HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/15 CC MINUTESf $A F ; " BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 2015 reo Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meetings- 3:30 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 3:30 p.m. ACTION TAKEN 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Vice -Mayor Hanson, Councilmembers Rivera, Maxwell, Weir, Smith, Sullivan (seated at 3:31 p.m.), Parlier Absent: None 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. ' 3. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), Citizens Against The 24Th Street Widening Project v, City Of Bakersfield, Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 281556, KCT. b. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (one matter). Motion by Vice -Mayor Hanson to adjourn to Closed APPROVED Session at 3:31 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Weir to adjourn from APPROVED Closed Session at 4:42 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 4:53 p.m. 2380 2381 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 4. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), Citizens Against The 24th Street Widening Project v. City Of Bakersfield, Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 281556, KCT. b. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (one matter). 5. WORKSHOPS None, 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 4:54 p.m. \t%(,EMAYM of the CI y of Balrersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex O Clerk of the Council of the City at Bakersfield REGULAR MEETING -5:15 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Vice -Mayor Hanson, Councllmembers Rivera, Maxwell, Weir, Smith, Sullivan, Parller Absent: None 2. INVOCATION by Pastor Donello Silvelra, Emmanuel Lutheran Church. ACTION TAKEN NO REPORTABLE ACTION NO REPORTABLE ACTION 1 2382 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 3 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Kaden Pittser, 2nd grade ACTION TAKEN student at St. John's Lutheran Elementary School. ' Mayor Hall acknowledged students from the Callfornla State University Bakersfield Polltical Sclence class In attendance at the meeting to learn about City government. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Christi Tenter, Human Resources Manager, and Jena Covey, Risk Manager, to department winners of the 2015 Excellence In Action Awards, Extra Mlle Award and STAR Award in recognition of outstanding service to the Clty. Excellence In Action Awards reclplents: Jennle Eng, Community Development; Renee Williams, Finance; Jeremy Blakemore, and Tamia Smith, Pollce; Jesse Ayala, Brian Friday, Ruben Martinez and Heather Mayberry, Public Works; Mike Reynosa, Recreation and Parks; John Ryan, Water Resources. The recipient of the Shining Team Achievement Recognition (S.T.A.R.) Award was a team of Code Enforcement Officers and a Deputy City Attorney: Shane Denton; Tony Duckworth; Jose Gonzalez Matthew Harvick; Richard Iger; and Billy Owens; and two additional team members who were unable to attend tonight's meefing: Don Johnson, and Wanda Neal. The Extra Mlle Award for 2015 was presented to the Planning Division: Hayward Cox, Karl Davisson, Jennle Eng, Wayne Lawson, Debbie Lewls, Martin Ortiz Debbie Scanlan, and Kate Shea. Mayor Hall called a recess at 5:31 p.m. and reconvened at 5:37 p.m. b. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a refirement plaque and gift certificate to Rick Mlllwee, Construction Superintendent for 36 years of service. Mr. Mlllwee accepted the plaque and gift certificate and made comments. 2383 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 4 4. PRESENTATIONS continued ACTION TAKEN C. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a Proclamation to Blair Knox Director of Regional Affairs, California Independent Petroleum Association, declaring November 7, 2015, Kern County Energy Festival Day. Mr. Knox accepted the Proclamation and made comments. d. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a picture plaque to Shirley Zimmerman, Guild House President, honoring the beautification efforts at the Guild House. Ms. Zimmerman accepted the plaque and made comments. S. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Kern County Supervisor David Couch announced November is Alzheimer's Awareness and Caregiver Appreciation Month; advised Alzheimer's Disease Association of Kern County will host several events during the month of November to bring awareness to Alzheimer's Disease and caregivers; and challenged Mayor Hall to an omelet eating contest on November 2^ at The Broken Yolk Cafe. b. Terri Agcaoili, Events and Outreach Coordinator for Alzhelmer's Disease Association of Kern County, announced that thanks to support from the community, ADAKC will break ground on a new facility,, Invited everyone to Join them for the ground breaking celebration at the corner of Campus Park Drive and Buena Vista Road on October 28m, at 10:00 a.m.; and submitted written material. C. Harlan Od8 and Kelly Knutsen, Policy Advisor of the California Solar Energy Industries Association, spoke regarding solar energy In Bakersfield and encouraged the Council to adopt the Resolution urging Congress to extend the Federal tax credit for solar energy projects. I, 1 1 2384 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 5 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN ' d. Marc Caputo, Co-Chair of the Westpark Homeowners Association, spoke In opposition of the purchase of the Wlld West Shopping Center for the Centennial Corridor project. e. Alex Merrill spoke regarding his experlence, as a homeowner, with drought related water surcharges Imposed by California Water Company; stated his water bill doubled even though his water usage was less than the comparison year; and believes many homeowners are being unfairly penalized. f. Undid Morales Russinsky announced Temple Bethel and Congregation B'Nal Jacob will host a Jewish Food Festival downtown at the Congregation B'nal Jacob, on Sunday, October 25m, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. g. Uz Keogh, volunteer for animal control services, spoke regarding the City's stray animal problem and asked the Council to refer the spay and neuter voucher programs to a standing ' committee so they can discuss and report to the Council a recommendation on how To extend the funds for spay and neuter vouchers through the entire year, and the possibility of offering vouchers for spaying and neutering of cats. Councilmember Rivera requested this issue be referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. City Attorney Gennaro advised Councilmember Rivera of the standing referral on this Issue with the Legislative and Utigation Committee and referring It to a different committee would result in a violation of the Brown Act; stated staff will discuss and notify him on how to handle the situation. h. Susan Bennett, Spay and Neuter Director for Kern Humane Society, spoke regarding stray animals and the Increasing number of requests for vouchers to spay and neuter cats ' she receives; and requested the City Council look Into adopting a feral cat program similar to the County of Kern. 2385 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 6 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Continued ACTION TAKEN I. Tim Palmquist, representing Life Savers Ministries, spoke regarding the removal of a tree outside the Family Planning Associates office located at 2500 H Street; believes the tree was removed illegally In order to Install a fence or wall surrounding the facility; and submitted written material. 6. WORKSHOPS None, 7. APPOINTMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the September 16, 2015, Regular City Council Meetings. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from September 3, 2015, to October 1, 2015, In the amount of $56,405,890.23, Self Insurance payments, from September 3, 2015, to October 1, 2015, In the amount of $536,688.24, totaling $56,942,578.47. Ordinances: Resolutions: C. Resolution Identifying Vendors, Healthcare REMOVED FOR Plans and Setting Rates for Citywide Health SEPARATE Insurance Plans for Eligible Active and Retired CONSIDERATION Employees. d. Resolution urging the Congress of the United REMOVED FOR States to extend the Federal Tax Credit for Solar SEPARATE Energy Projects. CONSIDERATION Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 7 B. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ' e. Resolution confirming approval by the City Manager designee of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer's report regarding assessments of certain properties In the City for which structures have been secured against entry or for the abatement of certain weeds, debris and waste matter and authorizing collection of the assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. f. Resolution approving an application to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission to annex uninhabited territory to the City Identified as Annexation No. 660 located at the northwest corner of Stockdale Highway and Heath Road. g. Disposal of real property located on New Stine Road north of Hosking Avenue: 1. Resolution declaring real property surplus to the needs of the City 2. Agreement with Dilminder Singh Pannu ' ($37,500) to purchase real property to widen New Stine Road north of Hosking Avenue and sale of remnant parcel at the northeast comer of Hosking Avenue and New Stine Road. h. Integration of California Department of Water Resources Water- Energy Grant Program: 1. Resolution determining that Rain Bird Maxicom systems cannot be reasonably obtained through the usual bidding procedures and authorldng the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore and purchase Rain Bird Maxicom Irrigation Equipment from Kern Turf Supply, Inc., not to exceed $498,369. 2. Resolution determining that the Installation of the Rain Bird Maxlcom Irrigation Systems cannot be reasonably obtained through the usual bidding procedures and authorl7Jng the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore and obtain installation services from Kern Sprinkler Landscaping Inc., not to exceed $183,370. RES 124 -15 RES 125 -15 ASS SMITH RES 126 -15 AGR 15 -235 DEED 8297 RES 127 -15 RES 128 -15 '181; 2387 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 8 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued _ACTION TAKEN ITEM B.H. CONMUED 3. Approval of agreement with Kern AGR 15 -236 Sprinkler Landscaping, Inc. to Install Rain Bird Maxicom Irrigatlon Equipment. 4. Appropriate $681,739 grant funds from the California Department of Water Resources 2014 Water- Energy Grant Program to the Recreation and Parks CIP Budget within the Recreation Faclllty Fund for Installation of smart Irrigation controllers, known as Raln Bird Maxicom, at 22 parks. Resolution determining that Globe® Turnout RES 129 -15 Clothing is the Bakersfield Fire Department standard and It cannot be reasonably obtained through the usual bldding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding thereof, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $204,000. Resolution determining that TaserO International RES 130 -15 products cannot be reasonably obtained ' Through the usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding thereof, not to exceed $65,000. k. Resolution determining that certain Pierce RES 131 -15 Manufacturing fire truck parts cannot be obtalned through the usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore and purchase Pierce Manufacturing fire truck parts through South Coast Fire Equipment, not to exceed $80,000. I. Resolution to add Area 3-97 (northwest corner RES 132 -15 of Panama Lane and Old River Road) to the Consolldated Maintenance DlstrlcT and approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report. C Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 9 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN M. Resolutions of Intention (ROI) to add the following territories to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report for each: 1. ROI No. 1857 to add Area 2 -61 (7700 District Boulevard) 2. ROI No. 1858 to add Area 2 -2, 62 (4325 Stine Road) 3. ROI No. 1859 to add Area 1 -110 (tentative Tract 7296 /Santa Fe Way and Relna Way NE) n. Resolution of Intention No. 1855 calling a public hearing to amend Resolution No. 149 -14 modifying the boundary of Underground Utility District No. 2, Division 36 (Stine Road, Panama Lane to Ryzona Street). ' o. Change to Salary Schedule, New Job Specification and Revised Specifications: 1. Amendment No. 5 to Resolution No. 079 -13 approving Memorandum of Understanding for employees of the Blue and White Collar Units and adopting salary schedule and related benefits for Senior Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator and Marketing & Events Specialist. 2. Amendment No. 7 to Resolution No. 080-13 setting salaries and related benefits for officers and employees of the General Supervisory, Police Supervisory and Management Units and adopting salary schedule and related benefits for Police Community Relations Supervisor, Communications Center Supervisor and Communications Operations Supervisor. 1 8011857 Rol 1858 ROI 1859 ABS SMITH ROI 1855 RES 079 - 13(5) RES 080 -13(7) 2388 2385 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 10 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ITEM so. CONTINUED 3. Revised Job Specifications: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 1 /11 /III (# 14390, # 14420, # 14430) and Marketing & Events Specialist (# 25010). 4. New Job Specification: Senior Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (# 14450). 5. Title Change and Revised Job Specification: Police Community Relations Supervisor (# 51440). Agreements: p. Agreement with Kern Council of Governments AGR 15 -237 (not to exceed $150,000) for local match in -kind funds (staff -time) for collaboration on planning efforts related to the preparation of the High Speed Rail - Bakersfleld Station Area Plan. C q. Reimbursement Agreement with the California AGR 15 -235 High Speed Rail Authority to Reimburse the City ' for Actual Costs Associated with the City's Particlpafion in the Refinement and Study of the Locally Generated Alternative (Not to Exceed $401,606.71). r. Reimbursement Agreement with the California AGR 15 -239 Interscholastic Federation ( "CIF ") (not to exceed $317,500 over five years) to serve as an event contribution to CIF for holding State Championship High School Wrestling In Bakersfield for 2016 to 2020. S. Automated Time Keeping System: Agreement with Sungard Public Sector AGR 15 -240 INC. (not to exceed $100,000) for the purchase and Installation of an automated time keeping system. 2. Appropriate $100,000 from the Capital Outlay Fund Balance to the Human Resources Capital Improvement Budget within the Capital Outlay Fund for the purchase. 8. I I Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 11 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN t U. V. W. Agreements for on-call wastewater equipment maintenance services at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 and No. 3: 1. Electrical Systems and Instrumentation AGR 15 -241 Inc. (not to exceed $100,000 for one year term). 2. Wilson Industrial Pump, Inc. (not to AGR 15 -242 exceed $100,000 for one year term). Approval of FY2015 -16 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Agreements: 1. Bethany Services /Bakersfield Homeless AGR 15 -243 Center ($63,347) for ESG funds to provide Emergency Shelter services at 1600 East Truxtun Avenue; 2. The Mission at Kern County ($63,347) for AGR 15 -244 ESG funds to support Emergency Shelter activities at 816 E. 210 Street; 3. Alliance Against Family Violence and AGR 15 -245 Sexual Assault ($22,257) for ESG funds to support Emergency Shelter services administered at1921 19th Street; 4. Flood Bakersfield Ministries ($22,257) for AGR 15 -246 ESG funds for Street Outreach services administered at 3509 Union Avenue; and 5. Bethany Services /Bakersfield Homeless AGR 15 -247 Center ($92,739) for ESG funds to provide Rapid Re- Housing Program services administered at 1600 East Truxtun Avenue. Consultant Agreement with NV5 for AGR 15 -248 Construction Management Services for the Westslde Parkway Phase 6C Project ($64,950.96; funded by Transportation Development Fund JDF) local match fund). Final Map and Improvement Agreement with AGR 15 -249 Castle & Cooke California, Inc. for Tract 6250 Phase 12, located north of Stockdole Highway and west of Jewetta Avenue. 2390 2391 8. Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 12 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACriON TAKEN X. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with AGR 15 -250 Lennar Fresno, Inc. for Tract 6757 Phase 4, located at the southwest corner of McKee Road and Mountain Ridge Road. Y. Final Map, Improvement Agreement, and AGR 15 -251 Landscape Improvement Agreement with AGR 15 -252 Froehlich, Inc. for Tract Map 6796 Phase 2 ASS SMITH located east of Jenkins Road and north of Brimhall Road. Z. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 09- 148(2) AGR 09- 148(3) with outside counsel, Clifford and Brown ($75,000) for legal services in the matter of Land Lot 1, LLC v. City of Bakersfielat et al., Kern County Superior Court Case No. 51500 -CV- 263357 WDP. aa. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 14-063 AGR 14- 063(1) with Lewis Brlsbois Bisgaard& Smith LLP ($75,000) to provide outside legal services In the matter of Citizens Against the 24th Street Widening Project v. City of Bakersfield, et al., (KCSC Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 281556, KCT). alb. Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 11 -124 with AGR 17-124(4) RM Industries ($53,877.60; revised not to exceed $255,477.60 and extend term one year) for the continued service of Amtrak Station janitorial services. ac. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement 12 -151 with REMOVED FOR Toter Inc. (no change to compensation, SEPARATE extends term one year), to continue the supply CONSIDERATION of refuse, recycling, and green waste carts. ad. Amendment No. 5 to Consultant Agreement AGR 07- 132(5) No. 07 -132 with Parsons Transportation Group Inc. ($37,899.60; revised not to exceed $3,669,241.06; 100% Transportation Development Funds) for additional design support services during construction for the State Route 99 at Hosking Avenue Interchange Project. (TRIP) 19, Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 13 B. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ae. Contract Change Orders No. 9, 10, 11, and 12 AGR 14 -241 ' to Agreement No. 14 -241 with Security Paving CCO 9, CCO 10, Company ($415,000,00; revised not to exceed CCO 11, CCO 12 $83,110,516.04; change orders funded with Federal Earmark Funds (80%) and Capital Outlay Utillty /Roads Fund (20%1) for the Beltway Operational Improvements (BOI) Project (TRIP). of, Contract Change Order Nos. 28 and 29 to AGR 13 -140 Agreement No. 13 -140 with Security Paving CCO 28, CCO 29 Company, Inc. (net decrease of $424,845.88; revised not to exceed $13,803,456.23), for the construction of the SR -58 GAP Closure Project. (TRIP) ag. Contract Change Order Nos. 26 and 27 to REMOVED FOR Agreement No. 12 -165 with Security Paving SEPARATE Company, Inc. (net decrease Of $296,559.81; CONSIDERATION revised not to exceed $29,512296.49) for the construction of the Westslde Parkway Phase 6C Project (TRIP). ah. Contract Change Order No. 6 to Agreement AGR 15 -009 No. 15-009 with Telchert Construction CCO 6 ' ($67,899.71; revised not to exceed $16,117,404.48) for the Rosedale Highway Widening Project. (TRIP) al. Contract Change Order Nos. 55, 56, and 58 to AGR 13 -118 Agreement No. 13 -118 with Granite CCO 55, CCO 56, Construction (net decrease of $311,366.04, CCO 58 revised not to exceed $25,941,015.16) for the construction of the State Route 178 (SR -178) at Morning Drive Interchange Project. (TRIP) aj. Contract Change Order No. 2 to Agreement AGR CCO 2 15-080 No. 15-080 with SAK Construction LLC ($12,867.21; revised not to exceed $392423,08), for the Sewer Rehabilitation along California Avenue from P Street to Union Avenue. I 239:1 8. Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 14 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ak. Traffic Signal, Lighting, and Synchronization System on Buena Vista Road at Harris Road /Pensinger Road and on Buena Vista Road, Panama Lane to White Lane: 1. Contract Change Order No. 4 to AGR 14 -303 Agreement No. 14-303 with AC Electric CCO4 Company ($13,707.36; revised not to exceed $473,930.88) for said project, 2. Appropriate $4,000 Transportation Development Fund balance to the Public Works Department Capital Improvement Budget to fully fund the to local share of project costs. Property Acquisition Agreements - TRIP al. Agreement with Maria Coward ($269,000) to AGR 15 -253 purchase real property located at 4309 Marella DEED 8298 Way for the Centennial Corridor Project. am. Agreement with Jerry Barker ($213,500) to AGR 15 -254 purchase real property located at 4416 Marella DEED 8299 Way for the Centennial Corridor Project. on. Agreement with Jeremy and Esmeralda Atwell AGR 15 -255 ($140,000) to purchase real property located at DEED 8300 96 Williamson Way for the Centennial Corridor Project. ao. Agreement to purchase real property and REMOVED FOR fixtures and equipment located at 101 -209 SEPARATE South Real Road and 3617 Stockdale Highway CONSIDERATION from Wild West Shopping Center, a joint venture; Wild West Shopping Center, a general partnership; Gartner Family Trust, dated 4/25/1988; Duane Gartner, Trustee of the Gartner Family Trust date 4/25/1988 for $7,910,755.00 for the Centennial Corridor Project. ap. Agreement with Solomon and Marla lyasere AGR 15 -257 ($289,000) to purchase real property located at DEED 8302 4401 Kensington Avenue for the Centennial Corridor Project. I L] k n 1 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 15 CONSENT CALENDAR continued AC110NTAKEN Bids: aq. Accept bid from ZOLL® Medical Corporation ($49,144.59) for the purchase of 22 AED units and battery packs for the Fire Department. or. Accept bid and approve contract with Jim AGR 15 -258 After Cement Contractor, Bakersfield ($267,600) for the construction of HUD curb, gutter and sidewalk for Madison Area. as. Bakersfield Municipal Airport - Northeast Hangar Taxllane Pavement Rehabilitaflon project: 1. Accept bid and approve contract with AGR 15 -259 Granite Construction Co. ($333,204) for sold project. 2. Appropriate $90,634 additional Federal Aviation Agency grant funds and $18,032 California Ald to Airports Program grant funds to the Public Works Department's Capital Improvement budget within the General Aviation Fund. at. Traffic Signal Modification and Street REMOVED FOR Improvements on Commercial Drive and SEPARATE Truxtun Avenue: CONSIDERATION 1. Accept bid and approve contract with Bowman Asphalt Inc. ($305,746.00) for said project. 2. Appropriate $50,000 Capital Outlay Fund balance to Public Works Department's Capital Improvement Budget. 2394 2395 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 16 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN au. Southbound SR -99 at Rosedale Hwy (SR -58) Off Ramp Improvement Project (A Part of the Bakersfield Beltway System): (TRIP) 1. Accept bid and award contract to AGR 15 -260 Security Paving Company ($6,282.758.00; 100% Federal State Highway Operation and Protection Program Funds ( SHOPP)) to construct the project. 2. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 15-008 AGR 15- 008(1) with NV5 for construction management services ($637,882.14, for a revised not to exceed $10,067,471.45; 100% Traffic Development Fund). 3. Amendment No. 5 to Agreement 11 -100 AGR 11- 100(5) with Parsons Transportation Group for design support services during construction ($198,761.00, for a revised not to exceed $44,253,702.00; 100% Traffic Development Fund). 4. Appropriate $7,467,000.00 from the SHOPP Funds and $325,000.00 of Local Traffic Development Funds to the TRIP Capital Improvement Budget. Miscellaneous: ay. Appropriate $75,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund balance (Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2) to the Public Works Department's Capital Improvement budget for the Forcemain Replacement for the Fairfax Road Sewer Lift Station project. ow. Appropriate $62,355 Federal Grant Revenues to the General Fund Police Operating Budget, to fund the Bicycle /Pedestrian Safety and Education Program. ax. Appropriate $450,000 Federal Grant Revenues (Selective Traffic Enforcement Program /AVOID Grant from the State Office of Traffic Safety) to the General Fund Police Operating Budget, to fund overtime for traffic enforcement strategies, and to purchase equipment and services for the Traffic Division. '396 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 17 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ' ay. Appropriate $24,133 Federal Grant Revenues to the General Fund Police Operating Budget, to fund the "A Life Interrupted" Program. OZ. Granting of Easement to Pacific Gas and DEED 8303 Electric (PG &E) to relocate a pipeline under the Kern River Canal west of Allen Road, Successor Agency Business: ba. Receive and file Successor Agency payments from September 3, 2015, to October 1, 2015, in the amount of $781,464.90 Councilmember Smith announced that he would abstain, due to a conflict of interest, an entity involved in the proposed action is a source of income or gigs to himself, on items 81, 8.m.3., and 8.y. Councilmember Smith requested items 8.c., 8.ac., 8.ag., 8.at., and 8.aw. be removed for separate consideration. Councilmember Weir requested item B.d. be removed for separate consideration. Councilmember Maxwell requested item 8.ao. be removed for separate consideration. Vice -Mayor Hanson requested item 8.ao. be removed for separate consideration. Motion by Vice -Mayor Hanson to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar items 8.a. through 8.bo. with the removal of items 8.c., 8.d., 8.ac., 8.ag., 8.00., 8.at., and 8.ow. for separate consideration. c. Resolution Identifying Vendors, Healthcare RES 122 -15 Plans and Setting Rates for Citywide Health Insurance Plans for Eligible Active and Retired Employees. Councilmember Smith requested staff provide the Council with quarterly updates on the wellness plan for employees. Motion by Councilmember Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED ' Calendar item 8.c. 2397 L-11 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 18 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN d. Resolution urging the Congress of the United RES 123 -15 States to extend the Federal Tax Credit for Solar of refuse, recycling, and green waste carts. Energy Projects. Councilmember Smith requested "provide a report Motion by Councilmember Rivera to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item 8.d. NOES HANSON ABS WEIR ac. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement 12 -151 with AGR 12- 151(3) Toter Inc. (no change to compensation, extends term one year), to continue the supply of refuse, recycling, and green waste carts. Councilmember Smith requested "provide a report on the status of where the City stands with its recycling efforts and meeting State standards. Motion by Councilmember Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item &cic. ag. Contract Change Order Nos. 26 and 27 to AGR 12 -165 Agreement No. 12 -165 with Security Paving CCO 26, CCO 27 Company, Inc. (net decrease of $296,559.81; revised not to exceed $29,512,296.49) for the construction of the Westside Parkway Phase 6C Project (TRIP). Motion by Councilmember Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item 8.og. ad. Amendment No. 5 to Consultant Agreement AGR 07- 132(5) No. 07 -132 with Parsons Transportation Group Inc. ($37,899.60; revised not to exceed $3,669,241.06; 100% Transportation Development Funds) for additional design support services during construction for the State Route 99 at Hosking Avenue Interchange Project. (TRIP) Motion by Councilmember Maxwell to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item 8.od. 8. [` 9. Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 19 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN ao. Agreement to purchase real properly and AGR 15 -256 fixtures and equipment located at 101 -209 DEED 8301 South Real Road and 3617 Stockdale Highway from Wild West Shopping Center, a joint venture; Wild West Shopping Center, a general partnership; Gartner Family Trust, dated 4/25/1988; Duane Gartner, Trustee of the Gartner Family Trust date 4/25/1988 for $7,910,755.00 for the Centennial Corridor Project. Motion by Vice -Mayor Hanson to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item 8.ao. at. Traffic Signal Modification and Street Improvements on Commercial Drive and Truxtun Avenue: 1. Accept bid and approve contract with Bowman Asphalt Inc. ($305,746.00) for said project. 2. Appropriate $50,000 Capital Outlay Fund balance to Public Works Department's Capital Improvement Budget. Motion by Councilmember Maxwell to continue this APPROVED item to a future meeting in order to gather input from NOES WEIR, SMITH businesses in the area. aw. Appropriate $62,355 Federal Grant Revenues to the General Fund Police Operating Budget, to fund the Bicycle /PedesMan Safety and Education Program. Motion by Councilmember Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar item 8. aw. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 2398 2399 10. HEARINGS Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 - Page 20 a. Public Hearing to consider First Reading of an Ordinance Granting a Franchise to California Water Service Company. Assistant City Manager Teglia made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Hearing Item 10.a. opened at 7:18 p.m. No one spoke Hearing Item 10.a. closed at 7:19 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Rivera to continue item 10.o. to the November 4th Council meeting and requested staff meet with him to discuss a few issues. b. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 15-0252; McIntosh & Associates, representing Panama Lane Properties, LLC, the property owner, has applied for a general plan amendment and zone change on 9.62 acres located at the southeast corner of Panama Lane and Gosford Road. 1. Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures. 2. Resolution approving the General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from LR (Low Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) on 9.62 acres, subject to conditions of approval. 3. First reading of ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map In Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from R -1 (One Family Dwelling) to C -2 (Regional Commercial) on 9.62 acres. ACRON TAKEN APPROVED NOES HANSON RES 133 -15 RES 134 -15 FR [I Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015 — Page 21 10. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN ITEM 10. B. CONTINUED Community Development Director Mclsaac made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Hearing item 10.b. opened at 7:21 p.m. No one spoke Hearing item 10.1b, closed at 7:22 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Sullivan to adopt APPROVED Hearing item 10.b. 11. REPORTS None. 12. DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Emergency Ordinance amending Chapter ORD 4830 14.02 to the Municipal Code relating to regulations for Urban Water Conservation to Limit Irrigation of Turf and Landscapes. (deferred from the meeting of 9176115) City Attorney Gennaro made staff comments. Motion by Vice -Mayor Hanson to approve APPROVED staff's recommendation and adopt the NOES WEIR Emergency Ordinance. 13. NEW BUSINESS None, 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Vice -Mayor Hanson clarified his no vote, on agenda item 1 D.a., stating he feels it is time to move forward with granting the water franchise to California Water Service Company. 1 �aoo 101 Bakersfield, California, October 14, 2015- Page 22 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS ACTION TAKEN Councilmember Maxwell stated over thirty people offended a community meeting for residents of the Oleander area to discuss issues pertaining to crime and safety concerns in the neighborhood; thanked Police Chief Williamson, Lieutenant Matson, and Community Relations Specialist Ortiz for their response to questions from the residents; and requested a staff member from the City Manager's office attend future community meetings that involve the Police Department. Councilmember Maxwell requested staff make a five -year plan to place one hundred additional Police Officers on the streets to help fight crime. Councilmember Maxwell thanked City Manager Tandy for meeting with him to discuss the future of the property on the corner of California Avenue and Q Street, across from Maya Cinemas; and asked anyone who has project ideas for that area to contact him. Councilmember Smith commented on the report provided in the general information packet regarding the parking garage; and feels the City has made great strides in lowering response times, as a result of the IACP study. Councilmember Smith requested the motion to continue Consent Calendar item 8.at. to a future meeting be changed to continue the item to the November a Council meeting. 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m. SIC& MAY R of the CI of ersfield, CA ATTEST: /: � CITY CLERK and Ex OfficV Jerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 1