HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/2012OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Au� TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager ,/�� SUBJECT: Generallnformation Miscellaneous News • The Kern Green Foundation held its inaugural awards banquet last w City was well represented! The Public Works Department was nominc of the 11 award categories - and was selected as the winner ir Efficiency and Conservation Category! The award recognized the Division for production of tertiary treated water for reuse and cor Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Additionally, Mayor Hall receivE Volunteer Award recognizing him for his ongoing involvement ir American Cleanup, public awareness about litter removal and b� and coordinating such events as the Mayor's Freeway Cleanup. enclosed. • I will be on vacation August 31 St - September 7th. Rhonda Smiley will k in my absence. As always, my office will have my contact informatior High Speed Rail News � The High-Speed Rail Authority has extended the deadline to Octobei public to review and comment on the revised draft environmental r� Fresno-to-Bakersfield section of the proposed train line. The orig window was to expire on September 20th. In light of this news, workshop will likely be moved to the October 17th Council agenda. TRIP News � Construction is moving forward on Phase 6B of the Westside P� enclosed pictures were taken recently - showing the construction Road Bridge, as well as dirt hauling from further west on the alignmer GenE set to end at 2 p.m. each day. All traffic will be stopped intermitten� Road for up to five minutes at a time. The construction is expected to the next three weeks. � Motorists are advised to anticipate intermittent traffic stops c reductions on Allen Road, between Stockdale Highway and Verr starting Monday, August 27, 2012. The contractor will be working in area, south of the new bridge site, on Monday. Motorists should anti< stops of up to five minutes. The contractor will work at night to roadway Monday night between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. Flaggers controlling traffic during this operation. Work is expected to be compl the morning commute hours. � Beginning Tuesday, August 28, 2012, northbound traffic on Allen � reduced to one lane between Stockdale Highway and Vern Southbound traffic will be reduced to one lane between Vermillio Rosarita Avenue. The new traffic configuration is expected to last tw� months. Council Referrals ■ Councilmember Hanson: o Accepting Credit Card Payments by Phone ■ Councilmember Sullivan: o Resurfacing: Ming, Wible To Stine Event Information ✓ Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus August 30th - Sept 2nd; Show time's vary by date Rabobank Arena Tickets: $10-$70 (ranqe varies by date/show time� Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: ➢ The Streets Division work schedule for the week of August 27, 2012; Kern Green Foundation Awards Banquet �.�-'� „�. ,� � \ � �+ � ���� . ��_ ,5 � ���r � u...�� 1,�� `� h� ;' � < : � � ,� �I' �, � � � ��, , � � � � �` "������ i� f I� � .� � � � ,t l � , i ' � � � �� ���� �y`j� � ' i �r � �' - � . � `'1 � � . �, _ 't � � a �� � r-'r �. , Westside Parkway Construction Pictures (Phase 66) ���I � ,..: -� �p���hi,� � � �,I'�'7 ' � . . `�_ . '� � .� �i._s��_� � . . , �� � �: .��� _- ek;i �;�� , ��F n �^ � �� i�%" --- �� � . ti``"�_ a�_�� ,� , �za - . �-• � ="'- _ 3 ' - ' - - _ � :,,,,, - ° � �� _ � �.:- ,�. - �`'� � : � . . .�:;� �� :� . , � ' � t � �. � � • fi,, � �� �• �� '� ,` � .��, i,>�' �.'°�1r`�`.. � '_ �s/' � �_ .�y� � �-�,. a . 4 .. � �. ��! .s�,F A �ffi � _ � .'Y ° .v R lr,� y � t' :v''�'� a '�. (�_� ...Ir Y i� � ~y4� :`� ?-„�- .c � �'`~�. s _ ��r, � �<: 3�;, � `.�*, �t. , h° '� Ii h.�,' �`' a , t3. - � ' � v . . _ � - � .''�;S c � � �r �if � `� , ,r . � r �s �# ." _ ' � l � 4 -� � � .: 1� � t. � ��y . , � • � . �� .Z.r�t��._ JSnV^.e...u`t�:�-u��a4J�z�i.�� �'+�h�1:�1�r����. � �rw� }�'ZLr�. � - � '�='-'f- _ - - - - < °�� ,,�`� r�-=-..����� =-°°�°_;�='��-� � ..r`�"..a��`�_ - _� - �� �� _ y e �r #�" +��s ' -! _-. . � .. "` 0 �� � :ae- � j . � .. � ; ,., ., _ . . -- .. - • �+G�-i - - _ -, _' _� ' _ _ .Yr-~ � ��r _,.. "_ 'n _= j—".���� �- — . � _� �; .,�?'�'1;� �� n�y �yie"�� ��`— / _ � 1 �` � __�- - ' - _""l. r _r� � _ - _ - - - _�' . �-�.: =t -�-�'°- _ -- ,-,.��-- -``` � � �"�-��-- �`- _ _ � .. � '' � �� -�-��'�+�s�•� .` � �'�",,,�rr.�• �:.r �' ,9% � i - � • �� �+..�1/ ..'{�;�w,�. �: ' � � � � I'7'_ . - ����_ �� _ f _. ;�- -� �- !-� _� � � J� - . , . �� ��. . y _ . - � '��,�; ���`����� `_ _'�-� :�� � " : - • :.�- ,�. , _ - - _ _ _. �l'! � _ .,�J11��,,, ���; �i'c�: E� ROM : DATE: SUBJ�C'1': MEMORANDUM � IUNUIZA�3LE MAYUR nND CITY C'(_)UNCIL ClIEIZYL �'L;I-ZkINS, CITY TRCASURCR �,^�� AUC',UST 22, 2012 GOt1NC1L R�FERR�11, #334 �CCEP'I'ING C'REDIT CARU PnYM�;NT.' �3Y P1 �UNE The issiic of acceptii��; credit car�i rayments ov�r lhe phuiie raise5 several areas ul' c� that are outlined below. Sccurity lil A�reemcnt F00-4 with [iA Merchant Srrvices it statcs tl�at: "Merchant may not suhmit mail-order or tclephone-order charges w�ithout a physical card unless inelicated on th� application. If permitted to process anc submit mail-��rder and tele�hone-order charges, mcrchant will accept the risl� that mcrchan� will sustain a lcvel �1� luss from chargcbacks which is higher than chargeback-rclated losscs from chac-ges compictcd with a card". W� hav� nevcr incurrecl a l�ss trom a transacti�n that was complc;ted with a card. V� had some losses from transactions that were coinpleted withuut a card. r.ach vcar the City must go throu�h a security chcck which is required by all oC th�� c companies for conlurmance with the I'C'I (Payment Card I�idustry) Security Standar� Cc�uncil. Ii�thc C'ity werc ever fuund to bc ne�n-complianl ihe penalties c�uld be �jui�� PCISecurity dctermines what d�cumentation is requircd to bc kept (for at least 18 m and what intormation ca�lnot bc ke�t for tcicphoi�e char�;es. If a credit carc� is swipe c�unter the information is stured within the credit card terininal and cannot be viewc slail�. t_inf�rtuilatel�� we must �btain buth the reyuircd tc� be "kcpt" ancl rec�uircci "nc kept" information t� process a payment taken over the telephone. "1'herefore we mu� dc�wn cci•tain informati�n scparately Irc�m uth�r infor�nati�n and destmy it once we l �uthoriz,ation. The information that musi be kept contains the actual card number, c, a��� cxpiratiun date. Jusi this informati�n alo«e is highly contidential and can �n�t th risk for fraud. According io the PCI Security Rcyuircments: "C'ardhulcler data is susc;eptiblc tc� unaut}�orited viewing, copyinb, or scannin Costs to improve our current system. I"I' obtained a cost to implement the on-line payment service Ior miscellaneous rece; with our current system ( I I'I'E}. The cost was $14,246.00 v��ith an annual maintenar $2.375.00. Transaction Costs I have c�iclosed thc most recent list of updates madc by both Visa and MasterCard. the `'best-practices to lower overall costs by reducin� transactions for which your sL rate applies. C'ard not present does incur those surcharges. It sp�citically lists two i�� reduce cost, '`Swiping the card through a card reader'" which you have to have the c, "limiting card not prescnt transactions". ti also mentions fees that are goinb to be c� the C'ity overall that are efiected by "card not present" transactions. It states that th: is accessed at a"singic taxpayer identi(ication number level". I cannot give you tk cost increase from "card not present" transactions because the fec structure is based the dil'fcrent types of cards that are out therc. For example business, business elite, card level 2, personal.... B�th card present and card not present incur thc nurmal pc charge but the card not present incurs an additional 2.0 1 to 3.16% per sales dollar fc 2.03 to 2.64% per sales dollar for MasterCard. Rccurring C'harges In A�rcemeni FUO-4 ���ith BA Merchant Scrviccs it states that: "Merchant may complete a Recurring Charge...but not by mail-order or telephone transacti�ns..." There are numerous reyuirements that must be met and the first �ne is that the customer must come in in person and sign documents. They are required to come in person to rcnew. "I'hc;r� are also restrictions on amounts and duration. t coniacted our credit card processor, F3ank of America, and they do not have anythi will allow a reoccurring charge to someone's crcdit card on a monthl}� basis. They : that our retiree contact thcir credit card c�mpany and see ii� ihey can do it. Staff Recommendation We would ]ike to ol�icr an automated payment option to our miscellaneous receivabl customers. Howevc:r, �iven the low level of interest in this service and the general c nature oi�this billing pro�ram, ��c do not belicve the capital cxpcnsc is warranted at Stati�does not recommcnd accepting credit card inCormation over the phone due to t and sccurity issues outli»ed above. Bankof Am� Merchant Servi July 10, 2012 �Il�l��l�l����l�l��l�lll��l���������������l��l�l�l�ll�ll�������1� **�**�::r.***:�:�.�:*��r.���.'1l f'I�n**'MI�I:I) AA1X� 27U TSY S?�l I 3 1.5 T I d P I ciU�>t1Q�161 c�rrv �t� HnK�izst�tt:t.0 i��sc'HhS1'f:hAVt: BAk�RSF�INLU C'A 933()1-5210 Merchant Number: 1922010636 IMPORTANT NOTICE OF CHANGE IN TF,RMS AMENDiNG THE FEE SCHF,DULE OF YOUR MEKCHA.NT AGREEMENT Dcar Valued Client: The card organiza.tions, such as Visa''`, MasterCard" aiid Discover'�' periodically review and modiij- tl�eir and processing fees and other aspects related to card processing. 7'his is commonly referred to as a`'rele; institute changes to define how your transactions could qualify for pro�rams that may benefit your busin These card organization changes are beyond our control and affeet all merchant card processors. Ncw MasterCard License Fee MasterCard has introduced new annual fees for licensing and tllird party- processi�ig based on MasterCar signature debit sales volume. As a result, cffective August 1, 2012 your MasterCard Discount Rate ���ill 0.0050% (five one-tl�ousandths ofone percent). T}�ese annual fees, initially paid by us, will be collected either daily or monthly, depending on how you are currently billed for the Discount Rate. This fee incre� �ood faith effort t� recover and allocate among our customers these new fces frc�rn MasterCard. Annually we will compare the amounts collected for these fees against our actual payment to MasterCar collectcd will bc refunded to clients v��ho are open and able to process on our system at the time of distrii may atso be adjusted to reflect chan�es in these MasterCard fees or uur allocation. Additional Fee Changes In addition to these Card Organization changes, your Mercl�ant Services Surcharge Rate for Visa and M� transactions will increase by 0.50% (fifty on�-hundredths of one percent) effectivc August l, 2�12. Please revie�v the below reminders of best-practices to lower your overall cost tu accept payments by rec for which your Surcharge Rate appi'res. ��! � � • Settling your transactions on a daily basis • �btaining an authorization code on every transaction U. � . . . . . � . . As previously communicated, your infonnation cm file with us required for Form l U99-K must match IRS IRS withholding (currently 28% of processing funds). If your Taxpayer ldentification Number (��IN) or T� (TFN) fail to matcl� 1RS records, withholding requirements will be applied ta amounts paid after Decembe were previously notified of an information mismatch with IRS records and have not contacted us to make correction, you may be subject to withholding. If you have any questions, please contact your usual custor number or the number below. TDES Reminder Visa mandates state that ali merchants who accept PIN debit transaetions must have a Triplc Data Encrypt (Triple DES, TDES or 3Uf:S) compliant attended Point-of-Sale PIN Entry Device (PUS PED). In summa� `enforcement' of this mandate is as follaws: • POS Merchants witl� Non-Automated Fuel Uispensers are subject to fines or may be required to reimt non-compliance with 'I�DES starting August, 2012 - Includes `inside' POS PEDs at Petroleum mercha • Petroleum Merchants with Automated Fuel Dispensers (AFD) are subject to fines or may be required if the AFD merchant is not at least Single DES Derived Unique Key per Transaction (DUKP"I') by Jul similar fine date has not yet been established for TDES DUKPT non-compliance for Petroleum Merc} • Any PED compromised after July l, 20I0 may be subject to additional fines if forensics detennines t� compromise was due to the fact that the PED was not TD�:S Dt1KPT compliant. In the event of a PIN cornpromise, an Account llata Compromise Recovery, Data Compromise Recuvery similar program liability will continuc (in addition to potential fines) if the entity is found to be no�l-comp Payment Card lndustry PIN Security Reyuirements including any use of Single DES past July l, 2010. The above changes will impact the terms and fees under your Merchant Agreement; your currei schedule is being amended to reflect these revi�ed fees. Processing traasactions on or after Augu: indicates your acceptance of the new terms. It is important you understand your rights regardin; in agreement terms; please consult your Merchant Agreement. lf you have questions or need as�istance in understanding your rates or the products and services available you lower your overall cost to accept electronic payments, please call us at 1.800.228.5882 Option 2. Wh� have your merchant number (located at the top of this letter) and your demand deposit account number or number. We value your business and louk forward to being part of your continued success. Sinccrely, Customer Service Bank of America Merchant Services "I'he information in this letter applies to the following list of inercl�ant numbers associated with your busir SUNGARD' � �18 ` , C. � � �.. _. _ _ �-, Add-On Quote COSt D@�il Name: City of Bakersfield Address: 1501 Truxtun Avenue City, Stato, Zip: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Contact: Andrew Wynne Cluote Date: June 12, 2012 Quote Expiration: September 11, 2012 SunGard Public Sector Products Tier License Maintenance Other Training Days Cost Gi�ck2Gov Accounts Roce�vable and Loans Module (KR) SunGard Transaction Manager (KT) C2G to C2G3 data migrahon Cascade Sryle Shield Configuranon {first 4 Hrs �ncluded, $175RU if addrtlonal time needed) Total - NaviLine cllll ALL See Note i,426 ?.375 0 1 0 6A0 0 $7,426.00 $2,375.00 50.00 0.5 $640.00 $� � S A K E I� S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: August 21, 2012 SUBJECT: RESURFACING: MING, WIBLE TO STINE Referral No. 335 COUNCILMEMBER SULLIVAN REQUESTED THAT STAFF DETERMINE IF MING FROM WIBLE TO STINE ROADS IS ON THE RESURFACING LIST. Ming Avenue from Wible Road to New Stine is on the Street Division list to be during the month of September 2012. Sections of some of the lanes will require grinding and paving; so to minimize of traffic, the work is scheduled to be completed at night. Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of August 27, 2012 — August 31, 2012 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the followinq areas: Reconstructing streets in the area Manley Ct & Angela Way Sealing streets in the area between East of Union Ave North of White Ln ResurFacing streets with oilsand in the area between Niles & Flower east of Miller St ( Grinding streets in the area south of 34t" St between Chester Ave & Union Ave in pre� resurFacing ResurFacing Persimmons Dr. east of Pin Oak Park north of White Ln (top lift) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Street improvements on Bedford Green between 184 & 178 THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, Auqust 27, 2012 Between Coffee Rd. & Verdugo Ln. — Brimhall Rd., south to the Kern River boundary. Cul-De-Sacs, west of Windsong St., between Brimhall Rd. & Thistlewood Ct. City areas between Rosedale Hwy. & Stockdale Hwy. — Verdugo Ln. to the west City I Between Jenkins Rd. & Allen Rd. — Stockdale Hwy. & Birkenfeld Ave. Between Hosking Rd. & Astro Ave. — So. "H" St. & Union Ave. Tuesday, Auqust 28, 2012 City areas between Olive Dr. & Downing Ave. — Coffee Rd. & Knudsen Dr./Mohawk S Wy. From Weldon Ave. to Meany Ave. Between W. Columbus St. & 34t" St. — Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Beween Union Ave. & Madison St. — Casa Loma Dr. & White Ln. Between Westwold Dr. & So. Laurelglen Blvd. — Gosford Rd. & Woodglen Dr. Wednesday, Auqust 29, 2012 All sweepers are assigned to sweeping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedu Thursday, Auqust 30, 2012 All sweepers are assigned to sweeping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedu Friday, Auqust 31, 2012 All sweepers are assigned to sweeping streets that are not on a set sweeping schedu NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning pers assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs which is the current case. Areas that have beer time will be swept at the end of the month. A ._. `alL�,,,,,� ' �.�1 �-� . at&t � August 15, 2012 City Manager Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield 1600 Truxtun Avenue BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Dear City Manager Tandy, AT T � ��� ,F.!� ��:°. N � �> L „ � ��tg� ManagE AT&T's contracts with programmers for the content displayed on our U-verse N� service perioc but are usually re-negotiated or extended with no interruption or change for our U-verse memb Contract(s) for the programming listed below are set to expire as indicated, and AT&T is making to reach a fair agreement to continue carriage. However, if a reasonable agreement cannot be i such programmer(s), we will no longer have the rights to carry their programming on U-verse T1 While the programming listed below will continue to be available to U-verse members so long a. rights to carry it, if a reasonable agreement cannot be reached with the programmer the progra no Ionger be available at that time. August 2012: As previously noticed, AT&T's contract with the programmer for the foilowing channels is set to a reasonable longer term agreement cannot be reached with the programmer, we may lose the carry the following ct�annels (listed in alphabetical order) on U-verse N in August 2012: SStarM, 840 and 1840 in HD), ActionMAX (channel 836 and 1836 in HD), ActionMAX West (channel 837 � HD), ATMAX (channel 846 and 1846 in HD), Cinemax East (channel 832 and 1832 in HD), Cinema (channel 833 and 1833 in HD), HBO Comedy (channel 810 and 1810 in HD), HBO Comedy West (� and 1811 in HD), H60 (channel 802 and 1802 in HD), HBO Family (channel 806 and 1806 in HD), West (channel 807 and 1807 in HD), HBO Latino (channel 814 and 1814 in HD), H60 Latino West and 1815 in HD), HBO Signature (channel 808 and 1808 in HD), HBO Signature West (channel 80 HD), HBO West (channel 803 and 1803 in HD), HBO Zone (channel 812 and 1812 in HD�, HBO Zor (channel 813 and 1813 in HD), HB02 (channel 804 and 1804 in HD), HB02 West (channel 805 an HD), HITN (channel 3055), ION (channel 19S), ION Life (channel 468), ION west (channel 196) Mc (channel 834 and 1834 in HD), MoreMAX West (channel 835 and 1835 in HD), OuterMAX (chann 1844 in HD), ThrillerMAX (channel 838and 1838 in HD), ThrillerMAX West (channel 839 and 183! WMAX (channel 842 and 1842 in HD) and Qubo (channel 328, 3061). In addition the impacted local channeis are: September 2012: AT&T's contract with the programmer for the following channels is set to expire. While the foll� channels will continue to be available to U-verse members so long as AT&T has the rights to cai AT&T may modify the channel location for the programming by moving some or all of the follo� from their current channel location to a channel between 9501— 9599, and if a reasonable lon� agreement cannot be reached with the programmer, we may lose the rights to carry the follow (listed in alphabetical order) on U-verse N in September 2012: SET Asia (channel 3704) and Tel Espanola (channel 3029). Effective September 25, 2012 MC Classic Alternative (channel 5117) will be moving from U-fam and above. Effective September 25, 2012 the following changes will be made for customers cur receiving the following programming: Current TV (channel 189) will be removed from U200 anc Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) (channel 362 and 1362 in HD) will be removed from U100 and 8 Lifetime Real Women (channel 364) will be removed from U200, U200 Latino, U300, BV-Deluxe MTV Hits (channel 509) will be removed from U200, U200 Latino, BV-Deluxe and BH2O0; for cu� Los Angeles, CA area, Boomerang en Espanol (channel 3053) and Disney XD en Espano) (channe removed from U-basic, U-family, U100, U200, U300, U400, U450, BV-Basic, BV-Standard, BV-De Basic, BPO-Standard, BPO-Deluxe and BH2O0. October 2012: AT&T's contract with the programmer for the following channels is set to expire. While the follc channels will continue to be available to U-verse members so long as AT&T has the rights to car AT&T may modify the channel location for the programming by moving some or all of the follov from their current channel location to a channel between 9501— 9599, and if a reasonable long agreement cannot be reached with the programmer, we may lose the rights to carry the followi (listed in alphabetical order) on U-verse N in October 2012: GMA Pinoy (channel 36$3), Saigon Television Network (channel 3662), The Filipino Channel (channel 3682), N Asia (channel 3703) America (channels 180, 781 and channels 1180, 1781 in HD) in all California markets. In addition the impacted local channels are: In the Los Angeles area, KTLA (channel 5 and 1005 in HD); In the Sacramento area, KTXL (channel 8 and 1008 in HD); In the San Diego area, KSWB (channel 5 and 1005 in HD). Also effective October 1, 2012, the Tennis Channel (channel 660 and 1660 in HD) will move fron Package to U300 and above. Customers will be provided with written notification of the above: customer bills include a mess them to the Legal Notices in USA Today on the first and third Tuesday of each month, and to thE website www.att.com/U-versepro�ramin�chan�es, for information on programming changes. If you have any questions, please contact your local AT&T External Affairs manager, Eric Johnsor ss� a�a ��m