HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/2011TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Honorable Mayor and City Co� Alan Tandy, City Manager ,� ✓� General Information �I/ Ju ❑ Once again, I am pleased to announce the opening of a new City f ribbon cutting for Phase I of the Bakersfield Sports Village wa� Wednesday. This marks the 4tf� City facility opening this calendar ye� encompasses 50 acres and includes 8 lighted soccer fields, concessions building, parking lot, and free Wi-Fi. AYSO Region 73, wr approximately 2,000 local soccer players, will be the primary user of � complex. Please see the enclosed pictures. High Speed Rail News • Enclosed is a response letter sent this week to the California High : Authority which outlines staff concerns in regards to corresponc received recently from the Authority. The ongoing issues still exist - n information has been divulged by the Authority and we are less tha away from when the draft EIR document is scheduled to be release only have 45 days to review what is sure to be a mass amount of ir Much of this could have been mitigated earlier in this proces� Authority been upfront and open as to the real, detailed impacts t will have on the City. TRIP News ❖ Security Paving Company continues working at the Westside Parkv crossing on Coffee Road and will need a nighttime lane closure o night, August 1, 201 1, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Th require fufl clos�res of the outside traffic lanes and intermittent clos inside lanes. The intermittent closures are expected to last up to 15 r Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information July 29, 201 1 Page 2 up to 15 minutes, will be needed for the inside lanes. All lanes will traffic prior to the morning commute. ❖ TRIP consultants will be conducting noise studies for the proposed � Corridor project in the next few weeks. Sound level recording equ be placed at various locations along all of the proposed Alternative C) alignments as well as along State Route 58 (between State Ro� Cottonwood Road) . The recording equipment consists of essentic box and may be mounted on a pole. Both short-term (less than 8 long-term (24-hour) readings will be taken at approximately 70 loca� locations will be along streets, while others will be on private propert� will be contacting property owners in advance to obtain permissic the private properties. ❖ TRIP consultants will also be conducting geotechnical studies alon< proposed project alignments during the next several weeks. Thi include initially identifying and locating underground utilities, conducting soil borings using a small truck-mounted drilling rig samples and soil properties. This work will generally be conduc existing streets, and should be completed by the middle of August. Miscellaneous News ♦ Enclosed is a staff report showing the collision statistics for the 8 in where the red light photo enforcement cameras are being � numbers, compiled through December 2010, show that this metho enforcement is producing positive results. "Primary" intersection coll as broadside collisions that occur when a vehicle runs a red light a be the most serious, have decreased significantly at all 8 of the sitE very good news. "Secondary" collisions, which are generally collisions, have decreased at 5 of the 8 locations, which, overall, i<. result. It is an indication that motorists are becoming more accusto� presence of the red light cameras and are less prone to make sudd these intersections. ♦ There was a significant construction milestone at the new Federal ( �.� AAill /�r��L r+ (1c_�r�+rrl DrrL +{1ic �wiooU T{'lA �w/r^1�� Ylr'tYIA�C \A/ill('�'1 C"1f Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information J�ly 29, 201 1 Page 3 ♦ We were very pleased to receive a letter in support of redevelop Senator Michael Rubio this week. The correspondence, plus a list of accomplishments achieved by the Bakersfield Redevelopment , attached. His defense of the program is most appreciated! Recreation and Parks News ♦ Jastro Park celebrates its 95'h anniversary as a park today, July 29t", v for children, entertainment, extended spray park hours and a 1 movie. Activities start at 6:00 p.m.; a movie, "Planet 51 " starfs at 8:00 ♦ To beat the heat this weekend, the city's eight spray parks are open p.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day. Locations include: Beale, Jeffer� Wayside, Jastro, MLK, Saunders and Greystone Parks. ♦ Open swim hours this weekend are 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at McMu Creek, Jefferson and MLK pools. The City swim meet will be at Aquatic Center on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Competition includes sur teams from all City pools. Event Schedule Next week, we have the following events on tap: ✓ Tuesday, August 2nd ✓ Thursday, August 4th: National Night Out on Crime 6- 9 pm in Central Park FREE Farmers Market 4- 8 pm in Central Park FREE ✓ Friday, August Stf,: Movie in the Park - Gnomeo & Juliet 8- 9:30 pm in Wilson Park FREE Honorable Mayor and City Council Generai Information July 29, 201 1 Page 4 Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: :- The Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning August l st; :- A letter from Brighthouse Networks regarding updated program char AT:rs:ch:al cc: Department Heads Roberfa Gafford, Crfiy Clerk Sports Village - Ribbon Cutting July 27, 2011 • ���'"T'����'�". � � � ,/•.,,� .�t�'� `r�•� . - �it P �,t+! F'- � ` v.�� � r j s�,�-_�,''�� - ��/ _ - : - _ - . ., - _ � .'' -��� � �...r�r�.--_ ------ �- � � �- � 1 � ,v � :` � , �yJ` � . ,� ,�.. -��. - - .> � ;� � � �.. .. y � � ds :* ,• . ? I � ..� • B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Mana�er July 26, 2011 Mr. Jeff Abercrombie California High-Speed Rail Authority 770 L Street, Suite 800 Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Mr. Abercrombie: Thank you for your letter dated June 21, 2011 in which you provided resp issues raised in my previous correspondence with the California High-Sp Authority (Authority) . I would like to add further comment to somE specific responses you provided to the fourteen (14) questions/c previously raised. While I acknowledge and appreciate the Authority's recent efforts to m City staff, Councilmembers and the public, my concerns regard dissemination of appropriately detailed information to the above groups It appears from recent discussions that the Authority will be relying u release of the Draft EIR/EIS as the means to provide the public with tr that we have requested for so long. I understand that the EIR/EIS released sometime in early August and will provide for a forty-five ( public comment period. Given the brief period of time by which interested parties have to reviev would imagine to be a detailed and complex report, and provide cor would again request our Council be provided with an update at an u� City Council Meeting, in addition to a"workshop" style presentation c City of Bakersfield Planning Commission meeting. These opportun provide for increased public awareness of the upcoming process and opportunities for public comment. My staff can coordinate with the Aut accomplish this effort. The City Council has regularly scheduled meetinc Jeff Abercrombie - High Speed Rail Authority July 26, 201 1 Page 2 studied through the City of Bakersfield. Specific impacts to existing f� such as Bakersfield High School, the Mill Creek, Mercy Hospital, and curre construction projects, to name just a few, need to be appropriately mii Beyond these major impacts, there may be hundreds of impacts to rf that are every bit as significant to those parties that need to be identifi conveyed so the public is truly aware of the potential disruption a projec magnitude may have. The Authority previously offered to review sections of the Draft EIR/EIS v� and County staff, but I am now aware that this will not occur. Again, tr us only a brief timeframe to understand the details of, and commen project that will have significant impacts to the future landscape of the Bakersfield. It is unfortunate that this project is moving on such a com schedule when so many unknowns exist. I again request and encourage the Authority to maximize all opportuniti� as the ones suggested earlier, to have open and honest discussio stakeholders and the public as the Draft EIR/EIS is released. The p impacts of adopting an alignment and recording a line on a map rega� the actual realization of the intended project is too great not t� meaningful public awareness and discourse. Sincerely, �� A n Tan y City Manager Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 • Fax: (66l ) 852-2195 Tpoma�Road � a+� FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Janet Wheeler July 29, 2011 TRIP Public Inf� (661) 326-3491 Traffic Advisory Nighttime lanes closures on Coffee Road and Truxtun Avenue Coffee Road Motorists may want to avoid the section of Coffee Road between Truxtun Avenue and B Road on Monday night, August 1, 2011 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Work or Westside Parkway Bridge that crosses Coffee Road will require full closures of the outsi traffic lanes and intermittent lane closures of the inside traffic lanes. These intermittent c are expected to last up to 15 minutes. All lanes are expected to be open in time for the r commute. Motorists may detour around the work zone by using Calloway Drive, via Stoc Highway and Brimhall Road. Truxtun Avenue The contractor plans to make adjustments to the falsework for the bridge crossing Avenue on Tuesday night, August 2, 2011 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. This require the closure of the outside traffic lanes, between Commercial Way and Empire Di The roadway will be down to one lane for each direction, and will require intermittent lan closures lasting up to 15 minutes while work is performed. All lanes will reopen to traffic the morning commute. Motorists needing to travel through the area during these nighttime hours are advise alternate routes and to allow extra time to reach their destinations. Motorists may detou the area by using Mohawk Street and Oak Street to/from California Avenue or the new Street Extension to/from Rosedale Highway. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this worE the traveling public. For additional information on the Westside Parkway, please website at www.bakersfieldfreeways.us. • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENI' I�A'I�I�: July 26, 2011 TO: f11an T'andy — City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas -- Public Works llir•ector ��� .'IJ�3JI�,C"I': ��3akersfield Photo Enforced Intersections Collision Uata Summary. As reauested, the attached sheet shows a suinmary of the before and after collision dz intersections within the City of Bakersfield that use the KedFlex Photo F,nforcement cameras. purposes, the ainount of days queried was equalized based on the diffc;rence between the re activation date and the end of December 2010. Daia for each intersection was separated as either a primary intersection collision (where fihere violation, such as a broadside collision) or a secondary intersection collision (typically rear et percentage was then determined showing the amount of increase and decrease in the number of and after the RedFlex cameras were installed at each intersection. The results f rom the study show a decrease in primary intersection type collisions for all the in result is good news due to the fact broadside type collisions tend to be the most severe type o occtir when drivers "run a red light". "I'here was also a reduction in the number of secondary c the locations. "I'his is also a positive result due to the fact it coiild be expected an increase in rf after the camera installation from drivers stopping suddenly to avoid running the red light and � enforced ticket. The red light photo enforcement cameras are performing as expected, and shc the number of broadside type of� collisions. cc: }�d i�turphy Rror1 I lniinrivnnri � o 0 0 0 0 0 � o � � � � N � � � C�0 � M a v M � � N 0� M d: 1� C � N O M � N M � tn � � d N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � M 0�0 � M M 0�0� � � � G � �' M 'Cfi t0 C~C t�A � � � . � � � � � c � � � •° � Q c� c� _> oQ U� L � � � � W �� V/ L ` � � � � � m r�-- II � II � II � I( M II � �— II � il N II � II �— II N � � i 0 � � � � � � � � � � � c� Q c�i ri co �ri �ri �n �n c� i �� > Q oQ � U +- c� C �} �� � �f' 00 CO 00 N 00 i/� .` Q o � �. 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'_�?�.�N':i. :.%\ r):. . .. � .:•��<.� . ..ri . • �i;� �. ,'...... .%<!.�):'.:N .� \I,._ �;.::�>.. `':.. �:�, �:�, c�:s:�, , :Ur � ; ;;:.:;.;��::��� �U�y zz, 2011 City of Bakersfiie�c: .�lan Tandy, City Manager 15�? Truxt�:r� Ave. Bakersfieid, CA 93301 Dear Alan Tandy, ���� �� �����°��� �. ���#� �����L�r�fc sE*�a.-�oR ���!'i���_ �. ���i� S�X�` ��;1Ti--; ��NA.—E i.�I4�R!t.;.-,- � �: .l,-. q . _ ' :r: !: .-�,V�:i�'' . . � . , �•�yr...''"•i i� . �,� i 1 • .` t j.. �."• j i. J�� ytixk`:4.718 ; i'+r�. ,,c :� �'t :.�; ;� �. i:i:,,;:iE 7 s � c>7...,,>, . _'�S-Cir : "!:1! ��.��,� :>;r�.. �� .i � � ���.�:'��"�'�iF _.�.. _. ' . .. L'� _ �`��'�' .�6���� � � :z r: � r' �; r" �'x"y � �� As you know, I did not support the Assembly bills that require focal governments ta surrender biilion in redevelopment funds this year and $400 miliion each year thereafter to schools, transport and fire districts. The lawsuit, currer.t{y making its way through the legal systerrz alleging that AB1X 26 (Dissoluti RDAs) and 27(Aiternative Voluntary Redevelopment Programj violate the California Constit� supports rr�y stance. In November of 2010, Proposition 22 was passed and became part of the s co�stitutian, protecting revenue dedicated to local governmer�ts. I will be following this legal closely. Reuevefopment has been a shining exampie in the Sixteenth Senate District as a motivator c creation, attracting industries, and creating comrnunity resources and infrastructure. The mess have repeatedly conveyed to the Governor is that a"one-s�ze fits all" solution doesn't work state- Though some cities in other parts of the state abused the funds, here in the Central Valley they become the life-blood of improved quality of life for our communiiies. �1s the lawsuit moves forward, I would appreciate your updates about what is �oin� on reae•�eiopment in your city. Please fezc free to contact me or my staff. SincereEy, / �' � � � / • i� �T�� -..� � A K E R S F I E L D �lan Tandy • City Mana�er July 27, 201 1 The Honorable Michae! Rubio, Senator Sixteenth Senate District State of California 1 122 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93301 SubjecT: Redevelopment Dear Senator Rubio: Thank you very much for your supporf of redevelopmenfi in Bakersfeld, and fo. letter of July 22, 201 l. We very much appreciate your recognition of a great t� improve }he community and to create jobs. Pursuant to your request, a brief update on the accomplishments of the Bake Redevelopment Agency is atfiached. Please let me know ifi any additional information would be beneficial to you. , „�-..-- � .� � C� Alan Tandy City Manager Enc�osure cc: Ho�orabte Mayor and City Counctl • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic an ommuni eve opmen epartment MEMORANDIJM DATE: J u!y 26, 20 i 1 i0: Alan Tandy, City Manager FQOM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic 8� Community Development Director SUBJECT: Update on Bakersr'ield Redevelopment Activifiy Despite the attempts of the California Legisla�ure to kiil redevelopment in Cc Bafcersfield Redevelopment Agency has elected to contin�e operating. ln t five years, the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency has purchased and cfear acres of brownfield industrial property in an area near California and Q streE properfy is planned as a Transit Oriented Deve(opment Village and wil! incluc new residentiai developments and an adjacent mixed use commercia! cent� of the residential developments are under construction with occupancy ex later fhis year. Development proposals are expected by August 31, 201 1 commercial sifie. The Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency previously invested over $14 million d create a new recreational linear park in downtown called Mill Creek. This ne� winning amenity was instrumental in attracting new developmenf to a tran< industrial downtown area and includes such catafyst projects as a new �3C dollor federal courf in the refurbished Central Park and a senior mixed use located across the street at 19th street. The federal court will be compl March 2012 and the senior village by December 2012. in 2009, the Redevelopment Agency was successfui in ieveraging its funds to a State Prop. 1 C lnfrastructure Grant in the amount of $10.8 mi(lion. These ft, be used fio provide the necessary infrastructure and pork amenities to sup� planned residential developments, including providing the new stree landscanina for the South Mill Creek Transit Village at California and Q streets. a nafiionaify compefitive award based on shovel ready project conditic !everage of other {ocal resources. This project is a joint venture betwe Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Kern County Housing Authority and is many devefoped in recent years through this collaborative partnership. parfnership developments include Park Place I and II senior aparfmen�s in � Creek arecs. Under currenfi partnership development are fihe Residences e Columbus, consisting of 56 family apartments serving low income familiE emancipated youth from the foster system and the Haven Cofitages consistin apartments for special needs residents on South Union. Several years ago, fihe Bakersfield Redeveiopment Agency completed fihe C Avenue Sfireetscape from 24th street to Garces Circle. This action encourag San Joaquin Hospital to remain in Downtown Bakersfie(d and construct a$l OC dollar new community hospita! tower and complete two privafie medical b� Recentfy the hospi#al announced plans to construct a new state of 1 community Oncology hospital in a planned medical campus develc expansion on ihe east side of Chester Avenue. Several of the Mill Creek development projects discussed above wil{ be dela several years because of the illegal redevelopment actions fiaken by the S California and the extraordinary payment required to keep the Bak Redevelopment Agency aiive. ♦ , R900 Truxtun Av¢nu¢ . F� n r a u¢ i � : .�. � � � Liv¢ Music Missing Autumn April Mitch¢II � Kids A�tiviti¢s • Spray Park op¢ns • Movi¢ "Plan¢t 5'�" Pa�e 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Aug 1, 2011 — Aug 5, 2011 ResurfacinqlReconstructins� streets in the followin� areas: Sealing streets in the area between Stine Rd to Wible Rd North of Taft Hwy Reconstructing Streets in the area North of Harris and West of Wible Resurfacing and section repairs on Rio Bravo Dr. befinreen Stockdale Hwy & Cochran Resurfacing street in the area between Stockdale Hwy to Sundale from New Stine to A: Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: (CDBG funded area) Preparing the area east of Chester Ave & north of Brundage Ln fo (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area east c north of Niles St Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Installing catch basin, storm line and curb &�gutter on 22�d St between "B" St & Elm in resurfacing the street in the area south of 24t and north of 21 St THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Pac�e 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, Aug 1, 2011 Befinreen Golden State & 16t" St. -- "F" St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Befinreen 34th St. & 30t" St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. — 34th/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) — Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesdav, AuA 2, 2011 Befinreen California Ave. & Brundage Ln. — Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesdav, Au� 3, 2011 Between Panorama Dr. & Bernard St. -- Union Ave. & Loma Linda Dr. Between River Blvd. & E. Columbus St. — Panorama Dr. & Columbus St. Between College Ave. & Azalea Ave. — Mountain Dr. & Raval St. Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Allen Rd. & Buena Vista Rd. Thursdav, Au� 4. 2011 City areas between Kentucky St. & Quincy St. — Owens St. & Virginia St. Between Union Ave. & Washington St. — E. Truxtun Ave. & Brundage Ln. Between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. — Panama Ln. & Pacheco Rd. {alignment) City areas between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. — Meadow Falls Dr. & Rose Creek Dr Fridav, Au�t 5, 2011 Between Buena Vista Rd. & Allen Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Befinreen Buena Vista Rd. & Mountain Vista Dr. — Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. Between 178 Hwy. & Paladino Dr. — W. Columbus St. & Morning Dr. City areas befinreen Sterling Rd. & Morning Dr. —178 Hwy. & College Ave. bright house VETlVG4HS �U��/ 2%, 2011 Mr. Alan Tandy 3701 North Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Tel (661) 634-2260 Fax (661) 395-3378 � __. � �.. � City Manager City of Bakersfield ib00 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Fioor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Josepi� R. Schoenstein Division President Bakersfield Division ��� � �"�� , � ; -, � .. �1 C'ity ���r��ger's From time to time our agreements with cable channels and television stations come up for renewal. While �n any loss or disruption of service, regulations require us to notify you of the possibility of losing programming. Please be advised, therefore, that our agreements with Ovation, MoviePlex, Encore, Encore Action, Encore C Encore Suspense, Encore Family, Encore Westerns, E!, Style, Starz, Starz Cinema, Starz Comedy, Starz Edge, Kids & Family, Zee N, TruN, BBC America, Playboy, American Life, Current TV, FUSE, �OLF Channel, Sprou TuN De Pelicula Classico, and TuN Bandamax remain in effect on a month to month basis, but we may have all formats if our authority to continue is withheld. We are working diligently at this time to come to accepl with all of these channels. In furtherance of our commitment to bring new technology and advanced digital services to your comm Networks continues to implement a new digital video delivery technology known as Switched Digital Video (S bandwidth management system that makes it possible to offer more digital programming services than befor and 3D channels. On or after September 1, 2011, the following NEW channels will be delivered on the SDV system: WFN (Sports Pass) WFN HD (Sports Pass} Here N (Subscription) Channel 126 Channel 1126 Channel 790 GSN HD (Digital Varietyl Channel 12? 2 Disney West HD (Standard) Channe) 1504 On or after September 30, 2011, the following new channels will also be added to the SDV system. So customers may need to exchange their converter box for a different model in order to receive these new HD c Team HD 2 Channel 1191 Game HD 3 Channel 1172 Team HD 3 Channel 1192 Game HD 4 Channel 1173 � ...� � ..� � ���... �____ ��r� r �L_»_1 ��-lw However, the above channels will not be available to customers with unidirectional (one-way) retail televis who currently lease a CableCARD from Bright House Networks. This small number of impacted customers hav offered the option of obtaining a digital set-top box or similar bi-directional device from Bright House Netw such customers will not need to replace their unidirectional retail device. Effective September 1, 2011, the following changes will take place: • Disney East HD will move from channel 1504 to 1505 • Game HD will move from channel 1150 to 1170 • Game HD 2 will move from channel 1151 to 1171 • Team HD will move from channel 1152 to 1190 For more information on Bright House Networks programming, please call 661-323-4892 or visl www.brighthouse.com. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, , � � � � Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President