0(X) 4i Housinrj and, SUSi(',i!nr',jb1e (,.ornnlkjinihes fundi fai Hoe Kern RNe; Pmhway City COUndl Goah - Adopted 05/21 / r 4 Page 10 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 1 3 T t t e C %� B d o t a t e,,, (J $ W) "c" c u S S o c "",311 � t k. e w,Jk/ cwcw.lawY ci r P S with P Y t r T CRY klHce 7. Retrofit existing neighborhoods to be more pedestrian friendly and pmvide for pede5t6an friendly thoroughfares in new devellopments Fubk wLrl.rRp, 'i4lhiFu "H,11c ioc clted r,)'; E �,,Si -,nr Pk,�,,,vi &Wl be F� (j irl rrru",�flHple GOAL #3: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN AND MAJOR MIXE* USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AS A SUCCESSOR AGENC i TO THE DISSOLVED RDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH AB 26/A'. 1484 1 GOAL 3.1: ENCOURAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN AND FORMER SOUTHEAST REDEVELOPMENT ZONE. 1. Encourage cornn-iercicil cl(,,,velopmenl that includes plazas, pocket parks and! water features. ar, , ", T1 "�, ho u,0, nd �cvks� hi" lost faH c',nnal, j, a gro,��cAt L. a e o f P r A v "I'l f i Y" is r., rnel vv6flr-u pHvaie conclucted n,0reach fi� divirtrvcn of flw ("Ry iovvc,�u!( < vi4fi"1 cfevMz�lc)pers t0 riwv ofnrnercJcfl thot cvie wiflh 2. Encourage the use of trees and flowets, lighfing, street furniture, ccriopies, public art, signage, flags. Use surface rnaterial' that enriches the paving options on our streets, sidewalks, and curbing. Recrecflirrn clncf, Park,, ,s" Rercveatk)r9 ,& F'Clfl,�s t. i4 the DBA DIBM", tn 1plmrluut in, e5, and Ir-1 staff Ww�O ,,P' 14 H,ic Cflv,,+ io Clcrru"nurffly frlc�s vv�,,, k d Oty Couricill Goc-lis Adop ted 05/21/14 Floge, 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 14 cl:iev!�,,,tf,,)F�,)rMUf4�'its po�-,)et� ic n f, p i o d , W c') r k e c 1, with vc0c)u,1,, cli'y ewt M<,.k'di,,e Nn 01ak FIcirk, Pf,,xk cind Fubk wLrl.rRp, 'i4lhiFu "H,11c ioc clted r,)'; E �,,Si -,nr Pk,�,,,vi &Wl be F� (j irl rrru",�flHple GOAL #3: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN AND MAJOR MIXE* USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AS A SUCCESSOR AGENC i TO THE DISSOLVED RDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH AB 26/A'. 1484 1 GOAL 3.1: ENCOURAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN AND FORMER SOUTHEAST REDEVELOPMENT ZONE. 1. Encourage cornn-iercicil cl(,,,velopmenl that includes plazas, pocket parks and! water features. ar, , ", T1 "�, ho u,0, nd �cvks� hi" lost faH c',nnal, j, a gro,��cAt L. a e o f P r A v "I'l f i Y" is r., rnel vv6flr-u pHvaie conclucted n,0reach fi� divirtrvcn of flw ("Ry iovvc,�u!( < vi4fi"1 cfevMz�lc)pers t0 riwv ofnrnercJcfl thot cvie wiflh 2. Encourage the use of trees and flowets, lighfing, street furniture, ccriopies, public art, signage, flags. Use surface rnaterial' that enriches the paving options on our streets, sidewalks, and curbing. Recrecflirrn clncf, Park,, ,s" Rercveatk)r9 ,& F'Clfl,�s t. i4 the DBA DIBM", tn 1plmrluut in, e5, and Ir-1 staff Ww�O ,,P' 14 H,ic Cflv,,+ io Clcrru"nurffly frlc�s vv�,,, k d Oty Couricill Goc-lis Adop ted 05/21/14 Floge, 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 14 (,� � y D v M. (, ,,, f: ,,, " � """, t ,,, ti, D ""', o ff",� r � B u ,", ii, %,�'-' S A"WiHan in cawdh=ng fie inOaNaMon 01 outdoor Ughbng in VV u H 3 1 e e I A 4 e y I o rm o v Wh,,,n "t" "', �:�, . I, f ", cl ", i Ir"', 11i "," �,', r " "', ""', f �� 4"!'. Expand the downtown sheet !light deign and streeiscape design, and lncorporcjte benches, refuse containers, tables and chairs and explore the use of LED and solar lighting, Recmalion and Pakv SKK vAl corOvue to vmN wOh "m UBA "i eta, vOopAg a cc"nprMhendve r1an Im downtown, Putdic Works The DavvnW,,xv,,,rf, Sfret:,,r U',,,;IIr F�r in,� Member and ca"jAetvi K DecomMer 20PL Thk Pr"')jfe,,,,,',t knoNg ptojec! on 667 Sheeh, ar & "0" Weds and began r1evv v'ro,01 k,':nrflly Wep! HgtA, vvith� e ra�,,,,ngy LED HgM,-s SM has re0ewed Wcahcam Am addhimial Ovel Nghts Mch MH 18 Sheet and B Sheel new" inplemeNed in W 2015, 4. Pursue creation of identifiable districts WhIn the downtown - arts, education, theater, government, finance, etc. Ma ed Dco,(vfd,(,'fiWT1 1,)eveic,,prne,,r,,f Corpt,,avafioin p,DBDQ tonymbs JNR 0 o [)awnhwn Man DeWgin FM that aniong other 40q& woWd a 'i"'o lyvirfhr,,nr ,"Jisfir is vvifl),n lai',g jv """N"), bh,, ,,Jowrflir,wwn, k, ""', fo",� bie sarne 4 anymunihesgrEMI apphcahorr„ Ca, I�MMMIM 5, Participate in outreach efforts with local interest groups to faciliate a unified approach to Downtown Redevelopment, Encourage quality downtown housing developments which bring families to the downtown area, Development Nocessea lai IN; devrAcpment of a 41wnR ComamMy pevnids rr,�iulfl-fcrrn4y, rnrsrk,,e1 We knoNg ptojec! on a We bounded by 174 & Sheeh, ar & "0" Weds and began r1evv v'ro,01 k,':nrflly in i[l& area at 18 Sheet and B Sheel new" Westchedev 6. Pursue property acqwitiori rn he downtown fro ii willing sellers for projects that fulfill stated downtown planning objectives. CWmornmOy DevedaFmnenk a Irjcr nhve ti,:,b W devdopeis WmAed W WmAng new d,,,,o,)wMovvn v,,(hkAt f,a s)lrs fjf-w av""'IHOWe and expvnes a 01 hfemnHn sewng new devOopment downtown. CAIM Hems Mudw Pre -appik,I,vho ri eq°mdO'iiw,,s p ,rand gnocessR, parkhg reductions, ;educed haRk knplac', fee, FxoxWnHy JDus4jess W& O, and access to downhomen 7. Ensure ON the Line, freeway sy0ern provides arnple and easy access to the downtown area. (,Aly Council GodS - Adopted 05/21 / ti 4 Page 12 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 15 Nh:�hc V�h,'�?,rkw fhe TNF 24" Sheel Improvw"nents, Project w0il down to Adll Cflrer,,a ft,orn Sk,ite Ro•e 99 as ,wee as hom weOwn mehopolitan Bakersfield, The TRW CenNiv*W ConWar Ptojeu�J will access lnx'n ffie vmsiern me4opoUlan virj eaft ,unrJ Sk',0'e RmAe 50 once Nr,ai Conrwnit,mRy Development Cardinued 1weparaHon of the EnNonrnentai Repirni's 99 (nommercial Shapping Conler project and H'ae Olkv4n,,, Dirl, v','Y/SR. `!i lrnarf ptojec", AMh q,:jecicfl c0tenfk:',rl prnnit, to & 1) a C I s cm F r e t , w a Y S ""? ""J e, r , r,! , f"rd C a 11 Pr r anr,,, C s I ifi e S, Adldress downtown parking needs by developing a coniprehensive plan in cooperation will-n public and private downtown interests which addresses joint ulse and other creative ways, to integrate parking downtown, Public StaH Wepared cm iu,,,,venfiwy of exisf*'q',,j 4nnft and pu�,Dfic k,'rt,; w0hhi the da%wdown CUU3.1T05 Ywas PmMdg,�ar"l No P"le dow0own Business As sus dofflon, foi, fii-96r use in the gneparaHon cg ca comp"hienAve paAky Qn, hrmnces Aufi,w"fath'rn A for thi',,,, puUllc $amp"p4 ^ at 18" CWN eVe ShVeh N Open Up 13ddMoncd spaces to duty use. I Encounge mixed'. use develorwnent south of the Mill Creek project along the California Avenue corridor and surrounding area to further expand revitalization and build on ll'-ie improvernents made in the South hhH :;reek area. ComummMy DevtopnwN hiel with developers lo chk"npt to Nd vendors km, Hie QvNi ANH Creek cuess! sevend cruivessafk"is have taken rOace, 10. Complete the projects listed on the l0domeable Obligation Paymeat Schedule related to the new State laws governing the cessatiori, of redevelopment agency projects. Work to confiriue� the redevelopment arid revitalization of downfown Bakersfield, Old Town Kan, Southeast Bakersfield, and he 3Nh Skeet corridor with the loss of cornmunify redevelopment hinding. Exanine new funding and financing options, available incentive programs, methods to encourage and Fxorriote mixed use and residential project, methods to irriprove the public realm, such as fighting, landscaping, signage, and sfreeiscapes. Work collaboratively with other community entities. Community DevMapment: Frepored wo?Mg H0 of fwnding a'"no" km econwric devWopmmv� iru,','enfives the Vd'�',�fififjed WMI %smi'u'viorl Bake'rs '('J ("EGDC) to pun wa "r H"iese qc.)als vdH 0rii and entered VhD a ccm%cl nth Hie State HQh-Sp'ia.e(,'Jl fkaO At,ffl"aiwill,y' (JISRA) hx $?00,000 in funds to pnopme a Ar+V,ia Non for the neitre dcnmrdown area,Aernwing horn tho Ixoposed Hyb-SpiErEd F?1�'A "S"'r,"flrk""mn sfak,, cund "T' ShveK The Qii w4l hv,,',h,,?,c1e modal hanspmtt,,�,�Nun, an'd GOAL &2: PURSUE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MILL CREEK PROJECT. City r micH Goish - AdapWd 05P ➢ P 4 Page 13 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 16 1. Develop concepts for projects which contain the following ehements: entertainment, frees, landscaping, water features, canopies, family activities, pedestrian- friendly design, safety, attractiveness, Minimize the negative aspects of railroad. N�k ks' f'c'ur-Ocfins An fir i AARR cx,'�f rr (,,I and, st.", that i"�o g�")es on"10 t I e if f"), 1A e c o, �o I a �" e I ty c"" f ^� h, a d 'I � u, 5 nd Jtmfl f" Pian foil ,j4" AA 1C r t-'� k a r Y,, a . . . ... . . 6Hh "nt' ft'j d us I Continue to build on the success of the Convention Center Holel, Centennial Plaza, Rabobank Arena, Amtrak. Station, McMurtrey Aquatic Conter, and Wce Sports Center by promoting nirxed use developmeril that supports entertainnien't venues, restaurants, commercla] and rel'(-'i0 businesses and housing. Identify underUtilized and blighted properties in the downtown care area as potential sites, foir irnprovement. it-jrcn'O (s,"!e 3 1,U) MR D,' "'rclopnwer'& otiid fm,')Oded 4Jcm�vn P, yrnerrf to '7 14 VWhc s cu-1 [""IffcrdaNe ftx-sc-�ie ho. ""Sing 57-uni,'" MM Orvelr',' 2 0 15, 1 ir U1 11 1 1. Pror-note mixed use development that includes landsccping and innovative urban design elements, urban hous�ing, restaurants, relaH and other cor-nnierciah uses. , 1, 1 Dowr-&coAiiqa Sic1ior,, Area and fr,�r ln'flxecI f"me c,-,n do,,vnim6,,'ri ore,',, a, 2, Complete the ri-iixed use developt'nent on Baker and Kentucky Streets. Target C-,ornplefion Date: 2015). fawn V',ern (50-unil, (Of e("A) rn' c',"onjUnc.fiori flue r'c—v';e Ofthe h'u ally, City Cooidl Goals - AR q,')t(,-,,d 05/71 / 4 4 Page 14 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 17 3. lrnplement affordable housing development in the sk.0able areas throughout the city, including older urban areas, 1rafl of 2015 Plan 1FWu,0r1g %d,)lef,"h0Pd1 foir c,�,(,dk>rsfton hy DtR,(,, i rnbe,,, 2015 Complete housing and mixed-use developer PrOjects associated with Mill Creek project. A total of 207 residential units WU be developed as follows: a, 19fh Streel Plaza - 67 Senior apartment UrlitS and parking structure, (Target Completion Diate: 20 11 5) b, Creekv[ew Villas - 36 upscale townhornes. Phase 11 : 14 units completed In 2012 and currently available for sale. Fulure phases: 22 units (Target Cornpletion Date: will depend an Phase l sales and market conditions.) c. Mill Creek Courtyard - 62 units (Target Completion Date: 2015) d, 20th Street Senior Apartments - 56, units (Target Completion Date: 2015), 1� f f lr.,�rfd Agwerrient wrff',),, k Plaza R') atid, "'Sepir"rmfl:rer 201:6l, ("A t0,10,, Clre�,,, Coiirtycud oirnplett.,�,d 1,e,",'s of 12 of a4 iv Ph -Ifl,�,,,o I of (l`JeOevie,,�v V0kl ,,:,,,roject, 5. Promote in4fl1i projecis for vacant, abandoned, ear blighted areas throughout the city. 4.1 rn Fn 1, 1 n y i "A V el I k a P n e r 11 o In 1!� I e P U e R e%i, i "AV por. projects lhal involved infill tyj,'Ie the ciihi,, Pre vi""I'ed finarmi(,,fl st",!ovreirt Q. Ir" "is, Firovkie I pri!)gforn, .,2 rrifl,��ioFl 011 atid t,,,Tit alnd of ef,Iersov� Parks, sf l t,, 1d ARC lncreas,, effi(rJ,i�ne,,:y 9l,3cfflfy, a,,l IT're fc,1614y, Inificite'd of Ek,rkcn Stmi, f V0h­,­j , C , lrr Mft'i Hie AtM"Oflty of cfvi,�r-4y rA, an(J (,'Jiink.lu 5llc­nrr�� mre ,fflc>n of a new clft'aic, arid prccree'>fing P)e cre,(:ffion cJnL,,v,1 4')', Todsrn GOAL 4.1 PROVIDE FOR THE LOGICAL PLANNED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. 1. Ensure that updates or revisions to the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan include planning for infrastructure and delivery of public services, cis well as compliance with clir-nate change legislation, other e nviroin men toll laws, and sustainable growth principles. Con,iirnunity Develaprr,,,­nt� Revk,,?WerJ io ensu e fine,'fl W01"I the Plann.,ing Corrv-rllsslore an,('3 `_'ffy �olrorrm4e City Couricfl Goals -- Ad opied 05/2 a /14 Page 15 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 18 devAynnent. • ComnnwMy Develaj)nienh Conducted MugM and appopdWe Wels of VeOew punuan! to the mqulmrneMs of Iffie Cafifornk.,,,, Emlonmenki Qw,iPy A,ct (CMAt Wul"'fing for endsions and cornpHance M") recent en%drorrmerdul Facilitate annexations where staff N semOke to the areas and where support skis wOh the neighbors. Provide inforrnation to explain financial incentives or other Benefits of annexation, including wafer and sewer service, Miich encourage urban areas in the County to be ainnexed into the City. Comnwn4y Developrnent Began pracessing �,Df ei�qhl pc c,,fi ng wRh LANC), Camnnwy Dr, voopaient; Aw w0h conmumMy .,rinswer queyHons aboth cmnexaHon cuni hom; A mAndd aNct fhew`r The CRY C',OUnty joinHy, togetherto create a Akmfei T=spW 'T t' le e, r I F, Work with major corporafions/honiebudders and land owner s to crecte master pAnned coniiiiunities which, provide cohesive deign and transportation elenienh, including the LM of development agreements to facilitate necessary infrastructure Apmvements and services. CaniniuSly Developnienh Began =Ohe WkwMa DepadmeM` r"',f ic, re(,1tv e,,,, NUIVINIg where we crvuHabh; to speak to theni cu"I p0ortoiubnWafof applcalkim, 4. Continue using various strategies to reduce conversion of prirrie agricultural land for urban developmen'l, Dfwehpmenh Encowaged developnient of AMH pryech" to 111 bi cnwas that au "3 akeadyr sumwmdw,:J for urbcirp cind would use land HrW thal is not pdrrrarHy u%ed tor farrnhig, (""Ornnlufn'A� Devehpme& CoOnued ChO105pie =Ohe WkwMa DepadmeM` r"',f ic, re(,1tv e,,,, fafrn'rionvdi tm wf�>,(,'irri ConunmAy Devokpment Requked review for proyoch W jxoposetJ, io, �,� owr ert rwWkemenh of We CAMOo Q')("Aily, pu"Ysuanf h"') flh, A sl G (,AE, Q,A% 1 5. Plan for development of City facilities such as fire stations, police 51rations, parks, andl water facilifies such as wells and puryips, etc., withi othet goverrinietil a, agencies and organizations and locate such facMUes in a mariner which will provide econornies of scale, reduce costs, and r-naAmize the public benefit of City facillies and other related r,�)ublic facilifles. CRy Corowd Goals - AdoWed 05R I n 4 Page r6 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 19 flaff cconfins,,�ed, host regulm n,wee,Hrrgs MM-1, ia to His,, VV�,,:,flf,,n Wr,,,rfer Rtes: ,,ir(A,,,,s ff-lk, Ari ext,,ijr-ripie is a,,, orkinqj wo,,intitli a wutcm rJ "'Al Ae H io be & Develop arid impleri,-reint an economic development prograrn, focusing or-) areas including industrial areas near the Bakersfield Municipal Airr,�)ark and the Iiighway 58 corridor in southeast Bakersfield. 'Fhe prograrii will include identification and pror-notion of appropriate iricenfives, assistance w0h site identification and selection, and active recruit r-n e nt of investors, develoPHLs and businesses. Ls "ovor"I""Ing "'v0h fir,, 10 H,,&; st(,wy, C, 11, ft ,, In j tY, ti Clorrii,Jf,,,��,, tksww,�h.,o�lvn, ar,, East aoz= r,T= 1. Vigorously defend against any pofenliol threats to the City's wotel supply and water rights. - Watcn A"e""tivel", aniJ can nd➢a�A' r ,eieo,, of p,,,cOeiAA(,,fl fir,rzpaor:ts to 2. Provide for fulture growth and water, demands by p anning for water facilities in advance of developaient. Periodic updale of Urban Water Managernent Plan in progress, (Target COMpletion Date: 2014) Wbaxl Was Ap 02014- wt,,Oef ; Cc upgradf. s, and t,,�xtensions c;),n nr,,,uffipie C,Ionr�esfic vj,Fellf, �n the Oiy's dome!sfi<,� w0er service arec.� 11N.,,P P,q'g`m.fre awa s�,,Ife r"md stq,°aF:Yty to res id" ents do'hng flne "'I'Twaght. VVfrJtEC C Wflit We tt,` rz 1hor", ro,c)jecl wHrh fl-te Stotei of Water,,, Wili to studies t3n,,d h) defi,,,nrnine appf"Oprk'Ite fik,;CltrnerO rnethods for dornestic wate�, requ4e City Couricil Goals - rat %A(,,,d 05/'21 / 14 Page 17 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 20 & Met to coMbue to me e l Fede,,,o ma'4"i�"" WHI pmvide plannhg to consk% most use 0) ancl, gmundwahr mqgAes W exiNng and Mum • VVater�: WM ,,,',,,ans4uch and equj) Jwo (2) h,) exNhng mmlmnem 'the li,""s dxj1'ne0k System IkYedrflrilq (ane - VVuh,",o': CRy WeU CBK 4 1 Wh wuM" heWment sy0enn cd smeHhead amd get aefa a I o oxasfif i - Mialer construcl wchei systayn chsh&Alon 't'-inmihuil Road/Men Road mou 5 pmovWe beHer hojAnig und ma"; Wable mWen prem me in the area, I Forsue oppor-ImMes to increase the watersupply available to the (Aty. PLAW WarK lbe [)Mdan h; woNing *Mh the Wnt, Rasource,"', Depmtmed to eqAme the leaNdity of fl-'�'e lhortk:"11y 4b,,,'�0ewa% %whnen! Phnt 1 A cunmAhmnh began(,'.'.a r od an HAS SLAY00 in Ma"S 2015 01KI jS mear compleHan.300 aglu "'fl , SO E'XDhorinc'f, it hrdemsfed in rewhg uddUmml km itk,u'y a,w',fle�, cvid how A MU ben= aU OvaNed agencQ, 4. Umplernent expansion of Wjxi-Com System in 18 City parks with grant funding received Nn February, 2013. RecreaHan and FuNn Thk is an angAng proje,',A �,,Aalf aiiso 'f' ffie mcond ram id of bndnq k) cunqhAe 22 poks is wNch all of he podo YOH bie aperahng mdT Wkj)d-Conrj- Edimuted comph,0iloin C) p nrks fl,rrrdied r 0 0 S e �;� W r �gmaaa.tn a., Jf u 1,y,, a0'@6 5, Participate in hearings through the State Woter Resources Control Board to obtain rights to unappropriated Kern River water. Water: h a"""Arrviely 6, Actively promote water conservation to the residerils of Bakersfieb. Vo,,'Aer: A NvMd cHy samced cMp whole Hm inofi4v a,'m piA�flhl and jpiFi'vfrhu C"Pvfzvf sq:,)my pats in JuN.Mceeded MX, ""Vuh."n surr)rner. PubHc Works: InsWed mme mMcmf W W meckmis Kai dbd not have a vvulmr somce • Recrealion and Palo lAwded a Ijehtnd Ciiy FicH, Nlodh wOh drip khgallon mid diaq,hi folepurr! plants CHy Council Goals- Adoptc.d 05/21/W Page 18 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 21 UE M-MMIMINLIMMM-1 1. Support afforrJaUe houslng fare seniors and low/moderate income res,iderils. Hca mljnr�'� D'E"rrierwl" AAJopflc,,,Pn, e,xp,, ca d, bly, Dec,','enrfl:�� 2f,"10 5, "I y g 2, Encourage and support redevelopment projecl areas to promote development in the older urban areas of, Bakersfield lhrough use of available fUnding sources, communfly planning efforts, and other available revitalization fools. MM C'Tv,o,k ViHage (1 v11' Sheet) - 6,'13 Senkir Fufi,,fre phasr,�s: 22 on F,,:'fl� d c k n t`,sl I i r c e e s, y g 2, Encourage and support redevelopment projecl areas to promote development in the older urban areas of, Bakersfield lhrough use of available fUnding sources, communfly planning efforts, and other available revitalization fools. MM C'Tv,o,k ViHage (1 v11' Sheet) - 6,'13 Senkir Carnn"�'ulrffly T Cr'u"'t"y(V,(d - 6,2 C' of, ,e , "1"! 0 1 5't SenP ,,':jr Aparlhr-nevale "5,6, un'H s, C,' wrrrpleficn IDa3e, 2015) V""egcj"ri cf . ... .. J '21") 15, 3, Streamline processes arid provide incentives for first firne hornebt.iyers, 4-1 targeted and economically challenged areas, includng the P(.'ir-kvjew Cottages and Creekview Villa projects. Sn the k=4 1,. Encourage and support redevelopment and neighborhood lalprovements in Southeast Bakersfield, Examine rnethods to encourage and support development in the area of the Bakersfield Municipal Airport, Oty Council Gook - Adopted 05/2 fi ✓ 14 Page �9 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 22 Fufi,,fre phasr,�s: 22 v4fl) f")n c c,, cl, ilh irI s Carnn"�'ulrffly T Cr'u"'t"y(V,(d - 6,2 C' of, ,e , "1"! 0 1 5't SenP ,,':jr Aparlhr-nevale "5,6, un'H s, C,' wrrrpleficn IDa3e, 2015) V""egcj"ri cf . ... .. J '21") 15, 3, Streamline processes arid provide incentives for first firne hornebt.iyers, 4-1 targeted and economically challenged areas, includng the P(.'ir-kvjew Cottages and Creekview Villa projects. Sn the k=4 1,. Encourage and support redevelopment and neighborhood lalprovements in Southeast Bakersfield, Examine rnethods to encourage and support development in the area of the Bakersfield Municipal Airport, Oty Council Gook - Adopted 05/2 fi ✓ 14 Page �9 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 22 FlubHc Works: to hrle fhrasei,J b�,,,�e • FIC1. Industflt,14 ef'0 :'-ei 4 ,,wnn flru,, CHv, rn Ai,,)gm,,J 2014 Ihe lease wcis rm,ede�J t,,,,y Ft., L �,Jhu,�­,,,, to exr,ga,,vnded arrdl buslness, ovp,erafions irr their stkw cm'i genera,111,pr fizfl, )ncalmrR cfl , the Mm,M6pal nn rrr 40 (4y 1)evelopnmrlJ� slcmdaiNd "h1Cf?F1fi'v1'(D iAHEr" f0 pno,vide ho k,&,,,rested in kl)ce�,fl,0ng irVtew bus,Inesses 4'1 se6r,rl t'ie d ff r, r' .J i f, ,,, rr b s in, i t , d -ar,-,pVr,,,-c3fion ev cv,.,r's 5 t fltn c e, rt,,,,duichons, fees, prof)078irnity to E)usine,ss� distrikA, cxcess io tlownh:mmn dr0erest 1� P S, r�v (,­' �r e r�, rraf g r a s /1 r.),r3 n s f o r i o L� ( r e a i i i, (] r"j dJ t1, C6 rL ffirst'', appnx,,rCI I lo Plam"4png H-1,( i5 11ho to fhe n and and !j,n,,,oci pk"Jr0r6ng pn, U,­,, tic es rmr or h'') S C0VVRT1UP1R`y "infill io Hill ird arY a's iFmf 9 jrr�,m'j mr,�c,.J wl c viot,ld USP rkind first that is m,)f prh 1H11( used fc,,r wor,0d h"mozI a r,Prr,,rdde of Dovm4,?,,v%m Boki,?tsfield Pnio cove vv�th je,,)9rrs housWng bolance Develop policies for specific incentives for, residential in-fill in blighted areas. Encourage and promote in-fill projects and redevelopment iri flne older areas within the cily. Collaborate with business, stakeholders and the arts coninnunify to create a downtown arts district with enhanced signage, infrastructure and everil areas. Continue program to imp�rove existing mecFlan islandlis with landsc.(:)ping and reduce wafer, use by using decorative rock features in accordance with Cify Standards throughout the city, r�m ?,V411 verncm­� 4)s v,,(,,­,44 btd a irlst("flj nmzdian h�'Mds pt,yLl6c io k'n1xr,m,,e exJshrrg Fl" effian N11 InAJs 4&,6th redurlicNn in oadle" use as, a goal Continue code enforceme.ril efforts to hieN p maintain neighborhoods and improve visual standards. GOAL 51: EN HIANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Cily CotincH Goals-A(k,)pted 05/7V/14 Page 20 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 23 tl. .-ffm 1. Continue to 5trearnline processes for establishing and/'or retaining businesses. I Encourage business retention and expansion through programs which collaborate with, local orgaNzations such (:is trade unions, voc('Ational traWng centers, schools and universities to provide technical assistance, employee training resources and other business assistance. I Attract Gnclusiries which are best suited to the advantages of our location, which include avaAabflity of energy andi agriculfuralt production, access to major transportation corridors, and geographic diversity for filrn locations and recreational activities. 4. Focus on improvements and opportunities within the Southeast and Old Town Kem areas for revitalization and econornik-'- enhancement. 5. Promote Bakersfield development site opport un [ties through collaboration with local and nafionol cornmercial arid industrial brokers and site selectors. 6� Implement job creation strategies identified in the Old Town Kern, and Southeast Economic developrnenif plans whi(,h address high uniernployrnent area needs by attracting tc�vgeted industries that provide higher paying jobs which can support families. 7. Continue to enhance the CornrTILInity Developr-rienif website with updated demograj'-A')ic and econorric infornriofion for Bakersfield. U'y sh"rtl fs C ')rrorwfily MH pwvidf,,, a, awnirJ limlina.ave the fm to 8. Collaborate with local and regional economic development organizations to cooperatively promote local job/business creation and refenflorl. Deveh.,'P�,'TIET0' the 11,�akersheld of Jm s ru fi. o in, the VA."trn to Continue to promote Bakersfield as a convention and visitor destination to increase Transient OCCLJF)rjncy Tax (TOT) and Sales Tax revenues. to fm (':r five ye """'n ffie, year h,") I GPoi tieldi tlrr this w fis<',""rag rf h"-, f"i f C ',B 1" 110" C"I aPVer f"s' r 1 'a tVr lrlr 21 dc4h'irs for a", lhir'a C\113 . ... . jj�isj Thw CV8 wc'.b !'10 toe Yr jp1mc, on Goc,l,gre Council Goah - Adopled 05/2 tl/] 4 Page 21 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 24 for rn irry rtfleyar,4 B k ea ' s l h? i r,'A r a�"'J' S ir":� r's r a r"ji, ar'd, k� erll(o'CMAQ'clle "v 0'ors Ic. explore I it I GOAL 6.f: IMPROVE THE VISUAL APPEARANCE AND LIVABILITY OF THE CITY. kifcrvr-mfic,n Tli-m 1, vv '�ih"t v'rek") KB2i We und BW'[""efsfielcl b e i s n'i c:'� H p i",i o t -�e cjlIq",'hcahorl' vvcls site, web fi,"kir ro'116c':Icr"'nl�s to re"'dort gv"offifi, Z' Cil` ou 4, ff rn p ,'c e t"a e "v i 5'u' c"'4 i' r", % 4" "t r a n c' e y City, a �"'5 k e f j c t �'J W,,cifer� K,a,min, Rhrc',,f is flo%,vi '�n Rive tcn r0citeci c")�n'4'J c"W,�ci c,,,,ffnt'n(�rfll"y 1, Continue the can-ilpaign against littering (Keep Bakersfield Beautiful) arid graffiti. Encourage pul-,Ac participation in such volunteer efforts. Publk; Wrcrks� 't"hu,, <'Aid WcWe f I ' )Nv,ic')r�r 6eant.ip and b e u t i f ific,iru �,-"'vcmts 8,787 v( ahnr4eev; irl IC', c e p B a k, el, r; d B r i f k 1" (K"8 B) n c I k vi i f i e s 0 , p iir� g o f 20 1 el, R u [5 o i rn P 10 1, r't' 0, e cl a r, a c) r i g,� r i i i � r,a, e, V' c' r i c) l� p ii o g r a ?, i i i cl '1 0 � i f r �, :I f s ("All, rc:tn 5 c,,'ivd ihe lwrnel[ess C`cm"'0'c,'i '' ani',J cllsc� SPcr)5c>r0'dpr" VVCIS ('KJdceJ ficp ihif,,,; 20f3, 2. Create landscaped gateways, freeways and arterial roads, Improve freeway and entry point landscape standards. Promote and encourage future community gardens, with, identification of adequate financial resources, and community support for long terrni susfainability. c','n-id P1,vtnered wiffi M',',mn. Feclefofl ClvecEt Uudonto enhance the "14" slh�'eet "'vith' donafii,m-u Rernov, ,,,,�.d dec':�,d pfic:vrit plarileci, 208 c:c'vv)ey, rerpk,'icc�d ferY� ch-ig cn'u' ciddec'J, rrvrjlc'h frn a a e n ii �,:r v e d Z_' C" WrYlk.,pievvee&, c"flong Mr',;!r�t Put,,Iic Vfc..Ho,; The Solki "011vm".'c'n't gcndens Cs.)nr�m,)n nRry Devel-c"ipri-aer'& Rr. r-vk,,!-,ved c,',fAA nc via flte tl'�n design, City Cout ucil Goals - Adop le-d 05/21 / 14 Page 2f 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 25 i�1'fer from BW'[""efsfielcl b e i s n'i c:'� H p i",i o t -�e cjlIq",'hcahorl' vvcls fi,"kir ro'116c':Icr"'nl�s to re"'dort gv"offifi, Z' City, Publk; Wrcrks� 't"hu,, <'Aid WcWe f I ' )Nv,ic')r�r 6eant.ip and b e u t i f ific,iru �,-"'vcmts 8,787 v( ahnr4eev; irl IC', c e p B a k, el, r; d B r i f k 1" (K"8 B) n c I k vi i f i e s 0 , p iir� g o f 20 1 el, R u [5 o i rn P 10 1, r't' 0, e cl a r, a c) r i g,� r i i i � r,a, e, V' c' r i c) l� p ii o g r a ?, i i i cl '1 0 � i f r �, :I f s ("All, rc:tn 5 c,,'ivd ihe lwrnel[ess C`cm"'0'c,'i '' ani',J cllsc� SPcr)5c>r0'dpr" VVCIS ('KJdceJ ficp ihif,,,; 20f3, 2. Create landscaped gateways, freeways and arterial roads, Improve freeway and entry point landscape standards. Promote and encourage future community gardens, with, identification of adequate financial resources, and community support for long terrni susfainability. c','n-id P1,vtnered wiffi M',',mn. Feclefofl ClvecEt Uudonto enhance the "14" slh�'eet "'vith' donafii,m-u Rernov, ,,,,�.d dec':�,d pfic:vrit plarileci, 208 c:c'vv)ey, rerpk,'icc�d ferY� ch-ig cn'u' ciddec'J, rrvrjlc'h frn a a e n ii �,:r v e d Z_' C" WrYlk.,pievvee&, c"flong Mr',;!r�t Put,,Iic Vfc..Ho,; The Solki "011vm".'c'n't gcndens Cs.)nr�m,)n nRry Devel-c"ipri-aer'& Rr. r-vk,,!-,ved c,',fAA nc via flte tl'�n design, City Cout ucil Goals - Adop le-d 05/21 / 14 Page 2f 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 25 3,. Continue efforts to enhance the city's urban, forest by prornotingthe planting, proper care and maintenance of trees, throughout the city. ') p aint 200 Oty il , R'feplac,'.ed rn(,,,my k,,J ad d,.yinq Redvic�lo�js il +e ("'Ay, 4. Continue efforts to keep the Kern River bed and other City-owned land free from illegal encampments that create unsightly appearances and fire arid safety hazards. Enlfofce xlrnsl 4,limI City 5. Continue to pursue can aggressive and proactive program : 'to control and maintain the condition and appearan(:,e of abandoned hornes and buildingls and ablate the presence of illegal tenants, from such buildings. MOMMUME I ` 11,: ", I' I' I ` I I I 11,: 11 11,:: 1 11 i: 1: 1:: 111 1 , : LUMOM 'tale et Actions tg Meet Goq!: Facillitate development and encourage corporate capital investments towards cultural and recreational facilities, inc udirrlg the Use of grants, contributions, in-kind services and other unique or appropriate one-firne fulinding sources which may become available, while limiting the use of General Fund revenues for such capital construc�fion. Such facilities would include f,-j performing arid cultural arts center, communilyrecreation buildings; (-,jqu(,,fl[cs facflities; and a t-nulfl-purpose stadilurn, Pirvriv,;e H lr,4 ffl vfllage %s Tho City c,,flsf,, ar ,,,,ju�red ad(Iffional landfor ol Miziso Mrn n Sjtx,,,r1s Corn�plex- i t li t h lie I (I I I of 2 0 16 E)evffloprneR t Reviewed eA thcO (:Jd(,,,,,,qur:ite set, aside, 2. Continue to attain National Recreation and Park Association (NR A) Accreditation to enhance, promote and fasfer cornimunity image. (Accreditation was renewed in 201 1) rmudl l l AccmM� ilikurl ,, Tkr','e nf,"W MH &4 rn, 2('08, 3. Conflnue the operation of existing, City swinirning pools in a safe and cost effective manner. Rr-a,i-,re+,tfi�:',,n P1 lrks� in i'll 2014, th),-,, C'ity Recreation & F'anks offie:;' "red (we ,'M iMrn grav-A 51 ftrcry')l nle, Ri'sO,, .5 USA ies ,�)ns coO$50 hn ft"ae by off . .... . . .. . Olnf- arid '111 �,,41 e,,,; �!:l �, t, f""PI I M L �ii, COy (.1'm)n(,"fl1 Goals- Ad('14)aed 05/21/14 Poge 23 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 26 Q4. Complete design for State IF arm Sp�otts Village, Phase 3, and begin construction on the stadjurn fields and potential park areas, (Target Completion Date: Spring 2015). Parlkls/P�,,Wk!� IvVicY'rks� fw S ,-xnf Vflh,,,,jge Phc'ise 3 ha,, v4fln arrfir.:iPu'k,','d qf(,vrbng effoOs ,Aififirz.s arc,", i:l6,,rDi,Cd""r7,ll,fy'a dri,, fin <1 o1ro") ar,nrpnifies is s, rvi, rn, ir 2 0 1 S. Complete desigin for the Mesa Marin Spods (,'ornplex, Phase 2, and begin con'sfruction of 2 additional soffball fields, resiroom and playground, (larget Cornplef ion, Date: 20 15) kn r, cvricJ s / PtA,�) I i( Works' ,4, t r0 firql!, vv,cts he I d evn, Ja rnjcrry ,,flci ff prca'Selrvle�,,J Fhasf 1� vvifi[i c-q:,'4ions for it tMkJs in 1(")yv Design, for tf-a + N"ruc,m,,r 2 Prooecf 11 a S si r,"i r te v,,0h (,.i, ri fi (7 u p a i e cJ c o rn p t e <- art n i,,� t r <itrahaer 2 0 l 5, T [i C ity 11r Ctr,n,T,Jhy, ! , nnpletecl rn�,v, & P "u m,tur "itf huy, hawfaa Ot,,, elneJ vv' 0 of lzia4drig te)t vvOrii of torc es vr�(Jf, urmnuoai corfl,ractofls, T[-�v, •oriMf•, 11on c>f fdeids pc,,n,k utrytenifkes is v,,Jwf-,h,4ed tad bo oV t J 6. Complete and open the Plant Park Spray Park (Target Completion Date: Mid 20114)1, jj�j,'hp�,, r•+.r"r'ta` P Crf T. Begin design of Wilson Park Spray Park (Target Completion for Design: 2014). orr rgr "144 w to drr4,)l,jjqj,�t 4-0 rj�, J , flflo �� t,'rS GOAL 6.4 : TO BE PROACTIVE IN THE REDUCTION OF SOLID WASTE WITHIN THE CITY THROUGH THE PROMOTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RECYCLING, PROGRAMS AND OTHER WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES THAT ARE EFFICIENT, COST EFFECTIVE, CONSISTENT WITH COUNCIL GOALS, AND MEET' APPLICABLE STATE REQUIREMENTS, IF ANY. I . Work with Kern Counly (Arid local refuse haulers to improve and enhance recycling efforts in an efficient and cost effective mx,-inner. Complete the Soli(Jl Waste phrased expansion of the recyclb,ig prograrn to include universal recycling for residential service and new options for the commercial recycping program, which, began in 2,013, Putflk Wm, s. Sc"'4W 'Wr ,"-f""Je ktrrr frarr (,`Jh,b vyide cuibsidle, recy(,N,,a,g, )affl-i dekvery ,-4 70,00() rnca °,,rka L,4tiiie R Cflv'-,o nt", ®'vv v"411h blue bins IF;rok4 r"j, 1,111 t y e a City Goals — Adopted 05/21 4 P(igoe 24 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 27 1 2. Continue outreach to restaurants to increase food waste recycling ffirough the City's award-winning compost facility, adding to the citywide school calfeferia pro grarn. Public a;;91r. "lq "( S,-Aid DivisRm, ;:#,,,,,Jkded ov(,i�- 100 lociriflons lr ,Rfihafook,,I for fir� wfflh, la un Ccunty 1OCf',f,1 VeWlie 3. Explore ways to improve the composting facility to save water, energy, and labor. , I ii v, - , Ot 1"'rnp•ove the ComtLwsl fa O`Wy 4111 MIE1W n'le4hc)".-J lrhaf Mls<-we, 9 tiy aufi,,,�imnafinq nr�,f;ch, of flrie rs h Crfk c�,,,mril ei, M4, S,o' k-J M�i�ste `)Hvi�'Oar�, gmml fm ConVt,,,'m'Si,"on of Hriel to I ft,s irie,,,�,, 'I d w4DVt�,"', Mafl � �fi c� J� "M4 0,, s tery"), as 6 ,, — — a 0 01 1, To incorporate best practices from the private sector cis an element of conducting business. 'To prudently govern, all areas of discretionary spen&)g, including personnel, benefit and pension costs, so that funds to provide services can be balanced with the need to attract and retain quality personnel. 3. To conservatively govern the financial operations of the City, so that long-term liabilities are controlled as west as, pracficable for the benefit of the tax payer and to take full advantage of any and all opportunities to reduce and elim4iate Unfurided liabilities. City has ov�,.'r r FT",Mfion On dep("))SO 11'1 im:-,,voc oWe tnustto h,jrB d H,a( iol',I(g N,"'Trn Man°dial As c,J 1(,,mli cs. fi,,Yarrcfl dale f1he 10 nnHIk"'n: Hrus fl-fle CUY h rlear 4""1 '10`% funric"'d sfah;s, ;,,vh0(J1 is vice above the rwny, 'v4,,hert V :10 .,;f c,,J.H:es fi(,rcss ( cflihKnia rjrdd n(,Oion, 4. To budget conservatively by using one-time revenues for capital rather than operating costs, with streels, being of particular irnportance. S. To preserve General Fund revenues for core services of the City, such as public safety, streets, parks, (And quality of life issues. R"e,2'fer"Iflon & of ,ai,I Griik�m ,;Yshan and s,,,Orn lirl.lssons mMik,,�n ."J"',"Olcus V"'(Is Irec, aka' cl fr,)i cssessnic',,�,11's Oly Councfl Goals - Adopted 05/21 / d 4 Poge 25 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 28 22 CHy (r,Pon- "RIP) transpoOatk�)n pro�,ecls, WiMj mks, 6. To respect 1he history of the City by keeping fax rates, fees and assessments as low as possible while still providing quality services, «fi M,,jq,ks� Sofid Dh, `al sroni i1-�b51',))d',"",OJ, a a, f un hezv,Ael J� r r,j C I j V'j f �, C1 l� N 4) IT ("I 1-r ("I a Voi, rl' I a, V ef u s e aria,,, f n c Y era s. e f oT rt veicms, l6, 7. To maintain reserves adequate for dealing with contingencies. Solid YVmN�, $ E�,t�e p,,,Isrs' , ➢a,,ancjL Fin(,,nw,e: hm; lit s e ry (,,i, fi-:1, � h,i, n o n C, IE P '111 e d t t':� S )d P,; e S 1, ^ ity 8,. 'To solicit sponsorships when appropriate, for special events, family recreaflon opportunities, and concerts, p✓iilru,-",, ir;"lE','a ,',,',',kr6.ro4'rr,',, awj 41,r")f,ybrV'IL) `kl"1''ar gy<asps foir sj':rrin,.g UIg Fmr�Oy Rn) Rurvi H1 thv, Pr�,Irek- .. .... . .... W-fl, M, , , ��,,,,;3 2" (), 1,, 3 cor�,h'(A �,,nogmrtrr lor Wes"N66", Rnance� XNEiG k,,-rJ Hu'9 "ffort h"') �enFov,s Wj,, f'larl!Wrg� prr rl, ',y agreeirrienfwifh Raboi,,,um*, P4, A. for,, llke e, f r -In, C'i) nv e, n �N, -nter P o In addition, to the City Councill Goals, the City of Bakersfield recognizes the following guiding principles in providing public services to the Citizens of Bakersfield: To maintain, responsible fiscal policies, which insure fiscal solvency, promote lhe pursuit of grants and private donations, maintain the lowest possible fee structure for all services and streamline governs -nent operations to be r-nore responsive and cost effective. To foster a "cuf--as-you-go" policy, implementing spending offsets to cover the expenses of new programs whenever possible. To recognize that pension costs are a large percentage of the General Fund and to Therefore pursue fiscal policies which prudently govern such costs. To encourage utilization of local vendors wherever possible and continue an investment poficy that provides opporhjnlfies for City funds to be invested locally if all other City Coun(J1 Goals - Adople.aJ 05/21/14 P(ige 26 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 29 conditions such (is rate of return are the same. To attract and foster a quoilifieci workforce by creating an environment that encourages erY1plOyee5 to achieve and provide qualify customer service. To rnalntain positive and effective labor and en,iployee relations through enhanced employee reward and recognition progran-is, involving all staff in irnplernenting the goals and objectives of the City. Confim,je to in plerner-if cultural diversity in all aspects of the ernployrneni pIocess. Provide safe working conditions and train ernployees in sound safety practices. lniprove city governmerA CC I'll MU nic, ntions which promote a positive image of the City's projects, programs and accomplishments. Continue enhancement to the Ipuablic conirrunicafions, process, inClUdillg use of television broadcasts and oill'ier technic(-A advancements as they become available for meetings and to provide public informatiom enhancement of the city's WEB site, use of press releases regarding city activities,- use of surveys to obtain Customer service and other citizen feedback information,- and distribution of cify-wide publications. Provide more positive council interaction with the public through improved response to citizen cornplaints and inquiries through use of constituent tracking software and available technology. improve internal Couric1l relations by promoting cornmon goals, respecting individual positions on issues, reducing the level of "political" decision-making, and conducting annual teani building and goal setting sessions. Work with, the County to provide efficient goverrinient services for melropolitan area which reduce the dupkation of public services. Research, evaluate and irnplernenl er-nerging lechriologies which would enhance the provision of City services by rnaOig them more effective and efficient. Explore new or alternative funding mechanisms, including the pursuit of grant funding for constructIngi and staffing new programs and facilities. Continue to provide consistent urban services within, the metropolitan area defined by the City"s General Plan, Adhere to City Statement of Watei, Resources Policy in preserving the quality and qk,,jantity of City's Kern River water supplies and water rights of the water, resources available to the City. Mainlain, replace arid protect the City's infrastructure (i.e. streets, storrn drains, sewer lines, canal crossings, buildings, structures, and facilities, parks, etcJ Pro actively pursue intergovernmental legislation of the county, state and federal levels by monitoring, taking a position and actively pursuing pending legislafionl- expanding annual lobbying efforts with state and federal represenl(,itives; inviting legislators to City Council Coe.: ah Ador..-Aed 05/21/14 [,�cjge 27 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 30 Councill workshops or other adivitie-s; holding joint City Council/County Board of Supervisor rneetings to discuss various, issues, Continue to partner with school dst6cts on recreation and education programs to reduce youth violence, drugs and crin'ie, City Co .n x-J1 GOOIS - Adopted 05/2 � / 14 Pog( 28 11104115 CC 4PM SPECIAL PG 31 enaif MEETING DATE: 11/4/2015 Closed Session 4. a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DATE: 10/20/2015 1TI %1 N 13 SUBJECT: Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Attorney; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) / 54957.6. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: 11104115 CC 4PM ,SPECIAL FAG 32