HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/2011TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • �^` t:.a- ��"r �:� OFFICE OF THE CITY MAN�GER Honorabte Mayor and City Co Alan Tandy, City Manager General Information • It was announced this week that McAllister Ranch was sold to two � Located within the City limits, McAllister Ranch is over three square mil full development entitlements and has a development agreement w the land as a covenant. The City was not contacted directly by the k the announcement. There are many concerns including transportatior capacity and other services. Additionally, no environmental docum� provided at this point. Absent real information, we also have co whether the water banking is proposed for local purposes. The first ste more information, which we will attempt to do. Hic�h Speed Rail News ❖ We received a"non-response" to two letters asking questions of the Hi Authority plans - one of which was from a Council meeting follow-up. ' again! Please see the enclosed letters. Recreation and Parks News ■ A thank you to loca monetary items to the and support many of Contributions came in supplies. The enclosed Fiscal Year 2010-1 1. I businesses and individuals who have con Recreation and Parks Department which has r the programs which the City offers through the form of volunteer time, donations of r report outlines all non-monetary contributior ■ Mesa Marin Grand Opening is Wednesday, June 1 St at 3:30 p.m. All ar� attend. ■ Farmer's Market has returned to Central Park at Mill Creek on Thursdc 7 •'�Cl n m Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information May 27, 2011 Page 2 ■ All City spray parks will be open from noon to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Monday. Once school is out, they will be open seven days a week. ■ The first movie in the park will be on Friday, June 3rd at Pin Oak Park. movie is "Open Season." T. R.I. P. News � Security Paving Company plans to contin�e to set overhead falseworl side of the Westside Parkway Bridge over Coffee Road beginning on 31. This work will be performed between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m, installing large steel and timber beams above and across all traffic la� Road. The falsework creates a temporary support structure fo construction. To ensure the safety of workers and the traveling publi� full road closures will be in place while work is performed above thE Traffic closures may last as long as 15 to 20 minutes. Motorists should c only one lane in each direction to be available to traffic when a cl� place. Two lanes will be open to traffic in each direction during daytirr ��� MGE Underground, the contractor for Westside Parkway Phase ba, r the placement of concrete barrier rail along the east side of Allen Rc will be performed on Thursday, June 2, 201 1, and will require a te closure for the northbound outside lane, between San Juan AvenuE Road, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. The inside northbo both southbound lanes will remain open while work is underway. Budget News ♦ Fresno: The Fresno City Council on Monday opened a week of heari Ashley Swearengin's proposed $1.03 billion budget for next year as it E how to close an $18.5 million general fund budget gap. The council i defer decisions until next month. ♦ Lodi: The city of Lodi has reached agreement in contract talks with all I labor groups, whose concessions will mean a savings to the city of abc year. Terms of the agreements will be made public June 1, but city of thanked those bargaining units at Wednesday night's City Council meE Honorable Mayor and City Councii General Information May 27, 201 1 Page 3 Miscellaneous News • As a reminder, I will be on vacation most of the week of May 31 St - J� Teglia will be in charge during my absence. The office will havE information. Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: :- The Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning May 30t"; :- Events calendar for Rabobank Arena, Theater and Convention CE Bright House Networks Amphitheatre. Referrals ✓ Councilmember Benham: o Graffiti at Mill Creek ✓ Councilmember Couch: o Budget Referral: 5 vs. 7 Day Graffiti Cleanup ✓ Councilmembers Couch and Johnson: o Budget Referral: Adding an Additional Police Service Technic Officer Position to the FY 201 1-12 Budget ✓ Councilmembers Salas and Johnson: o Part One Crime Statistics ✓ Councilmember Salas: o Budget Referral: Extending a FY 2011-12 CIP Pavement Rehabil from Highway 99 to South H Street through to Union Avenue ✓ Councilmember Sullivan o State Route 99 Concerns o Block Wall Behind Chandler Court • B A K__ E R S__ F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Mana�er May 3, 2011 Mr. Roelof van Ark Chief Executive Officer California High-Speed Rail Authority 925 L Street, Suite 1425 Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Mr. van Ark: Recently, City staff provided the Bakersfield City Council with an � regarding the current status of the California High-Speed Rail Proje update included the most current information known about the including information related to the Initial �Construction Segment, the environmental work schedule, ongoing "value engineering" analysis, anc to seek additional federal funding. This presentation also highlighted the aggressive timeline that the High Rail Authority (Authority) is operating under, in order to comply with � requirements associated with the Project's federal funding. Staff provic Council with an overview of the communication that has taken place b� the City and the Authority for the better part of the past two years, incluc fact that City staff has continued to work with the Authority to appropriate comment as Project informafiion has been revealed. Notwithstanding this interaction with the Authority, the City still has a c that many stakeholders and the general public do not have a full gras� scope of the Project and a true understanding of its potential impacts community. In an effort to try and bridge this gap, the Council directed request the Authority's assistance in increasing the level of communicat information that is shared with the public. We are aware that th environmental document is scheduled to be released sometime in IatE 2. Conduct a meeting with each Councilmember to detail #he project impacts in their respective Wards; 3. Provide the public, via the Authority website, detailed maps depic areas of impact for each proposed alignment through Bak including right of way requirements, elevations, and project con� footprints; and 4. Provide a"Workshop" style presentation at a future City of Ba Planning Commission meeting to elicit public comment on tr environmental document. The City views these requests as essential steps to increase public aw and knowledge of the Project and encourages any efforts that supp goal. I would like to close by thanking you and your staff for the recent � you have provided City staff, and we look forward to working with address these requests. Sinc,Qrely, � �-- ' �_ r/ Qlan Tandy City Manager � , � � . �" � cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Ravl Rojas, Public Works Director Jim Eggert, Planning Director Donna Kunz, Economrc and Communifiy Director ,.�-� fYK� �� "�^, ! '" s \I . ..y�Ci:.ar��-•���•. � _: +�r.��.,� !y, � ti �.,awf _�"" � � Y � � Yti .:� � � � �J i .. L � 3� ��42i'': '!� ��V ' Cti?! 'i,�t�;"��t':' March 18, 201 1 Mr. Roelofi van Ark, CEO California High Speed Rail Authority 925 L Street Suifie 1425 Sacramento, CGlifornia 95814 Subject: City or Bakersfield Concerns regarding the High Speed Rai! Projec Mr. van Ark: Thank you �or taking the time fio meet with us on Thursday, Ivlarch 10, discuss the High Speed Rail project. Subsequent to that meeting, City of Bakersfield staff inet with �he Kern of GovernmenTS zo voice the same concerns fha� we presenfied to you. The largesfi concern is that complete and timely i�formation has not been availabfe. Inadeq�afie information has been provided upon which to m reasoned assessment, and a number of factors have changed recently v� sur"ficient nofiice or review fiime. Based upon your visit, the following is our understanding: 1. There is now enough money to extend fhe rrack south of the anno� Borden to Corcoran location, but no one can say how far. 2. There have been design changes in the alignment, elevation, etc sheets were missing thafi should have included three major portions - . � � - -- _ �� __._. .,�...��:....... �nlo .,.,r,� �frl lilrr� �n � High Speed Rail A� March 1 3. Within � he past fiwo weeks, new informafion was reveafed fhat shov pfan to place an electrification station on the City's Corporation The Corporation Yard is a� 1 SO million asset, and fihe news was q� surprise io �s so �afie in the environmenfial process. We reGuest thai reiocated. 4. The volarile Bakersfield High School issue hcs s�ill not been resolved. 5. The "red vs blue" alignment conflicts in EasT Bakersfieid, and in the v ofi the Amrrak Stafiion, Arena and Convention Center, among others s � i!f not been resolved. 6. The parrial plans shown Yo us on March i 0'h indicated more frack near the City and at ground level than berore. These plans did not the land areas that will need to be taken to construct street underp The information and time of fihe notice was inadequafie in orc de�ermine 'rhe impact to taxpayers, business owners and residenFS. 7. The fiunding Tor the portion of the projecT, as outfined in No. 1, a does not include the cost of a train or the required electrificaTion � tracks. It is a track only thafi is proposed to meet Tederaf requireme "connec� Twe fogical points," and "fo have an independen} uYilii having Amtrak trains run on it. No time frGme has been provided � staf� that +s associated with any known source of fundina, for ihere service between t}�e two reasonable poinfs. With both the federal and state governments in mighf a track exist wi#hout an High Speed Rai1 service connection? fiscal crisis, how train or a reaso 8, tven though the Thomas Roads Improvement Projecfi (TRIPj align and drawings were sent to your staff over a year ago; by the time w wifih you on March 10'h, the conflicts between our highway plannin� your proposed alignmenfis had still nofi been reviewed. Based upc limified new drawings we received, we can now assume thar many conflicfis wi!{ carry tens of miliions of dollars in cosfis for fihe Au � hority t< with, and for which your staff has not yet done an ana(ysis on the r To resolve them. High Speed Rai! A M�arch 1 9. The environmental impac#s of this projecT are huge. For the City projecfis, which carry far fess environmenta! impacts fihan the High : Rail project, �our years of environmental work is fihe norm. High SpeE s�aff is at:emp�ing to complete this work in two years. Thaf ki accelera�ed impact anaiysis will essentialiy iead fio impacfis that a properly no�iced, assess�d or dealt with. A surnmary of our concerns are: Adequate and simely information has not provided upon which to compie#e a comprehensive analysis. While the wiliingness on the part of your sfiafif to provide fihe information, you also sa the draff EIR is fio circulate in June or July. That leaves inadequate tii address issues of public concern. Thank you fior your considerafiion and attention to these matfiers. Respectfv(!y, � � ;� �/ � ;�' , , ''��� �� f�� ��Alan Tand i� Y City Mana�er , , cc: Nonorable Mayor and Crty Councrl Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ,1im Egge�t, Plannrng �irector Ron Brummett, Execufive Director - Kern Counci! of Governments � B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks DATE: May 23, 201 1 SUBJECT: Non-Monetary Contributions The public is well aware of the fiscal impacts the City has experienced in recent yea Recreation and Parks Department has received several non-monetary contribution the public to sustain several of the City's programs. Staff is to be commended fc diligence. Attached is a detailed report illustrating non-monetary contributions received for Year 2010/ 1 1. As noted, these non-monetary contributions are for a grand total of $S which includes volunteer time, donations of materials and supplies. attachment: Record of Non-Monetary Contributions Updated through: 5/9/11 City of Bakersfield Record of Non-Monetary Contributions toward Recreation and Parks FY 2010-11 Date Contributor (if known) Unit(s) 100 Mile Social 11/1/2010 Dewar's 4 Gift Certificates 11/1/2010 Prime Cut 1 Gift Card 11/1/2010 Ice Sports Center 12 Free Skate Passes 11/1/2010 Ice Sports Center 1 Ice Skating Party Package 11/4/2010 The Garden Spot Restaurant 1 Sunday Brunch for two 11/5/2010 Wavelengths 2 Hats & T-shirt combo 11/1/2010 Too Fat Sandwiches 4 Gift Certificates 11/5/2010 Ceasars 1 Gift Certificates 11/5/2010 Action Sports 2 Rock Climbing Sessions 11/5/2010 Finish Line 1 Pull Buoy 11/5/2010 Finish Line 6 Paddles 11/5/2010 Edible Arrangements 1 Edible Arrangement 11/7/2010 Sephora 1 Facial Certificate 11/5/2010 Pizzaville 2 Large Pizzas 11/7/2010 Murray Family Farms Decor: 25 pumpkins, 40 corns, 4 hay 11/12/2010 Ashley Gaetzman 200 Cupcakes 11/7/2010 Sephora 1 Gift Package Adaptive Youth Tennis October 2010 Kern County Tennis Association November 2010 Kern County Tennis Association April 2011 Kern County Tennis Association Build-A-Bike 10/19/2010 Bike Bakersfield 10/20/2010 Bike Bakersfield 7/22/2010 Snider's Cyclery 8/5/2010 Amy Kaurter 8/16/2010 Bakersfield Police Department 8/23/2010 Bike Bakersfield 8/24/2010 Bike Bakersfield 9/5/2010 Clerou Tire 9/20/2010 Anonumous Donor 11/15/2010 Bike Bakersfield 11/24/2010 Bike Bakersfield 3/1/2011 Bike Bakersfield 3/3/2011 Bike Bakersfield 3/10/2011 Bike Bakersfield 3/15/2011 Bike Bakersfield CSUB SK Run/Walk April 2011 CSUB P.E.A.K. Department 4 Tennis Coaches - 24 hrs total 4 Tennis Coaches - 12 hrs total 3 Adaptive Tennis Instructors - 9 hrs total 6 - 18 inch Bikes 6 - Helmets Several Bike Parts Bike 30 Bikes 3 W heels 2 Wheels 1 Tire Slime Gift Card 10 Bikes 10 Bikes 1 BMX Bike 3 BMX Bikes 10 BMX Bikes 1 Misc. Parts 20 Student Volunteers - 60 hrs total Cost Per Unit Amount � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S 5.00 25.00 10.00 99.00 28.04 20.00 5.00 25.00 15.00 33.00 7.50 59.99 50.00 23.00 � 1.00 $ 50.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 120.00 $ 99.00 $ 28.04 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 33.00 � 45.00 � 59.99 � 50.00 $ 46.00 $ 250.00 $ 200.00 $ 50.00 $ $ 23.42 $ 562.08 $ 23.42 $ 281.04 $ 23.42 � 210.78 $ - � 25.00 � 15.00 $ 75.�0 $ 50.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 150.00 $ 90.00 $ 80.00 $ 75.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 80.00 $ 60.00 $ 200.00 $ 20.00 $ 23.42 $ 1,40520 Disc Golf Championship November 2010 Kern County Disc Golf Club Disc Golf Tournament Director - 8 hrs $ 23.42 $ 187.36 Updated through: 5/9/11 City of Bakersfield Record of Non-Monetary Contributions toward Recreation and Parks FY 2010-11 Cost Date Contributor (if known) Unit(s) Per Unit Amount Fall 5 K run/walk 11/20/2010 Paramount Citrus--Terrio Therapy 251bs of oranges 11 /20/2010 Murray Farms--Terrio Therapy 251bs of apples 11/20/2010 Wendi Wanner & Family--Terrio Therapy 150 water bottles 11/20/2010 Bagels & Blenders--Terrio Therapy 3 boxes of bagels 11/20/2010 CSUB P.E.A.K. Department 17 CSUB Student Volunteers - 59.5 hrs Float-In Movies 7/S/2010 Garces High School League of Dreams - Adaptive Basketball & T-Ball Leagues September 2010 Angel Volunteers October 2010 Angel Volunteers March 2011 Adaptive T-Ball League March 2011 Adaptive T-Ball League April 2011 Adaptive T-Ball League MLK (undesignated) 10/12/2010 Costco 10/12/2010 Sam's Club 1 Recreation Leader - 4 hrs $ 15.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 40.00 $ 23.42 $ 1,393.49 $ 23.42 $ 93.68 124 Angel Volunteers - 124 hrs total $ 23.42 62 Angel Volunteers - 248 hrs $ 23.42 105 Angel Volunteers - 210 hrs total $ 23.42 15 League of Dreams Volunteers - 45 hrs $ 23.42 105 Angel Volunteers - 315 hrs total $ 23.42 Gift Card Gift Card Polar Bear Plunge 1/1/2011 Jack Frost Ice Bock & Crushed Ice Softbail 8/27/2010 Kern Trophies 56 Softball Trophies 10/7/2010 Bakersfield College Ladies Renegades 5 Bats 12/9/2010 Kern Trophies 50 Softball Trophies Stop the Violence July 2010 Stop the Violence July 2010 Stop the Violence 7l19/2010 Arts Council 7/21/2010 Stop the Violence August 2010 Stop the Violence August 2010 Amelia Reyna September 2010 Stop the Violence Swimsuit Drive 7/2/2010 City Pool Patrons T-Ball League & Pee Wee T-Ball League: Jul-10 1 Recreation Leader - 71.5 hrs 2 Recreation Leaders - 65 hrs Drama Teacher Various Foods 2 Recreation Leaders - 60 hrs 1 Drama Instructor 1 Recreation Leader - 30 hrs 25 Swimsuits Cleaned 10 Volunteer Coaches, Total 40 hrs/ea PB: J. Navarro S:WDMINISTRATION DIVISION\Joe\Contributions\FY 2011\R&P FY 2011 $ 35.00 $ 200.00 $ 35.00 $ 23.42 $ 23.42 $ 23.42 $ 20.00 $ 23.42 $ 2,904.08 $ 5,808.16 $ 4,918.20 $ 1,053.90 $ 7,377.30 $ - Totals T Elison T Elison T Elison T Elison T Elison $ 1,513.49 D 5tricker $ 93.68 $22,061.64 $ 90.00 $ 25.00 $ 115.00 $ 376.71 $ 1,960.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,674.53 $ 1,522.30 $ 300.00 $ 225.00 $ 1,405.20 $ 600.00 $ 702.60 $ 250.00 $ 23.42 $ 936.80 $ 376.71 $ 4,710.00 T Elison T Elison T Elison T Elison T Elison L McVicker L McVicker D Stricker T Elison T Elison T Elison L McVicker L McVicker L McVicker L McVicker L McVicker L McVicker L McVicker $ 6,429.63 D Stricker $ 250.00 T Elison � 936.80 5/23/20112:53 PM Updated through: 5/9/11 City of Bakersfield Record of Non-Monetary Contributions toward Recreation and Parks FY 2010-11 Cost Date ConVibutor (if known) Unit(s) Per Unit Amount Tennis 7/2/2010 USTA Raquets & Balls $ 868.00 7/15/2010 USTA 1 Tennis Instructor � 624.00 $ Valentine Fun Run February 2011 CSUB P.E.A.K. Department PARKS DIVISION Per annual report Various events Per annual report Various events 30 Student Volunteers - 135 hrs total 108 donated trees 1,942 volunteer hrs S 23.42 $ 3,161.70 $ $ 46.00 $ 4,968.00 $ 23.42 $ 45,481.64 $5 Grand Total $9 Notes: - These non-monetary contributions are being vacked by Joe Navarro - Volunteer rate of $23.42 based on Volunteering in America organization (www.independentsector.org/volunteer time) Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, Califomia 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 • Fax: (661) 852-2195 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 26, 2011 Traffic Advisory Contact: Janet Wheeler TRIP Public Infc (661) 326-3491 Allen Road Lane Closure Rescheduled MGE Underground, the contractor for Westside Parkway Phase 6a, has resched� placement of concrete barrier rail along the east side of Allen Road. Originally sched tomorrow, the work will be performed on Thursday, June 2, 2011, and will require a tei lane closure for the northbound outside lane, between San Juan Avenue and Brimha between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. The inside northbound lane and both sou� lanes will remain open while work is underway. No traffic delays are anticipated, but motorists should stay alert and watch for con: personnel and equipment while traveling through the area. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this w� cause the traveling public. For additional information on the Westside Parkway con: project, please visit: www.bakersfieldfreeways.us. ### Updates http://www.fresnobee.com/2011 /OS/23/v-print/� Fresno council seeks budget-gap fix Posted at 02:59 PM on Monday, May. 23, 2011 By George Hostetter / The Fresno Bee The Fresno City Council on Monday opened a week of hearings on Mayor Ashley Swearengin's proposed $1.03 bil budget for next year as it begins mulling how to close an $18.5 million general fund budget gap. The council is expected to defer decisions until next month. Budget director Renena Smith delivered a brief overview of the budget, which includes projected general fund revei $214.6 million in the budget year that begins July 1. The general fund is money spent at the discretion of the mayor council. The council was given an overview of aviation department and finance department budgets in the morning. It revie� budgets for the City Clerk's Office and City Attorney's O�ce in the afternoon. The council today is expected to review budgets for the police and fire departments, which consume the bulk of the general fund. Swearengin has given the council two nearly identical scenarios to close the budget gap. Their differences are in h close the last $5 million of the gap. The first scenario, which Swearengin supports, calls for outsourcing the city's corrmercial trash-collection service wage reduction for all employees. The latter would require the employees' consent. The outsourcing proposal would generate an estimated $1.9 million next year in franchise fees paid by two compar over the service, the city says. The second scenario assumes council rejection of outsourcing and employee rejection of the wage concession. In scenario, Swearengin proposes a long list of cuts, including the closing of municipal swirrming pools, the shutterinc fire stations, two additional weeks of furloughs for many employees and reduction in the senior hot meals program. Council President Lee Brand on Monday said that he supports outsourcing corrrr�ercial trash collection, adding tha has few options left. Brand, who has supported the outsourcing proposal in the past, said the annual franchise fees that the city would r represent a substantial portion of the general fund budget after deducting police and fire costs and debt payments. "We're cutting from a devastated budget," Brand said. 'There are no easy solutions." I.odi reaches deals with nearly all labor groups � Recordnet.com http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic News LODI REACHES DEALS WITH NEARLY ALL LABOR GROUPS Print th� Articfe Emai th's Article Text S¢e: A � A � A By 1 �e Record May 23, 2011 May 23, 2011 12:00 AM LODI - The city of Lodi has reached agreement in contract talks with all but three of its labor groups, who concessions will mean a savings to the city of about $5 million a year. Terms of the agreements will be made public June 1, but city officials publicly thanked those bargaining un Wednesday night's City Council meeting. Mayor Bob Johnson called it "a significant amount of money," $5 million a year, and said he hoped it woulc the city soon have a balanced budget without making major personnel or service cuts. The city had been facing a budget shortfall of more than $6 million. The only groups who have not yet come to terms with the city are police, dispatchers and fire managemei although the city is close to a deal with the fire management group, City Attorney Stephen Schwabauer s� Schwabauer and Johnson pointed out that the move made by the firefighters, who agreed to wage conce: without taking furloughs, will help save money without a reduction in staffing. Firefighter concessions included employees paying up to 5.3 percent of their salaries into retirement acco Elsewhere, city workers agreed to pay up to 7 percent of their salaries into their retirement accounts and unpaid furloughs. In addition, they have agreed to lowest-cost medical insurance. In other action, the council voted 4-0 to increase wastewater rates by 5 percent beginning in July. Council Joanne Mounce was absent. HOME Reader Reaction Login �' � Share Login required, didc here to begin This Page San Luis Obispo County's �vebsite ! 0�/23/2011 � SLO may cut ►norc ... http://�vww.sanluisobispo.conv'201110�/23/v-pr _ ____ . _ _ - __ __. __ _. _.._ ._ _ .. . _ Wedncasday. NFay 25. 2t Posted on Mon, May. 23. 2011 SLO may cut more from its workers AnnMarie Cornejo San Luis Obispo employees will be asked to forgo $2.6 million in salary and compensation to help balance the city's budget —$500,000 more than first proposed by city staff. Those reductions, in addition to $1.8 million in operating cuts, are outline� in the city's draft two-year 2011-13 budget, released Friday. The cuts eliminate 13 jobs, reduce training opportunities for most employees and will likely cause delays in some city services, such as the review of building permits. Most of the 13 positions being cut — saving $1 million — are vacant now or are expected to be soon because of retirement or transfers, including two police officer positions. The proposed cuts to employee compensation grew from the $2.1 million originally proposed by staff to $2.6 million to make up for an assortment c requests made by the City Council at its first budget hearing in April. The city faces a$4.4 million shortfall in its $54 million annual general func for the fiscal year 2011-12 that begins July 1. That shortfall will grow to $` million in 2013-14 and is projected to be $4.7 million annually for each of the next five years. Among the changes initiated by the council in April was the addition of tw full-time positions and one part-time position for neighborhood services specialists at a cost of $156,200 in 2011-12 and $205,000 in 2012-13. Those jobs were created to deal with nuisances such as noise, cars parked in front yards, excess trash and debris in yards, and illegally converted living spaces. The council rejected a proposal to charge residents for street sweeping and restored funding that was proposed to be cut for the city's visitor center and the promotional coordinating committee. It also returned to th� budget the cost of repairing the steps leading up to City Hall. Employees will be asked to make concessions by paying more for their retirement and health insurance and working for less pay. Those change: must be negotiated with employee groups. The city expects to begin tho: talks in the fall. City Manager Katie Lichtig would not speculate on what would happen if those talks failed to net the needed savings, saying that only two choice: would remain: to increase revenues or to cut more from the city's operating costs. "Because our focus has been on what a sustainable financial future is foi .�- - -'�-- ---- i___._.._._ t......,.. .., a....,....+ +L,.,+ ,..r, ...�n +�Lo �n CYY'11'1Il1\/CGC atlr'i San I,uis Obispo County's websitc � OS/23/2011 � SLO may cut more ... http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2011/0�/23/v-pr Additional budget workshops will be June 9 to discuss capital improvemer projects and June 14 to discuss enterprise fund operating programs such as water, parking and transit. Final adoption of the 2011-13 budget is expected to be June 21. The budget documents are available online at www.slocity.org/finance /finplan.asp. 0 2011 San Luis Obispo Tribune and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved. http://www.sanluisobispo.com �.. _. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of May 30, 2011 — June 3, 2011 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Sealing streets in the area between Gosford Road & Ashe Road from White Ln to Stoc Resurfacing streets in the area east of Oswell St and north of Brundage Ln (CDBG funded area) Resurfacing streets in the area east of Alta Vista & north of Flowe (CDBG funded area) Preparing streets in the area west of "T" St & south of Cal resurfacing Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Installing Handicapped ramps and repairing concrete in the Kern City area (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area east of north of Brundage Ln (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area east � north of Niles St Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Building a temporary parking lot at the Sports Complex for overflow parking using aspr THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe2of2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, May 30, 2011 No sweeping service. Tuesday, Mav 31, 2011 All sweepers are assigned to sweeping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedule Wednesdav, June 1, 2011 Between Panorama Dr. & Bernard St. -- Union Ave. & Loma Linda Dr. Between River Blvd. & E. Columbus St. — Panorama Dr. & Columbus St. Between College Ave. & Azalea Ave. — Mountain Dr. & Raval St. Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Allen Rd. & Buena Vista Rd. Thursday, June 2, 2011 City areas between Kentucky St. & Quincy St. — Owens St. & Virginia St. Between Union Ave. & Washington St. — E. Truxtun Ave. & Brundage Ln. Between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. — Panama Ln. & Pacheco Rd. (alignment) City areas between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. — Meadow Falls Dr. & Rose Creek D Fridav, June 3, 2011 Between Buena Vista Rd. & Allen Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Mountain Vista Dr. — Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. Between 178 Hwy. & Paladino Dr. — W. Columbus St. & Morning Dr. City areas between Sterling Rd. & Morning Dr. — 178 Hwy. & College Ave. Between Valley St. & Lene PI. -- !78 Hwy & Hickory Dr. Between 178 Hwy. & Reynard Rd. — Kern Canyon Rd. & McKenna St. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Joseph Dr. — McDonald Wy. & N. Stine Rd. � � a � � � ��. �� � � �� + �k�, ; `J � . � � � c 3 � /"1 ` e � f � '�'iyj � � 3 0 � O V� -x � s � O e � d � �� x � � � � � Qp �c, � - �J c � � 7 ° � `` O IT I�I �- A� � C/) � n � �j � `/' �� A� ' -r.+ i.r . w I O � �- '+;�� . � � �� - � f� ~ °�a '� "t I�I � � � � ` � � - � � T. � �� = � � � o � � � � � �. � OC � r V � A y V n a � 0 < n� N � n � � (D f� G � � n C X � O O .�„ f!9 r��+ J� I..� � � ""f � O �• n � ,Z 4 Z f� D � N �, O � C� `� o � n n � cD ,�„ � � � � b9 C b4 N�% 0 � � _ z � c 0 n � � � c� o� N A � a O � � � � � < � � ,n � O .�.. � � � y 0 � � � : � - T ,. � T „r1� y �� �3 i: � n v. � � N � � � _ � _. � r r S n � �; O "4 n < � s � � � i EP. 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L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director � DATE: May 25, 2011 SUBJECT: GRAFFITI AT MILL CREEK Referral No. 241 COUNCILMEMBER BENHAM REQUESTED THAT STAFF ABATE GANG-RELATED GRAFI AT MILL CREEK, ALONG CALIFORNIA AVENUE. The graffiti in Mill Creek linear park along California Avenue was abated on Frida� 20, 2011. The area was again abated on Monday, May 23, 2011, affer additional which occurred over the weekend. Staff will continue to monitor the area for on� graffiti. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: � S : -, '`. � '�o � �' � �. L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director May 25, 2011 � .-' l Budget Workshop on 05/18/11: Response to Council Question: COUNCILMEMBER COUCH REQUESTED AN EXPLANATION OF THE COST, W( EFFICIENCIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A 5 AND 7 DAY WORK SCHE[ GRAFFITI CLEANUP CREWS. The Anti-Graffiti Program began removing graffiti 7 days a week in Marc� This 7 day a week schedule has been very successful at keeping up with � and reported graffiti abatement. Current operations consist of three di work shifts: two crews working a 4 day/10 hour shift and one crew worki day/8 hour shift. The 4 day/ 10 hour work shifts are Sunday through Wedr and Wednesday through Saturday. The 5 day/8 hour shift is Monday t� Friday. The 7 day work schedule provides several benefits in both cost and wc efficiencies. Weekend calls to the 32-Erase Hotline account for almost 20`, calls. Working a 7 day work schedule allows us to keep the response tirr minimum. With a 5 day work schedule, the response time would be neg impacted because of the weekend backlog. A 7 day work schedule allows staff to abate locations which are accessible on weekends due to high traffic or pedestrian volumes duri week. Another benefit of the 7 day work schedule is that most special occur on weekends. These events include Community Paint Day Volu Budget Response - Graffiti Program Page 2 Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Meeting. presentation, staff will explain: • Why and when we went to a 7 day a week schedule; • Discuss the scope of the graffiti abatement operations weekends; • How the 7 day a week schedule is a cost saving me� scheduling; and • Other benefits of the 7 day a week schedule. Staff strongly recommends continuing the current 7 day a week graffiti r program. The 7 day a week schedule allows the City to abate graffiti and efficiently. The City of Bakersfield has made great strides in abating One reason for our success is the 7 day a week schedule. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM � Alan Tandy, City Manager Chris Huot, Administrative Analyst III PROPOSED POLICE BUDGET PRESENTATION COUNCIL ON COUCH AND POLICE SERVIC 2011/12 MAY 18, 2011 - RE6�UEST JOHNSON REGARDING E TECHNICIAN OR SWORN May 2� 6ZUESTION FROM TH FROM COUNCILME ADDING AN ADDI1 OFFICER POSITION I 6Zuestion/Request Councilmerr No. 1 Can staff look into funding one additional Police Service Technician or Sworn Officer position for FY 2011 / 12? Couch/Johr During the presentation of the Proposed Police Budget at the City C meeting on May 18, 201 l, Councilmembers Couch and Johnson requestE determine if funding was available for either a previously proposed c Police Service Technician position or one additional Sworn Police position, The request is in addition to staff's proposal to fund the 17 ARRA-funded and add an additional four Sworn Officer positions for next fiscal year, Per the Police Department, a Sworn Police Officer position costs $98,000, includes salary, benefits, equipment and vehicle costs, Honorable Mayor and Cit� PG&E Surcharge Ac May ; The additional revenue and other monies to fund a new Sworn Police � position are found in the following items: Alarm Permit Revenue $40,000 Weed Assessment Revenue $30,000 City Council Contingency $28,000 C•: ��� ��:z� , ��� �,�;� :/ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER � GREG WILLIAMSON, CHIEF OF POLICE �' MAY 20, 2011 PART ONE CRIME STATISTICS Council Referral No. 242 /� � � �- �� •�.�c �, Council Members' Salas and Johnson requested that the Police Department provided detailE statistics of Part-One Crimes. During the May 18, 2011 Council meeting, Council Members' Salas and Johnson requested t number of annual Part-One Crimes reported to the Department of Justice since 2005. The fo chart is provided in regards to this request. Bakersfield Police Department Reported Part-One Crimes orted Nart-Une �rimes Part-One Crimes include: Homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and auto theft TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: � S A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director � May 25, 2011 Budget Workshop on 05/18/11: Response to Council Question; COUNCILMEMBER SALAS INSTRUCTED STAFF TO EXTENDING THE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJEC FY 201 1/12 CIP BUDGET FROM HWY 99 TO SOUTH AVENUE. EXPLORE THE POSSI T ORIGNALLY PROPOS H STREET THROUGH T This project is federally funded; as such the physical project limits for that f� amount is set in a federal document. If additional funding for pavement rehabilitation becomes available, staff evaluate the portion of Panama Lane from South H Street to South Union Avenue as a potential project candidate. � B A K E R S F I E L D CIN OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ;� DATE: May 27, 2011 SUBJECT: STATE ROUTE 99 CONCERNS Referrai No. 243 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED THAT STAFF ADDRESS THE ISSUE UF IIZA STATE ROUTE 99, BETWEEN MING AVENUE AND 24T" STREET, AND THE LACK OF WA GROUND COVER. CALTRANS WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED. Staff spoke with David Schroeder in the Cal Trans Bakersfield Office regarding the issues al< Route 99. He indicated that Cal Trans staff are aware of the situation and are working to � Unfortunately, budget constraints have impacted their staffing and so maintenance project� moving as quickly as in the past. � B .A I` E R S F I E L D CIN OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director �,�1�_,_.____..-- DATE: May 27, 2011 SUBJECT: BLOCK WALL BEHIND CHANDLER COURT Referral No. 244 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN- CALTRANS TO DETERMINE IF THEY OWN THE BLOCK WALL BEHIND CHANDLER CO FENCES ARE IN NEED OF REPAIR. Staff contacted the Cal Trans Bakersfield Office, and it was confirmed that Ca responsible for building and maintenance within the right-of-way area ber condominium complex. Mr. Reyes, President of the Homeowner's Associatior condominiums,. was provided with the appropriate contact info Councilmember Sullivan was given a full report.