HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/2011OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Jan TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City C nci Alan Tandy, City Manager General Information Post-Storm Information ➢ The Watermaster expects that some of the flood water from the Tule delivered into the Friant Kern Canal next week, where the water will th the Kern River at Coffee Road. There will be no cost to the City since i1 as flood water. � Upon request, staff will collect sandbags that were distributed during storm. Residents are asked to contact the Solid Waste Divisior 661.326.3114 for service. More information is provided in the enc re�ease. Westside Parkway Motorists will see multiple traffic changes in the upcoming week, as various the projects move into new stages of construction. A traffic advisory is att provides more detail, but here are some highlights: ✓ Mohawk Street Extension: Paving is underway on the new, 2.1-mi Street Extension between Truxtun Avenue and Rosedale Highway, whi the outside westbound lane of Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk St construction zone will remain closed until work on the project is c ensure public safety. ✓ Brimhall Road: Weather permitting, staff anticipates that Brimhall Ro �`r,ffoo D�rvr-1 ��iill l-�o ro_r�rvorl Ti iocr-lrv�i Irrii irr�i 1 1 th Th�c �nii�l rori Honorable Mayor and City Council January 7, 201 1 Page 2 Beginning Monday, January lOtr�, there may be an increase in traffic Road and Stockdale Highway, between Calloway Drive and Coffee contractor will begin moving dirt from the Westside Parkway alignmei Calloway Drive and Jewetta Avenue to a location just east of Coffee operation could involve up to 400 truckloads of dirt per day, betwee of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and continue for three to four weeks. ✓ Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk Street and Rosedale Highway/Mohc Intersections: On Monday, January l Ot", between the hours of 8 p.m. both the Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk Street intersection and thE Highway/Mohawk Street intersection will be re-striped. Both opE require temporary closures of one traffic lane at a time, affecting ea< of traffic. One lane will remain open to traffic while work is underway. ✓ Coffee Road: On Tuesday, January 1 1 th, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., Cc between Truxtun Avenue and Brimhall Road will be re-striped. Addi� contractor will be moving barriers for the next stage of construc operations will require temporary closures of one lane at a time in eac possibly causing traffic delays of up to 15 minutes. This work will shift the two traffic lanes in each direction through the c zone toward the center of Coffee Road. The inside traffic lanes will op and the outside lanes (in each direction) will be closed to provide rc Westside Parkway bridge overhead falsework. The bridge is expec� approximately 5 months to complete. Budqet News • The latest employment figures are in, and the unemployment rate h� from 9.8% to 9.4�a. According to an article in msnbc.com, this marks one-month decline in the nation's unemployment rate since April, 199 • Cities and counties throughout the State continue to struggle. Some � examples are: o Los Angeles: The Fire Department imposed a new round of staffinc in nn Affnrt tn PrncP ���n millinn h� 1r1r1P.t sh�rtfc�ll. Actions includ� Honorable Mayor and City Council January 7, 201 1 Page 3 Miscellaneous News ■ We still see too many drivers talking on their cell phones while d subsequently causing problems for their fellow travelers. The Police De taking this issue seriously by utilizing existing programs and plans tc enforcement, as follows: o In 2010, the Department wrote a total of approximately 10,50( moving violations, 1,700 of which were for cell phone violai amount equates to about 16% of all moving violations. o The Office of Traffic Safety has provided funding to conduct sev� enforcement periods for this violation over the course of 201 1. o The Department continues to provide an educational program Interrupted" that educates the public on the dangers of distrac including the use of cell phones. ■ Although there was a week or two of rain and flooding, construction forward on the Baker Street Village. Some photos are attached thc progress. ■ This year's Polar Bear Plunge was a huge success! Compared to 172 ir counted 225 brave souls who took the dip, which is a 31 �o i attendance. There were 231 additional spectators on hand to watch � ■ According to the Building staff, 203 new single-family residential pf issued in December, and another 156 are being processed. ■ Attached is a letter from Bright House Networks regarding some pr� changes. Report > Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning January 10, 201 1 M::�i',. s � '`: � • � � w , ' :' A': , � ` # � ► i� r . : � al1 ` • rl ' ; f . ' !' , � ' �• , PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sal Moretti Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Superintendent, S� (661) 326-3114 Flood Response Update: Collection of Sandbags The City of Bakersfield will collect sandbags that were distributed c flood response. Please call City of Bakersfield Public Works Departmer 326-3114 to have someone pick up sandbags from your home or busi sandbag collection will happen until Wednesday, January 19, 201 l. also stack sandbags at the curb, and City crews will collect them v� are in your neighborhood. ### Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suiie 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 • Fax: (661) 852-2195 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 6, 2011 Traffic Advisory Roads Improue � Contact: Janet Wheeler TRIP Public Infc (661) 326-3491 Westside Parkway construction to affect traffic in multiple are Motorists will see multiple traffic changes in the coming week as various Westside projects move into new stages of construction. Mohawk Street Extension Security Paving Company, the contractor for the Westside Parkway project, has begun the new, 2.1-mile Mohawk Street Extension between Truxtun Avenue and Rosedale H This paving operation also includes the outside westbound lane of Truxtun Avenue at P Street, which has been closed for work on the intersection's expansion. Paving is expE be completed this week, weather permitting, and no traffic delays are anticipated. The Mohawk Street Extension construction zone will remain closed to public vehicle, bi pedestrian traffic until work on the project is complete. The public is reminded that th active work zone with heavy equipment still operating throughout the site. Access is lir ensure public safety. Brimhall Road Security Paving plans to re-pave Brimhall Road, east of Coffee Road, once the Mohawl Extension paving is complete. This work is anticipated to occur on Tuesday, Janu weather permitting. The Brimhall Road paving operation will require a lane closure outside northbound lane on Coffee Road at Brimhall Road. Two northbound lanes will open while work is underway. Access to Brimhall Road businesses will also remaii though delays of up to five minutes may occur. Motorists should also anticipate an increase in traffic on Brimhall Road and Stockdale H between Callowav Drive and Coffee Road, beqinninq Monday, January 10. The contra Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 � Fax: (661) 852-2195 This operation could involve up to 400 truckloads of dirt per day, between the hours o1 and 4:30 p.m.. Motorists who travel this route may want to take an alternate route or ac time to their commutes to allow for increased traffic in this area. This earthwork oper expected to continue for three to four weeks. Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk Street and Rosedale Hiqhway/Mohawk Street Intersections Motorists should anticipate nighttime lane closures at the Truxtun Avenue/Mohawk intersection and at the Rosedale Highway/Mohawk Street intersection on Monday, Jan� between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m., for re-striping. Both operations will require temporary closures of one traffic lane at a time, affectir direction of traffic over the course of the operation. One lane will remain open to traff work is underway, but motorists traveling through these intersections should slow do stay alert to construction personnel and vehicles. Coffee Road On Tuesday, January 11, motorists should anticipate nighttime lane closures on CoffeE between Truxtun Avenue and Brimhall Road, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. The lane closu necessary to restripe the roadway and move barriers for the next stage of constructi� night work will require the closure of one lane at a time and will affect both directions o One lane in each direction is expected to remain open while work is underway, but rr should anticipate potential delays of up to 15 minutes. This work will shift the two traffic lanes in each direction through the construction zone the center of Coffee Road. The inside traffic lanes, which have been closed for several to build the bridge's support columns, will open to traffic and the outside lanes (i direction) will be closed to provide room for the Westside Parkway bridge overhead false Two lanes of traffic will remain open on Coffee Road while bridge construction is underw motorists are reminded that bicycles share traffic lanes on this section of Coffee Ro� bridge is expected to take approximately 5 months to complete. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this work the traveling public. For additional information on the Westside Parkway project, please visit our we! www. Bakersfield Freewavs. us. ### Format Dynamics :: C1eanPrint :: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40960689/ns/business-eye_on_thE advertisernent ;�1��' �iSh��.CO� U.S. businesses stepped up hiring in December Nation's unemployment rate falls to 9.4 percent lowest since May 2009 _ _ . . >�s .. . - -, , �,•.� :,,�-;T,: � . � .��. An. -..m:...�-,., :sv a,.:y,; �, ' . _ ,. ; .. �. ��,, " ;, ,�' � :� � � � ,� �. .,.� �� , ,, �� ��, � �� -.., � � '� a� ; . � , �g ,, � _ � �` `��� ,T JoG seekers`prepare for acareer fair set to open at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. Businesses steppe.d up hirinc� in December, adding a net total of 103,000 jobs durinc� the month. msnbc.com news services updated 14 minutes ago WASH.INGTON— Businesses stepped up hiri�lb in December, adding a net total vf I Q3;000 jobs durir�g the month and offering a litt(e hope for a sustained improvement in the struggling U.S. jobs markct. The Labor Department said bovernment jobs fell by 1 O,U00 in December, but private emplayers — the backbone of the economy — boc�sted hirinb, addit�g l 13,000 jabs a�ter a �ain of 50,000 jobs in November. "I�he Uecemb�r job gains hclped ta drivc down tl�e.jobless rate tu 9.4 percent fi•om 9.8 percent in the previous month, marking the ,.---._.__� �_._ .�.,._..��, a,.,.t;�.. ,... �i,,, �,.+:,,.,��, D�cember's jobless rate was the lowest since May ?009. Another key reason for the drop in the Decemher unemployment rate tivas that the govermne��t no longer cntrnts people as uciemployed when they stop looking for work. Th� dec;line in the jobless rate will have an impoi-tant psychological effect, nuted Torsten Slok, an economist at Deutsche Bank. "The Fed has been worried abotYt the unemployment rate, so the further it gets a�vay from 10 percent, I fhink tlaat's good news," Slok. told CN BC Friday. December's ovcrall payroll gain was smaller tha�i the l�S,U00 that ecanomists predict:ed. Format Dynamics :: C1eanPrint :: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40960689/ns/business-eye_on_the �dvert;s���aer�t ��� � � �.� I "'������i �� ��itll� ,..���i.���i�� .w����rwl�lsy ���� � ' � � , , � ,,, (4"�c�� �?a�s s;sc��far,��r r��qt��l�:�tic�rx �n� ��arr,h��� ea�,�4�T �l��rn ��r;r�i9;��rir;� 9,<r�,=ix.+��� s�t7�r _' ; +� ^� �Yi�i�� � I � �` �� ��� �m�a�ir���� t�zrr��s �rn�! �n�c� ���r� ���I�4F :Y.sa._..a.<�., r^...eF.. .. `.S'. ;.<.� , ,..... _ .,.. ,. :rtf . . . e.��ixt .. . �s<'r3-.. 4.5�. .. . , s .�.i t' x ��.:� F . b x - � � � » -:4.�i.t:R..i� �.':,.;5._... .�.a;:�...xf. ..�..<...._ t ..:. 3.z.� .. . . :::...... .��.�i.� .r,.c. �.°.,.�.�.. '.3, , ,. .. ... ,. . ., , . . . . < ..e, e ,... .. . .. .�/ . ..._.? .t n..r �,. ..f....r s.. .. < y , e• ..., � �.. . N. . �.�i�n. � 4 . ,a »i q.. s i{=. ---� :� msn�c.�om StiCl, mo�-c people were hired in previous monti�s tha�l ihe �overnment f rst estimated The government's revisions showed tl�e economy added 2] 0,000 _jobs in Octc�ber, above the previous figure o#� l7?,000. No��ember's total ��-as revised to 71,000, up i'rc�m 39,000. Over tile past tht•ee mc�nths, the ecot�omy� l�as addeci an ave.ra�,e of 1? B4OOU jobs. Th�t's just e nough to keep u� w�ith the po��ulation =7rc�u�h. Nea�-ly aouble is generally needed to signif-icaritly reduc� thc unemployment rate. Some ecanomists liad predicted a far more optimistic r�adiE�b or� tlle job market }�rida�v after a private payroll Iirm �:stimated earli�r this ���eek that companies added neat•lv 30O,OOt) johs in I��;cen�bea°. A lso encouraging was a reporl �I,hursday ti3at fe�ver peap(e applied for unemploy�ncrlt t�enefits over the past mc�ntl� than in any four- �veek ��eriod in more than two years. � c�ecline in layaffs has consumers feelin� better about the econc�my� and spending »>ore freely. rl'his past holiday sl�oppin�; season was the bcst in fc�«r years. And a�}ayro(1 tax cut that �oes into effect this mo��tl� �vil] give Americans even more money in the ne��- year. �-�canot��ists �apect i}lat �vill boc�st eco��omic �ro���th and give businesses more co��fidence tc� laia-e. their.job security, and that's gi��ing them a little more c�nfidenc� t� bo out and spend," said Ryan Sweet, an econamist at Moody's 1-lnalytics. The economy n�eds to gener�te abc�ut 12>,(�00 jobs a month just to kee}� up ���ith pc�plFlation growth and prcvent the. unemplor-�nent rate from rising. More than double tlzat amount is neecied to reduce the I'c�l�. Last year, the natior� ��dc�ed an average of 86,500 jobs �� month tl�rou�h No�•��z�be;r. "[,hc uriernplo��mea�t rate, m�;�nwhile;, act2aal(�� t�os� -- �'rom C3.7 pc�rcent in January t� 9.8 percent. in Novi;itlber. BL[1 I71c`ll7j' eCClllt?tTiIS�S eYp�'Ct }llilll�; lC) Ci3.111�3 Li� iri ?Ol l. Goldman Sa�hs projccts that employers will add 2.2 msllion jobs this year, or about 180,000 a montl�, double last year's amou»t. Moody's Analytics puts tlle figure at ��v�r�is�;tr��r�i '`�,"'"�� �� �`:�. �..� �. � +�i�'i�°` ��" � `� 6 t � �.� I� �1.1 � �4' +( �� `�.�+r1 �'�+i' # � l .1: �M � �. ..�..,��..��..-� �. � ���.���� � �, . � :.:� xe. ` ��/ � Y -r ��� �`" � � � � �; d � '� � � �t . w ` �m �' �`' � � � .� � .�T�� ��� �. �: �� � �.: ._ � �'� - F.� � ' ��.��"1 °��; � � ��� � � � � . � M.x � a ,'• ' . ��� � *�,�� $ y �w.;�� � $+.�g� ,, ... � �`t.i�' �i.��"tt,'I�� ..:. � 4�w'�., .�' f b ..x . .. . . _ _ . . Format Dynamics :: CleanPrint :: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40960689/ns/business-eye_on_thf ;�f�r�?rfi�r�rY�i r,t ��:. ��� msnbc.�om abo�ft 250,U00 per mo��ti�. Still, the recession l�;ft a deep hole in the jc}b market. Marz than 7.3 millio�l jabs ��ei�e eliminated during t}�e downt��r•n. Mast e;conomists exp�ct tl�-e unemplo}'mcnt r�te wi[1 still be near 9 percent by the end of 20l 1. �t�.�r��: :�€��(�.��� r�t�:; l�l�.e;l�! t€� �:���� fu�°t���r, ���t �1c��.�-I�,- �=e���er people said they ���ere o��t of ti�ork last month. The ncimber of�uncmpic�}�ed fell by more tllan SUO;OUO tc� just under 14.� :7�illial�, the lowest since 1�pri1 ?009. �I�I1� Ul1eIl1}��OVment r�zte 11as topped 9�ercent for 20 montl�s, the longest sucl� streak on r ecord. �nd cven «�iih last year's job gains, t}�e i�nemploymciit rate; fe(! only f�rom 9.7 perceilt to 9.4 perccnt. Throug�� alI of 2010, the nation added 1.1 million jc�bs, or an average of 94,OOt) jobs a m�nth. "�I"11r; hea�th care and leistu�e and l�ospitality sictors sho���ed tlle st�-of2best jab �ains last montll. �-iealth cat•� addeci about 36,OOO.jobs, ��-hile restaurants �nd hotels l�ired morc tl�an '?9,000 ne�r- �vorkers. Retailers addeci 12,000 net r�etiv jc�bs, and rnanufacturers 10,004. "I'he bleedi�a; continued ia� construction, which cut l b,000 bs. but �vauld pr�fer fuil-time work, and thase ti�ho ha��e given �ip lac�king for wc�rk, the ut�deremplayment r�te �vas 16.7 perce��t iast mc�ntll. rI'hat's do��vn from 17 percent in Nc�vember. 1'Ite ,1,ssoc.iated f're,ss and Rerttef•s cantributect to this reporl. �<��'�;x=:i::err��€�ta . .. ... , , F . �, !� �:f � �, � � � �YU..�_ �� � ����� q���� ��o� ����� � C`.t�.� eC ... ... �s ������� � � � � < x' ¢ � w k a "��,.a �` ,� �� � �..s. � r^�� � �� �, .�� }. �a4i� %A Ei � � ��. , � � ��� � � �� � ��,���'��� �� ��������`��� �4 �' $ { �b;. 6°ttb :a3��� k Z�� •� _ _. ? � � � f ' �� � 1 �. � �,� � �` � �; � 3 , , � , .,. . " � �3 F °� y '- . " L.A. Fire Department plans further reductions in fire staffing - latimes.com latimes.com/news/local/la-me-fire-reductions-20110101,0,6583549.story latimes.com L.A. Fire Department plans further reductions in fire staffing To help erase a$30-million budget shortfall, it will decrease by seven the number of fire are on duty across the city each day on a rotating basis. By David Zahniser, I,os Angeles Times January 1, 2011 The Los Angeles Fire Department will impose a new round of reductions in fire staffing starting Sunday, effort to slash expenses in a bad budget year, department officials said. Fire Chief Millage Peaks said the department will decrease by seven the number of fire companies that ar city. That means 22 oithe department's 1 S3 companies will be closed each day on a rotating basis. A company can be a four-person fire engine or a six-person hook-and-ladder truck accompanied by a pur� Peaks said the latest plan will help the department erase a$30-million shortfall in a way that minimizes tr safety. But Pat McOsker, president of United Firefighters of Los Angeles City Local 112, said he is troubled by 1 warned it would lead to delayed responses by emergency personnel and "preventable deaths." "During high-incident episodes there will be fire station districts with no fire companies in them, meanin� neighborhoods will go unprotected," he wrote in an e-mail. "I'hings are expected to be equally difficult for the department after July 1, when the city faces a new $35( Since the budget crisis began, the department has imposed furloughs, offered early retirement to veteran f in place a"modified" staffing plan that has scaled back the number of engine companies by 15 on any gi� McOsker said the department would be better served by redeploying dozens of staff assistants who are as department's top brass. He said those employees spend much af their time serving as drivers and doing p� department's chiefs. The City Council has asked for a report on I� ire Department deployment that would look at those position Peaks said the department's budget shortfall is so large that he could eliminate all of the staff assistants ar to scale back the number of fire companies. He also described the assistants as critical to the department, with the deployment of resources on the scene of emergencies. ? t, �Yr I � ( �� ���, _ � +�,, �, . �a f; f� _+�,, •� � ��� � �� �. �_ ���'' ' � ���� �, � _. � . . s'�"► ,�v , _.V. L.A. city workers could see more furlough days January 5, 201 1 � 6:29 pm Workers at Los Angeles City Hall could soon take another hit, with high-level analysts calling for many of them to take another 10 days of furloughs over the months. City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana issued a report Wednesday calling furloughs for certain civilian employees, including workers in departments that street services, personnel and maintenance of city facilities. If the plan is ap� some workers would see their furlough days jump from 26 to 36 this year. Because of the continuing budget crisis, Santana said some departments may r close one day a week. He also called for graffiti removal funds to be cut in ha $1.5 million, and for a$10-million reduction in the Fire Department k The cuts are designed to address an estimated $62.6-million shortfall in the budget, which covers the year ending June 30. Next year the city expects a shc $350 million. -- David Zahniser at Los Angeles City Hail �.... ^ '�' V��:�,..:{wa�.rR����,�y�9 �•� �:�. • �_ .:.. ft ��:. a -�� _ L� -=� .�� � . �°i� ;� _ � �• - � �, _. _ , . _ '�� �'_ � '"%- --�� . . . ,� y ..�. i . ..�' �'`�!r �-�'.- ..- i � �}-Mr-,eeu. �,;,��'.- � J ��y-�'. - i-�i-vv.''r.� - �.., .- . ,.�-..+�.ir- .� _ �, ..�"r�� er- = i� . a . � f s �,.: � � 1° � fI ► -la�.F�� �.s :::°i_-°'�°_-�` s'���s.a���,.''s�'„�.rt .. _.__�°"!.y'��'�-� . ��...�i.�, i _t �*�:r�=�= .,, � = ' � �. . �4 � �..: j� ji I0i . IR�i9M � �' 3''°"' <ti'-°.�_r,1�=j•.— �. . — � � ���. .y .... � '�x � a _ . � � ..-'- � � �'� f ����:.�� �,'� ��i y�� "�,y��'ao�` .. . k �r ----°' �"� _Y �. 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While we do not anticipate any lo: service, regulations require us to notify you of the possibility of losing programming. Please be advised, therefore, that our agreements with TuN De Pelicula, TuTV De Pelicula Classico, TuN Bandamax, MoviePlex, Enco Encore Drama, Encore Love, Encore Mystery, Encore WAM, Encore Westerns, Lifetime, E!, Style, Starz, Starz Cinema, Starz Edge, Starz i & Family, Zee N, TrulV, The Weather Channel, BBC America, Playboy, Video Rola, Filipino Channel, EWTN, EWTN En Espanol, Ameri Current N, FUSE, Golf Channel, and Sprout remain in effect on a month to month basis, but we may have to cease carriage in all forma to continue is withheld. We are working diligently at this time to come to acceptable and fair terms with all of these channels. As of February 1, 2010, customers subscribing to the BHN En Espanol or BHN Extremo package will no longer receive the following cha On Demand, Primetime on Demand, Faith On Demand, Lifestyle On Demand, Cutting Edge N On Demand, Free Movies On Demand, P Demand,.BBC On Demand, Music Choice On Demand, MN Music On Demand, Pre-School Kids On Demand, Kids On Demand, N G Demand, Entertainment On Demand, Exercise N On Demand, Movie Trailer On Demand and Sports On Demand. Effective January 1, 2011, we will cease carrying Discovery Health on channel 412 on the Digital Variety Tier and will replace it with OVb Network) on the same channel number and tier of service. Bright House Networks has launched a new digital video delivery technology known as Switched Digital Video (SDV). SDV is a r management system that makes it possible to offer more digital video programming services than ever before including new HD chann On or after February 1, 2011, the following channels will be delivered on the SDV system: GEM Shopping Network (Digital Variety Tier) OWN HD/ Oprah Winfrey Network (Digital Variety Tier) on channel 251 on channel 1412 When delivered on the SDV system, the above channels will become bi-directional (or two-way) service and will continue to be ava House Networks customers who subscribe to our digital services and lease a digital set-top box or similar bi-directional device cap� two-way services. However, the above channels will no longer be available to customers with unidirectional (one-wayj retail television or other device w a CableCARD from Bright House Networks. This small number of impacted customers have been notified and offered the option of set-top box or similar bi-directional device from Bright House Networks. In either case, such customers will not need to replace their u device. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE WEEK OF January 10, 2011 — January 14, 2011 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Resurfacing streets in the area south of Harris Rd & west of Wible Rd. (weather permitl Reconstructing Streets in the area North of Panama and West of Akers (weather permi Crack Sealing on Brimhall between Allen Rd & Windsong (weather permitting) Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: Installing Handicapped ramps in the Kern City area. Median island repairs on Panama Ln between Stine Rd & Freeway 99 Placing asphalt grindings for parking area at Kern River Upland project Storm Cleanup & Repairs: Pothole patching in full force 7 days a week Pumping down drainage sumps that overflowed from rain storm Cleaning storm lift stations after recent storm Video inspecting storm & sewer pipes for any possible damages from the heavy rains THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, JanuarY 10, 2011 Between So. "H" St. & Union Avenue — Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) — Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesdav, Januarv 11, 2011 Between 99 Hwy. & So. "H" St. — Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. "H" St. Wednesday, January 12, 2011 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursday, January 13, 2011 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, Januarv 14, 2011 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. — Ming Avenue & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. — Gosford Rd. & Stine Rd.