HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/2012OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Au� TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ,,,�� SUBJECT: Generallnformation Miscellaneous News • The State of California continues to pose a significant threat to City fii State Department of Finance, which is acting as the Governor's stron dissolution of redevelopment, has come out with newly developE guidelines which are designed to further restrict the cash flow agencies to pay its bills. Staff continues to work diligently to mE reporting requirements, which seem to change daily with communication from the State. The threat to former RDA debt ser� and project completion is very real. We are doing our best to comn true needs to the State, but we expect an uphill battle to obtc needed to pay our bills in a timely manner. • We continue to receive updates from PG&E regarding its ongoing c the Kern Power Plant. The latest timeline information passed along th follows: o Concrete Power Plant building - Sept - November 2012 o Implode Boilers (large steel structures)- January 13 2012 o Site cleared of structures - Spring 2013 o Subsurface assessment for environmental remediatic Spring/Summer 2013 • Due to the forecasted excessive heat, spray parks will open an starting today with the hours of operation being 1 1 a.m. to 7 p.m. at c operated spray parks until the heat wave subsides. Locations includE Jastro, Beale, Saunders, Jefferson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Planz and W� GenE continue through August 19th then open swim hours will be on we through September 3rd, High Speed Rail News ❖ City staff continues to analyze the revised draft environment report fc to Bakersfield section of the high speed rail project. The revisec introduces a`hybrid' alignment which would bisect much of the City different than the two original options presented in the previous do� majority of the impacts to City facilities, schools, residences an� remain and mitigation measures continue to be vague. A more detai the revised document is enclosed. TRIP News � The contractor for the Westside Parkway project started excavating dirt from the project alignment west of Renfro Road to the bridge site on Allen Road on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. This work requires the contractor to stop all traffic intermittently on � between Stockdale Highway and Johnson Road, for up to five minut Starting on today thru August 19, 2012, flaggers will be controlling trai the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. On August 20, 2012, when local back in session, flaggers will be controlling traffic between the hours c 4 p.m. The operation is expected to continue for the next five weeks. The dirt haul route will be along the Westside Parkway alignment affect traffic operations on other area roadways. Event Information ✓ Movies in the Park: "The Smurfs" August l Oth at dusk Bright House Networks Amphitheater at the Park at River Walk Free, picnic baskets permitted Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: B A K E R S F I E L D Davelopment Services Department - Planning Division M E M O R A N D U M August 9, 2012 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JIM EGGERT, PLANNING DIRECT , i� SUBJECT: INITIAL COMMENTS ON THE RDEIi�-/€+�RESNO-BAKERSFIELD HIGH SPEED On July 20, 2012 the California High Speed Rail Authority (Authority) released the Revisf Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (� the Fresno-Bakersfield High Speed Rail segment. The public comment period is for a 6 period, which ends September 20, 2012. The original document consisted of multiple volumes with over 3,300 pages that incluc approximately 2,100 pages of text, and nearly 1,200 maps and drawings. The REIR ha: include an additional 900 pages of text, and over 300 pages of maps and drawings. mainly the result of adding analysis for a new "Hybrid" alignment and station in Bakersf additional alignments and station locations west of Hanford. The addition of these new alignments creates up to 72 possible combinations of alterr between Fresno and Bakersfield that could be selected by the Authority; through Met Bakersfield, there are only three actual alignments and all are fairly close together, O clarifications and updates have also been made throughout the document. Althoug report is still not public-friendly: the text revisions are shown shaded in gray to make it E see what has changed. We brought back our original team of staff members from Planning, Public Works, TR1F and Property Management to review the various components of the document and � compare its changes to our initial comments. Additionally, we hired WZI to review thE comments and make changes based on the new information made to the air quality sections of the RDEIR. All of the impacted City facilities that we noted in our earlier response to the Authority The ,c�rivate properties that we noted previously also continue to be impacted such as Employees Credit Union, Bakersfield Commons, Bakersfield High School, and Mercy Hc The new hybrid aiignment adds new businesses and residents that will be impacted, in the Bakersfield Homeless Center on East Truxtun. Additionally, the concerns by the private schools and churches remain as well as busir East California Avenue. One major change to the RDEIR is that it includes maps and c of the rail alignments beyond Union Avenue into East Bakersfield to Oswell Street, whic point where all of the alternatives converge back to a single alignment. This provides residents and business with more information as to the direct impacts their properties. that inclusion to the previous comments made by City staff and others locally that wei critical of this area originally being excluded. However, it would have been better to f extended the rail alignment (and analysis) further east to include the entire urbanized Attached are maps showing the three proposed alignments through the City, includin and aerial showing the corresponding station locations. There has been no change tc alignments previously identified in the initial DEIR, which are the BSNF Alternative and tl Bakersfield South Alternative. They continue along their original proposed alignments c elevated through the downtown area. Coming from the north, the new Bakersfield Hybrid Alternative (also to be elevated) is following Bakersfield South Alternative. It then splits off in a southerly direction near ME Hospital crossing the BNSF Alternative, then curves north re-crossing the BSNF Alternati� crossing the Bakersfield South Alternative continuing east along the southerly side of tr BNSF rail line, This alternative will reduce the speed of the train due to additional curvE estimates in the RDEIR state this alternative would add about a minute to the travel tirr between San Francisco and Los Angeles. This alignment avoids buildings on the Bake High School campus, but would cause the relocation of the Bakersfield Homeless . The following tables show the number of homes and business affected by each by alt and station location: Rail Alignment Alternative BNSF South Hvbrid Homes Displaced 265 272 186 Residents Relocated 811 833 569 Businesses Displaced 302 135 280 Employee Relocatec 1521 1040 1398 Station Alternative I Businesses Displaced I Employees Relocatec BNSF c�� �t � A 229 174 OTHER ISSUES: Fundin On July 18, 2012 Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill (SB 1029) to fund construction of th� section of the high-speed line plus additional commitments. The bill signing followed tl Senate's approval (by a single vote) earlier in the month of nearly $8 billion in state an� money to build the initial section of the line in the Central Valley and to make a series transportation infrastructure improvements in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay c According to Authority's website, the total infrastructure commitment now involves: • S6 billion f�r construction of the first section of the high-speed line in the Central ($2.7B of state HSR bonds and $3,3B of federal funds); •$1 billion in Northern California transit projects including: o SFMUNI - Central Subway o Caltrain - Electrification o BART - Millbrae Station Track Improvement & Car Purchase o Caltrans (Amtrak) - Capitol Corridor, Oakland to San Jose Track ImprovE o Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board - Caltrain Advanced Signal Syster o Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority - Caltrain Advanced Signal ; (When included with federal and other funds, SB 1029 helps bring 53.6 billion of economic investment into Northern California) •$700 million in Southern California transit projects including: o LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority - Regional connector tr corridor improvements o Soufihern Ca�ifornia Memorandum of Understanding - improve local net� facilitate high-speed rail travel to the greater LA area, o Soufihern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) - New or improved locomotives/cars o San Diego MTS - Blue Line Light Rail o North Couniy Transit District (NCTD) - Positive train control (When included with federal and other funds, SB ]029 helps bring 52.8 billion of economic ir,vestment into Southern California) As noted in the last two bullet points, funding is for upgrades to conventional transit ar commuter services. Although the Authority states these improvements are necessary 1 system's "bookends" and are part of the high speed rail system, there has been much � that these projects are unrelated to the high-speed rail initiative approved by the votE Proposition 1 A. • A major lawsuit asserting that the project as proposed and approved by the Le� does not comply with various provisions of Proposition 1 A. (John Tos, Aaron Fuk� County of Kings v, California High Speed Rail Authority). • A lawsuit fi(ed by the Madera County, Chowchilla Water District, the Madera ar Merced County Farm Bureaus, the agricultural organization Preserve Our Herita the Fagundes Dairy asking for a preliminary injunction to block rail construction Merced and Fresno and reverse the Authority's approval of that segment's EIR. • Several lawsuits challenging the Program level EIR for the Bay-Area-to-Central-� section of the sTatewide project. A victory by the challengers of the Program EII invalidate any project level EIRs in the Central Valley. • Potential environmental lawsuits charging the HSR project with violations of the environmental law (CE�A) and the Endangered Species Act. • The possibility of a legal challenge that Proposition 1 A money is being used "unl for non-HSR projects in the "bookend" areas. �� L.L � V J Q _ � �� � � �-- J � ^ V J — vJ w � � � � Z � Q W � �'�"� G � w z � � � Q � — � � Q = - � V � W = � w w � � � � � Q O w ~ � � � 0 Q � � � -� 2fa { .�;, , i � '_� 1S �Ml1E b! aa � oa�rv3a �- JIM� N 66 f , ^� � \� _ � � 5& .... 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Q '1� . � � r;, m ` " �� � �; � �`� ; � x �� , : � , � � ) � ;:�",E' Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of August 13, 2012 — August 17, 2012 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Reconstructing McNair Ln east of Gosford and Cernan Way south of White Ln (CDBG funded area) ResurFacing streets in the area south of Palm St and east of Ole Sealing streets in the area between "H" St & Union Ave south of Panama Ln Resurfacing streets with oilsand in the area between Niles & Flower east of Miller St ( Grinding streets in the area south of 34t" St between Chester Ave & Union Ave in pre� resurFacing ResurFacing 18t" St between Pine and "A" St, "A" St between 18t" St & Truxtun Ave Resurfacing Persimmons Dr. east of Pin Oak Park north of White Ln (top lift) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes (CDBG funded area) Installing & Repairing curb, gutter & sidewalks in the area so Ave to 8t" St from "M" St to "N" St Storm line connection at Henry Ln & Rosedale Concrete repairs in the area Manley Ct & Angela Way preparation for street reconstru Starting street improvements on Bedford Green between 184 & 178 THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Auqust 13, 2012 Between So. "H" St. & Union Avenue — Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) — Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesday, Auqust 14, 2012 Between 99 Hwy. & So. "H" St. — Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. "H" St. Wednesday, Auqust 15, 2012 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, Auqust 16, 2012 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between EI Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Fridav, Auqust 17, 2012 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. — Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. & White Ln. — Old River Rd., east to the PG&E eas Between White Ln. & Asperata Dr. — Gosford Rd„ west to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Cederwood Dr. — Stine Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) I���,. � , .,�`�''��, ' � �: BAKERSFIELD POLICE � � .H � � MEMORANDUM , ���V(1.�._ .. 1'�� A Date: To: From: Subject: August 6, 2012 Alan Tandy, City Manager Gre Williamson, Chief of Police � 9 Directed Policing Unit/Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Directed Policing Unit's monthly gang statistics report for July. Please call if you have any questions. GSW/vrf 59 33 22 40 405 10 266 .r;� - 1.'� �'-��3'.i.. � �� ��.� ..�, _'��► � � BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DPU - GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT JULY 2012 DPU - Gang Unit Monthly Stats for July 2012 Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Arrests Felony Warrant Arrests Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests Hours !n Training Guns Seized FI's 16 Citations 737 Probation and Parole Searches 96 Hrs. Assisting Other De artment Sections 84 Supplemental Re orts 78 General �ffense Re orts 13 Vehicle Reports 202 � Patrol Call Response 0 I Search 1 .. 2 36 156 4 2 3 8 Year to Date DPU - Gang Unit Statistics January - July 2012 437 Felony Arrests 79 Citations 179 Misdemeanor Arrests 3141 Probation and Parole Searches 109 Felony Warrant � 778 Hrs. Assisting Other Arrests De artment Sections Misdemeanor Supplemental 22 � Warrant Arrests 376 Re orts 1417 Hours In Training 425 General Offense Re orts 1�:� C�i �ns �P17PCi .Si VE?hi�IP RPr�nrtt Co�rt Pr� Commu Contaci Project l Worked Hours As Investi c 2012 Shc 2011Shc 2010 Shc 2009 Shc 12 I Search � 748 Court Pr 8 � Commu Contac� � 81 Project l Worked � � 14 Hours A� Investi < 35 2012 Shc s'.;.• - `f��r.�; � . � ..�.. � ".t,'f� �'�� `�.y � ss so 72 64 4�� 48 40 32 24 16 8 0 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DPU — GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 2012 July 2011-2012 COMPARISON Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Guns Seized Search Arrests Warrants -- - - � -- - - - - - - - - -- -- �sm � 675 � 6�� � � 525 � 450 � 375 � 300 � 225 � I I 15� , � � 2011 0 2012 .:'e_ � �; .. � � ..�: ,s, �,,,,�, ` . ���,;y�1� : �- x'�L�.J. �',��' r y►,, -��� � . � �•`t�. 1100 100� 90� 80� 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DPU - GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 2012 2010-2012 YEAR TO DATE COMPARISON 3500 - 3000 � 2500 a � 2000 , � 1500 1 1000 ` � 500 � k. .. � �' � Arrests Guns Seized Search Warrant ■ 2010 0 2011 ❑ 2012 � � L �,� �7 ,.; � � �'}` � U. `; ��;' - 1., . ,� . f �i, 40 � 32 28 24 20 i[� 12 E:3 4 0 ���•�t�'�� ,� �.; : , ��f` -+,►;'•, �.. . r `,� BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DPU - GANG UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 2012 YEAR TO DATE GANG VIOLENCE INDEX 2010-2012 2010 2011 2012 o SHOOTINGS o HOMICIDES* H Z W G H � Q W � W V � � � � W LL N W � Q m E-- � � Q � � � � N � O N � � � � O � W � J _ !-�� Z � � i-r � � Z � W H Q � � H � Q W � ... 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