HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/2012� OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Fe TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City ManagerA��rs SUBJECT: Generallnformation x Our response to a position paper presented to the Water Board by t districts that purchased McAllister Ranch is enclosed. Efforts to meet reconcile differences are no longer taking place. Good News! • After six months, the Mesa Marin Softball Complex is breaking even Fees to play are covering expenses. That was our goal, but it's gooc being achieved! A report is enclosed. • We have received confirmation from the Finance Director that the rE regarding the Wastewater debt have indeed had a positive impact c rates being charged to the wastewater enterprise. After two weE under the 2012A bond series, we can confirm that interest rates have c the former 3.0� range down to the 0.08�o range as a result of cr liquidity providers. This is the result we expected, and the wastewater definitely benefit from the lower financing costs. The combined ir partial bond call and the lower rates should save the City about $1 mill • On Wednesday, the Convention and Visitors Bureau launched a ne One More Day to Explore Bakersfield. Several promotions are being celebrate Leap Day, February 29th. CVB Manager David Lyman overview at the Council meeting. The press release has already res� media attention, both locally and regionally. What? Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information February 3, 2012 Page 2 TRIP News * The outside northbound lane on Allen Road will be closed Monda� 2012, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The closure will be located along the nc the Westside Parkway construction area, and will extend for approxim toward Vermillion Drive. This is needed to allow the contractor to waterline tie-in. Both southbound lanes will remain open to traffic. advisory is enclosed, and, as always, more information can k www.BakersfieldFreeways.us. High Speed Rail News ❖ County supervisors are scheduled to vote Tuesday on whethe California's high-speed rail project as currently proposed. Twc resolutions -- either of which would be the county's first official positic billion project -- were released Thursday as part of the Board's agenda of the resolutions would explicitly oppose construction of the proje would merely withhold the County's support until more information c and environmental impacts comes forward. Event Schedule There are three events scheduled during the upcoming week: ✓ Art Laboe Valentine's Super Love Jam (Arena) February 1 Oth at 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $27.50 - $49.50 ✓ Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra (Theater) Gentle Giants: Mozart, Strauss & Mahler February 1 lth at8:00 p.m. Tickets: $34 - $50 ✓ Bakersfield Condors (Arena) February 1 lth at 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $8-$25 Council Referrals The following responses are provided: Honorable Mayor and City Council General Information February 3, 2012 Page 3 Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: ➢ Notice from PG&E regarding the SmartMeterTM Opt-Out Program; ➢ Letters from Bright House Networks regarding programming chanc adjustments; and ➢ The Streets Division work schedule for the week beginning February 6th. AT:rs:ch cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk . • B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tan�y � City Mana�er February 2, 2012 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District 849 Allen Road P.O. Box 20820 Bakersfield, CA 93390-0829 Buena Vista Water Storage District 525 North Main Street P.O. Box 756 Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Subject: McAllister Ranch Dear Board Members: At the regular meeting of the City of Bakersfield's Water Board on Jan 2012, representatives of your respective Districts presented a dc articulating a position on the subject of the McAllister Ranch property. Members of the Water Board requested that the City's position be sent 1 response. It follows below: The Buena Vista and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Wat�r Storage Districts pu McAlister Ranch without talking with the City of Bakersfield to better unc the ramifications of current development obligations. The property was annexed and zoned for residential and commerc There is a deve�opment agreement associated with the property, wr recorded covenant and constitutes a long-term, binding contract relati� zoning and development that were approved. Because of the size and significance of McAllister Ranch and the deve McAllis Februc Such plans have long-term meaning and substance. The wastewater trE capacity to serve the property, for example, has already been built at c $29 million. Traffic impact fees due from the development of the land are to genera million to help build the future transportation grid. The proposed uses for the property by the two Water Storage Districts le residential lots in the center of the property detached from an development by a mile in either direction. This proposal will make providing public safety services (both Fire and Pc those lots problematic. Response times will either be inadequate due 1 time and distance, or it will exponentially increase the costs to provic services beyond what is normal and customary. The City of Bakersfield has attempted to work with the Water Storage Di make them aware of these very real concerns and to see if an accomm could be reached. That effort was unsuccessful. In discussions with the Districts, the City expressed thee major conc follows: l. The financial losses and service provision issue caused by the actions; 2. The City of Bakersfield believes Kern River and other water in tl should stay "home." The City does not use its facilities, nor does way facilitate the exportation of local water. The Districts have re promise such exportation will not occur. In fact, statements ha� made by at least one of the Districts which indicated on more tr occasion that they want to keep such an option open. 3. Conversion of approved land uses needs to follow the same pi that took place to formally designate the land use in the firs� including an EIR and General Plan Amendment. The City was t agency when the current land uses were created and needs to b� McAllisi Februa Summary The City of Bakersfield, its residents and taxpayers may soon be dama the Distriets' errors in buying a property without performing due diligenc as checking on the zoning, allowed land uses and covenants in place. The City of Bakersfield has been, and continues to be, a leader in grour recharge and environmentally sound resources planning. The District's fc follow the basic prerequisites of any property buyer has caused the problems which now exist. The City has identified a clear process for the current owners of McAlliste to follow in order to properly alter the approved, and legally recognizE use entitlements afforded to the McAllister Ranch property. This is the planning process (including an application for a General Plan Amendm� Zone Change) which ensures that appropriate environmental and Ic planning concerns are adequately addressed, thus having the pote allow the uses sought by the property's current owners. Unfortunat Districts' believe they are legally exempt from following the identified above. The City does not agree that they are exempt, particularly wher covenant is established through a development agreement. The City of Bakersfield remains open to discussion, but any such discussioi to recognize and deal with the very real concerns that exist. Sincerely, � lan Tan y City Manag cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager Jim Eggert, Planning Director Eric Averett, General Manager: Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD RO�EU,�� E•RI� BR�,I�O lr�fil F{? � iQR��E C��T°ICI �` �t �; � �� Roy Pierucci President Terry Chicca President Eric Averett Dan W. Bartel General Manager Engineer-Manager January 17, 2012 Development of McAllister Ranch City of Bakersfield Issues p'��, �►�: J � �� o� 'QG� Project Status —Buena Vista Water Storage District ("Buena Vista"j and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Wat District ("Rosedale"), collectively "Districts", acquired the McAllister Ranch in May, 2011 throug� auction after the property sat vacant several years following the collapse of the housing market. Tr acquired the property for the purpose of enhancing local water suppines through the development oj banking facilities. The Districts are currently planning the project amd evaluating the environmenta required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Cunently the project is operating in a very within existing canals and ponds. Over the next 6-9 months the Dista-icts will be developing a com� and evaluating the environmental impacts of the longer term program so that we can be prepared fo operations in 2014. The City of Bakersfield ("Bakersfield") has voiced numerous objections to the groundwater banking project operated by the Districts. The Districts have attempted to address the over the past several months unsuccessfully. Sewage and Traffic Fees — Bakersfield is concerned that sewage capacity/connection fees and traf will not be collected due to the project. Gov. Code Sections 66013 and 66005 are very clear that fe must always be tied and proportional to a benefit conferred on the prmperty assessed. No matter wl� use, agriculture or groundwater banking, the fee may not be charged until the benefit is confened. acres will likely develop to residential use when some semblance of a real estate market resumes ar be collected. The remaining 1400 acres will likely transition from groundwater banking to housing commercial use over time; as it does fees will be collected as envisioned in the agreements. It has 1 that once developed for groundwater banking McAllister Ranch will remain as such. This is not ne but, even if it was, Bakersfield is still whole because no services are required. West Beltway Alignment — Bakersfield is concerned that the District's will ignore the West Beltw The District's are aware of the alignment and intend on fully cooper�ting with Bakersfield so that tl artery can be constructed. Ci-roundwater banking facilities will be pl,anned and constructed so as nc with the West Beltway Alignment as currently envisioned. Zoning — Bakersfield is concerned that groundwater banking is inconsistent with the surrounding u planned interim use. The McAllister Ranch Specific Plan anticipate5 groundwater projects in multi the document. Much of the surrounding uses are groundwater banking including the Pioneer Projec Bank and Bakersfield's own 2800 Acres. All one need do is drive down Allen Road and it is easy 1 only is groundwater banking compatible with residential development, it is a community benefit. ' — - - .. . . . . . ., .. ,. , . . . ,. •, .. „-,, „ Community Services District, Kern Delta Water District, High-Speed Rail Authority, Department o: Vehicles, and Regional Water Quality Control Board have all recently acted as lead agencies for pr Bakersfield. Water Sales — Bakersfield is concerned that Buena Vista intends on using the McAllister Ranch to out of the County of Kern. Buena Vista has commented on multiple occasions that the purpose of tl groundwater banking project is to firm up local supplies. With State VVater Project supplies in jeop� Reservoir Conservation Storage in flux, and changing and growing demands in District, Buena Vist; replace its terminating capacity rights in Bakersfield's 2800 Acre Project. So why won't the Distric Bakersfield on this matter? One reason: things change and we need to keep our options open to ada changes. Another reason: no groundwater banking project on the Kern Fan, including Bakersfield's project, has bound itself with a similar commitment. Summary — Groundwater banking will be a new reality on the McAllister property in which our L invested $22M. The housing market is busted and groundwater bankrng has proven to be the highe: for the property. We intend on developing a project that provides our community and economy the combined benefit. At one point we had envisioned Bakersfield as a project partner, now we merely Bakersfield rethinks its intention of fighting us every step of the way. This will only serve to cost tY and in the end there will be a groundwater banking proj ect. Fees Gov. Code 66005 (a) When a local agency imposes any fee or exaction as a condition of approval of a propos� development, as defined by Section 65927, or development project, those fees or exactions shall not exceed tl� reasonable cost of providing the service or facility for which the fee or exaction is imposed. Gov. Code 66013(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when a local agency imposes fees for water sewer connections, or imposes capacity charges, those fees or charges shall not exceed the estimated reasonab providing the service for which the fee or charge is imposed, unless a question regarding the amount of the fee imposed in excess of the estimated reasonable cost of providing the services or materials is submitted to, and � popular vote of two-thirds of those electors voting on the issue. Zoning Gov. Code 53091(d) Building ordinances of a county or city shall not apply �o the location or construction of : production, generation, storage, treatment, or transmission of water, wastewater, or electrical energy by a loca Specific Plan Pg. 54 Groundwater Recharge and/or Extraction Facilities will be an allowed use by public agen Mesa Marin Sports Complex Operating Costs: June 2011— December 2011 Expenses: (Recreation Division) $2,752.75 Staff for Rentals $5,651.25 Staff for Leagues $3,564.00 ASA Teams Registration $40,030.00 Umpires Pay $14,387.31 Supplies $200.56 Printing $66,585.87 Recreation Total (Parks Division) $5,703.90 Salaries $2,966.61 Maintenance $339.19 Equipment Parts $25,525.43 Water $27,796.28 Electricity $52,162.88 Field Maintenance —Contract $648.90 Other Materials & Supplies $150.81 Phone $115,294.00 Parks Total $181,879.87 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenue: $14,342.36 $10,453.00 $155,832.00 $180,627.36 Rentals (9) Concession °r Softball Leag TOTAL REVEI February 1, 2012 For immediate release �--���_ � � al��r� i��cl �a� ��,�I �-A� February zq � zo12 For more information: David Lyman, Manager Bakersfield Convention and Visi1 (661 J 852-7282 Bakersfield Launches Leap Year Visitor Campaign "One More Day to Explore Bakersfield" offers deals on hotels, museums, activities, a Leap Year means an extra day in February. Expanding on its "More to Explore" slogan, the Ba Convention and Visitors Bureau today launched a"One More Day to Explore Bakersfield" car Several Bakersfield hotels, attractions, and amenities are offering MORE on that one day, We� February 29, to those visiting California's ninth largest city. For example, both the Four Points by Sheraton Bakersfield and the Holiday Inn and Suites Bak North are offering discount promotions when staying the night on February 29. Two local mu California Living Museum -- California's premier native zoo and garden -- and the nationally-a Bakersfield Museum of Art have special admission rates for that one day. Looking for some physical exercise? The McMurtrey Aquatic Center will offer free lap swims i February 29. For water enjoyment of a more frozen kind, the Bakersfield Condors profession� team will offer two-for-one tickets for any game the rest of the season when purchased at thE that day. Amtrak passengers arriving on select trains in Bakersfield on February 29 can get a Free Com� Coupon on their next trip aboard the San Joaquin, Capitol Corridor, or Pacific Surfliner trains i California, as well as connecting Thruway Bus service, through May 18. And everyone who visits the Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau office on February 2� chance to win a gift basket of local products. Visitors can check the Bakersfield CVB's web site (http://www.visitbakersfield.com/specials/) about these and other deals being offered on Wednesday, February 29. More will be added t the month. Of course, Bakersfield continues to have more Basque restaurants than any other city in the n . , . . , „ ., .,. , , . . , „ . , . , C�pitol Alert: Controller: State to run out of cash in March without action ��� J. �F�t 4�.:��:%S� ���� � �3�� ,i �� ����+��a" .:.' .. .. . , . . . . ._._ _ . .._..._ ...._. .... ...._... .._. .. . ..... .__._. . ... . . ..... .. ....... ... . ,... , . . �.. � gg� . . ' ,r\• �6 ' � � I� � � �n� v;�`"�w°ry«�, a'' I� � � > ; ��.� ' �� � � :, •• _" � y �,_.�, , � �:�;. _.. .. . _ The latest on California polatics and government January 31, 2012 Con�roller: State to r��un out of cash in March without action California will run out of cash b.�� early March if the state does not take swift action to find $3.3 billion ±hrough payment delays and borrowing, according to a letter state Controller John Chiang sent to state lawmakers today. The announcement is surprising since lawmakers previously believed the state had enough cash to last through the fiscal year that ends in June. But Chiang said additional cash management solutions are needed because state ta�c revenues are ��2.6 billion less than what Gov. Jerry Browr� and state lawrnakers as�umed in their optimistic budget last year. Meanwhile, Chiang said, the state is spending $2.6 billion more than statc� leaders planned on. Z'he Assembly budget committee approved a bill today that would enable $865 million of borrowing frc accoun ts, Senate Bi1195. Chiang, after consultation with the Department of Finance and state Trea: is also seeking about $2.4 billion in delayed payments to universities, counties and Medi-Cal, as well a: borrow�ng from outside invest�rs. Absent these actions, the state �tirould fall below its prudent $2.5 billion cash cushion on Feb. 29, Chian March 8, the state would actuaily end up $73o million in the red. The state would be below the safe ca; several weeks ending April �3, save fflr several days at the end of March. With such actions, Chiang believes the state would not have to use IOUs or delay tax refunds, maneuve relied upon in previous years. But Chiang also said that "more cash soluti��ns may be required if our re, r i• t . • •rv .t - - - 1 - --�---- -i-- n Capitol Alert: Controller: State to run out of cash in March without action Some Republicans raised questions about when the borrowing from state accounts from would be paid state is spending more than expected. Micha�l Cohen, chief deputy director of Brown's Department of Finance, said the state would pay ba whenever programs need the money to operate. Cohen also said the state is spending more money thar courts have blocked some cuts, while some savings may come later in the fiscal year than forecasters p� Updated at noon to ref lect comrnents from today's legislative hearing. PHOTO CIZEDIT: Controller J�hn Chiang meeting with The Bee's Capitol Bureau in 2010. The Sacr Hector Amezcua MORE LINKS: Special fund furlough litigation settled California state, local government workers among best-paid Database: Search state worker salaries Categories: John Chiang, State budget • Posted by Kevin Yamamura � "�`� 11:04 AM � Comments ( Share .� f O Copyright The Sacramento Bee. Al! rights reserved. . About Comments Reader comments on Sacbee.com are the opinions of the writer, not The Sacramento Be objectionable comment, click the "report abuse" button below it. We will delete comments inappropriate links, obscenities, hate speech, and personal attar,ks. Flagrant or repeat vio banned. See more about comments here. blog comments powered by Disqus ����a�°��� ���°��� �� �€°���� �t�� ����° ������� �°°�s��� �.r��,��__����C�°�_�a�����: Divorce, Family Law Specialist. Upscale We make your divorce easy, as featured Find A Bankruptcy Lawyer Clients in LA on CBS and FOX news Schedule A Free Case f�€"::;:"1��;;^;iC::)i �1.C:Cii;`i `�d:'a�4.�.�L::�i'r1f)iF`;..,''i>?";;�..i:CiT?"i �•:'t%kW.�',�f=:iit"t�S"ciil�C"t<'�)�::}',C;.}'s'tl Thomas Roads Improvement Program 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3700 • Fax: (661) 852-2195 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2012 Contact: Traffic Advisory Lane Closure on Allen Road Tnona� Co Janet Wheeler TRIP Public li (661) 326-3491 Motorists are advised that the outside northbound lane on Allen Road will be closec February 6, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The closure will be located along the north� the Westside Parkway construction area and will extend for approximately 500 fE Vermillion Drive. The closure is needed to allow the contractor to complete a waterline tie-in. Both lanes will remain open to traffic. Motorists are advised to stay alert while traveling through this area, and to construction equipment and personnel. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program < for any inconvenience this work causes the traveling public. For additional information on the Westside Parkway project, please visit our www.BakersfieldFreeways.us. � Supervisors set to vote on whether to oppose rail project - BakersfieldCalifornian.com Bakersfield-com Contact Us Subscriber Services Newsletters Mobile RSS Sitemap 45° 67° LOW HIGH 46° CLEAR CURRENT NEWS HOME LOCAL OBITS SPORTS A&E LIFESTYLE OPINION PHOTOS BUSINESS GUIDE BUY & SELL HOMES JOBS DRIVE � �EI"'�I�F� H E�,LT"H�AF�E . ���,� �, �� �� ��_ � ,��, HIGH-SPEED RAIL HOME > SPECIAL SECTIONS > HIGH-SPEED RAIL Thursday, Feb 02 2012 06:17 PM Supervisors set to vote on whether to oppose rail project BY JOHN COX Californian staff writer County supervisors are scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to oppose California's high-speed rail project as currently proposed. Two competing resolutions -- either of which would be the county's first official position on the $98 billion project -- were released Thursday as part of the board's agenda packet. One of the resolutions would explicitly oppose construction of the project; the other would merely withhold the county's support until more information about its cost and environmental impacts comes forward. s��-he #�akrrsfitt�l i��lit`�arniaa Bakrer�fleld,tam fir:ts lf'ij� � baker�fi���l.d�� Y s i � r E�chibi���r � ��� March 7 �, 2012 d�ubl�ftes Hafie�, Ba�eera�eld i2:041 F�noa� -4:UU�M County Supervisor Mike Maggard said the board could also vote to support the project. He predicted that which way the vote goes will depend on what kind of answers the board gets from rail project staff invited to make a presentation at Tuesday's meeting. "Based on answers to those questions," Maggard said, "I will be evaluating whether I... can support or whether I cannot support in its current form this package that is high-speed rail." The proposed resolutions come amid heavy local criticism as well as estimates out of Sacramento that the project would be far more expensive and take much longer to build than officially estimated even a year ago. A county staff report released Thursday said that although the project holds potential local benefits such as jobs, improved air quality and better connectivity with the rest of the state, it would also incur substantial debt and probably disrupt local schools, churches and other properry owners. If the board were to oppose the project, it would add Kern County to a growing list of local governments up and down the proposed bullet train route -- including Bakersfield, Wasco, Hanford and Chowchilla -- explicitly against what would be the largest single infrastructure project in California history. Merced and Fresno counties officially support the project. A vote of opposition by the board would represent a turnaround of sorts. At a downtown luncheon in May, county officials stood with local economic development and transportation planners in an informal but very public pledge of support for the project. That event was part of a countywide lobbying effort to support Kern's three bids -- two in Shafter, one in Wasco -- for a train maintenance facility projected to create i,5oo or more direct jobs and some $25o million a year in economic benefits. The rail project's executive --� - , ���� � � ���� � ,�.� -�� .� ���� Supervisors set to vote on whether to oppose rail project - BakersfieldCalifornian.com Maggard said it may be a moot point. The project may run out of money Uefore it gets as far south as Kern, he said, and so the maintenance facility may need to be built further north. "What has become pretty apparent is that it's very, very unlikely that we're ... going to get the heavy maintenance faciliry," he said. The rail authoriry's outgoing CEO, Roelof van Ark, disputed this assertion in 2oio, saying no decision on where to build the maintenance facility will be made until long after high-speed rail tracks run through Bakersfield. The rail project is planned to connect San Francisco and Anaheim with trains traveling as fast as 22o mph by 2030. Construction on an initial, $6 billion segment is scheduled to begin in the Central Valley later this year. Tweet � � �� �� My Yahoo Print l,���� ,��r�g(,I� � ��l��.k t���° ti'�; SN'AP F=°ic.�l<:�:s �::�r`.,, +F� � v � ��r����l�dLi��.cam � Bakeu�sfield"s Premier tiry M4ogaxp�o Have something to share? Comment on this story Cox, Royce Everett Drive to Buttonwillow brings back memories NHL vet Calder rejoins Condors Roadrunner men land spring soccer match against UCLA Feb. 2 high school roundup Ask The Californian� Feedback Name: Email: Question: � Leather Sectional Light Beige both love seats reclines works well no cuts ... Washer Whirlpool and GE Dryer, both electric, $150. 661- 205-1325 Refrigerators with warranty, can deliver, loc. Rosedale Hwy./ 2740 Gibson, ... AUCTION Mitsubishi Pneumatic Forklift,Wells Cargo Refrigerated Trailer, Han... � � '�H5 � v 1 �f �� ^ Bakersfield.com Network Site Map News Community Breaking News Kern Events Local News Bakersfield Pictures Obituaries Worship Guide Sports Bakersfield Life Business Bakersfield Voice Health Tehachapi News A&E Lifestyle Business Guide Staff Blogs Find Businesses Politics List Your Business Opinion All Categories Columnists New Reviews Weather E-mail Newsletters RSS Feeds Copyright OO 2012 The Bakersfield Californian Privacy Policy � Terms of Use � About Our Ads � Advertise With Us Classifieds Jobs Homes Drive Rentals Stuff Place An Ad Mobile 661411.com SMS Alerts Android App Blackberry App iPhone App Crazy ride from beneath helicopter Bakersfield Today: Feb 2, 2012 webcast Frontier's percussion group offers sneak peek Bakersfield Today: Feb. 1, 2012 webcast Bakersfield Today: Jan. 31, 2012 edition Advertise With Us Media Kit Rate Cards Contact Advertising OtherResources Contact Us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City ManagerA� Chris Huot, Administrative Analyst III C�i Paperless Option Council Referral No. 247 Councilmember option of going � January Benham requested that staff consider giving custor aperless when sending bills or correspondence. Councilmember Benham requested staff consider giving customers th of going paperless when sending bills or correspondence. The referral c from feedback from a constituent who received a notification, as a owner, of a potential sewer rate increase during the FY 201 1-12 budget The notification received by the constituent was required under Propos The accompanying memorandum from the City Attorney's Office requirements within Proposition 218 requiring the mailing of these notificc In addition, staff reviewed situations where the City sends correspondence, bills or accepts payments for programs or services c the City has integrated paperless or electronic options for users. • City Domestic Water - The City's domestic water service area through Cal Water. Cal Water provides the ability for users to oK program to receive and pay bills online. • Residential Sewer and Refuse - The fees for these services are Paper Janua • Business License Renewals - A business owner/operator can license through the City's E-Government service package on website. • Recreation and Parks - Users can register for nearly all progrc sports activities through the City's web site. Additionally, u� download, view and print the seasonal Activity Guide from the wE • Purchasing - The City utilizes the BidsOnline system, which is web procurement and electronic bidding system implemented in provide better service and convenience to vendors. This system e many pages of paperwork normally used during bid processes. • Bakersfield Visitor's Guides - The City's Convention and Visitor� provides users of its web site the option of downloading, vie�n printing its visitor's guide in place of receiving a hard copy. Commercial and industrial refuse bills are administered and collectec City. At this time users can pay their bill online via the City's E-Go� service, however receiving their bill via e-mail is not currently ar Information Technology provided an estimated cost of $4,000 and six rr implement a program which provides this service. Additionally, for example, the City's municipal code requires certain do pertaining to code enforcement notifications be sent via mail to the owner as it appears on the tax roll, thus an electronic option is not availc Furthermore, the City sends various and irregular correspondence thr the year. This correspondence varies greatly in volume and category. cases making contact with the recipient of the correspondence to det he/she would like to have the document(s) sent electronically would dc amount of paper used for a one-time mailing. Summary City staff is required by State law and its municipal code to senc correspondence via mail. Specifically, Proposition 218 requires notificc mailed to all affected property owners for certain fee increase p Additionallv. the Citv has imblemented multible electronic. � _��111�11�. � P TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE January 26, 2012 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RICHARD IGER, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY PAPERLESS OPTION COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 247 Councilmember Benham requested that staff consider giving customE option of going paperless when sending bills or correspondence. Unfortunately, laws that regulate notice requirements have not bE keep up with the fast and frequent technological advances. TherE notice provisions require the City of Bakersfield to provide legal not traditional writing format. In addition, on certain notices, such as tho: by Proposition 218, or other proposed fee increases, we must acc property owners and this information, through the Assessor's office i physical addresses and not email addresses. Finally, there are practicc associated with establishing a separate list of property owners that wa to receive special notices by email. Rl:lsc cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager S:\COUNCIL\Referrals\11-12 Referrals\PaperlessOption.docx � B 1� K E R 5 F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M Februar TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Curb and Gutter on Acoma and Bannock Streets Council Referral No. 298 Councilmember Salas requested that staff look into the possibility of installing gutter on Acoma and Bannock Streets. Additionally, he requested that staff de some of the funds that were allocated towards curb and gutter at the January Council meetina could be used for this proiect, or if CDBG fundina miaht be av� Acoma and Bannock Streets are located within a Census Block Group wh currently eligible for CDBG funding. More specifically, Acoma and Bannock Streets are located in Census Tr� Block Group 1, which encompasses all property within the Bakersfield between State Highway 99 and Cottonwood Road, south of East Panai Based on current data released by HUD, 47% of the population within 1 group is considered to be low- and moderate-income. In order to be e CDBG funding, at least 51 % of the population within a block group must be moderate-income. SUI�JECT: CPUC FINAL DECISION 12LACHED i-e: �N�LOG METLIZ ALTERNATIVE February 1, 2012 Dear Kern County Official, As you know, PG&E believes in individual choice for our customers when comes to the meters at their homes. That is why we wanted to make sure you are a� that today the CPUC provided final approval of PG&E's recommendation to offer � meters as an alternative to SmartMetersTM The CPUC's decision allows PG&E 20 days to prepare to accept customers out requests. We understand, however, that our customers will wish to exercise this choice now, and so PG&E will begin accepting opt-out requests immediately, and ` work as quickly as possible to exchange the meters. To participate in the SmartMet Opt-Out Program, the CPUC has set an initial setup charge of $75, as well as a mot charge of $10, for customers who wish to opt-out. For income-qualified customers enrolled in the CARE or FERA programs, the initial charge is $10, and the monthl� charge is $5. PG&E continues to believe strongly in the SmartMeterTM Program and its r� benefits to our customers and to California. SmartMeters are key to helping the ma of our customers who have asked us for ways to conserve energy and save money. Also, SmartMeters will help California meet our ambitious energy goals, re the need across our state for additional power plants, increase the amount of renew< energy like wind and solar that we bring onto the grid, and reduce emissions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 632-6822. Best, Matthew Park Sr. Government Relations Rep. 1918 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 bright house NE'iWORKS January 30, 2012 3101 North Siliect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Tel (661) 634-2260 Fax (661) 395-3378 ��. Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor Bakersfieid, CA 333�i Dear Mr. Tandy: Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President Bakersfield Division ���� �... �-. ? �T"' .:�'''7,? '� � .. . �� From time to time our agreements with cable channels and television stations come up for renewal. While we � loss or disruption of service, regulations require us to notify you of the possibility of losing programming therefore, that our agreements with BBC America, Cooking Channel, Country Music Television, Current TV, Action, Encore Drama, Encore Family, Encore Love, Encore Suspense, Encore Westerns, Gaspel Music Chan Country, MC (Music Choice), Movieplex, NHL Center Ice, Ovation, Playboy, Sprout, Starz, Starz Cinema, Starz Starz in Black, Starz Kids & Family, TruTV, TuTV Bandamax, TuN De Pelicula, TuTV De Pelicula Classico, Youtoo Z in effect on a month to month basis, but we may have to cease carriage in all formats if our authority to continu working diligently at this time to come to acceptable and fair terms with all of these channels. Bright House Networks utilizes a new digital video delivery technology knowvn as Switched Digital Video (SI bandwidth management system that makes it possible to offer more digital programming services than befoi channels. To be able to offer more new video services, Bright House networks will be moving some existing pro� the new SDV system as well as adding new services o n the SDV system. Effective on or after March 1, 2012, the following new services will be delivered on the SDV system: Disney channel 508, Disney Jr. HD (Variety Pack) on channel 1508, MAV HD (Sports Pass) on channel 1118, NESN (Spc 137, NESN HD (Sports Pass) on channel 1137, YESN (Sports Pass) on channel 138, and YESN HD (Sports Pass) on c Tl�ese serv;ces �vil! rot be availa�le on uni-directional retail devices as of the clate(s) noted above. If you want � services, you will need a digital set-top box or tuning adapter from Bright House Networks. Customers may cont directional retail device and CableCARD to receive video programming other than the programming delivered Customers who also use a digital set-top box or tuning adapter will be able to receive video programming c system. Effective on or after March 1, 2012: Cutting Edge TV On Demand will be relaunched on channel 304, Howard S move from channel 970 to 980, and Soapnet will be dropped and no longer be available on channel 221. e 3701 North Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Tel (661) 634-2260 Fax (661) 395-3378 bright house NETWORKS January 31, 2012 �r � Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. 7andy: Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President Bakersfield Division �' �.�: ����;,� 1a I am writing to advise you of upcoming adjustments to the Bright House Networks pricing schedule in 20: review services offered in 2011 and to tell you of upcoming new services. Bright House Networks will adjust pricing beginning March 1, 2012. Please keep in mind that a significant customers are in promotional packages and consequently are not impacted by these price adjustments. Tr who subscribe to the products affected and are not part of a promotional pricing plan or package are being changes. Pricing varies based on the combination of products and services each customer chooses. Our monthly rate for Limited Basic will adjust from $19.95 to $23.00. The charge for the Expanded Basic tiE from $38.05 to $38.00. These two combined charges make up our Standard service; hence the total moni adjust from $58.00 to $61.00. Similarly, there are changes to several of our digital services. The Digital Navigator will change from $2.0 Hispanic Tier will adjust from $6.00 to $8.00. The Sports Pass will change }rom $6.99 to $8.00. The Digital \ increase from $4.00 to $5.00 a month. Pricing for the Digital Movie Pass will change from $7.00 to $8.00. Additionally, those customers who take a High Definition DVR (Digital Video Recorder) will see an adjustme from $9.95 to $11.95. Our monthly charge for a Whole Home DVR (Digital Video Recorder) will adjust f $24.00. There are changes to our premium services and packages. Customers with one premium service (HBO) wi from $17.00 to $18.50. Customers with one premium service (Showtime, The Movie Channel or Starz) wil from $15.00 to $16.50. Customers with two premiums {with HBO) will adjust from $23.50 to $26.50. Custo premiums (without HBO) will adjust from $21.50 to $24.50, while those who take three services (with HE L__�_ ri�n r� �_ r��� rr� _ . � . � � . . . � . . ... . .'_ _. ... . _ , _ _ _ _ • _ . In 2011, Bright House Networks was very active in adding value to its programming packages. Over the las made technological advancements including Start OverT"" that allows customers to restart many shows later and 3D programming including 3D Movies on Demand. Plus, we've added new HD and sports cha Goal Line N, Buzzer Beater and ESPN 3D. Additionally, we launched Whole Home Video on Demanc Manager, and Easy Gadget that is an app for Home Phone customers to access and manage their homE from any computer, iPhone or iPad. These product and feature enhancer��ents, combined with our ongoin advanced customer service tools, ensure that our customers will continue to receive the best possible E Bright House Networks—now and in the future. Thank you for your continued support of Bright House Networks. If you have any questions, please con forward to working with you in 2012. Sincerely, r-� � `,� ` �-- � � Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Feb. 6, 2012 — Feb. 10, 2012 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the following areas: Resurfacing & Reconstructing streets in the area south of Planz Rd and west of Wible permitting) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing Curb & Gutters at Bus Stops in various areas Crack Sealing on Panorama between Manor & Haley (weather permitting) (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area ea� south of Palm St. Various concrete repairs in the area south of Wilson Rd and west of Hughes Ln Various concrete repairs north of University Ave and east of Wenatchee Ave THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Mondav, Feb. 6, 2012 Between Golden State & 16t" St. -- "F" St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Between 34t" St. & 30t" St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. — 34t"/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) — Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. — Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, Feb. 10, 2012 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. — Ming Avenue & Adidas.