HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/2012OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER � TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager A� SUBJECT: Generallnformation Miscellaneous News • According to the Associated General Contractors of America, Kern the highest rate of construction gains in the nation for the period bE 2011 and June 2012. Increasing from 14,200 to 17,500, the addit construction jobs was a 23� gain. The second highest metro area North Dakota, at 17�0. The local gain points to the increased activit administered road projects, which will continue to add more cons during the next few years and help boost our economic recovery production and alternate energy are out there and contribute, also. • In the continuing saga of State budget woes, now that they ha employees' pay by 5�o and threatened to cut numerous programs � approve tax increases, it seems they have found $1 13 million sitting fund related to a bottle recycling program. And this is on top of th they recently "found" within the State Parks Department! The enc from the Los Angeles Times contains a quote from the state's forr Director, who said that the "intricacies of California's finances make pinpoint every dollar." Unbelievable. It is no wonder that this sta chaos. • There has been a lot of press lately about the growing number of Ca that are filing for bankruptcy. According to the attached edi happening all over the country, and experts surmise that the caus from the Wall Street fiasco a few years ago. However, the writer deeply into the cause and effect of regulatory policies and financic ��.._.� ................_....� _._....�......_......�_ ......._� ..�__.� ...:��.. _... .... ...�_.:�.. �,.._._._ �� ._ . GenE identifying if those interested could provide the same level of ber provided under the City's current health plans, and if not, identify an� The RFI showed that those interested in potentially bidding on the � insurance would require benefit changes and provide service level� not be acceptable to the City and its employees. After reviewir compiled during the RFI process, the Personnel Committee concuri recommendation of the Insurance Committee and staff to not pi issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) and instead proceed with the renewal process for 2013 with Anthem. • We are continuously optimistic that the one-year extension of the ai contract will be on the Council's agenda on August 15th and t� Supervisors' agenda on August 215t. • The long awaited City Lofts apartments are now accepting ap� tenants. The lofts, located in the heart of the Arts Alive District constructed. The downtown location offers easy access to employrr dining, and entertainment. The applications can be obtaine< www.1612citylofts.com. The complex features a total of 9 un appointment can be made to see them by texting 319-9254. Rentals restricted, based on annual income limits not to exceed the followinc $48,650; 2 persons -$55,600; and 3 persons -$62,550. • Tennis Court resurfacing was successfully completed at Centenni� Campus Park South. It continues for the next two months at Haggin Creek, Siemon and Jastro Parks. High Speed Rail News � As you are aware, the High Speed Rail Authority recently submitte Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS for public review. A copy of this � available for viewing at Beale Library, and it is also availabl� www.cahiqhspeedrail.ca.aov and www.fra.dot.qov. An informational workshop will be held on Monday, August 13th frorr Rosedale Middle School, Multi-Purpose Room, located at 124E Highway. Later, on Monday, August 27th, a public hearing will be h Library from 3-8 p.m. GenE TRIP News x The contractor for the Westside Parkway project will begin excc moving dirt from the project alignment west of Renfro Road to construction site on Allen Road on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. This work will require the contractor to stop all traffic intermittentl Road, between Stockdale Highway and Johnson Road, for up to five time. Flaggers will be controlling traffic between the hours of 8 a.m. and the operation is expected to continue for the next five weeks. route will be along the Westside Parkway alignment, and will not � operations on other area roadways. For additional information on the Mohawk Street Project and the oth the Westside Parkway, please visit the website at www.BakersfieldFreE Event Information ✓ National Night Out August 7th at 6 p.m. Mill Creek No Charge ✓ Movie in the Park - The Smurfs August 1 Oth at 8 p.m. The Park at Riverwalk - Bright House Networks Amphitheater No Charge Note: This is the last movie of the season. Looking Ahead .............. Ribbon Cutting of the Sister City Gardens, Phase I August 22nd at 10 a.m. Mill Creek Linear Park - South side of 18th Street, east of Mexicali Resta Phase 1 will showcase the partnerships with Japan, China, and Korea Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: ➢ The Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 6, 2012; c �. _ .....�-.�. - �. _ , ..�., . � ��� �� .�S:�nrt-t �t�. ;�« ;����'�� Convention and Visitors Bureau 515 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 www.VisitBakersfield.com Davld Lyman Manager (661) 852-7234 dlyman@VisitBakersfield.com IKern No. 1 in Construction Job �Gains Auqust 1, 2012 Kern County had the highest rate of construction gains nationwidE analysis of federal err�ployment data released yesterday. The Associated General Contractors of America found that betwee June 2012, Kern added 3,300 construction jobs, a 23% gain. That i greater than the second highest metro — Fargo, North Dakota — at INationwide, construction employment declined in 162 out of 337 i areas, increased in 127 and stayed stagnant in 48. The ten highest ranking metros are listedl below; the Bakersfield-D includes all of Kern County. Construction Employment by Metropolitan Area or D 2011-June 2012 (not seasonally adjusted) Area Industry June lune 12-mon. 12-mon. 11 1� %change gain/los� Bakersfield- Cansiruttion 14,2i�tl 17,5U0 23% 3,30(3 �3�Iano, CA Fargo, ND-MN Const, mining, logging Knoxville, TN Const, mining, logging Washington, Const, mining, DC logging EI Centro, CA Const, mining, logging Haverhill- Const, mining, North logging Andover- Amesbury, MA-NH NECTA Div. San Jose- Construction Sunnyvale- Santa Clara, CA Baton Rouge, Construction LA Boise City- Const, mining, Nampa, ID logging Lafayette, LA Construction 7,200 8,400 17% 16,700 19,400 16% 12,000 13,900 16% 1, 300 1, 500 15 % 3,900 4,500 15% 31,300 36,000 15% 37,700 42,900 14% 13, 300 15, 200 14 % 6,500 7,400 14% 1,200 2, 700 1,900 200 600 4, 700 S, 200 1, 900 900 Source: Associated General Contractors of America For more information: http�//www a�c or�/cs/news media/press room/press release?pressrelE �'" ����.�;� Bake�'sfield V4�el�omes . . . �-�'�`�' �� �' �....�.- Adventist Health, the parent of Bakersfie/d's San loc , - .. . � _ _ .�_ -.n.�v i�i__�__� n_..:..._...1 ne.....1...�:...... Millions of dollars may lie dormant in California's special funds - latimes.com latimes.com/news/local/la-me-state-funds-20120731,0,3266390. story latimes.com Millions of dollars may lie dormant in California's special fu� As the governor and lawmakers make ever-deeper cuts, accounting discrepancies sums, such as $113 million in a recycling program, may be untapped. By Chris Megerian and Paige St. John, Los Angeles Times July 31, 2012 SACRAMENTO — California may have had hundreds of millions of dollars more on hand than 1 governor and lawmakers knew about as they struggled to close the budget deficit this year, a Tim� analysis shows. Officials are scrambling to explain discrepancies in about two dozen state funds identified in a co sheets from the controller's office and the administration of Gov. Jerry Brown. One case involved $113 million sitting unnoticed in a bottle recycling program. The money could off cuts in welfare, healthcare or parks, but lawmakers were told the program was broke and dipp to keep it afloat. MORE: Unreported money In some instances, state officials said, there was an appearance of extra cash due to differences in methods between the Brown administration, which plans the budget, and the controller's office, w California's cash, essentially functioning as its banker. The accounting irregularities highlight the tenuous grasp California's government has on its finan� of lingering budget crises. Officials have reshuffled policy priorities in their efforts to balance the deeply into state services, and Brown is pushing voters for tax hikes, saying that otherwise the go its bills and public schools wi11 suffer. "When a state's revenues have been hammered as hard as California's have during the last few ye� expectation would be that state officials are finding every last dollar before going after services w said Nicholas Johnson, vice president for state and fiscal policy for the Center on Budget and Pol� Washington think tank. Administration officials concede they don't routinely compare the two sets of ledgers for the morf funds. They said they would soon release their own review of the accounts, which are separate frc fund and are often created to pav for specific pro�rams. The monev comes from user fees and fro: Millions of dollars may lie dormant in California's special funds - latimes.com "It is more complicated than anybody's personal checkbook," he said. Spending from special funds is expected to hit $39.4 billion in the current fiscal year, almost 28% $142.4 billion budget. The accounts are critical to California's finances: Lawmakers routinely bor help pay the bills. California's recycling program has been in financial turmoil for years, its bottom line changing ra new set of eyes looks at its books. CalRecycle reported a$180-million surplus in 2007; two years later, lawmakers extracted a$100� to bail out the ailing general fund. Weeks after that, the agency said it was broke, and officials ag� loan and others, while cutting spending on social services. In December, officials at the recycling program reported to the controller that it had about $113 r� what it reported to lawmakers. In March, the agency revised its bottom line again, saying it had $: than previously thought. "If I were Gov. Brown's finance director, Pd be outraged," said Mark Murray, director of Californ which advocates for recycling. Administration officials declined to comment. One of the widest gaps is in the Mental Health Services Fund. The Department of Finance said th million in June 2011, while the controller's office pegged the balance at almost $1.4 billion. Department of Finance spokesman H.D. Palmer offered an explanation. When counting the conte said, administration officials deducted money they knew would be spent later in the year, and the did not subtract it. Jacob Roper, a spokesman for the controller's office, said officials there deducted all of the pendi� had been told about. There are other signs that the state's accountants aren't paying careful attention to all the funds. T� American Veterans Memorial Beautification and Enhancement Fund was supposed to be abolishe remaining money transferred to the general fund. Nine years later, the fund still contained $21,00� ch�is.me e� �ian(a�latimes.co�n paige.st �o� hn(a�latimes. com Times staff w�iter Ch�istine Mai-Duc contributed to this �epo�t. Copyright �O 2012, Los Angeles Times Municipal bankruptcy: The lessons of California - latimes.com latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-ferguson-california-bankruptcy-crisis-20120731,0, , latimes.com Op-Ed Municipal bankruptcy: The lessons of California Its various governments are systemically set up to be financial disasters. But ther By Thomas Ferguson and Robert A. Johnson July 31, 2012 In California, the names of the latest victims are well known. San Bernardino, Stockton and Mam Lakes all filed for bankruptcy within the last few weeks. And Vallejo emerged from Chapter 9 pr� just last year. The questions appear to be "Why all in California?" and "Who will be next?" Although California's problems are extreme, the state is hardly alone in financial difficulties. Tov� Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode l trouble meeting their financial obligations. If these conditions continue to spread, the United Statf crippling debt crisis at the state and local levels, which is where Americans receive much of what quality of life. This was a central point in a report released July 17 by the State Budget Crisis Task Force headed Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch. PHOTOS: California cities in bankruptcy Simply put, in the aftermath of the financial crisis emanating from Wall Street, the federal financi over into state budgets in profound ways, adding enormous costs to already overburdened state cc in conjunction with broader national crises in finance and healthcare, is overwhelming state and fi California has added challenges that make the problem even trickier. It must maintain massive ed infrastructure and prison programs with limited ability to raise money. The prison expenditures at onerous. The state prison population is more than 160,000, and Sacramento spends roughly $50,0 each inmate. Not surprisingly, California has the costliest prison system in the country. Despite the protests of powerful interest groups in the corrections business, California cannot affc crowd out other essential services to pay that group so handsomely. The state government must a� the prison interests' lucrative campaign contributions to legislators — and outsize influence — an back into line. Municipal bankruptcy: The lessons of California - latimes.com and bankruptcies. California is a prosperous state. It is the political constraints that are crippling i� But other states, like New York and Illinois, should pay attention. If they don't take action, the ex will ultimately become a reality in those states too. So what can be done? We can start by asking why the Federal Reserve cannot refinance municipa essential services at interest rates comparable to what it gave to rescue the insolvent banks that cr� it is high time officials moved boldly to force the banks to break off the chain of disastrous swap � cost local authorities and states so much money. Another key point to keep in mind is the importance of strong regulatory policies. In a world in w institutions can receive zero-interest loans from the Federal Reserve and then lend out the capital interest rates, the opportunities for financial mischief are plentiful. For years, bankers have used municipal bonds from California and elsewhere as playthings. Wall consistently helped elected officials mask budgetary problems with complex derivatives that crea� cash flow today by selling years of future revenue. The only purpose for these securities is to decE create fees for the financial firms. Financial chicanery in these realms is demoralizing, harmful, expensive and dangerous. Californi� type of treachery �rsthand in the 1990s when Orange County declared bankruptcy after being sol� securities by Merrill Lynch. That's why it's important to listen to the Vocker-Ravitch task force's � budgetary systems in the states to make them accountable and transparent and expose financial sc widespread use. The people of California have a right to know how their fiscal accounts are mana Thomas Fer�guson is a p�ofesso� of political science at the Unive�sity of Massachusetts, Boston; � executive directo� of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Both a�e senio� fellows at the Roo, Copyright �O 2012, Los Angeles Times Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of August 6, 2012 — August 10, 2012 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the following areas: Reconstructing Ride St south of McNair Ln (CDBG funded area) ResurFacing streets in the area south of Palm St and east of Ole Sealing streets in the area between "H" St & Union Ave south of Pacheco Rd Resurfacing streets with oilsand in the area between Niles & Flower east of Miller St Grinding streets in the area south of 34t" St between Chester Ave & Union Ave in pre� resurfacing Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area so Ave to 8t" St from "M" St to "N" St Storm line installed on "A" St between 17t" St & Truxtun Ave. Storm line connection at Henry Ln & Rosedale Concrete repairs in the area Manley Ct & Angela Way preparation for street reconstru Concrete work on Persimmons Dr North of White Ln and east of Pin Oak Park Concrete work on 18t" St between Pine St &"A" St THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Auqust 6, 2012 Between Golden State & 16t" St. -- "F" St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Between 34t" St. & 30t" St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. — 34t"/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) — Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesday, Auqust 7, 2012 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. — Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesday, Auqust 8, 2012 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. — Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. — Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursday, Auqust 9, 2012 Between Carr St. & California Ave. — Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. — California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. — Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. — No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Mountain Ridge Dr. & Ashe Rd. — Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, Auqust 10, 2012 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. — Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. — Ming Avenue & Adidas. 3701 North Sillect Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Tel (661) 634-2260 Fax (661) 395-3378 bright house NETWORKS July 31, 2012 1 . �.: Mr. Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield City Manager 15�0 Truxtun Aver�e, 5th Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Joseph R. Schoenstein Division President Bakersfield Division From time to time our agreements with cable channels and television stations come up for renewal. \ not anticipate any loss or disruption of service, regulations require us to notify you of the possibil programming. Please be advised, therefore, that our agreements with BBC America, Cooking Channel, DIY, Encore, Encore Action, Encore Drama, Encore Family, Encore Love, Encore Suspense, Encore We� Network, GoIN, Game Show Network (GSN), Great American Country, MC (Music Choice), Movieplex, Ice, Ovation, Playboy, Sprout, Starz, Starz Cinema, Starz Comedy, Starz Edge, Starz in Black, Starz Kic TuTV Bandamax, TuN De Pelicula, TuN De Pelicula Classico, and Youtoo N remain in effect on a mon basis, but we may have ta cease carriage in all formats if our authority to continue is withheld. Additionally, our agreement with Fox News expires on July 31, 2012, and we may have to cease ca formats if our authority to continue is withheld. We are working diligently at this time to come to acc fair terms with all of these channels. Bright House Networks is continuing its commitment to bring new technology and advanced digital ser community. To that end, we have implemented a new digital video delivery technology known as Swit Video (SDV). SDV is a robust bandwidth-management system that makes it possible to offer more c programming services including new HD channels. In order to offer more new video services, Bright House Networks will be adding new programming system. Beginning on or after July 31, 2012, the following new services were delivered on the SDV system: Aspire TV (Digital Variety) Channel 230 Beginning on or after August 15, 2012, the following new services were delivered on the SDV system: Pac 12 Los Angeles (Digital Variety) Channel 114 Pac 12 Los An�eles HD (Di�ital Varietvl Channel 1114 Pac 12 Washington HD Pac 12 Mountain Pac 12 Mountain HD (Sports Pass) Channel 1144 (Sports Pass) Channel 145 (Sports Pass) Channel 1145 When delivered on the SDV system, the above channels will become bi-directional (or two-way) servi continue to be available to all Bright House Networks customers who subscribe to our digital services digital set-top box or tuning adapter capable of supporting two-way services. To make room for new channels, ESPN Sports Pack will move from channels 140-145 to 170-175. For more information on Bright House Networks programming, please call 1-661-323-4892 or visit ou bri6hihouse.com. Sinc�rely, _ << �ti-�L. �--�_ ;� : Joseph R Schoenstein Division President