HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/2012OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Octc TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager,/�� SUBJECT: Generallnformation Successor Aqency � Our appeal letter to the State Department of Finance in response t� findings is enclosed for your information. We do not yet have a date with them; but as soon as we do, you will be informed. Good News • Kudos to our Public Works Design Engineering Team! On Septembe Street Streetscape Improvement Project received the award for Outs Engineering Project by the American Society of Civil Engineers (A� beautiful project, well deserving of this recognition. • The Gospel Fest event at the Bright House Networks Amphithea� Saturday, October 7th, was a huge success. Over 4,000 people show, making it one of our largest attended events at the venu attached picture - it speaks "a thousand words." Miscellaneous News ➢ San Luis Obispo has reached agreement with the Police Officers Assc almost a year of intense negotiations that reduced all city compensation by at least 6.8 percent. A 4-year deal was ratified on � results in a 4 percent salary cut, a larger contribution to pension cc elimination of an annual uniform allowance. The attached article pr information. ➢ The final step in the recent department merger takes place nex GenE Oc ➢ I will be out of the office from October 19th through November 1 St. will be in charge while I am out; and, as is customary, staff will be al me, should anything arise. Event Information ✓ Katt Williams October 13, 2012 8:00 p.m. Rabobank Arena Tickets ✓ Carrie Underwood October 18, 2012 7:30 p.m. Rabobank Arena Tickets ✓ Prince Royce October 19, 2012 8:00 p.m. Rabobank Theater Tickets ✓ Condors vs Las Vegas October 14, 2012 5:00 p.m. Rabobank Arena Tickets ✓ Condors vs San Franciscc October 19 and 20, 201 � 7:00 p.m. Rabobank Arena Tickets ✓ Ramon Ayala October 20, 2012 8:00 p.m. Rabobank Theater Tickets Reports For your information, we enclose the following information: AT:rs:ch The Streets Division work schedule for the week of October 15, 201 Directed Policing Unit's monthly report for September. cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk c*,�NT �� ,c � %� � � `i3�,�ti'i' Z �! �P��� tJ a � �c DEPARTMENT ❑F EDMUn�D G. BRnwN JR. ����i'O'R'�'��P ■ �� j"� � C� 91 $ L'BTREET ■ SACRAMENT❑ CA ■ 9581 4-37C7Ea 1 October 1, 2012 Mr. Nelson Smif�, Finance Director Gifi�+ of Bakersfieid 1 fiQQ Truxtun A�enue Bakersfie�d, CA 9330� Dear Nlr. Smith: Subject: Recognized �Dbligation Payment Schedule Pursuant to Heaft� and Safety Code tHSC} sectiar� 3�� 77 (m), the Gity of Bakersfiield Successor Agency tAgency) subm�tted a Recognized Obligation Payrrtent Schedule (RO to the California Department of Finar�ce (Finance) on August 17, 2012 far the periad of Jr through June 2013. Finance has completed its review of yaur RUPS �II, which may have included obtairring clarification for various i#ems. H5C section 34� 71 (d} defines enforceable obligations. Based or� a sample of line items reviewed and appiic�tion of the law, the following do not qualify as enforceable obl�gation • Item �Vo. 7 and 19 — HUD Section 108 loans totali�g $3. � miliion. The City af Bak (City} entered into loan agreements with the United States L}epartmen� of Housinc Urban Devefopment {HUD) in which the City was tne borrower. For Item No. 7, tr resol�rtion No. 010-06, the Agency entered into an agreement with the City conve! property and praviding repayment assistance for the HUD loan in order to constru new fire station and police substation for the City. For Item Na. 19, the Agency er into �n agreement with the City to repay the HUD loan for construction of the O�d Kern mixed—used pra�ect. HSC sec#ion 34171 (d) (2) sia#es that agreements, ca or arrangements between the city that created the redevel�pmeni agency (RDA) � farmer R�}A are not enfc�rceabie. Therefore, these items are nat enforceabie obli� and not �Iagible fior RPTTF funding on ti��s ROPS. o Iterra �lo. 15, 16, and 21 — i nteragency laans between tt�e City and Agency tofalinc m�llian that were entered fnta in 2009 and 2010. HSG section 34171 (d} (2} state; a�reements, contracts, or arrangements between the city that created fhe RDA ar former R�A are na# enforceable, unless issued within two years of the RDA's cre� da�e ar #or issuance of indebtedness to third-party inv�estors ar bondholders. The Ac�ency �rvas established in 19fi9; therefore, these items are not enforceable obiig� Mr. Smith t7ctober 1, 2012 Page 2 • Item No. 24 — Park 2(3�' Senior Housing project in the amount of $3 million. HSC 34163 �b) prahibits a redevelopment agency �rom entenng into a contract with an� after June 28, 2Q11. 1t is our understanding that no contract is in p�ace for #t�is ite therefare, this item is not an enforceable obligatian and not eligibie for RPT-fF fur on this RC?PS. � Item Na. 25 -- Arena Bonds En the amount of $17 million. The Agency entered int, reimbursement agreement with the City on April 1, 1997 ta provide reimbursemer payments to tt�e City from tax inc�ement moneys far the downtawn Bakersfield redeve�oprrient project. HSC section 34171 (d) (2} states that agreements, contr� arrangernents between the city tf�at created the redevelopment agency (RDA) an� former RDA are no� enforceabie. Therefiore, this item is not an enforceable ob(ig� and not:el�gible for RPTTF funding on #his ROPS. • Item No 35 and 36 -- Millc�-eek Caurtyard Senior Residence agreement in the am $1.2 million.. HSC seciion 34163 {b} prohibits a redevelopment agency from ente inta a contract �v�th any entity after June 27, 2011. It is Qur understanding the agr entereri into on Juiy 18, 2012 is between the +Cify and Ghelsea Investment Corpoi and the Agency is not par�y to the agreement. Therefar�, these items are not enfarceabie obiigatior�s and nat eligible for #unding fram tf�e Low and Modera#e !n Housing Fu�d. Except for item(s) denied in whole or in part as enforceabie obl�gation(s) as noted above, Finance is approving the remaining items listed in yoiar ROPS IIl. If you disagree with t�E determinatic�� w�th respect to ar�y items on your ROPS lII, you may request a Meet and t uvithin five b�sin�ss days of the date of this letter. The Mee� and Confer process and gui are avaiJable at �inance's website below: http://www.dof.ca.�avlredevelopmentimeet and conferl The Agency's maximum approved Redeve�opment Property Tax Trust Fund tRPTTF) disiribution for tt�e reporting period is: $2,855,333 as summarized beiow: Approved RRTTF Distribution Arnount For the period of Januarythrough June 20'!3 T�taf RPTTF funding �equested for abligations $ 4, 9 Less: Six-tnan�h tota! fc�r itern(s� denied or reclassifred as administrative cost ftem 7 Item 15 item 16 Item � 9 ftem 2'� ftem 2A� Item 25 Mr. Smith Qctober '!, 2012 Page 3 Pursuant to HSC sec�ion 3418fi (a), successor agencies were required fo report on the F farm the e�timated obfigations and actual payments assaciated with the January inrough June 2�12 period. . The amount of RPTTF approWed in the abo�e table will be adjusted b county auditor-controlfer to account for diffierences between actual payments and past es#imated obligations. Additionally, these estimates and accounts are subject to audit by caunty audifor-cantroEler and the State Cantrol(er. P�ease refer to the� ROPS II I s�heduie that was �sed to calcu�ate the approved RPTTF ht,t�:l/www.dof.ca.govlredevelopment/ROPS/ROPS III Forms by Successor AqencY/. AH items listed an a future R4PS are subject iv a subsequent review. An item inciuded c future ROPS may be denied even if it was not questioned from the preceding ROPS. T�e amount available from the RPTTF �s the same as i#�e property tax increment that wa available prior �o enactment of ABx1 28 and AB 1484. This amount is no# a�d never wa: unfimited funding source. Therefore, as a practical matter, the abiiity to ft�nd the items or ROPS with property tax is limited to the arnount af funding available ta the successor ag� �he RPTTF. Piease direct inquiries �o Kylie Le, Supervisor or Brian Dunham, Lead Anafyst at (916}. �445-1546. Sincerely, l �i °��-.__ . ,:: :. STEVE SZ,4�AY' �ocai Go�ernment� Consultant cc: Ms. Leslie Simpson, Accourtting Supervisar, City of Bakersfield Ms. Ann K. Barnett, Auditor-Controller, County of Kern Califorr�ia State Cor�trolfer's Qffice TO: FROM: DATE: S U BJ ECT: ` S A K E R S F I� L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director October 3, 2012 � a.� Public Works Design Engineering Receives Award � � �:��y Nd; • Presented by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Ovtstanding Civil Engineering Project As demonstrated by the Q Street - Streetscape Improvement Project Each year the American Society of Civii Engineering - San Joaquin Branc (ASCE SJB) presents Excellence Awards to a few select projec� completed within the San Joaquin Branch area. ASCE receivE nominations for the various project categories s�bmitted to the Sa Joaquin Branch. A committee reviews the nominations and selects th most deserving projects within the specific categories to receive a award. At the 2012 ASCE Annual Banquet, held on September 27, 201: the City of Bakersfield's Q Street - Streetscape Improvement Projec received the award for Outstanding Civil Engineering Project. The Publi Works Design Engineering Department accepted the award on behalf c the City of Bakersfieid. � .�--,'�1, �' ' f;, �-i� - _ � • -• �'; : �c , _ _ . _ t il�.' �Z ��,�rs A- -, , � �� � ', �+� '•t i•T �ryr ,• � e •� ��� �� ,�'� r ' �e �� _ *~ � } r' � ,, : ,r-; �-, - �5;, t� : " . ,�,;.a: i � .,� ,.�t , -,.y. 1 V � �ti � ,,,4�iA �ti,. �'.l�'-�t �'�^ � ' �1 n 1(�� 11 ,�, , ',i �, �`, � -^-E�" .' ` '•► �� J�^� � � �`�i� ��:;1, r �! T � ��+• : � �s� p�., . - � ti -:�� . * �L�l_�: ���«l��i'•��� �-r-. ��� ,� ,� �y � ` � � � � San Luis Obispo police officers agree to pay cut, ending impasse � Local News � SanLuis... SanLuisObispo.com Next Story > Planned seismic tests near Diablo Canyon to be discussed at hearing Sa . Luis Obis o police officers agree to pa en�inim ass�e J p Published: October 8, 2012 Union will take 4 percent reduction in two stages and agrees to pension adjustment By AnnMarie Cornejo — acornejo@thetribunenews.com San Luis Obispo has reached agreement with its last employee group — the Police Officers � — after nearly a year of grueling negotiations that reduced all city employees' compensation least 6.8 percent. The Police Officers Association ratified a four-year contract Monday resulting in a 4 percent � larger contribution to pension costs and the elimination of an annual $1,000 uniform allowanc The cuts will save the city $632,000 annually once they are fully implemented, said Monica resources director. The 61-member union also agreed to forgo cost-of-living increases through the contract's ex� December 2015, and accepted a new, lower pension formula for new hires. City leaders began negotiations with six employee unions in December, hoping to achieve $� pay and benefit cuts — the equivalent of a 6.8 percent cut in total compensation for all emplc The City Council remained adamant that those cuts occur. Two impasses were declared duri negotiation process, including one with the city's largest employee union, the San Luis Obisp Employees Association, for the first time in city history. That impasse was resolved in June. An impasse was declared with the Police Officers Association in June when the city and unio agree on new pension formulas for new hires. Matt Blackstone, president of the Police Officers Association, said he is concerned the two-ti� system — effective for all new employees starting in January 2013 — will make recruiting ex� officers difficult. "It was a tough deal," Blackstone said. The police union also agreed to a new salary schedule for new employees that will add two Ic the pay scale. As a result, new employees will be hired at rates up to 10.5 percent less than � San Luis Obispo police officers agree to pay cut, ending impasse � Local News � SanLuis... At its peak in 2009-10, staffing costs accounted for 80 percent of the city's general fund. The gained during negotiations will be phased in over the next three years and ultimately reduce to 73 percent of the anticipated general fund — the lowest level since 2003-04. Reach AnnMarie Cornejo at 781-7939. Stay updated by following @a_cornejo on Twitter. Back to Top < Previous Story Candidates for Paso Robles City Council to debate Wednesday morning Next Story > Planned seismic tests near Diablo Canyon to be discussed at hearing �O 2012 www.sanluisobispo.com and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved. http://www.sanluisobispo.com Paqe 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION — WORK SCHEDULE Week of Oct. 15, 2012 — Oct. 19, 2012 Resurfacinq/Reconstructinq streets in the following areas: Reconstructing streets in the area east of Fairfax and south of Freeway 178 Sealing streets in the area between FairFax and Mt. Vernon Ave north of College Ave ResurFacing streets with oilsand in the area between Niles and Bernard from Union to Grinding & ResurFacing on Harris Rd between Buena Vista & Old River Rd, White Ln River Rd & Gosford and on Old River Rd from White Ln to Ming Ave Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the city Installing handicap ramps at Columbus St & Bucknell St, Columbus St & Berkeley St & Dartmouth St NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning pers assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs which is the current case. Areas that have beer time will be swept at the end of the month. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Paqe 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, October 15, 2012 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. — Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. — Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. — Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, October 17, 2012 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. — 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. — College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. — White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. — White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, October 18, 2012 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between EI Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. — Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) — White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Fridav, October 19, 2012 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. — Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. — Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. & White Ln. — Old River Rd., east to the PG&E eas ��, �� r������! �V:N._ `^J , a';� Date: To: From: Subject BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM October 12, 2012 Alan Tandy, City Manager Greg Williamson, Chief of Police Directed Policing Unit/Gang Violence Report I have enclosed the Directed Policing Unit's monthly gang statistics report for September. Please call if you have any questions. GSW/rcm ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 DPU - Gang Unit Monthly Stats for September 2012 57 Felony Arrests 103 FI's 3 Searcf 15 Misdemeanor Arrests � Felony Warrant Arrests 22 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests 6 AB 109 Arrests - 186.22 4 I AB 109 Arrests - Other 364 Hours In Training 11 I Guns Seized 17 Citations 394 Probation and Parole Searches 363 Hrs. Assisting Other Department Sections 58 Supplemental Reports 39 GeneralOffense Reports 18 Vehicle Reports 129 Patrol Call Response � 3 � � 410 . . . Court Comrr Conta Projec Worke Hours Patrol Hours I nvesti 2012 S 201 1 S 2010 S 2009 S Year to Date DPU - Gang Unit Statistics Januar - Se tember 2012 558 Felony Arrests 1802 FI's 17 Searc 233 Misdemeanor Arrests 149 Felony Warrant Arrests 281 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrests � � AB 109 Arrests - 186.22 10 AB 109 Arrests - Other 122 Citations 4183 Probation and Parole Searches 2213 Hrs. Assisting Other De artment Sections 503 Supplemental Reports 545 GeneralOffense I?Ar�nrtc 945 127 r-. m. 1798 Court Comr Contc Projec WorkE Hours Patrol Hours Ir�vACt ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � 104 96 88 80 72 64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 0 825 750 675 600 525 450 375 300 225 15 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 September 2011-2012 COMPARISON Felony Arrests Misdemeanor Guns Seized Search Arrests Warrant� ❑ 2011 ❑ 2012 f_,i � ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 2010-2012 YEAR TO DATE COMPARISON 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Arrests Guns Seized Search Warra ❑2010 ❑2011 ❑2012 �. 48 I 44 40 36 32 i 28 24 20 I 16 12 8 4 0 ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 YEAR TO DATE GANG VIOLENCE INDEX 2010-2012 2010 2011 2012 � SHOOTINGS o HOMICIDES* ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � 10 : L 0 2 � BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 GANG RELATED SHOOTINGS - 2010-2012 (YEAR TO DATE ONLY) � 3 � 1 � ��;��� �,�_ :���, . . ��� ;, .� ������ . � .�: � BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTED POLICING UNIT MONTHLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER 2012 GANG RELATED SHOOTINGS COMPARED TO THE AVERAGE OF THE PREVIOUS 5 YEARS - � i M � i 2011 � � � � o Vf , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � �?�2011 Weekly Numbers #Previous 5 Years (2006-2010) Average � 4 af°, L m N 3 c � Z 1 � I Y m a� L m dA C .Q N i 2012 � � � � N GJ � 0 0 t