HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/12/2011OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Aug� TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council � FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager � � SUBJECT: Generai lnformation Redevelopment News ✓ A small victory of sorts to report - on Thursday the California Supr issued a partial stay connected to the lawsuit challenging the rede elimination bi�ls which were signed into law earlier this summer. indicated a decision on the matter would come no later than Jar Although this is good news, the stay prohibits agencies from partak `regular' activities - such as entering into new contracts or modifyl contracts. A copy of the Court's news release is enclosed. Hiqh Speed Rail News �� The draft Environmental Impact Report was released this week k Authority for the proposed sections of track between Bakersfield ar While the immense amount of information is currently being digest Staff, we can tell you the construction cost estimates for the Cer section are now being shown between $3 million and �6 million r originally projected. Staff has 45 days to provide comments on tr which will be sent to you as well. TRI P News • The Jewetta Avenue Bridge opened to traffic today. The opening of signifies another important step toward the completion of thE Parkway. • The contractor will begin hauling dirt from the west side of Allen R east side of Allen Road in the vicinity of the Westside Parkway Stockdale Highway and Brimhall Road). It is expected that this worl on Wednesday, August 17th. During the operation, trucks will be er Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information August 12, 201 1 Page 2 • The contractor plans to begin work on the river diversion within th� weeks in preparation for starting construction on the Truxtun Tie-in b will cross the river. Miscellaneous News ♦ Martin Luther King Jr. and Jefferson pools will close for the season to Creek pool will remain open through August 19th and McMurtrey open daily through August 21 st, and then open on weekends or Labor Day weekend. Event Schedule There are some free events scheduled for next week: ✓ Thursday, August 18th: Third Thursday 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. in Central Park FREE ✓ Friday, August 19'��: Movie in the Park -"The Long Shots" 8- 9:30 p.m. in Martin Luther King Jr. Park FREE Reporfs For your information, we enclose the following information: :- The Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning August 15r' :- Recreation and Parks Department Monthly Report; :- Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Update; � A letter from AT&T regarding potential changes to its programming. AT:rs:ch cc: Department Heads Roberfa Gafford, City Clerk ,�.CII, U�, C�` � -" �'*; ,�n � �� = ' e �: Fa."'t� " .:a � x � r� � , � � % / ' ` . � �1926 � JUDIC:IAL COUNCIL Ur CAI,IFO1tNIA AUMIIVIS'1'1ZATIVIi O�FIC:I: ot� �i�rir: coUx�rs Public Information Oflice 455 Golden Gate t�venuc San Francisco, CA 94102-3688 www.courtinfo.ca.gov 415-2365-7740 � � Release Number: 39 Release Date: Augusl California Supreme Court To Decide Redevelopment Case Courf sets expedited briefing schedule, and Targets an opinion before mid-January 2012 I.ynn I Iolton San Francisco—The California Supreme Court today issued an o� I'ublic lnformation Offirer Calrforniu Redevelopment �lssn. v. Matasantvs (S 194861), direct: parties to show cause why the relief sought in the petition f or a w mandate should not be granted. T'his case involves the validity oJ legislation (Stats. 2011, 1 st Ex. Sess. 2011-2012, ch. 5[1lssem. B 26 X1)]; Stats. 2011, lst Ex. Sess. 2011-2012, ch. 6[Assem. �3i11 X1 J), dissolving and reenacting with changes the statutory frame� redevclopment agencies throughout California. "rhe court allowed the tirst statute to remain in eff ect insofar as it precludes existing redevelopment agencies from incurring new indebtedness, transf crring assets, acquiring real property, enterin� new contracts or modifying existing contracts, entering into new partnerships, adopting or amending redevelopment plans, etc., bu stayed enforcement of both statutes in all other respects. The court established an expedited briefing schedule designed to oral argument as early as possible in 2011, and a decision before 15, 2012. A copy of the court's ordcr is attached. -#- S194861 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA En Banc CALIFORNI� REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIAI'ION et al., Petitioners, v. ANA MATOSANTOS, as Director, etc. et al., Respondents. The request for a stay of chapter 5, Statutes 201 l, First F,xtraordinary Session (Assc Bill No. 26 X 1) is grantcd, except that the request to stay Division 24, Part 1.8 of the He� Safety Code (Health & Saf. Code, §§ 34161-34167) is denied. The request for a stay of c 6, Statutes 2011, First Extraordinary Session (Assembly Bill No. 27 X l) is granted. Ana Matosantos, Director of the California Department of Finance, John Chiang, C of the State of California, and Patrick O'Connell, Auditor-Controller of the County of AI are ORDERED TO SHOW CAUSE before this court, when the above matter is called or calendar, why the relief sought by petitioners should not be granted. The return is to be served and filed by respondents on or before September 9, 2011. A reply may be served and filed by petitioners on or before September 24, 20] l. Any application to file an amicus curiae brief, accompanied by the proposed brief, � served and filed on or before Septcmber 30, 20l 1. Any reply to an amicus brief may be served and filed on or before October 7, 2011. The court does not contemplate extending any time set out above. The briefing sch designed to facilitate oral argument as early as possible in 2011, and a decision before Ja 15, 2012. Kennard, J., is of the opinion a stay should not be issued. Cantil-Sakauye Chief �Justice Kennard Assvciate Justice Baxter As.sociate .Iustice Wcrde�ar Associatc� Jtrstice Chin Associate Justice ,. Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Aug 15, 2011 — Aug 19, 2011 Resurfacinq/Reconstructing streets in the followinq areas: Sealing Major streets in the area between Gosford Rd to Wible Rd South of Stockdale I Reconstructing Streets in the area North of Harris and West of Wible Resurfacing street in the area befinreen Stockdale Hwy to Sundale from New Stine to A; Blade Sealing Stockdale between Allen Rd & Renfro, Allen Rd north of Stockdale, Pan� between Mt. Vista and Stine Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: (CDBG funded area) Preparing the area east of Chester Ave & north of Brundage Ln fc (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area east t north of Niles St Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Installing catch basin, storm line and curb &�gutter on 22"d St between "B" St & Elm in resurfacing the street in the area south of 24t and north of 21 S` THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, Auq 15, 2011 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. — Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesdav, Auq 16, 2011 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, Aug 17, 2011 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursdav, Auq 18, 2011 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between EI Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Befinreen Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Fridav, Auq 19, 2011 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. — Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak/VVestwold Dr. & White Ln. — Old River Rd., east to the PG&E ease • B A 1� E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: August 11, 2011 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager �r � � r-`::� From: Diann� Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: July 2011 Monthly Report ADMINISTRATION: :- July Monthly Total Attendance: 128,090 (Includes all programs, reserv< volunteers combined for the month.) • Lowell Park Restroom Demo - Demolition activity will occur in Augusfi 2( • Bright House Networks Amphitheatre: o July 8th - Movies in the Park "Despicable Me" was a huge hit with 550 attendees - a great su the last 2011 movie screened at the BHN. o City Events o Central Park at Mill Creek - Farmers Market Attendance at regular market for the month was about 150. o Bakersfield Sports Village Phase I- Grand Opening AYSO Region 73 officially accepted the management of Sports the ribbon cutting ceremony on July 27th. o Jastro Park Celebration - Birthday/Recreation & Parks Month In celebration of nearing 100 years and July is Recreation & Park special activities were added to the movie series already sched� Jastro Park on July 29th. • Special Event Reservations: o July 2nd - Beach Park, Bakersfield Shoecrew Horseshoe TournamE Guests o July 3�d - Beach Park, Union de Clubes Peruanos Soccer Tournan Guests , � . �� r • r, � T � - - ^ - ' - - i-+ i_ . . _ _ i_ n ,... . .... ...... . . ... : �. , /'1 � � +.-.. ... .�. h 7 � i DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS JULY 2011 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE TWO o July 23�d - Weill Park, Flood Ministries Community Outreach - 400 o July 23�d - Yokuts Park, Valley Achievement Run/Walk - 300 Gues • Total Aftendance: 14,848 - Reservations/Special Events AQUATICS: • Overall attendance has decreased by 6.1 % when comparing the currently operating to the six pools in operation during the same pei previous years. Total overall attendance was 71,824. The decr attributed to the summer season beginning later and reflects only se� and three days of operation resulting in the decrease in attendance. • Aquatic News - The 100 mile lap swim club is currently made up of ; members. The club has swum a combined total of 82,076 miles. One the club had sum a total of 64,976 miles! • Special Events: o The Float-in- Movie "How to Train Your Dragon" was shown at M� Aquatic Center to a total of 369 people on Friday, July 15th. o A total of 496 people attended Family Fun Night that was held a McMurtrey Aquatic Center on Friday, July 22nd. o In celebration of July as National Recreation and Parks Month, fr swim was offered on July 7th and July 26'h at all City pools. McM� Aquatic Center had record attendance of 1,O15 on July 7th. o On Saturday, July 30'h, McMurtrey Aquatic Center hosted the Ci�. Championship Swim Meet for all City of Bakersfield swim teams, � included six total teams: 2 McMurtrey teams, 2 Silver Creek tearr Luther King, Jr. team, and 1 Jefferson team. • Aquatic activities currently taking place at the McMurtrey Aqua� Include: o Lap Swimming Open Swim o Swim Lessons Jr. Lifeguarding o Swim Team 100 Mile Club o Water Walking Deep Water Aerobics o Kayaking Aqua Conditioning o SCUBA Diving Club o Family Fun Nights Swimsuit Drive � Tr.�nl A#onrJr�nrA• 71 Rid DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS JULY 2011 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE THREE ATHLETICS: • Adult, Youth, Fitness and Adaptive Programs over-all attendanc month of July was 31,498 which is an increase of 7.2�o from I� attendance of 29,370. The increase is due to a new soccer car camp and having a two-day softball tournament rental at Mesa M� Complex. • Adult Softball League: o League games continued through the month of July five days a o There were two softball tournament rentals (July 9th and 31 St) at P North and South Softball Fields and one ASA Slow-Pitch TournamE Mesa Marin Sports Complex on July 16th and 17th. o Connor's Concessions reported earning $1 1, 571.43 for the montf • Pee Wee T-Ball 8� T-Ball League o T-Ball ended their 6 week league on Saturday, July 19th with c awards ceremony. Each child received a softball, gold "T-Ba and certificate for playing. Coaches were presented a speci thanking them for volunteering their time to make this league • Soccer Camp o Experienced coaches taught soccer skills and strategies of th� to participants at this new camp held at Beach Park on Monc 1 gth through Thursday, July 21 St. • Funding/Donations: o Pizza & soft drinks $250.� 10 T-Ball Teams Total Donations: 250.i . Volunteer ponations: 0 9 Coaches 36 hrs. @$9.60/hr. �345.� 0 6 Soccer Instructors 72 hrs. @$9.60/hr. �691.' Total Value Volunteer Hours: 1 03G. Other Sports Hiqhliqhts: o Pee Wee Sports Camp continues to be popular with two sessions held at SiIvE Park this month. o Children learned new techniques at July's Bowling Camp held every Tuesda� Southwest Bowling Lanes. o Softball Rentals/Tournaments , � DEF`ARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS JULY 2011 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE FOUR DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER: • Overall attendance for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center was 6,088 which is a 14�o increase from July 2010. • Children's Gardens - A total of twenty-two (22) participants planted seeds for the garden in a barrel program. The participants are working on painting the wheel barrel and then they plan to design and plant it. • Camp King o Currently, there are seventy-two (72) participants enrolled in Camp King. Activities include swim lessons, recreational swim, dodge ball games, special event Fridays, an all American hot dog feed, arts & crafts and nature projects. o A talent show was held and family and friends were invited to attend. Approximately 100 people attended the event. Performances included dancing, a violin solo and singing. • Feeding Hope - The center worked with a group called Feeding Hope who offered free breakfast and lunch to local children on Fridays. The center supported the effort by bringing the Camp King campers to the event and helping to conduct games after participants were fed lunch. The group fed between 150-200 participants each Friday in July. • Movies-in-the-Park - The Movie in the Park series has been very successful. Thanks to San Joaquin Community Hospital for sponsoring this fun family event. Upcoming movies for August are as follows: o August 5th - Wilson Park/"Gnomeo & Juliet" o August 12th - Silver Creek Park/"UP" o August 19th - Dr. Martin Luther King Park/"The Longshots" • Funding/Donations: o Tires (4) $10.00 o Kids Bikes (3) $60.00 o Helmets (8) $80.00 o Misc. Parts $40.00 o Bikes (6) 90.00 Total Donations: $280.00 • Total Attendance: 6,088 SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER/SAUNDERS MULTI-USE FACILITY: • Silver Creek Community Center Total attendance for Silver Creek Community Center was 1457. Overall attendance for 201 1 has decreased by 30% due to a decrease in attendance at the Camp Fun Program at Silver Creek Community Center as compared to 2010. ,�� �.. aa A.a,�. CAPRA '` The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life =���� �: ,��RE°°E° �; through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. ����'R�� �.,�. � DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS JULY 2011 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE FIVE Camp Fun • Camp Fun held its "Around the World Carnival" this month. The event was the pinnacle of several weeks of preparation and planning from both staff and campers alike. • Themes this month have been "down on the farm", which was highlighted by a field trip to Murray Farms. Nutrition and healthy eating was another theme in which campers crated their own fresh fruit and vegetable meals. • A visit from the Improv Theatre offered the campers an opportunity to learn the basic skilis of impromptu performances. • Staff and campers have spent July "Rocking their Park"! Staff has emphasized that July is Parks and Recreation month and the need to get out and enjoy our parks. • Saunders Recreational Facility o Total overall attendance for the Saunders Recreational Facility was 2,375. o Soccer League - o Registration for our summer season is complete and league games have begun. o Hockey League- o The summer league is ongoing and thriving. • Total Attendance for Silver Creek & Saunders Recreational Facility : 3,832 PARKS: � � ;� The annual tree contractor, Stay Green is continuing to trim trees within the city at the following locations: • Gosford median south of Stockdale Tree staff assisted the Korean War Veterans by installing the ropes and toppers to the flag poles at Jastro Park. Work started on the large front fountain at Centennial Plaza on July 5th. The fountain was restarted on July 22nd and is working automatically now. Bollard posts were installed at Kern Upland on both sides of Chester Avenue and both sides of the canal bridge from Sam Lynn Ball Park. The slides at McMurtrey Aquatic Center passed their annual OSHA inspection on July 14th. On July 17th, Planz Park experienced a break in the water main leading to the irrigation tank for the third time in as many weeks. South Union Avenue medians from 1,250 feet north of Panama to 600 feet south of Hoskings were cleaned of weeds based upon a call with the combined efforts of streets and parks staff inembers on July 19th. Per a Code Enforcement request from Terry Buss, Park staff cleaned the east side of Hughes Lane, between Teal and San Lorenzo. '- i.,, aanut � ICAPRA 4, ` The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life ��,¢+��-',:�Y ,��kE��T�� ' through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. ��� �°' � DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS JULY 2011 MONTHLY REPORT PAGE SIX Sports Village - Area staff mowed soccer fields, cleaned weeds in planter beds, cleaned restrooms and made repairs to irrigation system. Sports Village - Frank Hinojosa assisted Supervisors Mike Kelley and Joe Gonzales in creating a site/irrigation program and linking up Maxi-Com System to facility on 7/18/1 1. Program test was done on 7/22/1 1. Pin Oak Park - The planting of trees and shrubs around the sump was completed on July bth. Campus Park North - The planting of trees around the sump was completed on July bth. Trees Trimmed: 94 Clearance: 110 Removals: 25 Service Tickets received: 288 Completed: 232 UPCOMING EVENTS: • Movies in the Park o August 5t" - Gnomeo & Juliet at Pin Oak Park o August 12th - UP at Silver Creek Park o August 19th - The Longshots at MLK • BPD K-9 Run @ TPRW - 8-10 pm on August 13'h • Full Moon Ride @ Beach Park 7-9:30 pm on August 13th • Third Thursday - August 18th at Central Park • Registration for Fall Programs Begins - August 8'h • Fall Adult Softball Registration Ends - August 19th �CAPRA �`�. � \CfRlOITLD The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the qualify of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. a�o�� ��Jv� -�� �^ �sey ��� #� �x� � � B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M August 10, TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ,- FROM: Rhonda W. Barnhard, Assistant Economic Development Director � SUBJECT: Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Update Attached is the HPRP Progress Report. Among the highlights: • Our local expenditures remain far ahead of what the program guidelinE Rules from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development (1 required that 60% of funds be spent by August 18, 2011 and 100% by 2012. Bakersfield's efforts have far exceeded that, with 82.69% spent 31. This is an increase of 1% over last month's figures. • Homeless Prevention services have assisted about 2,293 individuals households. • Rapid Rehousing services have assisted about 1,474 individuals in 70; households. � � O N T M A � � ++ L O �A` W � YI . N � L � � L a a � a _� � �o � � L � � � N. U � � c� � � C > N O � .�.. C � .•�• � M > � � � N � N � � � � � a O � � L � '� � 2 � � d V C � �4 m O � a a� y '� �-' C � �, a Q. x W d � a M� W a� N O � � a � � � lf') � � � O � d4 � �' 0 � � � � � � O O N � � � � � C � � � � �. O � � � � � � U � � � ��Y������ -� N � p � � � a3 v� � � � V � � C � U � '" � � tn � a . o� Q. 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The current contract(s) for the programming indicated below will expire soon, an making every effort to reach a fair agreement to continue carriage. However, if a reasonablE cannot be reached with such programmer(s}, we will no longer have the rights to carry their programming on U-verse TV. While the programming listed below will tontinue to be available to U-verse members throu listed, there is a possibility that as of midnight on that date, such programming will no long carried. The potentially impacted channels are: Effective September 30, 2011 NHL Network (channels 638 and 1638 in HD); HRTV (channel 672); Estrella (channel 3024); TVG Network (channel 670); and Halogen HD (channel 1492) In addition, effective September 16, 2011: Nat Geo Mundo will be removed from U200 package Effective October 6, 2011: Nick2 will move from channel 315 to channel 316 Nicktoons will move from channel 316 to channel 318. Customers will be provided with written notification of these possible and scheduled progra changes: customer bills include a message referring them to the Legal Notices in USA Toda and third Tuesday of each month, and to the AT&T website att.com/U-verseprogramminctcr information on programming changes. If you have any questions, please contact your local