HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/2011OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Decerr TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager A� SUBJECT: Generallnformation If yov are viewing the document online, you can click the blue underlined words throu which will take you directly to the background files referenced for each applicable topic. Miscellaneous News • There was media coverage this week concerning the request by Kei triple the City's cost to contract with them for animal sheltering purpo report from Steve Teglia is attached to provide you with our vi discussions. • Our thanks go out once again to State Farm their pledge to the SK We are pleased to have entered into a naming rights agreemE company, and are very appreciative of their commitment to the See the photo taken at Wednesday's Council meeting. • Kern Delta Water District is scheduled to perform routine annual r� from Dec 1 bth - 20th on its canal which runs through Mill Creek. Duri there will be no water in the canal, which provides a window for C clean up debris and inspect the improved canal areas. • Congratulations are in order to the annual Bakersfield Police Interdepartmental award winners. Officer of the Year - Stepher Detective of the Year - Detective Matt Hillard; Dispatcher of the YE Matson; Civilian Employee of the Year - Elizabeth Agerton; Medc Officers Andrew Ferguson and Chad Haskins; Division c Commendations - Officers Nathan Anderberg, Christopher Mes Woods and Sgt. Jason Matson, Senior Officer King, and Senior Officer Honorable Mayor and City Counci General Information December 16, 201 1 Page 2 High Speed Rail Enclosed is an editorial from the December l bth Wall Street Journal quE actions of some State and Federal governmental leaders, as well Authority, to continue to push ahead with the High Speed Rail project - recent poll that shows two-thirds of Californians want another chance t and by a two-to-one margin, the voters would kill it this time around. Event Schedule There are no public events scheduled for the next week at City facilities. Council Referrals � Councilmember Johnson: o Drainage Issue at Fortress Mini Storage Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: ➢ The Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning Dec 19t� ➢ SMG upcoming event list; and ➢ A letter from AT&T regarding changes to its U-verse programming. AT:ch cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk � B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM December TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: City/County Animal Sheltering Services Agreement Background: The City of Bakersfield has had a long standing relationship County of Kern related to the County's Animal Control Shelter. Since 1978, th has utilized City owned property as a location for the County's main animal sh facility is located on So. Mt. Vernon Avenue, just south of Highway 58. Th entered into a long-term, rent free lease by which the County has use of the C to operate an animal shelter facility. A provision of this lease, which runs thro� requires the County to accept dogs and other animals abandoned within or c persons residing in the City of Bakersfield. In 2004, after the conclusion of an arrangement between the City and the B SPCA, by which the SPCA provided Animal Control Functions for the City, entered into an agreement with the County related to sheltering services. which began providing its own in-field operations by forming an Animal Contr� within the Police Department, agreed to provide the County with c compensation. The July 2004 agreement between the City and County included a five (5) y running through June 30, 2009. The City provided compensation for additior staff positions and also agreed to construct a new kennel facility for use by thE Since the expiration of the 2004 agreement, the City and County have been c under a new one-year agreement which was entered into by both parties in has subsequently been extended two times to run through June of 2012. It � noted that a CPI adjustment has been included each year since 2004 to c Animal Shelter Decemb Below is a summary of the compensation the City has provided the County sinc Fiscal Year Contract Amount 2004-05 $254,964 2005-06 $273,440 2006-07 $245,890 2007-08 $252,122 2008-09 $266,107 2009-10 $325,000 2010-1 1 $334,100 201 1-12 $338,1 10 In addition to the amount of funding that is identified above, the County also r� revenue stream for the redemption and adoption of animals at the sh� originated from the City. According to County Staff, they have received a $175,000 to $240,000 annually in these revenues, in addition to the City's amounts listed above. Recent City/County Discussions: Following the most recent extension of 1 agreement with the County, in June of 2011, the City agreed to meet early or County to discuss a new agreement. During these discussions, the County E interest in changing the way the agreement between the City and Co structured. The County expressed its desire to require the City to pay a percE the County's total animal sheltering costs, based on the City's percentage of ir Following several meetings with County staff where detailed discussions regc City/County animal shelter relationship were discussed, the County providec with the results of their cost analysis. This analysis resulted in County staff h� opinion that the City's share of the costs associated with the animal sh $1,125,000 annually. City staff has a number of concerns related to the calculation that was dor County including the following issues: City Intake Numbers: The County is basing the City's share of costs by applying the percentage c that come into the shelter from the City (either by our officers or by the publ total costs to operate the shelter. The County is basing the City's share on an 12,512 City animals out of a total intake of 30,354 animals at the shelter (Based 11 County intake numbers). There are a number of issues which need to be I with respect to the intake attributed to the Citv and thev include: Animal Shelter Decemb • The breakdown of how many animals come in via City Animal Contrc vs. coming in from residents of the City. Well over half of the intake i attributed to owner or public drop off at the shelter, with the remaindE from the activities of the City's Animal Control Officers. This is an i breakdown given the provisions of the City's Land Lease Agreemeni County, as discussed if further detail below. • There are also a certain number of animals which, for various reason irremediable illness, injury etc., may be humanely euthanized very ec intake process. While these animals are part of the total intake number: not have the same cost as those that have an extended stay at the she Direct and Indirect Overhead Costs: Included in the $1,125,000 number the County has identified as the City's shelter costs is $416,000 in overhead costs, above and beyond identified sc benefit costs for those that provide animal care services. These "Indirect a Rates" are for positions that are not directly involved with the sheltering of c the Mt. Vernon Shelter. Examples of this would include County Counsel overhE special projects positions, marketing positions and other overhead costs for p other County departments. This amount represents 37�0 of the $1,125,000 total Adoption Center: As a component of the City's 2004 agreement with the County, the City cons kennel facility that is now known as the County's Adoption Center. The City ownership of this facility and allows the County to use the facility as provided past and current agreements. Given current shelter population rates, this is a addition to the County's facilities at Mt. Vernon. Land Lease Agreement: As discussed above, the County has leased the City's land to operate an anirr since 1978. This lease, which was amended in 2002, has a term that runs thro� In exchange for the use of this City land, the Lease includes the following provi� "So long as Covnty operates said animal shelter during the term of 1 Lease or any extension thereof, it will accept at said facility, abandoned diseased dogs or other animals for care, protection or disposal, includi such dogs or other animals abandoned within or owned by persons residi inside the territorial limits of the City of Bakersfield." The County has always complied with this provision, and has accepted anir residents of the City of Bakersfield. Since 2004, the City has provided c Animal Shelter Decemb agreement with the County for animal sheltering services. There are significa that need to be addressed with the County's current analysis before the City c to identify if there is a potential for a future agreement with the County. The c in a cooperative manner with the County on a number of issues relate operations of our distinct jurisdictions, and this is no different. The City is continue exploring options to continue this relationship, but those options based on reasonable and mutually agreed to factors. The City is alsc reviewing its options related to alternate animal sheltering services and additional information in the coming months should an arrangement with th not be feasible. Q � � �L1�11M _.- O '4��OM � �1 .rrr �t: � �`�l �#��,�,�, �-� �� T :/Z//3/// ���tDER OF� `� ity of ,8okersfie/� CA $�pp 0 , - - - � �� Fi�e h�u��re�Thouson�� °'0/,ae _ <S Yeor Po�k s,�onsorshi,o - � � �� sto�e �'orin REVIEW �+OUTLOOK LF..;.F.'.,�:; �+ r. ';+� � Hig�-Speed Railroad Job Califc�r•rria uoters turn against the train tr� rtoivhere. ...... _ __..._.. _..... _ _ . ._.. Atticle Comments {138) Email Pnnt Save L:k2 27 TWeet 2A 0r*►ARTI�LE FREE PASS ='!-Y ia�-�.'•- - sar•. . . . : � c �- -. .>.. I>�-• cr� ._ ,-_ ' :!.._ . ��" :'r=,.� . -: e�. SIlBSCRiBE NOYd - GET 8 WEEhS FAEE If politicians are good for anything, it ought to be reading polls. Yet there was Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood last week telling Congress that Califomia's high- speed railroad is "not a cheap projecY' but "the people in Califomia want this." What people would that be? According to the latest Field poll, two-thirds of Californians want a new referendum on the project. And by a two-to-one margin, they say they'd vote to kill it. In 2008 voters approved a�10 billion bond to fund the 500-mile bullet train, but cost estimates have since exploded to �100 billion from 533 billion and the mirage of federal government and private funding has disappeared. The high-speed rail authon,y has reduced its ridership estimates to 37 million from 90 million. Oh, and the train won't connect San Francisco with Anaheim for another 30 years, if ever. Mr. LaHood is nonetheless demanding that the state use $3.9 billion in federa! money to build the first 130-mile segment in the Central Valley, where there's supposedly less local resistance. However, no one is sure when the first segment running from Merced to Fresno would be operable since the state lacks the money to build and elecViiy the tracks. The authority's back-up plan is to run Amtrak trains on the track, but the state's watchdog Legislative AnalysYs Office questions their claim that the tracks would improve Amtrak service. Another unanswered question: how the authority plans to raise the $90 billion or so to finance the rest of the train. The state has no money, Republicans in Congress have refused to appropriate funds, and private investors want a revenue guarantee, which the 2008 ballot measure prohibits. "As a result." the watchdog agency writes, "it is highly uncertain if funding to complete the high-speed rai( system will ever materialize." � S A K E I� S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 16, 2011 SUBJECT: DRAINAGE ISSUE AT FORTRESS MINI STORAGE Referral No. 282 COUNCILMEMBER JOHNSON REQUESTED THAT STAFF WORK WITH CALTRANS TO LONG-TERM SOLUTION TO A DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT FORTRESS MINI STORAGE. Caltrans has reviewed the site and is making the necessary changes for short- long-term solutions to drainage problems at the Fortress Mini Storage retention Recent problems were created by a broken valve on the irrigation system. It determined that the site lacks a constructed drainage path to safely deliver w the travel way over the side of the retention basin. In the next couple c Caltrans' contractor will be relocating the irrigation valves and re-grading thE the retention basin. In their next fiscal year budget, Caltrans will program a K repair the failing pavement in the ramp adjacent to the mini storage and inst or channel to direct the water that flows into the retention basin. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Dec. 19, 2011 — Dec. 23, 2011 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the following areas: Reconstructing streets in the area south of Planz Rd and west of Wible Rd (weather Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing Curb & Gutters at Bus Stops in various areas Crack Sealing in the area north of Palm Ave (weather permitting) NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning per� assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. — Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011 Between Snow Rd. & Olive Dr. — Jewetta Ave., east to the canal boundary. Between Olive Dr. & Hageman Rd. — Jewetta Ave. & Calloway Dr. Between Niles St. & Sumner St. — Union Avenue & Beale Ave. Between Sumner St. & E. Truxtun Ave. — Beale Ave. & Brown St. Between Brundage Ln. & E. Belle Terrace St. — Union Ave. & Kincaid St. Between Camino Media & Kroll Wy. — Coffee Rd., west to the PG&E easement. Friday, Dec. 23, 2011 Between Etchart Rd. & Pavilion Dr. -- Calloway Dr., west to the canal boundary. � o � o � o � � o � o � � o � o � o � o � � � a'� a. Z a. Z n, a, 2�, Z a, a Z a Z u� Z p. Z a, � ¢ o�, o�, o� o o�, o� o o� o� o� o � o 00 0 O � M� O � M M � O � M M � M � M � O � O 00 C/� l� C/] l� C/� l� l� C/� 00 Ln l� �O C/� l� C/� l� C/� 00 C/� � �--� �O l� 0 �� � � � � � � � � Q.. � O O �' � � O U O U y O y ' i. O G 01 C�, = 01 ¢. M � � •i'" M 4y O � � �" -� � � -� ' �.+ � � � � O y � �y p °� � .G1 O � M ci: � � l� � � CC l� � � �" �n � O � � � v, � s�. �i '� � � � � j M }�„ l� �O .. 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December 9, 2011 Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Dear City Manager Tandy, AT&T l�-�r�� � ��� '.�,D�7 .,�2'�Sg4 Effective January 1, 2012, WWE Classic Subscription On Demand service is being discontinued by � AT&T will automaticafly remove the WWE Classic Subscription service from our U-verse N service of the year. Impacted Customers will be provided with written notification of the above via postcards which w mailed beginning December 12, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact your local AT&T External Affairs manager, Jan Bans on 661.327.6565_ Sincerely, � Vice Pr�sident — Regulatory Affairs