HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/2011OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER September TO: Honorable Mayor and City Cou il FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Generallnformation As a reminder, the City Covncil meeting schedvled for October 5, 201 been cancelled. The one meeting in October will take place on the Hiqh Speed Rail News ❖ Last evening the California High Speed Rail Authority staff held � public hearing to allow for public comment on the Draft EIR/EI; Fresno to Bakersfield Section rail line. This hearing was held c Library from 3 to 8 pm. The meeting was well attended drawing from Bakersfield High School asking the HSR to avoid their � impacted local residents and church members upset with thE process, as well as supporters who praised the project for its pote creation. Jim Eggert attended to summarize the comments mac City Council's Workshop last week. He noted that many speake for more time to review the EIR (6 months) because of its � complexity. Statements were made that the program EIR/EIS pre 2004, which is a very generalized environmental review, was gi month public review period compared to the current 60 day revi much more complicated and detailed project level EIR. Miscellaneous News • Good news! The latest sales tax figures are in for the most recent < they show a 19.39 percent increase over the same quarter last ye the fifth consecutive quarter in which sales tax has trended positi� positive trending is good news, however we do not predict dou growth will continue throughout the rest of the fiscal year. The bre of the fiaures bv industrv will be available to us in a few weeks. PIE Honorable Mayor and City Council Generai Information September 23, 201 1 Page 2 enclosed news release which includes project details, alternativ and approximate construction date time frames. • Staff was recently notified of a proposed LAFCo policy whic potentially increase the cost and frequency for the City to prc Municipal Services Review (MSR) . A hearing on the policy is sc during the September 28th LAFCo meeting. City staff will be on voice concerns over the policy. Staff has met with LAFCo on th and has submitted our concerns in writing, please see the attache • I will be out of the office October 3rd through the 14th. Rhonda Sr be in charge the week of the 3�d, Steven Teglia the week of the usual the office staff will have my contact information. Redevelopment Update O The Baker Street Redevelopment project is progressing at very fasi looks like the `A' Building may be available to renters by the en month. We'll keep you updated. Please see the enclosed pictures Event Schedule There is one event scheduled for the next week at City facilities: ✓ Santana: September 27t" 8 p.m. Rabobank Arena Council Referrals �� Councilmember Johnson: o New Medians on Hoskings Road o Fire Hazard on Sandra Drive and White Lane �� Councilmember Sullivan: o Median on Stine Road Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: Honorable Mayor and City Co�ncil General Information September 23, 201 1 Page 3 := A letter from AT&T programming. AT:rs:ch cc: Department Heads Roberta Gofford, City Clerk regarding potential changes to its MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tc,ndy, Cifiy Manager FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director !�� DATE: September 20, 201 1 SUBJECT: Quorferly Sales Tax Update We received the most recent quarferly sales tax data, which reflects thE and sales during the monfihs of April, May and June 201 1. The quarferly annuaf trend information is as follows: Comparing the most recent quarfer with the same quarter (ast ye positive (+� 19.3 Comparing the most recent four quarfers with the prior fo�r quart� positive (+) 18.5 The positive quarterly result reflecfis the fifth consecutive quarter of po� inforrnation. However, we do noi have the detail results available k type; this information should be available in a few weeks. This continued trend of positive results is certainly good news, but v expect double digit growth to continue into through the 201 1-12 fi Given the confiinued uncertainties regcarding the national econom� State of California budget we would suggest continued caution as forward into the 2011-12 fiscal year. Attachment cc: Rhonda Smiley Steven Teglia � � �LA' W �! �- L � ` � � � � o � Q i � � L � O � � X C "� N � � � > � L a Ia N ,�., � m � O N O � � � � O � V � � o � � � � O � L o ,O U Q' � i � 0 � N � (Q L U \ 0 � � C L N � U � N � � � L � � � L � � � � coc� � � � � � � L L � o � •` � Q � � 0 � 0 0 `� e- � � � � � Cti'J CD N C� c- � N O) � � N � r r � � 0 Q � � 0 0 N N '�^ � vJ � � > � o �. ? U � � N �t N N M 00 O M N M � r � � � � Q O O � � � \° 0 d) CO O M 0 � O� � � r O � 00 N CD N � M � � � � r r � � r. r � � 0 0 N N L � C� C G � � � ca � � � a � Q � � 00 CO � O � � �- N � � � � \ 0 � � 00 � O� N O � N � � � � � ++ 0 � CO N � M M O � � 0 0 � � M � Cfl tf') o � � � � � 00 O � M �- 00 CO O O N � GO CO r- � Cfl O N � � � � � � N N � � r � r r � � � � � � 0 N C � � � c� � .Q Q QO � � � � � N � � � Q � � 0 0 N N ,�^ � v/ � > � Z Q � U � � � � 0 N L C� G � li c �6 '7 N `� �' N N C�O � � � o � � N c"') t- � � r � � � � � 0 � � o °� O c- � � � � � O O � � 0 � O O N N N p N N N N .. .• N _. � � �; � • 6 � I� E R S F I E L D Public Works Department Raul Rojas - Public Works Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, September 20, 2011 PRESS RELEASE Contact: Rick Miliwee Construction SuperintendE (661) 326-3049 Accelerating Ming Avenue Construction and Alternate Routes to and from the Kern County Fair The City of Bakersfield is currently reconstructing the outside lanes of Ming Avenue be1 Road and Hughes Lane. As a result, traffic has been reduced to one lane in each directi� frontage of the Valley Plaza Shopping Center. Motorists are advised to avoid using Ming Avenue to travel to the Kern County Fair in or traffic delays. The City sincerely apologizes for this inconvenience and is working with ou Granite Construction, to restructure and accelerate the construction schedule in orde unrestricted traffic on Ming Avenue, beginning Monday, September 26�' through the dui Kern County Fair. The public is advised that traffic on Ming Avenue will continue to be restricted to one I direction until Monday, September 26�h. As such, it is suggested that drivers avoid using � and use alternate routes when traveling to and from the Kern County Fair beginning September 21'` through Sunday, September 25th The following alternate routes are suggested: • White Lane to South "H" Street, Chester Avenue, or Union Avenue. • Stockdale Highway / Brundage Lane to South "H" Street, Chester Avenue, or Unic • Highway 58 to South "H" Street, Chester Avenue, or Union Avenue. • Belle Terrace to South "H" Street, Chester Avenue, or Union Avenue_ The City again apologizes for any inconvenience to those who are traveling to attend the Fair or are otherwise affected by the Ming Avenue reconstruction project. We app understanding and patience during this time. For more information, please contact Rick Millwee, Public Works Construction Superintenc ���-�na� Phil $ums, Building Gi'�CtOr B�llo�ng Drvisior� Qhone: (66 � I 32o-3?2U FAX: jbbl ) 32�-02b6 � B � K� R S� i E L D Developrr,Enfi Services Deparfment September 21, 2011 Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission Afitention: Rebecco Moore, Executive Officer 5300 Lennox Avenue, Suite 303 Bakersfield, CA 93309 �i� Jirr. Eggert. Planrvnc Plonni�g D�visi Pho;?e: {66 i j 32z FAX: (bb i ) �f52- Droft Local Agency Formation Commission Policies and Procedures for Services Reviews. Dear Ms. Moore: Thank you for rneeting with us concerning the proposed Draff Local Agency Commission Policies and Procedures for Municipal Services Review jDraft M� document scheduled for public hearing by the Commission on September 28, 201 1 opposed to the Draff MSR Policy as currently written based on the following concern< • The Drafi� MSR Policy sfiates LAFCO will hire a consultanfi and that each city � expenses for the review of the MSR. Furfihermore, if a MSR prepared by deficienfi, LAFCO can hire a consuitant to amend or correct the documer input from the city and that the city will be billed for the totcal cosfi of that work do not understand why LAFCO staff cannot perform this review_ In instanc assisfiance by a consultant is necessary (and this should be decidec Commission), we believe LAFCO should bear this cost. The language dppear As c��rrently written, a city is given no opportunity to work with LAFCC oppropriate corrections, nor has control over any costs associated with the M`. • we believe this policy should be focused as amendments to The Sphere of boundaries ond not solely on the preparation and delivery of an MSR. The � required if an SOI is b�ing created or amended, and if amended, that fihe over five year oid. There is nothing in the law that requires MSRs to be currer -- --__�__��.� Kern County LAFCO Draff MSR Policy Sepfiember 21, 201 1 Page 2 but there was no apparenfi inpufi from affected local agencies. We believe t policy is deemed necessary, that it be sent back to committee so there oppropric�Te dialogue concerning the issues raised by fihe affected agencies. Based on our conversation, you suggested we recommend changes to the Drafi therefore, we offer the following modifications for your ond The Commission's cons (please see attachedj. We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on this proposal. !f you r a,uestions or need additional informat;on, please feel free to contact me ai your conv Sincerely. Attached: Recommended changes to the Draft document CC: Justin Crumley, Associate Atfiorney JE:dI �� S:\Annexation\$OI\MSR resp Itr.docx DRAFT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATI�N COMMISSION Policies and Procedures for �QV�e��ing and Upda�t�a�g Sp�ere o�'fnfluencQ �c�un �I��i•�.n.r�n�_���•rnon nnt��ncirr i � 1 \. 71 J (Adopted , 2011) I. PURPOSE. The �urpose of t#�is �n�ic�• �es�e�e-�es is to provide the method and the means by Commission will carrv out its statutory responsibility set forth in Section �6�30 of th� Car� Iierzberg Reorganizatic�n Act of 2000 (the "Act") which states as follows: "In order to pre� update spheres of influence in accordance with Section �642s [of the Act), the Commi; conduct a service review af the municipal services provided in the Gounty or ather appro designated by the Commission." The fore�oing ser��ice reviews are requic•ed before or in c w-ith but not later than thc time that the Commission is considerin� an action to establish f influence or to update a sphere of in�luence. Attaclunent A is a copy of Section 56430 imposing the foregouig requirement on the Commission and s�ttin_J forth the contents of Municipal Service Review or updated Municipal Service Review (cc�llectively, the "MSR"). f B is a copy af Seetion 56425 ofthe Act requiring sphere reviews, ::s reec�ec:. lI. RF�°1�:�' �i�TD L�PDaTE O� SYHER�, OF C�Fi.i;E�+CF ��Ui �'�i�:�Ri.ES .a�tin �CCO�PAti�'ING n�:cz���.r n�r�i�zD�A c �:nv MSRs. (�)(� Commenciiig with Ju-►uary 1, �OU8, the Cammission shall reviet�v all iflfll�ences (S�Ist every tive (5) years or aa neeci�ci ° ^�°rt � *^ �' " "-':°" ""'"." as detertnined hy the Commission �.��P� �r� a stan���i�•c+ c;���stic�nF�ai�•e z���:t�.�i�hed 1�� Commission statf shall conduct the review of cach a�encv and re�ort back to the Commis: status oi� each agency's SOI re��:e4�. "1'he Commission shall determine at that time if an SC required. If the Cominission determines that an SOI is to be updated, the Commission shal cit}� or local a�ency of the foregoing and ii t� an MSR is requirzd. The Commission shall � or local agency reasonable time to complete the MSR. (�){� Section �64a0(a) authorizes the Comn�ission to designate the areas within thc be subject to MSRs. The Commission hereby requires rhat Lefarz .� s�here ��f inf7ufnce is upd.�tecl, t�ar 1VI5Rs from each city �r �t��ea• a�eneti- that �ro��ides ser��ices within thc Cow ��ill �� , rt�f��i-e�� c�; i�' e��sti��., n��t �+lsl�r ih;�i�i �'iv� crea.rs, eunsistent v��ith ��c l�tt. The shall also includc reviev��s of thc services provided by any other local agency providing a services within any portion oi�the �s sphere or pr�posed sphere of intluence. _ - �- � _ - ; . - : - -- ` ' " -- : . : : : - . ' �• - - � - � � -� :- - - ; - - : ,, . i����r�v����� sf (c){�-} MSRs shall be completed for all local agencies which do noi have an M� r�quired to have one under these rules at such tim� as the local a�enc}� seeks to establish � ;�•�'�°,°.^^° !"SOI"� or a modification to an Sn1 and, in that �vent, the SOI shall not be approv MSR has been received and approved by the Commission. a • . .. . ������iv���e�� �f�Y�rn (cl)�-} All MSRs are to be done according to the requirements of th� ;uidelines e,t� L.� C�; :A-�. L �� �'��l �t�ff �d� �11 �re�ti iue ��x��eY-t:se ft�,� �a•G�t:.r�n ��� ����. � o �� ..,, , „_ '�' � � . Tl�e Commission a� �:r.--� �,. *�� r� m�-:� ;^� will review each MSR and s:ip�artia�:; �e documentation. t,�- Cach city and/or local agency shall make all documentation available to the Commis�ion tha in draftina the MSR. 3'he ��G�Lt3i7F�SflUil re�ati� uscl �zn inde�3en�lcs�i �c��i�uxta�ia frrr t�3�; ?'E\�ICY:; ho�veL°c��, al! i[iS�4 i3�SF)l'IdIIE� �OC I�4S 1Dl�C�)ilr�ci�;r�t c��nsultant sh�Ii t�e the �bti;u �UD1TflI$SIUiI. • s, r ' ' 1 � y �. _ . �e) � If an MSR initiatc� �ti� � cin• c�r Ioeal :�r�:ncy was not done to the satisfac Commission, the Commission �a3r ����11 ��ro�-ide comments ta the eit�� or �c►�a� ,�;;�nc;�� �c suppl�ment the MSR �� rey��ip�ed un3er ti�e .act. �-'�.--�^�-���"�� ���"-^''"""` '�` � r . • " ., t o . . .. � - � t •' j . ,, a . � _ • j2 ort e+vnr� t� t�� r�T1T11[�P�!\M�[+'c����cir�_L++�.r�e� • • _ {f� Tf a cit� �r leca� agcncr• initiatES 3�ropasa! to antenc� o�• �pd��tc tl�eir �C�[. l�ca! �gcnc�' st��li b� res�onsibte f'c�r���a�•ing Hll cvsts �ssUCiated to pre���re c,r update �}�Ei t3�e C;orumission initi�t�s a�roPosai to an��nc� or u�dat� �rt SOI, the Cammi�s��� •c � n _a� __._�_ �_. �.....��.... .... .....J..�.. rl.., ;1!i�1� �irl.ncr t�n nihc- nr �ltii �:g;��} Not��ithsianding Paragraph i c>�a i o1� this Part ���-�-, the Commission may a� stat� to draft the iVISR for those local abencies or cities that ��ish for tlie Commission to provided that each slich cit�� or lc�cal agency pays for or makes satisfactory anan=eme� paymcnt of thc MSIt. The Commission may allo�v for combining two (2) or more local � cities into a single IvISR a� ;�: the Gommission's • ��' . discretion. a „ + - ..- ' - = � • - _ _ _.� - _ - - - - - - . _ - -- ; � - :. �3I. �:AMENDMF.NTS. These policies may be amend�d upon a majority vote of a quorum of the Coznmission. S:�flnnexation'+SOI'�Ln��CO Polic�- on MSR 9-19-I l.clucx � U � .Q a � �YI � �r O ..� � � � � � � � �Gq�� VeI� I� ��.w1 �L ^ � � � _ _.. . _ _ �� _ �` -�"'�'-�. - � r � _...;x.. .. .�, ' � '�.- 1 .M � . ' � '.i �„ ,��r_ f= �' � � � .� � i „ , � :F�� T -E. : ��� � x . � .� .. �� � . .. . ' � �r� � `� � '- i�,_ .� ' �,..,-., � ».�,� �-�;: � :� �: �' z ��� ,; � _ ..r r��� ., � � }F ' ��� �-� � S rl , � A� , �j,� .._.'i.�-, f� �i } 3 ' E, ,3 s �� ,: ' c -- — -„y.—.....„,,.°.�° / s -,- � ii !iii_� ii� /�� �'�- ' i �/���i��.%������� ,.���.._ � c" F I ��_— - �-----�-_....._�.- i � '�.�"°°'�.�°•�__.:�.�.�... �. � ,. ���k��- . i i _ r p: , ` . 4 `_ � . � �. s'�' F^v � �T`.4��":_:: --. �. . . i-st �^n1�� vD�s � :� { �� R � � ��� �:°:`": �i % � � � . �:� �� � � ,�-�-- 'i'_ ` { 1 t� , f�, ,� i !. s; ` �� `; ��� i 4 � B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ,� DATE: September 22, 2011 SUBJECT: NEW MEDIANS ON HOSKINGS ROAD Referral No. 271 COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON WOULD LIKE STAFF TO LOOK INTO THE POSSIBILITY OF INSTALLING NEW MEDIANS DOWN WIBLE ROAD SOUTH OF HOSKING ROAD TO THE STOP SIGN AT MCKEE ROAD. Staff has reviewed this segment of roadway. With the exception of the west sic of McKee Road, the roadway has been widened to full width arterial. However, no existing median curb. The cost of constructing a median curb and IandscaE median islands for one-half of a mile can be as high as $350,000. The current program, which was presented at the September 14, 2011 City Meeting, is to finish out the landscaping improvements where the median isla has already been constructed. This location does not fit in that program since no existing median curb. TO: FROM: DATE: e B A K E R S F I E L D Development Services Department M E M O R A N ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER PHIL BURNS, BUILDING DIRECTOR September 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Councii Referral No. 269 — Fire Hazard D U M COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON REQUESTS THAT STAFF LOOK INTO A SITUATIDN WHERE T I1E VEGETATION SURROUNDING THE RESIDENCE LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF SANDRA DRIVE I WHITE LANE IS PRESENTING A FIRE HAZARD. THE ADDRESS IS UNKNOWN. HOWEVER, THE CC PERSON CLAIMS IT WILL BE EVIDENT AS TO WHICH RESIDENCE IT IS BY ALL THE DRY BRUSH VEGETATION THAT IS VISIBLE, AND THE FACT THAT THE RESIDENCE IS VACANT. Code Enforcement Officer Tony Duckworth responded to 1212 White Lane and four the vacant property had overgrown, dead, weeds, trees, shrubs, junk, trash, discard automotive parts and debris throughout the front and back yard of the property. A correction notice was mailed to the property owner. If the owner does not comply hearing will be scheduled and the property abated pursuant to Code EnforcemenYs administrative process. Photographs are attached. �0 � � F �.,,�,,._. .i � � ►�,.� � �� � . `�� ��� �� � ., � . ,— � ■�t� _ � � � �-,-- - � � � _ J i . � �� � s�_ f �„ : .- � - 1� 1 t �` 1 I ( �� ' � . ., ., �.� .� , �_ r � ! 4, � �: �, � '� . . � �•.f . �,' , �c: �. :;, :l��i � ' a O . � 0 d � 0 O L � � _ s �� � ,�zY S� �7. `��.. :�.� �� � � � -.�. .� �P �� ., J u` . � �! � _ � � . t. t •� , . ' .f'. 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' ��( � f +� . f`s:���cx tl.i � �i.i. .L �� #.F F� ��. � �: • . � B A K E R S F I E �L D CIN OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: September 22, 2011 SUBJECT: MEDIAN ON STINE ROAD Referral No. 270 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN WOULD LIKE STAFF TO LOOK INTO WHAT IT WOULD TA FINISH A SMALL MEDIAN PATCH ON STINE ROAD NORTH OF TAFT HIGHWAY. COU MEMBER SULLIVAN HAS INDICATED THAT ARTIFICIAL TURF HAS BEEN TRIED IN THIS i I N TH E PAST. Staff reviewed the segment of Stine Road from Taff Highway to Ryzona Drive, w the north side of Ridgeview High School. There are no existing curbed media segment. The cost of constructing a median curb and landscaping the medic for one-half of a mile can be as high as 5350,000. The current program, which was presented at the September 14, 2011 City Meeting, is to finish out the landscaping improvements where the median islc has already been constructed. This location does not fit in that program sincE no existing median curb Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Sept. 26, 2011 — Sept. 30, 2011 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the following areas: Sealing streets in the area between Stine Rd & Wible Rd north of White Ln Resurfacing Streets in the area North of Harris and West of Wible (CDBG funded area) Grinding & Resurfacing street in the area between Brundage Ln � of Chester Ave Blade Sealing in the area north of Brundage between Oak St and "A" St Miscellaneous Streets Division proiects: (CDBG funded area) Instal�ing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area east north of Niles St and preparing streets for resurfacing Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Installing catch basin, storm line and curb & gutter on 22nd St between "B" St & Elm in resurfacing the street in the area south of 24th and north of 21 St Repairing Curb & Gutters on Ming Ave in preparation for street repairs Grading parking lot at Sports Village for a temporary parking THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe2of2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Sept. 26, 2011 Between Coffee Rd. & Verdugo Ln. — Brimhall Rd., south to the Kern River boundary. Cul-De-Sacs, west of Windsong St., between Brimhall Rd. & Thisttewood Ct. City areas between Rosedale Hwy. & Stockdale Hwy. — Verdugo Ln. to the west City Between Jenkins Rd. & Alien Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Birkenfeld Ave. Between Hosking Rd. & Astro Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Tuesday. Sept. 27, 2011 City areas between Olive Dr. & Downing Ave. — Coffee Rd. & Knudsen Dr./Mohawk St Wy. From Weldon Ave. to Meany Ave. Between W. Columbus St. & 34th St_ — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Beween Union Ave. & Madison St. — Casa Loma Dr. & White Ln. Between Westwold Dr. & So. Laurelglen Blvd. — Gosford Rd. & Woodglen Dr. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011 City areas between Snow Rd. & Rosedale Hwy. — Jewetta Ave., west to the City limit. Between Ming Ave. & So. Laurelglen Blvd. — Coffee Rd. & EI Portal / Laurelglen Blvd. Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011 All sweepers are assigned to sweeping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedul� Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 All sweepers are assigned to sw�eping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedul� �` � : �-- �" ats�t �- September 15, 2011 City Manager Alan Tandy City of 6akersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Dear City Manager Tandy, AT&T ��� �.ity F AT&T occasionally modifies the channel availability for the AT&T U-verse� N service. is a possible upcoming channel availability change. October 20, 2011: The Sportsman Channel (channel 642) may be removed from the U450 package and The Package. Customers will be provided with written notification of this possible programming chan� customer bills include a message referring them to the Legal Notices in USA Today on th third Tuesday of each rnonth, and to the AT&T website att.com/U-versepro�rammin�ch information on programming changes. If you have any questions, please contact your local AT&T External Affairs manager, Jan 661.327.6565. Sincerely, Vice President — Regulatory Affairs